Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
This project seeks to address the lack of professionally trained agricultural workers in tree management. Labor shortages in the arboriculture sector are being experienced throughoutthenation.InPuertoRico,trainedtreeprofessionalsareneededsinceagroforestrysystems (AFS) are increasing in the island, and tree management in AFS is critical for crop and forage productivity, and hurricane and earthquake farm preparedness. This project will develop and implement an Associate's Degree Curricular Sequence in Arboriculture of UPR-Utuado andaTreeManagementCertificatethatwillaidinthetrainingofthenextgenerationoftreeworkersin our region.TheprogramswillbeopentoPuerto Ricoresidentsandthosewillingtorelocatetotheisland.Althoughtheprogramswillhaveonline components, tree management training requires face-to-face immersive instruction. The main goal of the proposed project is to increase the number of agricultural workers trained in tree management.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories
Goals / Objectives
The goal of the proposed project is to increase the number of agricultural workers trained intree management.The project has six target objectives to achieve its goal. The six project objectives are:1. Objective 1. Develop 8 new courses about tree management for DAT-UPRU Associate DegreePrograms.2. Objective 2. Create one new curricular sequence about tree management for DAT-UPRUAssociate Degree in Horticulture Program.3. Objective 3. Create one Professional Certificate in Tree Management for the retraining ofagricultural workers.4. Objective 4. Train 15 Associate Degree students to achieve the competence for ISA Certified® level of knowledge and skills.5. Objective 5. Retrain 15 agricultural workers to achieve the competence for ISA Certified® level of knowledge and skills.
Project Methods
This educationprojectwillcreatetwotrainingprogramsintreemanagement.TheArboricultureCurricularSequence(ACS)withintheAssociateDegreeofHorticulturewilltarget graduating seniors or other students entering the Associate Degree in Horticulture. TheTreeManagement Certificatetargets agricultural workers that wish to obtain retraining in tree management. The proposed training programs will lead to an agricultural workforce better prepared to manage trees in agricultural areas.The PD and Co-PD will be responsible for the management and proper administration of the project. They will meet weekly to discuss project activities and milestones. They will meet monthly, or as needed, with the project external evaluator to discuss project evaluation activities. To achieve Objectives 1, 2 and 3, the PD and Co-PD will dedicate the summer, and 25% of their time during the academic year of Year 1 for the development of the 8 new courses, and creation of the two training programs. Activities related to Objectives 1, 2 and 3 include: course design, coursecreationatUPRU,programcreationatUPRU,andpurchaseofnecessarycoursematerials andequipment.Inaddition,recruitmentactivities(explainedbelow)forthefirstgroupofstudents will take place during Year 1 of the project.Years2,3and4oftheprojectwillbededicatedtotheachievementofObjectives4,5and6.AftercoursesandprogramsarecreatedinYear1,studentrecruitmentactivitieswilltakeplace. Recruitment activities of students will include high school visits, announcements through UPRU social media, participation in radio, podcasts and TV shows and diffusion through UPRU alumni networks, and the PD and Co-PD's professional networks. Recruitment activities of agricultural workerswillincludethesamerecruitmentactivitiesasforstudents,inadditionto presentationsto the PR Farmer Association, USDA-NRCS field technicians and Extension Service agents. The PD, Co-PD, Mrs. Roman and UPRU personnel will be involved in student recruitment activities. Project participants will be selected based on past-experience, interest, capacity for program completion,GPAandaninterviewprocess. RecruitmentactivitieswillbeheldfromOctoberuntil January, and the selection process will be held from February to March of each project year. The same calendar of recruitment and selection will be followed after project funding ends.StudentswillcompletetheirAssociateDegreeinHorticultureandArboricultureCurricularSequencein two years. They will take the ISA Certified Arborist Exam in May, after they have completed all their coursework. The first group of students will graduate in Year 3 of the project. The second group of students will graduate in Year 4 of the project. The third group of students willgraduateafterprojectfundingends.WorkerswillcompletetheTreeManagementCertificateinoneyear.TheywilltaketheISACertifiedArboristExaminJuly,aftertheyhavecompletedall their Summer Practicum. The first group of workers will complete the certificate in Year 3. The second group of workers will complete the certificate in Year 4. The Co-PD will be responsible for the academic counseling of participating students and workers. The PD and Co-PD will be responsible for the teaching of the new coursework, facilitation of the summer introductory internship and the hiring of experienced adjunct teaching faculty. After participants complete the program,agroupchatwillbemaintainedtocommunicateprofessionalopportunities.Inaddition, itisexpectedthatparticipantswillbecomemembersofISAandwillbelistedintheISACertified Arborist database.