Progress 08/15/23 to 08/14/24
Outputs Target Audience:The target audience that we reached during this reporting period were Oklahoma agricultural producers producers. These producers were mainly in the southwest portion of the state of Oklahoma - a region that is frequently in drought conditions. Changes/Problems:A major challenge is some technical difficulties that we are currently experiencing with the Canopeo App. One of the assumptions of this project was that the current Canopeo app functionaliy would continue to be functional and that the app would be available for download on both Android and iOS devices. We however, did not take into account sufficiently the ever present cost of maintaining any software including this app, and the Canopeo app, as a academic-based product, does not currenly have a consistent funding source. The Canopeo app is currently not available for download on the Google Play Store. This means that Android users that do not currently have the Canopeo app cannot currently download and install the app. The app is, however, available on the Apple App Store, so iPhone users can download the app. This could be a considerable barrier because it means that, currently, unless the producer has an iPhone or they already have the app installed, the producers cannot use the new functionaliy and provide feedback. Given these challenges, we may have to make some adjustments in the budget to try to resolve these issues, or we may have to take a different approach to getting feedback. We still are on track to finish the additional functionality that we originally proposed, however, the issues with the Canopeo app may reduce our ability to collect feedback from producers. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?This project has been the primary source of funding for 2 graduate students: Mamata Pandey (a Biosystems Engineering graduate student) and Mohammed Rakib (a Computer Science graduate student). Both of these students have been supported by this project to attend both regional and international research conferences. Mamata presented her work at the Oklahoma Governor's Water conference and presented at the American Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers (ASABE) Annual International Meeting (AIM) in Anaheim, CA. Mohammed presented at the Data Science and Advanced Analytics conference in San Diego, CA. Jeff Sadler (PD) was able to attend the program PD Meeting that was combined with the Precision Agriculture and Agricultural Engineering programs in Manhattan, KS. This was a good opportunity for Dr. Sadler to make connections with other PD's throughout the US. In addition to these meetings, a major professional development opportunity was Mamata's participation in the Oklahoma St. University's Rural Scholar program. The program included a graduate level class on qualitative research and community development. In this class, Mamata was required to design and develop a survey instrument for data collection and get IRB approval. The main part of the program, however, was staying in the rural community for 10 weeks over the summer. This was a unique professional development opportuinty in which Mamata was able to build relationships in the community, perform service, and learn a little about life in rural America, in addition, of course, to performing her research which was related to this project in which she made connections with agricultural producers who are willing to provide us feedback on the ET forecast tool that we are developing. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Most of the results are still in progress and have not been disseminated yet. We have published a paper on the deep learning models for predicting VWC which is available online. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Goal 1: Extend existing methods to forecast site-specific crop ET for well-watered conditions anywhere globally. The plan for the next reporting period is to finish the implementation of the crop coefficient part of the workflow. Goal 2: Develop a deep learning model to estimate crop water stress based on recent weather and images provided by the farmer. The plan for the next reporting period is to explore the use of satellite data for improving soil moisture (VWC) predictions. Goal 3: Deliver the proof-of-concept model and collect feedback. The plan for the next reporting period is to present to agricultural producers about our tool at the Master Irrigator program in the spring. We also plan to identify beta users from the Master Irrigator progam and follow up with the producers already identified through the Rural Scholar program. We will orient these users on the Canopeo mobile app and the ET forecasts functionality and collect their feedback.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Goal 1:Extend existing methods to forecast site-specific crop ET for well-watered conditions anywhere globally. We have made significant progress in this goal. To accomplish this, we have extended thefunctionality of the existingCanopeo mobile app. With our work in this reporting period the functionality has been added so thatbeta users receive forecasts of the reference ET when they upload photos of their crop in the Canopeo app. The forecast is based on the users geolocation that is collected from the phone's GPS and recorded (with the users permission) via the Canopeo app. Since this functionality only required geolocation, it can be applied anywhere in the world. The reference ET, which is based on weather data, is fetched from the Open-Meteoweb service. Currently only thereference ET(estimated ET of a reference crop (i.e., alfalfa) under well watered conditions) is delivered to the user.We are still working on scaling that value to the crop using the crop coefficient. This functionalityhas been implemented in Amazon Web Services. In this way, physical compute resources did not have to be purchased and we only pay for what we use. Up to this point, our usage has been small enough that it has been free. This work is currently being described in a draft manuscript. Goal 2: Develop a deep learning model to estimate crop water stress based on recent weather and images provided by the farmer. We have made signficant progress in this goal. We have developed machine learning and deep learning models that estimate volumetric water content (VWC) in the soil based on coincident top-down crop photos. The data are from automated observing stations where weather data, soil moisture data (through a neutron probe), and the crop photos are taken at regular intervals. We have tried two approaches to accomplish our goal. In Approach 1 we used two steps: in step 1, the model identified the soil patches; in step 2 the model used the pixels identified to be part of soil patches as input to predict the VWC. In Approach 2 we used the entire photo as input to predict VWC. We also explored using just meteorological data, just the photo, or a combination of the two to predict VWC. The best performing model was to use Approach 2 (all of the photo) and just the photo data and not the meteorological data. This approach produced a mean absolute percent error of 3.8%. The model that we used for this was a fine-tuned version of the MobileNetV2 convolutional neural network (CNN). Goal 3: Deliver the proof-of-concept model and collect feedback. The main progress in this area is connections with agricultural producers that we have established in two main ways. First, one of the graduate students, Mamata Pandey, on the project was an Oklahoma St. University Rural Scholar over the past summer. As a Rural Scholar, she lived in a Rural Community for 10 weeks and in that time she developed relationships with members of the community including agricultural producers. Mamata's project was to conduct interviews to learn the water concerns of the agricultural producers and to find potential beta users and feedback providers for the ET forecast tool that we are developing. She was able to interview 24 agricultural producers in the summer and several of them were interested in trying out the ET forecast tool and providing feedback. Second, Dr. Sumit Sharma (co-pi) has established an advisory committee of agricultural producers that can provide us feedback on the direction of the project.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Rakib, M., Mohammed, A. A., Diggins, C., Sharma, S., Sadler, J. M., Ochsner, T., & Bagavathi, A. (2024). MIS-ME: A Multi-modal Framework for Soil Moisture Estimation. Data Science and Advanced Analytics. arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.00963. (In Press) IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Automating Evapotranspiration Forecasts Through the Canopeo App and Serverless Cloud Computing. Congress of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs). June 2024. East Lansing, MI, USA.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence in Water Resources Extension. American Society of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineers (ASABE) Annual International Meeting (AIM). July 2024. Anaheim, CA, USA.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Challenges and Potential Solutions for Forecasting Reference Crop ET Globally?. American Society of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineers (ASABE) Annual International Meeting (AIM). July 2024. Anaheim, CA, USA.