Source: SPRINGSTAR, INC. submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2021
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2025
Grant Year
Program Code
[8.3]- Animal Production & Protection
Project Director
Banfield, M.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
This project will convert the Modular Insect Trap patented by Lt. Matthew Yans, USN into a mass-manufacturable trap suitable for surveillance of ticks of veterinary importance. The novel product will be easy to store, transport and deploy; will include a long-lasting, shelf-stable lure; and will capture multiple tick species for periodic identification, counting and analysis for harbored pathogens.In Phase I, we used 3D-printed models and laboratory bioassays to define the characteristics of an optimal trap, e.g., graduated slope for ticks to approach an adhesive ceiling, suitable lure reservoir, and proprietary adhesive formulation. We recently demonstrated that vacuum-formed prototypes were similar in performance to the original design.Working with collaborators at Washington State and Texas A&M Universities, we will pursue five Aims in Phase II.1. We will develop and evaluate a biotic carbon dioxide generator with experimentally-tested supplements that is as effective as dry ice but lasts at least 40x longer.2. Using 3D-printing, we will manufacture, experimentally evaluate and modify pre-commercial prototypes and select the best design and materials for field evaluation.3. The optimal prototype and slow-release lure will be field-tested against tick species in at least two geographic regions.4. The new trap and lure will be evaluated as a potential surveillance tool for cattle fever ticks along the Texas-Mexico border.5. Captured ticks retained on traps for different time periods will be examined using molecular diagnostic techniques for pathogen incidence to establish the window during which accurate diagnosis can be determined.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The Phase II Tick Surveillance and Mass Capture Trap project will encompass five aims to meet our objective of developing a commercial product. BanfieldBio will focus on product design, proof of efficacy, and manufacturing feasibility. The principal deliverable will be a usable prototype that will be deployed in field efficacy studies and will be suitable for potential use by USDA and other government pest management specialists and researchers, farmers and ranchers, pest management consultants, the US Military, the outdoor recreational industry and homeowners. BanfieldBio has outlined an experimental plan based on Phase I results, patent licenses, novel formulations, attractants and prototype designs. We will collaborate with Dr. Jeb Owen of Washington State University, an experienced parasitologist with the necessary permits to work on tick parasites and their vertebrate hosts. Drs. Sarah and Gabe Hamer, Texas A&M University, will collaborate on field studies at locations in south Texas. Our scientific team will be supplemented by the oversight of consultant Dr. John Borden, a retired academic entomologist who will assist with experimental design, statistical analysis and coordination of the team with cooperators.The Phase II Tick Surveillance and Mass Capture Trap project will encompass five aims to meet our objective of developing a commercial product (Table 1). BanfieldBio will focus on product design, proof of efficacy, and manufacturing feasibility. The principal deliverable will be a usable prototype that will be deployed in field efficacy studies and will be suitable for potential use by USDA and other government pest management specialists and researchers, farmers and ranchers, pest management consultants, the US Military, the outdoor recreational industry and homeowners. BanfieldBio has outlined an experimental plan based on Phase I results, patent licenses, novel formulations, attractants and prototype designs. We will collaborate with Dr. Jeb Owen of Washington State University, an experienced parasitologist with the necessary permits to work on tick parasites and their vertebrate hosts. Drs. Sarah and Gabe Hamer, Texas A&M University, will collaborate on field studies at locations in south Texas. Our scientific team will be supplemented by the oversight of consultant Dr. John Borden, a retired academic entomologist who will assist with experimental design, statistical analysis and coordination of the team with cooperators.Project Aims are as follows:AimTasks1. Attractant evaluationsTesting of additional synthetic attractants, testing of carbon dioxide sources2. Physical device design developmentSelection of specific polymers for tick suitability, field durability and chemical resistance, configuration of design for glue application, setup and handling characteristics3. Standardization versus other monitoring methodsComparison of the prototype device and attractant against standard monitoring methods in field deployment at various locations against various species4. Determine efficacy with cattle fever tickDevelopment and testing specifically against cattle fever tick5. Confirming tick-borne pathogen detectionScreening ticks captured on traps for tick-borne pathogens at different times post-capture
Project Methods
Aim 1: We will asses individual chemicals, then create & assess responses to chemical blends. We will optimize our attractant delivery system to be shelf-stable, with a controlled release rate, & requiring minimal use of resources, To test attractants we will use a Y-tube olfactometer. Twenty individual adult male & 20 female ticks of each species will be tested with each chemical or pheromone to determine a preferred attractant; other life stages will be tested if available. Data will be analyzed using a Chi-squared test of homogeneity. Once chemicals & pheromones are determined, they will be mixed into blends containing a range of ratios of components. The attractiveness of these blends will be tested in the Y-tube olfactometer to determine the preference by each tick species. Gravimetric analysis will be conducted to measure the amount of CO2 released from chemical reactions. CO2-producing chemical reactions may produce byproduct chemicals: the attractiveness of the product blends released from these chemical reactions will be tested in the Y-tube olfactometers to determine if there is any bioactivity imparted from byproducts. Twenty individual adult male & 20 female will be tested. The top three attractive blends will be tested for at least three representative tick species against CO2 alone & unbaited controls in randomized complete block field trapping experiments, a minimum of eight replicates. To test bait longevity, two sets of traps will be deployed as a comparison. The lures in one set of traps will be replaced every two days, while the other set will not have their lures replaced. Catches in both sets will be recorded every two days. Mean catches will be compared by ANOVA followed by Tukey's LSD test. Aim 2: work will focus on finding a material suitable for all stages of ticks that is durable & cost-effective, & on modifying the design to facilitate packaging, shipping & mass deployments. Materials will be tested in two ways: they will be aged to assess durability, & they will be tested for attractancy/repellency with different tick species. For durability trials, each candidate material for device construction will be evaluated in simulated field conditions. Five replicates each of candidate material will be used in each assay. Treatments will include temperature & rainfall regimes ranging from 0?, 15?, 25?, & 35?(C) & simulated rainfall using an automated sprinkler that will range from very dry to very wet climates. Devices will be exposed to full-spectrum light for up to 12 h per day. Any loss of structural integrity will be recorded. Plastics & biodegradable materials with structural integrity that last at least 6 months or one month, respectively, will be considered acceptable. For the tick studies, we will follow the same protocols & statistical analyses as used in our attractant studies to find out whether ticks balk at crossing a variety of surfaces. The study will be done in a small arena where ticks will be free to encounter & choose whether to climb a given material. We will determine optimal clearances to use for capturing ticks & minimizing the amount of plastic or other material used in manufacturing, & also to minimize the amount of used material destined for landfills. These vertical clearances will allow us to maximize the capture surfaces of the traps with minimal "wasted" space for where ticks are either unable to access the inner sticky surfaces or have sufficient clearance to avoid being captured. Design iterations will be tested in paired arena bioassays against the previous best design. At least 10 adult ticks of each gender will be used per replicate; other stages of ticks will be tested when available. Trap performances will be analyzed via t-tests. The optimal trap based on lab experiments will be tested in the field against manufactured Yans traps, with the same lure used in both traps. Prototype traps will be tested with opaque & transparent adhesive cards (e.g., plexiglass or acetate) to determine if transparency improves or inhibits trap catch & if captured ticks can be seen through the adhesive material applied to transparent cards. Layout, replication & statistical analysis will be as for Aim 1. Aim 3: We plan to determine if the prototype trap can work as a long-term monitoring device in different regions with different tick species composition for different durations. Testing will be designed to show efficacy comparable to, or better than, standard field techniques for tick population monitoring, as well as the Yans trap. Our field study will be run cooperatively with collaborating scientists. It will establish the device system's efficacy in comparison to a dry-ice-baited sheet Yans' original modular insect trap, in locations known to be infested with ticks. To avoid edge effects that could occur in a linear array, each replicate will be an equilateral triangular plot with 20 m sides & traps & dry-ice-baited sheets placed in random assignments at each apex of the triangle. At least eight replicates will be run, with triangular plots at least 40 m apart. The traps will be left in place for 24 h & then collected. The experiment will be re-randomized & repeated every two weeks for eight weeks during the tick season, & the entire experimental process may be repeated at one or more different geographic locations near the home base of other collaborators. Ticks captured by the baited sheet will be collected in 80% ethanol vials; ticks captured on adhesive pads will be sealed into clear plastic bags to prevent escape. Ticks will be identified to species & life stage, & adults will be sexed when possible. The numbers captured will be compared between treatments using ANOVA & Tukey's HSD test. By the end of this aim, we expect to have field evidence that shows that our trap prototype works as well as or better than standard monitoring methods for multiple genera & species of ticks. Aim 4: We will assess the applicability of our trap for monitoring this problem in cattle fever tick quarantine areas along the United States/Mexico border in South Texas. Using linear equivalents of the three trap densities evaluated under Aim 4, we will deploy traps in six quarantine areas that are along the border, then assess their impact on tick populations in comparison to nearby control plots. Linear arrays will approximate the assumed method of using trap lines parallel to the border to cover the greatest possible land area & to maximize the chance of intercepting invasive ticks. Each of the linear plots will be 100 m long, with traps spaced 5m (19 traps), 10m (10 traps) or 20m (6 traps) apart. A control plot will have no traps. Traps will be left for seven days, collected, & assessed. The experiment will be replicated at least four times in each of the six quarantine areas. Tick drags will take place prior to & post trap intervention, & tick populations will be compared by ANOVA & Tukey's HSD test. Aim 5: Confirming tick-borne pathogen detection: We will assess the feasibility of detecting tick-borne pathogens on ticks that have been caught on our traps for varying lengths of time. When ticks are active, we will place four sets of eight traps in highly tick-infested areas & allow for ample time to ensure tick captures on all traps, about 24 h. Traps will be collected & held outdoors in a tick-free enclosure for 1 day, & 1, 3 & 6 months prior to removal of ticks. After the post-collection interval, ticks will be removed & sent for pathogen testing at RAL, Inc., Allen, TX. Up to 50 total ticks (of mixed life stage) may be sent for testing for each time interval. Analysis of pathogen prevalence will be conducted using a generalized linear model (GLM). A target pathogen is the causative agent of babiesiosis.

Progress 09/01/22 to 08/31/23

Target Audience:During Year 2, we engaged with a portion of our described target audience: personnel from the USDA ARS Cattle Fever Tick Research unit. Over the past year, we sent samples of attractant formulations in novel delivery systems to USDA researchers working with cattle fever tick in the quarantine zone and collaborating with them to design definitive laboratory and field experiments. While our ongoing Phase 2 efforts have been directed toward the other portion of our target audience, researchers and professional land management/pest control communities (i.e., individuals or groups interested in monitoring areas for tick populations), we did not publicly disseminate any information on the project during Year 2. Changes/Problems:Attractants. Because we had to rule out using biotic carbon dioxide lures entirely, an unexpected outcome, we have had to return to laboratory studies on carbon dioxide production. As with last year, we are still limited by the number of ticks we and our collaborators can source and receive for laboratory bioassays, in turn limiting our ability to test abiotic attractants with ticks. As of the end of Year 2, we do not know if we will be able to use an abiotic carbon dioxide lure for our full-scale field studies, though we will at least get it tested in small-scale studies. Cattle fever tick. Cattle fever ticks are single-host ticks that are only off-host as larvae, and the larvae are basically sedentary (they will move up a blade of grass in the morning, and slowly move underneath and down it as it gets hotter during the day). Our standard trap will not effectively draw them toward it, so we are shifting to a vertical stake; we will test out various formulations of our tick attractant blend in combination with the stake as a monitoring method. Extreme heat in the cattle fever tick quarantine zone has required outdoor trials be postponed until Spring 2024. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?As a culmination of our Phase 2 work, we will repeat our seasonal large-scale tick trials in the next year, with the goal of using the optimized design elements and lures developed earlier in Phase 2, as part of our overall objective of standardizing trapping as a monitoring method for ticks (Aim 3). Aim 1: We are working on an abiotic version that we hope will avoid the problems of the biotic version, which smelled like a food source to hungry raccoons. We will also evaluate the use of a temporary heat source (i.e., a handwarmer) to increase attraction. Aim 2: We are sourcing a commercially produced adhesive board that uses a weak adhesive on a thin cardboard stock. Aim 5: We will take pooled samples of ticks collected via trapping and via dragging and run DNA analyses on them to (1) genetically identify both ticks and any pathogens they carry by species, (2) determine if there are differences in ticks or pathogen burden captured by the two methods, and (3) assess if samples aged on glue cards experience any degradation. Our work on cattle fever tick (Aim 4) will continue in parallel with the trap work but focus on an attractant in a delivery system designed specifically for cattle fever tick. We will continue to work with Dr. Don Thomas and Dr. John Goolsby at the USDA ARS Cattle Fever Tick Research laboratory to evaluate attractants and monitoring devices, with the goal of surveillance trials in a field setting.

What was accomplished under these goals? Impact In the USA, ticks and tick-borne diseases (TBDs) are becoming more common. Impacted livestock can result in decreased weight or milk production, damaged hides, and overall poorer health than unafflicted animals. In humans, TBDs can result in long-term symptoms that affect someone's ability to do the physical labor inherent in agricultural work, and the increasing prevalence of α-gal syndrome, an allergic reaction to meat caused by exposure to some ticks' saliva, could potentially impact the market for livestock products. We are refining our Phase I trap to create a simple, low-cost tick surveillance device for use by vector control professionals, public health officials, and landowners and operators, allowing them to pinpoint when and where ticks are present so those areas can be avoided or treated with minimal, precise applications of acaricides. Our focus for Year 2 was large-scale, season-long field studies with our refined trap for in comparison to dragging, the "gold standard" of tick surveillance, in 3 distinct geographic locations (OK, TX, WI). We also continued small-scale studies to improve aspects of the trap: base configuration, adhesive and backer, and a carbon dioxide (CO2) lure without dry ice. Aim 1: Attractant evaluations Testing of additional synthetic attractants, testing of carbon dioxide sources. Activities Formulated biotic CO2 blends (carbohydrate, yeast, humectant, water) Refined CO2-sensing device for testing multiple blends or distances simultaneously Created synthetic attractant blend Lab bioassays with CO2 and attractant blends Small-scale field studies with optimized biotic CO2 lure vs dry ice Data Tick choice preferences from arena bioassays and small-scale field studies Results Complete failure of prototype lures in the field (raccoons destroyed the lures and adhesive cards) Outcomes Research efforts redirected toward developing an abiotic CO2 lure to replace dry ice for Y3, an outcome reaffirmed in conversations with potential users who are eager for a replacement for dry ice. Conclusion reached that alternative CO2 source only needs to last 4h, the same duration dry ice lasted in the field With Y2 refinements, the monitoring device is capable of precisely detecting CO2 at levels slightly above ambient background levels, along with humidity and temperature at up to 8 locations simultaneously over an extended time. It costs far less than similar currently available monitors, so there is potential for commercializing it for use not only in research but also in environmental monitoring, e.g., in stored grain facilities. Aim 2: Device design development Configuration of design for glue application, setup and handling characteristics. Activities Created 2 additional base molds, resulting in 4 configurations for field evaluation: standard height/curved sides (original), standard height/straight sides, low/curved and low/straight; molded all 4 configurations out of ABS plastic Small-scale base trials in OK Developed, tested cardboard/weak adhesive boards to replace Phase I plastic/carpet tape boards Hand-produced thousands of adhesive boards for large-scale field experiments Began sourcing commercial cardboard/weak adhesive boards Data Field test data comparing the different trap base configurations by ticks captured Field test tick capture data using cardboard/weak adhesive glue boards Results Data from small-scale base trials confirm Y1 results that there are no significant differences in tick capture rates due to trap base configuration Data showing that cardboard/weak adhesive glue boards captured thousands of ticks without losing stickiness compared to carpet tape, with no catch of any vertebrate animals (a concern of stakeholders) Outcomes Conducted full-scale field tests with standard height/curved side devices and cardboard/weak adhesive glue boards Search initiated for commercial source of cardboard/weak adhesive glue boards for future experiments and commercial tick trap product Aim 3: Standardization versus other monitoring methods Comparison of the prototype device and attractant against standard monitoring methods in field deployment at various locations against various species. Activities Field season preparation (experimental design and protocol writing, travel plans and scheduling, logistics, sourcing, prototyping, hiring) Mapped 8 plots (60 x 60 m2) per field site in 3 states Mapped 3 drag transects (3 x 60m, 20m apart), 3 trap transects (12 positions on 3 x 60m transects perpendicular to drags) per plot Monitored field experiments weekly for 12 weeks (most or all of tick season), alternating between trapping or dragging by week at each site Data analysis Reported tick capture data to the CDC Prepared oral presentation of first year field results at major scientific meeting in Y3 Data Season-long tick population data, broken down by species, life stage and sex for 3 states, from both trapping and dragging Qualitative observations that forested regions have higher tick populations than pasture or grassland Results 6.6x more captured ticks from traps than from drags in all 3 states combined (26,457 vs 3,998 ticks respectively, P<0.001) 3.3x more ticks collected per person-hour in traps than in drags (P<0.01) Significantly more individual ticks captured at each life stage in traps versus dragging (P<0.001) Significantly more species captured on average (P<0.001) in the traps compared to the drags Outcomes Trapping yields more informative data than dragging and is an effective alternative or complement to dragging in large-scale tick surveillance Demonstrated the trap has utility against Ixodes spp. When we informed the CDC about our huge yields of ticks of multiple species from traps in 3 different geographic locations, they requested samples Aim 4: Determine efficacy with cattle fever tick Development and testing specifically against cattle fever tick (CFT). Activities Extensive consultation with USDA ARS Cattle Fever Tick Research Unit researchers on CFT behavior Began developing CFT-specific lure and monitoring device introduced humidity into lure with wicking system Aqueous ammonia lures and delivery systems evaluated by USDA personnel at (ongoing) Data Wick evaporation rates Gravimetric ammonia release rate analysis Preliminary larval CFT behavioral data toward attractants Results Selected best-performing wick system for aqueous lure Outcomes USDA consultation directed research toward a tall stalk-like monitoring tool with ample humidity specifically for CFT to mimic their questing sites CFT response to ammonia in bioassays demonstrated feasibility, leading to work on slow-release formulations Aim 5: Confirming tick-borne pathogen detection Screening ticks captured on traps for tick-borne pathogens at different times post-capture. Activities Wrote protocol for DNA sequencing Selected cohorts of ticks to be processed Washed ticks to remove interfering chemicals (glue or chemicals introduced from the denatured alcohol used as a preservative) Arranged with multiple labs for sample analysis Data/Results/Outcomes Results are expected in Y3 of the project Submitted tick specimens to the CDC at their request for pathogen screening Technical and Business Assistance (TABA) Biweekly meetings with T. Simpson focused on potential partnerships, patentability and market potential of the trap. A. Matherly and K. Straughan of Karr Tuttle LLP were added to the team to prosecute the proposed patent for a business method of use for the tick traps which is in draft but expected to be filed by the end of 2023. Future efforts will focus on product licensing and regulatory barriers at the US Federal and State levels, as well as in other potential target regions, i.e., Canada or Europe. As a result, Dr. J. Borden will be added to the TABA team for Y3.


    Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/22

    Target Audience:The overall target audience for the entire Tick Surveillance and Mass Capture Trap project remains any populations affected by tick infestation and at risk of tick-transmitted diseases, and those looking for alternatives to acaricides. Our Phase 2 efforts to date have been directed toward the research and professional land management/pest control communities, i.e., individuals or groups interested in monitoring areas for tick populations. Changes/Problems:We have faced two main problems during the first year of the grant. First, we are still feeling the impacts of early COVID-19 shutdowns. We have not been able to reliably source ticks from the sources from which we can procure them; the tick colony co-located at Washington State University and the USDA ARS facility was shut down in 2020 and has not yet been built back up. Similar sourcing issues happened through BEI resources, although we did receive an order at the end of January 2023. Second, we have had to delay our large-scale field trials, which were dependent to some extent upon completion of laboratory tick bioassays. Additionally, the finance department of the university of one of our collaborating scientists has changed their accounting system, which has prevented us from getting funds to the collaborator and thus prevented them from doing any field testing. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We have published our Phase 1 data in a peer-reviewed journal (Yans et al. 2022) and presented it at the 2021 Entomological Society of America meeting, but Phase 2 results will not be disseminated to our target audience or the general public until we have completed our laboratory and field studies, and suitably protected any IP that may arise from the project. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We are preparing our field testing for Year 2. We will be testing out the optimized trap, glue and lure combination against the original hand-built trap and dry ice-baited sheets in several geographic locations against several local common tick species of veterinary and/or agricultural importance in collaboration with several scientists across the US. Additionally, we will run a field experiment where ticks are trapped and then allowed to age on the trap for various time periods. Ticks of mixed life stage will be collected at set intervals and sent for genetic testing; we will analyze pathogen prevalence using a generalized linear model to determine how long tick samples may remain on the glue board while still retaining viability. Finally, we will continue to work with Dr. Don Thomas and Dr. John Goolsby at the USDA ARS Knipling-Bushland laboratory where cattle fever tick research is conducted. After their laboratory evaluations, we will provide protypes for field studies. If cattle fever ticks are successfully caught, we will expand the small scale trials into full-season studies that will continue into next year.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Introduction. During Year 1 of this project, we have been laying the groundwork for full scale field deployments of the refined Phase 1 trap in multiple distinct geographical locations in the US. Our Phase 2 work so far encompasses improvements to the trap in several aspects, including trap design, the glue and glue card, and the lure. In the coming months, we will be running laboratory and field bioassays to select the optimal attributes, which we will use in the field in Washington State, Texas, North Carolina and Oklahoma. Much of our field work was deferred in 2022 in order to conduct full-season studies without dealing with Covid travel restrictions. Impact. Ticks and tick-borne diseases (TBDs) are an increasing threat to humans, livestock, and domestic animals in the United States. In livestock, tick bites and TBDs impact the overall health of animals, reducing weight gains and milk production, devaluing products like hides and fur, and potentially resulting in death in younger animals. Our tick trap will be an easy to use, budget-friendly product that can be used for monitoring tick populations, allowing ranchers and other agricultural workers to determine the presence of TBDs in the area and pinpoint applications of acaricides to their land or livestock when and where they will be the most effective. Aim 1: Attractant evaluations Our work under this Aim has focused on improving the usability of the liquid lure developed in Phase 1, by reducing the amount of water needed for biotic carbon dioxide (CO2) production, thus making it more amenable for field use, and by adding synthetic chemicals for increased tick attraction. Testing of additional synthetic chemicals and carbon dioxide sources Activities: Volumetric measurement assays of CO2 production; development and use of automatic CO2-sensing apparatus for measuring minute amounts of CO2 production from biotic lure blends over time and over distance. Identification, acquisition, and test formulation of potential additional chemical attractants for ticks Data: Production curves of CO2 from various yeast-carbohydrate blends with humectants; gravimetric curves of potential attractants Results: Favored ratio of yeast to carbohydrate to humectant for the biotic blend, sourcing information for various chemicals for commercial production Outcomes: Biotic CO2 blends ready for tick bioassays when ticks become available; multiple concentrations of formulated attractants for use in tick bioassays. Automated CO2 sensor capable in measuring in parts per million over ambient that can be used in place of volumetric assays or to sense the distance over which a biotic CO2 blend can produce noticeable levels of CO2 Aim 2: Device design development We have been testing out different modifications to the Phase I design to improve manufacturability and ease of use, while retaining or improving the trap's ability to capture ticks. This includes improving upon the original trap's use of off-the-shelf carpet tape by creating a non-repellent glue on glue board that doubles as a lid. Polymer selection, design configuration, and glue development Activities: Selection of suitable polymers for the trap base and the trap lid/glue board; low profile trap design development; lid/glue board design development; glue formulation chemical and physical testing Data: small-scale field test data comparing the low-profile trap to the Phase 1 prototype; solubility data for several glue polymers and solvents, environmental durability qualities of different combinations of polymers and solvents Results: Selected black ABS plastic for the base, clear polypropylene for the lid for upcoming field trials. The number of ticks captured in the low-profile trap was not significantly different than those captured in the Phase 1 version (P=0.2894) when using carpet tape in both. Outcomes: We will be using the low-profile trap with the clear lid/glue board for upcoming field tests. Aim 3: Standardization as monitoring method The majority of this work will be performed during the next year in field trials. Comparison of device and attractant against standard monitoring methods Activities: Preparation for next field season (protocol design, logistics, sourcing, and prototyping); publication and presentation of Phase 1 field results Data/Results/Outcomes: TBD based on field testing in Year 2+. Aim 4: Efficacy with cattle fever tick Initial consultation with the USDA Cattle Fever Tick Research (CFTR) team at Moore Air Base, TX allowed us to better understand and define the requirements to trap cattle fever tick. An Materials Transfer Agreement has been executed with the lab in order to work with them on this project. Development and testing specifically against cattle fever tick Activities: Initial field review demonstrated that the Yans trap design will not work for cattle fever tick. Based upon field observations and suggestions from Drs Donald Thomas and John Goolsby, a new approach using a controlled-release arrestant pheromone/water device was envisaged. Release rate studies and pheromone formulation studies are in progress to produce prototypes for laboratory and field testing by the CFTR team this season. Aim 5: Tick-borne pathogen detection Pathogen detection studies will be conducted next year. A novel genetic barcoding method developed by the University of Guelph, Canada will be examined as a low-cost, efficient substitute for the original PCR-based screening. Screening ticks for tick-borne pathogens at different times post-capture Activities: None to date, but field trial collections of ticks this year will be evaluated over the winter. TABA - Technical and Business Assistance provide by the LARTA organization has lead to preparation of a draft patent for a business method of using tick traps to provide detailed feedback on tick and tickborne disease risk to homeowners, professionals and governmental users.


    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: o Yans, M.W., A.S. Branca, N.G. Hahn, S.E. Crawley, A.C. Figurskey, K.R. Hobson, M.G. Banfield, J.H. Borden. 2022. Development of a simple trap that captures ticks (Acari) on their dorsal surface. Journal of Medical Entomology 59(3): 969-975. DOI: 10.1093/jme/tjab233
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation: Banfield, M.G. 2021. Development of a simple trap that captures ticks (Acari) on their dorsal surface [presentation]. October 31, 2021. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting 2021, Denver, CO, October 31 â¿¿ November 3, 2021.