Source: GLOBAL NEIGHBOR, INC. submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jul 1, 2023
Project End Date
Feb 29, 2024
Grant Year
Program Code
[8.13]- Plant Production and Protection-Engineering
Project Director
Jackson, J.
Recipient Organization
DAYTON,OH 454594802
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
The world's population is growing, increasing food demand far beyond arable land availability, so producers need a way to increase their yield using current acreage. Low-cost methods to increase yields in the reality of changing environmental stress is critical to agriculture production, and new economical and environmentally friendly seed priming techniques can provide this increase despite changing climate and environmental conditions.It is widely understood that getting crops started earlier helps them compete with weeds. Higher germination rates result in more uniform stands, which has been shown to have a 9-22% increase in crop yields, increasing producer profitability without increasing land requirements. GNI's Directed Energy Seed Priming (DESP) technology provides a way to increase germination rates and hasten emergence of seeds, seamlessly integrating with existing practices without adding labor or having any environmental impact.This proposal is centered around determining the technical viability of an aftermarket upgrade kit for the integration of DESP into a commercially available planter. GNI will also further quantify the market potential of a DESP-enhanced planter, and the impacts such a product will have on farmer productivity and profitability. By the end of this project, GNI, with the support of collaborator CNH Industrial (CNH), will have verified the feasibility of a DESP aftermarket upgrade kit for a commercially available CNH planter, at the specified power levels and targeted price and profitability points. The specific objectives to achieve this are:1. Design DESP prototype,2. Validate DESP prototype with field trial,3. Refine DESP row-unit design into full-planter commercial implementation, and4. Disseminate findingsPhase I will provide a detailed design of a commercially viable product, ready to be used for soybeans. Seed priming on row crops with DE holds the promise of sustainably increasing output from each acre by 5-10%, providing a broad societal benefit of increased food security, and the adoption of more sustainable farming practices. With the U.S. soybean market being on the order of $50B, if soybean output could be increased by 5%, the proposed effort holds the promise of boosting U.S. agricultural output by over $2B/year for domestic soybean producers, representing a tremendous return on investment for the project.With the results of Phase I, GNI, its collaborators, and the broader ag research community will understand the effectiveness of DE seed priming and its viability as a scalable solution. The outcome will stimulate follow-up research into other crops where priming would be of significance. Phase II will expand research across full growing seasons to better understand the potential and test across other commodities.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
This proposal is centered around designing an aftermarket upgradekit for the integration of DESP into a commercially available planter. The technical viability ofon-farm, field-scale, mobile deployment of the technology as a seamless integration onto existingplanting equipment and processes (technical feasibility) has not yet been established. GNI mustalso quantify the market potential of a DESP-enhanced planter, and the impacts such a productcould have on farmer productivity and profitability (commercialization feasibility).1. Design DESP (directed energy seed priming) prototype: Design a mobile DESP solution, in the form of an aftermarket retrofitkit. Demonstrate feasibility by installing prototypes for a specific planter currently in the market.2. Validate DESP prototype with field trial: Plant a test soybean crop with the DESP prototype tovalidate proper operation, and measure results to quantify the benefit of the DESP treatment.3. Refine DESP row-unit design into full-planter commercial implementation: Refine andoptimize the design at a retail sales price that is commercially attractive for all stakeholders.4. Dissemination of findings: Disseminate research findings among relevant stakeholders
Project Methods
Technical approach: This proposal is centered around designing an aftermarket upgradekit for the integration of DESP into a commercially available planter. The technical viability ofon-farm, field-scale, mobile deployment of the technology as a seamless integration onto existingplanting equipment and processes (technical feasibility) has not yet been established. GNI mustalso quantify the market potential of a DESP-enhanced planter, and the impacts such a productcould have on farmer productivity and profitability (commercialization feasibility).Role of proposed research: The role of the research is to determine the feasibility of anon-planter DESP system through prototype design and testing, prepare a design to scale thetechnology into a full planter implementation for further research, including across othercommodity types, and share findings to spur further innovation.

Progress 07/01/23 to 12/20/23

Target Audience:The target market for DESP is farmers who own and operate their own planters. There are >625,000 planters operating worldwide, and >125,000 operating planters in the US.Although directed energy seed priming (DESP) could be deployed on any OEM's planter, GNI is assuming here it will engage initially with CNH, based on their interest in the technology, and strong market position. Approximately 25% of the planters in the US were manufactured by CNH, or 31,250 planters. In the time horizon presented here, the serviceable market is a $374M opportunity ($15,600/unit * 31,250 units). Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The techniques being used in this Phase 1 SBIR are not well researched and as such, many opportunitiesexist for university lead or participation in research into GNI's short duration high intensity blue/MIR exposures. Texas A&M in already engaged as evidenced by Muthukumar Bagavathiannan, PhD (Billie Turner Professor of Agronomy, Chancellor's EDGES Fellow'21 , Department of Soil and Crop Sciences) and Sarah ChuPhD Student at Texas A&M recent presentations. Additionally, University of Idaho's Dr. Joan Campbell, PhD, University of Idaho, Weed Scientist is now researching our technology as well as several others both in the US and Australia. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Yes, a recent article was published and several farm operators responded with calls and emails. Additionally, Texas A&M's presentation of results were presented to a select group of researchers. April 25, 2023 (No-Till Farmer) "Light Stimulation Boosts Seed Germination": Light Stimulation Boosts Seed Germination ( What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? All major goals of the project were achieved and the large OEM, CNH commented on how fast the team was able to create a new prototype and get into a field condition in only 6 months. On November 9, the GNI team met the CNH team at the CIH facility near Peoria, IL to install the demonstration prototype on CNH's "Early Riser" planter. On 2 rows, we added our seed stimulation prototype row units and powered them independently. The prototypes install within a couple hours and started to work immediately. Nearly all aspects worked to the design specification with a single exception; the bulk feed rate was reduced from a "choke" point in the flow. This minor correction will be addressed in Phase 2. Texas A&M completed a series of tests showing the system stimulated soybeans and these levels of energy were transposed to the seed stimulation prototype. Additionally, the team developed a water absorption test to quickly measure if the soybeans received the proper dosing. Texas A&M along with GNI conducted stimulation on corn seeds and found a different intensity formulation that showed promise from the testing including in this phase 1. This work will continue into Phase 2 Texas A&M student Sarah Chu presented the results at a conference to the Tri Societies in early November both on the seed priming as well as the weed seed destroyer - both projects funded in part by USDA. She acknowledged the USDA connection.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: 1. April 25, 2023 (No-Till Farmer) â¿¿Light Stimulation Boosts Seed Germination⿝: Light Stimulation Boosts Seed Germination (
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: