Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2021
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2026
Grant Year
Program Code
[113.A]- Organic Agriculture Research & Extension Initiative
Recipient Organization
408 Old Main
Performing Department
Plant Science
Non Technical Summary
Soilborne pests and pathogens are among the major factors limiting yield in organic specialty crop systems. In these systems, effective integrated strategies are needed to preserve soil health and enhance the sustainability of organic horticulture.Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD) is an emerging biologically-based technology that promotes the simultaneous control of plant pathogens, plant parasitic nematodes, and weeds. The long-term goal of the present multiregional integrated research and extension project is to contribute to the long-term profitability and sustainability of organic specialty crop production systems by optimizing and integrating ASD as a viable biological technology for the simultaneous management of soilborne pests and pathogens and promoting and supporting soil health for the long-term.Coordinated research and on-farm trials will be conducted to optimize and integrate ASD into organic vegetable and strawberry cropping systems and assess the impact on soil health and the efficacy of ASD in managing key soilborne pests and pathogens in Florida and Pennsylvania, two states representative of the U.S. Northeast and Southeast region.Science-based knowledge developed throughout the project on ASD will be disseminated through local and regional outreach activities (on-farm trials and demonstrations, farmer focus groups, inservice training, workshops and meetings), and the national level eOrganic web platform (project webpage, project news, and updates, webinars, videos, English and Spanish fact sheets and manual), which combined, will contribute to transfer the ASD technology and relative application practices to organic growers and promote its adoption for the sustainable management of soilborne pests and pathogens affecting organic specialty crop systems.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The long-term goal of the present multiregional integrated research and extension project is to contribute to the profitability and sustainability of organic specialty crop production systems by optimizing and integrating Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD) as a viable biological technology for the simultaneous management of soilborne pests and pathogens and preserving soil health for the long-term.Specific objectives of the projectare:1) Optimize and evaluate opportunities for integrating ASD in organic specialty crop systems as a biological method to enhance soil health across the U.S. Northeast and Southeast region.2) Assess the short- and long-term impact of ASD on soil ecology and microbiome dynamics in organic specialty crop systems examining any consequent/interacting effect on nutrient dynamics, soilborne pests and pathogens, and overall soil health.3) Assess the efficacy of ASD as a system-based integrated management tool to address soilborne plant pathogens, plant-parasitic nematodes, and weeds affecting organic specialty crop systems in the U.S. Northeast and Southeast.4) Conduct advanced on-farm evaluations of ASD in different organic specialty crop systems to involve organic growers in the optimization of ASD and transfer the method to certified organic farmers operating within the U.S. Northeast and Southeast region.5) Evaluate the economic viability and identify barriers to adoption and integration of ASD in organic specialty crop systems in small- and medium- or large-size organic farms across the U.S. Northeast and Southeast region.6) Conduct a range of outreach activities employing multiple extension delivery methods to transfer science-based knowledge on ASD and promote its adoption for the management of soilborne pests and pathogens and of soil health in organic specialty crop systems at regional and national level.
Project Methods
Coordinated research and on-farm trials will be conducted to optimize and integrate ASD intoorganic vegetable and strawberry cropping systems and assess the impact on soil health and theefficacy of ASD in managing key soilborne pests and pathogens in two states representative of the U.S. Northeast and Southeast region. For the on-station "mother" research trials, treatments will be arranged according to a completely randomized block design with four replications. After the application of ASD treatments, soil oxidation-reduction potential sensors will be installed in each plot to monitor the soil redox potential (Eh) during the ASD treatment for 21-28 days. Soil temperature and moisture sensors will be installed in at least two replications. Data collected through data loggers will be monitored continuously and processed weekly to monitor soil Eh, temperature, and moisture. Soil Eh data will be used to calculate the cumulative Eh (ΣEh). Crops will be managed following local practices and certified organic standards. Visual assessments, soil sampling, and biometric assessments will be conducted at defined time intervals (every 30-45 days depending on the crop cycle) to evaluate any treatment effect on the crop, soil nutrient dynamics, and soil microbiome. Plant samples will be measured to determine the fresh and dry weight, dry tissue samples will be analyzed for their nutrient content and at harvest, produce will be analyzed for the quality profile measuring dry matter, total soluble solids (Brix), titratable acidity, and other quality parameters. In the case of fresh-market tomatoes at harvest fruit will be harvested based on color development from 10 representative plants per plot and fruit will be sorted by size category (extra-large, large, medium) and divided into marketable and unmarketable to determine different yield components and assess any effect in terms of earliness. Harvest dates and yield components will be recorded and used for the economic analysis. The same approach and methodology will be used consistently across all the coordinated "mother" research trials. All data will be subject to statistical analysis using SAS or R.On-farm demonstration and side-by-side testing of ASD in comparison with standard soil management practices will be conducted with selected cooperators in certified organic specialty crop systems (including vegetable and strawberry crops grown in open fields or protected environment) in both states.Science-based knowledge developed throughout the project on ASD will be disseminated by employing multiple extension delivery methods including i) local and regional outreach activities (on-farm research and demonstrations, farmer focus groups, in-person meetings, in-service training for extension educators, printed fact sheets, and a manual, workshops and presentations at local and regional grower meetings), and ii) national level outreach activities conducted through the eOrganic web platform (project webpage, project news and updates, webinars, videos, multilingual (English and Spanish) digital fact sheets and digital and printed manual), which combined, will contribute to transfer the ASD technology and practice to organic growers and promote its adoption for the sustainable management of soilborne pests and pathogens affecting organic specialty crop systems.

Progress 09/01/23 to 08/31/24

Target Audience:The target audience reached through the project during the reporting period included organic vegetable and strawberry growers, producers transitioning to organic production, conventional growers who are interested in organic/sustainable production or biological management approaches for soilborne pest control and soil health improvement, extension agents and other agricultural service providers, educators, researchers, master gardeners, industry stakeholders and grower's associations, and the larger public. Changes/Problems:Given the challenges encountered at the Balm site during the 2022-23 season, we decided to repeat the ASD carbon and nitrogen application rates study in Citra, FL in the 2023-24 season in order to collect sufficient data to select top performing ASD treatments for follow-up strawberry cultivar assessment. A no-cost extension will be needed to accommodate this change of field research timeline. During this reporting period Thomas Ford, a Penn State Extension educator member of the PSU team, passed in December 2023, and Kate Rotindo an Extension Agen member of the Florida team left UF-IFAS, moreover two postdocs and a research tech left the project to move to new positions/roles. The tasks of the Extension educators are covered by other team members, while we are currently recruiting two new postdocs and a research tech to join us to help successfully complete the project. For the next reporting period we can anticipate that hurricanes Helene (September 2024) and Milton (October 2024) caused significant damage to the GCREC farm; luckily, the newly installed ASD trial seemed to have held up relatively well, so we are continuing this trial. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?During this reporting period, the project engaged 5 postdocs, 11 graduate students and 18 undergraduate students, 2 visiting research scholars, and 2 junior extension educators. The project also continued to engage 9 technical staff. Given the inter-disciplinary nature of the project trainees worked mostly as part of interdisciplinary teams within the same institution or across institution. Trainees participated in lab meetings aimed to plan activities and had the chance to learn about various aspects of the project in each laboratory group. Graduate students had the opportunity to mentor undergraduate students and present the results of the project on several occasions including academic and Extension meetings, on-farm demonstrations and visits. Trainees working in each lab had the opportunity to gain at least some of the following activities/skills: i) planning and designing experimental protocols, ii) implementing the ASD treatment, iii) setting-up and deploying data-loggers and relative soil sensors used to monitor soil temperature, soil redox potential and soil moisture, iv) collect soil samples in the field and process those to determine soil pH, EC, and mineral content, and DNA extractions in the laboratory, and troubleshooting issues in the laboratory, v) conduct biometric assessments on cover crops and tomato/strawberry plant samples and process the samples for the analysis of the mineral profile, vi) scout and manage a tomato/strawberry crop, vii) harvest and process tomato/strawberry fruit samples for yield and fruit quality assessment, viii) collect and analyze data, ix) recognize weeds and estimate weed pressure, x) extract nematodes from soil and measure the level of infestation, xi) inoculate/isolate soilborne pest and pathogens and evaluate ASD efficacy in their suppression, xii) understand the enterprise budget, develop the budget template, collect the data, and conduct the economic cost and benefit analysis, xiii) work independently and collaboratively in an interdisciplinary team, xiv) present the results at professional conferences, grower's meetings, to the larger public during outreach activities. Two postdoc researchers working with us since the beginning of this project landed in permanent positions (a postdoc took a faculty position in another university, while the second became research associate within the same institution) and we believe all the opportunities offered by this transdisciplinary, multi-institutional project prepared them very well professionally. Also, two biological scientists and some of the undergraduate students working on the project got new jobs in the industry after gaining deeper understanding of ASD application and organic crop production systems. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The results of our research activities were disseminated to communities of interest through various Extension and outreach activities targeting different groups. In PA we had the opportunity to present and share information on ASD in occasion of: 1) Horse Progress Days ( an event attended by Amish and Mennonite communities gathering from across the US and other countries. Each day of the event we had the opportunity to present and demonstrate ASD, providing a printed factsheet with instructions on how to apply ASD. The presentations were attended by Amish and Mennonite growers and two of the attendees reached out to us later requesting assistance for the application of ASD on their farm. 2) Penn State's Ag Progress Days (, an annual event held in August in central Pennsylvania, held at our research station. Each of the three days of this event, we offered a 1-hour tour of our research site. For the three tours, there were 53 participants, including growers, agricultural professionals, master gardeners, and community members. In the open field, participants observed visual differences between tomatoes grown after a crimson clover cover crop and those grown after triticale. Participants asked questions about the ASD treatment and about cover crops. In FL on January 23, 2024, we hosted a field day at the UF/IFAS PSREU in Citra, FL to present some results from the organic strawberry ASD research trials and discuss the implementation of ASD in an organic strawberry production system. At the regional level, presentations were offered at grower meetings such as the 2023 Mid-Atlantic "Virtual" Vegetable Worker Conference, the 2024 Long Island Ag Forum (Riverhead, NY), the 2024 Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Conventions in Hershey, PA (2 talks), the 2024 Florida State Horticultural Society Annual Conference (Orlando, FL), the Nematology Committee Annual Meeting (Davie, FL), and the 42nd Annual Strawberry Agritech Conference (Plant City, FL). Results of the projects were shared also through several one-on-one calls and interactions with growers. At the national level, two public webinars were conducted through the eOrganic platform in February and March 2024 and the results of the project were shared through oral presentations and seminars at the 2024 Annual meeting of the Society of Nematologists (Park City, Utah), at the University of California, Davis (seminar in the Department of Entomology and Nematology), at the University of Florida (seminars in the Department of Entomology and Nematology), at Penn State (through guest lectures and poster presentations) and the One Health Microbiome Symposium, held at University Park, PA. At the international level, results of the project were presented at the IV International Symposium on Organic Greenhouse Horticulture held in Cancun, Mexico; the Methyl Bromide Alternatives Outreach Conference in San Diego, CA; the 3rd Biocontrol Conference in Bari, Italy; the International Society of Microbial Ecology, in Cape Town, South Africa; the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education Annual Conference, held in Orlando, FL; the 53rd Organization of Nematologists of Tropical America Annual meeting held in Cairo, Egypt. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?In PA for Objective 1a.1 we will complete the analysis of the soil KCl extracts for NH4-N and NO3-N for the Year 3 experiment. With the data from the first two years of this experiment, we will submit a manuscript on how cover crops and organic amendments affect soil microbiome and a second manuscript on soil fertility following a spring ASD treatment in the open field in PA. Following the tomato harvest in the year 3 open field site, a cereal rye cover crop will be planted. We will also repeat this experiment for a fourth year, returning to site of the Year 2 experiment after planting cereal rye and soybeans in all plots during Year 3. We will use the same plot layout as year 2 (planting cover crops in the same locations) to maintain the legacy of the treatments and follow the same schedule and protocol for soil sampling, planting, and biometric assessments of the cover crops and tomatoes. For Objective 2, total genomic DNA will be extracted from collected soil samples for bacterial 16S rRNA and fungal ITS gene amplicon sequencing, which will allow us to assess the impact of ASD on soil bacterial and fungal dynamics, as well as microbial community functions in our field trial. This will provide insights into the long-term effects of ASD on soil microbial communities and enable us to identify the ideal carbon sources for ASD based on their long-term impact on tomato crop performance. We aim to publish the findings from the 2023-2024 tomato open-field experiment on the soil microbiome in a reputable scientific journal. For Objective 1a.2 we plan to complete the summer cover crop study planting lettuce and a second crop in the high tunnel to evaluate the impact of soil treatment on nutrient dynamics, crop yield and quality. For Objective 3, we plan to complete the bioassay on soil collected from on-farm demonstration trials pre- and post-ASD and aim to publish the results of different experiments. In FL for the next reporting period, we plan to compare performance of different (6) strawberry cultivars in selected ASD treatments under organic production at two locations in Florida (Citra and Balm, FL). Sunn hemp has been planted at both on-station sites to prepare the fields for the 2024-25 research trials. A double crop (squash) will be planted following strawberry. For Objective 4, 5, and 6, we plan to conduct more on-farm demonstrations, complete the economic analysis, and conduct additional Extension and outreach activities. We also plan to collect more field experiment data to repeat the economic analysis and draw more robust conclusions. The UF and PSU team will work to finalize the instruments of a grower survey to understand growers' attitudes toward using ASD on their farms. Research and extension manuscripts will be prepared and submitted for publication and project findings will be disseminated through professional conferences and other outreach venues.

What was accomplished under these goals? Coordinated trials were conducted in Pennsylvania (PA) and Florida (FL) in organic certified open field and high tunnel vegetable and strawberry production systems. Research trials and on-farm demonstrations contributed to developing new knowledge on anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) and the impact of alternative organic amendments and application strategies on the efficacy of the ASD treatment and its impact on soilborne pests and pathogens, soil microbiome, soil nutrient dynamics, crop growth and yield and quality performance. Although some research activities are still ongoing our interdisciplinary team is disseminating the knowledge developed among organic growers and industry stakeholders and is contributing to training a number of graduate and undergraduate students and postdoctoral researchers and Extension educators. The project is contributing to integrate ASD as a sustainable soil management technology in organic vegetable and strawberry production systems and we see a growing interest toward the application of ASD. Objective 1a.1 experiment in PA: We completed Year 2 of this experiment with final biometric assessment of the tomatoes and soil sampling at the end of September 2023. In October, we planted cereal rye in all plots, followed by soybeans (as a cover crop) planted in July 2024. Consistent with Year 1, results indicated the importance of the N content and C:N ratio of the cover crop biomass to the inorganic soil N levels during the ASD treatment and in the following growing season. In September 2023, we initiated Year 3 of this experiment using the same treatments and returning to the same site of Year 1, following cereal rye and soybeans during Year 2. Following the ASD treatment, tomatoes were planted in mid-June. Upon fruit ripening weekly harvests were conducted to assess soil treatment effects on yield components and fruit quality. For Objective 2, the team prepared soil extracts with deionized water to measure pH, EC, NH4-N and NO3-N. Objective 1b in PA we completed the high-tunnel experiment that began in Year 2 of the project, which used three organic amendments (soybean meal, molasses and wheat middlings) for an early fall ASD treatment, followed by a fall lettuce crop and then a spring tomato crop. We completed the analysis of soil pH, EC, and inorganic nitrogen for all samples collected. Objective 1a.2 in PA we started an experiment to test the potential of summer cover crops as a C source for the fall ASD application. Sunn Hemp and Sorghum-Sudangrass, were planted in monoculture and as a mixture of the two species along with a fallow control. The ASD treatment was implemented on August 23, 2024. For Objective 1 (FL), we repeated the organic strawberry ASD carbon and nitrogen inputs study in the 2023-2024 production season at PSREU in Citra, FL. The ASD treatments included 25 combinations of five C rates (blackstrap molasses at 0, 3.5, 6.9, 10.4, and 13.9 m3/ha) and five N rates (Everlizer 3-3-3, a heat-processed chicken litter product, at 0, 4.75, 9.5, 14.25, and 19 Mg/ha), arranged in a split plot design with 4 replications. Sunn hemp summer cover crop was planted in July and terminated in September 2023 to set up the 3-week ASD treatments on 09/19/2023. ORP and soil temperature sensors and lysimeters were installed together with weekly soil sampling and lysimeter sampling during the ASD treatment period to help monitor soil redox potential, temperature, and nitrate-nitrogen dynamics including nitrous oxide emissions. Overall, cumulative redox potential significantly increased with the increasing application rates of molasses. The first season, higher molasses (10.4 and 13.9 m3/ha) and Everlizer (14.25 and 19 Mg/ha) application rates resulted in significantly lower number of nutsedges. However, inconsistent results were found in the second season. Plant aboveground biomass increased as the application rate of Everlizer increased in both seasons. The highest cumulative marketable strawberry yield in the first season was observed with molasses and Everlizer applied at 13.9 m³/ha and 9.5 Mg/ha, respectively, while 13.9 m³/ha of molasses and 14.25 Mg/ha of Everlizer was the top performer in the second season. No negative effects of ASD were observed in strawberry fruit quality attributes. During the same experiment for Objective 3, Embedded in each plot were two pathogen packets containing either Macrophomina phaseolina or Fusarium oxysporum spores to determine the effectiveness of the soil treatment on managing these soilborne pathogens. Soil and root samples were collected to quantify and separate different nematode feeding groups (bacterial, fungal and omnivores) and/ or major plant-parasitic nematode genera. The data indicated significant treatment effects on bacterivorous, fungivorous, omnivorous, and predatory nematodes. Plant-parasitic nematodes included Meloidogyne spp., Belonolaimus sp., Pratylenchus sp., Helicotylenchus sp., Trichodorus sp. and Xiphinema sp., but populations of these were low, and no treatment differences were noted. In fulfillment of Objective 3, in PA, ASD was implemented in a commercial high tunnel that had a history of dagger nematodes transmitting plant viruses. Soil samples were collected before and after the ASD process. Bioassay tomato plants ('Moneymaker') were directly seeded into the soil samples and grown for 8 weeks. Three of the twenty plants grown in pre-ASD treated soil developed plant virus symptoms. One of these symptomatic plants tested positive for tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV) using an ELISA immunoassay strip. None of the plants grown in the post-ASD treated soil developed viral symptoms and ELISA testing came back as negative for these plants. Subsamples of each soil sample were also used to determine nematode counts and for the molecular detection of C. coccodes. Dagger nematodes were detected in all blocks pre-ASD (range 2 to 104 nematodes per 100c of soil) but in the post-ASD treated blocks only 1 dagger nematode was extracted from all the samples. C. coccodes detection decreased post-ASD from being detected 75% of the block before and only 6% of the blocks following ASD treatment (n=16). For Objective 4, on-farm ASD demonstrations were conducted in PA (3) and in FL (4) as described above in the "Other products" section on farms focused on vegetable and small fruit crops and characterized by the presence of different soilborne pest and pathogen issues. For Objective 5 production cost data based on the organic strawberry and the tomato ASD field trials were collected along with the price data from government agencies such as USDA and other online sources. For the strawberry study, results showed that despite the higher labor costs, the ASD treatments led to higher gross returns than the control (zero carbon and nitrogen input) in both growing seasons. The net return of ASD treatments varied with the carbon and nitrogen application rates and the season. We also gathered information on farmers' farm-related data and their familiarity with ASD at the field day conducted in Citra, FL. We explored perceived opportunities for ASD adoption and potential challenges that farmers may encounter. Most respondents recognized the potential benefits of implementing ASD, such as improved yield, enhanced soil fertility, and enhanced control of soilborne diseases. However, they also indicated a lack of knowledge and training as the primary challenge, followed by the increased material cost. Based on this preliminary survey, FL and PA researchers worked together to develop a grower survey to understand the barriers and motivations for specialty crop growers to adopt ASD on their farms. For Objective 6 a series of Extension and Outreach activities were conducted in PA, FL and at national and international level as described in the "Other products" section.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2025 Citation: Di Gioia F., Balaguer R., Pierre F., Morrison B., Ono-Raphel J., Passerini L., Vecchia L., Demchak K., Roman C., Schmidt C., Gugino B., Elkner T., Hong J.C., Dini-Andreote F., Rosskopf E. Optimizing the Application of Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation to High Tunnel Vegetable Production Systems in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region. X Intern. Symposium on Soil & Substrate Disinfestation. In press [Accepted May 9, 2024].
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2024 Citation: Di Gioia F. Hong J.C., Desaeger J., Arrington K., Dini-Andreote F., Zhao X., Schmidt C., Gao Z., Balaguer R., Ono-Raphel J., Morrison B., Moreira Calix D., Xu N., Fronk L., Ford T., Elkner T., Goodiel Y., Rotindo K., Formiga A., Demchak K., Gugino B., Kaye J., Rosskopf E. Advancing Organic Amendment-based Soil Management Approaches: A Paradigm Shift from Soil Disinfestation to Nourishing Soil Health. X Intern. Symposium on Soil & Substrate Disinfestation. In press [Accepted May 9, 2024].
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Submitted Year Published: 2024 Citation: Di Gioia, F., Ono-Raphel, J., Arrington, K., Balaguer, R., Dini Andreote, F., Kaye, J., & Rosskopf, E. "Leveraging By-Products of the Agri-Food Industry for the Application of Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation in Organic High Tunnel Vegetable Production." IV International Symposium on Organic Greenhouse Horticulture. Cancun, Mexico, October 22-27, 2023 [Submitted January 8, 2024].

Progress 09/01/22 to 08/31/23

Target Audience:The target audience reached through the project during the reporting period included organic vegetable and strawberry growers, transitional organic producers, conventional growers who are interested in organic/sustainable production or biological management approaches for soilborne pest control and soil health improvement, extension agents and other agricultural service providers, educators, researchers, master gardeners, industry stakeholders, and the larger public. Changes/Problems:In PA, for Objective 1a, in the open-field experiment, tomatoes were planted in early June. Variability in seedling size combined with high temperatures led to poor survival of the transplants. Tomatoes were replanted approximately 4 weeks later, which was a late planting date for the area, and resulted in a shorter harvesting season. We planted summer cover crops (Sunn Hemp and Sorghum-Sudangrass) in early July in the uncovered high tunnel with the goal of starting an ASD treatment in late summer followed by a fall vegetable crop. There were several issues with the summer cover crops. First, we made a planting mistake by not seeding the full uncovered high tunnel area, which would have resulted in smaller plot sizes. Second, during planting a belt broke on the cone seeder causing an uneven distribution of seeds. (We attempted to fill in bare spots by replanting by hand.) Finally, the cover crops grew poorly, possibly due to the amount of rain; standing water was observed in low spots in the site. We decided to discontinue the experiment because we expected that there would not be enough cover crop biomass to produce a successful ASD treatment. The summer cover crops were mowed, and we planted a mixture of cover crops in the area (crimson clover, triticale and canola). Objective 1b: Cabbages were planted in late August 2022 in the high tunnel, following an ASD treatment with raised beds that had received organic amendments (soybean meal, wheat middlings, and molasses, alone or in combination). Shortly after planting, approximately one-third of the cabbage plants were damaged (chewed by wild animals). Although we replanted, installed a fence, and sprayed an organic repellent, more plants were damaged. Ultimately, we decided to discontinue the experiment due to an insufficient number of healthy plants to assess the impact of the organic amendments and ASD treatment on the following cabbage plants. We decided to move the high tunnel and repeat the experiment at the opposite end of the rails. We reapplied the same organic amendment treatments and started a new ASD treatment which ran for 3 weeks. At the end of September, we planted lettuce instead of cabbage due to the shorter time remaining in the growing season. The weather conditions and the ability to manage conditions within the high tunnel provided us with approximately 10 weeks for the lettuce crop, which was harvested in mid-December. In FL Hurricane Ian which hit the area of Balm late September 2022 and had a negative effect on the set up of both ASD × Solarization and the C and N input field trial. While cover crops were incorporated on September 16th, due to the hurricane, ASD treatments could not be applied until October 11th and 12th. Moreover, disease, insect and weed pressure was very high which negatively impacted strawberry growth and yield in the 2022-23. Weed pressure, particularly that of nutsedge (Cyperus spp.), which has the ability to pierce through the plastic, has become one of the major problems in our organic field. Therefore, we decided to conduct the experiment again at the Citra location in the 2023-2024 strawberry production season. Consequently, the strawberry cultivar evaluation under ASD treatment in FL has been delayed and will be conducted later (possibly in the 2024-2025 season). What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?During this reporting period, the project engaged 4 postdocs, 8 graduate students and 9 undergraduate students, 1 visiting research scholar, and 2 junior extension educators. The project also continued to engage 9 technical staff. Graduate and undergraduate students worked together under the supervision of one or more faculty and given the inter-disciplinary nature of the project often worked as part of interdisciplinary teams within the same institution or across institution. Trainees participated in weekly lab meetings aimed to plan activities and had the chance to learn about different aspects of the project in each laboratory group. Graduate students had the opportunity to mentor undergraduate students and present the results of the project on several occasions including academic and Extension meetings, on-farm demonstrations and visits, and conducted also teaching activities. Training opportunities offered to gain the following activities/skills: i) planning and designing experimental protocols, ii) implementing the ASD treatment, iii) setting-up and deploying data-loggers and relative soil sensors used to monitor soil temperature, soil redox potential and soil moisture, iv) collect soil samples in the field and process those to determine soil pH, EC, and mineral content, and DNA extractions in the laboratory, v) conduct biometric assessments on cover crops and tomato/strawberry plant samples and process the samples for the analysis of the mineral profile, vi) scout and manage a tomato/strawberry crop, vii) harvest and process tomato/strawberry fruit samples for yield and fruit quality assessment, viii) collect and analyze data, ix) recognize weeds and estimate weed pressure, x) extract nematodes from soil and measure the level of infestation, xi) inoculate/isolate soilborne pest and pathogens and evaluate ASD efficacy in their suppression, xii) understand the enterprise budget, develop the budget template, collect the data, and conduct the economic cost and benefit analysis, xiii) work in an interdisciplinary team, xiv) present the results at professional conferences, grower's meetings, to the larger public during outreach activities. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Tours of our research plots were organized during Penn State's Ag Progress Days, an annual event held in August in central Pennsylvania, a short bus ride from our research station. Each of the three days of this event, we offered a 1-hour tour of our research site. For the three tours, there were approximately 70 participants, including growers, agricultural professionals, master gardeners, and community members. In the open field, participants observed visual differences between tomatoes grown after a crimson clover cover crop and those grown after triticale. Also notable was the difference in size between the tomatoes grown in the open field planted in mid-June and those planted in the high tunnel in late April. Participants asked many questions about the ASD treatment and high tunnel vegetable production. In FL a talk and a research trial visit were organized as part of a field day on organic vegetable production research at UF/IFAS PSREU in Citra on December 8, 2022 to introduce ASD application in organic strawberry production systems. At regional level, presentations were offered at grower meetings such as the Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Conventions (Hershey, PA), Long Island Ag Forum (NY), Ephrata Agway Grower Meeting (PA), the Florida Strawberry Growers Association (FSGA) annual growers field day (Dover, FL) and the 41st Annual Strawberry Agritech Conference (Plant City, FL). Results of the projects were shared also through one-on-one interactions with growers. At the national level, the first public webinar was conducted through eOrganic in February 2023 and results of the project were shared through several oral presentations at the 2023 American Society for Horticultural Science conference in Orlando, FL. At the international level, results of the project were presented at the X International Symposium on Soil and Substrate Disinfestation conducted in Almeria, Spain and at Zamorano University in Honduras. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Objective 1a: In PA we will complete the analysis of the soil KCl extracts for NH4-N and NO3-N to assess the soil nitrogen dynamics during the ASD treatment and the following tomato crop. With two years of data for this experiment, we will begin working on publishing the results. Following the tomato harvest in the year 2 open field site, a cereal rye cover crop will be planted. We will also repeat this experiment for a third year. The first two years of this experiment were run in adjacent sites with the tomatoes still growing in the year 1 site at the time of planting cover crops for the year 2 site. For the third year of the experiment, we will return to the year 1 site after a year of cover crops: cereal rye (fall through spring) and soybeans (summer) grown across all plots. We will use the same plot layout as year 1 (planting cover crops in the same locations) to maintain the legacy of the treatments. For the third year of this experiment, we will follow the same protocol for soil sampling, planting, and biometric assessments of the cover crops and tomatoes and this will allow us to evaluate the long-term effect of ASD. For Objective 1b we plan to continue the data collection in the high tunnel study and plan to repeat the summer cover crop study that failed during this reporting period. For all the trials conducted in PA we plan to run a partial budget analysis and evaluate the economic viability of tested treatments. For Objective 2a, we aim to publish the findings from the 2021-2022 tomato open-field experiment in a research article. Additionally, we will continue to investigate other aspects of the soil microbiome during ASD, including shifts un fungal communities and microbial functions (via metagenomics). In FL, for the next reporting period, we plan to repeat the field experiment examining various levels of C and N inputs for ASD application in organic strawberry production at the Citra location. The Ag Economy team will continue working with researchers in horticulture sciences to refine the production budget template, trying to make a protocol for economic data collection based on biological field trials. We will also start inputting data based on the field experiment conducted in Florida. We plan to collect more data based on the second-year experiment to repeat the economic analysis to draw more robust conclusions. Two additional webinars are being planned for the winter of 2023-24. The project website will be updated with additional photos, publications, videos, announcements, archived webinars and other outreach products. We also plan to write research and extension articles, conduct more on-farm trials and demonstrations, conduct a survey to assess growers perception of ASD and identify potential obstacles to adoption, and organize/participate in field days/workshops to disseminate and transfer project findings.

What was accomplished under these goals? For Obj.1a experiment in PA (cover crops and ASD in the open field): We completed year 1 of this experiment with final biometric assessment of the tomatoes and soil sampling at the end of September 2022. In October, we planted cereal rye in all plots, followed by soybeans (as a cover crop) planted in July. For Obj.2b, we completed the analysis of NH4-N and NO3-N for the soil extracts prepared with 2M KCl. Results indicated the importance of the nitrogen content and C:N ratio of the cover crop biomass to the inorganic soil N levels during the ASD treatment and in the following growing season. For Obj.2a total soil DNA was extracted from soil samples collected during the 2021-2022 growing season to perform bacterial 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Sequencing data was analyzed to assess the impact of ASD on the soil ecology and microbiome dynamics in the field experiment. In mid-September 2022, we initiated a second year of this experiment using the same cover crop species (crimson clover, triticale and a mixture of the two) along with a fallow control. We repeated the methods used inyear 1.Dry weather during the last two weeks of May caused anaerobicity in the field to decline, so tomatoes were planted one week earlier than in year 1 (June 1), although they had to be replanted approximately 3 weeks later (see changes/problems). Starting when the tomatoes were replanted, soil samples were collected approximately monthly corresponding with biometric assessments of the tomatoes. All soil samples during the ASD treatment and under the tomatoes were subdivided in the field in preparation for microbial and chemical analyses. For Obj.2b, weprepared soil extracts with 2M KCl, which will be analyzed for NH4-N and NO3-N. A biometric assessment was conducted to evaluate treatment impact on plant growth. Tomato fruits were harvested four times measuring yield components and fruit quality. In July, we initiated an experiment with summer cover crops as part of Obj.1a.2. We selected one legume species (Sunn Hemp) and one grass species (Sorghum-Sudangrass), which were planted in monoculture and a mixture of the two species along with a fallow control. The species were expected to provide a range of C:N ratios, similar to the winter cover crops in Obj.1.a.1. We planned to terminate the cover crops in late summer, followed by an early fall ASD treatment and then a fall lettuce crop. However, there were some issues with the planting and growth of the cover crops (see changes and problems), so we decided to discontinue the experiment. Obj.1b in PA (organic amendments in the high tunnel): At the end of year 1, we initiated this experiment in the high tunnel using three organic amendments (soybean meal, molasses and wheat middlings). Each amendment was applied as follows: soybean meal (full and half rate), molasses (full rate), wheat middlings (full rate), soybean meal and molasses (half rate each), soybean meal and wheat middlings (half rate each) along with two fallow controls (with and without water), for a total of eight treatments replicated four times. The design provided a wide range of C:N ratios, since in the first year of Obj.1a.1, this was found to be an important factor in ASD efficacy and N availability to the following vegetable crop. Unfortunately, there were some issues with the following cabbage crop (see changes and problems). We discontinued the experiment, moved the high tunnel, and repeated the experiment in the new area beginning in mid-September 2022. We used the same soil sampling protocol described above to assess the microbial and nutrient dynamics during and following the ASD treatment. Lettuce was planted approximately three weeks after the ASD treatment. Soil sampling and biometric assessments of the lettuce were done in mid-November and at harvest. In late April 2023, we continued the experiment by planting tomatoes in the high tunnel in the same beds as the lettuce, with no additional fertilizer added. This 2nd phase of the experiment will investigate the long-term effects of the ASD treatment. Using the same methods, soils were sampled monthly through the spring and summer, corresponding with biometric assessments of the tomatoes. In fulfillment of Obj.3, in PA a series of three greenhouse experiments were conducted to evaluate the use of different carbon sources (liquid molasses with either composted poultry litter (CPL), wheat middlings, and/or dry molasses) to conduct anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) for the management of black dot root rot (Colletrotricum coccodes), timber rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum), corky root rot (Pseudopyrenochaeta lycopersici). Microcosms were used to facilitate exposure and retrieval of a quantified pathogen population to the ASD process. For the first experiment, cell culture inserts were used to contain three small filter paper disks colonized by a quantified number of C. coccodes microsclerotia. The subsequent two experiments used small pouches made from the 0.5 or 0.2-micron filters from two mushroom grow bags that were heat sealed shut. A known quantity of pathogen was placed in each microcosm. In the latter two experiments, one microcosm of each of the three fungal pathogens was placed in each pot. Anaerobicity was measured using both IRIS tubes and Campbell Scientific ORP sensors. Each pot was sealed with a sheet of totally impermeable film plastic. Hobo pendent temperature sensors were also placed in each pot for the duration of the experiment. Each experiment was run for three or four weeks and then data regarding anaerobicity and pathogen survivability were collected.? For Obj.1c in FL, the field research trial on C (molasses) and N (Everlizer - poultry litter based organic fertilizer) application rates in ASD for organic strawberry production was conducted on certified organic land at the UF/IFAS PSREU in Citra and the GCREC in Balm, respectively. A laboratory incubation study was also conducted from 09/15/2022 to 12/09/2022 to assess N mineralization dynamics. During the sunn hemp growing period, data collected included sunn hemp plant height, fresh and dry aboveground biomass (leaf and stems, separately), C and N contents. During ASD, we collected ORP data, soil temperature data, weekly NO3-N in leachate samples, N2O gas data, weekly soil NH4-N and NO3-N, pH, EC, and macro- and micronutrients, weekly soil organic acid content and moisture, and pathogen data. During the strawberry production period we conducted plant biometric assessments, weed assessment, fruit yield and quality (pH, soluble solid content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), SSC/TA ratio, total phenolic content, total antioxidant capacity). During the catch crop period, data collected included macro- and micronutrient contents of soil and plant samples and plant biometrics measurements. For Obj.5 in FL we collect the production cost data based on strawberry experiment trial and price data from government agencies such as USDA and other online sources. Based on the data, we conduct economic analysis of different ASD treatments in addition to the one without ASD implementation. A 3rdstrawberry field trial was initiated at the organic certified research farm of the GCREC in July 2022 and finalized in April 2023 to evaluate the effect of use of ASD combined or not with soil solarization (second repetition from previous year). A cover crop consisting of a mix between sorghum-sudangrass (Sorghum × drummondii) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) was planted on July 7th, 2022. The cover crop was flail mowed and incorporated mid-September 2022. The ASD × solarization trial was done on the same field as the first year, and the same procedure as in 2021-22 was followed. The same strawberry cultivars were planted on October 11, 2022. Evaluations included stand counts, and for Obj.3 weed counts (broadleaf vs. grasses) and nematode soil counts. Nematode samples have been extracted and counted and data are being analyzed.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2023 Citation: Di Gioia, F., Balaguer, R.M., & Passerini, L. 2023. Soil Fertility Management Post Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation in a Tomato High Tunnel Production Systems. 2023. Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention Proceedings. (13-14). Richfield, PA: Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Submitted Year Published: 2023 Citation: Di Gioia F., Balaguer R., Pierre F., Morrison B., Ono-Raphel J., Passerini L., Vecchia L., Demchak K., Roman C., Schmidt C., Gugino B., Elkner T., Hong J.C., Dini-Andreote F., Rosskopf E. Optimizing the Application of Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation to High Tunnel Vegetable Production Systems in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region. X Intern. Symposium on Soil & Substrate Disinfestation [Submitted August 9, 2023].
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Submitted Year Published: 2023 Citation: Di Gioia F. Hong J.C., Desaeger J., Arrington K., Dini-Andreote F., Zhao X., Schmidt C., Gao Z., Balaguer R., Ono-Raphel J., Morrison B., Moreira Calix D., Xu N., Fronk L., Ford T., Elkner T., Goodiel Y., Rotindo K., Formiga A., Demchak K., Gugino B., Kaye J., Rosskopf E. Advancing Organic Amendment-based Soil Management Approaches: A Paradigm Shift from Soil Disinfestation to Nourishing Soil Health. X Intern. Symposium on Soil & Substrate Disinfestation [Submitted August 10, 2023].

Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/22

Target Audience:The target audience reached through the project during the reporting period included organic vegetable and strawberry growers, transitional organic producers, conventional growers who are interested in organic production or biological management approaches for soilborne pest control and soil health improvement, extension agents, and other agricultural service providers, educators, researchers, and industry stakeholders. Changes/Problems:In PA, for the Objective 1a experiment, we added a second control to the experimental design.Within the area where cover crops were planted, fallow plots receiving the ASD treatment served as our first control.These plots will allow us to understand how the cover crops and organic amendments changed the ASD treatment. We added an extra row of plots at the edge of the site (an area that had also been fallow) where raised beds were constructed, sensors and black plastic were placed, but no water was applied during the ASD treatment. These plots served as a second control by providing a baseline to compare to the fallow plots where water was applied, effectively separating the effects of the water application from the cover crops/organic amendments. In FL, due to unforeseen complications, Objective 1c experiments that were scheduled to start right at the beginning of the first year of the project at Citra and Wimauma, FL were initiated at the end of the first reporting period and will be completed by the second reporting period. Disease, insect, and weed pressure can be very high in Florida and is more difficult to manage in organic certified fields. This negatively impacted strawberry growth and yield in the 2021-22 season. For the 2022-23 season, we have some new OMRI-approved fungicides and insecticides available that we intend to use. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Extension activities are reported in the dissemination section. An important goal and productive outcome of this project have been training the next generation of scientists and professionals. During this reporting period, the project engaged 7 postdocs, 7 graduate students, and 8 undergraduate students. Moreover, the project engaged a minimum of 9 technical staff as they advanced their skills and expertise on Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation and its application in organic vegetable and strawberry crop systems. Students were engaged directly under the supervision of faculty or under teams of faculty (in the case of graduate student committees) and in some cases by faculty from multiple institutions. Trainees were trained in diverse disciplines consistent with the interdisciplinary nature of the project and worked in interdisciplinary teams. Trainees participated in weekly lab group planning meetings and had opportunities to learn about different aspects of the project in each laboratory group. Graduate students had the opportunity to mentor undergraduate students and started presenting project outcomes at meetings and were engaged in Extension and teaching activities. Training typically included the following activities/skills: i) planning and designing experimental protocols, ii) implementing the ASD treatment, iii) setting up and deploying data loggers and relative soil sensors used to monitor soil temperature, soil redox potential, and soil moisture, iv) collect soil samples in the field and process those to determine soil pH, EC, and mineral content, and DNA extractions in the laboratory, v) conduct biometric assessments on cover crops and tomato plant samples and process the samples for the analysis of the mineral profile, vi) scout and manage a tomato crop, vii) harvest and process tomato fruit samples for yield and fruit quality assessment, viii) collect and analyze data. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Growers, Extension educators, and people who advise growers frequently ask questions about anaerobic soil disinfestation. Finding reliable research-based information can be challenging. During the reporting period, a website dedicated to the project was created within the eOrganic web platform ( The websitewas updated with links to resources on anaerobic soil disinfestation and a photo gallery showing details of ASD applications. Results of the project and information on ASD have been disseminated to stakeholders through emails, phone and Zoom calls, or on-farm conversations initiated by growers and stakeholders;as well as through presentations at conferences and workshops. In PA two Extension talks were given at the 2022 Mid-Atlantic Fruit & Vegetable Convention, one in the Organic Vegetable session presented by F. Di Gioia and titled 'Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD) for Organic Specialty Crop Production Systems' (45 attendees) and the second in the High Tunnel session I presented by R. Balaguer and titled 'Evaluating Carbon Sources for ASD in High Tunnel Production in PA' (25 attendees). Moreover, a webinar targeting vegetable growers was conducted through Penn State Extension. The outcomes of the project and teaching concepts about Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation were presented in the following undergrad and graduate level courses at Penn State: AGECO 201: Introductory Agroecology, Plant 461: Emerging Issues in Plant Science, and Plant Biology 513. An online guest lecture was offered to a graduate student class at Washington State University. Preliminary results of the project were also presented at the 2022 American Society for Horticultural Sciences Annual Conference held in Chicago, IL, and at the 2022 Methyl Bromide Alternative Outreach Annual Conference held in Maitland, FL. In FL, two in-person presentations were conducted for Master Gardener instruction in Florida, one in St. Lucie County (9 participants) on March 15, 2022, and a second in Martin County (18 participants) on April 13, 2022. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?During the next reporting period, we plan to complete the research activities initiated during the first reporting period and initiate new research trials and extension activities according to the project timeline. In more detail, the analysis of soil samples collected during the reporting period from field trials of Obj. 1a, 1b, 1c, and 1d will be completed for chemical, microbial, and nutrient analyses (NH4-N, NO3-N, and labile P). Objective 1a experiment will be repeated at an adjacent site with the same cover crops and organic amendment. The Objective 1b experiment initiated in year 1 will be completed with biometric assessments and soil samples to compare the effectiveness of the organic amendments as carbon sources for a late-summer ASD treatment followed by a fall vegetable crop in a high tunnel. In PA we will initiate a new experiment to test summer cover crops before an ASD treatment followed by a fall vegetable crop. At the PSU horticulture research farm, the uncovered portion of the high tunnel is currently planted in the triticale-crimson clover mix, the treatment which generated the most biomass in year 1 of the Objective 1a experiment. This mixture will be mowed and incorporated into the soil in May, followed by a planting of summer cover crops, such as Sorghum sudangrass and Sunn hemp. One organic amendment will be selected (based on the results of the Objective 1b experiment from year 1) to apply to half of each cover crop plot before the ASD treatment. Following the ASD treatment, a fall vegetable crop will be planted under the high tunnel. In FL, during the next reporting period, the team will complete the field experiment examining various levels of nitrogen and carbon inputs for ASD application in organic strawberry production (Obj. 1c). This field study is ongoing in two locations, at the UF/IFAS Plant Science Research and Education Unit (PSREU) in Citra, FL and the UF/IFAS Gulf Coast Research and Education Center (GCREC) in Wimauma, FL. The ASD treatments initiated during the first reporting period consist of 25 combinations of five application rates of molasses and five application rates of organic N fertilizer. After the 21-day ASD treatment period, the 'Florida Brilliance' strawberry will be transplanted. A series of measurements will be conducted during the ASD treatment period to assess soil N status, anaerobicity, and nitrous oxide emission. Weed, disease, and nematode assessments will be performed throughout the strawberry production season. In addition to plant biomass and fruit yield components, basic fruit quality attributes will be measured. In connection with this study, a 12-week lab incubation study will be conducted to determine soil N mineralization dynamics of ASD treatments with different levels of N and C inputs. The field study conducted for Obj. 1d in the first reporting period at the UF/IFAS Gulf Coast Research and Education Center (GCREC) in Wimauma, FL, will be repeated on the same research plot, using the same treatments, to evaluate longer-term effects of the ASD treatment. For Objective 4, during the next reporting period, we plan to start on-farm demonstration trials both in PA and FL. For Objective 5a, during the first report period, a budget template has been developed by Gao's team in collaboration with researchers conducting field trials in FL and PA to coordinate the collection of data for economics analysis on ASD. During the next reporting period, following the budget template, ASD application costs and crop yield data and produce prices recorded will be used to conduct an economic analysis to determine the treatments that are most economically feasible. For Objective 6 we plan to continue updating the webpage and will conduct a series of Extension and outreach activities (including webinars, fact sheets, workshops, in-service training, field days, and videos) as planned in the project.

What was accomplished under these goals? Regional coordinated trials were conducted in Pennsylvania (PA) and Florida (FL) in organic certified open field and high tunnel vegetable and strawberry production systems. These trials contributed to developing new knowledge on anaerobic soil disinfestation and the impact of alternative organic amendments and application strategies on the efficacy of the ASD treatment and its impact on soil nutrient dynamics, soil microbiome, and crop growth and yield performance. Although most of the research activities are still ongoing our interdisciplinary team started disseminating the knowledge developed among organic growers and industry stakeholders and is contributing to form a number of graduate and undergraduate students and postdoctoral researchers and Extension educators. The project is contributing to integrating ASD as a sustainable soil management technology in organic vegetable and strawberry production systems. In PA, Di Gioia, Kaye, and Dini-Andreote teams established two ASD experiments on organic certified land at the Penn State Horticulture Research Farm in Pennsylvania Furnace, PA. One experiment was established in the open field, the second in a high tunnel. For Objective 1a the first study cycle was completed. The study aimed to investigate the opportunity to integrate ASD with the use of cover crops in an organic tomato crop system. The ASD treatment was applied prior to tomatoes using cover crops as carbon sources by themselves or supplemented with an organic amendment (wheat middlings). Two winter-hardy cover crop species were planted in mid-September: crimson clover and triticale and a mixture of the two with a fallow control. Several biometric assessments over the cover crops were done, including stand counts, fall sampling for %C and %N, and NDVI readings to estimate nitrogen content (fall and spring). Cover crop biomass was sampled in May, just prior to mowing and incorporating cover crops. Plots were split into two sections and wheat middlings was added to half of the plot. The ASD treatment was established with raised beds constructed, a drip irrigation system established, soil temperature and redox potential (ORP) sensors placed and covered with black plastic, followed by 4 hours of drip irrigation. Soils were sampled at 1,4, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after the initiation of the ASD treatment (Objective 2a and 2b). Soil samples were divided in the field to prepare for chemical, microbial and nutrient analyses. Soil subsamples from each experimental unit were processed for different analyses: soil water extracts (1:2 v:v) were used to measure variations in pH and electrical conductivity (EC). Processing included KCl extractions to prepare for NH4-N and NO3-N analyses, as well as air-dry soil samples, which were prepared for labile P analyses. Tomatoes were planted in June and biometric assessments were done in mid-July and mid-August, with soil samples collected on the same days. Soil subsamples collected for microbiome analysis (Objective 2a) were stored at -80 C pending microbial analysis. Total soil DNA extraction was carried out using 0.5 g of initial material with the DNeasy PowerSoil Pro Kit (Qiagen). The quality and quantity of extracted DNA were checked using NanoDrop (Fisher Scientific). To target bacterial communities, samples were subjected to partial 16S rRNA gene amplification using the primer set 505F and 806R. The amplicons in each sample were subjected to high throughput sequencing on an Illumina Miseq platform (2×250 bp). The raw sequence data for this experiment are currently being analyzed. The study revealed the key role cover crops and their C:N ratio play in determining the efficacy of the ASD treatment and the impact on nutrient dynamics during and post-ASD, and on plant growth and yield. A second experiment was established to test the effect of several organic amendments as carbon sources for the application ASD prior to a fall cabbage crop grown within the moveable high tunnel (Objective 1b). Treatments tested included untreated control (with and without initial water) and wheat middlings, soybean meal, and molasses applied at two application rates. The ASD treatment was established in late July and soil samples were collected with the same methods and frequency as Objective 1a. Cabbage was planted in late August following the ASD treatment. In FL, Hong, Rosskopf, and Desaeger teams established a coordinated strawberry ASD field trial at the organic certified research farm of the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center (GCREC) of the University of Florida in September 2021 and finalized in May 2022. This field trial was a multifactorial experiment, which compared various amendments and two types of plastic mulches. Prior to the experiment, the field was seeded with a mixture of cowpea and sorghum-sudangrass was planted in early July. In correspondence with the ASD application, the cover crop mix was mowed and tilled into the soil. The following day false beds were created for half of the trial, while for the other half flat beds were created. A combination of molasses, or molasses, and pelletized composted poultry manure were incorporated into the soil. Moreover, some beds did not receive additional soil amendments besides the mulched cover crops. The false beds were covered with black total impermeable film (TIF) and the flat beds were covered with solarization plastic film. Comparison of the plastics was performed in block design, while comparison for amendments was performed in a randomized plot design. The soil was watered to field capacity. In each experimental unit were incorporated two different pathogen packets containing either Fusarium oxysporum sp. fragariae or Macrophomina phaseolina. The packets were collected after the three-week ASD treatment and platted to determine survivability of the plant pathogens. Soil conditions were monitored in each experimental plot using soil temperature and oxidation-reduction probes (Objective 1d). Soil samples were collected prior to adding the additional amendment and tarping of the soil, three weeks post-treatment, at first harvest, the last harvest, prior to planting a second crop, midseason, and harvest of the second crop. Soil samples were taken for nutrient content (Objective 2b), DNA extraction to observe the microbiome (Objective 2a), and to quantify parasitic and free-living nematodes (Objective 3b). Three weeks after application, solarization films were removed, raised beds were formed, and mulched with black TIF plastic strawberry plants were planted using two different varieties (Sweet Sensation and Florida Brilliance, one variety per row). The crop was monitored and rated every two weeks, evaluations included stand counts, plant vigor ratings (using a handheld GreenSeeker), weed counts, and nematode soil counts. Nematode samples have been extracted and counted and data are being analyzed. Plant-parasitic nematodes included lesion, sting- and root-knot nematodes, but populations were low throughout the season. Free-living nematodes were mostly bacterial and fungal-feeding nematodes. Strawberry plant tissue was collected to determine the nutrient content. The strawberry crop was followed by a second crop of zucchini squash. For Objective 1c, in July of 2022, Hong, Desaeger, Rosskopf, and Zhao teams initiated two coordinated ASD field trials to examine the pre-plant application rates of molasses and organic nitrogen fertilizer for optimizing the effectiveness of ASD in strawberries. The experiments were established on certified organic land at the UF/IFAS Plant Science Research and Education Unit (PSREU) in Citra, FL and at the UF/IFAS Gulf Coast Research and Education Center (GCREC) in Wimauma, FL. Sunn hemp was planted as a cover crop at the seeding rate of 44.9 kg/ha in early July at both locations and its termination is scheduled for early September followed by the ASD treatment implementation prior to strawberry planting.


  • Type: Book Chapters Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Desaeger, J, Williams K, and Rosskopf, E. 2022. Organic Management Strategies for Nematode Control in Florida Plasticulture, pp. 293-325. In K. K. Chaudhary, M. K. Meghvansi (eds.), Sustainable Management of Nematodes in Agriculture, Vol.1: Organic Management, Sustainability in Plant and Crop Protection 18,
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Di Gioia, F. 2022. Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD) for Organic High Tunnels. Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention Proceedings. (pp. 126-127). Richfield, PA: Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Balaguer, R., Di Gioia, F., Rosskopf, E. 2022. Evaluating Carbon Sources for Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD) in High Tunnel Production in Pennsylvania. Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention Proceedings. (pp. 44). Richfield, PA: Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Fernandez-Bayo, J., Achmon, Y., Guerrero, M.D.M. and Di Gioia, F. 2022. Editorial: Upcycling organic waste for the sustainable management of soilborne pests and pathogens in agri-food systems. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 6:1012789.
  • Type: Websites Status: Published Year Published: 2021 Citation:
  • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2022 Citation: Balaguer Barbosa R. 2022. Upcycling By-products of the Agri-food Industry as Carbon Sources for the Application of Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation in Pennsylvania Vegetable Production Systems. Master of Science Thesis. The Pennsylvania State University.
  • Type: Book Chapters Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2023 Citation: Rosskopf, E. and Di Gioia, F. 2023. New Approaches to Soil Disinfestation for Specialty Crops. In W.H. Elmer, M. McGrath, R.J. McGovern (Eds.), Handbook of Plant Disease Management. Handbook of Vegetable and Herb Diseases. Springer, Cham. ISSN: 2509-4823. In press.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Erin Rosskopf, Jason Hong, Francesco Di Gioia, Raymond Balaguer Barbosa, Xin Zhao, Isaac Vincent, Nan Xu, Natalia Peres, Johan Desaeger, David Moreira Calix, Juliana Baggio Silveira, Joji Muramoto, Kaydene Williams, Ole Becker, Antoon Ploeg, Philipp Simon, and Carol Shennan. 2022. Progress and Pitfalls in the Development of Non-chemical Soilborne Pest Control. Proceedings of the 2022 Methyl Bromide Alternative Outreach Conference. Maitland, FL November 1-4, 2022.