Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jun 1, 2023
Project End Date
May 31, 2028
Grant Year
Program Code
Project Director
Radhakrishnan, P.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Currently, colleges of agriculture across the country are challenged to graduate a diverse workforce to meet the increase in employment needs within areas of FANH. Therefore, there is a demand to attract students from areas with most growth and diversity within urban communities that lack access to FANH. LaGuardia Community College (LAGCC) is a federally designated Hispanic-serving institution in the heart of Queens, NY, recognized by Excelencia for its exemplary leadership in serving Latinx students and others representing 145 countries. "The Animal Science Discovery (ANSCId) program: A experiential learning, career development, and scholarship pipeline between LAGCC and Rutgers" aims to open the gateway to a tiered pathway that is structured, scaffolded, rich in experiential learning, peer mentoring and fortified with scholarships to forge a pipeline between NYC high schools to LAGCC (2-year) and Rutgers (4-year) for careers in Animal Science. ANSCId is student-centered and supports student learning and success via: (1) advertising, outreach, engagement, articulated transfer agreements; (2) paid, summer experiential learning program; (3) transfer scholarships for bachelor's degrees in Animal Science, and (4) peer mentorship, career development, and USDA career pipeline. Evidence of Impact: ANSCId with a focus on Animal Science would convene 35 faculty and staff to accomplish these goals over five years. Overall project outcomes include, conducting outreach to 375,000 high school and 13,500 two-year students, retention of ~ 200 students at LAGCC, and transfer of ~ 100 four-year students for a bachelor's degree, increase in enrollment and advisement by 30%, retention by 30% and graduation and transfer to a bachelor's degree by 45% along with tracking pipeline student employment within the federal sector.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
This NEXTGEN project titled "The Animal Science Discovery (ANSCId) program" will allow LaGuardia Community College to foster, strengthen and diversify a pre-existing pipeline for urban agriculture with a new focus on Animal Sciences both at the pre-college level, with 30 dual enrollment partners, and at the bachelor's level with an established and well-recognized Animal Sciences program at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS) of Rutgers University-New Brunswick (RU-NB). The four major goals of this grant are outlined below andaligned with the overall strategic goals of USDA.The tasks or objectives accompany each of the goals.Major Goal 1:Curricula alignment, advertising, recruiting, and academic advising (OEP):This goalfocuses on curricula alignment, advertising, recruiting, and advising that falls under the OEP project type of this application. This goal is aligned with the LAGCC-Rutgers strategic priorities of building new avenues and streams to support student access and success in continuing to train the next generation of leaders in FANH.Task 1.1: Curricula alignment. Our first task is to publish the completed articulation agreement with SEBS and offer the 2-year LAGCC Animal Science track for open enrollment. The track has been finalized and two new courses have been approved by Curriculum Committees for registration.Task 1.2: Advertising. LAGCC has an excellent pre-College recruiting team which consists of College Now and the CUNY Explorers program. LAGCC's full-time Project Coordinator (to be hired) will connect with the Marketing department at both LAGCC and Rutgers, the pre-College team and the Student Brand Ambassadors to create high-tech media outreach.Task 1.3: Recruiting and creating the LAGCC-Rutgers Career Exposure Program. The high-tech media outreach described in Task 1.2, would be communicated to all LAGCC College Now high schools, via email and showcased at open house and career events. These open houses will feature Rutgers faculty, career panelists from the USDA, and descriptions of FANH careers that students may be unaware of.Major Goal 2:Create a LAGCC-Rutgers summer residency (ELP):This goal aims tocreate an intensive LAGCC-Rutgers summer residency and a 2-credit experiential learning course. This goal falls under the ELP project type and aligns with the LAGCC-Rutgers strategic priorities of enriching student experience through experiential learning and investing in research and living laboratories.Task 2.1: Preparation of farm and research lab facilities. This task will involve breeding and aging of animals to the appropriate developmental stage to facilitate observation of various life stages and participation in animal husbandry and agricultural practices.Task 2.2: Approval of summer residency course. This intensive summer residency will be formalized as a 2-credit course that will be applied to the overall 7 EL credits, required for the Rutgers Animal Science major. The approved course will be advertised to the incoming cohorts of summer residents at LAGCC through their advertising team.Task 2.3: Training of Rutgers Animal Science peer mentors. These mentors will be hired and trained by the Co-PDs and faculty mentors to help facilitate the LAGCC-Rutgers summer residency. The Rutgers peer mentors will be current SEBS upperclassmen who will assist the incoming 2-year college residents prepare for and familiarize themselves with the Cook-Douglass/SEBS campus, coordinate engaging residency activities, and be paired with LAGCC-Rutgers Transfer Scholarship recipients at LAGCC.Task 2.4: Admission of students to the LAGCC-Rutgers summer residency program. Twenty LAGCC students per year will be recruited into the residency through outreach and advertising described in Major Goal 1.Major Goal 3:Create a LAGCC-Rutgers transfer scholarship (SSP):This goal establishes aLAGCC-Rutgers transfer scholarship, that falls under the SSP type. This goal satisfies the LAGCC-Rutgers commitment to build global inclusivity and best support underrepresented students in career success and provide a clear path for students interested in Animal Science related careers.Task 3.1: Assessing student eligibility. LAGCC and Rutgers will track Animal Science students and Vet. Tech. students who fall under scholarship criteria and work to ensure that all paperwork is filled before graduation dates. Students with special needs and disabilities will work with the Office of Accessibility Services and the Transfer Office at LAGCC for additional services.Task 3.2: Pre-enrollment support - peer-to-peer mentorship. LAGCC will ensure participation of scholarship students in the peer-to-peer mentorship program at Rutgers while in their first and second years.Task 3.3: Pre-enrollment support- application assistance.LAGCC and Rutgers will conduct interventions to help students with applications. Interventions will be based on data driven strategies to enhance application services: (1) students will receive periodic text message "nudges" regarding upcoming deadlines for the application process, (2) applicants participate in Peer-to-Peer Mentorship program at Rutgers over the summer with Rutgers Peer Mentors and LAGCC API tutors.Task 3.4: Awarding Scholarships. LAGCC will award student scholarships starting in Fall 2024.Task 3.5: Post-enrollment support. Animal Sciences SEBS-RU will track student success and provide support at Rutgers. Some of these supports would include academic engagement; counseling; 4-year college coaching; peer-peer mentorship; monitoring of students' performance; financial guidance; emergency funding; and completion scholarships.Task 3.6: Metrics and intervention. The LAGCC-Rutgers Transfer Scholarship Program is intended to provide scholarship, peer mentoring and experiential learning activities to community college students to increase transition to and completion of bachelor's degree in Animal Sciences. The PD and Program Coordinator of Animal Sciences at SEBS-RU will develop metrics for student progress and completion of degree and develop intervention plans in case of difficulties.Major Goal 4:Create a LAGCC-Rutgers peer mentoring and career development program:This goal would help fortifyaLAGCC-Rutgers peer mentoring and career development program which would be unique to the NY-NJ state area. This goal helps strengthen career readiness programming, helping students understand, prepare for, and find success in meaningful and rewarding careers at both campuses. In addition, Rutger's partnership with the NJ office of USDA APHIS is an excellent entryway for students who graduate from the programTask 4.1: LAGCC peer mentoring and academic peer instruction. Currently enrolled LAGCC students (multi-lingual preferred) will be hired by the LAGCC Peer Programs and the Academic Peer Instruction office (API) based on their criteria and trained. The LAGCC peer mentors' responsibilities will include, assisting with Goal 1 and with Goal 3 of recruiting and advising students within the Animal Science track at LAGCC.Task 4.2: Rutgers Peer Mentoring. Students from LAGCC who are successful with the LAGCC-Rutgers Transfer Scholarship will be paired with third-year Rutgers Peer Mentors to help ease the transition from a two-year to a four-year institution.The third-year students at Rutgers will be paid through Rutgers Learning Centers Peer Tutoring Program.Task 4.3: Rutgers career development program. Transfer scholarship recipients will be provided with opportunities to participate in internships/externships via the via the Student to Professional Internship Network (SPIN) program and to explore federal, public, and private employment via Rutgers-USDA partners and other employers. Students will be provided access to professionals in Animal Science- and USDA-related careers via the Rutgers-Student-Alumni Connect + program
Project Methods
Major Goal 1: Curriculum aligning, advertising, recruiting and advising (Outreach and Engagement Projects - OEP)Question (1). Was the design of the new Animal Sciences track in the ES program at LAGCC and its articulation agreement withRutgers successful? If so, what are the key courses offered and how many credits transfer seamlessly?Question (2). What are the impacts of advertising, recruiting, and advising as part of outreach and engagement for the Animal ScienceDiscovery (ANSId) program.Rationale and Purpose: Addresses a key area of concern or strategic priority to create new transfer pipelines for underrepresentedminorities into Animal Sciences. Advances recruitment, advertising, and outreach for FANH.Methods Mixed methods. Number of articulations created, number of new courses offered, number of credits transferring, number of CPL and CTE credits offered to JBHS high school. Number of pre- and post-surveys filled in at open house events both in person and virtual. OIRA, Project coordinators, PD and CO-PDs will track number of students forming part of the student ambassador team, academic peer instruction team and numbers of high-tech media outreach produced and published along with the total numbers of in-person and online events conductedin the form of outreach. Information needed: All information will be collected via surveys for enrollment events they will all be automated via Google forms.All other programmatic information will be collected by the PD, Dr. Radhakrishnan in collaboration with Program Coordinator.Dissemination: All data will be included in the mid-semester and final reports via the Reeport system to USDA. All key information will be posted on the Animal Sciences website. Final data will also be presented at SACNAS conference. Final data will be published in a manuscript submitted to 1. CBE--Life Sciences Education (LSE) and 2. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA).Major Goal 2: Create an 2-credit, LAGCC-Rutgers summer residency (Experiential Learning Program - ELP).Question: How successful is the LAGCC-Rutgers summer residency?Rationale and Purpose: Addresses a key area of concern or strategic priority to create new transfer pipelines for underrepresentedminorities into Animal Sciences. Advances recruitment, advertising, and outreach for FANH.Methods: Program success will be measured using the following measures (1) Number of students enrolled in the residency (2) Number of LAGCC and Rutgers Peer Mentors committed to student success and number of hours logged (3) Successful completion of summer residents (4) Successful completion and submission final projects for the summer residency by students and (5) Number of students from the summer residency who ultimately pursue 4-year degrees in Animal Sciences both at Rutgers and other 4-year schools.Information needed: Program Coordinators from Rutgers and LAGCC will work with PIs to collect all data in the form of google forms from students. Dissemination:All data will be included in the mid-semester and final reports via the Reeport system to USDA. All key information will be posted on the Animal Sciences website. Final data will also be presented at SACNAS conference. Final data will be published in a manuscript submitted to 1. CBE--Life Sciences Education (LSE) and 2. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA).Major Goal 3: Create a ANSC LAGCC-Rutgers Transfer Scholarship (Student Scholarship Project - SSP)Question: How successful are students who participate in the LAGCC-Rutgers Transfer Scholarship program?Rationale / Purpose Addresses a void in the 4-year transfer pipelines for underrepresented minorities with regards to scholarships and financial help available for students interested in FANH (Animal Sciences).Methods: Program success will be measured using the following measures (1) Number of students who apply to the transfer scholarship (2) Number of students who will now be eligible at LAGCC for this scholarship since the implementation of this grant (3) Successful completion of applications (4) Number of appointments made by students with Rutgers and LAGCC Peer mentors to avail of pre-enrollment and post-enrollment services for the transfer scholarship (5) Number of students from the transfer office who successfully complete the 4 year program at Rutgers (6) Overall GPA, credits earned and job placement in USDA and other federal agencies of students who applied for the transfer scholarship. Information needed: Program Coordinators from Rutgers and LAGCC will work with PIs to collect all data in the form of google forms from students. Dissemination: All data will be included in the mid-semester and final reports via the Reeport system to USDA. All keyinformation will be posted on the Animal Sciences website. Final data will also be presented at SACNAS conference. Final data will be published in a manuscript submitted to 1. CBE--Life Sciences Education (LSE) and 2. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA).Major Goal 4: Create a LAGCC-Rutgers Peer Mentoring Program.Question: How effective is the LAGCC-Rutgers Mentoring Program in increasing student success?Rationale / Purpose The link between peer mentoring and academic success is an evidence-based phenomenon, however there isthe lack of progress regarding conceptualizing, defining, and evaluating peer mentoring models. This model of Peer Mentoring at different levels (2-year) and (4-year) will enable studies on how students transition and the influence of Peers mentors in that transitioning process.Methods:Mentees from all cohorts will be assessed two times a semester by the Peers via surveys. The Peer will beassessed three times a year by faculty and mentees. All survey responses will be collected and used forimpairments in the following year and to help build and sustain the model. Information needed: Program Coordinators from Rutgers and LAGCC will work with PIs to collect all data/surveys in the form of google forms from students. Dissemination: Final data will also be presented at SACNAS conference with 2 Peer Mentors attending the conference.Final data will be published in a manuscript submitted to 1. CBE--Life Sciences Education (LSE) and 2. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA).

Progress 06/01/23 to 05/31/24

Target Audience:Our target audience are: (1) LaGuardia Community College students who are seeking a 2-year degree and (2) High-School students within NYC who have specialised programs in Agriculture, Animal Science and Natural Resource Management. The following are the characteristics that reflect our target audience profile: (1) LaGuardia Community College students who are seeking a 2-year degree. The majority of LaGuardia students are residents of New York City, with over 68% residing in Queens, consistent over the past five years. The age range of LaGuardia students is wide, with over half falling within the traditional college age bracket (17 to 22 years old) in 2022, while 10% were younger than 17, and 28% were older than 25, with 17% over 30. Diversity is a core value at LaGuardia, with under-represented minorities (URM) comprising 62% of the student body in Fall 2021, exceeding the national average for 2-year public institutions (39%). Additionally, 5% of LaGuardia students are international, compared to 1% nationally. Financial aid is prevalent at LaGuardia, with 73% of annual degree students receiving some form of grant, scholarship, or financial aid in 2022-23. Among financial aid recipients, 42% of students who filled FAFSA lived independently of their parents, and 82% of full-time students were awarded financial aid. Notably, 6% of students receiving aid took out Direct Loans, and a significant portion of aid recipients came from financially dependent families earning less than $25,000 (42%) and financially independent students (54%). (2) High-School students within NYC who have specialised programs in Agriculture, Animal Science and Natural Resource Management.We have built credit-for-prior learning partnerships with 3 high schools. A. John Bowne Agricultural High School Located in Flushing, Queens, John Bowne Agricultural High School is a renowned institution offering a unique educational experience focused on agriculture, natural resource management, and animal science. With a rich history dating back to 1930, John Bowne provides students with a rigorous academic curriculum combined with hands-on learning opportunities in its expansive agricultural facilities. At John Bowne, students have access to state-of-the-art laboratories, greenhouses, and farm facilities where they gain practical skills in horticulture, aquaculture, and veterinary science. The school emphasizes experiential learning through its FFA (Future Farmers of America) chapter, where students participate in competitions, leadership development activities, and community service projects. With a diverse student body and dedicated faculty, John Bowne Agricultural High School prepares students for successful careers in agriculture, environmental sciences, and related fields. Graduates of John Bowne emerge as skilled professionals equipped with the knowledge and experience to make meaningful contributions to the agricultural industry and beyond. B. Abraham Lincoln High School - Animal Science Program Situated in the heart of Brooklyn, Abraham Lincoln High School boasts a distinguished Animal Science Program, offering students a comprehensive education in the care, management, and study of animals. With a commitment to academic excellence and hands-on learning, the program provides students with unique opportunities to explore various facets of animal science. Under the guidance of experienced faculty members, students at Abraham Lincoln High School engage in practical coursework and laboratory experiences, gaining valuable skills in animal husbandry, nutrition, and veterinary care. The program emphasizes the importance of ethical treatment and responsible stewardship of animals, preparing students for careers in veterinary medicine, animal research, and agriculture. With access to modern facilities and resources, including animal laboratories and outdoor learning spaces, students have the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings. The Animal Science Program at Abraham Lincoln High School nurtures a passion for animals and fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and empathy among its students, shaping them into compassionate and competent professionals in the field of animal science. C. Urban Academy for Green Careers Nestled in the vibrant landscape of New York City, the Urban Academy of Green Careers stands out as a beacon of innovation and sustainability education. Committed to preparing students for the challenges of the 21st century, this specialized high school offers a dynamic curriculum focused on green industries, environmental stewardship, and career readiness. At the Urban Academy of Green Careers, students explore a range of environmentally-focused disciplines, including renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and green technology. Through hands-on projects, internships, and partnerships with local organizations, students gain practical skills and real-world experience in the burgeoning field of green careers. Changes/Problems:Major Goal 3 was to create a LAGCC-Rutgers transfer scholarship (SSP), this is the one goal that we have not had the outcome for that we were anticipating.We forsee the following problems and have brainstormed solutions below. 1. Problem: Since the A.S. in Animal Science degree was started only in Fall 2023, we have students who have completed at the maximum 20% of their program needs, many are still in their first year of the program. Solution 1: We anticipate that the following year will bring more applicants who will be qualified and ready to apply and recieve the scholarships.Solution 2:We would also like to work with NEXTGEN leadership in placing LAGCC students and Rutgers students into paid internships at USDA offices where we could use the funding to pay for transport, accomodation and food. This would also increase the chances of students being exposed to the actual work environments, roles and reponsibilities at the various offices within the USDA. 2. Problem: Another problem that we forsee is students apprehension to move to NJ and be on a residential campus for 2 years. LAGCC is a commuter school and students normally live at home, hence there seems to be fear associated with leaving home. Solution:Again, here we anticipate that completion of the Animal Science Discover Program (SELP) which is a three credit residency, this summer 2024, will allow students to get a sense of residential life at Rutgers and alleviate any concerns. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Conferences Our students showcased their research at several prestigious scientific conferences, including LAGCC Undergraduate Research Day, the Queens College Undergraduate Research Conference, the CUNY Undergraduate Research Conference, and presentations at LAGCC's Opening Sessions. In addition, 4 students from the program received a personal invitation to attend the Three students attended the Agriculture Leadership summit in Syracuse, NY. Insert quote. These opportunities highlighted the students' academic achievements and enhanced their research skills, fostering professional growth and recognition within the scientific community. Authentic Research in the classroom - As a direct result of the undergraduate research in the classroom program, Dr. Radhakrishnan mentored Sustainable Urban Agriculture student Rebecca Kane, who excelled in her research. Rebecca presented five research posters at state-level competitions, earning third place in a poster award and participating in the CUNY-wide Research Scholars Program. Inspired by her research experience, Rebecca now plans to continue her academic journey at Cornell University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, pursuing a bachelor's degree in agriculture. NextGen Summit -10 LAGCC and Rutgers students and 2 faculty and staff attended the NextGen Spring Summit in Washington DC where they were exposed to experiential learning activities. This increased student exposure and comfort level to career opportunities within the various facets of the USDA. Pawel Zyzanski, a LAGCC student who attended the NextGen summit remarked, "The summit reaffirmed the importance of networking and building relationships in public service. Interactions with leaders and peers have equipped me with a lot of knowledge as well as connections that will serve me well in my career progression. My interests in fungal research, forest conservation, wild firefighting, and community outreach, have been deepened and I am excited to delve into them more deeply." Student Gilana Rincon from Rutgers University stated, "After attending the USDA NextGen conference, it opened my eyes to all the opportunities the government has to offer as an aspiring veterinarian and has solidified my interests to conduct research in the field." In addition to NextGen Summit, three environmental science students attended the New York State Agricultural Society Conference, Albany NY. Shawn Blackman, a mature student from LAGCC stated "Embarking at the NYS Ag Society conference felt like stepping into an agricultural adventure, where each twist and turn unveiled the multifaceted landscape of farming in New York State. The conference provided me with a multifaceted view of the challenges and opportunities within the agricultural sector. I learned about Ag-policy, Agrivoltaics, USDA grants, GIS implementation, and regenerative practices. The conference provided a pivotal academic experience in offering interaction with industry professionals in regenerative agriculture and renewable energy practices, which is my career focus as I pursue a B.S + M.S in Geospatial Information Systems and hope to work with Agrivoltaics in the future". Leadership in Animal Science Professional Development (Rutgers): 10 Peer Mentors enrolled in Leadership in Animal Science for Spring 2024 in preparation for the summer. In addition to learning team building and programming skills, they completed workshops with Residence Life and Diversity Peer Educators. They earned experiential learning credit towards their degree and were able to produce animal science related activities that would be both fun and educational for the cohort from LaGuardia. 80% of the students from the Leadership program were recruited to serve as Peer Mentors for the Summer Program (SELP and SURE). Academic Peer Instruction Training (LAGCC): API is modeled after an internationally recognized program called Supplemental Instruction (SI), which takes a non-remedial approach to learning by integrating "what to learn" with "how to learn." Our hired NextGen API tutors received 25 hours of training each on topics such as, Auditing class hours to connect with students and take notes, Providing voluntary, out-of-class tutoring sessions, Attending weekly check-in and weekly group training, Preparing Topics for advising sessions. Sexual Harassment Prevention Training 21 students admitted into the internship complete the CUNY SPARC training course (Sexual andInterpersonalViolencePrevention andResponseCourse). New York State Education Law 129-b, also called the Enough is Enough ("EIE") statute, requires that all NYS colleges provide students with ongoing education and training about sexual misconduct, including domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, and sexual violence. SPARCis an online training module developed by SUNY in collaboration with CUNY that educates students* about sexual misconduct, ways to prevent it, and the campus' response to a complaint. The content has been customized to reflect New York State requirements and CUNY policies. Preparation for Rutgers Summer Program The program coordinator at Rutgers completed FERPA, Defensive Driver training, and tutorials on the various platforms used at Rutgers, such as Canvas and the Degree Navigator system. Providing opportunities for Rutgers and LaGuardia students required coordination with other Rutgers departments and outside vendors. Securing accommodations through Conference Housing, food through Campus Catering, and transportation through Rutgers Charters & Academy Bus started in November 2023. Leading up to June, meetings were scheduled with participating faculty and staff to complete a schedule consisting of the modules and activities for the SELP program. This also required coordination with local farms, veterinary offices, a wildlife refuge, and a zoo to schedule field trips available to both SELP & SURE students. Guest speakers from career services, study abroad, Rutgers research facilities, and a local veterinarian were also scheduled to give the summer cohorts seminars. A list of 12 PI's and grad students willing to take on SURE interns and their research was compiled in February 2024. We've narrowed down to 4 grad students who will mentor 6 LAGCC students in Microbiology, Plant Science, and Behavior and Endocrinology labs over the summer. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Recruitment The 13 in-person and virtual events which on Exploration, Career, and Transfer opportunities in Environmental Science and with the USDA, helped us reach We engaged with approximately 881 students (both high school and community college), with 382 attending these events. Here are some student experiences captured from qualitative surveys which demonstrate that students who never had access to FANH careers are now being exposed to various aspects of AgSTEM. At a Career and Transfer event which showcased various "tinkering tables" where students were shown demonstrations of certain key AgSTEM areas, a student from Abraham Lincoln High School, who was considering a track in Animal Sciences, shared that before the event he was not aware of what LAGCC offers in Environmental Science. He particularly enjoyed the demonstrations on Integrative Physiology and Animal Behavior. This event helped him gain clarity on the opportunities available at LAGCC and piqued his interest in pursuing animal science as a career path. Another student from LaGuardia, pursuing Environmental Science, attended the USDA Career Panel Day event with an interest in the USDA NextGen program and was curious about the possibility of transferring to a four-year institution. The event provided them with invaluable information about the 2+2 scholarship to Rutgers, which covers the full cost of continuing their education in animal science. Through hands-on activities and demonstrations by our panelists, they recognized that APHIS, FSA and Forestry are branches of the USDA and were able to follow up with our USDA liaison, to be able to create a resume and submit a USDA internship application. 35 students in Animal Science at LaGuardia Community College had previously considered transferring to a four-year institution but were unsure about financial possibilities. During the Career and transfer day event, they learned about the 2+2 full-paid scholarship transfer to Rutgers and how it could help them pursue a bachelor's degree in animal science. 20 of them Engage in discussions with peers and faculty, and their help made them realize the importance of continuing their education. Armed with this new knowledge, 15 of the students now see Rutgers as the ideal next step in their academic career, with the NextGen grant financial support to make it a reality. They are now excited and motivated to apply for the scholarship and pursue their dream of a career in animal science. Program Coordinators - Program coordinators represent a $180,000 investment and serve as the cornerstone of the program's success. Their leadership in coordinating grant activities ensures seamless execution, from managing student outreach and partnerships to organizing events and internships. Supported by NIFA funding the LAGCC Program Coordinator successfully coordinated 12 virtual and in-person events during his first year, while also managing social media content creation, posting over 35 posts and reels on Instagram. He developed and sent 15 unique emails, designed 14 flyers to promote grant-funded activities at LaGuardia Community College, and engaged with 26 students to assist in processing their paperwork for the summer program. Additionally, he handled the hiring paperwork for 3 ambassadors and 4 tutors, as part of the NextGen and USDA-funded initiative to inspire students toward careers in animal sciences. Through these efforts, he was able to connect 5 LAGCC students to the NextGen Summit, enrolled 21 students into the summer experiential learning programs (SURE and SELP), and coordinated the attendance of over 400 participants in various events on and off campus. Thanks to his outreach and dissemination, our social media following grew to 237 followers, with 50+ posts related to NextGen alone, thereby enhancing outreach and engagement. The Rutgers Program Coordinator produced degree progress checklists for the four tracks in the Animal Science major for prospective transfer students, a flyer to advertise careers in animal science to show students options outside of becoming a veterinarian, 10 flyers advertising opportunities for the program (the transfer scholarship, SELP, and SURE programs), as well as internships with entities like the USDA and Merck. Hard copies of the Careers in Animal Science flyer were distributed to LaGuardia and high school students interested in working with animals. The additional flyers, distributed through Instagram, reached 700 students, faculty, and staff that follow the department online. Information about the transfer scholarship was further disseminated through a LinkedIn post that made 630 impressions. It was also shared in a GroupMe with 177 members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. that serve New York State. To support the program in training peer mentors, the coordinator developed curriculum to prepare them for program planning, working within residence life, facing issues concerning DEI, and team building; skills that will help them in their careers beyond college. The coordinator also organized informational sessions that served 48 LaGuardia students interested in continuing their education at Rutgers University, providing the foundation of a support system for prospective transfers. Articulations and Credit for Prior Learning Through completed articulation agreements with Rutgers SEBS and SUNY Cobleskill for their B.S. in Animal Science programs, and Career and Technical Certification agreements with John Bowne High School, Urban Academy for Green Careers, and Abraham Lincoln High School, we forged strong connections with program directors at leading 4-year agricultural institutions. These partnerships not only enhanced pathways for students to pursue advanced degrees in FANH areas but also boosted attendance at career and transfer events and increased enrollment in our Animal Science program and urban agriculture program, strengthening our commitment to preparing students for success in the FANH workforce. LAGCC-Rutgers Transfer Scholarships Throughout the year, we distributed eight targeted fliers to various student groups, including the entire college, STEM students, Environmental Science majors, and Vet Tech majors, to promote the prestigious 2+2 transfer scholarship to Rutgers. We hosted five town halls and information sessions to guide students through the scholarship process and available support. Out of three candidates that met all qualifications, one student will be awarded the prestigious scholarship. News and Media Coverage Through strategic media outreach, we successfully amplified the visibility and impact of our projects aimed at fostering the next generation of diverse food and agricultural professionals. Our joint efforts culminated in 8 publications of compelling media articles that highlighted key events and milestones, LAGCC-Rutgers historic funding of $4.5 million as part pf the NIFA NextGen award, which provides students with hands-on experience in animal science careers. By securing coverage in reputable outlets and platforms--including LaGuardia's official news site, SEBS NJAES News, and City Farmer--we were able to reach diverse audiences and engage potential students and stakeholders effectively. The breadth of coverage across multiple channels not only showcased our commitment to education and community engagement but also underscored the importance of partnerships among Hispanic-Serving Institutions in promoting workforce development in the agriculture sector. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Career and Transfer Events We plan to host a total of 15 events in the following academic year to further enhance recruitment and enrolment within the program. We plan to add more high-schools and have a more streamlined approach to working with our College Now partners. In addition, we have plans to conduct within high-school outreach and create a layered mentoring approach with our ambassadors. Experiential Learning Year 2 will commence with the inaugural SELP and SURE cohorts; the 21 chosen students will participate in residential programs from 06/17/24-07/03/24. Upon their arrival, they will complete Rutgers, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) protocols training. This will allow them to participate in research and animal handling activities in a safe manner. All students will put together presentations about what they learn over the course of the three weeks, including a reflection on the impact the program has made on their educational and career goals. Internships We are also looking to place students from both LaGuardia and Rutgers in the Summer 2024 USDA Internships offered by Dr. Makhdoomi and our USDA liaison Hermenia Gomez. We anticipate 10 students will participate in the summer of 2024. We're looking to increase the number of interns to increase the impact of this opportunity in the following summers. Scholarship Ashley Hernandez, who will participate in the 2024 SURE program, is also poised to successfully apply and attend Rutgers in Fall 2024 to begin earning her BS in Animal Science on the Lab Animal Science Track. She will serve as an ambassador for the program, mentoring LAGCC students looking to follow in her footsteps. For the next round of scholarships, we will start working with promising students as early as September 2024 to guide them through the transfer process. In anticipation of recruiting students for Spring 2025, a campus tour will be scheduled in October for prospective students to visualize their future at Rutgers. Tutoring & Mentorship We will be hiring 5 tutors & coaches in Fall 2024 to work directly with Animal Science students (including our LaGuardia transfer scholars) on subjects such as Organic Chemistry, Biology, and Math. As we create an avenue to ensure the success of our scholarship recipients, we stand to improve academics for the entire Animal Science department at Rutgers. At LAGCC, we will complete the advertising and hiring of Environmental Science student ambassadors, API tutors and Farm Crew. We will also be placing students in USDA internships by collaborating with our USDA liaison Herminia Gomez. We plan to have at the minimum 2 students participate in in-person internships at the USDA. Conferences We plan to take students to at least 2 conferences or visits to USDA offices this academic year. Study Abroad Since we are a small 2-year community college, we do not have a study abroad program. In addition, since our student population typically balance many hours of work in a week, they rarely have time for travel due to personal responsibilities. Hence, it has been hard to determine how we can give our students global learning experiences. One way that we would like to do this is through virtual exchange in some of our key courses, as part of the Global Experiential Learning Program at LAGCC which focuses on the UN Strategic Goals. We plan to work with this office to determine how we might have students avail study abroad virtually. In addition, scholarship recipients to Rutgers, could avail the study abroad programs.

What was accomplished under these goals? Curriculum Courses. The first Animal Science track within an associate's degree in NYC was successfully launched, offering an A.S. degree in Environmental Science (Animal Science option) at LaGuardia Community College (LAGCC), a part of the City University of New York (CUNY) Three new courses--Genetics, Integrative Physiology, and Animal Behavior and Ethics were created to align with the newly launched curriculum. Textbooks. Thanks to NIFA funding, students' learning experiences were supported by providing essential textbooks for the newly launched Animal Science curriculum. 26 students enrolled in the Animal Behavior and Integrative Physiology courses received their textbooks at no cost, with each book valued between $98-$101.09. This funding has significantly reduced the financial burden on our students, allowing them to focus more on their studies and enhancing their academic success. Overall, NIFA's support has facilitated savings of $2,585.08 in textbook costs, contributing to AY 2023-2024. Enrollment and Retention. Thanks to the USDA NextGen grant, the Animal Science option saw significant growth, with 98 students enrolled in Fall 2023 with a 53.48% increase by Spring 2024. By June 2024, three students graduated, reflecting early success. The program has also made great strides in diversity, with 78.6% of students identifying as Hispanic, 11.9% as Black, 7.1% as Asian/Pacific Islander, and 2.4% as White, contributing to a more inclusive future for the agricultural workforce. The 2024 two-year retention rate for the Animal Science option is 50%, significantly surpassing the institutional average of 32.8%. This higher retention rate reflects the program's effectiveness in engaging and supporting students, leading to greater persistence and success. Authentic undergraduate research experience in the classroom With the support of this funding, research supplies were purchased for 50 students enrolled in first-year seminar classes, enabling them to engage in authentic undergraduate research projects. In collaboration with the Newtown Creek Alliance and the Cold Spring DNA Learning Center, students conducted hands-on research that included water quality measurements, biodiversity assays, and a microbiome analysis of gut bacteria in oysters from Newtown Creek. This experiential learning opportunity not only enhanced their scientific skills but also fostered a deeper understanding of urban environmental challenges. 15% these students within the urban agriculture program have since joined the CUNY Research Scholars program to pursue further research and present at CUNY-wide conferences Articulation and transfer Five new articulation agreements were established with four-year institutions (3 land grant institutions and one CUNY school), creating clear pathways for our students to continue their education in agriculture and USDA-mission related majors. These articulations could potentially impact 40+ graduating students in one academic year. High tech media outreach We conducted seven email campaigns, producing 28 bilingual fliers in Spanish and English, reaching 819 contacts and averaging 198 unique interactions. Additionally, 15 Instagram posts related to articulation events and information sessions generated 2,108 reactions and engaged 387 accounts, expanding the program's reach and visibility. This media outreach has enabled students to stay in touch and remain engaged outside the classroom. Events and students engaged Our recruitment efforts for the Environmental Science program were highly successful, highlighted by active participation in 16 in-person and virtual events centered on exploration, career, and transfer opportunities. We engaged with approximately 881 students on email and social media, with 382 attending these virtual and in-person events. These initiatives not only increased student interest and enrollment in the Environmental Science- Animal Science program but also provided valuable guidance on academic pathways and career prospects. By enhancing student awareness of transfer options and career opportunities, we have laid a strong foundation for their continued academic success and professional growth in the environmental field. Survey data Our survey data at these events indicate, 35 students in Animal Science program at LAGCC had previously considered transferring to a four-year institution but were unsure about financial possibilities. During the Career and Transfer Day events, they learned about the 2+2 full-paid scholarship transfer to Rutgers and how it could help them pursue a bachelor's degree in animal science. Of these, 23 students engaged in discussions with peers and faculty at the events helping them recognize the importance of continuing their education. Armed with this new knowledge, 15 of these students (42% of respondents) now see Rutgers as the ideal next step in their academic career, with the NEXTGEN grant financial support to make it a reality. They are now excited and motivated to apply for the scholarship and pursue their dream of a career in animal science. LAGCC-Rutgers 2+2 Transfer Scholarship The first 2+2 transfer scholarship of an Animal Science graduate to LAGCC was finalized in June to be Ashley Hernandez, a graduate from the Animal Sciences program at LAGCC. This would be a $25,260 NextGen investment for a first generation, Latinx student to complete her bachelor's degree at a Research one institution, Rutgers University. This impact will be reported in detail in the Year 2 report. Completed Career and Technical Education agreements with 4 high schools. CTE has statistically significant positive impacts on several high school outcomes. Those who take CTE courses in high school are also more likely to be employed after high school than those who did not (American Institute of Research, 2024). Due to these CTE agreements we had 65+ high school students attend open house events at LAGCC. Summer experiential internships applications The ANSCId program provides two separate three-week intensive residential paid internship opportunities known as the Summer Experiential Learning Program (SELP) and the Summer Undergraduate Research Project (SURE). For SELP, 43 applications were received: 34% were from Animal Science and 28% from STEM majors, representing a diverse group of applicants. Of the 48% acceptance rate, 15 will participate in SELP, gaining hands-on experience in fields like animal science, veterinary science, and environmental science, fostering a diverse pipeline of future professionals (more in year 2 report). 8 applications were received for SURE and 75% were accepted. Summer experiential learning curriculum 11 faculty and staff at Rutgers developed 30 experiential learning modules. The team worked to provide lessons that would encompass USDA mission critical areas - Animal and Human Health, Food and Agriculture, Biomedical Research, and USDA Workforce Development. The modules are set to take place on the farm and in lab spaces, with purchase of new equipment and supplies, an $80,000 investment from USDA NIFA.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Kane, R., Radhakrishnan, P., Veras, I., Elkins, W. April 2,2024. Filters of the Creek: Oyster Bioremediation and the Metagenomic Profile of the Gut Microbiome of Crassostrea Virginica (Eastern Oyster) in the Urban, Superfund Estuary, Newtown Creek. Borough of Queens College Undergraduate Research Conference. Published abstract for poster presentation and conference.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Kane, R., Radhakrishnan, P., Veras, I., Elkins, W. May 22,2024. Filters of the Creek: Oyster Bioremediation and the Metagenomic Profile of the Gut Microbiome of Crassostrea Virginica (Eastern Oyster) in the Urban, Superfund Estuary, Newtown Creek. LaGuardia Undergraduate Research ConferenceBorough of Queens College Undergraduate Research Conference. Published abstract for poster presentation and conference.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2024 Citation: Kane, R., Radhakrishnan, P., Veras, I., Elkins, W. May 24,2024. Filters of the Creek: Oyster Bioremediation and the Metagenomic Profile of the Gut Microbiome of Crassostrea Virginica (Eastern Oyster) in the Urban, Superfund Estuary, Newtown Creek. CUNY Undergraduate Research Conference. Published abstract for poster presentation and conference.