Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/23
Outputs Target Audience:USA shellfish and seaweed farmers & grower organisations Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?
Nothing Reported
How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?It will be reported at NACE & MAS at Providence RI Providence Omni Hotel January 10 to 12 2024 What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?
Nothing Reported
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
SUMMARY: AI Control Technologies (AiCT) is addressing the need to solve a variety of depth control challenges in small and large-scale aquaculture operations by using patented cost effective cutting-edge underwater depth control technologies among several aquaculture locations including; Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic Seaboard, Great Lakes, US Caribbean, and other American waters. Going forward we intend to assist US aquaculture suppliers in gaining a competitive advantage in the global marketplace. Specifically, AiCT aims to assist US aquaculture farmers (seaweed, oysters, and mussels) in replacing certain labor-intensive repetitive processes with automation to help maximize yield and growth, minimize go-to-market costs, and maximize profitability. We will leverage computer technology to make complex and labor processes simple. Our proprietary software compares rules with depth change movements in real-time using data from sensors and adjusts depth according to the application dynamic model required. AiCT uses predictive control system where sensors across the platform/rig/cage/trap transmit readings in real-time to a master remote control unit. This allows the manual control and later based on future studies to run predictive control software controlling actions autonomously or semi-autonomously according to the growers chosen dynamic model required. AiCT AUTODIVE®: AiCT AUTODIVE product is an aquaculture habitat structure (platform or cage) to grow out seaweed, oysters, and mussels. It uses proprietary, patented air/water managed depth control technology, and consists of four parts: 1) Depth Control Engine -Depth changes achieved by changing buoyancy. Buoyancy is changed within a rigid vessel where water is removed or added to change depth. 2) Computer Sensors - One or more sensors to measure impact of any changes to provide functionality. 3) Computer and Software - To receive sensor data, interrogate it within our control algorithms. Depth changes are executed according to the application specific dynamic model required using had held remote controller. 4) Habitat structure, that is platform, tank or cage that allows crop to grow safely with adequate water and nutrients flow to feed provided naturally. FARMER TRIALS: We have carried out demonstration trials with growers (Farmers) at each stage of the project as follows: i) Qtr. 2 2020 Bench Test Trials Control box parts ordered, proof of concept build completed, and video prepared showing main functionality demonstrated and shared with Mississippi growers ii) Qtr. 3 2021 Small Tank Trials For these initial scale model trials, we used a 64in inner diameter cylindrical tank with a depth of 150in. The scale model used a full-size control unit with miniaturized air and water tanks attached. Using HD video camera in a rectangular tube dry well were we able to monitor and record physical depth movements for our modeling and shared with our Mississippi growers. iii) Qtr. 3 2022 Wet Lab Trials For these full size 20ft x 20ft platform was fully tested a wet lab 5ft deep. All functions worked to specification and a HD video drone and camera were used to record this and shared with our Mississippi growers. iv) Qtr. 3 2023 Ocean Water Trials For these full size 20ft x 20ft platform was fully tested in the ocean water. All functions worked to specification and a HD video drone and camera were used to record this and this shared with Mississippi, New England and Canada growers. v) Qtr. 3 & 4 2023 Atlantic Aqua Trials For these three full size 20ft x 8ft platforms purchased by Atlantic Aqua in Maine and Prince Edward Island Canada will be used. These trials are ongoing and HD video drone and HD cameras will be used to record this monthly going forward.
Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/22
Outputs Target Audience:My colleague, Tim Matuszewski serves as the General Manager for Ai Control Technologies New England Region. Tim has identified farmers over 10East Coast shellfish farmers interested in deploying AiCT technologies. Healso established partnerships with organisations that advocate sustainable aquaculture and have introduced us to New England federal and state funding opportunities and industryconference events. In April,2022, we were invited to attend the international Boston Seafood Conference to promote our technology and meet shellfish growers. In April, we were invited to present at The Roux Institute Techstars Accelerator event attended by Governor of Maine, Janet Mills, aquaculture industry organisationsand potential investors. Only 6 companies out of 150 applicants were selected to present at this annual event. We were also invited by the Executive Director of the annual North East Aquaculture Conference to present our technology and business strategy during the "Engineering in Aquaculture" program session. This session had 75 plus people in attendance and has generated interest from shellfish growers and industry manufacturers. In Q3, 2022, we have scheduled several follow up presentations and meetings with shellfish growers, aquaculture sponsors and potential investors. Currently, we are evaluating site locations in Maine to deploy our submersible buoyancy-controlled raft system. Ourproject will enhance sustainable aquaculture and fisheries in the Gulf of Maine through automated buoyancy control technology of aquaculture structures and cages by eliminating surface buoys that can entangle marine mammals and turtles. This technology will also improve efficiencies and safety in aquaculture and fisheries by requiring less human energy to work these systems. Changes/Problems:Supply Chain Problems: 1) Most immediate challenge is supply chain lead times and materials price inflation 20% plus in many cases. 2) To allow for this chane were made in a budget revision but with in the total NIFA funds allowed. This budget has been added as an appendix to the uploadable report if required 3) The main change appart for materials substitution to the design to accomodate marterials, like Steel instead oy UHPE, available that are available at affordable prices, like electronics and valves, is to focus all work in and arround Mississippi in 2021 and 2022. This involves substituting partner work with Undine Marine in MEto Biloxi Oyster Company in MS.Plus Kelson Marine in ME/MA to Advannce Marine Technology in MA but in 2023. 4) If residulal funds are available in 2023 validation trials with a New England farner, not specified at this stage, then. 5) This refocus will allow the the primary objective of building anf trialing a 20ft X 20ft raft with a farmer to be completed What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?
Nothing Reported
How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Since 2020, we have developed several strategic partnerships with federal & state agencies, environmental, aquaculture and sustainable fisheries organisations, marine science research universities and industry manufacturers. We also established partnerships with organisations that advocate sustainable aquaculture and have introduced us to New England federal and state funding opportunities and industry conference events. In April, 2022, we were invited to attend the international Boston Seafood Conference to promote our technology and meet shellfish growers. In April, we were invited to present at The Roux Institute Techstars Accelerator event attended by Governor of Maine, Janet Mills, aquaculture industry organisationsand potential investors. Only 6 companies out of 150 applicants were selected to present at this annual event. We were also invited by the Executive Director of the annual North East Aquaculture Conference to present our technology and business strategy during the "Engineering in Aquaculture" program session. This session had 75 plus people in attendance and has generated interest from shellfish growers and industry manufacturers. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Contine the work in progress so that initial engineering, electronics and customertrials with validation is able to comple successfully by August 2023. Particularly in Q3, 2022, we have scheduled several follow up presentations and meetings with shellfish growers, aquaculture sponsors and potential investors. Currently, we are evaluating site locations in Maine to deploy our submersible buoyancy-controlled raft system. This project will enhance sustainable aquaculture and fisheries in the Gulf of Maine through automated buoyancy control technology of aquaculture structures and cages by eliminating surface buoys that can entangle marine mammals and turtles. This technology will also improve efficiencies and safety in aquaculture and fisheries by requiring less human energy to work these systems. Planned to commence as a seperate project as soon as $200,000 new funds secured is our objective 5. GO-TO-MARKET PLAN AiCT has established the business foundation infrastructure and is now transitioning . That is from adevelopment company to a company delivering units against orders received. To secure additional orders, we first need to demonstrate our customer trials units with our initial target customers and take orders for future deliveries. AiCT needs this transition which involves additional operations field infrastructure (people and operating expenses) to be funded. The results of these trials are critical to validate inhouse tested functionality and commercial appeal for the customer ready trial units and to establish the production infrastructure capability and capacity to meet the demand created. We have had an early indication of the potential for our technology, particularly the benefit to protect equipment and crops from storms and to address global warming risks making these customer trials the critical next stage. During this project as a separate activity, we are in discussions with institutional investors to finance the business to allow follow-on production scaling to occur. In this, AiCT is seeking an equity injection of $1M to $2M. Field deployment of the hardware and software components for ropeless functionality and remote and manual override depth control for submersible operations will be completed.These trials will be completed in coastal waters off Cape Ann Massachusetts. A 20ft x 20ft submersible platform will be assembled and initial system testing will be conducted nearshore, once this is completed, the platform will be towed out and deployed in open waters with a maximum depth of 80 feet outside Folly Cove, Rockport/Gloucester MA. Anticipated outcomes: AiCT Autonomous control will advance safe and sustainable aquaculture while reducing or eliminating vertical pick-up lines (ropeless) going from the anchored aquaculture gear to the surface reducing risk of entanglements to protected marine species. Using AiCT technology will allow the vertical position of aquaculture structures in the water column to be maintained at the desired depth without human intervention, reducing operational costs, increasing reliability, and increasing resilience to extreme climate events such as storms and extreme waves, significantly adding to their value, all while increasing farmer safety. Autonomous buoyancy control of aquaculture structures will reduce the time and labor associated with manually adding ballast floats at the aquaculture structures header to compensate for mussel growth. When required, this system can raise the structures to the surface for inspection, biofouling mitigation, service, harvest, and re-stocking. Beyond automating time-consuming, costly, and unsafe manual labor practices, our technology also has added benefits such as reduced theft and reduced trap/platform loss due to buoy and/or line loss (e.g., through shipping traffic, storm damage, and competitive activity) (Arthur et al., 2014; NOAA Marine Debris Program, 2015). Additionally, our technology can mitigate other concerns facing American aquaculture producers, like concerns about lines and trap-ropes around endangered animals. We envision our environmental technology as the next step forward in sustainable, safe, and profitable American aquaculture. The AiCT proposed system will prevent environmentally driven capital asset losses, with corresponding reductions in aquaculture farmer insurance costs, farmstock losses, and capital asset re-fabrication impacts. In severe disasters, survival of aquaculture food sources can mean local availability of food despite the severe destruction of regional land-based supply. There are currently no cost-effective competitive solutions that provide these unique capabilities. While there are competing technologies being developed to reduce or minimize vertical lines (ropeless fishing), AiCT's patented technology is unique in the following ways: (1) Eliminates vertical lines to the surface (2) Maintains buoyancy as shellfish grow (3) Ability to raise aquaculture structures to the surface (4) Reduces labor intensive tasks associated with aquaculture. Applications include Mussel Rafts, Pens, Longlines, Oyster Growout Cages, Lobster/Crab Traps, Gillnets, Finfish cages and others. Stakeholder Engagement Plan Successful completion of this project will result in the first-ever pilot deployment Aquaculture Operations Management and Control System for aquaculture farmers. Results will be presented at the Northeast Aquaculture Conference and Exposition (NACE), the World Aquaculture Society (WAS) Annual Aquaculture America meeting, and in publications. All environmental data and information collected during this project will be available and accessible to general users, free of charge or at a minimal cost, within two (2) years after the data is collected or created. Generally collected data and project updates will be available on our project website and available upon request. Other Collaborators: Northeastern Massachusetts Aquaculture Center, Cat Cove Marine Laboratory at Salem State University; Truly Green Plastic, Redrose Developments, NVision Solutions.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Management Summary: 1) A 12 page report has been prepared cover revised goals due to supply chain lead times and component costs inflation. Thisprogress to-date reportis available to upload if required 2) Of the work areas progress has been under the following headings a) Design - Design have been completed, materials have been selected and PurchaseOrders have been placed funded by NIFA funds drawn down. b) Fabrication - The 20ft X 20ft raft has been built and tested c) Mathmatical Modeling - Typical in use senerio's have been modeled and successfull validation both in our workshope and in our fullsize wet lab. this involved typical loading and conditions expected to ensure adequate capacity and fail safe needs are being met. This has particularly covered the following i) Annual mussel weight growth loading ii) Expected water temperatures over the annual growth cycle iii) Predicted depth chage cycle for maintenance, responding to storms and harvest cycle iv) Predicted depth change cycle at target depth This detaild 12 page progress to-date reportis available to upload if required