Source: UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jul 1, 2023
Project End Date
Jun 30, 2027
Grant Year
Program Code
[HX]- Biotechnology Risk Assessment
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Genetically engineered microorganisms (GEMs) enable new approaches for the management of nutrients, carbon, pesticides, and waste within agricultural settings to achieve sustainable development goals surrounding equitable access to nutrition.These biological solutions often replace more energetically and economically costly chemical or physical processes.However, biological-based interventions pose a specialized risk in that the remediation technique may proliferate beyond the target area.Therefore, appropriate threat assessments must be available to product designers and regulators to ensure that the behavior of GEMs in agricultural settings are predictable, controllable, and monitorable.In response to this need, the objectives ofSTRATAGEMfocus on developingthe tools and framework to supportGEM threat assessments. Specifically, the long-term goal of STRATAGEM is to develop a standardized suite of DNA watermarks and laboratory bench tests to assist product developers, agricultural professionals, and regulatory agents in fingerprinting new GEMs, predicting their behavior in the environment, and ultimately tracing the product after release. With these tools resulting inthe unambiguous tracking of the GEM, STRATEGEM further supports soundecological threat assessments and regulatory monitoring campaigns. Overall, STRATAGEM explores the survival and fitness of GEMswhereas demonstrating a DNA watermarking method that can assist future large-scale deployments or field studies.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The long-term aim of STRATAGEM is to develop a standardized suite of genetic watermarks and laboratory bench tests available for product developers, agricultural professionals, and appropriate regulatory agents to support genetically engineered microorganism (GEM) threat assessment screens by tracking and assessing associated biosecurity concerns. These laboratory assays are designed to complement in silico prediction tools to inform the product development life cycle. Five key objectives support this overall aim:Objective 1. Develop and test genetic watermarks to enable mark-recapture of GEMs during threat assessments and field deployments;Objective 2. Establish batch-suspended media degradation tests similar to chemical regulatory risk assessments to inform biological threat assessments;Objective 3. Establish batch attached-growth biofilm degradation tests;Objective 4. Establish a model agriculture runoff cycle (combination of sewer, activated sludge, and stream systems) to test hazard assessments; andObjective 5. Develop a framework for utilizing this ecological threat assessment technique to inform the management and regulation of GEMs.
Project Methods
The general methods associated with each objective within the experimental plan are further detailed. To develop genetic watermarks (Obj. 1),a software pipeline will be first developed to query genome repositories for absent sequences,the designed watermarks will be inserted on plasmids, and the performance of the resulting GEM will be evaluated through growth competition assays with the best performing recommended for further development. These watermarks further enable the establishmentof batch-suspended GEM degradation tests (Obj. 2), with the performance of thesesystems evaluated through direct, targettedquantification of the GEM's abundance as well as the assessment of the sequenced profile of the full microbial community. A similar approach supports the development of standardized biofilm tests (Obj. 3), with initial biofilms grown on glass slides incubated instorm sewer/irrigation ditches, sanitary sewers, and riverine systems and assessed in batch tests. To better represent field-experienced conditions, further drip-flow tests are performed, with the stagnate and flowing systems directly evaluated against each other. If the biofilm experiments with flow display a significantly different community profile, then these will be recommended for further development.Simultaneouslywith the design and demonstration of the watermark, a model agricultural runoff network will be constructed (Obj. 4). The network will comprise both a mock rural and urban sewer system, and further GEM spike-challenge assays will be performed at different points in both systems toevaluatethe fate of the GEM and the response of the resident microbial community. Each of the preceding objectives inSTRATAGEMwill developtheapproaches and results to inform acomprehensivethreat assessment framework (Obj. 5).The measurable success metrics for each objective are as follows:Objective1. The design of a suite of at least 10 watermark candidates by Quarter 2 (Q2) of 2024, the successful deployment of at least two of these watermarks in fitness tests by 2024 Q4, and the successful deployment of at least one watermarkin competition assays by Q4 2024.Objective2. The establishment of an aerobic batch test system by Q2 2025, the description of the microbial community impact resulting from the invading GEM by Q4 2025, and the incorporation of the results into a defined interpretation guideline by Q4 2025.Objective 3. The standardization of field-grown biofilm harvesting by Q3 2026 capable of harvesting consistent biomass, the successfuldemonstration of stagnate biofilm tests by Q3 2026, and the demonstration of flow-through biofilm tests by Q3 2026.Objective 4. The establishment and demonstration of a model rural drainage system by Q4 2026, the establishment and demonstration of a model urban drainage system by Q4 2026, and the demonstration of GEM spike tests by Q2 2027.Objective 5. The establishment of an interpretative framework pipeline, the contextualization of all previous results, and the recommendation of a final test hierarchy all by Q2 2027.

Progress 07/01/23 to 06/30/24

Target Audience:The main target audience reached during this reporting period were other scientists and practicing micorbiologists. The graduate student researcher presented a poster covering the initial findings surrounding the framework of the established genetic system to establish the mutant strainsat the 2024 American Society of Microbiology in Atlanata, Georgia June 19-23, 2024. Additionally, PI Mansfeldt presented an overview of the framework as a poster at the Gordon Research Conference:Water meeting in Holderness, New Hampshire June 23-28, 2024 to an audience of primarily other environmental micorbiologists and chemists. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The main training and professional development activities resided around mentoring the main graduate researcher on the project. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Currently, two posters have been presented, one at the 2024 American Society of Microbiology meeting and another at the 2024 Gordon Research Confrence: Water. Additionally, a short overview slide was presented at the 2024 NIFA BRAG update. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?In support of Objective 1, we will complete the selection of the in silico barcodes. These will be transformed into E coli and Baccilus subtilus (after recieving feedback at the 2024 ASM that this may be a beneficial strain to represent soil systems). In support of Objective 2, we will test these barcode transformed organisms in direct aerobic bioassays. In support of Objective 3 and 4, we will continue to establish the reactor system within the new dedicated space, with a goal of a full test run of the mock field and aquatic system by Q2 of 2025. The data will be curated and stored in a manner to support Objective 5.

What was accomplished under these goals? During the establishment phase of this project, we have pursued a dual approach in achieving the computational and molecular biology methods. Within the computational realm, we established a computational pipeline in Python for unique watermark identification, the UnSaid pipeline. In using UnSaid, we have identified a list of over 800 testable minimal watermarks, achieving the goal of Objective 1 Task 1 (Identify GEM Watermarks). These watermarks will inform the first mutant screens. We additionally developed backup lists of various other lengths of watermarks to enable iterative screening if the first prioritized watermarks fail to be incorporated in a stable and non-interfering manner within either the host genome or the receiving plasmid. Within the molecular biology realm, we have established a competent Escherichia coli system with an inducible CRISPR-Cas expressing plasmid. This first test system demonstrated the uptake of plasmids, but also the introduction of a system that allows for direct genome modifications. We initially utilized a CRISPR-Cas 12 system to also develop a biosensor that can detect plasmid exchanges within communities, a critical element for monitoring the exchange of plasmids or uptake of naked DNA that is outline in Objective 2 Task 1 (Develop a standardized aerobic batch assay for quantifying the degradation of either naked DNA or GEMs in multiple media). We additionally are exploring direct transformation using classical approaches to introduce these watermarks as well. By pursuing a three-fold strategy early within the project, we are well-poised to achieve Objective 1 Task 2 (Insert Watermarks). This E. coli system was also grown in competition with a bacterial community from activated sludge as a demonstration of growth and recovery, an early trial of Objective 2 Task 1 and Task 2 (Determine the Community Impact). We additionally gained access to and began moving equipment to our dedicated test facility. This facility will house the model agricultural runoff network (Objective 4) and we are finalizing the design of these low-cost systems. This facility matches our needs well. We are constructing these model agricultural runoff system within triple secure access rooms, in separated environments. Within our design, we encase this space within polyethylene liner. When operating we will enter/exit with cleansuits. This ensures that contamination of the system is minimized and the sterility of those entering/existing. This allows us to pursue Objectives 1-4 in a parallel manner to ensure project success. In addition to the technical components, we onboarded a dedicated PhD student to the project, and anticipate transitioning another PhD student on the project in Spring 2025 for additional support. This graduate student already presented her initial work with the E. coli system at the American Society of Microbiology. The PI additionally presented a framework for genetically engineered microorganisms more broadly at the Gordon Research Conference: Water symposium. We additionally have identified an undergraduate researcher that will be continuing on with this project in Fall 2024.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2024 Citation: "Developing novel biosensors using CRISPR-Cas 12" Taylor Cason, Cresten Mansfeldt. Poster Presentation. 2024 American Society of Microbiology in Atlanata, Georgia June 19-23, 2024.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2024 Citation: "Anticipating the Future Impact of Synthetic Biology on Aquatic Sciences". Cresten Mansfeldt. Gordon Research Conference:Water, Holderness, New Hampshire. June 23-28, 2024