Source: HAGEN LOGISTICS LLC submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jul 1, 2021
Project End Date
Mar 31, 2022
Grant Year
Program Code
[8.5]- Food Science & Nutrition
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Hagen Logistics (HL) proposes innovative use of blockchain and distributed ledger technology as a solution for freight shippers to track, trace and efficiently certify liquid food grade and dairy transportation (known as liquid freight) and for regulators to have accurate information from which to certify or ensure food safety and security. This innovative solution will transform how tank washes and commodity tracking occurs, first in this segment of the nation's food supply and later expanded to serve other industry sectors.The origin of this innovation stems from identification of customer needs through HL's direct involvement in the liquid freight transportation market as a brokerage, a milk transfer station, a tank wash, and two trucking companies specializing in liquid freight transport. The innovative solution relies on novel use of Blockchain/distributed ledger technology designed to trace the wash and commodity hauling history of tankers used to haul liquid freight. Data resulting from the project will describe presence of allergens, potential for cross contamination, quality assurance, and verification that trailer certifications (e.g. Kosher certification, Halal certification, etc.) have been maintained through the chain of custody by accurately and securely recording commodities transported and trailer wash history.In the current market, there are no accurate, secure means to document trailer wash or track commodity transport history for operators, carriers or shipper/receivers. Currently, tracking and tracing is done manually, which is subject to human error or, and in the worst cases, alteration or falsification. Based on HL's experience, improperly cleaned trailers and inaccurate or inaccessible documentation can lead to severe illness or death if allergens or contaminants are not properly cleaned and documented and end up in processing plants or in consumer foodstuffs.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
In July of 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published the "New Era for Smarter Food Safety Blueprint". The first of four core elements included in that document is Tech-enabled Traceability. In the document, the FDA acknowledges that tracing food through the supply chain is largely paper based. The FDA goes on to recommend standardization of critical tracking events and key data elements, ways to achieve interoperability, and promote industry adoption by creating financial incentives (among others).Freight logistics industry groups have talked about using blockchain to digitally transform the tracking of chain of custody for years. While some groups of customers have made strides in this area, the tracking of containers used to carry food-grade products has remained decidedly on paper. The paper tracking process has several flaws including paper copies are easily lost, or destroyed, or simply not easily retrievable by outside parties in a distributed system. A history of a transport container may not be easily retrieved or verified by auditors, who may have to spend a day or days on site for certain certifications and are not easily searchable in the case of an outbreak of foodborne illness. Blockchains provide the possibility of controlling product storage quality during transportation and guaranteeing the origin of products, thereby creating trust among suppliers. Quality control is a key supply chain management application of blockchain technology, which is a key end user benefit of the technology we are proposing to develop.A blockchain based distributed ledger system with a central registry would allow for the persistence of the history of loads and cleaning events (critical events) to be stored in a verifiable digital format. The ledger system can be updated by a distributed set of agents (wash stations, loading facilities) and submitted to a central registry, which can then be used to generate automated reports for audits (e.g. Kosher, USDA, Dept of Transportation (DOT). Development of a central registry enables searching of data on loads during foodborne illness-related emergencies and can be more easily integrated with regulatory systems as called for in the FDA blueprint.The technical challenges this proposal aims to address is that a blockchain/distributed ledger system (as with any other database) needs to adequately model the process and must capture critical events and key data elements. The overall goal of this proposed Phase I SBIR is to prove that it is feasible to adequately model the process within a blockchain-based distributed ledger system and to implement it on hardware common to the trucking industry. Specifically, HL's Phase I objectives include:Objective 1: Select a block chain/distributed ledger system and model the workflow of transactions in the distributed ledger systemObjective 2: Prototype a mobile app or functional wireframe that implements the workflow from Objective 1Objective 3: Test the proof of concept workflow in a commercial setting to validate contributions to food safety and certification (10-20 trailers for 8 weeks across 2 or more facilities).In addition, Hagen Logistics will perform an end of test interview with each of the drivers and facility operators to record qualitative feedback on the app's proposed operation. Results will be compared against the technical questions posed; outcomes will be compiled into a feasibility report and used to inform the scope of a follow-on Phase II proposal.
Project Methods
A detailed work plan has been developed listing tasks to be performed, providing details of the methodology that will be used to research each task, including statistical analysis (if applicable) and indicating how and where the work will be carried out. Certain aspects of the methodology and workplan are described in more detail below.Certain assumptions underlie the task level detail: For example, it is anticipated that system components will include: 1) a set of Hyperledger (or similar) nodes for on-chain information, 2) integration with the existing Hagen Logistics SaaS platform for off-chain information, and 3) a mobile app for in-field information capture and user interaction with the rest of the system. A method of identifying the trailer that is easily incorporated into the mobile app in the field will be used (this could be determined to be an RFID tag, QR code, or simply entering the trailer id by hand).Preliminary to the proposed work, before deciding on a framework to develop the next generation platform for a technology-driven transportation industry, Hagen Logistics (HL) evaluated a few frameworks including Ethereum and Hyperledger. The HL team has found Hyperledger Fabric to be suitable for our needs, for the following reasons:Open Source code, enabling greater control over the code. If something goes wrong, it is easier to debug and resolve issues quickly.A plug-and-play membership and consensus service with a modular design, allowing flexibility in deployment. Users/buyers can implement their own configurable rule set for consensus and build their own membership services with custom security roles.Kafka-based ordering service to order, package and send transactions to peers on the network.Grouping of peers into channels to handle private transactions and execute confidential contracts.Java and Node.js SDK use for application development, although Hyperledger Fabric plans to provide future support for Python and Go programming languages.Extensive documentation, detailed product roadmap and an effective project development model.A choice between LevelDB or CouchDB to record state transitions and query historical transactions.Familiarity with required toolsetMost of all, an active large development and support community to help guide the development efforts.Hagen Logistics will build upon existing Blockchain models by developing an innovative concept - which is described as a mechanism of assembling data stored on multiple blockchain systems to provide a 360-degree view of the data.A prototype mobile application will be built for the purpose of collecting data in the field from drivers and facility (wash, loading dock) operators. For rapid prototyping, the HL team is likely to use a hybrid web/mobile application framework to keep costs low and will target a single Android tablet model. The HL team will assume that at this stage the tablet will have access to Wi-Fi (although that may not be the case in many production environments). The team will also address these potential concerns during Phase II or even III, depending on the maturation of tablet usage in the transportation industry and considering the most used mobile computing technologies.For this Phase I work, the HL team will limit authentication to a pair of IDs, (e.g. a trailer ID and a bill of lading). Other user/driver authentication requirements will be evaluated and integrated during later phases.The mobile app will be integrated with Hyperledger to certify and store on-chain ledger information. The multi-ledger blockchain will be accessible through a gateway authorization (a 'traffic cop' of sorts between the business process and the solution) - with those authorizations required, provided through Hagen Logistics' application to the appropriate parties based on the specific business needs of that party and their relationship to the data. An example of future access granted would be that the FDA, USDA, Center for Disease Control (CDC), etc. can be granted "view only" authorization to be able to view the data in one or more of the ledgers as it pertains to tracking and tracing of products, for example in recall scenarios, or for the purposes of verifying that all equipment used to haul certain products meets the regulatory requirements of the governing body. The reader should note that during Phase I, there will just be one type of authorization used for reading and writing from the mobile app and one type for reporting.The mobile app will be integrated with Hagen Logistics existing Liquid Freight SaaS platform to store off-chain information. As many aspects of each load are already tracked in this proprietary Liquid Freight platform, the integration will allow for retrieval of existing load information that can then be verified within the mobile application. Similarly, information that is useful to HL about the trucking company's operations may be passed back to the Liquid Freight platform if it is otherwise not efficient or necessary to store on the blockchain ledgers.Hagen Logistics will test the proof-of-concept work within its owned trucking company as well as at its commercial tank wash and with third party shipping facilities. Through the use of these resources, the HL team will be able to successfully demonstrate end-to-end the processes outlined above and can work through any potential changes on-site to refine underlying processes and produce the desired Phase I results.Testing will be performed on trailers owned by Korth Transfer (a sister company of Hagen Logistics). Hagen Logistics will test the application on approximately 10-20% of Korth Transfer's trailers and loads over a two-month period. This should result in the tracking of about 10 trailers over 10 to 20 loads each, during that period. The trailers will be selected to cover multiple commodities, but selection will be targeted at trailers that will primarily visit Hagen Logistics controlled washes and key customers facilities that are willing to participate in the test. If a trailer visits a non-cooperating facility, the driver will be trained to perform the role of the 'facility user' in the application. The data collected in the mobile application should be transmitted to Hagen Logistics servers and submitted to the Hyperledger nodes for validation and incorporation into the block chain. A lightweight reporting script will be written to retrieve both the on-chain and off-chain data collected during the test and to compile it for further offline analysis.In addition, Hagen Logistics will perform an end of test interview with each of the drivers and facility operators to record qualitative feedback on the app's operation. The results will be compared against the proposed feasibility questions and compiled into a feasibility report and used to inform the phase 2 proposal.

Progress 07/01/21 to 03/31/22

Target Audience:There are several parties in the commercial sector and society as a whole that will benefit from our innovation. Shipping and Receiving plants: Shipping and receiving plants will benefit from access to wash and transport of prior commodity history data stored in a mobile application. Food Grade Tank Washes: Access todata will eliminate guesswork regarding products transported, thus ensuring accuracy of information collected and output documentation generated at wash locations. Trucking Companies - Less downtime and wait time is wasted while waiting for verification of paperwork Federal Government: Government regulators will benefit from atracking and tracing system that will certify movement of liquid freight while providing visibility into transportation logistics at the different facilities associated with a load. Society as a whole will benefit through Additional transparency in the supply chain. Compliance with certain religious standards such as Kosher certification Changes/Problems:2021 & 2022 have been challenging years for our team and staffing and COVID-19 restrictions caused us to need to make changes to our original planned approach to our development and testing process and ultimately lead to us taking a 30-day extension to our performance period to be able to fully execute on the technical objectives and complete an adequate level of testing to be confident in our results. In addition to staffing and COVID-19 restrictions, some changes to our business environment since the original application led us to have to re-examine our original testing plan. We originally had identified and secured the commitment for participation in the testing portion of our project from a key food manufacturer that we worked very closely with however our business relationship with that company as it was at the time of the application effectively ended and we no longer had our own fleet equipment performing activities at the company's location. Because of these changes, we had to pivot to allow for our own personnel to perform the functions of a Tank Wash operator and a Plant Intake Operator to be able to perform the activities 100% through their daily workflow and accomplish the goal of capturing the entire trailer history in a certified, immutable format. While we had to make changes to our testing plans, our development objectives did not change and the proof of concept applicaion/process that was developed is what was originally intended. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Since this is a Phase 1, Proof of Concept project, the largest community of interest the USDA/NIFA towards learning about what we have developed and whether what we have done thus far has positioned us to be eligible to receive Phase 2 grant funding to continue forward with our work. In addition to the USDA/NIFA, we have had conversations with our Rabbinical councilabout the work we developed because they were an initial supporter of our Phase 1 effort. They showed continued interest in our proposed continued effort to the point that they provided a letter of support for our Phase 2 project and see a future path for the usage of our product within their organization to prove the lineage of the trailers that they certify as Kosher. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? In fall 2020 our team began work on our USDA/NIFA Phase I Proof-of-Concept project that set out to address the lack of transparency and traceability with regards to each tanker that transports liquid food grade products between plants and/or from farms to plants. The currently method of tracking and tracing is done manually, which is subject to human error or, in the worst cases, alteration or falsification. Improperly cleaned trailers and inaccurate or inaccessible documentation can lead to severe illness or death if allergens or contaminants are not properly cleaned and documented and end up in processing plants or in consumer foodstuffs. In addition to this the current methods of tracking and documentation can lead to tankers being rejected prior to loading or, even worse, at the delivery due to inaccurate information being present on paperwork. To solve this need, we set out to develop a prototype Blockchain, distributed ledger-based application that will track, trace, and provide the transparency and immutable data source necessary to create a transparency and traceability across our industry, benefiting Shippers & Receivers of liquid food grade products, Haulers of liquid food grade products, regulators of liquid food grade products, and ultimately the end consumers of those liquid food grade products who can now be assured that the products that they are consuming have been transported in vessels that are certified and fit to transport those goods. Our first objective - Objective 1:Select a block chain/distributed ledger system and model the workflow of transactions in the distributed ledger system - resulted ultimately in the selection of a Sawtooth/Hyperledger private, permissioned blockchain environment as well as the selection of our primary trailer identification method for use within our application/environment. Once we had identified these pieces, we modeled the workflow of the entire lifespan of a trailer's wash, load & unload activities and ultimately identified which data components would need to be captured at each point in the process and ultimately which pieces of information would need to be stored in the Sawtooth environment vs outside of the blockchain. For our second objective - Objective 2:Prototype a mobile app or functional wireframe that implements the workflow from Objective 1 - we went beyond the wireframe and were able to complete a fully functional private application in the Expo Go environment that allowed us to take the data modeled in Objective 1 and build out a process flow that follows the wash, load & unload activities discussed in Objective 1 and implements the scanning of a QR code that is linked to the VIN of the trailer for quick identification of the trailer and visibility to its history. For our third and final objective - Objective 3:Test the proof-of-concept workflow in a commercial setting to validate contributions to food safety and certification (10-20 trailers for 8 weeks across 2 or more facilities) - we implemented the application developed in Objective 2 in our own tank wash and trucking company as well as collecting information from an outside trucking company. We tracked a total of 65 trailers. Our own 33 trailers were tracked over 479 tank wash events, 101 loading events, 95 unloading events and 5 load rejections and we captured 207 additional events from 32 trailers owned by outside trucking companies who agreed to provide their information for tracking. We had 65 "full circle" tracking events that tracked from wash, to load, to unload and back to wash and tracked the hauling of 40 different commodities over the course of our testing period with all data being captured through our application and viewable in our proprietary visibility portal. The successful completion of Objectives 1-3 above has positioned Hagen Logistics, LLC to apply for a USDA/NIFA Phase II Commercialization grant to continue to develop the proof-of-concept developed in our Phase I project to bring the application and the environment that it exists in up to the standards necessary to be made available commercially to the industries that need it. Our efforts in this Phase I project have also resulted in a Provisional Patent application. Our successful prototype introduces an application that fills a gap in the food safety supply chain and provides a holistic view of the history of not just where a trailer has been, but what it has done.
