Progress 09/01/23 to 08/31/24
Outputs Target Audience:We reached out to the catfish community during Aquaculture America 2024 (San Antonio, Texas) and presented a review of our work in a USDA grants session. In the Aquaculture America meeting, we interacted with both scientists and catfish farmers and shared information about our research. We are aiming to write a new project related with nitrites and catfish aquaculture with colleages in Mississipi. The PI gave two international seminal talks that allowed the interaction with aquaculturist in Europe and further the work of control of nitrogenous compounds in aquaculture. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?1 undergrad was trained during this period. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We keep continuous communication with the TPWD catfish hatchery in San Marcos. We also contacted other catfish researchers and we are starting to write a new proposal to continue this research. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?
Nothing Reported
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Objectives accomplished in year 3 Aim 1. Identify changes in catfish nasal and gut microbiomes exposed to several sub-acute concentrations of nitrite. We prepared two manuscripts that are close to submission. 1. Nicole Restrepo Caicedo*, Ashley Franklin**, Whitney Ortiz**, Mar Huertas and Camila Carlos-Shanley. Characterization of Genome Profiles found in Microbiome-derived Bacterial Isolates. To be submitted in Microbial Genomics. 2. Franklin, A**., Restrepo, N.*, Ortiz, W.**, Matthews, M., Prangnell, D., Carlos-Shanley, C. and Huertas, M. Development of nasal and gut probiotics to protect intensive catfish culture against Edwardsiella ictaluri infections. To be submitted in Journal of Experimental Biology. * Undergrad student,** Graduate students Aim 2. Develop a screening method to evaluate olfactory infection of E. ictaluri or ESC vaccine in catfish exposed to nitrites. We completed characterizing the main odorants in catfish and tested olfactory sensitivity of fish exposed to 0.2 mM nitrite and/or probiotic for two months. We analyzed all data and found that probiotics have a protective effect in nitrite exposure, and sensitivity to odorants remains similar to those control. Interestingly, fish exposed to nitrite can detect odorants at lower concentrations, but the olfactory signals in general were smaller than control and probiotic treatments. Thus, changes in the nose microbiome seems to be related with olfactory function and probiotic treatments can help to enhance the sense of smell. Aim 3. Identify and test potential nasal and gut probiotic strains to protect catfish against E. ictaluri in catfish reared with nitrites. We analyzed fish tissues biochemistry and histology from experiments designed in aim 3. Exposure to nitrite and probiotics treatments changed the physiology and anatomy of the nose and gut of catfish. Additionally, these treatments modulated the degree of infection of E. ictaluri and routes of infection. Nitrite accumulated during treatments, but after challenge with the pathogen, nose, gut and kidney tissues return to control values. Interestingly, brain nitrite values remained depleted after challenge in nitrite and/or probiotic treatments. Histological analysis we showed that even low concentrations of nitrite (0.2 mM) can damage fish nose and gut, but fish under probiotic treatment have less morphological alterations after exposure to nitrite. We analyzed pathological changesin nose and gut of fish exposed to E. ictaluri after nitrite and or probiotic treatment. We found that fish feed with probiotic have nos inflamatory procces due to the probiotic treatment and nitrite. However tissues were not altered by exposure to pathogen. Fish exposed to the pathogen in absence of probiotic had sign of bacterial infection and tissue damage in nose and gut. This damage was characterized by hyperthropia of the epithelia, hemorrage, white blood cell infiltration and cellular death. Changes in the microbiome due to nitrite treatments correlated with an increased susceptibility to E. ictaluri infections in intensive farming. In the long term, this research aims to provide guidelines for probiotic treatments in order to decrease the rate of bacterial infection and transmission in aquaculture system Additionally. We attended one conferences and communicated with interested parts in catfish culture. We continuously communicate with the Texas Park and Wildlife catfish hatcheries. We are writing a manuscript that includes results from aims 2 and 3
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Huertas, M. Franklin, A., Restrepo, N., Ortiz, W., Matthews, M., Prangnell, D., Carlos-Shanley, C. . 2024. Development of nasal and gut probiotics to protect intensive catfish culture against Edwardsiella ictaluri infections. Aquaculture America 2023
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Mar Huertas. 2024. The double-edged sword effects of nitrite, nitrate, and agricultural pollution in fish. Seminars at the Department of Biology. Texas State University.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Mar Huertas. 2024. A new tale about environmental pollution: Water-borne nitrite effects in the chemical senses of aquatic vertebrates. Kavli Institute Seminar. Norway. April 2024.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Mar Huertas. 2024. DO FISH HAVE NOSE? COVID, infections,
pollutants, and other horror stories February. University of Insubria Seminar. Italy. February 2024
Progress 09/01/22 to 08/31/23
Outputs Target Audience:We reached out to the catfish community during Aquaculture America 2023 (New Orleansmeeting) and The Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) 2023meeting. In the Aquaculture America meeting, we interacted with both scientists and catfish farmers and shared information about our research. We further developed several collaborations in the identification of fish microbiomes with application to aquaculture practices in Texas and out of state. In the SICB meeting, we shared with the research community our advances in morphological changes in chemical senses due to nitrites, a common water pollutant, and the effects of probiotics in E. ictalluri infection. Nasal probiotics are a novel idea in aquacultureand the interactions with other vertebrate physiologists gave insights into the design of new treatments. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?1 Master students and 1 undergrad were trained during this period. The master student completed her thesis in November 2023. The master students attended two National conferences and both students attended one State conference. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We keep continuous communication with the TPWD catfish hatchery in San Marcos. We also contacted other catfish researchers and shared our results in professional meetings. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We are finishing some histological and biochemical analysis and we are mostly working in the writing of two manuscripts. We also intend to use our data to apply to the next NIFA call including new co-Pi's from the States of Texas and Mississipi.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Nitrite is a nitrogenous waste derived from fish excretion that can accumulate in catfish intensive farms and increase the occurrence of enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC) caused by the bacteria Edwardsiella ictaluri. This pathogen can infect the gut and the nose of fish leading to disease and death, causing millions of dollars of loses in animal production. To date, prophylactic treatments to prevent E. ictaluri infections are nonexistent. However, prophylactic treatments with nasal and gut probiotics can give an additional protection against pathogens and nitrite damage. In the second year of this project, we sequenced the different probiotic strains we used in our probiotic treatments before pathogen challenge experiments. We performed the histological, biochemical and electrophysiological analysis after the pathogen challenge experiments in individuals formerly treated with probiotics and/or nitrite. Our long-term goal is to develop nasal and gut probiotics that can protect catfish against ESC in intensive culture systems with poor water quality. Objectives accomplished in year 2 Aim 1. Identify changes in catfish nasal and gut microbiomes exposed to several sub-acute concentrations of nitrite. We isolated the microbiome of catfish exposed to sub-acute concentrations of nitrite in the first year and sent it for sequencing. Twelve bacterial isolates used for disease mitigation in Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) were classified and analyzed via DNA extraction, Genome sequencing and genome-web identifiers to gather the genomic profiles of each isolate including nomenclature name, genome total length (bp), contigs, gene cluster content%, number of biosynthetic gene clusters and type of biosynthetic gene clusters. Bacterial Isolates: 12 bacterial isolates were classified before DNA extraction. Each isolate was given a strain ID that was used for research purposes. In the Probiotic cocktail were present five different isolate classifications, Aeromonas Dhakensis, Aeromonas veronii, and Plesiomonas shigelloides are gram-negative bacteria derived from the fish's gut. Lactococcus pentauri, is a gram-positive bacteria derived from the fish's gut. During classification, a potential new species of Acinetobacter was described as a gram-negative bacillus found in the fish's nose. DNA Analysis: The bacterial isolate's DNA was extracted using plated aliquots of each isolate. Then the bacterial colonies found on the plates were analyzed using Qiagen Bacteremia DNA kit (following manufacturing protocol for extractions on bacteria cultures), and Wizard Genomic DNA purification kit (following manufacturing protocol for extractions on bacteria cultures). After DNA extraction was complete, the DNA concentration was measured using a Qubit4 Fluorometer, and lastly, all the isolate that measured a concentration of 2 ng/µL or more were sent to a commercial laboratory for 16s rRNA genomic sequencing. Online-Genmic Analysis: After the genomic sequencing was obtained from the commercial laboratory, two web servers, antiSMASH bacterial version and EzBioCloud ANI Calculator, were used to analyze the genomes information and compare them to existing database.The AntiSMASH server was used to gather information about each of the isolates Biosynthetic Gene Cluster (BGC), and total length (bp). EzBioCloud ANI Calculator was used to gather data on Contigs number, Genetic Custer content % (GC%), total length (bp) and OrthoANIu values of similarity between all of the isolates classified as Plesiomonas shigelloides. Summarizing, we described genomic data of bacterial isolates that were used for probiotic treatment for Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) in aim 3. Using orthoANI calculator, the similarity value of isolates of classification Plesiomonas shigelloides was analyzed and appeared in most of the isolates with ninety six percent similarity. Characterization of this isolates can be used in aquaculture for probiotic-creation purposes and decrease diseases induced by pathogenic organisms. The results of sequencing have been collected in a publication that will be submitted shortly. Aim 2. Develop a screening method to evaluate olfactory infection of E. ictaluri or ESC vaccine in catfish exposed to nitrites. We completed characterizing the main odorants in catfish and tested olfactory sensitivity of fish exposed to 0.2 mM nitrite and/or probiotic for two months. We analyzed all data and found that probiotics have a protective effect in nitrite exposure, and sensitivity to odorants remains similar to those control. Interestingly, fish exposed to nitrite can detect odorants at lower concentrations, but the olfactory signals in general were smaller than control and probiotic treatments. Thus, changes in the nose microbiome seems to be related with olfactory function and probiotic treatments can help to enhance the sense of smell. Aim 3. Identify and test potential nasal and gut probiotic strains to protect catfish against E. ictaluri in catfish reared with nitrites. We analyzed fish tissues biochemistry and histology from experiments designed in aim 3. Exposure to nitrite and probiotics treatments changed the physiology and anatomy of the nose and gut of catfish. Additionally, these treatments modulated the degree of infection of E. ictaluri and routes of infection. Nitrite accumulated during treatments, but after challenge with the pathogen, nose, gut and kidney tissues return to control values. Interestingly, brain nitrite values remained depleted after challenge in nitrite and/or probiotic treatments. Histological analysis we showed that even low concentrations of nitrite (0.2 mM) can damage fish nose and gut, but fish under probiotic treatment have less morphological alterations after exposure to nitrite. We are currently analyzing pathological changes of fish exposed to E. ictaluri after nitrite and or probiotic treatment. Preliminary data indicates that probiotic fish had less morphological alterations than those exposed to nitrite.Alteration of the natural nasal and gut morphology by nitrite may increase infection rate E. ictaluri and probiotic treatments can reduce infection even if water quality is low (high nitrite content). Additionaly, we found that fish exposed to nitrite loose bacterial load in their nose and gut microbiomes. Whereas fish treated with probiotics increased bacterial load. Itis uncertain if the increase in bacterial load was also due to E. ictaluri presence. Changes in the microbiome could be the missing link between nitrite and increased susceptibility to E. ictaluri infections in intensive farming. In the long term, this research aims to provide guidelines for water quality management in order to decrease the rate of bacterial infection and transmission in aquaculture systems. Additionally. We attended three conferences and communicated with interested parts in catfish culture. We continuously communicate with the Texas Park and Wildlife catfish hatcheries. We are writing a manuscript that includes results from aims 2 and 3.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Ashley Franklin, Nicole Restrepo, Camila Carlos-Shanley, Mar Huertas (2023). Bacteria and nitrite change smelling ability of catfish. 2023 TXST Stem Conference. March 24th. San Marcos, Texas.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Characterization of Microbiome-derived Probiotics Used for Disease Mitigation in Channel Catfish. Nicole Aileen Restrepo Caicedo, Ashley Franklin, Mar Huertas Pau, Camila Carlos-Shanley. 2023 TXST Stem Conference. March 24th. San Marcos, Texas.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Ashley Franklin, Whitney Ortiz, Michael Matthews, David Prangnell, Camila Carlos-Shanley and Mar Huertas. The Impact of Nitrite and Edwardsiella ictaluri on Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Nose Morphology. SICB 2023
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Ashley Franklin, Whitney Ortiz, Michael Matthews, David Prangnell, Mar Huertas and Camila Carlos-Shanley. Development of nasal probiotics for pathogen, edwardsiella ictaluri. Aquaculture America 2023
- Type:
Year Published:
Ashley Franklin. (2023). Effects of nitrite and probiotics on physiology, olfaction, and disease susceptibility in channel catfish. Master of Science
with a Major in Aquatic Resources. Texas State University.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Mar Huertas (2023). When the nose fails. Invited seminar speaker at Texas A&M San Antonio. Texas
Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/22
Outputs Target Audience:We reach out to the catfish community during Aquaculture America 2022 meeting and the comparative physiology research community during Experimental Biology 2022 meeting. In the Aquaculture America meeting, we interacted with both scientist and catfish farmers and share information about our research. We started several collaborations in the identification of fish microbiomes with application to aquaculture practices. In the Experimental Biology meeting, we shared with the research community our advances in morphological changes in chemical senses due to nitrites, a common water pollutant. The idea of physiological changes due to chronic exposure to non-lethal concentration of a pollutant was greatly apreciated. As a result we have been invited to write a review about this subject in the Aquaculture and Fisheries Journal. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?2 Master students and 1 undergrad were trained during this period. Both master students attended two National and International conferences. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We keep continuous communication with the TPWD catfish hatchery in San Marcos. We also contacted other catfish researchers and shared our results in professional meetings. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We aim to send our samples for shotgun sequencing and finish the analysis of the experiments perfomed in each of the objectives and stablish new plans of action to design new probiotics. We also aim to reach further to the catfish farming community for future collaborations in upscaling probiotic usage.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Nitrite is a nitrogenous waste derived from fish excretion that can accumulate in catfish intensive farms and increase the occurrence of enteric septicemia of catfish (ESC) caused by the bacteria Edwardsiella ictaluri. This pathogen can infect the gut and the nose of fish leading to disease and death, causing millions of dollars of loses in animal production. To date, prophylactic treatments to prevent E. ictaluri infections are nonexistent. However, prophylactic treatments with nasal and gut probiotics can give an additional protection against pathogens and nitrite damage. In the first year of this project, we characterized the response of the catfish nasal and gut microbiomes to different concentrations of nitrite. Then, we identified nose and gut bacteria resilient to nitrite and pathogens (more than 95% of pathogen inhibition) and used to formulate a new probiotic mix. Finally, we fed fish with the newly formulated probiotic for two months and, after that, we exposed fish to the pathogen. The results of the pathogen challenge are under analysis. Our long-term goal is to develop nasal and gut probiotics that can protect catfish against ESC in intensive culture systems with poor water quality. Objectives accomplished in year 1 Aim 1. Identify changes in catfish nasal and gut microbiomes exposed to several sub-acute concentrations of nitrite. We performed all fish experiments and are currently working in the analysis of bacterial sequencing. We exposed catfish to acute (lethal) and sub-acute (sublethal) nitrite and collected samples for microbiome sequencing, biochemical and histological analysis. We isolated the microbiome and is sent for sequencing. Channel catfish were exposed to 0 mM (control), 0.2 mM, and 2 mM concentrations of nitrite. Atotal of six 500-liter tanks were used in a two-phase experiment. For phase one, 16 fish per tank were placed into three 0 mM nitrite tanks and three 2 mM nitrite tanks. The 2 mM fish were kept for 12 hours before sampling. For phase two, 24 of the phase one control fish were placed into three 0.2 mM tanks and the remaining 24 control fish were left in the three control tanks for a total of 8 fish per tank. Phase two lasted 30 days with sub-samplings at day five and 30. The mortality rates were 0.04%, 0.08%, and 92% for the control, 0.2 mM, and 2 mM treatments respectively. All fish were sampled for nose, gut, muscle, gill, brain, blood, liver, and kidney tissues for biochemical, microbial, or histological analysis. Upon dissection, fish from the 2 mM tanks exhibited brown blood disease, which is due to the nitrite-induced oxidation of hemoglobin. In phase two experiments (long term exposure to nitrite), fish did not show any visible signs of distress during culture and there were not symptoms of brown blood disease. However, tissue analysis showed oxidative damage in gut, nose and gill in individuals exposed to 0.2 mM treatment. Thus, long-term exposure to non-lethal nitrite can induce subtle negative effects in the catfish health. The nose and gut microbiome were extracted and used to culture potential probiotics or for RNA extraction. We found different bacterial grow in individuals exposed to nitrite compared to those control. RNA will be sequenced using whole genome shotgun sequencing to determine the microbial composition and measure changes in relative abundance. Aim 2. Develop a screening method to evaluate olfactory infection of E. ictaluri or ESC vaccine in catfish exposed to nitrites. We developed the electro-olfactogram recording (EOG) technique to measure olfactory response of catfish to food odorants and vaccine, prior and posterior to ESC infection. EOG experiments are currently ongoing. So far, we identified the amino acids and bile acids that elicit the most olfactory sensitive responses. The amino acids with strongest olfactory responses were serine and alanine, whereas the bile acids with the strongest responses were taurochenodeoxycolic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid. After characterizing the main odorants in catfish, we tested olfactory sensitivity of fish exposed to 0.2 mM nitrite and/or probiotic for two months. Preliminary experiments found that nitrite and probiotic alter olfactory function, with loss of sensitivity for some odorants in both groups. Thus, changes in the nose microbiome seems to be related with olfactory function Aim 3. Identify and test potential nasal and gut probiotic strains to protect catfish against E. ictaluri in catfish reared with nitrites. We identified 10 bacterial strains isolated in aim 1 with more than 95% in vitro inhibitory activity to the pathogen E. ictaluri. We produced a probiotic diet that we used to perform clinical experiments to pinpoint potential live probiotic that will protect catfish from E. ictaluri. We also run several lethal dose experiments to identify a strain of E. ictaluri that produce hemorrhagic symptoms in three days but doesn't kill all the fish, so we can take samples of tissues and microbiomes. We found that the best concentration of E. ictaluri in our laboratory was 1x 107 CFU/ml. For the clinical treatment, we exposed catfish for 2 months to either control water, nitrite (0.2 mM), probiotic or nitrite with probiotic. Fish didn't show sign of distress or mortality during that period. After that, fish were challenged for 3 days with E. ictaluri. Fish exposed to only nitrite showed more symptoms of E. ictaluri infection (ulcers and hemorrhages). Fish treated with probiotic didn't have nose infection by E. ictaluri. At the end of the challenge, we collected samples for microbiome sequencing, biochemical and histological analysis. We performed all the fish experiments in this objective, and we are currently analyzing catfish tissues and the microbiome. In conclusion, we performed all the fish experiments in the three objectives, and we are in our way to analyze fish tissues and microbiome sequencing data. We prioritized fish experiments because catfish juveniles are only available in late spring during catfish season. So far, our experiments showed that even low concentrations of nitrite (0.2 mM) can damage fish tissues and microbiomes after long exposure. These effects can happen without visual sign of fish distress. Because the microbiome is a powerful barrier against pathogens, disruption of the microbiome could lead to higher rates of disease infection and transmission in fish. Alteration of the natural nasal microbiome by nitrite may increase mortality from the bacteria that cause septicemia in catfish, Edwardsiella ictaluri, whose common routes of infection are the nose or gut. Changes to the microbiome could be the missing link between nitrite and increased susceptibility to E. ictaluri infections in intensive farming. In the long term, this research aims to provide guidelines for water quality management in order to decrease the rate of bacterial infection and transmission in aquaculture systems. Additionally. We attended to two aquaculture conferences and communicate with interested parts in catfish culture. We continuously communicate with the Texas Park and Wildlife catfish hatcheries. We published a paper about microbiomes affected by nitrites in goldfish. Although the experiments and funding are prior to this project the microbiomes associated with goldfish were used to design catfish probiotics.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Franklin, A., Ortiz, W., Matthews, M., Prangnell, D., Carlos-Shanley, C. and Huertas, M. (2022), Chronic Exposure to Sublethal Concentrations of Aquatic Nitrite Change Nose and Gut Morphology and Associated Microbiomes in Channel Catfish. The FASEB Journal, 36:.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Whitney E. Ortiz, Mar Huertas, Camila Carlos-Shanley.(2022). Impact of sublethal concentrations of nitrite on goldfish (Carassius auratus) microbiomes. Microb Ecol. 2022 Oct 25. doi: 10.1007/s00248-022-02123-4. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36282286.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Ashley Franklin*, Whitney Ortiz, Michael Matthews, David Prangnell, Camila Carlos-Shanley and Mar Huertas.(2022). Nitrite induces changes in the channel catfish nose and gut microbiome. WAS (World Aquaculture Symposium) 2022 San Diego. Oral Presentation.