Progress 08/01/23 to 07/31/24
Outputs Target Audience:In addition to working with farmers and their families with disabilities in general, the project targeted specific groups, including professionals serving farm families and veterans, veterans in agriculture, Hispanic/Latino farmworkers and employers, Amish/Old Order farm families, underserved populations, 4-H and FFA members, college students, Extension, USDA staff, and the general public. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A. EDUCATION A1a: Workshops & In-service Training (for Professionals who serve Farmers) The Project has not received a good contact at RHI, so no in-service was provided to them. In-service training was offered to Dr. Kristin Hull of IU Indianapolis's OT department, but nothing was scheduled during this RP. Training was offered to Dr. Wendi Buckley of IU South Bend and was subsequently conducted by PM and Marty Cotterman. Thirteen senior OT students and Dr. Buckley attended. As a result, IUSB extended an invitation to make the AT session an annual event. VOC conducted outreach and created a veteran community of interest (COI) to integrate veteran nonprofit programs with resources at the Veterans Administration, Department of Defense, and WorkOne. Results include improved relationships with Workone and Senator Braun's team. A1b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Professionals who serve Farmers) EC hosted 4 full-day trainings: "Assistive Technology for Individuals with Autism", "Making Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes", "Assistive Technology & Aging", and "Assistive Technology & Vision." A1c: Staff Professional Development (for Professionals who serve Farmers) RRS co-presented Conducting Worksite Assessments, Secondary Injury Prevention, and AT Selection as a pre-conference session at the NTW and moderated the Inside and Outside AT Show and Tell. PM videoed 5 farmers at the NTW for the "What AgrAbility Means To Me" segments on the NAP website. He moderated the Cultural Humility Panel, co-moderated the LIFE Project session with EOES, and presented at the International Panel session. A2a: Workshops, Classes, & Training Programs (for Farmers, Ranchers, Rural Residents) MF/LOC conducted a MHFA training for Veterans in August for a group of 10 participants in Danville. She also facilitated a blended MHFA Training for farm worker service providers in March. 18 participants registered but only 5 ultimately completed training. MF/LOC facilitated an in-person MHFA training in March for a group of 13 participants. MHFA web-based evaluations of the training were positive with most participants stating that their ability to provide support increased as a result of the training. There is a waiting list of farm worker service providers waiting to take the next MHFA for farm worker service providers course. She also conducted a training session for 21 future farmworker service providers in Bloomington, IN. A2b: Resource Sharing (for Farmers, Ranchers, Rural Residents) IN AgrAbility clients and stakeholders who are on the AgrAbility webinar listserv receive information about North Central FRSAN webinars. One such webinar was conducted during the RP. ERS had Purdue Farm Stress Team change the link on their website to the new Indiana AgrAbility Project website. EOES worked with Purdue Farm Stress team to cross-promote programs and activities. A3a: Workshops, Classes, & Training Programs (Targeted to Youth) AgrAbility did not have an OT intern this RP. A4a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (Targeting Multiple Audiences) EC produced two "Accessibility Minute" podcasts spotlighting the BOA-Fit Lacing system and Wintercape. An Assistive Technology Update, "Watch Us Farm" with Janice Argarwal, was released in April. B. NETWORKING B1a: Collaborations (with Professionals who serve Farmers) EOES is a member of PUCESA and participated in departmental and campus programs provided by the organization. He is also a member of the Purdue Diversified Farming and Food Systems Extension team. RRS attended the specialist meeting conducted during Extension Professional Development Conference in December. He participates as a member of the IN VR Home Modification Workgroup. MF/LOC conducted outreach to extension specialists in 10 counties. She set up meetings, including one with the Indiana Disability Network, to talk about work with farmworker communities and challenges for farmworkers with disabilities. She also attended monthly meetings for the Indiana Migrant/Seasonal Farm Worker Coalition, which is comprised of various state organizations, services providers, extension professionals, Indiana state departments such as Department of Health, Indiana Workforce Development, EEOC, Minority Health, Rural Health, etc. MF/LOC followed up with county Extension staff that she met at various meetings and was invited to participate as a community advisory member on the Rural and Migrant Health Center which met on the Purdue campus in June. MF/LOC met with Purdue Extension in Daviess County June 17 to explore collaborations on upcoming training efforts and to develop strategies for the community as they have a large influx of Haitian agricultural workers. MF/LOC's efforts also netted a visit from ADA Program Coordinator for Spanish language Oscar Gonzalez, who traveled to Indiana to participate in the Labor Rights event in Oaktown, IN, after she connected him with the Farm Worker Coalition. MF/LOC attended the Battlemind to Home Summit in Noblesville with a group of over 150 participants. She has received follow-up requests for technical assistance and requests for trainings/ presentations. VOC continues to reach out to veteran organizations, recently connecting with the American Legion who provided donations for conferences, and the VFW. VOC added an IDVA representative to the Indiana AgrAbility advisory team. He continued engagement with IDVA and assisted with informing and connecting with the 6000 USDA Census-identified farmers in Indiana with previous military service. ERS sees that VSOs receive the News Note. B1b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Professionals who serve Farmers) MF/LOC presented as part of a keynote panel on breaking barriers at the Indiana Social Work Conference for a group of over 250 social workers addressing the needs of farm workers with disabilities. EOES, ERS, and MF/LOC presented and exhibited at the PDC in December. There appeared to be over 200 participants at the conference. B2a: Collaborations (with Farmers, Veterans, and Underserved) MF/LOC met with Proteus every month to explore how to collaborate on addressing needs of farm workers with disabilities. She met with veterans and veteran service providers at the Battlemind to Home Summit in October. MF/LOC presented on addressing mental health challenges at the AgVets event at Fair Oaks, IN, for a group of 75 participants. She worked with East Coast Migrant Head Start on various dates to develop strategies to address mental health needs of migrant farm workers in Indiana. She also met with the Good Samaritan Health Center in Vincennes to develop strategies for meeting the mental health needs of farmworkers in the area. Results include that farmworkers served by Proteus receive outreach, support, and resources, and there are plans to formalize this collaboration in the upcoming year. D. MARKETING D2a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Farmers, Ranchers, and Rural Families) VF/LOC hosted an AgrAbility exhibit at the MESA Annual Multicultural Gathering in Indianapolis on January 24th for a group of over 100 professional service providers, educators, and state agencies. D3a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Multiple Audiences) Multiple Project and EC staff worked the AgrAbility exhibit at the Indiana State Fair, Farm Aid Homegrown Village, National FFA Convention, and PDC, and participated in the NTW in Atlanta, GA. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?A. EDUCATION A2b: Resource Sharing (for Farmers, Ranchers, Rural Residents) Advisory team member Lais McCartney shared AgrAbility via her SARE Facebook page, with 56 reached, 61 impressions, and 4 likes. She also shared with 20 people in a Master Gardener class and with 10 people in her ANR advisory council. A4b: Resource Sharing (Targeting Multiple Audiences) ERS sent the fall 2023 and spring 2024 News Note to approximately 1,775 USPS addresses, including USDA Service Centers, plus Indiana AgrAbility client listserv (156 members) and Indiana AgrAbility Friends listserv (910 members). It was also posted on, and paper copies were provided for the monthly mailing to every Purdue Extension county office. A PDF was sent to the Purdue Extension ANR and HHS listservs. Purdue University's Extension director provided a positive response to the News Note. EOES promoted the "Farm Emergency Plan" teaching module to Extension staff, which includes a section on working with individuals with disabilities during disaster or emergency situations. EOES and two Purdue Extension educators drafted plans to develop teaching/training modules targeted toward Extension staff and agricultural teachers about emergency preparedness for people with disabilities. They are targeted for release in Fall 2024. B. NETWORKING B1b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Professionals who serve Farmers) Multiple IN AgrAbility staff exhibited during the IN State Fair, including at the Abilities Day. Staff also worked at the 2023 Farm Progress Show, National FFA Convention, Fort Wayne Farm Show, and National Farm Machinery Show. EOES participated in the Purdue Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources staff retreat and monthly update sessions, Indiana Horticultural Conference, and Indiana Smal Farms Conference. B2b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Farmers, Veterans, and Underserved) PM attended the Horse Progress Days June 30 - July 1 in Shipshewana. There were over 30,000 attendees and a lot of interest in AgrAbility services. He also attended the IN Amish Handicap (sic) Gathering in August in St. Joe. More than 170 participated. Results included that two of the Amish men from the IN Handicap Gathering received AT and services from AgrAbility. Another Amish gentleman served was able to purchase a special saddle from Spain to ride his 9-yr old daughter with Muscular Dystrophy in front of him. Project consultant Susan Pletcher exhibited at the Rentown Old Fashion Days in September. PM attended the National Amish Handicap (sic) Gathering in Arthur, IL, in June. More trust was built with the Amish communities and an invitation was extended by the Amish to participate in the 2025 National Handicap (sic) Gathering. B3b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Youth and Youth-serving Organizations) Multiple Project and EC staff helped with the AgrAbility exhibit at the 2023 Indiana State Fair, including during the EC Disability Awareness Day. On the recommendation of ERS, several changes to the AgrAbility display were made to make it more impactful. The presence of new AT devices in the Project's display seemed to be a positive change. Over 840,400 people attended the Indiana State Fair during the 20 days it was open. Multiple staff helped work the AgrAbility display at the 2023 National FFA Convention where over 70,000 students and supporters gathered. Most of Indiana's 200+ FFA Chapters were represented. D. MARKETING D1a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (to Professionals Serving Farmers) PM visited the USDA Service Center in Fort Wayne, IN, and provided AgrAbility brochures for their literature display. ECPM worked an AgrAbility/ INDATA booth at the Indiana Rural Health Conference in June in French Lick, IN. D1b: Resource Sharing (to Professionals Serving Farmers) Both the fall 2023 and spring 2024 News Note were sent via email to the Indiana AgrAbility Client and Friends listservs, the Purdue Extension ANR educator listserv, and the HHS educator listserv. Multiple Project staff submitted Indiana activities to the e-Note for all 12 months of the RP. D2a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Farmers, Ranchers, and Rural Families) Project staff exhibited at the Fort Wayne Farm Show and received calls for information from visitors afterward. Staff also worked the Northern Indiana Grazing Conference, Farm Aid Homegrown Village, Indiana Horticultural Conference, Indiana Small Farms Conference, Randolph County Ag Days, Purdue SpringFest, IN State Fair, VIF Conference, and the North American Honey Bee Expo - where over 2000 attendees were given the chance to learn about veterans' opportunities in agriculture. ECPM and Marty Cotterman from Life Essentials exhibited at Camp We Can in June, speaking to campers, staff, and parents of children with disabilities and demonstrating Life Essentials vehicles. D3b: Resource Sharing (for Multiple Audiences) ERS Contributed to National AgrAbility Facebook and Twitter pages but did not specifically direct Indiana customers to them. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?A. EDUCATION A1a: Workshops & In-service Training (for Professionals who serve Farmers) In-service training for 5 VR regional offices and RHI and 2 trainings will be offered to occupational therapy (OT) and Physical Therapy (PT) programs. A1b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Professionals who serve Farmers) An AT Expo will be planned for Year 4. A1c: Staff Professional Development (for Professionals who serve Farmers) Project will host OT doctoral students as interns to receive AgrAbility-related training and conduct outreach for the Project. A2a: Workshops, Classes, & Training Programs (for Farmers, Ranchers, Rural Residents) Project will refer stakeholders, customers, and rural community leaders to MHFA sessions and will conduct 2 MHFA workshops in the migrant/seasonal community in Spanish. MF/LOC will teach farmworkers in Spanish about disability in agriculture. Project will collaborate with Veterans IN Farming to conduct a farm tour or workshop targeted to veteran farmers with a concurrent program for caregivers of veterans. A2b: Resource Sharing (for Farmers, Ranchers, Rural Residents) Staff will share AgrAbility resources with customers, farmworkers, and stakeholders - including programs of Purdue Extension Farm Stress Team. A3a: Workshops, Classes, & Training Programs (Targeted to Youth) Project will visit 5 FFA chapters and 4-H clubs to teach about disability in agriculture and promote the Bridging Horizons Community Service Contest. A4a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (Targeting Multiple Audiences) Staff will present EC webinars/podcasts and will set up and maintain an AT demonstration site in the ABE Safety Research Lab. A4b: Resource Sharing (Targeting Multiple Audiences) 1850+ stakeholders will receive the News Note semiannually. The Project website, will be updated regularly with resources and current events. B. NETWORKING B1a: Collaborations (with Professionals who serve Farmers) Staff members will participate as members in the Purdue Extension Specialists Association. VOC will maintain a working relationship with Veterans IN Farming and will pursue relationships with veteran service organizations (VSOs) not listed as collaborators. Staff will collaborate with IN State Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) to ensure that IN veterans have access to AgrAbility services. B1b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Professionals who serve Farmers) Project will assist with Purdue Extension exhibits at Indiana State Fair and farm shows, and will participate in the Purdue Extension Professional Development Conference to facilitate networking with Extension. B2a: Collaborations (with Farmers, Veterans, and Underserved) Project will collaborate with Veterans IN Farming in providing education and services to women farmer veterans. Staff will also facilitate peer support for female caregivers of veterans. Project will participate in Indiana Farm Bureau (IFB) Conference women's activities. B2b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Farmers, Veterans, and Underserved) Staff will attend the IFB Annual Convention, will inform the Purdue Women in Agriculture team of AgrAbility resources and events, present at the annual Midwest Women in Agriculture conference, and attend the National and Indiana "Amish Handicap (sic) Gathering". B3a: Collaborations (with Youth and Youth-serving Organizations) 4-H and FFA representative will serve on the advisory team. B3b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Youth and Youth-serving Organizations) Project will exhibit at IN FFA Convention and IN State Fair. Staff will present about AgrAbility and disability in agriculture to Sigma Alpha agricultural sorority. B4a: Collaborations (Targeting Multiple Audiences) The Project advisory team will meet semi-annually. C. DIRECT ASSISTANCE C1a: Personal Assistance to Individuals (Farmers and Ranch Families) Staff will re-evaluate the planned annual 50 on-site visits to see if more staff are needed, or if the goal is unrealistic. Project will follow up on 40 customers with at least 10 on-site consultations being to veteran farms in cooperation with Veterans IN Farming. Project will collaborate with Veterans IN Farming to provide business management and enterprise development training to veterans requesting assistance. Pending IRB approval, Project will begin participation in NAP's Quality of Life study with all new customers on a voluntary basis. Project will respond to calls on the toll-free line to meet the needs of customers. Customers will be referred to VR and PIFB as needed. Staff will encourage donations of AT to the Indiana Assistive Technology Act (INDATA) Equipment Exchange and refer AgrAbility customers to the exchange, INDATA's AT loan program, and INDATA's Alternative AT Financing Program. VRC will develop VR assessments for AgrAbility customers. The Project and EC will establish an AT lending library housed at the Purdue ABE Building. Staff will identify customers from the Amish/Old Older community, provide resources, and coordinate an annual peer event for individuals with disabilities. C2a: Student Contests and projects (for Youth and Youth-Serving Organizations) Project will promote the Bridging Horizons Contest to FFA, 4-H, and Young Farmer organizations and offer technical support and encouragement. Project will facilitate Purdue engineering and agricultural systems management students in developing assistive technologies for AgrAbility customers. D. MARKETING D1a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (to Professionals Serving Farmers) Staff will visit and provide literature and information about the Project to 10 agriculture-serving businesses and 5 USDA Service Centers to offer in-service training and provide a display of Project literature. The Project will distribute resources and highlight Project services at 6 regional VR offices and will exhibit and provide outreach at the yearly Governor's Council for People with Disabilities Conference and the Indiana Rural Health Association Conference. D1b: Resource Sharing (to Professionals Serving Farmers) Project will send email releases and AgrAbility information as appropriate to listservs, including Purdue Extension, Indiana FFA advisors, Veterans IN Farming, and AgrAbility clients. Staff will provide Indiana AgrAbility articles monthly for the National AgrAbility Project's (NAP's) e-Note. D2a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Farmers, Ranchers, and Rural Families) Staff will exhibit and provide outreach at conferences, farm shows, etc. that target "non-traditional" agriculturalists. These include the Northern IN Grazing Conference, IN Horticultural Congress, and IN Small Farms Conference. The Project will also exhibit and provide outreach at farm shows and events frequented by "traditional" farm and ranch audiences including the IN Farm Equipment & Technology Expo, Fort Wayne Farm Show, and Indiana State Fair. D3a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Multiple Audiences) Project will exhibit and provide outreach at the 17-day Indiana State Fair and will present about disability in agriculture for Extension programs, organizations, and agricultural meetings. D3b: Resource Sharing (for Multiple Audiences) Project will send press releases to engage with electronic and print media outlets such as Farm World, Indiana AgriNews, Indiana Prairie Farmer, and Purdue's Agricultural Communications Service to promote AgrAbility-related activities and accomplishments. Project will direct customers to the National AgrAbility Facebook and Twitter pages for postings on relevant resources and activities and will make AgrAbility resources and materials available to Purdue Extension educators for distribution at county fairs, Ag. Day celebrations, and educational events.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Accomplishments in all areas are cited according to the objectives listed in the Work Plan. Due to space limitations, a few objectives (of more limited scope) were omitted. A. EDUCATION A1a: Workshops & In-service Training (for Professionals who serve Farmers) RRS provided AgrAbility information to clients and contacts and continued authorizations from VR. In conjunction with nonprofit support from At Ease Orchard and VIF, VOC conducted a 2-day conference and 20 events at their two veteran-run farms. Results were that monthly COI meetings were held, a site visit to Porter Farm with WorkOne was made, and several Zoom meetings were conducted. Between January and June 2024, almost 200 Veterans or family members attended events and were educated on various subjects ranging from beginning farming to fruit trees, to water conservation through rain barrels, to pest management and USDA services. A1b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Professionals who serve Farmers) A planned second AT Expo was put off until the fall of 2024. A1c: Staff Professional Development (for Professionals who serve Farmers) PD, PM, EOES, ERS, VOC, RRS, and MF/LOC all participated in the NTW. A2a: Workshops, Classes, & Training Programs (for Farmers, Ranchers, Rural Residents) ERS referred a client to MHFA. EOES gave a Gardening with Arthritis presentation at Flanner Farm in Indianapolis to a mostly socially disadvantaged audience. MF/LOC followed up with 988 underserved population representatives concerning challenges for rural Latino populations and people with disabilities in accessing the resources currently available on the AgrAbility list. She conducted 14 educational sessions on disability in agriculture and AgrAbility and arthritis utilizing the "Let's talk about Arthritis" fotonovela for a total of 1,083 migrant farmworkers in 12 different towns across Indiana. As a result, MF/LOC received much positive feedback from participants, follow-up requests for assistance and referral, and interest in learning more. She noted an increase in dialogue around mental health disabilities and challenges for accessing service providers for agricultural workers. VOC held 3 VIF meetings and supported USDA's webinar on Veterans as Beginning Farmers. He also helped the USDA Military Veteran Liaison provide assistance to 6 individuals in business planning and AT opportunities through the VA. As a result of VOC's efforts, 107 people attended the VIF meetings, over 150 attendees to the USDA Webinar, and over 100 Veterans participated in the National Veteran Business Outreach team on Veterans as Beginning Farmers. A2b: Resource Sharing (for Farmers, Ranchers, Rural Residents) VOC included Purdue Extension in all VIF activities in Madison and Hancock Counties. MF/LOC distributed the "¿Podrá ser la Artritis lo que me causa Dolor?" (Could Arthritis be the cause of my Pain?) and "Los 5 Pasos Saludables para Prevencion de la Diabetes" (The 5 Healthy Steps for the Prevention of Diabetes) to 1,083 farmworkers across 12 towns in IN, and to 21 future farmworker service providers. She received many requests for the "Back in the Saddle, Back on the Farm" brochure in Spanish and began adapting it for Spanish speaking farmworkers. A3a: Workshops, Classes, & Training Programs (Targeted to Youth) RRS promoted the Bridging Horizons Contest during the IN State Fair. ERS checked the agenda for the 4-H Roundup, and it did not appear that there was a suitable place for an AgrAbility presentation. A4a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (Targeting Multiple Audiences) No permanent location has been established for the AT library. Tools from the AT library collection have been used for multiple presentations. A4b: Resource Sharing (Targeting Multiple Audiences) Pages of the "new" IN AgrAbility website were updated with photo and text adjustments. A link to Indiana PREPared was added to the Resources page of the website. The Indiana PREPared website was updated to provide timely and relevant resources. B. NETWORKING B1a: Collaborations (with Professionals who serve Farmers) Ima Abbott, Indiana VR, has replaced Roberta Milliken on the IN AgrAbility advisory team. Mark Carter, Jennifer Logue, and Lais McCartney are with Extension on the advisory team. Greg Bohlander and Leslie Hickman serve from Indiana Farm Bureau. VOC continues to use the VIF network of farmers to reach across the state. As a result, hundreds of people have been made aware of AgrAbility opportunities. B1b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Professionals who serve Farmers) VOC and EOES continue to collaborate with AgVets and Hoosier Uplands to encourage Indiana veterans in agriculture. B2a: Collaborations (with Farmers, Veterans, and Underserved) MF/LOC is providing ongoing support and resources for veteran AgrAbility clients through AgVets. EOES promoted Women in Ag educational programs to AgrAbility clients, and VOC, during webinars, emphasized the importance of education and services for women farmer veterans in IN as well as for peer support for female caregivers of veterans. B3a: Collaborations (with Youth and Youth-serving Organizations) Lisa Chaudion, IN FFA Foundation director, and Jennifer Logue, 4-H Youth and ANR Extension educator, serve on the Project's advisory team. B3b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Youth and Youth-serving Organizations) Sigma Alpha provided donations totaling $2,290.05. ERS's thank-you response included an offer to provide an AgrAbility presentation during a Sigma Alpha meeting. He also recommended giving them a BNG Achievement Award. B4a: Collaborations (Targeting Multiple Audiences) A Project advisory team meeting was held November 7 at which Jennifer Logue, Purdue Extension 4-H, proposed options for using 4-H SPARK clubs to serve youth with disabilities and promote disability awareness. The spring meeting had 17 members and 3 visitors in attendance including Mr. Jerry Alexander, East Central Indiana regional director for Senator Mike Braun. Advisor Mark Carter, Purdue Extension, brought suggestions to improve the outreach of IN AgrAbility through the use of visual media. C. DIRECT ASSISTANCE C1a: Personal Assistance to Individuals (Farmers and Ranch Families) Project and EC staff conducted at least 50 farm visits of which 15 were initial IN VR farm assessments resulting in RRS recommending $595,450 of AT. VR billing for the RP returned $17,315 + as fee-for-service (not all billed at this writing). MF/LOC conducted a clothing and supply drive to support farmworker families and delivered 50 food boxes to veteran and farm worker clients for Thanksgiving. Staff contacted 35 continuing clients by phone, in-person, or e-mail. VOC continues to follow up on an average of 5 veterans per week to assist with mentorship training and outreach. EOES responded to at least 350 distinct inquiries to the AgrAbility 800 phone line. RRS referred VR clients in recommendations to EC/INDATA for computer and technical training. C2a: Student Contests and projects (for Youth and Youth-Serving Organizations) RRS promoted Bridging Horizons Community Service Contest at Indiana State Fair, Ft. Wayne Farm Show, and National Farm Machinery Show. ERS sent a cover letter and contest brochure to all Indiana ag education teachers. Two organizations submitted projects for the Contest and it was determined that both projects would receive 1st place awards. D. MARKETING D3b: Resource Sharing (for Multiple Audiences) EOES provided resources for 2 county extension educators so they could conduct their own programming about farming/gardening with a disability. He also maintained communication with Purdue Extension staff through participation in monthly ANR updates, and served as AgrAbility representative to the Diversified Food and Farming Systems Team with Purdue Extension.
Progress 08/01/22 to 07/31/23
Outputs Target Audience:In addition to working with farmers and their families with disabilities in general, the project targeted specific groups, including professionals serving farm families and veterans, veterans in agriculture, Hispanic/Latino farmworkers and employers, Amish/Old Order farm families, underserved populations, 4-H and FFA members, college students, Extension, USDA staff, and the general public. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A. EDUCATION A1a: Workshops & In-service Training (for Professionals who serve Farmers) RRS presented in-service in-person training to Lafayette VR counselors and office staff. He was interviewed for AgrAbility video focused on AgrAbility clients and VR counselors that resulted in two videos for release, and he exhibited at IN Veterans Home for Senator Baird's veteran outreach event. AT Expo was held at Purdue's Beck Center. Five VR counselors and supervisors attended along with IN AgrAbility clients and contacts. Ima Abbott, VR Director of Initiatives, attended the IN AgrAbility spring advisory team meeting. Through a webinar with Senator Braun on Veterans in Agriculture, use of social media (over 14,600 reach on Facebook with 1,740 visits to the page), an in-person presentation to veterans and organizations through Joining Community Forces Indiana, and a meeting with Bunker Hill Labs business incubator for veterans, the VOC increased awareness among organizations of the need to assist veterans with opportunities in agriculture and increased their awareness of AgrAbility and USDA programs A1b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Professionals who serve Farmers) Brain Injury Resource Facilitation is now offered at EC and future conference/training options are being explored. EC hosted a full day training on Feb 9, 2023, on Alternative Augmentative Communication. A1c: Staff Professional Development (for Professionals who serve Farmers) Seven Project staff and two staff from partner EC participated in the 2023 National Training Workshop (NTW). Multiple staff indicated an increase in their professional development. Total NTW attendance was just over 240. A2a: Workshops, Classes, & Training Programs (for Farmers, Ranchers, Rural Residents) VOC conducted a business planning workshop with Purdue Institute for Family Business (PIFB) September 20, 2022. 40 Veterans attended and were referred to Indiana Small Business Development for one-on-one assistance. Veterans were able to write business plans and apply for grants or fellowship funds. MF/LOC conducted 3 MHFA workshops virtually in Spanish to a total of 46 farmworker service providers. These were promoted through the Indiana Migrant/Seasonal Farmworker Coalition and Indiana Farmworker Service Providers. She facilitated an in-person MHFA training for a group of 28 participants. EOES and other Project staff presented AgrAbility at the Indiana Horticulture Conference, National Black Farmers Association, Gardening With Arthritis Conference, 3 Indiana Black Loam conferences, Farm Emergency Planning Conference, and AgrAbility Regional Workshop in Indianapolis. A2b: Resource Sharing (for Farmers, Ranchers, Rural Residents) EOES participated in the Purdue Extension Farm Stress Team's "Tools for Today's Farmers" podcast and discussed AgrAbility and Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network (FRSAN) resources available to farm families. At least 85 different listeners had downloaded the podcast as of 1-31-2023. A3a: Workshops, Classes, & Training Programs (Targeted to Youth) Jennifer Logue, Purdue 4-H Youth/ANR Extension educator, became a member of the Project advisory team and is looking to engage more 4-H youth in focusing on disabilities. NETWORKING B1a: Collaborations (with Professionals who serve Farmers) MF/LOC attended monthly meetings for the Indiana Migrant/Seasonal Farmworker Coalition which is comprised of various state organizations such as Department of Health, Indiana Workforce Development, EEOC, etc., service providers, and extension professionals. Outreach was conducted by MF/LOC to extension specialists in Clark, Hancock, Daviess, Tippecanoe, and Lake Counties. She also connected the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) with the Indiana Migrant Seasonal Farmworker Coalition to increase capacity for serving farmworkers with disabilities. An Extension podcast recorded by MF/LOC focused on stress/mental health risks for farmworker populations, resulting in follow-up requests for technical assistance and requests for trainings/presentations. VOC provided a presentation and discussion with IDVA on AgrAbility and veteran opportunities, met with Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Disabled American Veterans (DAV), and American Legion to discuss opportunities for veterans in agriculture, and established a working relationship with EC's veteran outreach and Vietnam Veterans of America. B1b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Professionals who serve Farmers) VOC continues to work with AgVets and Hoosier Uplands to attend the monthly Senator Braun Veteran Outreach events. The result has been dozens of contacts that included local VFW commanders and a deeper understanding of AgrAbility with Senator Braun's local office. B2a: Collaborations (with Farmers, Veterans, and Underserved) VOC Worked with Veterans IN Farming and other nonprofits to provide three veteran women beginning farmers learning opportunities in Indiana. MF/LOC collaborated with Proteus to conduct a community-wide event for 150 farmworkers and various organizations and associations including the Mexican Consulate to address challenges among Latino farmworkers C. DIRECT ASSISTANCE C1a: Personal Assistance to Individuals (Farmers and Ranch Families) RRS obtained a grant for $10,000 from Farm Credit Mid-America to provide stipends for Indiana farmers and their wives/caregivers to attend the March 2023 AgrAbility NTW in Spokane, Washington. VOC, PIFB, and Indiana Small Business Development provided classes and information to veterans in the FVC-IN. This resulted in multiple submissions to FVC for their fellowship fund. VOC networked with Dr Adam Ingrao and the Heroes to Hives program. The National Heroes to Hives program now has a module on Accessible Beekeeping highlighting AgrAbility. Combined with AgVets and At Ease Orchard, over 40 Veterans were trained and provided equipment to begin beekeeping. C2a: Student Contests and projects (for Youth and Youth-Serving Organizations) RRS Promoted Bridging Horizons Community Service Contest at Ft. Wayne Farm Show, National Farm Machinery Show, and through letters to all secondary ag science programs in Indiana. No contest submissions were received for this year. D. MARKETING D2a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Farmers, Ranchers, and Rural Families) EOES and PM presented AgrAbility and visited with participants at 3 IN Black Loam Conferences that targeted socially disadvantaged and urban farmers throughout IN with an average attendance of 88. VOC provided an accessible beekeeping discussion at Hivelife 2022. Over 2,000 attendees to Hivelife were given the opportunity to talk about veteran and accessible beekeeping opportunities at the Project exhibit. Over 200 people attended or watched an Accessible Beekeeping Facebook video from the event on ways to manage bees. Facebook had over 3000 reaches with 42% of the population reached being females. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?A. EDUCATION A2b: Resource Sharing (for Farmers, Ranchers, Rural Residents) ERS included an article about farm stress and Purdue Extension Farm Stress Team in the fall 2022 News Note newsletter which was sent to approximately 2,930 USPS addresses and Indiana AgrAbility clients and friends. AgrAbility received increased recognition across the state as a hub of information for farmworkers with disabilities as evidenced by numerous requests for technical assistance and participants in other events and activities. Lais McCartney shared AgrAbility events on the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Facebook page with a reach of 238 people, promoted AgrAbility on the ANRHancock Facebook page with a reach of 136 people, and shared AgrAbility with an Extension Master Gardener class of 28 interns. A4a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (Targeting Multiple Audiences) AgrAbility was promoted by EC on 2 "Accessibility Minute" podcasts in 2022 and featured the Mobi-Mat RecPath and Roll-A-Ramp. A blog post highlighting the partnership between Indiana AgrAbility and Easterseals Crossroads was released in August 2022. A4b: Resource Sharing (Targeting Multiple Audiences) News Note was sent by ERS to approximately 2,930 clients, stakeholders, and persons interested in AgrAbility. Launch of the new Indiana AgrAbility website is anticipated in July. Indiana Prepared is featured in a spring 2023 News Note article. Indiana PREPared website includes instructional materials for developing a farm emergency plan that includes farm families and staff impacted by disability. NETWORKING B1b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Professionals who serve Farmers) Multiple staff worked the AgrAbility display at the Indiana State Fair, 2022 Farm Progress Show, Indiana Farm Equipment & Technology Expo, National FFA Convention, Farm Progress Show, Fort Wayne Farm Show, National Farm Machinery Show, Professional Development Conference (PDC), and Indiana AgrAbility Assistive Technology Expo. B3a: Collaborations (with Youth and Youth-serving Organizations) Lisa Chaudion, IN FFA Foundation director, Cody Linville, FFA advisor and former AgrAbility client, and Jennifer Logue, 4-H Youth and ANR Extension educator serve on the Project's advisory team. C. DIRECT ASSISTANCE C1a: Personal Assistance to Individuals (Farmers and Ranch Families) Customers were referred to the EC AT library through a fall 2022 News Note article. EC was noted in public awareness outreach, such as the press release for the AT Expo. D. MARKETING D1b: Resource Sharing (to Professionals Serving Farmers) Education/Resource Specialist (ERS) sent the fall 2022 and spring 2023News Note via email to the Indiana AgrAbility Client and Friends listservs. An announcement and press release about the AT Expo and veteran's workshop in Indianapolis was also sent via email to the Indiana AgrAbility Client and Friends listservs and to the Purdue Extension ANR and Health and Human Services (HHS) educator listservs. Several staff submitted articles for the e-Note which was published monthly during this reporting period. Each month, the e-Note was sent to 309 people with a 35% (1,574 opens) open rate and a 9% (401 clicks) click rate. D2a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Farmers, Ranchers, and Rural Families) VOC managed a Facebook site for veteran farmers in Indiana and provided a demonstration and information to over 100 members at the Indiana Grown Symposium. MF/LOC hosted an AgrAbility exhibit at the Indiana State House for Farmworker Awareness Week. There were approximately 100 farmworker service providers and 30 farmworkers there. She also partnered with the Institute for a Sustainable Future to implement a three-day event February 28 - March 2. MF/LOC shared an introduction to AgrAbility and the work to address disabilities in farmworker communities to a live audience of 150 faculty, staff, and students, and was live-streamed. She hosted an AgrAbility display at the Farmworker Awareness Breakfast in South Bend. 150 farmworkers, community partners, and leaders participated in this event. D3a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Multiple Audiences) EOES presented AgrAbility at the Bayer Corporation Lunch and Learn Webinar in November 2022 and met with representatives of the Indiana State Department of Agriculture Indiana Grown program at VOC's orchard to promote AgrAbility and especially the Project's veteran programs. D3b: Resource Sharing (for Multiple Audiences) RRS Was interviewed for Hoosier Ag Today articles and for AgrAbility outreach videos to potential clients and VR counselors. ERS facilitated press releases with Purdue Ag Communications about the AT Expo and the veterans' regional event in Indianapolis. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?A. EDUCATION A1a: Workshops & In-service Training (for Professionals who serve Farmers) In-service training for 5 VR regional offices and RHI and 2 trainings will be offered to occupational therapy (OT) and Physical Therapy (PT) programs. A1b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Professionals who serve Farmers) An AT Expo will be planned for Year 3 and/or Year 4. A1c: Staff Professional Development (for Professionals who serve Farmers) Project will host OT doctoral students as interns to receive AgrAbility-related training and conduct outreach for the Project. A2a: Workshops, Classes, & Training Programs (for Farmers, Ranchers, Rural Residents) Project will refer stakeholders, customers, and rural community leaders to MHFA sessions and will conduct 2 MHFA workshops in the migrant/seasonal community in Spanish. MF/LOC will teach farmworkers in Spanish about disability in agriculture. Project will collaborate with Veterans IN Farming to conduct a farm tour or workshop targeted to veteran farmers with a concurrent program for caregivers of veterans. A2b: Resource Sharing (for Farmers, Ranchers, Rural Residents) Staff will share AgrAbility resources with customers, farmworkers, and stakeholders - including programs of Purdue Extension Farm Stress Team. A3a: Workshops, Classes, & Training Programs (Targeted to Youth) Project will visit 5 FFA chapters and 4-H clubs to teach about disability in agriculture and promote the Bridging Horizons Community Service Contest. A4a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (Targeting Multiple Audiences) Staff will present EC webinars/podcasts and will set up and maintain an AT demonstration site in the ABE Safety Research Lab. A4b: Resource Sharing (Targeting Multiple Audiences) 1850+ stakeholders will receive the News Note semiannually. The Project website, will be updated regularly with resources and current events. NETWORKING B1a: Collaborations (with Professionals who serve Farmers) Staff members will participate as members in the Purdue Extension Specialists Association. VOC will maintain a working relationship with Veterans IN Farming and will pursue relationships with veteran service organizations (VSOs) not listed as collaborators. Staff will collaborate with IN State Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) to ensure that IN veterans have access to AgrAbility services. B1b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Professionals who serve Farmers) Project will assist with Purdue Extension exhibits at Indiana State Fair and farm shows, and will participate in the Purdue Extension Professional Development Conference to facilitate networking with Extension. B2a: Collaborations (with Farmers, Veterans, and Underserved) Project will collaborate with Veterans IN Farming in providing education and services to women farmer veterans. Staff will also facilitate peer support for female caregivers of veterans. Project will participate in Indiana Farm Bureau (IFB) Conference women's activities. Project will meet with the Lyles Station, IN, African American farm group to discuss disability needs. B2b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Farmers, Veterans, and Underserved) Staff will attend the IFB Annual Convention, will inform the Purdue Women in Agriculture team of AgrAbility resources and events, present at the annual Midwest Women in Agriculture conference, and attend the National and Indiana "Amish Handicap (sic) Gathering". B3a: Collaborations (with Youth and Youth-serving Organizations) 4-H and FFA representative will serve on the advisory team. B3b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Youth and Youth-serving Organizations) Project will exhibit at IN FFA Convention and IN State Fair. Staff will present about AgrAbility and disability in agriculture to Sigma Alpha agricultural sorority. B4a: Collaborations (Targeting Multiple Audiences) The Project advisory team will meet semi-annually. C. DIRECT ASSISTANCE C1a: Personal Assistance to Individuals (Farmers and Ranch Families) Staff will re-evaluate the planned annual 50 on-site visits to see if more staff are needed, or if the goal is unrealistic. Project will follow up on 40 customers with at least 10 on-site consultations being to veteran farms in cooperation with Veterans IN Farming. Project will collaborate with Veterans IN Farming to provide business management and enterprise development training to veterans requesting assistance. Pending IRB approval, Project will begin participation in NAP's Quality of Life study with all new customers on a voluntary basis. Project will respond to calls on the toll-free line to meet the needs of customers. Customers will be referred to VR and PIFB as needed. Staff will encourage donations of AT to the Indiana Assistive Technology Act (INDATA) Equipment Exchange and refer AgrAbility customers to the exchange, INDATA's AT loan program, and INDATA's Alternative AT Financing Program. VRC will develop VR assessments for AgrAbility customers. The Project and EC will establish an AT lending library housed at the Purdue ABE Building. Staff will identify customers from the Amish/Old Older community, provide resources, and coordinate an annual peer event for individuals with disabilities. C2a: Student Contests and projects (for Youth and Youth-Serving Organizations) Project will promote the Bridging Horizons Contest to FFA, 4-H, and Young Farmer organizations and offer technical support and encouragement. Project will facilitate Purdue engineering and agricultural systems management students in developing assistive technologies for AgrAbility customers. D. MARKETING D1a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (to Professionals Serving Farmers) Staff will visit and provide literature and information about the Project to 10 agriculture-serving businesses and 5 USDA Service Centers to offer in-service training and provide a display of Project literature. The Project will distribute resources and highlight Project services at 6 regional VR offices and will exhibit and provide outreach at the yearly Governor's Council for People with Disabilities Conference and the Indiana Rural Health Association Conference. D1b: Resource Sharing (to Professionals Serving Farmers) Project will send email releases and AgrAbility information as appropriate to listservs, including Purdue Extension, Indiana FFA advisors, Veterans IN Farming, and AgrAbility clients. Staff will provide Indiana AgrAbility articles monthly for the National AgrAbility Project's (NAP's) e-Note. D2a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Farmers, Ranchers, and Rural Families) Staff will exhibit and provide outreach at conferences, farm shows, etc. that target "non-traditional" agriculturalists. These include the Northern IN Grazing Conference, IN Horticultural Congress, and IN Small Farms Conference. The Project will also exhibit and provide outreach at farm shows and events frequented by "traditional" farm and ranch audiences including the IN Farm Equipment & Technology Expo, Fort Wayne Farm Show, and Indiana State Fair. D3a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Multiple Audiences) Project will exhibit and provide outreach at the 17-day Indiana State Fair and will present about disability in agriculture for Extension programs, organizations, and agricultural meetings. D3b: Resource Sharing (for Multiple Audiences) Project will send press releases to engage with electronic and print media outlets such as Farm World, Indiana AgriNews, Indiana Prairie Farmer, and Purdue's Agricultural Communications Service to promote AgrAbility-related activities and accomplishments. Project will direct customers to the National AgrAbility Facebook and Twitter pages for postings on relevant resources and activities and will make AgrAbility resources and materials available to Purdue Extension educators for distribution at county fairs, Ag. Day celebrations, and educational events.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Accomplishments in all areas are cited according to the objectives listed in the Work Plan. Due to space limitations, a few objectives (of more limited scope) were omitted. A. EDUCATION A1b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Professionals who serve Farmers) Assistive Technology (AT) Expo was presented April 13 at Purdue's Beck Center with Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) counselors and supervisors, clients, and AgrAbility contacts attending. Evaluation results were supplied by Easterseals Crossroads Project Manager (ECPM) and were overwhelmingly positive. A2a: Workshops, Classes, & Training Programs (for Farmers, Ranchers, Rural Residents) Migrant Farmer/Latino Outreach Coordinator (MF/LOC) held 13 farmworker trainings on topics including arthritis, disability in agriculture, and mental health wellness to a total of 676 migrant farmworkers across Indiana. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) has a built-in evaluation component conducted at the end of the training. Completed evaluation is a requirement of receiving the certification. Responses were positive with most participants stating that their ability to provide support increased due to the training. Evaluation at the farmworker workshops was conducted by observations. MF/LOC followed up on a farmworker living in South Bend. She followed up with 988 underserved population representatives to discuss challenges for rural Latino populations and people with disabilities in accessing current resources. A2b: Resource Sharing (for Farmers, Ranchers, Rural Residents) Veteran Outreach Coordinator (VOC) conducted a podcast with Purdue Extension on farm-stress for veterans. MF/LOC distributed AgrAbility resources in Spanish and English on arthritis, mental wellness, and diabetes to 1,063 IN farmworkers. Evaluations were conducted by observation and feedback. A4a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (Targeting Multiple Audiences) Easterseals Crossroads (EC) received items for the loan library that have been cataloged and are being stored in a secure location at Purdue. A4b: Resource Sharing (Targeting Multiple Audiences) Following damaging tornadoes in April and June, Indiana PREPared distributed resources to Extension, media, and the public about response and recovery. B. NETWORKING B1a: Collaborations (with Professionals who serve Farmers) IN AgrAbility Project (Project) has staff that are participating members of Purdue University Cooperative Extension Specialists' Association, the Agricultural & Biological Engineering Department Extension team, Purdue Extension Diversified Food and Farming Systems team, and Indiana Farmland Community of Practice. Indiana Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA) has provided representation to Project's advisory team and attended the AgrAbility Regional Workshop for veterans. MF/LOC met with Jenny Guzman from East Coast Migrant Headstart that provides Migrant Headstart services in Indiana and encouraged her to be a part of the Indiana advisory team. MF/LOC followed up with the Indiana Poultry Association, Indiana Egg Board, and Indiana State Dairy Association to cultivate rapport. She met with a group of stakeholders from the Indiana Pork Producers to develop strategies for meeting the needs of Latino farmworkers and disability challenges. As a result of these activities, MF/LOC has been invited to participate in other meetings and discussions on farmworkers with disabilities. She was also invited to conduct a training on mental health/stress in farmer veteran communities. B2a: Collaborations (with Farmers, Veterans, and Underserved) MF/LOC collaborated with Proteus to distribute school supplies for farmworker children and with local rural community school systems to identify farmworker families in need of support. B2b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Farmers, Veterans, and Underserved) Indiana AgrAbility Extension Outreach and Evaluation Specialist (EOES) presented "Stay Emergency Aware with Indiana PREPared", discussing emergency preparedness on the farm, including for those impacted by disability, at Ag Women Engage Conference in Terre Haute. Project Manager (PM) helped organize an AgrAbility presence at the National Amish Handicap (sic) Gathering in Berlin, OH. B3b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Youth and Youth-serving Organizations) Multiple Project staff worked the AgrAbility exhibit at the 2022 Indiana State Fair where 800,000+ people attended. Multiple staff worked the AgrAbility display at the 2022 National FFA Convention where 65,000+ students and supporters gathered. B4a: Collaborations (Targeting Multiple Audiences) In addition to Project staff and partners, 30 professionals, consultants, and customers are now serving on the Project advisory team. C. DIRECT ASSISTANCE C1a: Personal Assistance to Individuals (Farmers and Ranch Families) The online client database is being updated and developed by EC. As part of that process, ECPM has spoken with about 118 past consumers and 105 current consumers. AT loan items have been received and cataloged and are being stored in a secure location at Purdue. Staff conducted at least 22 farm visits of which 10 were IN VR farm assessments and 5 were veteran farms. Rural Rehabilitation Specialist (RRS) had contact with 66 continuing clients either by phone, in-person, or e-mail. VR billing for the reporting period returned about $15,569 as fee-for-service (not all billed at this writing). EOES responds to the toll-free line and handled at least 240 incoming calls. Assistance provided included: direct response via phone conversation and/or emailing appropriate resources; referral to State and Regional AgrAbility Projects (SRAPs), VR. or other governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, or AgrAbility staff members and consultants. MF/LOC met with a referral who was a dairy worker from Goshen who had recently had both legs amputated. She also worked with a farmworker disabled on the job in Sullivan and a farmworker with mental health disabilities in South Bend, connecting them with resources and providing support. D. MARKETING D1a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (to Professionals Serving Farmers) EC conducted a VR office visit to promote AgrAbility services. D2a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Farmers, Ranchers, and Rural Families) Multiple staff worked the AgrAbility exhibit at the Indiana State Fair, Fort Wayne Farm Show, National Farm Machinery Show, Indiana Farm Equipment & Technology Expo, Indiana Small Farms Conference, Senator Baird's veteran outreach event, Tri-State CSA Conference, Indiana Horticulture Conference, Indiana Green Expo, and Ag Women Engage. MF/LOC hosted an AgrAbility display at the Indiana Migrant/Seasonal Farmworker Conference Indianapolis for a group of 100 farmworkers and farmworker service providers. She received requests to provide additional training for Migrant Head Start and Indiana Workforce Development on stress/mental health disabilities in farmworker communities. Project consultant Steve Etheridge staffed an AgrAbility booth at the Northern IN Grazing Conference in February with 2,545 primarily Amish visitors. Nine Project and EC staff members participated in the March NTW. D3a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Multiple Audiences) VOC Conducted 4 outreach events for Vets with Senator Braun's office, attended Farmer Veteran Coalition (FVC) National Conference, and the AgrAbility Regional Workshop at Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico. D3b: Resource Sharing (for Multiple Audiences) EOES participated in a Purdue Extension farm safety and health focus group, served as member of the Purdue Extension Diversified Food and Farming Systems team to facilitate collaboration and enhance awareness of AgrAbility resources, and referred callers to the AgrAbility 800 line to their local county Extension office for technical assistance.
Progress 08/01/21 to 07/31/22
Outputs Target Audience:In addition to working with farmers and their families with disabilities in general, the project targeted specific groups, including professionals serving farm families and veterans, veterans in agriculture, Hispanic/Latino farmworkers and employers, Amish/Old Order farm families, underserved populations, 4-H and FFA members, college students, Extension, USDA staff, and the general public. Changes/Problems:Cindy Chastain retired as veteran outreach coordinator in July 2022 and is being replaced by Joe Ricker, a beginning farmer and Army veteran. His biographical sketch is included with this submission. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The Project pays for at least four staff to attend the AgrAbility National Training Workshop each year. This is an internationally recognized event bringing in many professionals in agriculture and disability from around the U.S.A. to share sessions on a variety of topics pertinent to the training and professional development of all AgrAbility staff. In addition, the Project has promoted and made possible the training of all staff in Mental Health First Aid and the QPR method of suicide prevention. The Project also encourages staff to take part in Purdue University's personal development grant program that pays, or helps to pay, for appropriate training in subject areas appropriate to a person's line of work. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Two editions of the News Note are published annually and are mailed to about 1825 addresses via USPS, including to all USDA Service Centers in IN. It is also included on the Project's website for viewing or download, though the update will not be completed until upgrading on the NAP website/platform is finished later in 2022. While not accomplished in 2021, the Project is planning to use the indiana-agrability-clients listserv to disseminate the News Note via email to all Project consumers on that list. The VOC promotes AgrAbility on the FVC-IN Facebook site with 3,400 Facebook pages reached and 590 likes since February 2022. Information is also sent out to over 400 recipients using the IN veteran farmers listserv. Plans are to do an e-newsletter in the Project's second year for the 683 members of the FVC-IN. Each year the Project submits client demographic data to the National AgrAbility Project (NAP) to be included in NAP's state and regional AgrAbility projects (SRAPs) summary report. That report is published online and sent to USDA/NIFA leadership and to the agrability-staff listserv. The Project submits annual REEports to USDA/NIFA. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The Project will continue to educate, train, and network with staff of Indiana Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VR), Purdue Extension, Veterans and Veteran Services Organizations, FFA and 4-H Chapters, Key Rehabilitation Facilities, Occupational Therapists, and Physical Therapists, toward the betterment of quality of life for Farmers, ranchers, youth, migrant/seasonal farm workers, African Americans, and other underserved agricultural populations impacted by disability that the Project serves. Staff will provide individualized consultative services for AgrAbility customers that include product selection advice, accessibility and ergonomic recommendations; life activities and farm operations planning guidance; and advocacy to obtain service and financial aid. An AT lending library will be established in Purdue University's ABE building to allow customers to borrow and use AT prior to purchasing it themselves, as well as to give visual and hands-on experience with AT to other service providers and the public. Targeted assistance will continue toward Farmer Veterans, Hispanic/Latino farmworkers, African American farmers, Amish/Plain Community farmers, and Youth in agriculture. Staff will market AgrAbility via participation in conferences, farm shows, and other events frequented by both traditional and non-traditional farm and ranch audiences, as well as through newsletters, electronic communications, and displays.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Accomplishments are cited according to the objectives listed in the Description of Activities in the Project Narrative. Due to space limitations, a few objectives of more limited scope were omitted. EDUCATION A1a: Workshops & In-service Training (for Professionals who serve Farmers) Easterseals Crossroads (EC) hosted an INDATA First Friday training for 22 VR counselors focused on IN AgrAbility services. Education/Resource Specialist (ERS) and EC Project Director (ECPD) did in-service training for about 25 staff at Rehabilitation Hospital of IN (RHI). A1b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Professionals who serve Farmers) AgrAbility information was shared through video at 4 of EC's full-day trainings. A1c: Staff Professional Development (for Professionals who serve Farmers) 8 Project staff participated in the 2022 National Training Workshop (NTW). NTW attendance was 196. A2a: Workshops, Classes, & Training Programs (for Farmers, Ranchers, Rural Residents) The Migrant Farmworker/Latino Outreach Coordinator (MF/LOC) was certified as a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) instructor and conducted a MHFA training April 29 for 6 migrant service providers. She taught 20 of the IN Disciples of Christ about disabilities in farm worker communities and encouraged engagement of rural Churches in these efforts. She held 13 sessions across IN on arthritis, disabilities in agriculture, and AgrAbility, reaching 633 migrant, seasonal, and permanent farm workers. She received positive feedback from farm workers and service providers. MF/LOC conducted a Mental Health Wellness workshop for 30 farm workers on Cox Farms in Gaston. A2b: Resource Sharing (for Farmers, Ranchers, Rural Residents) MF/LOC distributed 303 AgrAbility fotonovelas on arthritis during 11 educational sessions. Lais McCartney shared AgrAbility events on the SARE and ANRHancock Facebook pages with a reach of 197 people, and shared AgrAbility with 9 Extension Master Gardener interns. A4a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (Targeting Multiple Audiences) Staff participated in 2 episodes of EC's ATUpdate podcast posted December 24 and 31, with a total 1,297 unique downloads. The Accessibility Minute podcast posted 3 episodes highlighting products related to accessible gardening/farming. EC shared accessible gardening insights on Indy Now (Fox 59) and Indy Life.Style.Live (WISH 8). EC sent out a public service announcement about the AgrAbility/EC partnership that was published on Inside Indiana Business's website. A4b: Resource Sharing (Targeting Multiple Audiences) The Winter 2022 News Note reached about 1825 addresses via USPS, including all USDA Service Centers in IN. The 2nd News Note is to be completed in July. Extension Outreach and Evaluation Specialist (EOES) produced a 10-minute "Creating an Emergency Plan" PREPclip video on addressing disability issues in emergency planning. B. NETWORKING B1a: Collaborations (with Professionals who serve Farmers) EOES attended the 2021 Purdue Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Update with about 100 Extension staff. He shared about AgrAbility services to 35+ Extension personnel. B1b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Professionals who serve Farmers) Consultant Swain had an AgrAbility display at the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville, KY, and spoke with 25 attendees. EOES attended the IN Extension Educators Association Spring Conference and presented AgrAbility to about 35 Purdue Agriculture, 4-H/Youth, Health and Human Sciences, and Community Development educators. B2a: Collaborations (with Farmers, Veterans, and Underserved) MF/LOC met with Proteus staff to address disability among Latino farm workers. Through collaboration with Proteus, 2 farm worker youth in the Washington/Vincennes area were referred to AgrAbility for services. MF/LOC spoke with Indiana Poultry Association, Indiana Pork Producers, and American Dairy Association of Indiana to introduce AgrAbility's work with farm workers. John Jamerson included IN AgrAbility staff as presenters in 5 "Indiana Black Loam" workshops focused on helping socially disadvantaged urban farmers in Evansville, Fort Wayne, Gary, Bloomington, and Indianapolis understand and access USDA services. Average attendance was over 70. B2b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Farmers, Veterans, and Underserved) PM attended the national Amish Handicap (sic) Gathering in June. B3b: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Youth and Youth-serving Organizations) EOES presented to 35 Morgan County 4-H Junior Leaders about disability awareness and AgrAbility. The Project had a display at the 2021 State Fair. 17 Project team members are helping with the 2022 State Fair exhibit beginning July 29. Staff exhibited at the 2021 IN Power Equipment & Technology Expo. C. DIRECT ASSISTANCE C1a: Personal Assistance to Individuals (Farmers and Ranch Families) Swain conducted 6 farm visits; 4 were IN VR farm assessments: 1 with a World War 2 veteran, and the other a beginning farmer and her VR counselor. EOES helped an IN AgVet client and host farmer implement a goat farming internship that is completing successfully. EC is developing an online tool to improve collaboration between Project staff. PD visited a wheelchair-bound Amish farmer 3 times. MF/LOC reached out to the Indiana Health Centers, Indiana Division of Workforce, Delaware Health Department, and Indiana's suicide prevention line (988) staff. Swain contacted 14 individual clients for follow-up. VOC and VOCa met with several veteran farmers for a farm tour/discussion in North Salem. VOC met with a Purdue veteran ag student to discuss farming business plans. ECPD added information about AgrAbility to the website and shared AgrAbility information as part of INDATA's information and referral efforts. C2a: Student Contests and projects (for Youth and Youth-Serving Organizations) ERS coordinated a mailing of letters and brochures to about 240 high school ag education departments. He also emailed a brochure to the Purdue Extension 4-H listserv. The Project received 1 project for Bridging Horizons this year. D. MARKETING D1b: Resource Sharing (to Professionals Serving Farmers)An email release was sent to IN FFA advisors regarding Bridging Horizons. Staff submitted articles monthly for the e-Note which was sent each month to 493 people. D2a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Farmers, Ranchers, and Rural Families) Staff presented AgrAbility at 5 IN Black Loam Conferences targeting minority and urban farmers throughout IN with total attendance of 353. EOES coordinated a workshop for veterans interested in agriculture with 27 attending. PM and consultant Etheridge exhibited at the Northern IN Grazing Conference with an attendance record of 2,267 primarily Amish visitors. VOC Intern (VOCa) attended 2 veteran events hosted by U.S. Senator Braun, providing information and input to veterans and connecting with VSOs that would assist Veterans. He exhibited to 500 at IN Bee School to connect with businesses that help Beekeepers who are veterans and others that might need AT. The Project exhibited at IN Farm Equipment & Technology Expo, FFA Convention in Indianapolis, 2021 Indiana Power Equipment and Technology Expo, and Fort Wayne Farm Show. Nine staff participated in the NTW. D3a: Presentations, Exhibits, Demonstrations (for Multiple Audiences) Three staff worked the 2021 State Fair AgrAbility exhibit. Swain presented AgrAbility accessibility assessment to Dr. Duerstock's graduate level AT class. He also submitted a capstone project for the 4th year ABE students which is in-process. D3b: Resource Sharing (for Multiple Audiences) ERS worked with Purdue Ag Communications to produce a press release related to the National and IN AgrAbility grant awards that was published 3/31/2022, and featured in Purdue Today, Purdue Agriculture social media, and the NAP social media channels.