Performing Department
Juana Diaz
Non Technical Summary
Dewey University has been planning over the past years an Agribusiness Associates degree program that focuses on technology, best practices, and controlled environments. Currently there is a need for this type of short programs for students looking to join the workforce and be able to continue their education. The Associates degree program in Agribusiness will focus on best agricultural practices in controlled environments and economic development through career pathways in the FANR fields (Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources,)The development and growth of Puerto Rico's agricultural practices is a current and important event that has been emerging through the improvement of new agricultural business practices focused on technology and hybrid products in controlled environments. According to different research (F) studies the value of agriculture-related degrees cannot be underestimated when no other industry can provide enough food to the growing population. To be able to meet this demand, graduates in degree programs such as agriculture, horticulture, hydroponics, and animal sciences trained in best practices and sustainability are in high demand. According to the latest data from, 81% of jobs in the agriculture industry will require education beyond high school and almost half will demand at least a bachelor's degree.The 2017 Census of Agriculture for Puerto Rico, noted that between 1998 and 2018 the number of farms declined by more than half (58.7), from 19,951 to 8,230while the average farm increased from 36.6%, From 43.4 cuerdas in 1998 to 59.3 cuerdas in 2018. (1 cuerda=0.971 acres). In Puerto Rico a farms is defined by any place which $500 or more agricultural products are sold.Greenhouse production in Puerto Rico has been volatile due to the planning and marketing of products, the incentives without an strategic production and marketing goal and lack of statistics from the Puerto Rico Departmento of Agricultural. For example, the 2017 census has regional data from a category under nursery and greenhouses Crops, Floriculture and Sod GrownUnder Hydroponics the number of farms have not increase substantial from 2012-2018 (213 to 219) and the crop value went from 10.4m to 8.7. However, in the lettuce it had an increase of 37 farms 117 and production increase from 3m from1.0 in 2012. Both pepper and tomato productions also had an increase 11 farms in 2012 to 38. (US Department of Agriculture 2017 Census) In the Ponce Region Southern Area of which includes the Santa Isabel Agricultural Valley that house one of the largest agricultural biotechnology enterprises which represent over 5,000 workers and contributes more than 125 million annually to the Island Economy. Puerto Rico Agricultural Biotechnology Industry Association (PRABIA)A research by Agro Raul Mari Fernandez study in food safety and the agricultural reserves in the island within the current constrains found that the Santa Isabel Valley produces 86% of all vegetable production in PR, second municipality with highest farm gross income product. Puerto Rico according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in order to achieve food safety (0.26 cuerda per habitant) Puerto Rico would need 1.1. million harvested cuerdas in agricultural production to achieve food safety. According to the 2017 census only 487,775 cuerdas are in agricultural production. (Noticel, Feb 14,2012)While a typical field operation requires yearly from 40 to 50 acres of land and 3 to 4 weekly crop protection applications for pest control, greenhouse cultivation only needs a fraction of the space of land and reduces pest control aspersions by 80 percent. At the same time, the automated irrigation system utilized by these greenhouses allows for a more efficient use of water by providing just the right amount needed, thus eliminating waste. In addition, the benefits of greenhouse technology results in For every kilogram grown conventionally, 8-10 kilograms are grown in a greenhouse.; Water use per kg grown is significantly reduced; There is no soil pollution; Water used at a greenhouse is disinfected and treated, in order to be reused at the crop and services; The potential yield of 1 greenhouse hectare is 700 percent greater compared to conventional farming.(
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories
Goals / Objectives
The Associates degree program in Agribusiness will focus on best agricultural practices in controlled environments and economic development through career pathways in the FANR fields (Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources,)Improvement of Greenhouse agriculture in controlled environments and the overall impact expected from the need state above is growth in the field of controlled environment, food safety,marketin and entrepreneurship of potential rural farmersDevelop professionals that will be effectively integrated in Puerto Rico's agricultural activities, which will allow for them to contribute in the reduction of the agri-food industry crisis; Integrate innovative and proactive professionals in the entrepreneurship and agriculturefield; Providethenecessaryknowledge,skillsandattitudesthatwillpromotethegraduatesto perform as successful professionals in the agri-businessfield; Develop the necessary competences for the graduates to create and design theirown agriculturebusiness; Deliver the essential information for the development of an effective and competitive agro-food products marketingplan; Createawarenessandengagementintheimportanceofaneffectivecommunicationprotocols, team work abilities and be able to apply critical thinking and analysis to solve problems as they arise.Dewey University Mission statement states that.. "higher education institution that creates and provides a learning environment suitable for intellectual and cultural development for our students bringing together technology, critical analysis, research, and communication skills". Model after John Dewey Educational principles experiential learning is ` a simple description of learning cycle - how experience is translated into concepts, which in turn are used guides in the choice of new experiences'.. Once made visible and critically transformed by refection, they can turn into means of enriching thought and action. Reijo Miettinen (2000) The concept of experiential learning and John Dewey's theory of reflective thought and action, International Journal of Lifelong Education, 19:1, 54-72,DOI: 10.1080/026013700293458 of Dewey long term institutional goals is linked to recovery and resilience of Puerto Rico by providing new programs that are consistent with the needs of Puerto Rico and a underserve population that for year have had inadequate educational opportunities. Amongst Dewey Goals and Institutional Objectives it states: "Develop structures that will guarantee the continuous diversification of the academic offer as a response to the needs and interest of the student community and the employment market" Dewey University Institutional Catalog 2020.Dewey University, in response to the re-construction of agricultural sector seeks to develop young entrepreneurs, small farmers and disadvantaged rural students to fulfill the jobs necessary to improve the agricultural sector.The agribusiness program would support this type of industry for young entrepreneurs by providing an agricultural knowledge based on practice and the best practices in Greenhouse technologies with marketin., The Program Objectives for the Agribusiness program strives on: Develop professionals that will be effectively integrated in Puerto Rico's agricultural activities, which will allow for them to contribute in the reduction of the agri-food industry crisis; Integrate innovative and proactive professionals in the entrepreneurship and agriculture field; Provide the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes that will promote the graduates to perform as successful professionals in the agri-business field; Develop the necessary competences for the graduates to create and design their own agriculture business; Deliver the essential information for the development of an effective and competitive agro-food products marketing plan; Create awareness and engagement in the importance of an effective communication protocols, team work abilities and be able to apply critical thinking and analysis to solve problems as they arise.
Project Methods
Educational Need Areas ENA 1) Curricula Design and library resources. As a recently implemented program December 2020, To provide a state-of-the-art library resource center both with on-line and reference books and journal in order to provide student with a center for agricultural research to be used as an outreach to the community and other farmers in the area. Bothe the PI and Librarian will revise and identity curriculum resources both hard copies and on-line. They will develop the agricultural research areas equipped with 5 lap tops, 5 Desktops and faculty user friendly video conferencing systemENA 2: Instructional Delivery Systems. To design and develop hybrid and on line course to address the Covid 19 protocols as well as promote alternative instructional methodologies. The identified platform to be used is CANVAS a robust, learning platform. We propose a comprehensive approach to course development, informed by research and carried out by a highly qualified Instructional Designer with the faculty). Faculty teaching hybrid courses will receive training on the use of online teaching tools and methodologies, LMS essentials, and using CANVAS to deliver online courses, to be provided by the Institutional Instructional Designer. DU-JD needs enhancement of the technology infrastructure and necessary bandwidth to support distance delivery of the proposed courses. The bandwidth is provide through USAC FCC Library program. The strategy of developing high-quality hybrid courses is aimed at providing our large population of working students increased flexibility to earn a associate degree, instructional methodologies with agricultural technology in our institution.Learning Management System including experiential learning to provide the competencies and leadership necessary for complex problems from greenhouse technologies and automation, pest control, conservation and sustainability,ENA 3: Student Recruitment, Retention and Educational equity. To provide educational access and equity to rural first generation college Puerto Rican students in food an agricultural sciences by establish a mentoring program and student scholarships to attend college.Mentoring/Advising Promotes Persistence. An overarching element of the proposed academic support system is a mentoring/advising program, a student-centered service incorporating strategies supported by evidence of effectiveness (see below). After careful consideration, a "faculty to student" mentoring model was selected as the most appropriate approach, given our small campus, intimate environment, and the fact that currently faculty informally serve in an advising capacity to students. An advantage/unique aspect of having faculty serve as mentors is the possibility of providing a combination of academic assistance, traditional academic advising, and personal/career counseling, as appropriate. Mentors will engage with students one-on-one and also reach out to students through social media, to provide intrusive support for persisting through the FANH education pipeline.. In implementing Mentoring services, we will infuse strategies demonstrating statistically-significant evidence of effectiveness in a study that meets WWC evidence standards.The overall structure for the Mentoring program will incorporate the following elements (1) meeting with students to set long-term goals and map college success plans for on-time degree completion; (2) maintaining contact with students through regular on-campus meetings, e-mail, texting, social media, and/or phone calls; (3) preparing students for more autonomy so they can successfully navigate college, including learning to seek support/guidance when needed; (4) alerting students of upcoming deadlines and opportunities, such as financial aid and enrollment deadlinesResearch carried out to examine the effects of a personalized student mentoring approach on college persistence and completion rates found a positive correlation between the mentoring services and postsecondary persistence. The study reporting these results was reviewed by the What Works Clearinghouse and meets the definition of "moderate evidence of effectiveness." Specifically, the study examined whether InsideTrack increased rates of staying in and graduating from college and found that students assigned to receive InsideTrack mentoring were significantly more likely than students in the comparison group to remain enrolled at their institutions (Bettinger and Baker, 2011).In addition, a summer bridge component will be develop tied to the local Puerto Rico School department agricultural vocational school, grades 11 and 12 thus developing career pathways in FANH fields. The Bridge program will be developed for 20 students in a two week session covering the careers in food and Agricultural Science , Greenhouse production and leadership skills.Dewey University Agribusiness program emerges from the importance of having food sustainability and industry growth for the agricultural sector. This proposal seeks to enhance and develop different partnerships with public and private entities to engage the community in the growth of agricultural services in controlled environments and entrepreneurship skills needed to manage agricultural industries.