Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
A highly effective teacher in elementary school is essential to a student's future success in STEM fields--yet many rural elementary teachers report feeling unprepared and uncomfortable teaching science. Research shows they often lack adequate content knowledge and have low confidence in their science instruction. The new demands set by the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) compound these issues, as their student performance expectations are set high and integrate three dimensions of learning. They are much different from previous science standards that were mere statements of knowledge. Research has specifically documented the vast gap between the way science is currently taught and the strategies promoted by the NGSS. Research shows that extensive and effective professional development (PD) is required to successfully implement the NGSS. Unfortunately, rural schools have limited PD opportunities because of financial and geographic limitations. Based on StarrMatica's Phase I R&D proof-of-concept success, the Phase II SBIR development of StarrMatica NextGen Science (SNGS) is expected to provide a unique, comprehensive online PD solution for implementing NGSS in rural districts on tight curriculum budgets and with limited PD time. This innovative framework is a "virtual science coach" designed to improve K-5 science teacher pedagogy and to facilitate effective NGSS lesson development, regardless of a teacher's previous training, experience, or curriculum materials. The Phase I goal was to show SNGS framework feasibility for more-effectively supporting a teacher's ability to create high-quality supplemental science lessons. We met/exceeded each Phase I objective by showing that elementary teachers could create a high-quality lesson with supplementary materials in much less time and with greater NGSS alignment than a lesson created with their own methods/materials. Phase I research also revealed that even though teachers were able to develop lessons with SNGS that were fully aligned to the NGSS, their instruction during those lessons was only slightly better-aligned with the methods the NGSS require. Thus, this 2-year Phase II project will be focused on further developing our platform. It will include research-based PD to improve science instruction via 1) Videos, texts, and quizzes to improve questioning strategies and NGSS knowledge; 2) 72 informational texts to improve science content knowledge for each K-5 NGSS Performance Expectation (PE); and 3) 72 lesson-planning templates organized by the 5E's with examples and exemplars for each PE. In Year 1, six teachers will participate in a software evaluation usability study. In Year 2, data will be gathered from 27 teachers in a validation study to demonstrate a teacher's a) improved NGSS understanding, b) increased science content knowledge, c) improved questioning strategies to support inquiry-based learning, and d) increased confidence in teaching NGSS-aligned science. Data will be collected via video-lesson observations, interviews, surveys, and quizzes before and after use of the framework and will be analyzed and compared to determine change or gain in scores to evaluate Phase II success.SNGS is expected to help rural elementary teachers meet the NGSS by a) addressing the key problems they face with science instruction; b) overcoming the cost/geographic limitations of PD; c) facilitating the instructional shift teachers must make to meet the NGSS by improving teacher science pedagogy; d) providing comprehensive content that supports lesson development for every K-5 NGSS PE; and e) being comprised of research-based, proven components. Our initial target market will be K-5 school districts in the 20 NGSS-adopting states, as they are expected to be seeking implementation assistance at the administrative level. However, this does not limit our potential market. The framework for NGSS coaching developed here--in particular, content that improves questioning skills and science content knowledge--will have universal application regardless of a state's NGSS adoption status. We anticipate adapting its use to other subject matter as well.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories
Goals / Objectives
The overall goalof this SBIR Phase II project is to fully develop, validate, and commercialize an innovative online professional development framework designed to help K-5 teachers improve their science instruction with a "virtual science coach" regardless of their previous training, experience, or curriculum materials. We will do so by improving teachers' science content knowledge, NGSS knowledge, and questioning skills as well as supporting their science lesson planning for each NGSS Performance Expectation throughout the school year. Phase II research will consist of the following Technical Objectives: Objective 1: Demonstrate the usability and effectiveness of the SNGS framework to improve a K-5 teacher's understanding of the NGSS framework. The first performance metric for this objective will be significantly higher scores on the New Framework for Science Education: Survey of Teacher Understanding (Nollmeyer & Bangert, 2017), which assesses in-service educators' self-reported understanding of the NGSS framework, for surveys taken before using SNGS (pre) versus surveys taken after using SNGS (post). The second performance metric will be significantly higher scores on StarrMatica written multiple choice quizzes within Module 1 taken after completing the NGSS professional development in Module 1 versus quizzes taken before completing the Module I professional development. Dr. Ray Reichenberg from the University of Nebraska Lincoln will compare pre- and post-surveys and quizzes using a Wald test. This test will be conducted within a structural equation modeling framework using full-information maximum likelihood (FIML) estimation. The use of FIML estimation will allow for the handling of any missing data, should that occur, assuming the data are missing completely at random (MCAR) or missing at random (MAR). The test accounts for the paired nature of the data via the estimated correlation between the means of the two variables (pre and post scores).Objective 2: Demonstrate the usability and effectiveness of the SNGS framework to improve a K-5 teacher's science content knowledge. The first performance metric for this objective will be a statistically significant increase (α = .05) in scores on The Science Beliefs Test (Larrabee, Stein, & Barman, 2006), which assesses elementary teachers' beliefs about general science content, for tests taken before using SNGS versus tests taken after using SNGS. The second performance metric will be a statistically significant increase (α = .05) in scores on StarrMatica written multiple choice quizzes within Module 2 taken after reading science content knowledge informational texts for each K-5 NGSS Performance Expectation versus quizzes taken before reading the texts. Dr. Reichenberg will compare pre- and post-tests and quizzes using a Wald test as described in Objective 1.Objective 3: Demonstrate the usability and effectiveness of the SNGS framework to improve a teacher's questioning strategies to support inquiry-based learning. The performance metric for this objective will be the ability to generate significantly more questions that are student-centered and which require a higher level of cognition in science lessons taught after using SNGS versus before using SNGS. This will be determined by having participating teachers submit one videotaped lesson from before and after their SNGS training and use. These lessons will be transcribed and scored using an internally developed question evaluation tool. Teacher questions will be coded as teacher-centered or student-centered and identified by their cognitive level according to Bloom's Revised Taxonomy (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001). The evaluations will be completed by Dr. Dana Atwood-Blaine, PI Emily Starr, Dr. Marcy Berger, and two University of Northern Iowa STEM Graduate Students to ensure interrater reliability. Dr. Reichenberg will compare pre- and post-evaluations using means difference testing methods appropriate for proportions (i.e., the pre/post difference in proportion of questions coded as student/teacher-focused). Differences in the median pre/post cognitive level of the questions will be assessed using a method appropriate for paired, ordinal data, such as the Wilcoxon signed-rank test or the sign test for paired data (depending on the distribution of the difference scores).Objective 4: Demonstrate the usability and effectiveness of the SNGS framework to improve a K-5 teacher's confidence in his or her ability to teach NGSS-aligned science content.The performance metric for this objective will be significantly higher scores on the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument (Riggs & Enochs, 1990), which measures science teachingself-efficacy, for surveys administered before using SNGS versus surveys administered after using SNGS. Dr. Reichenberg will compare pre/post surveys using a Wald test as described in Objective 1.Objective 5: Assess the impacts of StarrMatica NextGen Science on the socio-economic development of rural areas This project is intended to help reduce the STEM educational opportunity inequities between rural and urban school districts by supporting more effective STEM (science) elementary instruction through StarrMatica's SNGS virtual framework. For this Phase II project, StarrMatica will focus on two categories of socio-economic impacts: 1) Socio-economic impacts to rural areas beyond the project period; and 2) Economic impacts accruing to students beyond the project period due to improved academic outcomes and income potential, and to teachers due to improved STEM strategies and science content knowledge.
Project Methods
In Year 1, StarrMatica will first develop the virtual science coaching framework and then test its usability with six elementary teachers, one from each grade level K-5. In Year 2, twenty-seven elementary teachers will participate in a validation study.Year One: Usability StudySix elementary teachers have agreed to participate in the Year 1 usability study,Teachers will complete an online training session to familiarize themselves with the SNGS framework. They will then be asked to: 1) Complete the NGSS framework and questioning professional development including quizzes; and 2) Choose one performance expectation template. Then read the science content knowledge informational text and take the quiz, and use the template to modify or develop one science lesson. Upon completion, these teachers will respond to an online questionnaire that asks about their experiences using the platform. The focus of the questionnaire will be how well the framework improved the teachers' NGSS knowledge, science content knowledge, and questioning skills, and how well the framework supported the teachers' lesson development. Ease of use and functionality will also be evaluated. Graduate assistants will analyze the questionnaireit through Qualtrics.Individual interviews will be conducted with each teacher to obtain more detailed information about how the teachers used SNGS, what features worked well and what elements can be improved to provide the highest quality PD for K-5 teachers.The six teachers who participate in the usability study will not be participating in the validation study.Year Two : Validation StudyBaseline Date GatheringAfter completion of the usability study and final adjustments to the software, StarrMatica NextGen Science will be deployed to twenty-seven elementary teachers that have agreed to participate in the Year 2 validation study (see facilities list and letters of participation.) Before accessing SNGS, baseline data will be gathered for each objective. For Objective 1, teachers will complete the New Framework for Science Education: Survey of Teacher Understanding, which assesses in-service educators' self-reported understanding of the NGSS framework. For Objective 2, teachers will complete The Science Beliefs Test, which assesses elementary teachers' beliefs about general science content. For Objective 3, teachers will video record themselves teaching a science lesson to students. These "pre-lessons" will be transcribed by a transcription service and then evaluated using an internally developed question evaluation tool. For Objective 4, teachers will complete the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument, which measures science teachingself-efficacy.The New Framework for Science Education: Survey of Teacher Understanding, The Science Beliefs Test, and the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument are research-validated instruments. The internally developed question evaluation tool will be created by Dr. Atwood-Blaine, PI Emily Starr, and Dr. Marcy Berger based on the research of Oliveira (2010). Oliveira defines three categories of student-centered oral questions (referential, clarification, and confirmation) and two categories of teacher-centered oral questions (display and comprehension). The study provides descriptions and examples for each category that will be used to guide evaluators. Based on the research that teachers must ask higher level questions for students to deeply understand concepts (Orlich, 1980; Smith et al, 1993, Wilen and Clegg. 1986; Yet et. al, 1998), the evaluation tool also incorporates a coding system to assign each question a cognitive level according to Bloom's Revised Taxonomy, which is ahierarchical classification system that ranks the cognitive processes that students use.Framework Training and UseAfter the initial baseline data has been collected, the twenty-seven teachers will complete an online training sessionto familiarize themselves with the SNGS framework. They will then be asked to accomplish four tasks in this order: 1) Complete the NGSS framework and questioning professional development including taking the "pre" and "post" quizzes; 2) Use the NGSS performance expectation templates as they modify and develop science lessons throughout the year; 3) Read or listen to the audio of all of the science content knowledge informational texts for their grade level and complete the related pre- and post-quizzes, and 4) Video record themselves teaching a science lesson to students that was planned using an SNGS performance expectation template. These post-lesson videos will be transcribed by a transcription service.The internally developed question evaluationtool will be used to code the transcribed lessons.Post-Use Data GatheringAt the end of the research period, teachers will be asked to once again complete the New Framework for Science Education: Survey of Teacher Understanding, The Science Beliefs Test, and the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument. In addition, research teachers will complete the same feedback questionnaire deployed in the Year 1 usability study and will participate in an informal interview.Data Analysis For Objective 1, wewill assess the effectiveness of the SNGS framework to improve a K-5 teacher's understanding of the NGSS framework. To do so, wewill compare pre- and post-data from the New Framework for Science Education: Survey of Teacher Understanding and the multiple choice quizzes accompanying the NGSS framework PD in Module 1 using a Wald test method capable of handling any missing data, should that be present. For Objective 2, to assess the effectiveness of the SNGS framework to improve a K-5 teacher's science content knowledge, wewill compare pre- and post-data from The Science Beliefs Test and the multiple choice quizzes accompanying the science content knowledge informational texts using the paired samples t-test approach. For Objective 3, to assess the effectiveness of the SNGS framework to improve a teacher's questioning strategies to support inquiry-based learning, wewill compare pre- and post-lesson questioning evaluations using a method appropriate for assessing median differences in paired, ordinal data, such as the Wilcoxon signed-rank test or the sign test for paired data (depending on the distribution of the difference scores). For Objective 4, to assess the effectiveness of the SNGS framework to improve a K-5 teacher's confidence in his/her ability to teach NGSS-aligned science content, wewill compare pre/post data from the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument using the Wald test method cited previously. Finally, data within each objective will be grouped by grade level and analyzed to determine if any grade level(s) showed significantly more improvement in any Objective 1-4. This analysis will determine to what extent SNGS successfully addresses the pedagogical differences between K-5 grade levels.For Objective 5, StarrMatica will focus on socio-economic impacts to rural areas and to students and teachers beyond the project period. We will calculate impact ranges based upon reasonable estimates of product adoption, existing research-based estimates (both educational surveys and econometric studies of human capital development) of instructional impacts on student outcomes and standardized test scores, student outcomes and school quality measures on rural retention and in-migration, the effects of accumulated human capital on rural incomes, and individual income expectations relative to teacher qualifications and student academic outcomes. Estimates and data will be collected from StarrMatica's Phase II validity study. Estimates/projections will be calculated utilizing projections, information, and data from academic literature in education and human capital development, and income and industry multiplier data from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.