Progress 07/30/23 to 07/29/24
Outputs Target Audience:The New Mexico AgrAbility project focuses on the NM farmer populations affected by impairments leading to conditions of disability. The target audience includes White/Caucasian, Hispanic/Latino, Native Americans, and African American. Also identified were veterans, aging and beginning farmers, women in agriculture, and individuals/family members impacted by disabilities. Changes/Problems:Because of the reported personnel changes, there is a change in the need for funding at NMSU for personnel (salary), and the request is being made in the proposed budget & justification to utilize that portion ofthe (NMSU) funding (not the partners) instead for the expenses of increased evaluations and assesments for clients, as that is where the funds are needed as the NMPA incerases its activities and familarity with the farming community. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?August 1, 2023: NMAP had a booth and presented about AgrAbility to the (86) farmers attending the Field Day at The NMSU Ag Science Center in Clovis, NM. August 18, 2023: NMAP presented at the NM Occupational Therapy Association conference about AgrAbility to (40) rehabilitation professionals and seniors across the state. August 24, 2023: NMAP presented to the (40-50) attendees at the "Here to Help, NM" Farmer Stress Summit, a mental health resource for farmers and ranchers developed by the NM Farm & Livestock Bureau in Albuquerque. November 13, 2023: NMAPwas asked to present twice atthe 43rd NM Conference on Aging, educating rehabilitation professionals and seniors across the stateon aging. The presentation was offered to New Mexico seniors live in Albuquerque and was viewable live and via recordings at senior centers throughout the state (app. 140 in attendance). November 20, 2023:New Mexico AgrAbility Project (NMAP) welcomed a 10-member reorganized advisory council and had a very productive meeting discussing ongoing and planned activities and receiving a host of excellent suggestions and ideas from a very engaged council. November 2023: UNM's Mary Thelander conducted field work with 3 OT interns (clinical rotation) at Mandy's Farm with a focus on objective assessments that can help understand the fine motor, gross motor, muscle strength, balance and visual perceptual skills of farmers and ranchers with intellectual and developmental disabilities. November 2023: seven teams of UNM OT students completed ergonomic research posters to improve rehab professional knowledge of the needs of food producers. Subjects included beekeeping, pecan/pistachio farming, red/green chili farming, ranching, dairy production, poultry farming, and irrigation management. December 4-6, 2023: New Mexico State University team members participated in the "Mental Wellness Conversation Curriculum" training hosted by Montana State University. NMAP plans to provide this stress assistance information to its clients and other interested groups. December 22, 2023: New Mexico AgrAbility Project's (8) apprentices wrapped up their first year of the apprenticeship program. These apprentices will return for year two of the program in February 2024 to continue developing their agricultural and workplace readiness skills through individualized internships in their desired agricultural employment areas with a focus on business and marketing. February 20, 2024: NMSU and NMTAP presented to theNavajo Sustainable Agriculture Projectin order to improve knowledge about NMAP for the Native American community, 16 people attended the event. March 26-27, 2024: NMAP had 3 presentations accepted at the 2024 NTW in Atlanta: May 16, 2024: the NMAP director gave an Introduction to NMAP to (48) students attending the 6-week U.S. Dairy Education & Training Consortium (USDETC) held in Clovis, NM. The USDETC is a multi-university organization established to train and educate the next generation of dairy professionals and is attended by students from universities across the country. OT students UNM's OT faculty have continued to work closely (12-week clinical rotation) at Mandy's Farm with several OT students focusing on objective assessments that can help understand the fine motor, gross motor, muscle strength, balance and visual perceptual skills of farmers and ranchers with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Apprentices Mandy's Farm supported 7 farm apprentices with disabilities in completing year 1 (of 2) of their apprenticeship programming consisting of 24 hours a week of agricultural instruction and field work hours. In February 2024 the seven full-time apprentices began Year Two of their apprenticeship training, with 12 hours of their week now spent off-site interning at a local community farm to gain increased independence, solidify skills learned, and broaden their agricultural professional networks. In March 2024 Mandy's Farm also began a pilot On-The-Job Training program at our farm site to support four part time interns with disabilities to learn agricultural fundamentals, these individuals participate in 12 hours a week of hands-on field experience. Mandy's Farm is in the process of partnering with NMSU to develop its adaptive agricultural curriculum into an online micro-credentialed course which can be offered to other individuals with disabilities throughout the state.Mandy's Farm was featured in theLos Ranchos Village Vision(page 30)for its AgrAbility-funded apprentice training program. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Marketing and Networking Various networking opportunities presented itself in this second year of funding and all partners (NMSU,NMTAP, UNM and Mandy's Farm) have seen opportunities to promote AgrAbility in general, and the New Mexico AgrAbility Project in specific. September 11-12, 2023: NMAP at the NM Assistive Technology Conference (2023 NMACTion Annual Conference) for more than 200 attendees from all over New Mexico. October 26, 2023: NMTAP at the Rio Rancho Public School Transition Fair, est. attendance 150. October 28, 2023: Mandy's Farm at their Annual Harvest Festival, estimated attendance 75. Spring 2023, NMAP released aprogram newsletter. Estimated circulation/distribution 100. Summer 2024, NMAP released aprogram newsletter. Estimated circulation/distribution 100. An important part of the Marketing and Networking effort for NM AgrAbility is the monthly e.note. It allows the project to show fellow AgrAbility projects and other readers what NMAP is doing, and as a result other programs interact based on our announcements while our program staff ends up participating ion other state programs. Our estimation based on 300reads per e.note (via NAP) for the 12 times the e.note is published is that NMAP connects with 600 contacts throughout a funding year (this may be a very conservative estimate). Through the New Mexico State University (NMSU) Cooperative Extension system, NMAP continues to participate in conferences and agriculture-related events with the goal of raising awareness of AgrAbility. Field Days at Ag Science Centers (August 6, 2023/24), Joint Stockman's Convention (December 14-17, 2023/24) provides team members continual opportunities to interact with NM Cattle Growers and other producers through hosting an informational booth. AgFest, Santa Fe, NM (February 16, 2023), is one of the premier events for leaders in NM agriculture to interact with legislators and their staffers during the 60-day legislative session. We see many follow-ups and inquiries as a result from this blanket kind of events. New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museumin Las Cruces is scheduling to inaugurate the AgrAbility Museum Exhibit on November 1, 2024, an adaptive farming exhibit, telling the personal stories of how the AgrAbility project has affected the lives of people in New Mexico, the work the partners in this project do in this space, and the opportunities the project provides for the farming community in general and farmers affected by limitations in specific. As a result of the exhibit at the F&R museum, NMAP was successful in applying for the2025 NAP NTWto be hosted in Las Cruces at the F&R Museum, March 24-27, 2025. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Continue to expand the New Mexico AgrAbility Project in terms of scope and impact. As familiarity with the program increases, so seemsto be the number of clients seeking evaluation and assessments of their situation and NMAP may provide referrals for assistance. Continue to promote, network and market the AgrAbility mission amongst the farming community through all means available to the partners in the program. One unique opportunity which presented itself is being able to participate with the New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum in Las Cruces in collaborating to developan AgrAbility exhibit, as discussed above under accomplishments. Hosting the AgrAbility National Training workshop (NTW) is another unique opportunity to promote and highlight the NMAP activities and programs. NMAP will host the 2025 NTW in Las Cruces at the Farm & Ranch Museum in March 2025. A "Day on the Farm:" much like the successful WI AgrAbility program targeting DVR counselors is being planned for either the fall 2024 or the spring of 2025 at one of the (12) NMSU Ag Science Centers.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
For year 2 of the funding cycle the New Mexico AgrAbility Project(NMAP) team and its partners continued to build on the activities from Year 1, and the momentum garnered from the previous funding cycle(2018-22).Direct Assistance, Education and Networkingcontinue to be the 3 corepillars of the activities employed, while marketing of the AgrAbility efforts has become increasingly a powerful tool to give the young New Mexico AgrAbility Project more visibility in the rural communities. We continue to find that AgrAbility despite its almost quarter century of funding is a remarkably unknown treasure in rural communities. This islikely not due to the lack efforts and success of other SRAP's but merely a consequential effect of programmatic efforts primarily being targeted at individual state levels. This ultimately also effects the total number of inquiries and requests for assessments. Year 2 demonstrated that thecommunication channels are working well, and the project is receiving an increasing number of request for information and or assessments.On site evaluations were conducted, and based on the assessed needs, reportswith potential resources wereprepared and shared with the clients.NMAP received increased visibilitythis year through activities such astheNMTAP Assistive Technology conference, training and preparation of OTGP studentsat partners UNM and Mandy's Farm, posters and presentations at relevant OTA conferences, and raising awareness with next generation agriculture and livestock students. All partners utilized multiple channels to maximize networking events throughout the year through attendance at, hosting booths and publishing information where provided an opportunity. Collaborative efforts werecontinued to be developedwith in and out of state veteran networks, and a grant opportunity explored with Texas AgrAbility regarding expansion of their Battle Grounds to Breaking grounds training project into New Mexico. NMAP continues to work with the NM Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum in assisting to develop an interactive and mobile display at the museum in Las Cruces highlighting the efforts of the NAP, with a current scheduled opening date of November 1, 2024. The AgrAbility exhibit at the F&R Museum is scheduled to run at the F&R Museum for at least one year and may become a mobile exhibit at other museums after that. A 10-member Advisory Council (AC) for the project was established and met late November 2023 and is planning another AC meeting for the fall of 2024. NMAP partners shared programmatic efforts with the AC and in turn received ample guidance and input and guidance from the AC members. NMAP's non-profit partner Mandy's Farm continues to train and instruct new farm apprentices with disabilities, each of whom spends 24 hours a week at the farm learning site particpating in agricultural instruction and hands-on field parctice. All these areas(Direct Assistance, Education and Networking) continue to see growth and in order to facilitate expansion in these areas, the NMAPcontinues to evaluateadditionalfunding sources to accommodate and facilitate that growth (AgVets, BFR grants, etc.), as well as partnerships with neighboring AgrAbility prostate projects (CO and TX). Impact report For year 2 of the funding cycle, NMAP partners NMSU, NMTAP, UNM and Mandy's Farm participated in 33 events reaching close to 4,700 participants.Direct Assistancehas seen the largest increase in the number of evaluations and assessments to date: a NMAP project priority.A total of 8 contacts (clients) were provided with evaluations or assesments.Educationevents totaled 14 with 426 attendees, andMarketing and Networkingtotaled 19 events with a reach of 1,240 participants. These numbers for the most part exceed the goals and objectives set out in the NMAP proposal, and with increasing numbers of evaluations and assessments due to increased familiarity with the program, NMAP is proposing a realignment in the year 3 budget to allow for these additional expenses. Direct Assistance Year 2 demonstrated that the way NMAP has established solid lines of communication through the tollfree phone number 1(855)-AGRABLE and email ( directly linked to the program OT are working well, to be able to efficiently evaluate requests for evaluations andassessments and proved to bean excellent way for NMAP to conduct and deliver on its number 1 goal to provide direct assistance to potential NMAP clients. Even though some of the calls are related to and end up being informational, several calls have resulted in site assessments and referrals (8).These clients are in various stages of being provided informationandor referral services depending on the identified needs and the pace with which referral agencies are able to attend to and address those needs. Based on the needs assessment and referral provided through NMAP, one client from the 2018-22 funding cycle, through continued dialogue, qualified and received this year both a trackchair and a Life Essential truck lift. This client is currently in the process of learning how to utilize and apply these ATs to be able to regain her abilities as a horse trainer. Education The NMAP did not only provide training and education to New Mexico stake holders; team members also participated in training events such as the 2023 NTW in Atlanta, and a Montana State UniversityofferedMental Wellness Conversation Curriculum training to expanding their own horizons, while evaluating other opportunities to include into the NM AgrAbility program.A total of 14educational events were either organized, hosted or attended, and a total number of 426people participated/attended in these events, hereby well exceeding the NMAP proposed objectives. Specific opportunitiesare addresses in the next sextion.?
Progress 07/30/22 to 07/29/23
Outputs Target Audience:New Mexico's (NM) economy relies on having an economically healthy agricultural industry with over 24,700 farms and over 43.3 million acres in production or pasture. In the United States, NM rates as one of the states with the highest number of people with disabilities. It is estimated that a range of 4,600-7,600 NM farm operators potentially have a disability and approximately 9,200-15,400 agricultural workers report impairments. This project focused on the NM farmer populations affected by impairments leading to conditions of disability. The target audience included White/Caucasian, Hispanic/Latino, Native Americans, and African American. Also identified were veterans, aging and beginning farmers, women in agriculture, and individuals/family members impacted by the disabilities. Efforts to reach the targeted audience included non-formal education and presentations delivered on-site, through technology such as webinars, and hands-on instructions offered through the project's non-profit. Resources and contact information were provided through a NM AgrAbility Project (NMAP) webpage, a NMAP brochure, flyers disseminated at Extension County offices and other locations frequented by and serving the target audience, and by hosting informational tables and making presentations at agriculture-related events and conferences. University of NM (UNM) Occupational Therapy Interns participated in fieldwork; and project partners networked, collaborated, and communicated with service organizations and outreach organizations working with the target audience. Individualized consultations were conducted upon request providing recommendations and resources. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Included in Box #1 How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Included in Boix #1 What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Continue the road the NMAP is on.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Direct Assistance: A number of (potential)clients (service recipients) have contacted the NMAP throughout the year. These contacts are in various stages of being provided informationandor referral services depending on the identified needs and the pace with which referral agencies are able to attend to, and address those needs.The NMAP project has alsoreached out tocontacts/clients from the previous AgrAbility funding cycle (2018-22), to identify potential continued or unanswered needs for information and or referral. Based on the needs assessment and referral provided through NMAP, one client from the 2018-22 funding cycle, through continued dialogue, was able to qualify this year for both a trackchair and a Life Essential truck lift, both of which are in the process of being delivered and installed. Education: September 27-28, 2022: NMAP collaborated with the National AgrAbility Project and the 1994 land-grant, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute, to host a regional AgrAbility workshop, at SIPI's campus in Albuquerque.The free two-day event provided presentations on how existing, new, and prospective tribal farmers and ranchers and others with disabilities and other functional limitations can remain or become successful in small-scale farming and gardening.With 69 workshop participants representing five states, including New Mexico, Indiana, Texas, Colorado and Washington, attendees had the chance to join presentations from 16 individuals from at least 29 different agencies. Workshop topics included physical rehabilitation issues of farmers and ranchers; microscale farming; adaptive tools and technology; and worksite assessment.? November 29, 2022: NMAP's partner NMTAP provided a Virtual NMTAP AT Workshop on Adaptive Tools for Gardening and Agriculture.The tools demonstrated during this workshop included: BackEZ, CarCaddie, Peta Easi-Grip Cultivator and Support Cuff, CP3 Dig Rig Shovel Support, Bionic Relief Gardening Gloves, Fiskars Ratchet Anvil Pruner, Unbranded Telescopic Loppers, Milwaukee M-Spector Flex Camera, and Tree Soaker Watering Bags. The workshop was attended by 32 participants. February 14, 2023: NMAP's partner NMTAP worked with three groups of OTGP students (30 total) at the NMTAP showroom in Albuquerque, to discuss NMAP program details as well as gave live trainings on AgrAbility tools such as the Garmin back up camera systems, a seeder and rototiller, a seeding square, ergonomic gloves, etc. University of NM (UNM) Occupational Therapy Programpresented AgrAbility posters at the American Occupational Therapy Association National Conference related to work that the fieldwork students completed in their summer 2022 rotations. The posters were presented by another team member as the OT students have transplanted to their next fieldwork sites and jobs. Using the hashtag #OTLovesFarmers, a UNM OT Student, Marcyanna Rinaldi, has created several video shorts geared at common injuries that food producers may experience:More On April 17, 2023: NMAP's partner NMTAP discussed NMTAP and NMAP services, with review of AT devices for food growers, to DVR Counselors and their supervisor (10 participants)., in Las Vegas, NM. May 16, 2023: the NMAP director was an invited speaker for an Introduction to NMAP to 53 students attending the 6-week U.S. Dairy Education & Training Consortium (USDETC) held in Clovis, NM. The USDETC is a multi-university organization established to train and educate the next generation of dairy professionals and is attended by students from universities across the country. Networking: Through the New Mexico State University (NMSU) Cooperative Extension system, NMAP has participated in several conferences and agriculture-related events with the goal of raising awareness of AgrAbility. The Joint Stockman's Convention (December 14-17, 2022) provided team members opportunities to interact with NM Cattle Growers and other producers through hosting an informational booth. AgFest, Santa Fe, NM (February 16, 2023), is one of the premier events for leaders in NM agriculture such as producers, associations, state and federal agencies, allied industry, and legislators. The team hosted an information table and visited with approximately 200 individuals. NMAP nonprofit partner Mandy's Farm (MF) Mandy's Farm has spread information about the AgrAbility Apprenticeship program through numerous outlets. Some of these activities include: being featured in an Edible NM article, published in June 2023 being featured in an KRQE news story that aired May 9, 2023 participating in Disability Rights Awareness Day, where 3 apprentices traveled to the Capital to advocate for legislation to support a more inclusive community, attended 4 local grower's markets from 9/1 - 10/1, informing attendees of our program structure, presenting at three New Mexico School to Work Transition Team meetings about the NM AgrAbility Project and the Mandy's Farm AgrAbility Apprenticeship Program NMAP nonprofit partner Mandy's Farm (MF) has expanded and enriched connections in the farming community around Albuquerque. These activities include: making 3 visits with apprentices to local farms, hosting 18 people for community transplanting workshop on April 12th with community members from Tres Hermanas Farm and Flora and Fauna, apprentices providing mentorship and education to over 40 children with Nature Ninos, an outdoor education group based in Albuquerque. Apprentices taught youth the basics of transplanting and germinating seeds, covering topics like circling roots, transplant shock, soil moisture, and mulching, program administrators attended a Holistic Management International field day on October 6th at Picaflor farms to learn about collective decision-making structures, connecting 30 local farmers, establishing a working relationship with a local Italian restaurant, beginning trials of specialty crops such as polenta corn, bitter greens, and herbs for them, collaborated with the Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program to provide two field days where apprentices learned about monitoring techniques to record arthropod species and rainfall. the apprenticeship program has begun monthly cooking and kitchen skills classes through NMSU's iCAN education program. educators provide guest classes once a month where apprentices practice knife skills, preservation techniques, and food safety. April 2023: New Mexico AgrAbility Project (NMAP) is working with theNew Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museumin Las Cruces in April to plan an adaptive farming exhibit, telling the personal stories of how the AgrAbility project has affected the lives of people in New Mexico, the work the partners in this project do in this space, and the opportunities the project provides for the farming community in general and farmers affected by limitations in specific. Apprentices NMAP nonprofit partner Mandy's Farm (MF) onboarded a total of 7 new farm apprentices with disabilities, each of whom spends 24 hours a week at our farm learning site participating in agricultural instruction and hands-on field practice. From March 1 to June 23, 2023, apprentices have received a total of 866 hours of work-based-learning and 874 hours of agricultural instruction. The program was featured in KRQE News: Using the hashtag #OTLovesFarmers, a UNM OT Student, Marcyanna Rinaldi, has created several video shorts geared at common injuries that food producers may experience:More