Source: SAINT NORBERT COLLEGE INC submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Oct 15, 2022
Project End Date
Oct 14, 2025
Grant Year
Program Code
[A7201]- AFRI Post Doctoral Fellowships
Recipient Organization
DE PERE,WI 54115
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Nitrogen is one of the most important factors affecting crop yield. Therefore, it is critical to understand how plants sense, take up, use, and store nitrogen. Upon sensing the supply of nitrogen, gene expression in a plant changes at genome-wide scale, allowing the plant to effectively uptake and assimilate nitrogen. We recently found that a gene encoding an amino acid transporter undergoes "isoform switching" in response to changes at nitrogen levels: when nitrogen is abundant, the gene is expressed at full length, but when nitrogen is depleted, a shorter version is expressed. We hypothesize that the full-length transporter functions to transport amino acids into the vacuole to store excess nitrogen when nitrogen is abundant. When nitrogen is limiting, the shorter version is deployed to shut off amino acid transport. The goal of this project is to test this hypothesis by i) understanding the regulatory mechanism of isoform switching; ii) determining the biochemical function and interactions of the full length and shorter version isoforms; and iii) understanding the role this gene plays in maintaining nitrogen status in planta.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The major goals of this project are to understand the regulation and function of an amino acid transporter that undergoes isoform switching in response to different nitrogen conditions and to provide interdisciplinary training to undergraduates at a primarily undergraduate institution. The objectives of this project to assist in meeting these goals are as follows:Research objectives:1. Probe the regulatory mechanism of alternative expression of isoforms of AVT1B.2. Determine the subcellular localization, biochemical function, and interaction of AVT1B isoforms.3. Elucidate the in planta function of both isoforms of AVT1B.
Project Methods
In order to fulfill the research objectives of this project, the project director will employ the following methods:>RO1.1: Determine the TSS of transcripts of AVT1B. To experimentally validate that isoform switching of AVT1B is due to alternative TSSs, I determined the TSSs using RACE. Briefly, WT Arabidopsis seedlings treated with +N or -N were harvested for RNA extraction. TSSs were determined by 5'-RNA Ligase Mediated (RLM) RACE using the FirstChoice® RLM-Race Kit, followed by sequencing. I identified three major TSSs for the long isoform and two major TSSs for the short isoform.>RO1.2: Evaluate RNA polymerase II occupancy at AVT1B. To further differentiate between alternative TSSs and alternative splicing, I will determine whether Pol II occupancy is changed in response to N in a manner correlated with alternative transcription by ChIP-qPCR. ChIP will be performed using antibodies against Pol II Ser2P and Ser5P as previously described. I will evaluate Pol II occupancy, specifically Ser5P/Ser2P ratio, at each TSS by qPCR using gene-specific primer pairs. Expected and alternative outcomes: I expect to detect significant enrichment of Pol II Ser5P (high Ser5P/Ser2P) at TSS1 in +N, consistent with expression of AVT1Blong, and a high Ser5P/Ser2P ratio at TSS2 in -N, supporting that an alternative TSS is responsible for the isoform switch. Conversely, if high Ser5P/Ser2P is observed at TSS1 regardless of N conditions, it would indicate the isoform switch is caused by alternative splicing of the same pre-mRNA, requiring further studies into underlying mechanisms.>RO1.3: Profile the chromatin landscape at the AVT1B gene locus. Here, I will probe whether histone modifications could serve as a mechanism to affect alternative transcription of AVT1B. WT plants will be treated with +N or -N as described above. ChIP will be performed as in RO1.2 with antibodies against H3K4me3 and H3K9me2. Following ChIP, qPCR with primers for TSS1 and TSS2 will be used to determine their local histone modification patterns. Expected results: Since H3K4me3 and H3K9me2 are associated with activation and repression of transcription initiation, respectively, I expect that in the presence of N, H3K4me3 will peak around TSS1 and H3K9me2 will be detected around TSS2 to repress transcription of AVT1Bshort. In -N, H3K4me3 will peak around TSS2 and H3K9me2 will be observed around TSS1. This would support that N-dependent chromatin landscape could regulate alternative promoter use.>RO2.1: Evaluate the subcellular localization of both isoforms of AVT1B. I will construct four constructs - i) p35S::YFP-AVT1Blong , ii) p35S::AVT1Blong-YFP; iii) p35S::RFP-AVT1Bshort , iv) p35S::AVT1Bshort-RFP,- and transform into the avt1b knockout background, to determine the localization of both isoforms. I will test the isoforms separately first, then test the two isoforms together to determine if AVT1Bshort affects the localization of AVT1Blong. To prevent masking of signals at either termini, the fluorescent protein will be fused to both N- and C-terminals. Different fluorescent markers will be used for AVT1Blong and AVT1Bshort to allow expressing both isoforms together to test their interaction. The use of avt1b mutant as background will minimize interference caused by endogenous AVT1B. Expected and alternative outcomes: This subaim will uncover the subcellular localization of the two isoforms with a few possible outcomes: i) both AVT1B isoforms are vacuolar, ii) AVT1Blong is localized to the vacuole, but presence of AVT1Bshort prevents it from reaching the vacuole, or iii) AVT1Blong is vacuolar, while AVT1Bshort is localized to another membrane. It is also possible that the transporters localize to other organelles or the cell membrane.>RO2.2: Determine transport activity of AVT1B isoforms. I will use a yeast system to determine the transport activity of AVT1B isoforms. Specifically, cDNA of AVT1Blong and AVT1Bshort will be cloned into pYES-DEST42 (Invitrogen). Resulting constructs (pYES-AVT1Blong and pYES-AVT1Bshort) will be transformed into yeast WT strain BY4741 and Δavt1 (obtained from Horizon Discovery). ScAvt1p is the closest yeast homolog to AtAVT1B, and thus knockout of this gene should allow for less background uptake of amino acids. Both yeast strains will be transformed with empty vector, pYES-AVT1Blong, pYES-AVT1Bshort, or both together. Vacuoles will be purified from transformed yeast via ultracentrifugation and incubated with 3H-labeled amino acid (or 3H-glucose as a negative control) for 1, 3, or 5 minutes. After washing, amount of radioactive amino acid will be quantified by scintillation counting. Detection of radioactivity in the vacuole that is significantly higher than the negative control after incubation with a specific 3H-labeled amino acid (e.g 3H-Gly) would support that the isoform transports that amino acid into the vacuole.>RO2.3: Determine whether AVT1Bshort and AVT1Blong physically interact. BiFC will be performed using BiFC vectors that contain the N- or C-terminal of YFP (referred to as NY and CY) from Walter et al. to generate the eight constructs shown in Fig. 5. To avoid spatial effects that may cause false negatives, the fusions will be placed in both orientations. The pairwise combinations of constructs will then be transiently expressed in tobacco leaves by infiltration and fluorescence will be examined by confocal microscopy. A vector with the full coding sequence of YFP will be used as a positive control, and the empty vectors as a negative control. Expected results and alternative approaches: I expect to observe YFP fluorescence only when AVT1Blong and AVT1Bshort fused with complementing YN and YC are co-expressed, suggesting AVT1Blong and AVT1Bshort physically interact. This assay will also allow me to visualize where the interaction occurs in the plant cell. If there is weak expression or too much background expression of YFP, I will use split ubiquitin-based membrane yeast two-hybrid (MYTH) as an alternative, which is an adaption of traditional yeast two-hybrid used to determine interactions between membrane proteins.>RO3: Elucidate the in planta function of both isoforms of AVT1B.I am currently in the process of generating avt1b mutant lines. I am using a CRISPR-Cas9 approach to knockout the short isoform and both isoforms. As an alternative, I am also overexpressing the long and short isoform independently in wild type (WT) Arabidopsis.In planta assay of N-use traits: WT, avt1b mutants, and the isoform-specific transgenic lines will be first grown in normal growth conditions and then treated with either sufficient N (5 mM KNO3) or N depletion (5 mM KCl) for six days to determine the effect of AVT1B isoforms on plant N use. After N treatments, shoot and root fresh weight will be measured, and chlorophyll content will be analyzed spectrophotometrically. Vacuoles will be purified from leaf-derived protoplasts, and amino acids will be extracted and quantified by GC-MS as previously described from leaves and purified vacuoles to determine the effect on amino acid profiles.In planta assay of transcriptome: In order to capture the downstream effects of alternative expression of AVT1B, I will evaluate transcriptomes of the mutants described above compared to WT in +N and -N conditions. Plants will be collected at 0 and 2 hours after N treatment. RNA will be extracted from three pooled seedlings for three biological replicates for each sample using the Qiagen RNeasy Plant Mini Kit and used for RNA-Seq library construction and sequencing with Novogene. RNA-Seq reads will be trimmed using Trimmomatic and aligned to the Arabidopsis genome using TopHat2. The gene counts will be generated using featureCount and normalized using EDASeq. Expression will be compared between mutants and WT with DESeq2 to determine the gene networks that are affected by the function of the two isoforms.

Progress 10/15/22 to 10/14/24

Target Audience:During this reporting period, the project director mentored and trained twoundergraduate students in the lab. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?This project allowed for an undergraduate to work in the labfull time over the summer. Two undergrads were able to work on the project and be trained in basic plant biology and molecular biology techniques. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? For research objective 1, we did qPCR to validate our RNA-seq results andRACE to determine the transcription start site for both the long and short AVT1B isoform. For research objective 2, we completed cloning for amino acid transport assays and began establishing yeast protocols in the lab. We have preliminary data for the localization of AVT1B proteins in the cell. In the future, we hope to determine whether AVT1BL and AVT1BS are functional amino acid transporters and determine their specificity. For research objective 3, we screened AVT1B T-DNA insertion lines for a nitrogen phenotype. The lines didn't behave the same, perhaps because one of the insertions is in the promoter, so we designed CRISPR-Cas9 constructs, one that should target both isoforms and one that should only affect the transcription start site of the short isoform, and transformed wild type Arabidopsis using Agrobacterium-mediated floral dips. We are still working on purifying transgenic lines in order to evaluate the effect of AVT1B isoforms on plant growth and development.


    Progress 10/15/22 to 10/14/23

    Target Audience:During this reporting period, the project director mentored and trained an undergraduate student in the lab. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?This project allowed for an undergraduate to work in the lab during the semester and full time over the summer. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Research Objective 1: Probe the regulatory mechanism of alternative expression of isoforms of AVT1B. We will investigate chromatin status around the AVT1B locus in plants with or without nitrogen. The project director will perform the analysis of chromatin status in collaboration with Dr. Li. Research Objective 2: Determine the subcellular localization, biochemical function, and interaction of AVT1B isoforms. To determine the biochemical function of the AVT1B isoforms, we will test amino acid transport activity using yeast mutants. Research Objective 3: Elucidate the in planta function of both isoforms of AVT1B. Wewill isolate homozygous transgenic lines and assay their nitrogen responses to tease out the importance of this isoform switch. I am also planning to perform RNA-Sequencing (RNA-Seq) on avt1b mutants to identify downstream genes affected by AVT1B isoforms, providing molecular explanation of the altered N phenotype and providing new targets for engineering increased N use efficiency. We will assay amino acids in the mutants versus wild type to determine what effect knockout or overexpression has on amino acid homeostasis.

    What was accomplished under these goals? For research objective 2, we completed cloning for amino acid transport assays and began establishing yeast protocols in the lab. In the next year, we hope to determine whether AVT1BL and AVT1BS are functional amino acid transporters and determine their specificity. For research objective 3, we screened Arabidopsistransformed with CRISPR-Cas9 constructs to knock out the isoforms separately. In the next reporting period, we hope to isolate and phenotype mutant lines.
