Progress 05/01/23 to 04/30/24
Outputs Target Audience:The target audiences reached by our efforts during this reporting period include fellow scientists and students, through efforts including seminars at professional conferences and institutional speaking events, laboratory instruction and formal classroom instruction. Changes/Problems:One of the two graduate students working on this project was awarded a two-semester scholarship, meaningthat we have spent less money so far than originally projected and can either extend the period of work or add to the personnel working on this project. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Guest lecture about genetic modification to study cannabinoid biosynthsis in industrial hemp given by a graduate student to an audience of undergarduate students in the Virginia Tech School of Plant and Environmental Science Crop PHysiology and Ecology course. Laboratory instruction to teach molecular biology, bioinformatics, plant tissue culture, cell biology, and biochemistry to two graduate students and one undergraduate research assistant. One-week plant transformation and regeneration workshop attendance for one graduate student at theWisconsin Crop Innovation Center. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Poster presentations and seminars given at professional conferences and invited institutional seminar series. Conversations with local (Virginia-based) hemp growers and breeders. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Clone additional transcription factor and cannabinoid biosynthetic genes. Generation of additional stable transformants (cell suspension and potentially whole plants) with overexpression of candidate transcription factors. Gene regulatory network analysis using transient transformation of protoplasts and RNA-seq analyses. Further metabolite analyses in transgenic cuyltures using LC-MS. Publish two or more papers in peer-reviewed journals.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Cloning of several transcription factor genes as well as a number of cannabinoid biosynthetic pathway component genes from industrial hemp genotypes. Generation of a cell suspension culture with stable conditional overexpression of a candidate transcription factor as well as a control cell suspension with stable conditional overexpression of green fluorescent protein. RNA-sequencing analysis of the effects of conditional overexpression of a transcription factor, specifically looking at the regulation of cannabinoid biosynthetic genes. Establsihment of Yeast-1-hybrid, qRT-PCR, and transient transformation of protoplasts assays to validate RNA-seq results. Targeted metabolite analyses (LC-MS) of cannabinloid production in transgenic cell suspension cultures, both in cells and spent medium.