Source: UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2023
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2026
Grant Year
Program Code
[ARDP]- Applied Research and Development Program
Project Director
Martini, X. P.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
We propose to mitigate the spread of whitefly infestation in vegetables by developing a push-pull technology (that combine repellents 'push' and attractants 'pull')using both visual and semiochemical cues. This push-pull system that we propose to develop and implement within cucurbit and tomato crops is a completely new whitefly management tactic for use in IPM systems. The push component (repellency) will be achieved by the combined use of limonene scented kaolin (odor and tactile cues), and reflective mulch (visual cues). The pull component (attraction) will be achieved by eggplants used as trap crop. To accomplish this project, we will determine: 1) The most attractive eggplant varieties to whiteflies, and eggplant characteristics (volatiles, reflectance) that induce whitefly preference; 2) if back transmission of cucurbit viruses (CuLCrV, CCYV, CYSDV and SqVYV) from eggplants to squash is possible, 3) interactions in field conditions between limonene scented kaolin, reflective mulch, and eggplants trap crop. Six field trials will be conducted in three locations over two years, four in conventional and two in organic setup in Florida to assess the efficiency of the push-pull system in tomato and squash.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Objective 1: Evaluate preference of whiteflies to different eggplant varieties.An efficient trap crop system should have a higher pest attraction capacity than the cash crop during its vulnerable stage with an easy management strategy. Therefore, the first objective of this proposal is to evaluate preference of whiteflies toward different varieties of eggplants available in Florida. As part of this objective, we will investigate whitefly preference for each eggplant variety, as well as the reflectance and leaf volatiles produced by each variety.Objective 2: Transmission and back-transmission of viruses affecting cucurbits from squash to alternative plant hosts.While transmission of TYLCV to alternate host is well described in the literature (Legarrea et al. 2020), little is known regarding the transmission and back-transmission of CuLCrV, CYSDV, CCYV or SqVYV to alternate hosts. CuLCrV, CYSDV, CCYV or SqVYV have a narrow host range and most likely will not infect eggplant in the nightshade family; nevertheless, needs to be investigated using transmission and back transmission assays.Objective 3: Field trial application regarding the combined used of trap crops, reflective mulch, and repellents in vegetable crops.Field trials are planned in three locations in GA, and FL and will provide good insight into the additive or synergic effects of the trap crop, reflective mulch and LSK. These field trials will be conducted in squash and tomato in organic and conventional setups. ?
Project Methods
Objective 1: Evaluate preference of whiteflies to different eggplant varieties.Objective 1-1: Behavioral preference of whiteflies toward different varieties of eggplants. Eight eggplant varieties will be included in the study. In the first experiment, the preference of whiteflies to eggplant varieties will be evaluated by placing 5 plants of each variety (40 total) within a greenhouse. Placement of plants will be randomized within a block design in the greenhouse. Whiteflies source will consist of squash heavily infested with whiteflies from our lab colonies placed in the center of each block. The experiment will be replicated in two successive trials leading a total of 10 replicates per eggplant variety. Every day, the number of whitefly adults present in each eggplant will be counted for 5 days. After five days, three discs of 2.5 cm diameter will be sampled on each eggplant, and the number of whitefly nymphs counted under stereomicroscope.Objective 1-2: Leaf surface analyzes and preference of whiteflies to selected wavelengths. Wewill collect leaf reflectance of the different eggplant varieties with a spectrometer installed in our lab. We will compare changes in reflectance for each variety and determine the wavelength range where the profiles differ the most. In a subsequent experiment, we will challenge whiteflies in a visual bioassay to determine which wavelengths whiteflies are most attracted to. The arena will consist of a black cylinder with one end made of a transparent quartz plate equipped with seven small traps, each illuminated with an individual LED of a specific wavelength. Whiteflies will be introduced in the cylinder and are allowed to choose between the different LED-illuminated traps. Different wavelengths of yellow, green (positive control), and corresponding to the wavelengths that showed the most variability among eggplant varieties will be tested in the arena to determine which are the most attractive to whiteflies. TObjective 2: Transmission of whitefly-transmitted viruses affecting cucurbits from squash to eggplant and back-transmission from eggplant to squash.Objective 2.1: CuLCrV, CCYV, CYSDV, and SqVYV transmission from squash to eggplant: Whitefly-mediated transmission assays will be conducted with squash plants as the inoculum source. Squash plants infected with CuLCrV, CCYV, CYSDV, and SqVYV will serve as inoculum sources. The best suited eggplant cultivar will serve as the recipient. Non-viruliferous whiteflies will be reared on cotton plants. Non-viruliferous whiteflies from cotton will be provided with an acquisition access period (AAP) of 72h on CuLCrV, CCYV, CYSDV and SqVYV-infected squash plants. After 72h, approximately 100 viruliferous adults will be clip caged on the abaxial leaf surface of 10-cm tall plants with at least two true leaves (~three weeks old). The whiteflies will be provided with an 72h inoculation access period (IAP) on eggplant seedlings. After which, the clip cages will be removed, and the inoculated plants will be sprayed with imidacloprid (at the recommended dose) and placed in the greenhouse. Plants will be kept in cages with a whitefly-proof mesh. The inoculated plants after three to four weeks will be tested for the presence of CuLCrV, CCYV, CYSDV and SqVYV. using endpoint PCR/RT-PCR as well as virus accumulation using qPCR/RT-qPCR.Objective 2.2: CuLCrV, CCYV, CYSDV, and SqVYV back transmission from eggplant to squash: It is very likely that CuLCrV, CCYV, CYSDV and SqVYV will not accumulate in eggplant and/or induce infection. To rule out that eggplant might not function as an inoculum source, a back-transmission assay from inoculated eggplant to squash will be conducted. Inoculated eggplants will be infested with non-viruliferous whiteflies reared on cotton for 72 h AAP. Post AAP, ~100 whitefly adults will be caged (using clip cages) to the abaxial leaf surface of a two-three-week-old squash seedlings. Post 72h IAP, the whiteflies will be removed, and the plants will be sprayed with imidacloprid as explained above. After three to four weeks, the inoculated eggplants will be tested for incidence of CuLCrV, CCYV, CYSDV and SqVYV infection using endpoint PCR/RT-PCR as well as virus accumulation using qPCR/RT-qPCR.Objective 3: Combined used of attractants and repellents in vegetable crops.Field experiments will be conducted at the UF/IFAS NFREC center in Quincy FL, at the UF/IFAS PSREU center in Citra FL, and at the UGA Tifton campus. Six field trials will be conducted (3 in 2024, and 3 in 2025). The field trials in Citra and UGA will use squash, and field trials in Quincy tomato. The experiments will be replicated in a conventional (Quincy and Griffin) and in an organic (Citra) setup. The field trials will be organized with a split plot design, with the eggplant as a trap crop treatment as a main effect, mulch treatment will be the sub-effect and LSK/insecticide treatments will be the sub-sub effects. In both years, field plots will measure 10.4 m x 10.4 m and will consist of 2 beds. The "pull" (attractant) will consist of the eggplant trap crop. To ensure that the trap crop will mature when the main crop is growing, eggplants will be transplanted 4 weeks before squash. The "push" (repellent) will consist of limonene-scented kaolin (LSK, i.e. a tank mix of kaolin (Surround®) and 1% of limonene) as it has shown strong repellency in previous experiments and reflective mulch. In organic setup there will be 4 treatments: 1) untreated control, 2) organic insecticide (M-Pede), 3) LSK, 4) LSK alternated with M-Pede. LSK will be sprayed on squash with a backpack sprayer every week at a rate of 25 lb/acre for Kaolin and 1% limonene. In the conventional set-up, the treatments will consist of 1) untreated control, 2) insecticide program, 3) LSK, 4) LSK alternated with insecticide. M-Pede (potassium salts and fatty acids) has been shown to be effective against whiteflies in organic systems. Insecticide treatments for the conventional plants will consist of weekly application at the labeled rate of a neonicotinoid , diamide , growth regulators such as pyriproxyfen and Pyrifluquinazon. Rotation of insecticide is the recommended practice for whitefly management to avoid development of resistance. Choice of insecticides is based on our programs developed at UF and UGA. To eliminate whiteflies that will accumulate on the trap crops, eggplants will be sprayed with the same insecticide used in the insecticide treatments but only on weeks 2, 4 and 6.Whitefly populations will be evaluated in squash and eggplant by collecting 10 randomly selected leaves per plot, on the first and second bed. In each leaf, a disc of 2.5 cm diameter will be cut, and the number of whitefly nymphs on the leaf disc will be counted under a microscope. The number of adults will be counted by gently flipping 10 leaves randomly selected in each plot and counting with a hand clicker. Assessment of whitefly populations will be conducted every week, starting 10 days following transplant until harvest. Each plot in bloom will be monitored for 5-mins between 0900 HR and 1200 HR during which time a trained observer will walk around the perimeter of the plot and record each individual pollinator visit to a cucurbit or tomato flower. Bees will be identified to groups including honeybees , bumble bees, and other bees. Visitation rates of other minor pollinators of cucurbits will not be recorded. The occurrence of whitefly-transmitted viruses will be evaluated by PCR/RT-PCR testing five randomly selected plants per plot 1 month after transplanting and before harvest. Fruits will be harvested manually in the respected crops at least for three weeks (to capture peak production) each season from each plot to determine any differences in yield and quality among treatments with and without attractants. Fruits will be graded according to size and marketability.

Progress 09/01/23 to 08/31/24

Target Audience:Dr. Martini (UF) audience are graduate students, tomato growers and horticulture Extension agents. Specifically, we organized the last Gadsden Tomato grower annual meeting at the North Florida research and Education Center in Quincy, FL. The target audience for PI Liburd's extension efforts includes vegetable growers, extension personnel, industry representatives, and other academic researchers. Dr. Liburd regularly consults with these parties to provide and discuss the latest information on whitefly management. The graduate student also extended information related to the project and whitefly pest management to the general public through outreach events, including school tours, community events, and at the Florida Museum of Natural History's Incredible Insects exhibit. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Opportunity for training: Hiring and mentoring of three graduate students: Hellenah Khunga (UF), Uday Suresh (UGA), and Joey Gonsiorek (UF). Field Day: Annual meeting of the Gadsden county tomato producers. December 9, 2023, Quincy, FL. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We will collect plant volatiles, analyzes them through GC-MS and correlate the volatile emission to the response of whiteflies to the different eggplant variety. In addition spectrophotmeter will be used to collect eggplant reflectance Mr. Uday Suresh at UGA will begin working on evaluating eggplant cultivars and their responses to viruliferous and non-viruliferous whiteflies and virus transmission this fall. Preparations have begun in terms of the upcoming Fall 2024 field studies in Quincy and in Citra (Objective 3), including the establishment of trap crops in the field. No data has currently been collected or analyzed in relation to this objective

What was accomplished under these goals? A greenhouse study was conducted at the University of Florida, North Florida Research and Education Center in Quincy. Eight hybrid eggplants (Solanum melongena L.) cultivars including Night shadow, Nadia, Santana, Barbarella, Ghost story, Lucilla, A104 Estelal, and little prince (Seedway, Hall, NY) were directly planted in 15cm diameter plastic pots using a soil substrate (Promix HP Mycorrizae, Quakertown, PA). Eggplants were left to grow for a period of six weeks until they had developed two to three true leaves before infesting them with whiteflies. The plants were watered daily and fertilized (Miracle Grow, Maryville, OH) every two weeks. The experimental set up consisted of eight treatments with eight replicates that were completely randomized. Eggplants were placed around a potted collard green highly infested with whiteflies for infestation. Following whitefly infestation, eggplants were left undisturbed for one week to allow for the successful migration of whiteflies from collards onto eggplants. The experiment was replicated in two trials to validate the results obtained. In situ adult whitefly populations were conducted in two days every week for a period of three weeks. Three leaves were randomly selected on each eggplant with a total of 24 leaves per variety. The number of whiteflies present on both the adaxial (upper) and abaxial (lower) leaf surfaces were counted. Leaf samples were collected once. Three leaves were randomly selected from each eggplant, one at the bottom, the middle, and top. Leaves were collected, stored in Ziplock bags, and taken to the laboratory for analysis under a microscope. To prepare the samples, each leaf was cut with a 5 cm diameter using a hole puncher prior to nymph counts. Leaf samples were processed within one week after collection to reduce the effects of leaf deterioration on sample quality. The number of whitefly nymphs was counted and recorded. To determine trichome density and length three leaf samples, one at the upper, middle and bottom canopy were collected in Ziplock bags accounting for twenty-four leaves per eggplant variety. To prepare the leaf samples, three leaf squares measuring 1cm2 each were cut from each leaf and submerged in 10 ml of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) overnight. This was done to eliminate the chlorophyll in the leaf epidermis. On the following day, leaf samples were extracted from DMSO and treated with Safranine, a dye that exhibits a red to pink coloration. The dye was prepared by diluting a 0.01% solution of Safranine in 100 mL of distilled water. Each replicate included adding 10 ml of the dilution to petri dishes containing leaf samples. The samples were left to stand overnight to allow the trichomes to be fully pigmented to facilitate the observation process on the microscope. The following day, leaf samples were then immersed in glycerol to eliminate the surplus dye and examined the trichomes using a stereo microscope. To determine the trichomes density, an area was randomly selected from the 1 cm2 leaf sample at 3X magnification and the number of non-glandular stellate shaped trichomes were observed. For each replicate, nine trichome counts were done giving a total of 72 counts per eggplant variety. To measure the length, three trichomes were randomly selected from the same leaf samples and measured using stereo zoom microscope with an internal micrometer (μm). Results of B. tabaci choice test showed that the density of whiteflies varied significantly between varieties (GLMM nbinomial, X2= 43.962, df=7, p< 0.001). The eggplant variety Night shadow was the most attractive variety evidenced by the highest infestation of whiteflies. On the other hand, Barbarella showed to be the least attractive variety. The number of whitefly nymphs varied significantly between the varieties (GLMM nbinomial X2= 15.443, df=7, p=0.030). The variety A1014 Esteral had the highest number of nymphs compared to Barbarella but had no significant differences between variety A1014 Estrela, Ghost story, Nadia, Night shadow, Santana, Little prince and Lucilla.?


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2023 Citation: Paris T, Exilien R, Martini X. Symposium. Strategies in Asian Psyllid and Whitefly Pest Management: Exploring the Synergistic Effects of Nanoclay and Essential Oils. Materials Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture 2023. Orlando, FL. November 30, 2023.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2023 Citation: Martini X. Keynote address. Use of nanoclay and essential oil for whitefly and Asian citrus psyllid control. 12th Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization Meeting. Marina Del Rey CA. November 10  November 12, 2023
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2024 Citation: Using semiochemicals, trap crop and visual cues in a push-pull strategy to control whiteflies in tomatoes. Hellenah Khunga and Xavier Martini. Florida Entomological Society Meeting. Quincy, FL July 1-3, 2024
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2024 Citation: Paris T, Martini X. Investigating the combined impact of Nanoclay and essential oils on whitefly pest control. Florida Entomological Society Meeting. Quincy, FL July 1-3, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2023 Citation: Paris T, Martini X. Symposium. Using kaolin to manage whiteflies Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. National Harbor MD. November 5-8, 2023.