Progress 07/01/23 to 06/30/24
Outputs Target Audience:1. Poultry scientists. A brief summary of preliminary findings was provided to scientists atUSDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory. In addiiton, a preliminary CRADA was agreed to by CTG and this laboratory. Changes/Problems:Problems: 1. Approval for the CRADA with ARS was substantially delayed due to factors outside of our control. Because this CRADA was critical to the collection of relevant chicken breast data, we elected to file a no cost extension to extend the duration of the effort by roughly 1 year. Changes: 1. The initial proposal targetted only a free-space microwave system. It was determined that an existing CTG system would be a promising candidate system for obtaining lower frequency measurement data. In addition, this system, if found to be more or equivalently accurate, would have be easier to integrate into existing lines. Because of this, we elected to evaluate both systems (high-frequency frees-pace transmission and low-frequency near-field reflection) for their suitability as screening tools. In addiiton, the expanded frequency range of the permittivity acquired by both systems will add value to further development of microwave models of woody breast. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The project has exposed several junior engineers and technicians to food science industry and given them an opportunity to work with biological specimens. In addiiton, the CRADA (signed after this reporting period) is planned to provide for significant technical exposure for one graduate student to both poultry science and microwave electronics. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Preliminary findings on the viability of microwave evaluations methods were communicated verbally to poultry scientists. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?A CRADA with cost-sharing agreeement has been signed (effective 07/01/24) to allow for colloborative data collection between CTG and ARS. With this, data will be collected on both microwave systems and correlated to other physical measurements including a munual grading for woody breast. Following the data collection, stastical analysis will be performed to determine the relationship between measured parameters and the chicken quality. A mock-up prototype of a in-line processing system for demo purposes will be assembled and evaluated for commercial potential.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
1. Preliminary simulations were conducted for two different sensor concepts (with multiple variations) to determine sensitivity to permittivity changes in chicken breast. The permittivity changes were derived from literature values and were used as a guide to determine whether a given variant of a system would generate high quality signals. 2. None - currently awaiting data. 3. Following 1, microwave measurement systems were downselected based on expected signal quality. A free-space (nominally 2-18 GHz) system was tested, from which it was determined that a transmission based system with an aperture could provide permittivity data in the lower part of the band under laboratory conditions. Further, a lower frequency system (30-600 MHz) operating in reflection mode was found to have sufficient skin depth to obtain a reasonanble sample of the chicken breast permittivity. This system could present significantly fewer complications with regard to integration of microwave testing in a production line.