Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jul 1, 2021
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2022
Grant Year
Program Code
[8.3]- Animal Production & Protection
Project Director
Martinez, E.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Consumers have become more conscious of the quality - including taste, nutritional value, and integrity - of what they eat. Their palates have evolved to include such specialized fare as grass-fed beef and free-range chicken. The quality and taste of the meats that we consume are based on several factors, including the animal's diet, environment, and breeding. Although there are well-established laboratory tests for determing a food's nutritional value,there are presently no simple ways for farmers to quickly test feed for freshness and quality. Here, we propose the development of a rapid test to determine the freshness of animal feed. Our proposed panel uses two test strip reactionsthat measure rancidity and antioxidants in foods which we willmodify and optimizework with poultry feeds. When finished, we believe that our test will beused by the poultry and livestock industries, and by discerning consumers who demand top-quality pet food for their animal companions. We plan on expanding this product line to include additional tests for food quality, such as protein and fat content.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The focus of the proposed work is to determine the feasibility and utility of a dry chemistry point-of-use rancidity and antioxidant test panel for determining the freshness of chicken feed on-site at farms in less than five minutes. If successful, this work will provide a prototype, handheld rancidity test panel that is easy to use by farm workers along with a simple, rapid and robust protocol for preparing animal feed samples for analysis. To demonstrate utility, we will investigate the degree of correlation of data obtained by our prototype panel for oxidation/antioxidant content with peroxide data, one indicator of feed rancidity, obtained for the same samples using laboratory assays. We will seek to accomplish the following Technical Objectives to meet this goal:Goal 1: Develop a feed sampling and homogenization protocol that is easy to use and produces a uniform sample for testing.This facet of the project will include developing methodology for emulsifying a feed sample and preparing it for testing. We will evaluate a commercially available, high-shear emulsifying mixer as well as three high-quality household blenders. Multiple extraction media will also be formulated and evaluated during this portion of the work. We will also explore several different buffer types,additives, and other excipients to improve the extraction whichwill then be compared for their performance with a wide range of chicken feeds, including pellets, crumbles, and whole grains.Goal II: Demonstrate that dry chemistry rancidity and antioxidant test correlate directly with laboratory liquid phase assays. We will employ our commercial liquid phase rancidity and antioxidant methods, and the American Chemists' Oil Society Peroxide Value method to determine the concentration range on these analytes present in various chicken feeds, both fresh and after accelerated rancidification. Using this range of values, we will reformulate our test strip formulations to give a noticeable, robust visual color change. Laboratory scale pilot lot of strips will be manufactured and evaluated based our established protocols when the formulations are finalized.Goal III: Evaluate the correlation between point-of-use rancidity and antioxidant results with peroxide value and established measures of rancidity & palatability of chicken feeds. Establish test panel precision, accuracy, limit of detection and error.This facet of the study will determine whether, with an optimized feed homogenization protocol, and reproducible test strip assay data, our test panel can predict when a feed has become sufficiently rancid that it will most likely be rejected by chickens. The lab-based method for determining the peroxide value from extracted feed sampleswill be compared to our new rapid testvalues to determine the degree of correlation. Based on previous reports in the literatureshowing the preference of chickens for feed vs. peroxide value, we will draw conclusions as to whether our test can distinguish between feed that chickens will and will not eat. Also, the limit of detection, precision, accuracy, and percent error with respect to their liquid phase equivalents will be determined.
Project Methods
Objective 1: Develop a feed sampling and homogenization protocol that is easy to use and produces a uniform sample for testing. Extraction and Detergent System: A critical aspect of this project is the development of a fast, easy, and robust method for extracting malonaldehyde and antioxidants from a wide range of feed samples. To accomplish this component of the study, we will evaluate the performance of multiple extraction medium formulations using chicken crumbles, whole-grain, and pelleted feed types.Extraction Solution: We plan on evaluating solutions containing various concentrations of readily available alcohols, ethanol, and isopropanol, to more fully solubilize these compounds. Alternatively, especially if additional components are needed, an alcohol may be provided as part of a test kit. Methanol is harmful, so it will be omitted from the study.The type of buffer used in the extraction solution will also be explored. While the aqueous environment of the TBARS assay is highly acidic and doesn't require sample buffering, the CUPRAC assay is more sensitive to the pH of the reaction medium -- preferably requiring a pH 7.0 buffer in sample preparation and/or more extensive buffering in the test pad. The types of buffers that will be screened in this experiment will include phosphate, TRIS and citrate.Procedure for evaluating buffers, detergents, and alcohols for the extraction solution: The first iteration of experiments will compare processing (vigorous homogenization) with distilled water alone, and distilled water and three incremental concentrations (10, 25, 40, 60%) of either ethanol or isopropanol. To determine the effectiveness of the extraction, a standard recovery experiment will be performed by adding known quantities of both malonaldehyde and sodium ascorbate, an antioxidant, to a feed with known values for both. If just water and alcohol suffice to achieve a recovery of 90% or higher, then our focus will shift to buffer type and concentration.The buffer will keep the sample at a constant pH which is critical, as mentioned above, for the proper performance of the CUPRAC antioxidant assay. This will involve screening phosphate, TRIS, citrate at concentrations of buffers mentioned above.This portion of the work is critical as we must identify extraction conditions that solubilize the greatest amount of the MDA and antioxidants in a feed sample while not interfering with the assay chemistries.Sample Blending/Emulsification: Our experience with tissue homogenizers used for preparing biological and food samples for analysis points towards using a stainless-steel homogenizer that produces a high shear rate to effectively break-up solids and cellular components. These instruments are easy to clean compared to conventional household blenders and have fewer breakable parts.The criteria used to evaluate blenders will be as follows: After a measured mass of feed is added to the blending container along with the Extraction Solution, a time course study will be performed where the blending will be stopped at two minute increments at two to ten minutes maximum, and passed through a No. 10 (2.0 mm) sieve. The amount of material that does not pass through the sieve will be visually determined and then blending on the second sample will continue for two minutes longer until there is no retention on the sieve.Accelerated Feed Rancidification: As water, heat and oxygen are the three main components involved in the rancidification of foodstuffs, we will perform accelerated aging studies on the selected chicken feeds using a temperature-controlled humidity chamber. While accelerated aging has criticized by some in comparisons with actual aging studies, its use in the food, pharma and other fields is well established. We will purchase a used controlled temperature humidity chamber that will be used to age feed at 45°C for up to a week at 85% relative humidity. Samples thus obtained will also be used to optimize extraction protocols and to establish the dynamic range for our tests.Objective 2. Demonstrate that the CUPRAC and TBARS test pads correlate directly with laboratory liquid phase assays.This portion of the work will involve adjusting the formulations of both assays to the feed emulsion sample to optimize them for the sensitivity and dynamic range required for analysis of fresh vs. rancid chicken feed samples. We will also determine the limits of detection, useful range, and accuracy of our tests using standard-spiked samples and adjust the pad chemistries accordingly. Using a reflectance spectrophotometer, we will measure the color change and spectral shifts for each assay, compare it to a standard curve to determine the values for rancidity and antioxidant content. We will then run the liquid phase assays in parallel to determine the correlation between the two assay types. Accelerated feed rancidification experiments will also be performed to create rancidity calibrators with known MDA and antioxidant values.TBARS/CUPRAC Dry and Liquid Phase Correlation: Calibration curves for both MDA and ascorbate will be prepared with the approximate ranges of 100 micromolar to 1.0 millimolar. The highest standard concentration is much greater that observed for biological fluids but is meant to be the "high end" of the scale to determine the maximum attainable color change. The test solution containing different concentrations of these two analytes will be applied to our test pads, and the reactions will be performed in parallel using our liquid phase TBARS and CUPRAC assay kits. The results will give us an understanding on how high of a concentration of analyte can be used for the test pad panel.Reflectance Meter Correlation and visual comparison: We will use an Ocean Optics reflectance spectrophotometer that quantifies color changes using reflected light resulting from the reaction for each assay pad chemistry to monitor color changes and possible spectral shifts in our MDA and CUPRAC test pads. This instrument has been successfully used in our USDA-funded development of FryCheck™ to quantify color changes in a dry chemistry test pad reaction. We will also perform visual comparisons of panel test results by having multiple laboratory workers compare test strips that have been treated with foods with known antioxidant and MDA values to a color comparison chart. The results obtained by both methods will help determine how to optimize the color comparison chart so that, in our preferred approach, a dedicated color-measuring instrument is not required at the farm.Objective 3: Evaluate the correlation between point-of-use TBARS and antioxidant results with peroxide value and established measures of rancidity & palatability of chicken feeds. Establish test panel precision, accuracy, limit of detection and error.Investigate the Correlation with Published Studies on Food Rancidity: Although the direct evaluation of the anticipated correlation between the TBARS and AOX values with feed palatability is beyond the scope of a Phase I project, we will investigate the potential utility of the proposed rapid point-of-use tests to evaluate palatability by comparing results obtained to values obtained for the same samples by an established laboratory method to determine the peroxide value of a food sample.. Both TBARS and Peroxide Value (PV) are widely used as measures of lipid peroxidation. A recent article demonstrated that moderately and highly oxidized oils with peroxide values of 20-50 meq/kg and 50-100 meq/kg, respectively, that rancid odors and flavors generated by lipid oxidation has a negative effect on chicken feed palatability. Therefore, we will determine whether our prototype tests can readily distinguish among fresh chicken feed samples (PV of <20) and aged samples with PV of 20-50 and 50-100 meq/kg.

Progress 07/01/21 to 04/28/22

Target Audience:We are focusing on the small- and medium-sized poultry farms that purchase their feed from an outside vender. Large-scale poultry farms make their own feed and go through hundreds of tons of feed per year, thus greatly reducing the chance of the feed going rancid. Smaller farms, from our understanding, tend to store their feed for longer periods of time. Our test can be used to help the farmer determine if this feed is suitable for feeding to their flock. It can also be helpful when purchasing large quantities of feed to determine how long it has been stored for and if it has gone rancid. Another potential market includes the feed producers who use large stores of grain to mill their feeds. These grains can sit for years before being sold and milled for feed, and can become rancid. We anticipate that, with further testing, that our instrument will help millers determine if their grain is too old for feed production. Changes/Problems:The most significant challenge and problem that was encountered during the project was the sensitivity variation in the TBARS and AOX strips. Previous work showed that these two test strip chemistries worked well for measuring analytes in urine and in other natural products and foodstuffs, including beverages, dog food, and many types of human foods. Several food types, including several cooking oils,were high enough in malonaldehyde that the color generated could be detected without an instrument and a color-comparison chart. This was the basis for this grant, as we anticipated that the poultry feeds would contain significant quantities of malonaldehyde due to their high surface area and non-ideal storage conditions. It was quickly discovered that, even with several different extraction methods, and with liquid phase testing, that the levels of malonaldehyde were very low in even aged feeds. We solved this issue by creating a fluorometric method for measuring the low levels of malonaldehyde in a liquid-based format. This method involves extracting the feed sample with water and then mixing with a pre-formulated TBARS indicator solution and allowing the two to react for five minutes. After this time, the sample was read using a prototype fluorometer that we fabricated and also with an analytical fluorometer, with both measurement methods correlating well. The advantage of using fluorometric reading vs colorimetric is that any other interfering compounds that would absorb at the same color as the TBARS reaction does not interfere with the fluorescent method, making it a much more selective and sensitive method. The new fluorometer prototype uses a 20 mL vial that is pre-filled with the TBARS indicator and then mixed with an equal volume of grain extract. The two are allowed to react for five minutes, and then a measurement is taken with the prototype. While not as simple and inexpensive as a test strip, this new method is much less subjective and produces more consistent results due to the nature of the analytical method. The antioxidant test strips showed the opposite problem as they were overloaded with the antioxidant concentrations that are added to the commercial chicken feeds. We found that, using a different chemical indicator that is similar to the CUPRAC indicator, that we could make a measurement colorimetrically. Thisindicator also has fluorescent properties that will need to be further optimized. This reaction would have to be done in a separate vial, and will require more development in Phase II of this project to optimize fluorescent parameters. The third major problem was the malfunctioning of the heated humidity chambers. We purchased a used chamber several months in advance of the grant start date to save money and to have the aged samples ready for testing. However, this unit malfunctioned and we decided to purchase a new unit from Memmert. This new unit started failing within several months, and only a few samples were able to be aged in that time. We ended up not using the unit after it failed for the third time (and after two service calls). This prevented us from performing a longitudinal study on the accelerated aging of poultry feed, with samples being taken at varied time points within the experiment. Some samples were then left out on the open atmosphere to age, while others were stored in a room temperature humidity chamber at approximately 80% RH. Fortunately, the samples that were aged in the Memmert did show significant chemical differences from the same samples that were stored at room temperature and humidity. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Major Phase I Achievements - Although dry chemistry test strip assays did not provide sufficiently sensitivity and range for point-of-use analysis of the freshness of poultry feeds, we demonstrated that our patented liquid phase fluorescent TBARS technology could provide a strong signal and reliable results. - We designed and fabricated a relatively crude but functional, easy-to-use, and inexpensive laboratory prototype fluorometer, using easily obtained components, that - in combination with our TBARS technology - can measure increases in rancidity as poultry feed ages. - Our inexpensive prototype fluorometer produces TBARS (rancidity) data that correlates well with our benchtop spectrofluorometer analytical instrument. As a direct cost-comparison, the original proposal would have required the customer to purchase a Waring blender for approximately $500 to produce samples that would be read using the proposed test strip assays. Our new alternative approach would require the purchase of a base unit fluorometer at a list price of $400 or less, and disposable integrated extraction/filtration/reaction chamber cartridge priced at approximately $20 each. This new approach would require the user to grind a weighed amount of feed in a coffee grinder and add it to the reaction cartridge. The total cost for this system falls within the same range as that the blender/test strip assay system. We are confident that our new approach to the antioxidant assay using a different colored indicator will also allow for an accurate determination of antioxidants in feed using the same base unit and test-specific disposable cartridges. - We evaluated an alternative chromophore for use in the CUPRAC assay and conducted experiments that support the feasibility of this fluorescence-based method for the rapid, point-of-use measurement of the antioxidant levels in poultry feeds that can be analyzed using the same test unit as the TBARS assay, just using a different disposable cartridge.


    Progress 07/01/21 to 02/28/22

    Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems:The original Proposal and Work Plan have been extensively modified to accommodate several technical challenges faced during the first months of this project. Using test strips to visually measure for rancidity and antioxidants in feed with a color chart has proved to be very difficult due to the minute and overwhelming levels of malonaldehyde and antioxidants present in chicken feeds, respectively. A more selective, accurate and precise method has been developed using an inexpensive fluorescence detector to measure rancidity (malonaldehyde) concentrations in feed. This new prototype produces data that correlates to our analytical benchtop fluorometer and will be optimized during the remainder of the project. The antioxidant capacity indicator was changed from neocuproine to bathocuproine, a compound that changes from light green/yellow to red in the presence of antioxidants. This new indicator can also be read fluorometrically and integrated into our prototype instrument. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?With the prototype fluorometer assembled and working, the remainder of the project will focus on generating as much data as possible with our current collection of feed samples. The same samples will be extracted, and their peroxide value measured and correlated to the TBARS levels using two commercially available microplate assays for peroxides. Several of these samples will be extracted and the AOCS peroxide method will be run and correlated to the microplate results. The bathocuproine assay will be modified and attenuated to give measurable results with feeds containing high antioxidant levels.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1: Develop a feed sampling and homogenization protocol that is easy to use and produces a uniform sample for testing. Purpose: To finalize a method for feed sampling that produces the most reliable results for both assays. Problem Addressed: The end-user needs a reproducible and accurate method to sample feed for testing. Also, the sample needs to be homogenized in an extraction media to give a representative sample for both the TBARS and CUPRAC tests. Outcome: A volumetric study was performed using pellets, crumbles and whole grain feeds that showed up to 10% variability in the mass of feed per sample. This prompted us to exclude this sampling method and focus on measuring each sample using a balance. It may be possible for the farmer to measure the same type of feed volumetrically (i.e., if they consistently use the same type of feed) but the volumetric method cannot be used between different feed types. Objective 2: Demonstrate that dry chemistry CUPRAC and TBARS tests correlate directly with laboratory liquid phase assays. Purpose: To finalize an alternative method for measuring rancidity and antioxidant levels. Problem Addressed: The dry-format dipstick methods did not give acceptable results for comparison to the liquid phase assays, so this approach was abandoned. Outcome: The liquid phase TBARS assay was found to give acceptable results when read using a prototype fluorescence meter that has not been optimized. An alternative indicator was used in the CUPRAC assay that overcame issues with color interferences. Initial liquid-phase experiments failed show any formation of the TBARS pink chromogen in aged feeds when compared to fresh samples. Conversely, the antioxidant CUPRAC assay was overwhelmed by the high levels of antioxidants in the feeds. This led us to screen several different types of indicators that have been used for measuring antioxidants and rancidity, all of which could not be used in a test strip format. Our focus was returned to the liquid phase assays for both tests. The use of dry chemistry test strips to measure the freshness of poultry feed extracts is not sensitive enough for rancidity (TBARS) and must be attenuated for antioxidant (CUPRAC) due to the high levels of antioxidants added to most commercial feeds. However, the TBARS content of a feed sample can be measured using fluorescence in an inexpensive prototype. This method removes most interferences such as color contamination, reduces subjectivity from making an eyeball measurement, and gives a numerical readout. Bathocuproine will replace neocuproine in the antioxidant assay, as it forms a red color that can also be read fluorescently and works by the same chemical mechanism as the CUPRAC assay.
