Source: PITCH AERONAUTICS INC. submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jul 1, 2023
Project End Date
May 16, 2024
Grant Year
Program Code
[8.4]- Air, Water and Soils
Recipient Organization
BOISE,ID 83716
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Our water, air, soil, farms, and forests depend on birds as vital natural resources. Birds consume insects, pollinate plants, disperse seeds, and maintain wetlands. Unfortunately, transmission line collisions kill 57 million birds annually in the United States. Installing markers that help birds see and not hit power lines can decrease bird collisions by more than 70%. Today, power linemen use bucket trucks and helicopters to install these lightweight devices on live electrical cables. However, the extreme risk and substantial cost required to install these reflectors limit widespread adoption.Pitch Aeronautics has built a drone designed for up-close inspections that leverages a cyclorotor for precision lateral positioning and wind tolerance and a unique configuration for placing 5-25 lb payloads next to structures. This SBIR phase I research will develop a novel flight control method to allow this drone to perform touch-based installations of bird diverters through systematic computer modeling, sub-component experiments, and flight testing. It will also create a new state estimation algorithm that fuses several electromagnetic field and other sensors to localize the drone relative to an energized power line. This state estimation system will be tuned and evaluated via laboratory experiments. Phase I research will culminate in using the drone to install a bird diverter on a de-energized cable and laboratory proof-of-concept of the sensor system. The proposed phase II development will combine these technologies to commercially demonstrate bird diverter installation on an energized power line. Ultimately, Pitch Aeronautics can substantially lower bird casualties with this bird diverter installation drone.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Major Goal: Demonstrate bird diverterinstallation by Astria Hybrid Cyclorotor Drone on a de-energized cable.Key research objectives to achieve major goal:1. Complete subcomponent experiments of cyclorotor and lift motors2. Integratesubcomponent experiment data into the flight dynamics model3. Upgrade flight control system based on improved flight dynamics model4. Perform test stand tests to evaluate improved flight control system5. Perform flight test to evaluate improved flight control system6. Upgrade flight dynamics model based on data from test stand and flight test experiments7. Demonstrate bird diverter installation on de-energized cable.2. Major Goal: Demonstrate a state-estimation system adjacent to a simulatedpowered cable in the laboratory.Key research objectives to achieve major goal:1. Develop state-estimationmodel to test sensor algorithm2. Develop sensor algorithm3. Test sensor algorithm in model4. Improve sensor algorithm based on model testing5. Construct lab experiment6. Evaluate sensor algorithm and sensors in lab experiment7. Integrate lab experimental data into state estimation model8. Integrate lab experimental data to improve sensor algorithm
Project Methods
Pitch Aeronautics will use a model-based control design strategy to accomplish this innovative research. First, a computer model will be developed for flight dynamics in free and contact flight domains. To improve the components in this model, we will perform thrust-stand tests of the drone propellers and cyclorotor to identify their time-dependent thrust characteristics. Next, a novel flight control strategy will be developed in the model to accommodate flight in both regimes. Following control system computer development and testing, the drone will be flown on a test stand that simulates free flight (pitch, roll, and yaw rotation as well as vertical motion).Finally, we will perform a systematic flight test program that will culminate in installation of bird diverters on a de-energized cable. Flight near energized power lines requires a novel state-estimation system. Existing state-estimation systems reference the earth's magnetic field and GPS for heading and position updates, respectively. Since both are unreliable near high-voltage transmission lines, a new sensor system and state-estimation strategy are required. This SBIR phase I research will integrate sensors to determine the drone's position and direction from a power line. Novel algorithms will be required for this unique sensor integration. We will develop a unique algorithm to reference surrounding objects for state estimation. Phase I research will develop this state-estimation system through a laboratory model and experiment. First, we will build out the proposed algorithm and test in on the computer in simulated flight. We will construct a laboratory apparatus that mimics a high-voltage power line to validate and refine our state-estimation strategy. In summary, our key efforts are: 1. Research developing a flight control system for a hybrid cyclorotor drone enabling contact with a cable. 2.Reserach developing a sensor package and algorithm to enable state estimation for a drone near an energized power cable.Our key evaluation studies/steps are: 1. Perform model evaluation of flight control algorithm for cable interaction. This includes generation of simulated flight data from model showing that control system and detect and respond to contact with a fixed cable in flight. 2. Perform test stand evaluation of flight control algorithm for cable interaction. This includes generation of experimental data from onboard sensors showing that drone responds acceptably to interaction with a fixed cable on a laboratory test stand. 3. Perform flight evaluation of flight control algorithm for cable interaction. This includes generation of experimental flight test data from onboard sensors showing drone responds acceptably to interaction with a fixed cable in flight. Additionaly a video will provide a qualitative analysis of this evaluation step alongside the quantitative flight test data. 4. Perform model evaluation of state estimation system sensor algorithm. This includes generation of data showing projected uncertainty of algorithm near simulated cable. 5. Perform experimental evaluation of state estimation system sensor algorithm. This includes generation of uncertainty data between the actual and estimated position of a sensor system near a simulated cable.

Progress 05/17/23 to 05/31/24

Target Audience: 1. Power Utilities - a new method for installing bird diverters will increase safety and decrease costs. 2. Farmers - a reduction in bird casualties providing increased consumption of insects by those birds. 3. Bird Hunters - a reduction in bird casualties will boost populations and allow for greater intentional take of game fowl. 4. Outdoor Recreation - the general public will benefit from preserving natural resources. 5. Electric Utility Ratepayers - users of electrical energy may benefit from decreased rates associated with utility installation costs for bird diverters. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?As part of this project Pitch involved 3undergraduate students and 1 graduate student. These students obtained first had professional experience in mechanical engineering, engineering design, manufacturing, and testing. Zachary Adams (PhD) and Aykut Satici (PhD), the projects Co-Directors directly mentored these students and provided engineering and scientific oversight, training, and direction. Alex Peterson, a Graduate student successfully defended his Masters thesis in part due to the research performed under this Ph I SBIR. Additionally, Pitch Aeronautics sponsored several individuals under the Department of Defense Skillbridge Program which enables military veterans to obtain professional civilian experience prior to departing the military. We sponsoed Skillbridge interns which assisted with the execution of this project primarily in the areas of drone operations and drone maintenance and repair. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Pitch Aeronautics has disseminated the results of this Ph I effort to several communities of interest. Pitch engineers and staff participated in a local school STEM event which taught students about drone technology and career paths in engineering. The aim was to encourage students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math through fun and interactive engagement. Pitch attended two Avian Powerline Interaction Committee conferences which were attended by several stakeholders within the industry including utilitity personnel, wildlife conservation groups, and others. During both events, Pitch staffed a table to share our technology including our drone platform and our bird diverter product which helps birds see and avoid power lines. Finally, Pitch held several informational sessions with utilities intersted in deploying our bird diverter product on their power lines. During these engagements, Pitch educated utility personnel on the benefits of our bird divertersand capabilities of our drone platform to install these components. As a result of these informational sessions, Pitch has submitted quotes to interested utilities in excess of 8,000 units. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Pitch Aeronautics accomplished both major goals during the SBIR Ph I effort. Major Goal: Demonstrate bird diverterinstallation by Astria Hybrid Cyclorotor Drone on a de-energized cable. Pitch Aeronautics successfully developed the control system for physical contact with a power line cable and demonstrated the installation of multiple bird diverters in a single flight. This required first maturing the flight control system so that the drone could fly sufficiently precisely to touch a power cable and updating the flight control system to maintain stability when in contact with a power cable. That engineering development allowed Pitch Aeronautics to demonstrate the first bird diverter installation of a single bird diverter in April 2023. Next, Pitch Aeronautics advanced the drone control system to allow detection and compensation for aircraft center of gravity changes--this enabled the installation of six bird diverters in a single drone flight in August 2023. In the course of flight testing, Pitch Aeronautics was able to show that the cyclorotor could help reject small-scale wind disturbances and improve control authority. Major Goal: Demonstrate a state-estimation system adjacent to a simulatedpowered cable in the laboratory. Pitch Aeronautics and Boise State University worked to advance a state-estimation system to improve control performance next to energized power lines. The aim was to combine electric and/or magnetic field sensors with cameras and time-of-flight (distance measuring) sensors for determining the position and orientation of the drone relative to the power line. Our team developed a unique methodology for leveraging the oscillating electric-magnetic fields for positioning and tested the method in a computer simulation. Next, we built a laboratory apparatus that creates a magnetic field similar to that of high-current power lines and designed and built a custom magnetic field sensor array for drone state estimation. We performed numerous tests of the sensor next to the line and demonstrated that we could determine drone heading and bearing to the power line. These experiments successfully demonstrated the overall navigation methodology and identified problems with data acquisition that need correcting prior to commercial implementation. Data from the experiments was used to tune our algorithms and state estimation model.
