Source: FEN TECHNOLOGIES LLC submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jun 1, 2021
Project End Date
Jul 31, 2022
Grant Year
Program Code
[8.12]- Small and Mid-Size Farms
Project Director
Horowitz, S.
Recipient Organization
175 SW 7TH ST STE 1712
MIAMI,FL 331302958
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
America has been experiencing a continuous shift of its population towards the urban areas. This phenomenon is affecting food distribution system across the country. Due to the urban space constraints, food needs to be grown in less populated rural areas and transported, often over long distances, to reach consumers. The transport negatively affects the quality and freshness of the food and contributes to the high food waste levels across the country. Currently in the United States between 30-40% of the food supply is wasted.Vertical farming has a high potential for tackling the above problems, as it significantly shortens the distance between farm and consumer, reduces the travel distance, improves the food's quality and freshness, and decreases the food waste levels. However, all currently-available vertical farming solutions rely on artificial lighting to drive the process of photosynthesis. This results in approximately 30%-higher energy usage, up to 20%-higher price of the grown food products and significant CO2 emissions compared to the traditional field farming. Consequently, unit economics are not favorable for this type of technology.In response to these problems, FEN Technology is developing a vertical farming container with an innovative daylighting system. The daylighting system collects the sunlight and transports it through a low-attenuation optic fiber, illuminating plants inside the container. FEN Technology will use the Phase I funding for creating a proof-of-concept for the daylighting system, based on an optic fiber. This solution will allow stackable vertical farming containers to operate without a significant reliance on artificial lighting, therefore significantly reducing operating costs, thus eliminating a considerable hurdle preventing the vertical farming technology from reaching a full commercial success.The research will focus on designing and testing an optimum daylighting system based on Fresnel lens and optic fibers, that allows to transport natural light with 6 times lower losses compared to the existing daylighting systems, used for illuminating offices, that are based on plastic fibers. The system will be able to illuminate the plants inside the vertical farm container with an intensity of 1500 lux, allowing them to grow efficiently. This would drastically improve the unit economics of the indoor vertical farms so that the produced food can compete with the traditionally soil-grown products in terms of price and quality. We believe that this daylighting system is well-suited for vertical farming due to the high economic returns of efficient lighting in this application and the reduced environmental impact.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The main objective of the research described in this Phase I proposal is to demonstrate the feasibility of the fiber-optic-based daylighting system for vertical farming containers. In order to achieve that, the following questions will be addressed:- Determine the optimum dimensions of the concentrating Fresnel lens?- Determine the fiber material/size that should be used to guarantee the lowest possible attenuation losses?- Can a fiber of 40 meters transport at least 200μmol/m2/s of light to the interior of a farm?- Determine the maximum turning angle that the fiber can be subject to without causing significant bending losses affecting the overall performance?- Determine if the daylighting system generates a spectrum which matches the natural light's spectrum more closely compared to LED lighting? In other words, is the daylighting system more suitable for illuminating plants?
Project Methods
TASK 1- DETERMINE THE MINIMUM FIBER CORE DIAMETEREfforts: photonics laboratory bench tests.-Measurements will be carried out of the light intensities, using a PAR-calibrated light meter, on the front side of the Fresnel lens and on the rear side of the last filter.-Measurements of the temperature at the focal point.-Measurements of the diameter of the illuminated spot at the focal point.Evaluation: That the temperatures with the filters are within acceptable ranges and the diameter of the illuminated spot at the focal point is smaller than the fiber optic core diameter.TASK 2 - DETERMINE THE OPTIMUM FIBER MATERIALEfforts:photonics laboratory bench tests.Different fiber materials (6 different types of silica and a polymer for reference) will undergo attenuation tests in our laboratories using the well-known "cut-back" method. This will involve a light source Fresnel lens, a variable length of optical fiber and a spectrometer to determine the attenuation at the frequencies of interest.Evaluation: That the fiber material with a low attenuation is identified.TASK 3 - OPTIMIZE THE FIBER CORE DIAMETEREfforts: photonics laboratory bench tests.Once the optimal fiber material has been selected, the impact of the core diameter on the total performance of the daylighting system will be analyzed using the same lab set-up as used in the previous task.Evaluation: That the optimum fiber core diameter for the chosen fiber material is identified that minimises losses while allowing the maximum available light input.TASK 4 - PERFORM THE BENDING LOSSES ANALYSISEfforts: photonics laboratory bench tests.The effect of fiber's bending on the total attenuation losses will be analyzed. In this last test part of the fiber will be bent, and the spectra of the outcoming light will be recorded for various radii (from 20mm to 100mm with 10mm increments) of curvature of the bended part of the fiber.Evaluation: Determine the bending losses in the chosen fiber optic materialTASK 5 - PERFORM SIMULATION OF THE SYSTEM FOR VARIOUS CONDITIONS (INCLUDING WEATHER)Efforts: optical modelling using ray tracing and heat transfer modelling.A solar ray tracing numerical model of the Fresnel lens solar collector, tracker and optical fiber light distribution at a range of different locations in the US will be carried out to predict the final system performance and waste heat generated and the effect of location/climate.The glass optic fiber distribution will be modelled using the wave optics model of COMSOL to ensure that the spectrum of light irridiating the crop is optimized.Evaluation: Efficiencies of the proposed system calculated at different locations in the US. Optimized frequency of crop irridiation from fiber optic cables.

Progress 06/01/22 to 07/31/22

Target Audience:Customers within a 20 km-radius of urban areas, minimizing supply chains and show a potential to reduce farm-to-plate time to below 3 days Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Results highlighted challenges to achieving successful field operations. In particular, precise alignment of a tightly focused free-space beam to a similarly small optical fiber was difficult. In a laboratory, freedom of movement, required for testing over a range of configurations, limits the precision of this alignment. The actual prototype and final product's careful design and rigid fixturing improved alignment. Recreation of solar spectra and beam profiles was difficult to achieve in a laboratory setup. Neither of these issues translated into end-use limitations but resulted in challenges to accurately quantifying performance on a benchtop prior to field deployment. Overall, while measurement and laboratory simulation challenges were present, no issues were discovered that would prevent feasibility of a final product. The proposed approach of using Fresnel lenses and glass optical fibers were feasible and provided at a minimum sufficient light for the target applications. The fiber material/size that should be used to guarantee the lowest possible attenuation losses was high NA, high OH silica glass fiber under 25 dB/km. The larger turning angle (.50) provided a wider acceptable angle, enabling easier capture of incoming light.


    Progress 06/01/21 to 07/31/22

    Target Audience:Customers within a 20 km-radius of urban areas, minimizing supply chains and show a potential to reduce farm-to-plate time to below 3 days Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

    What was accomplished under these goals? Results highlighted challenges to achieving successful field operations. In particular, precise alignment of a tightly focused free-space beam to a similarly small optical fiber was difficult. In a laboratory, freedom of movement, required for testing over a range of configurations, limits the precision of this alignment. The actual prototype and final product's careful design and rigid fixturing improved alignment. Recreation of solar spectra and beam profiles was difficult to achieve in a laboratory setup. Neither of these issues translated into end-use limitations but resulted in challenges to accurately quantifying performance on a benchtop prior to field deployment. Overall, while measurement and laboratory simulation challenges were present, no issues were discovered that would prevent feasibility of a final product. The proposed approach of using Fresnel lenses and glass optical fibers were feasible and provided at a minimum sufficient light for the target applications. The fiber material/size that should be used to guarantee the lowest possible attenuation losses was high NA, high OH silica glass fiber under 25 dB/km. The larger turning angle (.50) provided a wider acceptable angle, enabling easier capture of incoming light.


      Progress 06/01/21 to 05/31/22

      Target Audience:Customers within a 20 km-radius of urban areas, minimizing supply chains and show a potential to reduce farm-to-plate time to below 3 days Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

      What was accomplished under these goals? Results highlighted challenges to achieving successful field operations. In particular, precise alignment of a tightly focused free-space beam to a similarly small optical fiber was difficult. In a laboratory, freedom of movement, required for testing over a range of configurations, limits the precision of this alignment. The actual prototype and final product's careful design and rigid fixturing improved alignment. Recreation of solar spectra and beam profiles was difficult to achieve in a laboratory setup. Neither of these issues translated into end-use limitations but resulted in challenges to accurately quantifying performance on a benchtop prior to field deployment. Overall, while measurement and laboratory simulation challenges were present, no issues were discovered that would prevent feasibility of a final product. The proposed approach of using Fresnel lenses and glass optical fibers were feasible and provided at a minimum sufficient light for the target applications. The fiber material/size that should be used to guarantee the lowest possible attenuation losses was high NA, high OH silica glass fiber under 25 dB/km. The larger turning angle (.50) provided a wider acceptable angle, enabling easier capture of incoming light.
