Source: PARAGON FLAVORS, INC. submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jul 1, 2021
Project End Date
Feb 28, 2022
Grant Year
Program Code
[8.5]- Food Science & Nutrition
Recipient Organization
BELLE MEAD,NJ 085025825
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
The goal of this project is to assess the viability of 'precision sprouting' to create nutritionally dense, sustainability enhanced, consumer friendly food ingredients. Acid thinned starches, maltodextrins and syrup solids are commonly used ingredients within packaged food products, such as breakfast cereals, instant sauces and snacks. However, these highly refined starch hydrosylates, globally worth $10B, are intensively produced and offer little nutritional value.Sprouting is a traditional technology that makes use of the enzymatic processes involved in seed germination. Sprouting is commonly used to create flours for baking and brewing substrates. Sprouted wholegrain rice is known to provide several nutritional benefits including fiber, enhanced mineral bioavailability, antioxidant activity, polyphenols, gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) and vitamin E. Moreover, it is a process that generates less food waste and has a lower carbon footprint that conventional starch derivatives.The use of precision sprouting to create wholesome alternatives for oligomeric starch hydrosylates has significant potential. This project aims to map the process spaces related to rice germination & grain mashing. The work will measure and model how process temperature, time, humidity and shear translate to the expression and activity of endogenous enzymes, and the subsequent nutritional composition and functional properties. The data model will be used to optimize process parameters to create proof of concept alternatives to oligomeric starch hydrosylates, the performance of which will be assessed in food applications.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
502 - New and Improved Food Products;

Subject Of Investigation
1530 - Rice;

Field Of Science
1000 - Biochemistry and biophysics;
Goals / Objectives
There are three main technical objectives from this research.A/ Conduct a design of experiments and create a model of the data to enable navigation of germination and mashing conditions and optimize for nutritional and functional properties.B/ Use this model to create proof of concept replacements for acid thinned starches, maltodextrins and syrup solids.C/ Assess performance of ingredients made using the technology in food applications: a bulking agent for a snack product seasoning mix, a mouthfeel enhancer for instant pudding, and a binder in cereal bars.
Project Methods
A suitable commercial rice cultivar will be identified and procured from US growers for use in sprouting studies. The Curio Malting MMSG (Micro-Malting Steep/Germinator) parallel malting system at Hartwick College will be used to ensure that sprouting conditions are reproducible and relevant to industrial scale processing equipment. An experimental design optimized to fit the parallel malting system will be employed consisting 5 weeklong trials with 8 samples per trial. The trials will focus on the influence of process conditions known to influence key parameters: GABA concentration, total phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity and enzyme expression.The germinated rice will beconverted via mashing and spray drying into a functional ingredient. During the mashing step, the germinated rice undergoes enzyme hydrolysis, particularly on the starch fraction. A systematic understanding of sprouted rice mashing will be generated that will allow process parameters to be optimized. The aim is to quantify the influence of time, temperature, material addition rate, and shear treatments on parameters related to spray dry processing and food application performance. The resulting data will be transformed into a mathematical model that will enable the navigation of conditions for product and process design.The performance of the dry products will be assessed in several applications and compared with that of commercial ingredients:1/ Seasoning mix bulking aid. Maltodextrins are often used in flavored snack products such as potato chips and extruded corn puffs. The maltodextrin can represent up to 10% of the snack product and so improvements to the nutrient composition could be meaningful to the health of the consumer. A representative seasoning blend will be formulated using sprouted rice samples and commercial maltodextrins. This will be applied to unflavored potato chips and compared to control samples made using commercial maltodextrins. The products will be assessed visually, as well as organoleptically using a standard ballot with an untrained panel every 4 weeks for 3 months to provide a comparison of shelf life.2/ Mouthfeel enhancer for instant pudding. Acid thinned starches are often used within instant pudding formulations to enhance the creaminess of the mouthfeel. An instant pudding mix will be formulated using sprouted rice samples and compared with commercial acid thinned starches.The products will be assessed organoleptically using a standard ballot. Particular focus will be placed on mouthfeel and differences in flavor delivery.3/ Binder in cereal bars. Corn syrup solids are typically used as binders within cereal bars. These can represent a significant fraction of the composition as they need to provide enough adhesion between solid components. Cereal bars will be formulated using sprouted rice samples with similar functional properties to commercial corn starch solids. The products will be assessed organoleptically using a standard ballot with an untrained panel every 4 weeks for 3 months to provide a comparison of shelf life.

Progress 07/01/21 to 02/28/22

Target Audience:The target audiences include processed food formulators seeking whole grain ingredients as alternatives to starch hydrosylates. The results are also relevant to the rice ingredients industry and researchers following the evolution of nutrient developmentwithin sprouted grains. Changes/Problems: COVID and COVID restrictions have limited the degree to which we have been able toconduct sensory assessments of foods containing our prototype rice flours. Rather than formal sensory panel, we conducted bench tests with small numbers of volunteers. The flour itself has a slightly nutty characteristic taste of brown rice. The sprouted rice samples produced within Phase 2 will be deculmed and dehulled prior to milling using newly purchased lab-scale equipment.One of the stumbling points of the Phase 1 project was that the small-scale rice malts were not milled in a way that enabled a rational yield calculation. This time, the yield of milled flour will be assessed by comparing the final mass of flour (without hulls and chaff) to the starting grain mass (both dry weight) for both sprouted and unsprouted samples.All fractions need to be collected to account for the catabolic loss.This is important because, in the absence of spoilage, the upper constraint on the degree of sprouting will likely be excessive vegetative growth. Robust yield measurements are necessary in order to define appropriate endpoints. Certain Californian rice cultivars havebeen in short supply due to drought. We secured sufficient supply for the Phase 1 lab trials, but commercial-scale trials with corporate partners have been delayed. Bacterial spoilage was found to be a problem within commercial sprouted rice flour, but was not encountered within our extended time trials. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? 'Precision sprouting' here refers to the notion that with an understanding of the complex cascade of biochemical changes inherent to sprouting, one can tune the process to achieve desired ingredient endpoints. This Phase 1 project accomplished a coarse mapping of the process spaces related to rice germination & grain mashing. We've demonstrated and modeled how process temperature, time, humidity and shear translate to the expression and activity of endogenous enzymes, and the subsequent nutritional compositions and functional properties. Conditions were outlined that enable relatively high solubility levels, moderate viscosity, and successful spray dry processing. We have confirmed the enhancement of important nutrients during sprouting including GABA, total phenolics and antioxidants. From this, we've created proof-of-concept wholegrain alternatives to oligomeric starch hydrolysates and shown their utility within three food applications. Accomplishments of phase 1: The enhancement of nutritional quality of sprouted brown rice by unlocking minerals and generating bioactive molecules including vitamins A and E, polyphenols, and GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) was confirmed. We have shown that amylolytic enzyme levels can reach levels 10X higher than those found in commercial sprouted rice flours. These high levels are more than sufficient to achieve the requirements of our processing pathway.The high alpha-amylase levels and their relative stability during mashing are two causes for optimism for the overall success of this project. We have shown that enzyme level ratios can be adjusted via sprouting process parameterssuch as the degree of soaking and the germination temperature. This can be used to influence the structure of starch in the mashed flours and, therefore, their functional properties. Despite some imperfections within the flour prototypes (flow properties and dispersibility), we have achieved successful application trials in seasoning blends, puddings and granola binder replacements. Thereplacement of corn syrup with a wholegrain low-sugar derivative for granola bars is an attractive value proposition to enable the creation of healthy convenience snacks.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2022 Citation: Institute of Food Technologists Online Short Course, Sprouting Technology: Journey from Seed to Highly Soluble Flour, Erhan Yildiz April 28, 2022
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2022 Citation: ACS Fall Meeting (Aug 21-25) 2022 Session title: Extraction & Biotechnology: A Natural & Sustainable Future for Flavors, Erhan Yildiz, Presentation title â¿¿ â¿¿Precision Sprouting Technology: Scaling the natural factory within a grain to develop soluble whole grain sprouted flours to replace highly processed / chemically modified ingredients⿝.