Progress 09/01/23 to 08/31/24
Outputs Target Audience:The main target audience was pome fruit growers and packers in Washington State PD: Amiri targeted organic growers and packers to advise and recommend on best management practices to manage postharvest disease Co-PD Torres targeted organic packers to conduct research and advise on physiological disorders and fruit quality Co-PD Critzer targeted organic packers to conduct research and advise, provide recommendation on food safety Co-Ps Gallardo and Murphy conducted extension activities with organic growers and packers to collect data for the economic analysis. Additional audience included other industry stakeholders and allied industry providers in addition to graduate students and scientists. Changes/Problems:Changes Obj. 1-Activity 1.2. New trials were not planned for 2023 season because Retain OL (AVG formulation for organic apples) did not get the experimental use approved. Problems Obj. 1-Activity 1.1. Our packinghouse collaborator misplaced the fruit intended for our trial which require redoing the trial in the next period Obj. 1-Activity 1.2. Retain OL (AVG formulation for organic apples) did not get the experimental use approved. Obj. 3-Activity 3.1.1. Some phytotoxicity was observed on apples treated antimicrobial. Trials will be repeated in 2024-25 using different doses and method of application What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Training: A PhD student in Economics (Nickson Cabote) is being trained to conduct price analyses of organic apples across each month within the marketing season, to evaluate the effect of pre-harvest and post-harvest treatments on the grower's profitability. Sadat Amankona, "Optimization of organic apple storage", Ph.D. in Horticulture. Aug 2022 - present. Clayton Haskel, a Scientific Assistant, was trained in Amiri lab to conduct pathology work Emma Ewald, an undergraduate student, was trainned in organic disease management in the lab and field in the Amiri lab Professional Development -PD Amiri and a Scientific Assistant attended the Plant Health meeting in Memphis TE in July 2023. -Tour and technical discussion. Hispanic Orchard Employee Education Program (HOEEP)- Wenatchee Valley College (39 attendees, 03/08/2023). How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Talks: Amiri A., Fomba J. 2023. Can dynamic controlled atmosphere help reduce postharvest diseases of pome fruit? VII International Conference Postharvest Unlimited, Wageningen, Netherlands, May 15th Amiri A. 2023. Impact of pre and postharvest management practices on decay diversity and frequency of pear in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. XIV Pear International Symposium, Stellenbosch South Africa, January 25th Amiri A. 2023. Managing decays in organic pome fruit. Annual Meeting of the Washington Fruit Association, Kennewick, December 6th Amiri A. 2023. Efficacy of organic materials applied preharvest to control fruit rots in storage. Columbia Basin Tree Fruit Club, Kennewick, July 26th Torres, C.A. 2023. "Washington experience of link between pre-harvest conditions and postharvest outcomes" (Keynote). Hortgro post-harvest symposium day. Hortgro Science, South Africa (June 8, 2023). Torres, C.A. 2024. Variabilidad climática y su efecto en la calidad de manzanas y peras en guardas prolongadas (Keynote). VIII Jornadas Anuales de Postcosecha, Santiago, Chile (Aug. 21-22, 2024). Torres, C.A. 2024. "Storage Technologies for organic apples," 12th Annual Pace Postharvest Academy, Pace International LLC, Clee Elum, United States of America (May 8, 2024). Torres, C.A. 2023. Honeycrisp and effects of climate. Cornell Storage Workshop, University of Cornell, 404 Plant Science Building, Ithaca, NY (Aug. 16, 2023). Torres, C.A. 2023. "Impact of hot weather on postharvest fruit quality in apple and pear". ASHS Webinar Series (Feb. 8, 2023). Torres, C.A. 2023. Preharvest conditions of fruit quality and storability. WSTFA 119th Annual Meeting & NW Hort Expo, Washington State Tree Fruit Association, Richland, WA, United States of America (Dec. 6, 2023). Torres, C.A. 2023. Managing fruit quality and decays in organic pome fruit. WSTFA 119th Annual Meeting & NW Hort Expo, Washington State Tree Fruit Association, Richland, WA, United States of America (Dec. 6, 2023). Amankona, S. 2024. Organic Gala apple: Fruit quality during the 2022/2023 long-term. Royal City Growers Meeting, Royal City, WA (Feb, 8, 2024). Amankona, S., Torres, C.A. 2023. Organic Gala: Fruit quality during the 2022/2023 long-term storage season. WSTFA 119th Annual Meeting & NW Hort Expo, Washington State Tree Fruit Association, Kennewick, WA, United States of America (Dec. 4, 2023). Torres, C.A. 2023. "Update on season effect on apple quality during long-term storage". Yakima Pomeclub, Yakima, WA (78 attendees, 11/16/2023). What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?PD-Amiri: Obj. 1-Activity 1.1. Field trials will be repeated at two commercial orchards in central WA to assess the efficacy of develop organic spray program Obj. 2-Activity Evaluate the efficacy of dynamic controlled atmosphere to control postharvest decays in commercial fruit (season 2). Obj. 2-Activity 2.2.1. Finish in vitro work to assess spore kill temperature on major posthravets pathogens Obj. 3-Activity 3.1.1. Conduct year 2 trials to assess efficacy of antimicrobial coatings against major postharvest pathogens Co-PD Torres: Obj. 2- Activity 2.2.1. Data analysis for season 2023-2024 and storage trial for 2023-2024. Fruit will be sourced from the same Gala and Honeycrisp commercial blocks used in previous seasons. Obj. 2- Activity 2.2.1. Hot water treatments will be performed in 2024 (Gala, Honeycrisp) and fruit quality evaluated at different intervals for 10 months in air and controlled atmosphere storage. Co-PD Critzer: Obj. 3- Activity 3.1: Work will commence with this crop year (fall 2024). Upon completion, we will understand how washable coatings impact survival of the foodborne pathogen (L. monocytogenes) in addition to fungal decay causing organisms during long-term controlled atmosphere storage. Co-PD Gallardo (Objective 4) Estimate the maximum percentage of decay losses that would offset fluctuations in organic prices during the season. Incorporate pre-harvest chemical application data and seasonal variation in prices to the partial-budgeting analyses. Co-PD Murphy and PD Amiri (Objective 5). PD Amiri will Organize a field day in north central Washington PD-Amiri and Co-PD Torres will organize a ½ warehouse day. Co-PD Murphy will organize a field day in southcentral WA.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Objective 1: Conduct on-farm research to assess the efficacy of enhanced preharvest management practices to fight fungal infections and improve fruit quality in storage [Research] Activity 1.1. On-farm assessment of new organic materials to implement a timely effective seasonal spray to mitigate fruit infections by field pathogens. [Amiri]. Field trails were conducted in a commercial Honeycrisp orchard located in Royal City, WA. A 7- acres block was divided into 2 sub-blocks; one was sprayed according to the standard grower (SGSP) spray program while the second sub-block was treated using a Research-based spray program (RBSP)based on new materials and different spray times. Apples were harvested from each sub-block at commercial maturity, stored in a regular atmosphere at 37°F, and inspected for decay every three months up to nine months. Results from this season revealed 2.5% of total decay in the subblock spayed using the RBSP compared to 8.9% in the SGSP subblock. Activity 1.2. Effects of preharvest applications of organic ethylene blockers to extend the harvest window and postharvest quality in long-term storage.[Torres]. No additional results from 2023-2024 trials. New trials were not planned for 2024 season because Retain OL (AVG formulation for organic apples) did not get the experimental use approved. OBJECTIVE 2: Conduct lab- and postharvest-research to assess efficacy of non-chemical methods to improve quality and reduce fungal decays [Research]. Activity 2.1.1. Effect of DCA on fruit quality and physiological disorders [Torres]. Apples (2 Honeycrisp commercial blocks and 1 Gala block) harvested in 2022 and evaluated during 2023 under different postharvest systems (Air, CA or DCA storage) up to 10 months showed differences in overall fruit quality and physiological disorders incidences between storage systems. Nevertheless, major differences were observed between Blocks. In general, Dynamic Controlled atmosphere (DCA) was able to retain fruit firmness and acidity better than regular air or CA storage. Flesh browning and CO2 injury were more prominent in DCA storage than the other systems, especially in Honeycrisp apples. In 2023, fruit from the same commercial blocks were harvested and placed into different storage regimes as in 2022. Postharvest evaluations are ongoing. After year 3, a comparison between seasons will be made in order to correlate fruit quality postharvest with weather events occurring during the growing season. Activity of DCA against major postharvest pathogens in commercial fruit fruit (Years 2 and 3). [Amiri]. Organic Fuji apples harvested in October 2023 from a commercial orchard near Wenatchee, WA were stored at 35°F in three different storage atmospheres, i.e., room atmosphere, static controlled atmosphere (CA, 4% O2, 0.8% CO2), or dynamic controlled atmosphere (DCA, 0.6-08 % O2, 0.5-0.8% CO2). Trials are ongoing and data will be collected in September 2024 to simulate a one year storage. Activity 2.2.1 Optimal temperatures for apple cultivars [Amiri & Torres]. Hot water treatments (HWT, 49°C and 52°C) via immersions for 2 min were tested in Honeycrisp and Gala apples immediately after harvest. In Gala, fruit treated with 49°C and stored in CA (2%O2, 0.5% CO2) retained better firmness (+1.2 lb) than UTC and 52°C after 3 months into storage. In Honeycrisp, this was achieved by the 52°C treatment (+0.8 lb). The same effect was observed in fruit stored in air but with overall lower firmness values. There was no treatment effect on physiological disorders incidences. Hot water damage (brown skin) was observed in both HWT in Gala, with higher incidence at 52°C than at 49°C (35.5% vs 7.5%, respectively). Similar trends were observed in Honeycrisp with 7.5% vs 12.5% for 49°C and 52°C, respectively. OBJECTIVE 3: Assess the efficacy of postharvest organic antimicrobial coatings to mitigate microbial and fungal contaminations in organic fruit Activity. 3.1.1. Efficacy of antimicrobial coatings applied at harvest to protect from fungal contaminants in long term storage [Amiri]. Four antimicrobial coatings were applied as solo products at 2% and their combination at 0.5% each on organic Fuji apples in November 2023. Apples were then sprayed with spore suspensions of Penicillium expansum, Botrytis cinerea, Neofabraea perennans, or Phacidiopycnis washingtonensis. Treated apples were stored in a regular atmosphere at 35°F and inspected monthly for up to 6 months. For P. expansum, B. cinerea, and N. perennans, the combination of the 4 antimicrobial coatings was the most effective with the B. cinerea and M. perennans being the most effectively controlled. Activity 3.1.2. Evaluation of coatings to control foodborne pathogen surrogates in long term storage [Critzer]. No activity to report for this cycle. Work will commence in the 24-25 reporting cycle. Activity. 3.2. Efficacy of antimicrobial waxes applied during packing that can be used to protect against foodborne pathogens during distribution to the consumer [Critzer]. Work was completed for subojective 3.2. Organic compliant carnauba wax incorporated with 2.0% (v/v) essential oil blend with equal parts oregano, cinnamon bark, clove bud, and coriander performed significantly better against Listeria monocytogenes, Shiga-toxigenic E. coli, and Salmonella enterica when compared to unwaxed or carnauba-only waxed Gala or Honeycrisp apples over 40 days. Concentrations less than 2% essential oil blend were not different than the wax-only controls, but significantly different than unwaxed apples, most likely due to physical removal during the waxing process. Microgard (bacteriocin-based organic compliant antimicrobial) was not effective against any of the foodborne pathogens evaluated. OBJECTIVE 4: Economic analysis. Data about returns and costs of production have been collected for organic Gala and organic Honeycrisp. These data are used to develop the enterprise budgets. [Gallardo] Apple enterprise budgets findings - published in 2023: Organic Gala: Based on the study assumptions, as of 2022, the first break-even return of organic Gala apples was about $565 per bin. This is the minimum return needed for the owner-operator to cover the operation's variable costs. The second break-even return is about $573 per bin, which is needed to cover the total cash costs and to be economically viable in the short run. The third break-even return is $590 per bin, which is needed to cover the cash costs plus depreciation of machinery and buildings. The fourth break-even return is about $709 per bin. When this return is received, the owner-operator would recover all out-of-pocket expenses plus realize a competitive return on equity capital invested in land, organic Gala apple orchard, machinery, equipment, and buildings. Failure to obtain this break-even return level means that the owner-operator will not receive a return on capital contributions equal to what could be earned in alternative uses. Organic Honeycrisp: As of 2022, the first break-even return of organic Honeycrisp apples was about $583 per bin. This is the minimum return needed for the owner-operator to cover the operation's variable costs. The second break-even return is about $593 per bin. The third break-even return is $616 per bin, which is needed to cover the cash costs plus the depreciation of machinery and buildings. The fourth break-even return is about $794 per bin. Price analyses: We procured data on organic prices for 10 years for organic Honeycrisp and organic Gala to estimate the price increases during the season
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Sanchez-Tamayo, M., B. Ruiz-Llacsahuanga, R. Raad, W. Kerr, F. Critzer. 2024. Inactivation of foodborne pathogens on gala apples by application of antimicrobial waxes. Food Control. 155, 110049.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Fomba J., Amiri A. 2023. Effectiveness of organic materials applied in the orchards to control postharvest diseases of pome fruits. Phytopathology 113-11-S3:96.
Progress 09/01/22 to 08/31/23
Outputs Target Audience:PD Amiri has provided talks to an audience of organic pome fruit growers and packers estimated at 400 stakeholders in 2022. Co-PD Sallato has reached out to 25 apple growers of south-central WA to update them about pre and postharvest management and surveyed 10 organic stakeholders for current practices in pre and postharvest organic fruit systems. Co-PD Torres has reached out and trained Hispanic Orchard Employees in March 2023. Changes/Problems:Activity 3.1.1. Some phytotoxicity was observed on fruit while doing the trial. We'll have to redo the trial, reajust concentrations and application methods. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Training: Sadat Amankona, "Optimization of organic apple storage", Ph.D. in Horticulture. Aug 2022 - present. Professional Development One grower meeting to 25 apple growers. One summer intern conducting a survey to producers Tour and technical discussion. Hispanic Orchard Employee Education Program (HOEEP)- Wenatchee Valley College (39 attendees, 03/08/2023). How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Talks: Amiri. A. 202.2. Update on efficacy of numerous organic materials for postharvest rots control. WA State Fruit Association Annual Meeting, Wenatchee. Dec. 06, 2022. Amiri, A. 2023. Pre and postharvest disease management in organic apple systems. WA Apple Review Day. January 25, 2023. Amiri, A. 2023. Effective use of organic materials: preharvest for postharvest diseases. Organic Growers Meeting. Benton City, Feb. 15, 2023. Grower meeting, February 23rd. Columbia Basin Tree Fruit Club (25 attendees) Torres, C.A. 2023. "Impact of hot weather on postharvest fruit quality in apple and pear". ASHS Webinar Series (Feb. 8, 2023). Torres, C.A. 2023. Defectos de Pre-Post Cosecha en Manzanas Asociados a Altas Temperaturas en el Campo. G.S. Long Company, Inc. Grower Meeting, Yakima, WA (Jan 11, 2023). Martha Sanchez-Tamayo, Critzer, F. 2023. Technical presentation. "Inactivation of Foodborne Pathogens on Apples through Application of Antimicrobial Waxes" (ID# 31329) at International Association for Food Protection - IAFP - Annual Meeting. July 16-19, 2023. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Martha Sanchez-Tamayo, Critzer, F. 2023. Departmental seminar. "Inactivation of Foodborne Pathogens on Fruits by Application of Antimicrobial Coatings". Spring Seminar Series. Department of Food Science and Technology. University of Georgia. February 28, 2023. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?PD-Amiri: Objective 1: Activity 1.1. Conduct on farm assessment of new organic materials Objective 2: Activity 2.1.2. Repeat trials on efficacy of DCA in reducing postharvest decays Objective 2: Activity 2.2.1. Determine temperature thresholds on fruit and their efficacy in inhibiting spore germination Objective 3: Activity 3.1.1. Optimization of antimicrobial coating to fight postharvest decays. Co-PD Torres: Objective 2: Activity 2.2.1. Data analysis for season 2021-2022 and storage trial for 2022-2023. Fruit will be sourced from the same commercial blocks for Gala and Honeycrisp apples used the previous season. This execution of this activity will last 12 months. Objective 3: Activity 3.1.1. Fruit maturity, physiological disorders, and phytotoxicity will be evaluated at the time of treatment (oil-based coatings) and after 3 months of storage at 2°C. Co-PD Critzer: Sub-obj. 3.1. Activity 3.1.2. Evaluate coatings to control foodborne pathogens surrogates in long-term controlled atmosphere storage Sub-obj. 3.2. Activity 3.2.1. Sensory evaluation of antimicrobial waxes on Honeycrisp apples Co-PD Gallardo (Objective 4) Activity 1: Preliminary partial budget analysis of alternative preharvest schedule of chemical sprays (using data from Obj. 1) to derive the net change in farm profit relative to standard practice. Activity 2: Preliminary partial budget analysis of CA and DCA (using data from Obj. 2) to derive the net change in farm profit relative to status quo storage protocols for organic Gala and organic Honeycrisp apples. Co-PD Sallato (Objective 5). Coordinate advisory board meeting (Nov 2023). Grower meeting coordination to deliver outcomes. Translation of outputs to Spanish
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Objective 1: Conduct on-farm research to assess the efficacy of enhanced preharvest management practices to fight fungal infections and improve fruit quality in storage [Research] Activity 1.1. On-farm assessment of new organic materials to implement a timely effective seasonal spray to mitigate fruit infections by field pathogens. [Amiri]. Trials were conducted in 2023 at two organic certified commercial orchards to assess the efficacy of preharvest sprays applied at different timings during the growing season. Trials were conducted on Honeycrisp and Fuji cultivars two of the major cultivars grown in WA. Fruit will be harvested from different treatments in September and October 2023 and will be stored in regular cold atmosphere. Fruit will be inspected for decay incidence and decay type for 6 to 8 months. Data will be available in 2024 and trials will be reconducted then. Activity 1.2. Effects of preharvest applications of organic ethylene blockers to extend the harvest window and postharvest quality in long-term storage.[Torres]. All applications and evaluations were done as planned. Major outcomes include: AVG - organic formulations (Retain®OL) were able to significantly delay fruit maturity (softening, de-greening, starch degradation and decrease in acidity) prior harvest and extend the harvest window. In general, all AVG treatments (different dose and times of application) were able to maintain higher firmness, less chlorophyll degradation, ethylene production and respiration rate until 9 months into cold storage (controlled atmosphere) compared to the untreated control, although not always statistically different at different evaluation time points, including the shelf-life period. Fruit condition varied upon treatments and time in storage. OBJECTIVE 2: Conduct lab- and postharvest-research to assess efficacy of non-chemical methods to improve quality and reduce fungal decays [Research]. Sub-objective 2.1. Activity 2.1.1. Effect of DCA on fruit quality and physiological disorders [Torres]. In 2022, fruit from 3 commercial blocks (2 Honeycrisp, 1 Gala) were harvested and stored in DCA (Dynamic Control Atmosphere), static controlled atmosphere, and regular atmosphere (air) at 3oC and 1oC, respectively. Fruit was stored for up to 9 months plus 4 weeks in air storage. Evaluations of fruit quality and condition are ongoing. Maturity progression in Honeycrisp from both commercial blocks (W42 and C802) showed that due to the growing season weather, particularly the cold spring and heat waves in June and July, increased fruit's maturity rate leading to high ethylene, softening rate and starch degradation at commercial harvest. Activity 2.1.2.-Efficacy of DCA against four major postharvest pathogens on artificially inoculated detached fruit (Year 1-2). [Amiri]. Organic apples harvested in October 2022 were inoculated with spore suspensions at 105 spores/ml of four major postharvest pathogens, i.e., Penicillium expansum, Botrytis cinerea, Phacidiopycnis washingtonensis and Mucor piriformis. Fruit were then stored under three storage conditions, i.e., regular atmosphere, static controlled atmosphere and dynamic controlled atmosphere. Four replicates of 25 fruit each were used for each pathogen and storage condition combination. Fruit will be inspected for decay incidence in August 2023 to mimic long-term storage. Sub-objective 2.2. Activity 2.2.1 Optimal temperatures for apple cultivars [Amiri]. Seven of the most grown cultivars in WA were tested at 5 different temperatures, i.e., room temperature, 48, 49, 50 and 52C for 1 or 2 min to assess temperature thresholds. Preliminary results showed that all cultivars did not show any visible damage when treated at temperatures up to 51C, whereas 2 cultivars showed slight surface browning when treated at 52C. Internal fruit quality is being assessed to evaluate the effect of different temperatures on fruit quality. The same temperatures and exposure times have been tested against 2 major pathogens decaying pome fruit to assess kill-threshold for each pathogen. Work is ongoing to test 3 additional pathogens in vitro. Activity 2.2.2. Efficacy of thermotherapy to reduce postharvest decay [Amiri]. Organic fruit from the cultivar Fuji have been inoculated with spore suspensions of Penicillium expansum, Botrytis cinerea, Phacidiopycnis washingtonensis or Mucor piriformis and incubated for 24 hrs at room temperature. Fruit were then dipped in water at room temperature or in water heated to 50 and 51C. Fruit were incubated at 1C in regular atmosphere and are awaiting inspection for decay incidence. OBJECTIVE 3: Assess the efficacy of postharvest organic antimicrobial coatings to mitigate microbial and fungal contaminations in organic fruit Activity 3.1.1. [Amiri]. Four microbial organic coatings have been tested on detached fruit for their efficacy to reduce storage infection to fungal pathogens. Fruit were stored in regular cold storage and inspected monthly for decay development. There were differences in coatings efficacy but some phytotoxicity was observed on fruit with some of coastings as well. Activity 3.1.2 Evaluation of coatings to control foodborne pathogen surrogates in long term storage [Critzer] Sub-obj. 3.1. Efficacy of antimicrobial coatings applied at harvest to protect from fungal contaminants in long term storage Gala apples Inactivation of L. monocytogenes on organic Gala apples by application of antimicrobial waxes Inactivation of Salmonella on organic Gala apples by application of antimicrobial waxes 3. Inactivation of E. coli O157:H7 on organic Gala apples by application of antimicrobial waxes 4. Sensory evaluation. A sensory discrimination test was used to identify differences between waxed apples for treatments with the greatest efficacy High-level findings: Carnauba wax containing 2% EOs was the most effective treatment for inactivating target foodborne pathogens inoculated on apples for 40 days. This treatment showed 4.05, 1.38, and 2.81 Log CFU/apple reduction in L. monocytogenes, E. coli O157:H7, and Salmonella, respectively, compared to uncoated apples. Carnauba wax containing 2% EOs showed significantly (P<0.001) lower populations of L. monocytogenes and Salmonella compared with 1% EOs, 0.5% cultured dextrose, or wax-only control. In contrast, there were no significant differences (P>0.05) for E. coli O157:H7. Sensory evaluation showed that panelists could detect differences for apples treated with wax containing 2% EOs, but not for 1% EOs compared to wax-only control. Some panelists associated sweet, floral, spiced, and tropical smells as the dominant odors for these samples but did not necessarily find them unpleasant. Honeycrisp apples Inactivation of L. monocytogenes on organic Honeycrisp apples by application of antimicrobial waxes Inactivation of E. coli O157:H7 on organic Honeycrisp apples by application of antimicrobial waxes (in progress - Ends July 2023) OBJECTIVE 4: Economic analysis. Data about returns and costs of production have been collected for organic Gala and organic Honeycrisp. These data are used to develop the enterprise budgets. [Gallardo]. Enterprise budgets for organic Gala and organic Honeycrisp based on industry standard have been updated and published. These will be used as baseline for the economic analysis of the alternatives of preharvest schedule of sprays and postharvest CA and DCA storage treatments to reduce decay and disorders.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Amiri A., Fomba J. 2022. In vitro activity of several organic materials against major postharvest pathogens. Phytopathology 112-11-S3:116
- Type:
Year Published:
" Gallardo, R.K. and S.P. Galinato. 2022 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing and Packing Organic Gala Apples in Washington. Washington State University Extension Publication TB19E.
- Type:
Year Published:
" Gallardo, R.K. and S.P. Galinato. 2022 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing and Packing Organic Honeycrisp Apples in Washington. Washington State University Extension Publication TB91E.
Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/22
Outputs Target Audience:Our main audience were organic apple growers and packers. Efforts included: 1-Research: PD-Amiri and Co-PD Torres have worked closely with organic growers and packers to conduct activities planned in Objectives 1 and 2. 2-Outreach and education: A. The team held an Advisory Board meeting in July 2022 to discuss project findings and receive feedback. B. CO-PD Gallardo has reached out to several organic growers to collect data about returns and costs of production for organic Gala and organic Honeycrisp. These data will be used to develop the enterprise budgets. C. Co-PD Sallato conducted a baseline survey of organic apple growers and results were shared with Advisory board members. Changes/Problems:Changes None currently Problems 1-Copping with weather conditions: Severe weather conditions, i.e., snow and freezing temperatures, which occurred just at the bloom period had disastrous consequences on many growers including our collaborators which impacted and delayed some activities in Objective 1. 2-Hiring skilled workers and students. The Covid-19 pandemic has reduced our ability to hire skilled employees and limited student hires, especially international students. 3-Obtaining needed information from stakeholders: Objective 4. Economic assessment The main challenge for the economics study is identifying and reaching out to sources of data for the economic analysis, i.e., meet with at least two organic Gala and organic Honeycrisp growers to validate assumptions and estimates, meet with packinghouse representatives. To address this challenge, we will request from project team members a referral to these stakeholders whom they are working with currently or they have collaborated in their previous projects. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Training: 1- Janis Fomba, a Scientific Assistant in the Plant pathology program (PD-Amiri) was trained in postharvest pathology and organic decay management. 2- Martha Tamayo, a Postdoctoral Scientist in the Food Science program (co-PD Critzer) was trained in foodborne and food safety issues of pome fruit. Professional Development Janis Fomba attended the 2022 Annual American Phytopathological Society (Plant Health) in Pittsburgh, PA and presented a poster summarizing some of the results from this project. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Workshop: PD Amiri organized a webinar on organic decay management in March 2022 attended by 110 people. Talks: PD Amiri A gave a talk: Update on efficacy of organic materials and research needs to minimize decay at theWA Tree Fruit Association Annual meeting. Dec 7th, 2021, attended by 130 stakeholders. Co-PD Torres gave a talk at the 10th Annual Pace Postharvest Academy, "Storage Technologies for organic apples," Pace International LLC, Clee Elum, United States of America. (May 4, 2022). What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?PD-Amiri: Objective 1: Activity 1.1. Conduct on farm assessment of new organic materials Objective 2: Activity 2.1.2. Repeat trials on efficacy of DCA in reducing postharvest decays Objective 2: Activity 2.2.1. Determine temperature thresholds on fruit and their efficacy in inhibiting spore germination Objective 3: Activity 3.1.1. Optimization of antimicrobial coating to fight postharvest decays. Co-PD Torres: Objective 1: Activity 1.2. Repeat preharvest sprays of organic materials to block ethylene Objective 2: Activity 2.2.1. Effect of DCA on fruit quality Objective 3: Activity 3.1.1. Efficacy of antimicrobial coating in extending shelf life of organic apples. Co-PD Critzer: Sub-obj. 3.1. Efficacy of antimicrobial coatings applied at harvest to protect fungal and human pathogens in long-term storage Activity 3.1.2. Evaluation of coatings to control foodborne pathogen surrogates in long-term controlled atmosphere storage Co-PD Gallardo (Objective 4) We will finalize the organic Gala and organic Honeycrisp enterprise budgets. We will also collect data for the partial budget analysis of alternative practices in pre-harvest spraying and in storage to mitigate decay and disorder incidence. Co-PD Sallato (Ojective 5) Co-PD Sallato and all team members will present preliminary findings at grower meetings in WA.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Impacts: Research findings from this project will impact organic growers and packers in Washington which provide nearly 100% of organic apples to the U.S. consumers. Findings will impact organic apple growers and packers in any other growing regions. This cross-disciplinary project will impact the way organic fruit are grown and stored. This includes empowering organic growers to protect fruit from fungal infections and allow organic packers reduce fruit loss due to postharvest decay significantly. Research proposed herein will also develop solutions to help organic growers and packers to enhance fruit quality (horticultural practices) and extend shelf life of organic apples while reducing physiological disorders. Teh food safety part of the project will help organic packers eliminate foodborne bacterial contaminations in organic apples. Accomplished activities in 2021-2022 period: Objective 1: Conduct on-farm research to assess the efficacy of enhanced preharvest management practices to fight fungal infections and improve fruit quality in storage [Research] Activity 1.1. On-farm assessment of new organic materials to implement a timely effective seasonal spray to mitigate fruit infections by field pathogens. This activity was not conducted in 2022 at organic commercial farms because of severe weather conditions of snow and freezing temperatures which occurred in main production areas of WA state during the bloom period. This had severe consequences on yield. The collaborating growers preferred to postpone this activity to the next season. Activity 1.2. Effects of preharvest applications of organic ethylene blockers to extend the harvest window and postharvest quality in long-term storage.Organic formulation of aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG, Retain®OL) was applied at two different rates 166 and 333 gal/ac at three preharvest timings, i.e., 21, 7, and 3 days preharvest (dph) in August 2021 at aa organically certified commercial orchard. Maturity progression was determined using maturity indices (skin color, starch degradation, ethylene production, respiration rate, soluble solids, fruit weight) weekly starting approximately one week before first treatment application. Results: Retain®OL applications were able delay chlorophyll degradation, starch degradation, and softening rate preharvest in a dose and timing-dependent manner. Postharvest evaluations were recently finished, and data are being analyzed. OBJECTIVE 2: Conduct lab- and postharvest-research to assess efficacy of non-chemical methods to improve quality and reduce fungal decays [Research]. Activity of DCA against four major postharvest pathogens on artificially inoculated detached fruit (Year 1-2). Fuji apples were inoculated with 10^5 spores/ ml ofB. cinerea, Neofabraea perennans 15 days preharvest or with P. expansum and M. piriformis at commercial maturity. Fruit were stored at 3 different atmospheres, i.e., regular atmosphere (21% O2), Controlled Atmosphere (CA: 4%O2 & 1% CO2), or Dynamic controlled atmosphere (DCA: 0.5 to 0.7% O2, 0.7 to 1% CO2) for up to 6 months. Preliminary results show that DCA reduces decay incidence by 5 to 10% more compared to CA. Experiments will be conducted again in 2022. OBJECTIVE 3: Assess the efficacy of postharvest organic antimicrobial coatings to mitigate microbial and fungal contaminations in organic fruit Sub-obj. 3.2. Efficacy of antimicrobial waxes applied during packing that can be used to protect against foodborne pathogens during distribution to the consumer. 3.2.1. Optimization of carnauba wax to inactivate human foodborne pathogens. Organic Gala apples from WA were treated 2 Carnauba wax concentrations in combination with 4 antimicrobial essential oils and inoculated with Listeria monocytogenes (548-072, ATCC 19115 4b, 19111, Scott A, 1/2a), Salmonella (Gaminara, Montevideo, Newport, St. Paul, Agona), or Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli to test for their survival on apple fruit. 1- Survival of Listeria monocytogenes on organic Gala apples. Carnauba wax with 2% EOs significantly decreased (P<0.05) the population of L. monocytogenes during storage at 20°C compared to the other target formulations. After day 30 of storage, no significant differences were found in the L. monocytogenes population for apples treated with carnauba wax with 1% EOs, 0.5% EOs or MicroGARD and apples treated only with carnauba wax. At the end of storage, the population of L. monocytogenes on apples coated with 2% of essential oils was decreased by 1.82 and 4.05 Log CFU/Apple compared with wax treatment only and control treatment (untreated) respectively. L. monocytogenes can survive on the surface of untreated apples over 40 days of commercial retail storage conditions (20°C). 2. Survival of Salmonella on organic Gala apples. Carnauba wax with antimicrobials (2% EOs, 1%EOs, and MicroGARD) significantly decrease (P<0.05) the Salmonella population in apples compared to controls (wax only and no treatment). Carnauba wax with 2% EOs achieves the greatest decrease in the Salmonella population in apples during 14 days of storage at 20°C OBJECTIVE 4: Economic analysis. Data about returns and costs of production have been collected for organic Gala and organic Honeycrisp. These data are used to develop the enterprise budgets. OBJECTIVE 5: Develop and deliver outreach activities to organic stakeholders [Extension]. A team meeting was organized in May 2022, and an Advisory board meeting in July 2022. We conducted a base line survey to organic apple growers.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Awaiting Publication
Year Published:
Achour A. and Fomba J. 2022. Efficacy of organic materials against several postharvest pathogens of pome fruit. Abstract. Phytopathology. Accepted