Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2023
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2026
Grant Year
Program Code
[ARDP]- Applied Research and Development Program
Project Director
Singh, V.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
The standardization of UAS/drone spray applications is important as there is no such information available in the US. These technological advancements will bring transformative changes to the application of UAS for pest management which is currently limited to only mapping and classification. We would like to provide this as an additional tool for weed management in cucurbit crops (specifically, watermelon), as it has been already proved better than conventional spray technologies in row-crops (corn and soybean), based on our preliminary results.Once these spray technologies are standardized, it will open new opportunities to automate mapping and spray applications and integration of other artificial intelligence modules to assist smart farming operations. Application of these technologies are not limited to one or two crops, these can be extended for standardization to other vine crops (pumpkin, squash, cucumber, cantaloupe etc.) where herbicide applications through ground-based tractors are not an option at later stages when crop vines cover inter-row spaces. The major advantage of this technology lies in the option to spray under wet soil conditions, providing higher efficacy at later crop growth stage, controlling weeds overlapped by crop plants, spot spray applications, and reducing herbicide usage.The project proposal is in direct alignment with the priority indicated by Southern IPM. The current proposal addresses three priorities of the southern IPM; 1) project that addresses critical IPM issues resulting from changes in agricultural system management (e.g. new technologies, etc), 2) pest priorities on weed management to deal with palmer amaranth, common ragweed, and herbicide resistance issues, along with, 3) IPM evaluation tools for IPM programs to help produce outcomes with value to the public - (outcomes likely to produce positive economic, environmental and human health benefits). T
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
216 - Integrated Pest Management Systems;

Subject Of Investigation
2300 - Weeds;

Field Of Science
1140 - Weed science;
Goals / Objectives
Objective 1. Standardization of spray protocols/ applications for blanket spray in watermelonObjective 2. Evaluating different nozzle types for greater efficacy of herbicides in watermelonObjective 3. Evaluating UAS-based spot spray applications in watermelonObjective 4. Economic assessments of the proposed technologies in watermelonObjectives 5. Outreach and Extension
Project Methods
Objective 1. Standardization of spray protocols/ applications (blanket spray): Experiments will be conducted for optimizing volume, altitude, nozzle type and pesticide efficacy. First, three volumes, three altitudes, and three speed levels will be evaluated. Based on the results further treatments will be defined and best potential settings will be evaluated. Experiments will be arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) for each parameter separately (e.g., three volume treatments: 2GPA, 4GPA, and 15GPA), replicated four times. Once, volume, and altitude are standardized, three nozzles will be tested for each volume, based on our preliminary research in rowcrops. Spray pattern testing will be conducted to ensure uniformity of swath using water and daylight visible fluorescent dye (Tintex Rocket Red, TX-13, DayGlo Color Corporation, Cleveland, OH, USA) at 10% v/v mixed with water. The fluorescent dye will be used to quantify spray droplets on plant leaves using the digital imaging techniques. The spray droplets captured on water sensitive strips and plant leaves will be imaged in the laboratory by the DropletScan scanner-based software system (Whittney et al 2013). A blue LED light at a wavelength of 470 nm (StellarNet Inc., Tampa, FL, USA) illuminate the droplets during the imaging process and data will be analyzed using ImageJ, a Java-based image processing software. The droplet spectra parameters examined will be Dv0.5, droplet density (droplets/cm2 ), percent area coverage and spray efficiency (proportion of spray relative to the target application rate). Herbicide efficacy study will be conducted using most common preemergence (Ethalfluralin; Curbit® 3EC at 2 pt/A) and postemergence herbicide (Clethodim; Select Max® 0.97EC at 12 fl oz/A) for weed control in bareground (non-plastic) watermelon. These herbicides are selected based on their efficacy and safety on cucurbit crops (especially, watermelon). Clomazone (Command®) is also acommon herbicide in watermelon crop but Command® can cause severe injury in cold conditions or if drifted on sensitive crops. Preemergence herbicides will be blanket applied in watermelon, after planting but before crop emergence. This is because herbicide may damage the crop if it touches the crop foliage. Postemergence herbicides will be applied at late-POST stage when vines will be fully developed and have covered more than 50% of the inter-row spacing to simulate a scenario where tractor-sprayers are not a good option, in order to avoid damage to crop vines. Weed control and crop safety will be rated on a scale of 0 to 100%, where 0 will be no control or crop injury, and 100% will be complete control/plant death. Weed density and crop injury will also be recorded at two weeks after treatment (WAT) for preemergence and 3 WAT for postemergence control of weeds. Droplet spectra will be recorded using water-sensitive strips to analyze coverage (as explained above). All weeds present in the field will be evaluated but attention will be given to four major weeds - common ragweed, Palmer amaranth, large crabgrass, and yellow foxtail. Studies will be repeated over time and space.Objective 2. Spot spray applications. For site-specific spray applications, pots with the right stage of weed control will be kept in between the crop rows at random (about 20-25 spots). Two major weed species will be kept in trays & pots (yellow foxtail and large crabgrass). There will be three treatments; UAS-spot spray, backpack spot-spray, and tractor blanket spray. Each spot will be one replicate, tractor swath spray will be treated as plot replicates for blanket applications, arranged in RCBD design and study will be repeated over time. The weed spots (natural populations and pots/trays) will be surveyed with imaging UAS (DJI M300 RTK). After the completion of aerial mapping, image mapping software 12 Dronedeploy will be used to construct a georeferenced orthomosaic image of the field. Orthomosaic image will be annotated and exported as ESRI shapefile. ESRI shapefile obtained will be loaded into PrecisionVision application in remote controller of the spraying drone (Precision Vision 35PX). This shapefile will create the path for spraying drone. Each spot will be sprayed with recommended rate of Select Max® herbicide for 1-second exposure. Weed control and crop safety ratings will be recorded (as explained in objective 1), and image data will be collected to validate control measures. Water sensitive strips and florescent dye will be used for analyzing droplet spectra and to quantify spray droplets on plant leaves using the digital imaging techniques. Confusion matrix analysis will be conducted to assess the efficiency of spray applications with true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives values of presence/absence of control measures, and sensitivity and specificity of the operation will be calculated.Objective 3. Evaluating different nozzle types for greater efficacy of herbicides Spray drift, deposition, coverage, and efficacy are influenced by the spectra of droplet size, which can be altered by different spray nozzle designs. Smaller sized droplets can increase spray coverage that can potentially improve herbicide efficacy, but they can also increase the risk of spray drift (Knoche 1994). Therefore, we will evaluate different nozzle types to determine 2a) how flying speed and nozzle type affect target coverage; and 2b) the effect of nozzle type on potential off-target movement risk/drift potential for herbicide applications using a UAS sprayer. Based on our preliminary research, and literature review, we will compare Teejet® XR11001, TTI11001, DG10015, AI110015, Lechler Flat Fan/Lechler 80067C, solid cone nozzles along with other common nozzle types used in sprayer technologies.The spray droplets captured on water sensitive strips and plant leaves will be imaged in the laboratory by the DropletScan scanner-based software system (Whittney et al 2013). A blue LED light at a wavelength of 470 nm (StellarNet Inc., Tampa, FL, USA) illuminate the droplets during the imaging process and data will be analyzed using ImageJ, a Java-based image processing software. The droplet spectra parameters examined will be Dv0.5, droplet density (droplets/cm2), percent area coverage and spray efficiency (proportion of spray relative to the target application rate).Objective 4. Economic assessments for proposed technologies. Economic analysis is the important component of technology transfer and adoption. Cost comparisons between conventional agricultural equipment and UAS have been documented recently (Shockley et al. 2019), however, detailed economic analysis is required for new spray UAS/drone systems. Economic assessments will be conducted for each 14 management strategy proposed here. Drone/UAS-based farm operations will be compared with conventional spray systems. Benefit:Cost ratio of each technology and operation will be calculated and data will be analyzed in JMP Pro 15 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA).Objective 5. Outreach and Extension.The team will bring awareness and providing training to stakeholders. Virginia Tech has one dedicated education program led by our collaborator (John McGee) for training faculties/ staff and extension agents on remote sensing. We may leverage our gained knowledge and experiences to include spray-drone material also in that program. The study results, and standardized technologies will be demonstrated through Eastern Shore AREC Field Day (July, every year) and other Ag Expos in Virginia and neighboring states.

Progress 09/01/23 to 08/31/24

Target Audience:Target audience were faculties, scientists, extension agents, students, industry representatives, and farmers Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Four students in weed science program were trained on Precision Vision 35X drone by LeadingEdge Aerial Drone Technologies, and DJI Agras T50 drone by Accurate AgDrone (DJI distributor). We conducted first Mid-Atlantic Spray Drone Workshop for stakeholders in July 2024, which was attended by 35 participants from USDA, EPA, universities, extension agencies, and farmers. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We demonstrated and displayed our drones, and communicated results through oral presentations and posters at Eastern Shore Ag Conference, Virginia Tech's students and faculties tours, Ag Fairs, etc. Therefore, total number of stakeholders whogained knowledge and information about our findings until August2024 was 2,575.All events considered for stakeholders' attendence are listed under accomplished goals, as outreach and extension is one of our objectives (Obj. 5). These events were used for various purposes, as indicated by titles but spray drones, and sharing project's results were part of each event. The results and drone-based events included sharing/ communicating findings on vegetables (watermelon, broccoli, tomatoes) and other drone-based projects (corn/ soybean). What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Objective 2 studies (as explained previously) will be repeated. Objective 1. Studies will be conducted in watermelon, and preemergence and postemergence herbicides operations will be evaluated. Objective 4. We will collect the data on for economic assessments of the proposed technologies in watermelon. Objective 5. We will continue to conduct our extension programs as listed previously, and disseminate our findings and results to diverse stakeholders in the Mid-Atlantic region.

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 2. Swath analysis and droplet sizes of different dronesareimportant at respective altitudes to decide about overlapping of spray pattern for uniform coverage. Also, spray droplet spectra provide us information on droplet size and density which are important considerations for preemergence (PRE) and postemergence (POST) herbicide applications. Previously, We conducted a nozzle testing experiment using the Precision Vision PV35X drone as a part of other projects. Under this project we tested different droplet sizes using DJI Agras T50 drone which sprays using rotary atomizers. Each droplet size was selected based on classification ranging from M-XC (medium to extra coarse), F (fine), F-C (fine to coarse), VC-UC (very coarse to ultra-coarse), and F-VF (fine to very fine), respectively. The experiment was carried out using a water solution at a rate of 4 GPA, mixed with 5 ml of color dye. We conducted studies with six replications for each droplet size, with the drone operating at a spray altitude of 7.0 feet. Analysis of the swath paper rolls was performed in the lab using the Swath Gobbler, while water-sensitive papers (WSPs) were analyzed using Accustain software. The average Volume Median Diameter (VMD) for each selected droplet size was calculated. Fine to Very Fine (F-VF) droplet size which leads to loss of herbicides/ spray volume to evaporation and off-target movement. Similarly, coraser size selections which provided coarse to ultra coarse droplet sizes. These droplet sizes are effective for drift reduction but may not provide excellent weed control with lower carrier volume spray applications. Interesting results were observed in terms of droplet sepectra. Previous studies with LeadingEdge PV35X drone indicated that nozzles provide consistent droplet size and can be relied upon once standardized. However, DJI T50 can maintain and provide consistent droplet sizes only around 250µmor lower. If we select droplet size of >300µm, DJI T50 fails to deliver droplet size of 300 or greater. This inconsistency is more common at greater carrier volumes (example, 10 gallons per acre or greater). Therefore, for achieving greater efficacy with DJI drones, either we need to keep droplet sizes lower or need to make structural changes to rotary atomizers to allow greater flow with consistent droplet size. For swath analysis, we observed that DJI Agras T50 can provide effective swath of 15 - 18 feet at 7 feet altitude using 250µm anda spray volume of 4 gallons per acre. These studies will be reapated and if results are consistent, altitude, droplet size, swath optimization will be used for spray applications in watermelon field in 2025. Objective 5. We demonstrated and displayed our drones, and communicated results through oral presentations and posters at Eastern Shore Ag Conference, Virginia Tech's students and faculties tours, Ag Fairs, etc. Therefore, total number of stakeholders whogained knowledge and information about our findings until August2024 was 2,575.All events considered for stakeholders' attendence are listed below. These events were used for various purposes, as indicated by titles but spray drones, and sharing project's results were part of each event. Theresults and drone-based events included sharing/ communicating findings on vegetables (watermelon, broccoli, tomatoes) and other drone-based projects (corn/ soybean). 1.Singh, V., Brar, A.*, Milos, V.*, Wamanse, R.*, Esmaeilbeiki, F.*, Weed Science and herbicide field research in soybean, and edamame. SPES/ AREC/ Ag Industry Tour, (Aug 22, 2024), Painter, VA (Attendees: 20) 2. Brar, A.*, Esmaeilbeiki, F.*, Viric, M.*, Wamanse, R.*, Cooley, R.*, Singh, V.*, Eastern Shore Ag Fair, August 5, 2024 (Attendees: 600) 3. Singh, V., Wamanse, R.*, Cooley, R., Displayed herbicide drift injury on vegetable crops (broccoli and tomatoes), & spray drone, at Virginia Ag expo (Aug 1, 2024), Champlain, VA, (Attendees interacted: 85) 4. Singh, V., Organized first Mid-Atlantic Spray Drone Workshop at Painter, VA (Jul 23-24, 2024) for stakeholders & presented (oral) on regulations & practical uses of UAS technology (Attendees: 30) 5. Singh, V., Field Day on weed management and unmanned aerial systems at Painter, VA (Jul 24, 2024) (Attendees: 35) 6. Singh, V., Brar, A.#, Milos, V.#, Wamanse, R.#, Reiter. M., Updates on weed science program and service to Commonwealth of Virginia. Congress woman's staff visit to Eastern Shore AREC, Virginia Tech (Jul 24, 2024) (Attendees: 5) 7. Singh, V., Brar, A.*, Wamanse, R.*, Esmaeilbeiki, F*., Viric, M.*, Provided field tour and showed results of UAS-assisted spray studies to Virginia Tech's Research and Extension Experiential learning (REEL) students at Painter, VA (June 28, 2024; attendees: 20) 8. Singh, V., Provided updates on drone spray technology at Public AG Demo day, Eastern Shore Community College, Melfa, VA, Painter, VA (June 15, 2024; attendees: 100) 9. Singh, V., Brar, A.*, Wamanse, R.*, Esmaeilbeiki, F.*, Viric, M.*, Virginia Tech's new faculties tour (May 16, 2024; attendees: 30) 10. Singh, V., Oral presentation at Eastern Shore Ag Conference and Trade Show, Melfa, VA (Jan 24 - 25, 2024; attendees: 80) 11. Singh, V., Presented on "New spray applications methods and herbicide-resistant weed management", Mid-Atlantic Crop Management School, Ocean City, MD, Nov 14 - 16, 2023 (Attendees: 120) 12. Singh, V., Discussed weed identification and displayed new ag technologies, Eastern Shore Agricultural Fair, Machipongo, VA, Oct 7, 2023 (Attendees: 850) 13. Reiter, M., Singh, V., Higgins, D., Torres, E., Presented on Diseases, Weeds, Soils, and Nutrient Management, Eastern Shore - Northampton County Farm Tour, Sep 20, 2023 (Attendees: 200) 14. Reiter, M., Singh, V., Higgins, D., Torres, E., Presented on Diseases, Weeds, Soils, and Nutrient Management, Eastern Shore - Accomack County Farm Tour, Sep 19, 2023 (Attendees: 400) *Indicates students in my program


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Singh, V., Srivastava, D#., Singh Brar, A#., Esmaeilbeiki, F#. Wamanse, R#., Martin, D., Reynolds, W. 2024. Advances in Precision Weed Management. Oral presentation at the 64th Meeting Weed Sci. Soc. of America, Jan 22-25, 2024, San Antonio, TX. Abstract published In Proc. Weed. Sci. Soc. America 64:398 Wamanse, R.#, Srivastava, D.#, Esmaeilbeiki, F.#, Singh, V., 2024. Crop and Weed Detection using Machine Learning. Poster at Northeastern Weed Sci. Soc. annual meeting, Boston, MA, Jan 711, 2024. Abstract published. #Students in my program