Source: ADVENT INNOVATIONS LTD CO submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jul 1, 2023
Project End Date
Feb 29, 2024
Grant Year
Program Code
[8.13]- Plant Production and Protection-Engineering
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Peach thinning is a major expense for peach farming operations, accounting for 60% of the total cost during annual maintenance. The commonly used bloom thinning methods include hand, chemical, and mechanical thinning. Hand thinning and mechanical thinning are the most widely used, but these methods are labor intensive, inaccurate, and have no built-in intelligence to properly guide the thinning process.In this project, Advent Innovations, in collaboration withthe University of South Carolina and Titan Farms in Ridge Spring, SC, isdeveloping a Smart Vision and AI-driven Peach Thinning Software (A-EYE) for accurate and efficient thinning of peach blossoms. By implementing artificial intelligence, the A-EYE software will be capable of real time decision making for faster and more accurate thinning, which is essential during the short thinning period available. Vision processing tools and advanced machine learning techniques will be used to actively identify productive blooms by determining the bloom density and color distribution, leading to significant time and cost savings and increased fruit size and profitability of an orchard. Unlike other purely data-driven AI methodologies, the proposed A-EYE software will uniquely utilize organic information, such as human knowledgebase and experiences, along with the thinning requirements practiced by peach farms. This AI-driven visual processing unit will be integrated with a portable device (tablet, laptop, etc.) to guide the thinning process in real time.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The overarching goal is to develop a Smart Vision and AI-driven Peach Thinning Software for accurate and efficient thinning of peach blossoms. There are three associated objectives for this goal:1. Develop computer vision system for estimating peach bloom density and distribution in real-time:This objective will be achieved by using an RGB color decoder to digitally dissect each pixel and assign an appropriate color index that matches with a priori distribution of bloom colors. Drone-driven data-mapping will be used toacquire images from different angles to better determine the distribution.2.Build an intelligent software to classify the peach bloom that requires thinning:This objective will be achieved by using unsupervised K-means clustering followed by a GMM algorithm to determine bloom density, and a supervised segmentation procedure uisng a deep convolutional neural network for color calibration and classification.3.Provide recommendations for thinning action -- Go (keep the bloom) and No-go (remove the bloom):This objective will be achieved by using the bloom density and color classification from above, along with ahuman-based decision-making process for thinning by the farmers. Using machine learning, an AI system will be developed based on an artificial neural networkto provide autonomous thinning decisions through a tablet or laptop.
Project Methods
In this project, a smart vision system will be developed and integrated with an intelligent decision-makingsoftware to help guide the peach bloom thinning process. The vision system will be designed to detect and quantify characteristics of the peach bloom, such as the bloomdensityand color classification. The decision-making software will be designed with a neural network trained from a digitizedhuman knowledge base about bloom thinning, and it will use the quantified peach bloom density and colorto makego/no-go decisions regarding bloom thinning.The vision system and decision-making software will be evaluated though individual tests covering functionality of the software, including the internal interfaces between the modules and submodules as well as the external interface to the Digi-Farm database. Validation of the underlying algorithms to quantify their performance will include cross-validation techniques to systematically evaluate the robustness of the proposed framework. To do this, a sensitivity analysis of the system to perturbations (e.g. changes in bloom density, localization, likelihood function, uncertainties in limit states) will be investigated. Parameters, as well as the interaction between specific parameters that drastically affect the fragility of the decision, will be isolated as specific parameters of interest that will require extra attention from the farmers.

Progress 07/01/23 to 02/29/24

Target Audience:The primary target audience for this project is peach farmers in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Florida, and California. In addition to peaches, other specialty fruit crops that require thinning are nectarines, apricots, plums, and apples, and farmers of these crops will also be a target audience. In addition, the vision-assisted AI can be trained to thin both the blooms and the fruits for these crops, as well as vegetables like carrots, beets, turnips, radishes, spinach, cilantro, parsnips, etc.The A-EYEtechnology can also be adapted for early detection of disease in fruit trees, orchards, and other specialty crops. In addition to the agriculture industry,the A-EYE technology can also be adapted and integrated with existing vision sensors in manufacturing and surveillance industries, including autonomous vehicles for identifying road activities and unmanned aerial vehicles for search-and-rescue. These industries would be future target audiences. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?University of South Carolina students were trained to analyze images of peach trees and identify blooms along the branches. The students used their training to annotate hundreds of images and place bounding boxes around thousands of peach blooms to support the computer vision models. Advent engineers were trained by farmers in the art and science of peach bloom thinning, learning the steps and thought processes that experienced farmers use to make thinning decisions. This knowledge was then digitized and used to develop a rules-based expert system to provide real-time thinning recommendations. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?A summary of this Phase I project and outcomes of the research and development have been disseminated to several recipients. In addition to the University of South Carolina and Titan Farms (who are both project team members), the research and development work has also been shared with the South Carolina Research Authority (SCRA), the South Carolina Department of Agriculture (SCDA), the SCDA's Agribusiness Center for Research & Entrepreneurship (ACRE), Palmetto Agribusiness Council, Clemson University Center for Agriculture Technology (CU-CAT), and South Carolina and Georgia farms, including Big Smile Peaches, Black's Peaches, Shuler Peaches, Heritage Farms, McLeod Farms, Jerrold A. Watson and Sons, Chappell Farms, Dickey Farms, Pearson Farms, and WP Rawl. Advent has also reached out to farms and organizations in California, including Masumoto Farms, Brandt Farms, Dry Creek Peach Farms, Hudson Farms, and the Almond Board of California. We presented the work to these groups to extend our contacts in the agriculture industry, get feedback on the technology, and explore future collaborations. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? 1. Develop computer vision system for estimating peach bloom density and distribution in real-time: The approach to meet this objective was to utilize a color calibration chart (SpyderCHECKR 24) to help calibrate to a consistent color appearance under different lighting conditions. Prior to processing, the drone/phone/tablet camera captures an image of a SpyderCHECKR 24 chart, and a convolutional neural network is used to detect the chart and identify its orientation. A color calibration matrix (CCM) is then automatically derived from the chart's color patches and then applied to every pixel in all subsequent images/video frames captured during that session. The color calibration and correction technique enables accurate measurement of peach bloom density and distribution on individual trees, lots, and entire orchards from images and streaming video. 2. Build an intelligent software to classify the peach bloom that requires thinning: This objective was achieved by employing an object detection procedure using a deep convolutional neural network to detect peach blooms. Once detected, an algorithm was developed to determine the depth and 3D spatial location of each bloom. The 3D spatial location of each bloom is used to distinguish blooms belonging to a tree of interest from those on trees in the background. This methodology enables the ability to obtain rapid bloom counts on individual branches, trees, rows, and lots, which farm managers need to prioritize thinning and maintenance activities and estimate crop yield. 3. Provide recommendations for thinning action -- Go (keep the bloom) and No-go (remove the bloom): This objective was achieved by using the bloom density, distribution, count, and spatial location from above, along with a human-based decision-making process for thinning by the farmers. Using machine learning, an AI system was developed based on a rule-based expert system to provide autonomous thinning recommendations in real-time. The recommendations are displayed in real-time in an augmented reality interface that provides the total bloom count and highlights which blooms to remove to maximize production. The A-EYE software is expected to eliminate the training time and considerably reduce the thinning time, reducing the expenses of peach farms by 50% while bringing a new capability to the market.


  • Type: Other Status: Accepted Year Published: 2024 Citation: Beard et al., "Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence for Crop Thinning," Provisional Patent Application, No. 63/664,214, Jun 2024.