Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
The Finland Food Chain (FFC) seeks funds to research and build food systems programming in rural Finland, Minnesota. The FFC has built a coalition of local organizations and businesses including two teaching farms and a local grocery store to research and develop food systems programming that works towards our common goal of building a local food system on the North Shore of Minnesota. Within the project timeline, the team will research and develop programming in four areas of the food system: meat processing, food aggregation and distribution, beginning farmer training, and community-based agriculture classes. The project objectives build on the previous three years of work completed by the Finland Food Chain. Using the assets and skills found amongst community partners and the technical assistance on the Food Chain team, the collaborative group will meet these objectives through research, community planning meetings, identifying community partners, and meeting with stakeholders to gather necessary information for program development. The work of the project will follow community processes that have been used throughout the 13-year history of Friends of Finland's work wherein community members are invited to design, collaborate on and lead various elements of the project. The outcome of the project will be programs that increase food access for local residents, build a self-sufficient food system, and provide the necessary education and training for food producers in the Northeast Minnesota region.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories
Goals / Objectives
This project has eight objectives cenetering around researching, planing, and programming design around several food system issues. We will explore the following food system issues, working collaboartively with our partner organizations: food aggregationa nd distribution, emerging farmer training, localized meat processing, and boradening community education classes. Our guiding objectives for these goals are:1. Identify community champions and current Friends of Finland staff that would like to lead the reasearch and project devlopment for each issue. Support each project lead with team reasources and skills.2. Host regular community outreach events to inform the public of Food Chain happenings, and provide regular opportunities for local individuals to get involved with projects3. Engage community memebrs and leaders in project research4. Clearly identify current gaps in our food system through community survey data- what are people most concerned about and what issues can the Food Chain address?5. Research and plan all apsects of a food aggregation and distribution center program, working with the Finland Co-op to ensure that the program supports both the business and the public need.6. Explore the idea of a meat processing unit or facility in Finland.7. Research and develop a farmer training program in collaboration with Wolf Ridge ELC.8. Plan food and agriculture classes for the local community in collaboration with the Agroecology Center
Project Methods
The Finland Food Chain team, collaborating organizations, and the local community will work together on the following activities to meet the objectives of this project. The work will follow the structure that the project has used for the previous three years, of building community support and involvement, identifying community champions, and working collaboratively to accomplish shared goals.Objective 1-Identifying Community Champions: Friends of Finland will hire a project coordinator for each subject. This coordinator will be the liaison between FoF and each project collaborator, regularly meeting with the partnering organization and providing updates to the work group (the Food Chain Staff). This work may be divided among two people, depending on who applies or who is interested within the Food Chain team or in the greater community. The Food Chain team will write project descriptions related to each project-based objective, and use these descriptions to write job proposals for the project coordinators needed. If the roles are not internally hired, advertisements for the job will be posted on social media and the newspaper, and a formal hiring process will be completed. Local people will be specifically recruited to lead projects.Objective 2-Outreach and Information Campaign: As projects start, the Food Chain will provide announcements and regular updates through several media outlets including their email newsletter, the website, local newspaper and through word of mouth, which is an effective way of spreading news in our community. Partner organizations will share updates through their websites and newsletters as needed. Further, the Food Chain will host a formal public information meeting and discussion, where current projects will be described, as well as the work of the Food Chain in general. Between four-six events will be held each year where ongoing work will be presented.Objective 3-Community Engagement: As we try to identify and uplift local people in leading our projects, we will continue that ethic by reaching out directly to people in the community and encouraging them to apply for any posted positions. Further, we will invite community members, at our regular outreach events to join, champion or propose food systems projects as they see fit.Objective 4- Surveying and Prioritizing Projects: Several years ago the Food Chain conducted an extensive community survey related to food systems issues. We will review this survey, as much of our staff has changed since then, and develop a strategic plan for our projects based in part on this survey.Objective 5-Food Hub Programming: First, the project coordinator will conduct all necessary research for program development through online, print and interview-based research. Second, the coordinator will develop partnerships with local farmers, regional food hubs, and local businesses to develop programming that fits the needs of each of these stakeholder groups. Lastly the coordinator will provide regular project updates, monthly, to the Food Chain staff and the Friends of Finland Director.Objective 6-Meat Processing Research and Exploration: The coordinator for the meat processing project will focus on research rather than program development, to determine if a program should be developed at all. This coordinator will study other small, rural models of meat processing statewide and nationally. They will also survey the need for small meat processing regionally, determining how many producers would use a meat processing facility and what the impact on the local food system would be. The project lead will also meet regularly with local people and producers to actively engage people in the research process. At the end of the project timeline, the coordinator will have a recommendation on whether to develop a meat processing facility & program or not.Objective 7-Farmer Training Program Development: The project lead, already present on the Food Chain staff, will meet with Wolf Ridge farm manager, Sarah Mayer, to plan a farm apprenticeship training program at the Wolf Ridge Farm site. The two coordinators will develop a curriculum plan, capital campaign, and apprentice recruitment over the next year.Objective 8-Community Education Programming: A number of Food Chain staff, each with varying areas of expertise, will gather the information and personnel necessary to develop and conduct community education classes in collaboration with the North Shore Agroecology Center. The staff will begin the project by sending out a survey through our regular media outlets and newsletters suggesting class topics and also inviting people to suggest or champion classes. This survey will guide the classes that we conduct. The staff will then develop each class by gathering resources and teachers as needed. After the course curriculum is developed, the classes will be advertised at local businesses, on media outlets, through newsletters, and the local newspaper. Registration for the course will be available through our website.