Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Feb 1, 2021
Project End Date
Jan 31, 2026
Grant Year
Program Code
[A7601]- Agricultural Workforce Training Grants
Project Director
Govindan, M.
Recipient Organization
MORGANTOWN,WV 26505-2742
Performing Department
Center for Resilient Communiti
Non Technical Summary
This innovative educational project enhances the sustainability of West Virginia's agricultural sector by strengthening existing workforce development programs at Pierpont Community & Technical College and Sprouting Farms' Greenville Farm Kitchen. This 4 pronged approach engages Faculty and Students at Pierpont to complete; 1)online educational modules via Community Food Systems LINK developed by the West Virginia University Center for Resilient Communities (a) mapping food system assets, (b) local food procurement (c) local food processing and the House Recipe program for shared use kitchens, 2) Better Process Control School (BPCS) online training (an FDA requirement for food manufacturing) 3)'Earn while you learn' internship in shared-use kitchens processing local foods, such as Sprouting Farms' Greenville Farm Kitchen and the House Recipe Program, and 4) Mentorship within the state Processing, Aggregation and Distribution Network (stakeholder working groups). This project refreshes workforce development curriculum to meet the needs of the 21st agricultural industry by integrating federal training programs and an immersive experience in the local food system that addresses a state gap in knowledge (BPCS and shared recipes/processes for acidified foods) and operators (trained food processors). Students engaged in this educational experience learn about preparing value-added-products and acidified foods for market, data tools, and are plugged into the network of shared-use kitchens in WV that are processing the House recipes as a "WV Grown" product. This self-sustaining program increases the production of acidified and value-added products via the House recipe program for shared-use kitchens, and profits are reinvested into this workforce-development program partnership.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
This education and workforce development program targets students enrolled in Pierpont Community & Technical College Food Service Management & Culinary program and engages them with workforce development programs in Local Food Hub Sprouting Farms1(Talcott, WV) and the Greenville Farm Kitchen in Greenville, WV2.This 4 pronged approach engages Faculty and Students at Pierpont to complete; 1)online educational modules via Community Food Systems LINK developed by the West Virginia University Center for Resilient Communities3(a) mapping food system assets, (b) local food procurement (c) local food processing and the HOUSE Recipe program for shared use kitchens, 2) Better Process Control School (BPCS) online training (an FDA requirement for food manufacturing)43)'Earn while you learn' internship in shared-use kitchens processing local foods, such as Sprouting Farms' Greenville Farm Kitchen and the HOUSE Recipe Program, and 4) Mentorship within the state Processing, Aggregation and Distribution (PAD) Network (stakeholder working groups). Participants will receive a certificate of completion from the West Virginia University Center for Resilient Communities. This project refreshes workforce development curriculum to meet the needs of the 21st agricultural industry by integrating state and federal training programs into an immersive experience in the local food system that addresses a state gap in knowledge (BPCS and shared recipes/processes for acidified foods) and operators (trained food processors).
Project Methods
This educational program has 3 distinct phases to guide program planning, program implementation, program evaluation & dissemination of results.Program Planningwill start on 12/1/2020 with the research teamto discussFaculty preparation and participant recruitmentstrategy.Faculty preparationwill start with orientation meetings on content and completion of "train the trainer" curriculum piece of Community Food System LINK Curriculum. Pierpont Faculty will complete the trainer module, in addition to the three related LINK modules. Pierpont Faculty will also initiate BPCS training themselves. Educational leaders in the research team will review the curriculum to identify reinforcement messages for Pierpont students to complete training, as part of program implementation and alignment with their AAS degree program.Participant Recruitment: Recruitment strategies will target Pierpont C&TC student organization CHOP: Culinary & Hospitality Occupations and Professions club and majors in Foodservice Management & Culinary Arts. The club will host guest speakers and partners from the field to promote and market the opportunity and answer questions. Up to four students will be recruited each year, for engagement in the program.Evaluation kick offmeeting coordinated by WVU, reviewing of evaluation goals, formative, process and impact evaluation frameworks, and coordinating partners including participants, the PAD network, WV Department of Agriculture, and the WV Farmers Market Association. There will be quarterly updates on the program as part of the PAD network calls, and year-end PAD summit.Program Implementationwill start on 1/02/2021, and will focus on two onlineStudent Education Requirements (Community Food System Link and BPCS),Summer Internship placement, and Evaluation.Students will be expected to complete theeducational requirementsbetween January- May of each year, in order to progress into the summer internship May-August. These requirements will be reinforced in their Pierpont C&TC program. The 3 Community Food System LINKonline modules will cover a)mapping food system assets, b)understanding local food procurement and Farm to Institution metrics, and c) local food processing rules and the HOUSE recipe program for shared-use kitchens. These modules take approximately 4 hours to complete. The BPCS training is divided into three sections, and takes approximately 50 hours to complete. Students must receive at least a 70% on the BPCS exam to successfully earn the certification. Students will have up to six months to take the course from the date of registration. They will receive course textbooks which highlight key aspects of each chapter and study guides.Summer Internship Placement: Students at Pierpont C&TC completing this training will be placed in a 10-12 week summer internship at Sprouting Farms and the Greenville Farm kitchen. They will receive housing/travel stipends and 'earn while they learn', working with shared-use kitchen food service managers who have already completed the Community Food Systems LINK Modules, Better Process Control School, and are producing recipes in the HOUSE Recipe program. They will gain a deeper understanding of how food is processed for the state's largest food hub, Sprouting Farms, and how local food is produced, aggregated, processed, and distributed across the state via the Turnrow Appalachian Farm Collective. They will also see, first-hand the importance of value-added products in strengthening community food systems and have opportunities to continue on working with partners.Evaluation:Evaluation efforts will be ongoing, and engage the project team, as well as external partners via the state's PAD network. Pierpont Faculty & students will be mentored and engaged with the state's PAD network, which meetsquarterlyfor conference calls and has an end of theyear summit,which showcases advancements in the network, new connections, and shared projects - such as the House Recipe program partners. This working group includes processors from across the state, in the public and private sector. Proceeds from the HOUSE recipe program are reinvested into the workforce development programs, allowing for sustainability and continuation of the shared use kitchen internship & mentoring program.c) Participant recruitment, selection and continued support.Participants for this educational project will be recruited from Pierpont's Culinary, Hospitality Occupations & Professions (CHOP) club, as well as courses related to the 2 year associate's degree.The Research

Progress 02/01/23 to 01/31/24

Target Audience:This performance period targeted students enrolled in the Pierpont Community Technical College's Food Service Management associate degree program. A total of 17 students completed the curriculum enrolled through the program and 4 students completed BPCS training, and subsequent field experiences utilizing training. No additional students completed BPCS training this year due to classes being cancelled by WV Department of Agriculture due to low state enrollment. Changes/Problems:The PI was requested to change academic homes due to being awarded USDA Farm Service Agency Increasing Land, Capital, Market Access cooperative agreement grant. The new academic home will be WVU Institute for Community and Rural Health. As previously reported Greenville Farm Kitchen cased operations due to budget constraints. Additional shared use kitchens located in Morgantown, WV have been engaged. Subcontractor is having issues in completing student trainining and placement obligations due to low interest of target population. Rebudgeting will be discussed amongst research team to target marketing efforts to increase recruitment. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Engagement of new kitchen sites in Morgantown and Community and Technical College programs in Wheeling, WV and Huntington WV . How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Recruitment and engagment of other community and techncial colleges to increase interest to offer in-person BPCS training. Online BPCS training is not requested by Pierpoint Community technical college due to low student engagement with online platform, and ability to ask questions.

What was accomplished under these goals? It is notable that the PI hase been requested to change academic homes within WVU. The outputs will continue with minor modifications to naming and hosting of materials. Certificate of completion will be granted by Pierpont Community Technical College. The research team is working steadily on accomplishing the project goals. The site locations and kitchens had to be adjusted due to Greenville Kitchen closing after year 2. Sprouting Farms is getting a new Executive Director, but it is still unclear when and if they will resume kitchen and value added processing. This has prompted exploration into additional kitchens and locations including Wheeling, WV in the Grow OV - Wheeling Processing Center in Wheeling, WV, and the Monongalia (Mon) County Food Innovation Center in Morgantown, WV. These are non-profit operated commercial kitchens, that do not currently have any staff with BPCS training. Wheeling is affiliated with WV Northern Community College which has a similar program to the Food Service Management Program at Pierpont Community Technical College which is affiliated with the Morgantown, WV location being one county over. These will serve as site locations for years 3-5+. Students in year 2 have completed online educational modules as reported, focusing on food safety and processing (c). Prior to mapping food system assets (a) and local food procurement (b), Pierpont faculty member indicates a need for increased food system/agriculture training for students in year 2 to navigate materials for identifying and procuring local foods for processing. Students completed experiential learning internship this summer and the HOUSE recipe program is serving as a platform for future Ag Workforce training applications to generate revenue for processing positions, as the current processing landscape is predominately operated by non-profit kitchens.


    Progress 02/01/22 to 01/31/23

    Target Audience:This performance period targeted students enrolled in the Pierpont Community Technical College's Food Service Management associate degree program. A total of 17 students completed the curriculum enrolled through the program and 4 students completed BPCS training, and subsequent field experiences utilizing training. Changes/Problems:PI changed academic homes to the WVU Health Affairs Institute. Executive Director of Sprouting Farms resigned in late fall. The commercial kitchen arm of the organization, Greenville Farm Kitchen ceased operations due to budget constraints. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Expansion into other food service management programs in the state, starting with Wheeling WV, then going south to Mount West in Huntington WV. Future grant opportunities - use of HOUSE recipe program for revenue generation to increase value added products to hospitality locations across state (state parks etc), and support processor positions for non - profits. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Current dissemination is focused on community technical colleges, food service management programs, dietetics, hospitality & tourism to expand pipeline, and add layers to the spectrum of processing positions and skills needed to address the challenges in the state. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Build out capacity to work with new kitchen sites. Address a & b in curriculum pieces.

    What was accomplished under these goals? It is notable that the PI changed academic homes. The outputs will continue with minor modifications to naming and hosting of materials. Certificate of completion will be granted by Pierpont Community Technical College. The research team is working steadily on accomplishing the project goals. The site locations and kitchens had to be adjusted due to Greenville Kitchen closing after year 2. Sprouting Farms is getting a new Executive Director, but it is still unclear when and if they will resume kitchen and value added processing. This has prompted exploration into additional kitchens and locations including Wheeling, WV in the Grow OV - Wheeling Processing Center in Wheeling, WV, and the Monongalia (Mon) County Food Innovation Center in Morgantown, WV. These are non-profit operated commercial kitchens, that do not currently have any staff with BPCS training. Wheeling is affiliated with WV Northern Community College which has a similar program to the Food Service Management Program at Pierpont Community Technical College which is affiliated with the Morgantown, WV location being one county over. These will serve as site locations for years 3-5+. Students in year 2 have completed online educational modules as reported, focusing on food safety and processing (c). Prior to mapping food system assets (a) and local food procurement (b), Pierpont faculty member indicates a need for increased food system/agriculture training for students in year 2 to navigate materials for identifying and procuring local foods for processing. Students completed experiential learning internship this summer and the HOUSE recipe program is serving as a platform for future Ag Workforce training applications to generate revenue for processing positions, as the current processing landscape is predominately operated by non-profit kitchens.


      Progress 02/01/21 to 01/31/22

      Target Audience:The target audience includes community college/technical colleges with foodservice management programs. This includes 2 year associate degree programs with field placement requirements. Our secondary audience includes community kitchens/shared use kitchens in rural environments. Our target students are enrolled inPierpont Community Technical College in Marion County, WV. As we kicked off the project, we have identified complementary community colleges that can be engaged in the future. Changes/Problems:PI Govindan changed academic units to the WVU Office of Health Affairs. This delayed payment of grant to community partners. Funds are now accessible, subcontracts and subawards initiated and no other problems are anticipated. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Food Safety Training 2021 Better Process Control School Training to 27 participants, 6 of which directly involved in project. Introduction, Hazards, Product Development Life Cycle, Controlling Food Quality and Safety, Labelling, Food Safety Management, Hazard Analysis, and Preventative Controls. Product Development workshop training (8 workshops, delivered online, to 26 participants, 6 of which directly involved in project. Community/Technical College Curriculum Map Training materials for CCTC professional development How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Planning for communication to State actors (WV DHHR, State grassroots communciation network) Community Colleges & Technical Colleges in WV with Foodservice Management Programs Dietetic and Culinary training programs that access community kitchens What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? PI moved academic units, which led to delay in getting funds to our partners. Next quarter we will be able to engage more directly with Pierpont Community Technical College to place students with community partners.

      What was accomplished under these goals? Curriculum Development - Local Food (Educational Mterials) Mapping of assets in 5 regions to identify community/technical colleges, community/shared-use kitchens, farmers markets conducting aggregation/distribution activities, and producers. Internship guide for processing recipes Community/Technical College Modules Curriculum Map (knowledge/competencies/outputs/outcomes) Mapping assets for local food processing in WV Food Safety Training Product Development FSMA/current Good Manufacturing Practices: Better Process control school training Internship guide for processing recipes (mentioned above) Better Process Control Schooltraining Training was conducted online with Virginia Tech Extension staff and WV Department of Agriculture. Training competencies incorporated into curriculum Total of 25 participants completed the training, 6 individuals completed for program as student and faculty) Planning for summer 2022 delivery with department of agriculture for year 2 Internship Developing student learning outcomes/curricuum matrix for 2 week experience for skilled labor support (see objective 1) and curriculum map Waiting on community college/covid policy for Pierpont College engagement for planning for field placement. Student recruitment materials being developed for summer/fall recruitment and placement Testing recipes with 2 kitchens Greenville and 12post trading for experiences. This process provided insight and education on equipment use, time constraints, batch size, measurements, ingredients, processing, and safety protocols. Experiential learning and insight will be communicated in upcoming Community Kitchen Network calls. GFK has requested Dill Relish, Dilly Beans, Pickled Zucchini, and Butternut Squash for testing and production. Field day with Virginia Food Works for model experience in WV. Development of communication plan for engagement in state network. \
