Source: UNIV OF WISCONSIN submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jul 1, 2021
Project End Date
Dec 31, 2023
Grant Year
Program Code
[A7201]- AFRI Post Doctoral Fellowships
Recipient Organization
21 N PARK ST STE 6401
MADISON,WI 53715-1218
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Pollinators, including bumble bees, are vital for maintaining crop production and natural biodiversity, and are currently experiencing numerous stressors. One major stressor faced by pollinators today is climate change. Specifically, increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) levels as elevated CO2 can alter plant phenology and physiology. Changes to plants in response to elevated CO2 can include changes to floral resources. For example, elevated CO2 can lead to changes in pollen or nectar nutritional quality as some plants have a lower pollen protein content when grown in elevated CO2 conditions. As many pollinators, and bees specifically, rely on pollen as their primary source of protein, a decrease in pollen protein content could have substantial negative consequences for bee nutrition and overall health but these effects are not yet well understood.In this research, I will address key knowledge gaps in how elevated CO2 alters the chemistry and nutritional value of the floral resources (pollen and nectar) that pollinators rely on for food and how changes to floral resources may alter pollinator foraging behavior or physiology. Specifically, I will characterize the effect of elevated CO2 levels on nectar and pollen production (quantity) and chemistry in six floral species essential for pollinators. These six plant species represent multiple life history traits and span a range of different plant families. Together these plants include a range of both functional and phylogenetic diversity and will allow us to evaluate potentials trends across plant families or functional groups in response to elevated CO2 growing conditions. After evaluating how flowering plants respond to elevated CO2 conditions, I will then investigate how floral resources grown under elevated CO2 may affect pollinators. To do so, I will use the Common Eastern Bumble bee (Bombus impatiens) as a model species as it is a critical pollinator of both wild and crop plants in North America. I will evaluate changes to foraging behavior or floral preferences, bee physiology, and colony growth of the Common Eastern Bumble bee when provided floral diets grown in both ambient and elevated CO2 conditions.The proposed research will address three main questions: (Objective 1) How does the projected increase in atmospheric CO2 affect the nutritional value of floral resources? (Objective 2) Does bumble bee foraging behavior or floral preferences change when floral resources are grown under elevated CO2? (Objective 3) What are the impacts of elevated CO2 pollen resources on bumble bee queen overwintering, survival and colony growth?The proposed work will generate foundational knowledge on how projected increases in atmospheric CO2 will impact bee biology and may impact future pollination services to both wild and agricultural crop plants. Data generated by this project will be essential in making management and conservation decisions to secure the pollination services and ensure future food security for the human population.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Pollinators, including bumble bees, are vital for maintaining crop production and natural biodiversity, and are currently experiencing numerous stressors. One major stressor is climate change, specifically, increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. Increasing CO2 levels can alter plant phenology and physiology, including changes to floral resources, which could have substantial consequences for bee nutrition and health; these effects are not well understood.I propose to address key knowledge gaps in how elevated CO2 alters floral chemistry and pollinator dynamics in North America. Specifically, I will characterize the effect of elevated CO2 on nectar and pollen chemistry and production in six floral species essential for pollinators, that vary in phylogenetic and functional diversity. I will identify the relevant impacts of these changes on the foraging behavior, physiology, and growth of a critical North American pollinator, the Common Eastern Bumble bee (Bombus impatiens).The proposed research will address three questions: (Objective 1) How does the projected increase in atmospheric CO2 affect the nutritional value of floral resources? (Objective 2) Does bumble bee foraging behavior or floral preferences change when floral resources are grown under elevated CO2? (Objective 3) What are the impacts of elevated CO2 pollen resources on bumble bee queen overwintering, survival, and colony growth?The proposed work will generate foundational knowledge on how projected increases in atmospheric CO2 will impact bee biology and future pollination services. Data generated by this project will be essential in making management and conservation decisions to secure pollination services and ensure future food security.
Project Methods
Objective 1: To investigate changes in bee nutrition in response to elevated CO2, I will grow six annual plants (Helianthus annuus (Asteraceae), Taxaracum officinale (Asteraceae), Chamaecrista fasciculata (Fabaceae), Trifolium pratense (Fabaceae), Phacelia tanacetifolia (Boraginaceae), and Impatiens capensis (Balsaminaceae)) from seed in greenhouse chambers at both ambient (415 ppm, N = 3 chambers) and elevated CO2 (600 ppm, N = 3 chambers) conditions. Elevated CO2 levels of 600 ppm were chosen as this level is likely to be attained by the end of the century. These six plant species were chosen for their known value to bumble bees, include species with multiple life history traits including nitrogen fixing plants (C. fasciulata and T. praetense), and collectively span phylogenetic diversity (4 families). Selecting a diverse suite of plant species to test the effects of elevated CO2 will allow us to identify potential trends within and across plant families and life history traits.As time-lapse camera system will automatically document plant phenology as time to flower or flower duration may change under elevated CO2 conditions and can have implications for pollination success (i.e., phenological mismatch). Plant phenology metrics will include time to area covered (when looking directly at the seedling from above, how long before bare soil is no longer visible), days to first flower, leaf number, flowering duration, and flower number, diameter, and area. After ten weeks of growth, I will measure dry plant biomass. During flowering, I will use a UV camera to detect changes to the UV flower signatures under elevated CO2, which could affect bee foraging cues. By collecting data on a variety of plant growth and phenology measurements, I can determine whether changes in nutritional quality of pollen or nectar are potentially offset by increases in floral quantity.Nectar and pollen samples will be collected from flowers of the same age (open an equal # of days). Nectar samples will be taken via microcapillary tube to quantify volume and sugar concentrations. Pollen or anther samples (a proxy for pollen if pollen collection is difficult) will be taken to quantify changes in protein content. I will use elemental analysis to measure %N (University of Wisconsin Soil and Forage Lab) within the pollen samples to estimate protein content, samples will be collected from five flowers per individual plant for ten plants per species in each CO2 treatment (n = 50/plant species in each CO2 treatment).To explore secondary chemistry of floral resources, samples will be pooled from five flowers per individual plant for each plant species to achieve five technical replicates per plant species per CO2 treatment for both nectar and pollen samples. Secondary chemistry will be assessed by combining an untargeted metabolomics approach to evaluate differences between overall secondary chemistry profiles with targeted quantification of specific compounds (i.e., quercetin, kaempferol, P-coumaric acid, caffeine, Gallic acid, and Cinnamic acid) known to have impacts on bee biology, such as immunity or behavior (Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry at the University of Wisconsin Mass Spectrometry/Proteomics Facility).Objective 2: Foraging cages (2 m3) of fine mesh (mosquito netting) stocked with a suite of floral resources (n=5 per plant species in obj. 1, n=30 per cage) grown in either ambient or elevated CO2 (n=15 replicate cages/CO2 treatment, N = 3 chambers/CO2 treatment) and matched for flowering phenology will be established within a climate-controlled greenhouse in either elevated or ambient CO2. Floral resources will be monitored daily throughout the duration of the foraging trial and restocked if no longer flowering. In each foraging cage, I will introduce microcolonies of Bombus impatiens workers for 8 days. All workers will be tagged with a unique barcode (BEEtag) and given 24 hours to adjust to the foraging cage. For the subsequent seven days, foraging behavior and floral visitation data, using custom, Python-based motion-capture software (implemented on a single-board computer e.g., Raspberry Pi) will be used. This system will automatically record the bee's identity, the flower species landed on, visit duration, and whether the bee sonicates (buzz-pollinates) by combining computer vision analysis with audio recordings. To identify pollen vs. nectar foraging bouts, I will perform supervised classification (e.g., random forest) on kinematic data derived from each foraging bout using neural network approaches. I will collect pollen balls from up to three returning foragers per day. The collected pollen balls will be weighed wet and one will be subjected to elemental N analysis (University of Wisconsin Soil and Forage lab) to determine aggregate protein content. The other will be used to determine the relative abundance of each plant species in the pollen sample by mounting fucshin-dyed pollen on a slide and using light microscopy and a pollen library created from the study plant species.Objective 3: Exp-1: Bumble bee queens will be removed from queen-producing colonies upon eclosion and fed pollen from ambient or elevated CO2 treatments to examine effects on overwintering success and nest initiation. Pollen will be collected from fall floral resource (mixture of: H. annuus, I. capensis, C. fasciulata in a constant 2:1:1 ratio, as H. annuus pollen is easy to collect in large quantities, it will represent a larger proportion of the pollen diet).Queens will be provided ad libitum access to control or experimental pollen for eleven days, during which time weight gain will be monitored every two days. During this feeding period (days 5-8), queens will be placed in an arena with males and monitored for mating activity. Queens that successfully mate will then be subjected to a CO2 narcosis to induce egg laying and colony initiation. Afterwards, queens will continue to be provisioned with pollen and nectar for four weeks in a climate-controlled environmental chamber to isolate nutritional effects via changes to pollen resources as a result of elevated CO2. The queens will be monitored at least daily to observe survival rates, monitor the presence and timing of nest initiation, and to replenish food resources.Upon death, failure to mate, or after 4 weeks post-CO2 narcosis, all queens will be frozen. Body mass (to assess weight gain) and body size (front marginal wing cell length as a suitable proxy for body size) of the queen will be recorded and I will evaluate ovarian development by dissecting the ovaries, measuring the 3 largest oocytes, and counting the total number of oocytes present.Experiment 2: Bumble bee (B. impatiens) microcolonies will be introduced to 2 m3 foraging cages stocked with floral resources (with species composition the same as in obj. 2, n = 15 microcolonies/CO2 treatment, N = 3 chambers/CO2 treatment). While bumble bee microcolonies are queenless, they will forage and grow, with the largest adult taking over reproductive duties producing only males, and thus serve as an important proxy for whole-colony growth in bumble bees Microcolonies will be permitted to forage and grow for 8 weeks, then colony contents censused. The wet weight and body size of all workers and males in the microcolony will be recorded, worker survival and the number of males, eggs, larvae, and pupae present within the microcolony will be documented, as well as the number of empty or in-use food storage pots. In microcolonies with pollen provisions, pollen from an individual pot will be homogenized and sent to the University of Wisconsin Soil and Forage lab for elemental N analysis (up to 5 pollen samples/ microcolony). By sampling microcolony pollen stores it can be determined if colony-level pollen stores in both treatments contain the same protein compositions, or whether, under elevated CO2 conditions, high levels of protein cannot be maintained within the colony.

Progress 07/01/21 to 12/31/23

Target Audience: For this reporting period, the target audience of this work has been other scientists, researchers, and students investigating global change, pollination biology, plant physiology, or pollinator health. Primary efforts include science communication via social media networking on Twitter, in-person networking at department events, such as seminars, and conferences, as well as a conference presentation at the North Central Branch Meeting of the Entomological Society of America in Aprilof 2023, Departmental seminars at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in March 2023, Wayne State University in April 2023, and Texas A&M in October 2023, and at the Wisconsin Pollinator Meeting in April 2023. Changes/Problems:As reported in the previous progress report, the plant species studied in objective 1 of this project did not respond to elevated CO2 growing conditions as we expected them to with most species not responding at all. Therefore, we revised objective 2 to focus on bumble bee foraging under temperature change and expanded objective 1 to conduct an experiment on plant growth and pollen chemistry under eCO2 with and without the addition of N fertilizer, objective 3 was not addressed and efforts instead focused on revised objectives 1 and 2. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?PD Bernauer participated in a workshop to learn machine learning techniques to improve their understanding of how this tool can be used and applied to big data sets: 2023Introduction to Machine Learning, Data Science Hub, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. Further, PD Bernauer had several opportunities to polish public speaking skills at several invited talks, as listed in the other products of this report. PD Bernauer has also continued to hone scientific writing skills through writing up the findings of this work as scientific manuscripts. PD Bernauer has also improved mentoring skills working with undergraduate mentees throughout this project. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?To disseminate the results of this work, PD Bernauer has given several presentations to colleagues around North America as detailed in the other products section of this report. Additionally, PD Bernauer has shared progress and updates about this work on their Twitter account, which has an audience of other scientists. PD Bernauer in collaboration with co-authors is in the process of publishing scientific manuscripts on the outputs of Obj 1 and Obj 2 as detailed in the Publications section of this work as well as above in the accomplishments of this project. Currently, there are two manuscripts that exist as full drafts with plans to get these submitted in the next month and a third on its way that PD Bernauer intends to submit to a scientific journal before mid-year. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1: How does the projected increase in atmospheric CO2 affect the nutritional value of floral resources? For objective 1, we evaluated the effects of eCO2 on fourteen flowering plant species and found that for most plant species, the nutritional value of floral resources was unaffected by eCO2 and when plants responded to eCO2, they had differential responses (some increasing and others decreasing in pollen protein (%N)). This objective is complete and a corresponding manuscript is prepared, has had feedback from all co-authors and will be submitted to a scientific journal before the end of the month. In addition to the proposed work on eCO2 and plant growth and pollen nutrition, we also added a project investigating if there is an interaction between eCO2 and N fertilizer levels. This project was led by an undergraduate mentee of PD Bernauer for the student's senior thesis. This project is complete and a manuscript has been fully drafted for submission to a scientific journal. The manuscript is currently being reviewed by co-authors and should be submitted within the next month. Objective 2: Does bumble bee foraging behavior or floral preferences change when floral resources are grown under elevated CO2? Given that the plant species studied for objective 1 did not respond strongly to elevated CO2, we decided to revise this objective to focus on another important aspect of global change: warming temperatures. PD Bernauer and an undergraduate mentee investigated whether bumble bee learning was influenced by temperatures, with specific attention to warming temperatures. Together, PD Bernauer and the undergraduate mentee used video cameras and custom computer vision code to track bumble bees within an arena to document their foraging behavior in different temperatures. All data for this objective have been collected, final video processing will occur shortly, and then PD Bernauer will analyze and write up this work for publication in a scientific journal. Objective 3: What are the impacts of elevated CO2 pollen resources on bumble bee queen overwintering, survival, and colony growth? Given that the plant species studied for objective 1 did not respond strongly to elevated CO2, we focused our efforts on expanding Obj. 1 and the modified Obj. 2 instead of focusing on this objective.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: in prep. Bernauer, OM, Jain, A, de Bivort, B, Holbrook, NM, Myers, SS, Ziska, LH, Crall, JD. Elevated atmospheric CO2 has inconsistent effects on pollen chemistry and plant growth across flowering plant species. For submission to Scientific Reports.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Other Year Published: 2024 Citation: in prep. VanDerhei, GC, Ziska LH, Crall, JD, Bernauer, OM. The dynamics of eCO2 and N fertilizer on borage (Boraginaceae: Borago officinalis) growth, flowering, and pollen nutrition. For submission to J Plant Research.

Progress 07/01/22 to 06/30/23

Target Audience: The target audience of this work has been other scientists, researchers, and students investigating global change, pollination biology, plant physiology, or pollinator health. Primary efforts include science communication via social media networking on Twitter, in-person networking at department events, such as seminars, and conferences, as well as a conference presentations. Changes/Problems:Objective 1 was expanded to include a study on the interaction between elevated CO2 x N fertilizer levels. Objective 2: Since our results of Objective 1 did not show a strong effect of elevated CO2 on pollen nutrition, though we were still interested in studying bee foraging, we changed the study for Objective 2. Instead of studying how plants grown under elevated CO2 affect bumble bee foraging, we shifted to studying how changes in temperature impact bumble bee learning and foraging behavior, another important facet of climate change. Objective 3: Because the results of Objective 1 did not show a strong effect of elevated CO2 on pollen protein, we did not carry out objective three as we would expect no changes to pollen nutrition or queen development when fed a diet of plants grown under elevated CO2. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?During August of 2022, PD Bernauer attended the Bee Course in Portal, AZ for ten days where she improved her bee taxonomy skills and networked with other peers similarly studying bees, including several investigating climate change and pollinators. PD Bernauer has learned to use low-cost electronics in her research, both through trial and error, but also through auditing a course titled "Digital Ecology" taught by co-PI Crall in the Spring of 2023. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?In the last year, PD Bernauer and colleagues have presented upon this work nine times during seminars or conferences to scientific peers. As the project has progressed, PD Bernauer has shared progress on twitter with her growing network of peers. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?For Objective 1, we plan to have two manuscripts submitted to scientific journals in coming months to share our findings with scientific peers. This will accomplish all goals for Objective 1. For Objective 2, the bumble bee foraging data will be analyzed, then summarized and published in a scientific journal. As Objective 3 was shifted to a broader focus on Objective 1, see plans described in Obj 1 above.

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1: In this reporting period, efforts on Obj. 1 have focused on writing and communicating the scientific findings generated in this study. The manuscript summarizing these results is in preparation with plans to submit to a scientific journal within weeks. Objective 1 was expanded to include a study on the interaction between CO2 and N fertilizer on a single plant species to see if additional N fertilizer can effectively fertilize away the negative impacts of elevated CO2 on bumble bee nutrition. This work on CO2 and N fertilizer was undertaken by an undergraduate student for their senior thesis in exchange for research credits. The results from this work have been summarized in her thesis and we are planning to publish these in a scientific journal in late summer or early fall. Objective 2: Objective 2 was revised to focus on bumble bee foraging and learning in response to temperature change instead of CO2 as response to elevated CO2 was not as strong as we initially predicted. For objective 2, a data set on bumble bee foraging under different learning and testing temperatures has been carried out using a foraging arena created by PD Bernauer. This data set will be analyzed shortly. Objective 3: Given that elevated CO2 did not strongly impact pollen nutrition for most of our studied plant species, we decided to forego objective three, and instead focus more efforts on Obj. 1 and carrying out the CO2 x N fertilizer experiment.



Progress 07/01/21 to 06/30/22

Target Audience:For this reporting period, the target audience of this work has been other scientists, researchers, and students investigating global change, pollination biology, plant physiology, or pollinator health. Primary efforts include science communication via social media networking on Twitter, in-person networking at department events, such as seminars, and conferences, as well as a conference presentation at the North Central Branch Meeting of the Entomological Society of America in March of 2022. Changes/Problems:As the work in objective 1 is a continuation of previous work by mentors Crall and Ziska, some preliminary data sets have recently become available. The original study (Ziska et al., 2016, Proc. R. Soc. B.: Biol. Sci.) which this work was based upon, found a clear decrease in pollen protein in goldenrod as atmospheric CO2 increased (eCO2). Data from a follow-up study conducted by mentors Crall and Ziska and collaborator AnuprekshaJainat Harvard University during the summer of 2021suggest that responses to increasing atmospheric CO2 are species-specific and that not all plant species exhibit a decrease in pollen protein following eCO2 growing conditions. The data collected in the experiment in objective 1 of this study will provide data on additional plant species. We initially hypothesized that pollen protein would be uniformly decreased, which would have obvious negative consequences for pollinator health, but now that we have more data, the story is less clear. If most plant species exhibit no changes to pollen protein in response to eCO2, there are unlikely to be changes to foraging behavior (objective 2) or queen bumble bee physiology (objective 3). The experiments in objectives 2 and 3 may change in response to more data on pollen nutrition, but the details of this will not be decided until the results from objective 1 on pollen nutrition and metabolomics are available. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The project has offered PD Bernauer the opportunity to network with new colleagues at UW-Madison (in the department and during weekly seminars of invited speakers), as well as in the Midwest in general, at the North Central Branch meeting of the Entomological Society of America in March of 2022 (Minneapolis, MN). Additionally, PD Bernauer has been learning about chemical ecology,automation techniques, and using neural networks and is preparing to implement these automated techniquesin her upcoming experiment on foraging behavior (objective 2). Alongside PD Bernauer's new technological skills, she has improved her ability to code using Python. The University of Wisconsin-Madison also offers a plethora of workshops and seminars on topics including mentoring, job searching, and promoting healthy work environments;PD Bernauer has attended 6 of theseseminars to date. PD Bernauer has had the opportunity to work with other members of the lab to assist in peer-reviewing their research plans and providing mentoring as needed. Additionally, PD Bernauer has mentored an undergraduate student during the spring semester of 2022 to conduct their own independent research, this student will be returning in the fall to continue to be mentored by PD Bernauer. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?PD Bernauer utilizes her network on the social media platform Twitter to share updates about her research. Most of her followers are other scientists and members of the public interested in pollinator health and biology. In March of 2022, PD Bernauer presented a poster at the North Central Branch Meeting of the Entomological Society of American conferences in Minneapolis, MN, on her upcoming experimental plans to study bee foraging behavior when provided with plants grown under elevated CO2 (objective 2). Additionally, as this work (the entire postdoc) is a continuation of an ongoing collaboration started by mentor Crall and collaborative mentor Ziska, a second poster was presented at the meeting in Minneapolis by another student (Anupreksha Jain) who helped with earlier aspects of this study, and which detailed preliminary results from objective 1, on plant responses to elevated CO2. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?To accomplish objective 1, once the results of pollen analyses are back, I plan to finish analyzing the final data set, and prepare the results for publication in a scientific journal. I plan to continue to share the results of this work on social media and present these results at a scientific conference next year. For objective 2, I plan to conduct the foraging behavior experiment to determine if changes to plant physiology or nutrition alter bumble bee foraging behavior. PD Bernauer will need to build the foraging arenas, implement the automated foraging behavior technology (cameras, software, etc.), grow flowering plants, and run the experiments.Once the experiment is complete, I plan to analyze the collected data and summarize the findings in scientific publication.

What was accomplished under these goals? To date, efforts have focused primarily on objective 1. During the winter of 2021-2022, PD Bernauer conducted experimental studies in a greenhouse to investigate the impacts of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) on plant growth, physiology, and the protein content of pollen, an important resource for pollinators. Two experimental rounds were completed, the first with 9 species of flowering plants, grown from seed, and the second with 7 species. Each experimental round lasted approximately four months and during this time, plant height, leaf number, and flower number were monitored weekly to document plant growth. Once plants were in flower, pollen samples were collected. Due to time constraints and small flower sizes, nectar was not evaluated. The data on plant growth has been entered and preliminary analyses are underway. A subset of pollen samples from four plant species has been set aside for metabolomic analyses, which we expect to occur this summer in an ongoing collaboration with colleagues at Harvard. The remaining pollen samples have been dried and are currently being analyzed for carbon and nitrogen (as a proxy for pollen) content. Forobjective 2, the experimental design for the foraging arenas has been created, and the plant species included in this study will be determined once we get the results of the pollen analyses back.
