Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jun 15, 2021
Project End Date
Jan 31, 2024
Grant Year
Program Code
[A7201]- AFRI Post Doctoral Fellowships
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Biological Science
Non Technical Summary
Insect herbivory causes billions of dollars in crop losses worldwide. One strategy for managing pests and minimizing crop loss is to select or develop cultivars with traits that provide resistance to insect herbivory. Cultivar traits that provide resistance to herbivory include induced defenses, or physical or chemical defenses that are only expressed in response to insect feeding. Induced defenses can reduce crop damage due to insect herbivory, but often come at a cost to plant reproduction, which could in turn affect crop yield (particularly for crops in which the reproductive parts of the plant, e.g., fruits and seeds, are harvested). However, little is known about how these costs affect plant and insect populations in the long term, or whether these effects differ based on plant life history (e.g., annual/perennial, seasonality of reproduction). The goal of this project is to understand the long-term consequences of induced defenses for plant and insect populations. This will be accomplished through two objectives: (1) measuring effects of herbivore density on the expression of induced defenses in plant populations through time and (2) determining how the strength of reproduction-defense tradeoffs, the rates at which defenses are induced and decay, and the effect of induced defenses on herbivores influence plant reproductive output and herbivore densities. In Objective 1, we will use a field experiment to measure induced defenses through time in wild upland cotton, Gossypium hirsutum, in response to feeding by different numbers of insect herbivores. In Objective 2, we will analyze two versions of a mathematical model, representing wild, continuously reproducing perennial populations and annually cropped populations, respectively. Results from this project will be directly relevant to agricultural pest management (e.g., identifying cultivars with high, stable annual yields across many potential herbivory levels) and to the conservation of crop wild relatives as genetic reservoirs. More broadly, this work will advance our understanding of the implications of growing naturally perennial species on an annual cycle.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The goal of this project is to understand the long-term consequences of defense plasticity for plant populations and for consumer-resource dynamics more generally using a crop model system. We will usea combination of experiments and modeling to address this goal. In Objective 1, we will use a common garden experiment with wild and cultivated upland cotton, Gossypium hirsutum, to measure the effect of herbivore density on the plastic induction of defenses in plant populations through time. In Objective 2, we will develop consumer-resource models to investigate how the strength of reproduction-defense tradeoffs, rates of defense induction and decay, and the effect of induced resistance on herbivore population dynamics influence plant population growth and demographic structure. By comparing results from a discrete time version of the model (representing annually cropped or seasonally reproducing populations) and a continuous time version of the model (representing continuously reproducing, perennial populations), we will broadly assess how the effects of defense plasticity differ based on plant life history.
Project Methods
Objective 1. Measuring the effect of herbivore density on the plastic induction of defenses in plant populations through time. We will measure induction through time in experimental populations of upland cotton in response to feeding by the beet armyworm, Spodotera exigua. We will establish experimental populations (10-15 plants each) of wild upland cotton in a common garden, using plants propagated from seed collected from a natural source population in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. We will separately measure induction in the conventional varieties DP 493 (Deltapine) and AM UA48 (Americot) grown in the same common garden environment. Each replicate population will be enclosed in a cage (approx. 1.5 x 1.5 x 2 m) and exposed to one of four densities of S. exigua, including a no-herbivore control. Once per week for five weeks we will measure induced resistance of all plants in three replicate populations of each herbivore density treatment via both bioassay and direct measurement of physical and chemical defenses (i.e., trichome needle density, pigment gland density, foliar terpenoid aldehyde concentration). In this design, induction will always be measured on plants that have not been previously assayed, but, maternal lines will be represented by multiple plants per sampling point due to similarity in genetic composition among replicate populations. Importantly, measurements of resistance from plants of the same maternal line with and without herbivory will allow us to distinguish induced from constitutive resistance while accounting for underlying genetic variation in resistance. We will measure total plant resistance at each timepoint using bioassays (relative growth rate of S. exigua over 48 h when fed second newest fully expanded leaf) and calculate induced resistance by subtracting the average resistance of undamaged plants of the same maternal line measured at the same time. For direct measurement of induced defenses, we will measure trichome needle density, pigment gland density, and the concentration of terpenoid aldehydes using the newest fully expanded leaf from each plant using visual counts (trichome needle density and pigment gland density) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Analyses: First, we will analyze how herbivore density affects RGR, trichome density, pigment gland density, and terpenoid concentrations through time using generalized linear mixed models. Relative growth rate and measurements of induced defenses will be analyzed as response variables in separate models with herbivore density, time point, and their interaction as predictor variables. Maternal line of the plant and identity of the replicate population will be included as random effects and link functions will be chosen to reflect the distribution of the data. Second, we will quantify the correlation between a plant's defense phenotype (trichome or gland density, terpenoid concentration) and its effective resistance (herbivore RGR or leaf area consumed) and analyze whether the correlation coefficient changes through time using a linear mixed model with time point as predictor and maternal line as a random effect. Objective 2. Modeling the effect of defense plasticity on consumer-resource dynamics in annual and perennial populations. We will use a system of differential equations and an analogous discrete time model to investigate the effect of defense plasticity on consumer-resource dynamics. In the model, the densities of seedlings and mature plants, and their mean induction levels, are tracked separately. Herbivores induce defenses in seedlings and mature plants at stage-specific rates, as the strength of induced resistance is known to depend on life stage in many plants, and defenses decay at a constant rate. Mean induction levels are also affected by demographic transitions - germination of new seedlings, growth of seedlings into mature plants, and plant mortality - as these change the number of plants in each life stage. The cost of induction (i.e., a reproduction-defense tradeoff) occurs in the production of fruits by mature plants. Finally, plant defenses reduce herbivore population growth. The continuous time and discrete time versions of the model reflect differences in the timing and outcome of reproduction that are likely to occur between natural and managed (e.g., agricultural) plant populations. In the continuous time, "natural germination" version of the model, the rate at which new seedlings enter the population is a function of the per capita number of fruits produced (which depends on mean induction of mature plants), the number of seeds per fruit, and the probability of seed germination. Herbivory and plant reproduction occur continuously through time. In the discrete time, "annual cropping" version of the model, new seedlings enter the population only via propagation, which occurs during a single timestep. The plant cohort then progresses through the season and experiences herbivory from multiple generations of herbivores. Fruits are produced at induction-dependent rate, as in the continuous time model, but are harvested. Because the discrete time model explicitly models generations, it can also be used to investigate effects of the timing or number of herbivore generations within the season (which is not possible for the continuous time model). Analyses: We will use equilibrium and stability analyses on both versions of the model to determine how the strength of reproduction-defense tradeoffs, rates of defense induction and decay, and the effect of induction on herbivore population dynamics influence (1) the demographic structure of the plant population (proportion consisting of mature plants) at equilibrium (continuous time version only), (2) herbivore population density at equilibrium, and (3) reproductive output of mature plants at equilibrium (i.e., yield). Understanding transient (i.e., non-equilibrium) behavior should be especially important for predicting responses to perturbation or when the equilibrium state is slow to develop. Therefore, we will characterize transient dynamics and assess the importance of transience to the overall behavior of the system using known initial conditions and the same analyses described above.

Progress 09/01/21 to 01/31/24

Target Audience:During the award period, the PD mentored seven undergraduate students in biology, including professional development in insect rearing, plant propagation, and data collection techniques; reading scientific literature; and data analysis. The PD also reached basic and applied ecologists, plant biologists, and evolutionary biologists by presenting project results at three international conferences (American Society of Naturalists 2023, Ecological Society of America 2023, and New Phytologists Next Generation Scientists 2024) and three invited seminars (University of Tennessee, Knoxville Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Towson University Dept. of Biology, Illinois State University Dept. of Biology). Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The PD has mentored seven undergraduate students, including professional development in insect rearing, plant propagation, data collection techniques, and data analysis. The PD engaged in professional development through training in evidence-based STEM teaching (NSF CIRTL online courses), active participation in a theoretical ecology research group, a demographic modeling workshop at the Ecological Society of America annual meeting, and six professional presentations. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We have shared the results of the project with audiences of plant biologists, ecologists, and evolutionary biologists at three professional meetings (American Society of Naturalists 2023, Ecological Society of America 2023, and New Phytologists Next Generation Scientists 2024) and three invited seminars (University of Tennessee, Knoxville Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Towson University Dept. of Biology, Illinois State University Dept. of Biology). What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1. Measuring the effect of herbivore density on the plastic induction of defenses in plant populations through time. During the award period, we (1) conducted a field experiment to characterize the effect of herbivore density on the plastic induction of plant defenses through time using upland cotton, Gossypium hirsutum, (2) collected field data and processed leaf samples from experimental plants to measure physical and chemical defenses, (3) began data analysis, and (4) presented results at three international conferences and three invited seminars. Field experiment: During summer 2022 we conducted a field experiment at the UTIA's East Tennessee Research and Education Center to characterize the effect of herbivore density on the plastic induction of plant defenses through time in upland cotton, Gossypium hirsutum. Plants used for the experiment were propagated from seed acquired from the USDA Cotton Germplasm and originally collected from wild populations in Mexico, representing 45 different genotypes in total. We used 70 experimental populations of 10 plants each, split among four herbivore density treatments. We introduced second-instar beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua) larvae into caged experimental populations, then allowed continuous feeding by the caterpillars within the cages. We collected leaf samples from all plants in experimental populations 2, 4, 7, 12, or 21 days after introducing caterpillars. Data collection and sample processing: In the field, we measured plant biomass and percent leaf damage across the growing season. Using leaf samples brought back to the lab, we measured plant resistance to herbivory at each timepoint as naïve beet armyworm performance (i.e., relative growth rates) and leaf area consumed in no-choice bioassays. With separate leaf samples, we photographed the leaf surface under magnification, then analyzed the images to estimate trichome and terpenoid gland densities. Leaf samples were flash-frozen in the field and held for chemical analysis at the Biological and Small Molecule Mass Spectrometry Core at UTK. Mass spectrometry was used to quantify the relative abundance of specializedterpenoid aldehydes (two isomers of hemigossypolone). At the end of the experiment, we harvested the plants and measured dry weight. Data analysis and preliminary results: We observed rapid induction of resistance in plant populations exposed to caterpillar feeding. Within 2-4 days, plants in herbivore addition treatments depressed growth and feeding of naïve caterpillars (by up to 156 % and up to 75 %, respectively) relative to plants in the no-herbivore control. Mean resistance was sustained at this level until about 12 days of caterpillar feeding, then declined back to baseline levels by day 21 (coincident with caterpillar pupation). During the period of induced resistance (days 2-12), mean resistance increased with herbivore density, suggesting that plant induced response depends on herbivore density or the extent of herbivore feeding, and that this relationship is detectable at the level of genetically variable plant populations. We found differences in the timing and duration of induction among the multiple defensive traits measured. Leaf physical defenses against herbivory, trichomes and terpenoid glands, were each induced for a short duration but differed in their timing: increased trichome density occurred only on day 2, while increased terpenoid gland density occurred only on day 7. Specialized chemical defenses, on the other hand, were induced consistently (for one hemigossypolone isomer) or intermittently (for the other hemigossypolone isomer) acrossat least one week, between days 4 and 12. For terpenoid glands and both hemigossypolone isomers, induced defenses increased with herbivore density (full analysis of trichome density is still pending). Together, this combination of short-duration, sequentially induced defenses and defenses induced over longer periods may help to maintain high resistance to herbivory through time (e.g., across herbivore development) while minimizing the energetic or ecological costs associated with particular inducible defense traits. Objective 2. Modeling the effect of defense plasticity on consumer-resource dynamics in annual and perennial plant populations. During the award period, we (1) developed a continuous time plant-herbivore population model where plants induce defenses in response to herbivore feeding, and where the plant population is demographically structured into seedling and reproductive life stages, (2) used numerical simulation to characterize equilibrium dynamics for plant populations across a fast-slow pace-of-life continuum, and (3) submitted a manuscript to a major journal for publication. Model development and analysis: We developed a continuous-time model to address how the timing and costs of inducible defenses interact with plant demographic rates to influence plant-herbivore dynamics. Our model describes change through time of five state variables: seedling biomass, reproductive plant biomass, mean induction levels of seedling and reproductive plant biomass, and herbivore abundance. In our model: (1) herbivore feeding removes plant biomass and increases defenses in both seedling and reproductive plants, (2) plant defenses reduce herbivore feeding (thus protecting existing plant biomass) and are costly to plants via reduced seed production, and (3) seedling germination and establishment are limited by intraspecific competition. Importantly, we use separate rates to describe plant fecundity, seedling maturation, and reproductive plant mortality, allowing us to model different plant life histories by manipulating these parameters in combination. For each plant life history (i.e., combination of demographic parameters), we used numerical simulation to characterize the effects of induction responsiveness (how strongly plant defenses are induced upon herbivore feeding), induction cost (how strongly inducible defenses reduce seed production), and induction effectiveness (how strongly inducible defenses reduce herbivore feeding) on equilibrium dynamics. Results: We show that plant life history alters the effects of inducible defenses on population persistence, stability, and equilibrium densities. In particular, several population-level outcomes of inducible defenses differed between plant populations with a fast pace-of-life (e.g., high mortality/high fecundity) and populations with low adult mortality, slow maturation, or both. Persistence in fast pace-of-life populations was highly sensitive to inducible defense efficacy and costs. When inducible defenses did enable persistence in these populations, greater inducible defenses consistently maximized total plant biomass, with equilibrium densities strongly dependent on seedling (but not mature plant) induction. In slow pace-of-life populations, on the other hand, inducible defenses strongly promoted persistence, but plant biomass was not always maximized at high induction strength. We observed two distinct types of cyclic dynamics in these populations - those driven by high herbivore population growth and those driven by high inducible defense costs. With these findings, we demonstrate that the combination of demographic transition rates that characterize stage-structured populations can strongly modify the effects of inducible defenses by changing the relative effect of new induction on mean inducible defense levels, and by determining which factors are most limiting to seedling densities. Manuscript: A manuscript reporting the findings of this study is currently in revision at a major peer-reviewed journal.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2023 Citation: Mutz, J. and S. Kalisz. American Society of Naturalists, Asilomar, CA. Population-level consequences of defense plasticity: effects of herbivore density on induced resistance through time.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2023 Citation: Mutz, J. and S. Kalisz. Ecological Society of America, Portland, OR. Sequential expression of multiple herbivore-induced defensive traits confers sustained resistance.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2024 Citation: Mutz, J. and K.C. Abbott. Life history modulates effects of inducible defenses on consumer-resource dynamics.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2024 Citation: Mutz, J. and S. Kalisz. New Phytologist Next Generation Scientist Symposium, Duke University, NC. Sequential expression of multiple herbivore-induced defensive traits confers sustained resistance.

Progress 09/01/22 to 08/31/23

Target Audience:The PD reached basic and applied ecologists and evolutionary biologists by presenting results at the American Society of Naturalists annual meeting (January 2023) and Ecological Society of America annual meeting (August 2023). Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Through the project, the PD has mentored three undergraduate students, including professional development on insect rearing, plant propagation, and data collection techniques. The PD engaged in professional development through training in evidence-based STEM teaching (NSF CIRTL online courses), experience in methods for chemical analyses using mass spectrometry, and gaining skills in theoretical ecology. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?During the reporting period, weshared preliminary results from Objective 1 at two scientific meetings: American Society of Naturalists annual meeting (January 2023) and Ecological Society of America annual meeting (August 2023). A manuscript with the results from Objective 2 is in the final stages of preparation for submission for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Objective 1. Measuring the effect of herbivore density on the plastic induction of defenses in plant populatuions through time. We will finish image analyses and chemical analyses of leaf samples collected during the field experiment. PD will analyze data from the field experiment and prepare manuscript for publication, including mentoring an undergraduate student on data analysis. Objective 2. Modeling the effect of defense plasticity on consumer-resource dynamics in annual and perennial plant populations. We will submit the prepared manuscript to a peer-reviewed journal, and will revise as needed for publication.

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1. Measuring the effect of herbivore density on the plastic induction of defenses in plant populatuions through time. During the current reporting period we have focused on completing data collectionandentry, and beginning data analyses, associated with the summer 2022 field experiment. To complete data colection, we photographed all leaf samples and have analyzed 780 of 1400 images to quantify trichome and terpenoid gland densities. Chemical analyses of 700leaf samples(via high-performance liquid chromatography) were delayed due to equipment maintenance and repair, but theseanalyses are currently underway. All available data have been entered, cleaned, and annotated. We have written and tested statistical models using a subset of the data. Preliminary results: The mean resistance level of plant population increased quickly upon herbivory, reaching its highest level after 4days. Mean resistance was sustained at this level until about 12 days after the introduction of caterpillars, then declined back to baseline levels by day 21. During the period of induced resistance (days 4-12), mean resistance increased with herbivore density, suggesting that the plants' induced response depends on herbivore density or the extent of herbivore feeding, and that this relationship is detectable at the level of genetically variable plant populations. Using only data from the high herbivore density treatment, we found that leaf trichome density peaks early (at day 4), then begins to decline, while terpenoid gland density peaks later (at day 7). These offsets in the timing of peak induction may hep to maintain high resistance to herbivory through time (e.g., across herbivore development) while minimizing the energetic or ecological costs associated with particular inducible defense traits. Objective 2. Modeling the effect of defense plasticity on consumer-resource dynamics in annual and perennial plant populations. Using the model developed during the previous reporting period, we simulated equilibrium dyanmicsfor plant populations occurring along a fast-slow pace-of-life continuum (by manipulating rates of plant fecundity, maturation, and mortality in tandem). We compared the results of these simulations to an analytically tractable model without inducible defenses to isolate the effect of inducible defenses per se. Results: We show that plant demography alters the effects of inducible defenses on the persistence, stability, and equilibrium densities of plant and herbivore populations. In particular, several population-level outcomes of inducible defenses we unique tofast pace-of-life (e.g., high mortality/high fecundity) or slow pace-of-life (e.g., low mortality/low fecundity) populations. In fast pace-of-life populations, we found that greater inducible defenses consistently maximized total plant biomass, with equilibrium densities strongly dependent on seedling (but not mature plant) induction. Persistent cycles were possible at high inducible defense costs, and these cycles could not be stabilized by increasing maturation rate. In slow pace-of-life populations, on the other hand, inducible defenses strongly promoted persistence. We observed two distinct types of cyclic dynamics in these populations - those driven by high herbivore population growth and those driven by high inducible defense costs. With these findings, we demonstrate that the demographic transitions inherent to stage-structured populations can strongly modify the effects of inducible defenses by changing the relative effect of new induction on mean inducible defense levels, and by determining which factors are most limiting to seedling dynamics. We have written a full draft of a manuscript presenting these results, which in the final stages of preparation for submission for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.


    Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/22

    Target Audience:During the reporting period, the PD mentored five undergraduate students in biology (ecology & evolutionary biology concentration), including professional development in insect rearing, plant propagation, and data collection techniques; reading scientific literature; and data analysis. The PD also reached basic and applied ecologists and evolutionary biologists by presenting preliminary research results at an invited seminar at University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Dept of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology) and an informal presentation at Case Western Reserve University. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Through the project, the PD has mentored three undergraduate students, including professional developmenton insect rearing, plant propagation, and data collection techniques. The PD engaged in professional development throughtraining in evidence-based STEM teaching (NSF CIRTL online courses), experience in methods for chemical analyses using mass spectrometry, and gainingskillsin theoretical ecology. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?At this point we have only preliminary results, which were shared with an audience of ecology and evolutionary biology researchers at a University of Tennessee, Knoxville departmental seminar given by the PD and at an informal presentation at Case Western Reserve University. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Objective 1. Measuring the effect of herbivore density on the plastic induction of defenses in plant populatuions through time. We will finish image analyses and chemical analyses of leaf samples collected during the field experiment. PD will analyze data from the field experiment and begin manuscript preparation. PD will present results of field experiment at the January 2023 meeting of the American Society of Naturalists. Objective 2. Modeling the effect of defense plasticity on consumer-resource dynamics in annual and perennial plant populations. We will prepare and submit a manuscript on the results of the continuous-time model. PD will present modeling results at a national or international conference. We will begin analyzing a discrete-time version of the model (to represent annual or annually-cropped plant populations).

    What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1. Measuring the effect of herbivore density on the plastic induction of defenses in plant populatuions through time. During summer 2022 we conducted afield experiment at the UTIA's East Tennessee Research and Education Center to characterize the effect of herbivore density on the plastic induction of plant defenses through time in upland cotton, Gossypium hirsutum. Plants used for the experiment were propagated from seedacquired from the USDA Cotton Germplasm and originally collected from wild populations in Mexico. We used 70 experimental populations of 10 plants each, split among four herbivore density treatments. We introduced second-instar beet armyworm larvae into caged experimental populations, then allowed continuous feeding by the caterpillars within the cages. Wecollected leaf samples from all plants in experimental populations 2, 4, 7, 12, or 21 days after introducing caterpillars. Data collected: We measured plant biomass and percent leaf damage across the growing season. We measured plant's resistance to herbivory at each timepoint as beet armyworm performance (i.e., relative growth rates) and leaf area consumed in no-choice bioassays. We are currently processing the collected leaf samples to measure plant defense phenotypes at each timepoint: trichome and terpenoid gland densities (on the leaf surface) and terpenoid aldehyde concentrations. Preliminary results: The mean resistance level of plant populations increased quickly upon herbivory, regardless of herbivore density: after 2 days, caterpillar growth was 2-3xlower when fed leaf material from herbivore addition treatments (compared to no-herbivore controls). Mean resistance level continued to increase through time (i.e., after 7-12 days), but only for populations with high herbivore density. These preliminary findings so far suggest that plant populations are highly responsive to damage from herbivory and thatgreater herbivore density corresponds to greater investment in defenses over time. Objective 2. Modeling the effect of defense plasticity on consumer-resource dynamics in annual and perennial plant populations. We developed a continuous-time model forchange through time of the total biomass of seedlings and mature plants, themean induced defense levels of seedlings and mature plants, and herbivore density. We used simulations to characterize the model'sbehavior at equilibrium for different parameter sets (i.e., under which conditions the system goes extinct, goes to a stable equilibrium, or results in cyclic dynamics). Specifically, we used simulations to investigate how parameters describing defense induction, effectiveness, and costs affect plant biomass, seed production, and herbivore densities, and to what extent these effects depend on plant demography. We are currently preparing a manuscript on the results of our model analyses.
