Progress 05/15/23 to 05/14/24
Outputs Target Audience:For reporting year: MASTs - Master Agriculture/Sci/Social Studies Teachers - 6 full time, 2 honorary/part time,from all the populated Hawaiianislands except Lana'i. 5 are K- 8 Public School teachers, 1 is a junior extension agent, 1 is in aMasters in ConservationBiology program at UH Manoa and 1 is educational consultant, Teacher-users - 64from the state of Hawaii from all the populated islands. The target for the reporting year was 50 teacher-users and we are pleased to have served more. This increased impact is attributed to the MASTs conducting more than one Professional Development course. Students of the MASTs and teacher-users - 1280. This number is based on an average of 20 students reached per teacher trained. Changes/Problems:In Year 1, the SOAR core team and the 6 MASTs reviewed and analyzed all the place-based agriculture literacy/food systems resources available. After this exercise, it became apparent that 4 sets of resources needed to be further curated and improved. This is twice as many as mentioned in the SOAR proposal. The MASTs have completed curating and adapting two resources. There will be 2 more to work on in the coming reporting year. The acceptance of the above change leads to the following interconnected (positive) changes. The need for one more immersion to work on the additional 2 sets of resources The need for more support from the web-designer/web-master at UH Manoa College of Education, as now the searchable database website will have twice as many resources to sort, tag, organize etc. Larger Cohort 2. All the 6 MASTs from Cohort 1 want to return, and with the inclusion of "new-blood" of 3 - 4 new MASTs, Cohort 2 will have 9 - 10. The original design was 5 - 6. This however enables us to complete the review and improvement of the additional 2 sets of resources. Thus, the main challenge will be to find/raise supplementary funding to cover the additional costs - approximately $20,000 is needed. The Core Team is writing smaller proposals to private funders seeking the $20,000. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?1. MASTs professional development.Three immersive trainings were designed for Cohort A, strategically held on O?ahu (small, urban island), Hawai?i Island (large, rural island), and Moloka?i (small, rural island). Each of these islands have different agricultural systems, from small-scale urban hydroponics to large-scale ranches, thus offering different opportunities forkilo -deep, sensory observation and scientific inquiry, SEL and Systems Thinking. In between each training there were bi-weekly (once every two weeks)video-conference sessions providingcontinued support and creatinga very vibrant and strongcommunity of practice. 2. Aina-based Learning for Social Justice.In this workshop series, educators learn and practice techniques for delivering aina-based lessons and activities that address their students' and community's social justice concerns within the food system, while also connecting with a range of local organizations that facilitate hands-on malama aina stewardship from mauka to makai. The first workshop will serve as an introduction to theories and practices for using culturally-grounded, place-based experiences to facilitate research, discussion, and action around social justice issues that impact students and their communities. In the following three workshops, participants will visit sites around Kona to learn from and work alongside the kiai, kahu, and stewards of community-based organizations that work to restore and conserve culturally and ecologically-significant places. 3. All About Ulu. This credit-earning professional development course was offered to teachers within the Hawai'i Department of Education (HIDOE) during the spring 2024 semester. Forty three teachers from 22 PreK-12 schools on 5 islands completed the 14-week course. Learning Objectives. Participants will be able to: Recognize the benefits and cultural importance of 'ulu (breadfruit) Plant and care for 'ulu trees (mulch, fertilize, water, prune, harvest) Prepare and enjoy 'ulu as a healthy staple starch Design or adapt and instruct a lesson related to 'ulu trees in their educational spaces with the integration of Na Hopena Ao (HA) and Hawai'i Core Standards (including but not limited to English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and/or Social Studies) Increase their connection to community resources Strengthen their connection to place 4. Intern/Graduate Assistant trainings. Our intern/GA has joined us in all our gatherings and meetings, supporting us on the logistical end. He has also taken the lead on the searchable database website development, thus receiving training from the web-designers/masters at UH Manoa College of Education on website development. He is currently in a Master's Program for Public Health. His work with SOAR led him to co-create a summer gardening and food camp for children at transitional housing which he will teach this summer 2024. The MASTs have mentored him in this process as well as supported his research into garden-based education and therapy. This impact was not designed in the original proposal but is one of true uplifting. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?
Nothing Reported
What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Goal 1: Recruit and train 10 MASTs Master Agriculture/Science/Social Studies Teachers in Leadership Skills All six MASTs are returning, so we are adding 3 - 4 new teachers for a large cohort. The original design had five to six MASTs per cohort, Cohort 2 will have 9 - 10. The original proposal included only two immersions for Cohort 2, however upon feedback and input, we will now have three (3) immersions. This is so that we can accomplish Goal 3a since we have an additional 2 sets of resources to update. This does mean seeking supplemental funding for the additional work and immersion. The MASTS in Cohort 1 are co-leading the first immersion for Cohort 2 to be held in Maui, July 22 - 25, 2024. Immersion 2 will be on Hawai'i Island, Nov. 8 - 11, 2024, and Immersion 3 will be on Kauai Island (Date TBD). Goal 2a: MASTs apply their leadership skills and develop teacher training for 100 teachers. Cohort 2 will co-design, -develop and -implement one to two more PD (professional development courses). Goal 2b: MASTs develop best practices manuals for teacher training. This will be a large focus for Cohort 2. The Hawai'i Department of Education's (HIDOE) School Garden Specialist is now part of the Core Team, and will be co-leading this effort with the PD ensuring the best practices in the Manual align with the HIDOE standards, expectations and new strategic plan. Goal 3a: the curation and improvement of the place-based agriculture literacy/food systems resources There are two more sets of resources to improve, two more than in the original design. We will need to look for supplemental funding in order to achieve this additional element in this goal. Goal 3b: the development of the searchable database website. This work will continue right to the end of the project (May 2026) as there are now an additional two sets of resources to include. We will need to look for supplemental funding in order to achieve this additional element in this goal.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Goal 1: For this reporting year, we recruited and retained 6 MASTs. Goal 2a: The 6 MASTs used their kilo, SEL and Systems Thinking Skills to develop and teach two teacher professional development courses - Aina-based Learningfor Social Justice, and All about Ulu, reaching 64 teachers. More courses will be developed and taught in the coming reporting year. Goal 2b: next reporting year Goal 3a: in-progress. The SOAR core team and the 6 MASTs reviewed and analyzed allthe place-based agriculture literacy/food systems resourcesavailable.After this exercise, it became apparent that 4 sets of resources needed to be further curated and improved. This is twice as many as mentioned in the SOAR proposal. The MASTshave completed curatingand adapting two resources. There will be 2 more to work on in the coming reporting year. The SOAR Core Team is also in the process of looking for supplementary funding as there are twice as many sets of resources to curate and improve. Goal 3b: in progress.The searchable database is currently being created by partners (web-designers) at the UH Manoa College of Education. They are also working on a landing page to access all the resources.There will be more to report in the coming reporting year.