Source: FIBERSTAR, INC. submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jul 1, 2021
Project End Date
Feb 28, 2023
Grant Year
Program Code
[8.5]- Food Science & Nutrition
Recipient Organization
RIVER FALLS,WI 540223600
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Currently available weighting agents to increase oil density for stabilizing flavored beverage emulsions are limited and heavily regulated and banned in many countries. However, there are no natural weighting agents in the marketplace today. Meanwhile the global demand for "clean label", "natural ", and "organic" ingredients continues to rapidly grow. The objective of this project is to make a natural weighting agent ingredient produced using sustainable manufacturing practices to stabilize beverage emulsions. By using chemical-free enzymatic technology to enhance the surface activity, zeta potential, and amphiphilicity, a fiber-based ingredient sourced from citrus and/or the sugar beet industry will be used in beverages to provide oil stabilization. Technology is proposed to activate natural components of plant fibers by using thermal-mechanical treatments to produce a weighting functionality that readily binds to oil. The proposed weighting agent, Densi-Fi, will be able to replace chemical based weighting agents. Collaborations with the University of Minnesota and USDA-ARS are proposed for compositional analysis, characterization, and development of new processes to enhance the emulsification properties. The anticipated result is a surface-active weighting agent with large commercial potential.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The goal of this project is to develop an oil densifying ingredient, i.e. weighting agent, from agricultural byproducts that stabilizes beverages, is natural, and considered a clean label food ingredient without toxic side effects of many current weighting agent options. Several new proposed process techniques will be studied for a range of fibrous raw materials.For the beverage development part of the project,application guidelinesthat outline how to use, e.g. usage rate and incorporation instructions, forthe new ingredient (Densi-Fi) will be studied.
Project Methods
To determine feasibility andadvance the proposedtechnology, the following steps will be implemented: Step 1: Experiment with the outlined process steps to produce the new product (Densi-Fi); Step 2: Characterization of Densi-Fi varying in different modification methods; Step 3: Evaluation of emulsion with Densi-Fi; Step 4: Application evaluations and 5. Organic certified testing.

Progress 07/01/21 to 08/03/22

Target Audience:The target audience would be US and internationalbeveragemanufacturers who are looking to improve the stability of their products and suspend flavored oils using a clean label natural ingredient sourced from agricultural crops and food byproducts. Consumers are demanding that beverage companies improve their ingredients to be more simple and natural. However, beverage companies have limited options that function at stabilizing beverages and there are virtually no options that are natural. Current weighting agents used to help stabilize flavored oils are high regulated and only permitted to be used at low usage levels because of their known toxicity. Changes/Problems:Some minor delays were experienced due to the pandemic and anextension was filed. The delays were mostly due to outside labs getting people back to conduct some ofthe tests that were proposed in the Phase I project plan.However, the project has worked out good, results were positive and we have now completed the Phase I project. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A new PhD scientist was added to our R&D team at Fiberstar to help with the project and we have also expanded our R&D lab space. It's likely during Phase II if tests continue to be successful that we'll file a patent but thus far we've held off until we advance and scale-up the technology further. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Initial results have been shared with potential customers and a potential partner that we've idenified to collaborate on the project. As a result, regular meetings are ongoing to provide updates as the project progresses and for us to receive project feedback. Once we produce scaled-up samples, we'll be selecting potential customers and partners to provide product samples to. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? .New technologies were developed during this project to enhance the stabilty of flavored oils in beverages. Feasibility was demonstrated at producing stable beverages using the Densi-Fi technology without the need for commonly used chemicalweighting agents. Both room temperature and accelerated studies were conducted to evaluate beverage stability. Several flavored oils were also sourced during the project for comparison purposes and it was evident that the type of oil used in the beverage also makes an impact on stability.Because of the superior suspension properties and surface activity, there are several beverage applications, e.g. carbonated beverages, fruit juices, and milk types of products would benefit from Densi-Fi. Additionally, discussions were had with several potential beverage customers of the Densi-Fi technology and letters of support from many of them were submitted in with the Phase II proposal.
