Progress 03/01/23 to 02/29/24
Outputs Target Audience:We have successfully trained 17undergraduates students at parkland with the first truck module. We have successfully hosted our third board meeting and continued to reach to industry. We have successfully trained 85 workers in an industrial setting. There is strong interest by industry to implement some of these solutions with their workers. Similarly we have successfully connected with Parkland Commercial Vehicle Licensing team which will allow us to expand our training program. Changes/Problems:Parkland College continues to struggleto recruit students into the advanced applicator technician program. We have expanded this training program to other Parkland College programs to meet training requirements. We were able to successfully train 17 students during Spring semester which helps close the training gap. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Trained 17students at Parkland College Trained 78 workers with Industry partners. Supported one graduated student and helped with training programs. Supported one Post-Doc development programs. In talks with hosting a training session for Parkland Commercial Vehicle License Training Program. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results from the industry partner and student training programs were disseminated at the PD meeting in April and will be disseminated at ISASH 2024 conference. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Goal 1 Complete 4th VR module and prepare for testing of the whole curriculum in 2025 Complete transport trouble game Add AI voice to game modules Incorporate completed modules in Parkland Colelge curriculum Develop partnership with Parkland Commercial Vehicle License Training Program Goal 2 Continue evaluating all four modules. Goal 3 Host two trainings with industry partners
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Development, testing and improvements for the first three modules continue unabated. We have successfully demonstrated our modules at industry training events, classroom settings, conferences and promotional events. We have that overall beginning students appreciated the emersion of the product and found it a useful source to learn about pre-trip inspections. We found mixed reviews from professionals reviewing the product with some benefiting and other indicated that they already knew the material. Still many professionals indicated that the modules were helpful and that they were able to learn new things. Both community colleges and industry remain very interested in this product. Another 17 undergraduate students were trained on the product, and Parkland College has brought this technology to their events, and are sharing it with other community colleges as well. Our industry partners have showed interest and are testing the VR headsets at two other training sessions they are conducting over the summer. More specifically we have accomplished the following goals: Goal 1 Completed development for"Pre-Trip Inspection VR Simulation: Cargo Securement" and"Pre-Trip Inspection VR Simulation: Outside the Truck". Shared and reviewed both curricula with advisory board and incorporated their findinds in the curricula. Goal 2 Evaluated the first module (Pre-Trip Inspection VR Simulation: The Engine) with Industry Partners( 78 completed evaluations). Documented engagement with VR, Pre and Post Quiz, and User Engagement and Experience. Evaluated the first module (Pre-Trip Inspection VR Simulation: The Engine) with Parkland Class (17students total). Documented engagement with VR, Pre and Post Quiz, and User Engagement and Experience. Goal 3 Hosted Industry Partners and shared with themuser feedback session from industry partners experienceon the completed first module. Scheduled two more training sessions in August with goal of launching our second and third modules.
Progress 03/01/22 to 02/28/23
Outputs Target Audience:We have successfully trained four undergraduates students at parkland with the first truck module. We have successfully hosted our second board meeting and continued to reach to industry. There is strong interest by industry to implement some of these solutions with their workers. Similarly we have successfully connected with Parkland Commercial Vehicle Licensing team which will allow us to expand our training program. Changes/Problems:Parkland College has struggled recently to recruit students into the advanced applicator technician program. We are working with other Parkland units to meet our projected training numbers. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?1. Trained 4 students at Parkland 2. In talks with hosting a training session for Parkland Commercial Vehicle License Training Program. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?1. First VR Module will be showcased at Internatial Society of Agricultural Safety and Health in June 2023 What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Goal 1 1. Complete second and third VR module to prepare for testing in Spring 2024 2. Incorporate first three modules in Spring 2024 curriculum at Parkland College 3. Establish a partnership with Parkland Commercial Vehicle License Training Program. Goal 2 1. Evaluate the first three modules in Spring 2024 Goal 3 1. Establish a partnership with Industry Partners to host a training session with them.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Goal 1 1. Completed proposed curriculum " Pre-Trip Inspection VR Simulation: Outside the Truck" 2. Developed draft curriculum for " Pre-Trip Inspection VR Simulation: Cargo Securement" 3. Shared proposed curriculum "Pre-Trip Inspection VR Simulation: Wheels, Brakes, and Suspension", and the curriculums shared above. Goal 2 1. Evaluated the first module (Pre-Trip Inspection VR Simulation: The Engine) with Parkland Class (4 students total). Documented engagement with VR, Pre and Post Quiz, and User Engagement and Experience. Goal 3 1. Hosted Industry Partners and conducted a user feedback session on the completed first module. 2. Coordinated with Industry partners to bring VR headsets to their worker trainings and develop training programs with their Safety Professionals. Initial meeting was scheduled in March, but has been rescheduled.
Progress 03/01/21 to 02/28/22
Outputs Target Audience:
Nothing Reported
Changes/Problems:Project has switched the way it is developing training modules. Project is still developing four modules, but now they will be based on Truck Systems (e.g., engine, braking system, etc.) and in each module it will have threeto fourparts as applicable. Project staff are currently working on the Engine System as module one and it will contain pre-trip inspection, instrument panel and driving experience. Advisory board met in November and approved project's current module development strategy What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?
Nothing Reported
How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?
Nothing Reported
What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Below are the items we plan to complete for next reporting period. Goal 1 A completed draft of the proposed curriculum "Pre-Trip Inspection VR Simulation:Outside the Truck and the Cab" A completed draft of the proposed curriculum "Pre-Trip Inspection VR Simulation: Securing and Handling Loads" Complete first VR module to prepare for testing in Spring 2023 Incorporate first VR module in Spring 2023 curriculum at Parkland College Goal 2 Evaluate the first VR module in Spring 2023 Goal 3 1. Host industry partners in Champaign, Illinoisand showcase first completed VR module.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Below are the items completed for each of the three goals. Goal 1 A completed draft of the proposed curriculum "Pre-Trip Inspection VR Simulation:Wheels, Brakes, and Suspension" A completed draft of the proposed curriculum "Pre-Trip Inspection VR Simulation: The Engine" Goal 2 Completed evaluation instruments to evaluate the effectiveness of the VR modules. Submitted to IRB and obtained approval to conduct evaluation when VR modules are launched. Goal 3 1. Hosted industry partners at Purdue University and showcased them the VR model being developed in this grant. The following are the findings from the External Evaluator first year evaluation. All year one project objectives were successfully achieved. This conclusion is based on: (a) On-going discussions with the principal investigator and (b) Based on the evaluator's review of multiple project-related documents. Those documents include the following: A letter of exempt determination related to specified human subjects-related protocols. A completed draft of the proposed curriculum "Wheels, Brakes, and Suspension" A completed draft of the proposed curriculum "Pre-Trip Inspection VR Simulation: The Engine" The description of the project's external evaluation plan described