Source: UNIV OF WISCONSIN submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2022
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2025
Grant Year
Program Code
[LQ]- AgrAbility
Project Director
Recipient Organization
21 N PARK ST STE 6401
MADISON,WI 53715-1218
Performing Department
Biological Systems Engineering
Non Technical Summary
Farming is a way of life, not just a business. A disability, injury, chronic condition, or the effect of aging no longer signifies the end of a farming career. For 30 years, the AgrAbility of Wisconsin (AAW) Project has provided services to farmers, farmworkers, and farm family members with disabilities or limiting work conditions, enabling them to safely continue or return to the farm and avoid secondary injuries. The AAW partnership creates a unique, well-rounded program by combining the disability and rural rehabilitation expertise of the Easter Seals Wisconsin (ESW) FARM program and the agricultural and educational knowledge of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension (UWEX).The AAW Project addresses all four AgrAbility program areas: education and training, networking, direct assistance, and communication and marketing. To continue to build awareness through education, AAW will provide presentations, training, and webinars to state health, agriculture, and government service providers. AAW, in collaboration with local schools, Cooperative Educational Service Agencies (CESA), and the WI Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR), will provide an Agricultural Career Exploration course to youth and young adults with disabilities interested in or currently involved in agriculture.The AAW Project will provide direct assistance to 125 new and returning/continuing farmers and farm workers with disabilities annually and accept 75 new referrals each year. The minority farmer rate in WI is 0.74%. AAW will provide 4% direct assistance estimated to be 3 farmers yearly. AAW provided 7% direct assistance to Veteran farmers in the last four years and will continue to maintain that percentage with plans of increasing awareness. Annually, ESW Rural Rehabilitation Specialists will perform 125 farm worksite visits in-person and/or virtually depending on continuing COVID-19 pandemic challenges; enhancing collaboration with DVR to achieve an estimated 20% of worksite assessments for WI DVR.AAW is the only entity in Wisconsin that provides specialized education and technical assistance to farmers with disabilities. Agricultural professionals do not often possess disability/rehabilitation expertise, and vocational rehabilitation professionals may not possess the knowledge of agriculture, economics, and equipment to make recommendations for farm site and equipment modifications.AAW has made significant impacts on Wisconsin agriculture by providing services to over 3,300 farmers, farmworkers, and families since its inception. A strong 30-year partnership between ESW and UWEX has been key to making Wisconsin's project one of the most successful in the country. In 2020, NAP reported that SRAPs served 1,403 clients; AAW served 341 clients or 25% of the national total. In addition to the number of farmers served, over 90% of farmers served by AAW returned to farming.According to reported national AgrAbility demographics over the last 30 years, AAW has an exceptional record of serving an average of 30% of the national total AgrAbility clients. Despite the struggles during the Coronavirus Pandemic, we adapted our services to meet project goals for each funding cycle. Over the last four years, AAW achieved the following accomplishments: 1) Direct assistance to 258 new clients to date (estimate 305 by project end; goal 305), 1484 total services to new and continuing farmers to date (goal 525), and 478 worksite visits to date (estimate 550 by project end; goal 550), 2) Education on farm culture and accommodating disability in farming to health, agricultural and government service providers, e.g. rural health practitioners, DVR, future health professionals, ag. equipment dealers, 3) Marketing activities included expanding social media and updating website, quarterly newsletter, brochure, radio interviews, newspaper articles, project display, utilization of Extension, Assistive Technology Exchange website promotion, and AAW created targeted materials for project awareness to minority populations, 4) Networked with governmental, agriculture, and health organizations; AAW clients participated in an expanded Farmer Network, hosted three Neighbor-to-Neighbor meetings annually, and served on the AAW Advisory Council, which provided project feedback each year.AAW excels through partnerships and collaborations and continually strives to expand resources to assist farmers with their operations. In 2017, AAW and DeLaval, Inc. collaborated to initiate the "DeLaval and AAW Farmer Assistance Program," providing AAW dairy clients a significant discount on their carrier rail system and milking unitsIn 2010, NIDDR awarded ESW, in partnership with UWEX, a three-year grant for the Agricultural Assistive Technology Training project, providing in-person training on the AAW Project model in five states and creating and conducting an online training course nationwide to 250 VR counselors. Evaluation data showed improved competency to provide services to farmers, with participants reporting an average increase of 66% in the number of farmers with disabilities served in the six months post-training.ESW successfully secured private funding in 2021 from Otto Bremer Trust, increasing AAW's capacity by serving an additional 30 farmers with disabilities annually in Wisconsin. ESW has also received funding for the last three years from Compeer Financial to assist farmers across the state.AAW's sustainability and commitment to serving Wisconsin farmers have been highlighted over the years by increasing community support. In 2016, AAW received the Spirit of Bob Henry Award and a silver award from Disability Rights Wisconsin. AAW receives community support through Compeer Financial, Rural Mutual Insurance, Arlington Lions Club, and Vita Plus, AAW will continue to build on such relationships and expand the network of community support to assist with program sustainability including WI Farmers Union and WI Farm Bureau Federation.AAW continues to collaborate on research led by NAP, reviewing the impact of State and Regional Projects (SRAPs) services through pre-service and post-service quality of life surveys. Of the 1080 pre-surveys collected from participating SRAPs, Wisconsin contributed 557 survey responses, and of the 461 total post-surveys, Wisconsin contributed 241 survey responses. AAW will benefit from the resources provided by the NAP and will continue to participate and make use of collaborative demographic analysis, project impact measured by the McGill's Quality of Life survey, and the NAP website.AAW has continued to use alternative practices when working with minority populations, such as UWEX county agents with a strong relationship in the Hispanic and Hmong communities accompanying AAW staff on farm site visits. AAW has consistently increased the clients served over the life of the program and have added at least 70 new farmer clients per year. Through the data collected in survey responses pre-and post-service, AAW has been able to adjust the project to improve the effectiveness of services provided to farmers.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Education:AAW will educate healthcare, journalism, and engineering students about farm culture, accommodating disabilities of farmers through assistive technology, promoting safety, preventing secondary injuries, and services using farm visits, presentations, case studies, and printed resources to share information.AAW will educate government service providers about farm culture, accommodating disabilities of farmers through assistive technology, promoting safety, preventing secondary injuries, and AAW services, using farm visits, presentations, case studies, printed resources, and group discussions to share information.AAW staff will provide educational opportunities to agricultural providers, such as agricultural product and equipment dealerships, about accommodating disabilities of farmers through assistive technology and AAW.AAW will provide collaborative educational opportunities to national and state organizations involved with diversified cultures in Wisconsin to increase knowledge of AAW services, accommodate disabilities of farmers through assistive technology, avoid secondary injuries, and identify farmers and farm workers with disabilities within targeted communities.AAW will increase awareness of AAW services and agricultural opportunities in rural communities for youth with disabilities involved with or interested in agriculture.Networking:AAW will strengthen and maintain relationships and partnerships with government organizations to provide services, equipment, and modifications, and network to better assist AAW clients.AAW staff will collaborate with health and disability organizations that work with clients with disabilities in Wisconsin to provide and collect information and ideas regarding assistive technology.AAW will network with federal and state government and ag agencies to increase awareness of AAW and the willingness to share information with farmers. Collaboration with these agencies will provide information and ideas and other resources that will aid farmers and farm workers with disabilities.AAW will recruit and utilize former and current AAW clients to increase project capacity through networking, information sharing, equipment exchange, and advisory roles so that information and resources are dispersed across the state and services and funds are secured. Clients will provide a unique service by describing the AAW Project and process, sharing ideas, and offering peer support through activities with potential clients and agriculture, industry, and healthcare professionals.AAW will seek input from the AAW Advisory Council regarding planning, appraising goals and activities, promoting services, and supporting the project.An annual, informal regional meeting will be organized by AAW Project staff to gather former, current, and potential AAW clients to allow farmers to develop private networks of support and to create links with AAW, partner organizations, and local equipment vendors.AAW will invite representatives from state agencies to present biannually at AAW Project meetings to share information to increase awareness of resources for farmers and farmworkers with disabilities.Direct Assistance:ESW will provide individualized rehabilitation services to farmers and farmworkers with disabilities and their families at their farm or worksite. The rehabilitation services will:Design a rehabilitation plan that develops goals to meet the specific disability-related needs of the client to increase client and farm operation success;Facilitate contact between the client and a network of service providers, product suppliers, and manufacturers, as well as community and peer support networks;Provide educational resources to the client and their family; andEncourage the client to contact the Farmer Network composed of past AAW clients.AAW will evaluate and measure the project impact, trends, and client satisfaction each year, to improve project services and activities.Each year, AAW will evaluate and measure the project efficacy for improvement of client services and project activities.Marketing:AAW will fund activities to create awareness of accommodating disabilities in farming to individuals and organizations that provide products and services to farmers. Information and technical advice regarding equipment, modifications, and assistive technology will be collected in an accessible and usable format and distributed.AAW will increase awareness in rural communities about farming with disabilities and AAW services through traditional and social media, trade shows, and presentations.
Project Methods
AAW staff will train health providers, medical organizations, and health care students about farm culture, assistive technology needs of farmers, avoiding secondary injuries, and AgrAbility resources. Curriculum specific to Wisconsin. AAW will train 1) individuals and groups in agricultural services, farm and financial organizations, and equipment dealer associations about assistive technology needs of farmers, avoiding secondary injuries, and AgrAbility services and 2) government service providers about farm culture, assistive technology needs of farmers, avoiding secondary injuries. UW Division of Extension statewide and county faculty will identify and provide services to farmers with disabilities. AAW will collaborate with state organizations involved in diversified cultures of Wisconsin to create training opportunities to increase awareness of AgrAbility, avoiding secondary injuries.Former AAW consumers volunteer to participate in the Farmer Network by discussing their experiences with peers in their community. AAW will develop and provide opportunities for sharing information on farming with disabilities, rehabilitation services, and assistive technology among farmers with disabilities through neighbor-to-neighbor meetings. An advisory council will provide guidance in planning and appraising goals and activities, promoting services, and supporting the program. AAW will consult the AAW Focus Group of past consumers to appraise, review and make suggestions about current and future programs and activities. AAW staff will collaborate with health and disability organizations that work with clients with disabilities in Wisconsin to provide and collect information and ideas regarding assistive technology, health care, and programs that will aid farmers and farm workers with disabilities. ESW will network with agricultural and adaptive equipment dealers to increase awareness of AAW and willingness to sell adaptive equipment to farmers served by AAW.ESW will provide individualized rehabilitation services to farmers with disabilities and their families at their farm or worksite. The rehabilitation services will: 1) design a rehabilitation plan that develops goals to meet the specific disability-related needs of the individual to increase the customer and farm operations success, 2) facilitate contact between the individual and a network of service providers, product suppliers and manufacturers, and community and peer support networks, 3) provide educational resources to the individual and their family, 4) encourage the individual to contact he farmer network of former consumers of AgrAbility of Wisconsin services. Each year, AAW will appraise consumer satisfaction with program services and their individual outcomes and evaluate and measure the project efficacy for improvement to client services and project activities.

Progress 09/01/23 to 08/31/24

Target Audience:Farmers and ranchers with disabilities, vocational rehabilitation counselors, healthcare professionals, veterans and veteran organizations, Amish and Mennonite populations, Hispanic population, Hmong population, 4-H, FFA, Wisconsin farm-based operations. Changes/Problems:Within the reporting year we unfortunately lost our outreach specialist, Andrea Klahn, due to needing to spend time with family. We have since hired a new AgrAbility Program Coordinator, Michelle Bachand who started June, 2024. AAW is happy to have her on board and will continue our high levels of productivity with Michelle's help. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?AAW participated in the National AgrAbility Training Workshop in 2024. This event was attended by both PI's of the project. Jeff Kratochwill participated in several sessions where he presented and participated in a panel discussion. Another professional development training that AAW hosted was a "Day on the Farm" with our Wisconsin Department of Vocational Rehabilitation counselors and administrators. In November, 2023 we hosted four virtual training sessions covering dairy, beef, row crop, and small farm/CSA production systems. This was followed by an in-person training at the Marshfield Agricultural Research Station where we presented a case study of an AgrAbility client who received DVR services. Then we moved to the farm where counselors received hands-on training on operating ag machinery, UTV's, cattle handling, and milking operations. For the online training events we had 100 attendees per session and the in-person event had 50 attendees. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Several popular press articles, newsletters, and online videos were produced over the reporting period. These are listed in the "other products" section of this report. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?AAW will continue to maintain our direct service levels to meet the goals of the proposal. Our education and marketing objectives are on-track and we intend to maintain the effort there with newsletters, in-person trade show attendance, and social media presence. We are also working to change our Neighbor-to-Neighbor meeting format to work directly with equipment dealerships where their client base can be utilized to spread the word about AgrAbility services.

What was accomplished under these goals? AgrAbility of Wisconsin (AAW) currently has 349 active clients. During the reporting period, AAW had 30 new clients and 20 reopened clients which placed us at 53% or our goal of 75 new/reopened clients for the grant cycle. EasterSeals of Wisconsin performed 28 on-farm site assessments in collaboration with the Wisconsin Department of Vocational Rehabilitation. Eight of these on-farm site assessments are currently open and we exceeded our goal of 25 site assessments for the grant cycle. We have continued to meet our goals outlined in the AgrAbility proposal and continuation justification in 2023. We have attended multiple trade shows and events while maintaining a strong social media presence. We hosted our advisory council in November, 2023 where a status update was given to stakeholders. We hosted neighbor-to-neighbor meetings throughout the year where AgrAbility services were displayed and discussed with a regional reach. Finally, we have continued our work with disabled youth across the state providing agricultural career exploration experiences. A list of our events attended and workshops hosted is provided below: Trade show: World Dairy Expo October 1-6, 2023. Trade show: Farm Bureau Convention December 2-3, 2023. Trade show: Farmers Union Convention December 10-11, 2023. Trade show: Wisconsin Agribusiness Council Classic January 9-10, 2024. The AgrAbility Summit was completed on January 24, 2024 in partnership with the Wisconsin Farmer Veteran Coalition in Plover, WI at the Food and Farm Exploration Center. Presentation: Driftless Regional Beef Conference January 25-26, 2024 (150 attendees) Presentation: Eastern WI Regional Ag. Day February 29, 2024 (125 attendees) Jeff Kratochwill co-presented (along with Ned Stoller from Michigan AgrAbility) at the National AgrAbility Conference in Atlanta Georgia on March 26, 2024. The presentation title was "Creating Reliable Plans for DIY Assistive Technology". Jeff Kratochwill represented AAW on a panel discussion at the National AgrAbility Conference on March 27, 2024. The panel presentation was "Destigmatizing disability within the farming community". Trade show: WPS Farm Show April 23-25, 2024. Jeff Kratochwill co-presented with Dick Straub at the DVR Wisconsin Rehabilitation Counsel on May 9, 2024, in Plover, WI. Jeff Kratochwill co-presented (along with Paul Jones from NAP) at the National Symposium for Rehabilitation Counseling on May 22, 2024, in Madison. The presentation title was "Collaborations to Address the Needs of Agricultural Workers with Disabilities" AAW attended (trade show booth) at the Wisconsin FFA Convention Expo on June 12, 2024. Michelle Bachand presented an overview of AAW at a professional development field day for Extension Agriculture Educators (Western Region) on June 25, 2024.


    Progress 09/01/22 to 08/31/23

    Target Audience:Farmers and ranchers with disabilities, vocational rehabilitation counselors, healthcare professionals, veterans and veteran organizations, Amish and Mennonite populations, Hispanic population, Hmong population, 4-H, FFA, Wisconsin farm-based operations. Changes/Problems:Agriculture in Wisconsin continues to evolve, with an increased number of smaller dairy farms selling their herds and fewer young people going into farming. This creates a more limited group of prospective clients for AAW, as historically most of the clients served were dairy farmers. Since this project started, a significant number of farmers have retired and operations have consolidated to larger and fewer farms. An effort to increase awareness of the project and its services is underway for new farming audiences, which includes smaller market-garden and CSA type operations. While reception of AAW messages and services to this group has been positive, there has not been a significant increase in enrollments. Continued education and outreach will be needed for new sub-segments of the industry in order to sustain our project goals. Staffing is also a challenge for this project. The 2022-23 year began with a brand new Outreach Specialist, following a three-month vacancy. The 2023-24 will also experience staffing difficulties again, with the new Outreach Specialist leaving and potential retirements on the ESW staff side. This is also a great opportunity for the project to re-evaluate systems and roles and make changes to be more efficient moving forward. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?ESW staff provided a course to 19 youth with disabilities interested in a career in agriculture, teaching the students about the possibilities of careers in agriculture and coordinating tours of agricultural businesses. AAW provided one college graduate student with the opportunity to expand their marketing and communication skills by providing a summer internship, in collaboration with the UW's Agriculture Research Station's summer intern program. Students learned about strategies for marketing through digital media and trade show marketing, as well as interviewing and article writing skills. AAW and ESW continued our effort to increase awareness of the needs of farmers with disabilities with the Wisconsin Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) by attending quarterly DVR All Partners Work Group meetings. There was no formal training held by AAW in this grant year, however plans are underway to update online trainings for fall 2023 and host another in person training in spring 2024. Online training presentations from the previous grant year are still accessible on the AAW YouTube channel. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?AAW and ESW are participating in developing a survey with the Wisconsin Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) to gather information on why farmers are not completing the DVR process to receive funding to acquire assistive technology. This survey will be distributed and analyzed by Wisconsin DVR to inform and improve their interactions with farmers and hopefully regain trust in the agricultural community. AAW publishes an annual report of results, which is provided directly to key stakeholders on the Advisory Council and published on the AAW website for the public to view. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?AAW will continue to expand on the outreach efforts with continued and increased collaboration with supporters and other agriculture industry groups. Per the last reporting cycle, AAW made a slight change to the Neighbor-to-Neighbor meeting format and hosted one of these events at an equipment dealerships. The first annual FARM ON! farmer education event was held on January 6, at Carl F. Statz & Sons in Waunakee, Wis. A local farm broadcasting celebrity MC'd the event and our colleagues from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection presented as well. This partnership resulted in much wider outreach and larger attendance than a traditional on-farm event. In addition, AAW worked with a local grain elevator, Didon Grain LLC, and was invited to present at their farm safety event. Attendance was six times greater for this event than a traditional AAW Neighbor-to-Neighbor event, and going forward more of these opportunities should be utilized to maximize outreach for our project while also minimizing cost for the program.

    What was accomplished under these goals? AgrAbility of Wisconsin (AAW) served 390 farm clients in the demographic year (September 1, 2022 - August 31, 2023). Of these clients, we had 53 new and re-opened, 69 closed clients, and 103 on-site farm visits completed by staff from our nonprofit partner Easterseals of Wisconsin (ESW). Outreach and education activities made up a large part of the effort for AAW. Over the year, AAW attended or hosted 1 events for audiences including occupational therapists, physical therapists, rehabilitation counselors, other rehabilitation professionals, occupational therapist assistant students, and high school agriculture students. In an effort to reach university students, Assistive Technology topic was a part of the curriculum in an introduction to freshmen level, introductory engineering design course in the Biological Systems Engineering (BSE) Department at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. This topic involved designing a transfer seat for an Action Track Chair to allow disabled farmers to easily move from their wheelchairs to the seat of the Track chair. Approximately 7 students were involved in the design process and benefitted from interacting with AAW's Outreach Specialist on the topic. AAW attended the 2023 National Training workshop, held in Spokane, Wash., and presented a poster on the topic of engaging engineering students with the project, outlining the work done in these BSE undergraduate classes. A meeting of the AAW Advisory Council, representing the Wisconsin education, agricultural and health communities, was held to gather feedback and input for improving the education and assistance to farmers with disabilities. This meeting was held in person on November 3, at the University of Wisconsin's Agricultural Research Station Public Events Building in Arlington, Wis., and we had 16 Advisory Council members attend and 8 AAW staff. It was great to be in person once again, after years of virtual meetings, and there was very good interaction and input from the council members. Two related articles were published in one of the state agriculture papers outlining the efforts of AgrAbility and advertising our services to Wisconsin Farmers. The annual AgrAbility of Wisconsin Summit was held on April 6, 2023, at a new location, the Cranberry Creek Lodge in Tomah, Wis. The event focused on Veteran farmers and mental wellness, with 45 attendees from veteran agencies and other service group, in addition to the traditional audience of past and current clients and supporters. We had presentations for a full day. Topics included FSA program opportunities specifically to SDA farmers and Veterans, farm business planning, soil health, and farmer wellness. Lunch was provided for the farmers to allow for networking. AAW also attended 24 tradeshows, event presentations, outreach and educational activities both in-person and virtually reaching out to our target audiences.
