Progress 09/01/23 to 08/31/24
Outputs Target Audience:The target audience includes new farmers, ranchers, and returning veterans interested in becoming agricultural entrepreneurs. Specifically, the audience includes farmers who have operated a farm or ranch for less than 10 years, are new to agriculture, new hemp producers, and those wishing to transition into agriculture from other sectors. This project will also benefit extension agents and specialists interacting with the primary target audience. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Five graduate students (three PhD and two MS) and six undergraduate students participated in the project through research, demonstration, and field days: Anand Kumar is currently enrolled in PhD in Agricultural Sciences with a concentration in Plant Science. His dissertation research focus is on Organic and Conventional Management of four Floral Industrial Hemp under different mulches including plastic, straw and no-mulch control. Graduation extended to May 2025 Chiamaka Nnadi is currently enrolled in PhD in Agricultural Sciences with a concentration in Plant Science. Her dissertation research entitled, "Unlocking the Potential of Industrial Hemp: Sustainable Feed and Anthelmintic Solutions for Small Ruminants and Promoting Fiber Hemp as a Climate-Smart Agricultural Commodity in Tennessee" explores the multifaceted potential of industrial hemp as a sustainable anthelmintic and feedstock for small ruminants. It also examines the crop's role in climate-smart agriculture and its prospects for market growth. Graduating in December 2026. Mustapha Olawuni is currently enrolled in PhD in Agricultural Sciences with a concentration in Plant Science. His dissertation research entitled, " The Role of Mulches and Planting Time in Enhancing Production of Clonally or Seed Propagated Industrial Hemp in Tennessee" focusses on cultural and biological strategies to manage soil borne pathogens and enhance productivity of industrial hemp and other vegetable crops such as sweet peppers and tomatoes. Graduating in December 2026. Rodgers Kabenomuhangi is currently enrolled in Agricultural Sciences with a concentration in Plant Science. His MS thesis research entitled "Cover Crop-Based Reduced Tillage Management of Floral Hemp," focuses on evaluating the effects of different mulch treatments (plastic, straw, roll-crimped cover crop, and no mulch) and tillage systems, combined with propagation materials (clone and seedling), on weed and disease management, CBD production, THC compliance, and economic performance in floral hemp production. Sai Suvidh Maddela, MS in Agricultural Sciences with a concentration in Plant Sciences. His thesis research work focused on the role of mulches, planting time, and biological fungicide in managing southern blight in floral industrial hemp in Tennessee. The research recognizes that southern blight fungal pathogens thrive in hot moist conditions and black plastic preferred by growers in general to manage weeds in vegetables exacerbates the problem. Use of straw or hay mulch is hypothesized to mitigate the disease. His graduation, originally scheduled for December 2023, was extended to May 2024. Six undergraduate students interned under various mung bean and industrial hemp research projects. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?In collaboration with various other projects and faculty at TSU the BFRDP continued to promote activities tailored to the needs of the target audience. As detailed in the above project accomplishments, the program provided crucial support through workshops, training sessions, and hands-on demonstrations that equipped new and aspiring farmers with the skills and knowledge to establish and sustain their operations. Participants gained access to resources on sustainable practices, financial management, and market development, enabling them to make informed decisions and improve profitability. Special emphasis was placed on underserved groups, including socially disadvantaged and veteran farmers, ensuring equitable access to agricultural opportunities. Additionally, the program fostered networking and mentorship opportunities, connecting participants with experienced farmers and industry stakeholders. These benefits collectively empowered beginning farmers to navigate challenges, build resilience, and contribute to Tennessee's agricultural economy in meaningful ways. For example, PI Omondi taught a workshop on Cover-Crop Based Organic No-Till Strategies to 40 growers in West Tennessee under the USDA-AMS Technical Assistance, Training of Trainers and Outreach in Tennessee Transitional to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) on June 12-13, 2024. Participants also benefitted from additional courses by other faculty members including Organic Soil Management, Vegetable Gardening, Managing Nitrogen with Cover Crops in Organic Production Systems, High Tunnel Production, and Plant Health Care for Organic Pest Management. The collaborative TOPP project also conducted a one-day field day at TSU's certified organic farm for a demonstration on how to implement climate-smart agricultural practices for organic grain production. Attracting over 100 growers, the field day included demonstrations on cover crops, organic grain production and climate-smart agricultural practices. The new multi-million-dollar, multi-institutional USDA-NRCS Partnership for Climate-Smart Fiber Hemp project offers targeted benefits to beginning farmers and ranchers, particularly those affected by the economic challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and the collapse of the CBD hemp market. By shifting the focus to fiber hemp, the project provides a more stable and sustainable alternative to CBD production, helping farmers diversify their income streams and reduce market volatility risks. The program equips participants with climate-smart agricultural practices, such as regenerative farming and carbon sequestration, which not only improve long-term soil health but also align with emerging markets for environmentally friendly products. Additionally, the partnership offers education, technical assistance, and access to financial incentives, empowering farmers to transition to fiber hemp production with reduced initial risk. This initiative is especially impactful for socially disadvantaged farmers and those who experienced financial setbacks during the pandemic, providing them with the tools and resources needed to rebuild resilience and thrive in a changing agricultural landscape. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We will continue providing critical training in business management and entrepreneurship as well as small flock poultry-, small ruminants-, industrial hemp- and other relevant emerging commodity crop production to beginning farmers and ranchers from the historically underserved members of the community throughout the state of Tennessee, especially those adversely affected by COVID 19. These trainings were initially offered virtually but are currently being done in-person. Special attention will continue focusing on farmers and ranchers who lost their livelihoods through the collapse of the industrial hemp market that many growers in Tennessee ventured into. As mentioned above, the new USDA-NRCS Partnership for Climate-Smart Fiber Hemp project offers targeted benefits to beginning farmers and ranchers, particularly those affected by the economic challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and the collapse of the CBD hemp market. An average of 20 growers are expected to be recruited into the project every year for five years, for a total of 100 growers and at least 500 acres of fiber hemp put under production. A three-day hands-on hempcrete and other product production training is scheduled for June 2025. This is organized by TSU BFRDP project in partnership with Hemp Alliance of Tennessee, and Wonderful People Microfarm [(WPMF), a small-scale urban farm dedicated to teaching underrepresented and underserved BIPOC communities, youth, women, and other marginalized groups how to grow healthy and nutritious food using regenerative farming practices. In October 2023, WPMF was awarded a USDA-NRCS Equity in Conservation Fund to conduct community outreach and programming targeting these underserved groups, with a key deliverables to host a 3-day hempcrete workshop that will include: 1) Introduction to Hempcrete, 2) Hemp Cultivation and Harvesting, 3) Mixing Hempcrete, 4) Formwork and Application, 5) Finishing and Insulation, 6) Sustainability Benefits, and 7) Building Codes and Permits. Other product categories such as paper pulp production, bioplastics and other motor-vehicle parts production, in addition to the climate change mitigation potential of industrial hemp will also be covered during the training. The main facilitator of the workshop will be Cameron McIntosh, the founder of AmeriChanvre, a U.S.-based company specializing in the production of high-quality, sustainable hempcrete and hemp-based building materials for eco-friendly construction. Other speakers/facilitators will include TSU and University of Tennessee Scientists as well as product specialists from Hempitecture (a U.S. company based in Tennessee, also specializing in sustainable building materials made from hemp, such as hempcrete and insulation, designed to promote eco-friendly and energy-efficient construction) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory [(ORNL), a U.S. Department of Energy research facility in Tennessee, specializing in advanced science and technology development, including energy, materials, and national security innovations].
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Industrial Hemp as a New Commodity in Tennessee: Industrial hemp has emerged as a promising commodity in Tennessee, particularly under programs like TSU BFRDP project. As a versatile crop, hemp offers opportunities for fiber, grain, and CBD production, appealing to diverse markets and needs. For beginning farmers and ranchers in general, but especially historically underserved small and medium scale growers, the crop represents a pathway to financial stability and diversification, especially in rural areas where traditional agriculture faces challenges. The TSU has supported these efforts by providing education, resources, and technical assistance to growers navigating the complexities of hemp cultivation. Through workshops, research initiatives, and partnerships, the BFRDP aims to empower farmers with knowledge of sustainable practices and market potential, making hemp a viable addition to the state's agricultural economy. While industrial hemp has shown promise, it is not without challenges. Early outcomes include increased participation from small-scale and socially disadvantaged farmers, who see hemp as an entry point into profitable agriculture. However, growers have faced significant hurdles, including navigating strict regulatory frameworks, securing reliable markets, and managing production risks such as crop failure due to environmental conditions or THC content exceeding legal limits. Additionally, the volatile CBD market has led to oversupply and fluctuating prices, making it difficult for new farmers to achieve consistent profitability. Tennessee State University continues to address these challenges by fostering connections between farmers and industry stakeholders, advocating for policy improvements, and promoting hemp's long-term sustainability as a new agricultural commodity. One positive impact of these challenges is a growing focus on fiber (and grain) categories of hemp that have much fewer input requirements, equipment modifications, or processing requirements compared to floral hemp, while much more sustainable and environmentally friendly, especially in light of growing global negative impacts of climate change. It is against this backdrop that the Industrial Hemp Research Program at TSU received a $5 million USDA NRCS Partnership for Climate-Smart Fiber grant to conduct 5-year research aimed at expanding the production of industrial fiber hemp as a climate-smart commodity in Tennessee. Fiber hemp plays a critical role in climate change mitigation. As a fast-growing and carbon-sequestering crop, fiber hemp offers significant environmental benefits, including improved soil health, reduced erosion, and increased carbon storage. Its robust root system enhances soil structure, while its ability to absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide positions it as a natural ally in combating greenhouse gas emissions. By integrating hemp into crop rotations, the initiative seeks to reduce the environmental footprint of farming while creating economic opportunities for producers. This is a collaborative project bringing together TSU, Hemp Alliance of Tennessee, University of Tennessee, and Tennessee Department of Agriculture. An average of 20 growers are expected to be recruited every year for five years, for a total of 100 growers and at least 500 acres of fiber hemp put under production. Emerging Crop Production: Efforts by co-PI Dr. Prabodh Illukpitiya, and other Tennessee State University faculty started in 2021, continued in 2024 making significant strides in promoting emerging crops like mung beans through the BFRDP project. Activities included conducting research trials to assess the adaptability, yield potential, and market viability of mung beans under Tennessee's growing conditions. The team organized field demonstrations and workshops to educate beginning farmers on best practices for cultivating mung beans, including soil preparation, pest management, and harvesting techniques. They also collaborated with local and regional markets to create supply chain linkages, ensuring farmers had access to reliable buyers for their produce. Additionally, the program provided financial literacy training and enterprise budgeting tools, empowering farmers to make informed decisions about integrating mung beans into their crop rotations as a high-protein, nitrogen-fixing legume that enriches soil health while offering a profitable alternative to traditional crops. These efforts have strengthened the capacity of new and underserved farmers to adopt sustainable and economically viable cropping systems. Agribusiness Management: Funding from BFRDP leveraged additional funding from NIFA by co-PI Dr. Abdelaziz Lawani and the new Agribusiness Department to support beginning farmers and ranchers through the "Enhancing Opportunities for Land Access and Transfer for Tennessee's Young and Beginning Farmers" project. This initiative aims to provide research, outreach training, education, and technical assistance to Tennessee's beginning, young, small farmers, and ranchers. Through various activities such as surveys, workshops, and focus group meetings, the project seeks to understand and address the challenges faced by these groups in land access, ownership, and transfer. The project's comprehensive approach and targeted outreach efforts have been instrumental in enhancing knowledge, awareness, and skills among Tennessee's beginning farmers and ranchers, contributing to the overall goals of the Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Development Program. Small Farm Expo: The Small Farm Expo at Tennessee State University has significantly benefited the BFRDP by serving as a platform for education, networking, and resource sharing. Typically held annually, the event brings together agricultural experts, extension agents, policymakers, and farmers to address the challenges and opportunities in small-scale farming. For beginning farmers and ranchers, the expo offers hands-on demonstrations, workshops, and access to information about innovative farming practices, sustainable agriculture, and emerging commodities like industrial hemp. The expo also facilitates connections with USDA representatives and other agricultural organizations, providing attendees with essential resources, such as financial assistance programs, technical support, and market opportunities. By showcasing success stories and proven strategies, the event inspires new farmers to adopt effective practices while offering tailored guidance to help them navigate the complexities of modern agriculture. Through this collaborative and practical approach, the Small Farm Expo has become a cornerstone in supporting the growth and resilience of beginning farmers and ranchers in Tennessee.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Olawuni, M., Omondi, E., Maddela, S. S., & Mmbaga, M. (2024) Management of Southern Blight in Floral Hemp and Tomato By Biological and Cultural Application [Abstract]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
Progress 09/01/22 to 08/31/23
Outputs Target Audience:The target audience includes new farmers, ranchers, and returning veterans interested in becoming agricultural entrepreneurs. Specifically, the audience includes farmers who have operated a farm or ranch for less than 10 years, are new to agriculture, new hemp producers, and those wishing to transition into agriculture from other sectors. This project also benefitted extension agents and specialists interacting with the primary target audience. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Opportunities for training and professional development that this project provided, as described in more details under the various objectives above, included the following: Webinars: The COVID 19 pandemic that forced people to shelter in place created an opportunity for developing and popularizing virtual distant learning strategies such as webinars and conferences conducted via platforms cush as ZOOM and Teams. This project conducted 23 weekly virtual webinars on Best Management Practices for Successful Establishment of hemp, cover crops and reduced tillage management strategies, and Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship between September 2021 and March 2022 with 132 participants registering for the webinars. Even after the pandemic, these learning and interacting strategies are still very useful in reaching out to target communities that would otherwise be inconvenienced by travelling long distances and incurring substantial expenses to participate in in-person trainings. For example, a new program on poultry keeping and small ruminant livestock was launched virtually on December 9, 2022, with subsequent trainings conducted in person. In-person Training: Workshops, field days, and other in-person interactions are still considered the best means of training as they provide opportunities for hands-on practical activities that are far more adaptive. To that end, several in-person workshops and field days were conducted during the period under review (described in more detail in the subsquent section): Two in-person field workshops on best management crop production practices in west TN under the TSU Outreach Program and New Farmer Academy on May 12 and June 23, 2022, respectively. The 19th annual one-day Small Farm Expo Event conducted at the TSU Nashville Research Farm on September 7, 2023, with over 300 attendees - the second in-person EXPO in four years following recession of the COVID 19 pandemic. Launching of a new training program in agribusiness management and entrepreneurship for beginning farmers and ranchers, organized as a Bootcamp. Two trainings were conducted on November 15, 2022 and February 2023 with a total of 50 registrants. One in-person workshop on small flock and heritage poultry production was undertaken at TSU on August 26, 2023 A hands-on, in-person Small ruminant livestock production carried out on September 23, 2023. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Objective 2 and 4: Agribusiness Management The project launched a new training program in agribusiness management and entrepreneurship for beginning farmers and ranchers. The training was organized as a Bootcamp and open to this project's target groups. The training covered topics including Agricultural Accounting; Farm Planning; Managing Risk, Uncertainty and Land; Taxes, Capital, and Credit; Budgeting; Income Statement; Balance Sheet; Cash Flow and Business Plan. Fifty (50) growers registered for the Bootcamp and the first introductory in-person training carried out on November 15, 2022, at TSU. A subsequent workshop was carried out in February 2023. These workshops are led and facilitated by Dr. Abdelaziz Lawani, a new faculty at TSU with expertise in Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship and a co-PI on this project. Each training workshop offers a day-long experience with several invited experts facilitating different aspects of the broader topic. Additional boot camps are planned for 2024. Farmer Workshops The Project Director, Dr. Omondi, and PhD Student Anand Kumar made presentations to two in-person field workshops in Western Tennessee under the TSU Outreach Program and New Farmer Academy for farmers, ranchers and returning veterans, on May 12 and June 23, 2022, respectively. Both workshops covered the basic agronomic management practices for industrial hemp production. Other topics presented during the workshops by other multidisciplinary experts included small fruit tree production, tomato and pepper production, organic agriculture, poultry production, goat and cow management, risk management and business planning, and integrated pest management. A total of 50 growers participated in the two workshops. Poultry Keeping and Small Ruminant Production A new program on poultry keeping and small ruminant livestock was also launched by the project. Training incorporated a hybrid system including virtual and in-person workshops. The training was launched virtually on December 9, 2022 attracting over 300 registrants. Subsequently one in-person workshop on small flock and heritage poultry production was undertaken at TSU on August 26, 2023, and facilitated by Cynthia Capers, an experienced poultry grower, the owner of Heniscity Farm and Senior Personnel on this project. A hands-on, in-person Small ruminant livestock production led and facilitated by Dr. Richard Browning, Professor and Research Animal Scientist was also carried out on September 23, 2023. Fifty participants from all over the state registered for each of those workshops. Small Farm Expo The 19th annual one-day Small Farm Expo Event was conducted at the TSU Nashville Agricultural Research and Education Center (AREC) on September 7, 2023. The EXPO attracted more than 300 participants. This was the second in-person EXPO in four years following recession of the COVID 19 pandemic. EXPO events in 2020 and 2021 were held virtually. Featuring several universities, Federal and State agencies, and small farm grants programs, this year's research plots tours were similar to the 2022 tours and included Industrial Hemp Research and Demonstration by Dr. Emmanuel Omondi, Flowering Plants for Insect Pest Management by Dr. Kaushalya Amarasekare, New Grain Legume and Pseudocereal Crops for Tennessee by Dr. Matthew Blair, Humic Acid for Organic Pepper Production by Dr. Dilip Nandwani, International, Alternative and Niche Fruits and Vegetable Research by Dr. Arvazena Clardy, Container Production of Food Crops for Urban/Peri-urban Residents by Dr. Dharma Pitchay, Beginning Backyard Poultry and Basics to Nutrition, and Disease and Biosecurity by Dr. Pramir Maharjan. Non-traditional Livestock Production; Meat Goats and Small-scale Cattle by Dr. Richard Browning was not available this year because of storm damage to their facilities. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?1. Provide additional training in agribusiness management and entrepreneurship for beginning farmers and ranchers. Future trainings will be decentralized to counties in middle, eastern, and/or western Tennessee. 2. Conduct additional hands-on, in-person training on small flock and heritage poultry production. The next training is scheduled to be conducted as an on-farm field day in Cynthia Capers' Heniscity Farm located in Old Charlotte Pike, Pegram. 3. Recruit at least 20 growers to participate in the new Partnership for Climate Smart Fiber Hemp project where together, they are expected to grow a total of 100 acres of fiber hemp per year, for a total of five years. Raw materials arising from the hemp produce will be provided to identified industry partners (including several motor-vehicle manufacturers, paper/pulp industry, building and construction, textiles, and more) for them to conduct industrial and marketing research in an effort to establish supply chain relationships with Tennessee historically underserved producers for their future raw material needs. 4. Women in agriculture program, an initiative by TSU to support women and enhance participation, is being extended to more than 20 counties with extension offices. Project team members will participate in their 2022 Women in AG-Human Science Conference scheduled for Nov 3rd and 4th 2022 at TSU. 5. Extensive and intensive outreach to various producer and commodity groups, especially those adversely affected by the COVID 19 pandemic and the slump in CBD hemp market are planned for the end of 2023 and beginning of 2024. The objective of this outreach is to determine specific producer/grower needs and prescribe intervention strategies. This outreach is informed by the recognition that a significant proportion of historically underserved Tennessee growers abandoned their farms to seek other means of livelihoods in urban settings. The goal of this outreach project is to encourage as many of them as possible to either return to their farms or put them to some profitable use.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Objective 1: Industrial Hemp as a New Commodity in Tennessee The 2014 Agricultural Act and the 2018 Farm Bill provided unique opportunities for growers in TN to benefit from industrial hemp as an emerging crop with multiple benefits. Industrial hemp, strains of Cannabis Sativa L. containing less than 0.3% total tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a "new" crop for the U.S. after many years of Federal legislation outlawing it. The greatest initial interest was in the floral hemp cultivars for CBD production widely expected to be a very lucrative commodity with profits estimated between $15,000 and up to $75,000 per acre. This resulted in excessive unplanned speculative production leading to over production and a slump in the barely developed limited market. The majority of growers suffered horrendous losses, with many reported cases of ruined businesses and bankruptcies. Compliance with federal regulations was also a major challenge with the new requirement of 0.3% total THC, which includes both Delta-9 THC and all its precursors making it a lot more difficult to comply with as the concentration of the total amount of compounds that count towards total THC drastically increased. The above challenges resulted in a drastic reduction of interest in growing industrial hemp, leading to significant reduction in acreage under hemp from about 15,722 acres licensed for hemp cultivation in 2020 down to less than 500 acres currently under outdoor hemp production in Tennessee. One positive impact of these problems is a growing focus on other categories of industrial hemp such as fiber and grain that have much fewer input requirements, equipment modifications, or processing requirements compared to floral hemp, while much more sustainable and environmentally friendly, especially in light of growing global negative impacts of climate change. Because of its rapid growth rate (4-5 months crop cycle) and ability to capture 2-3 times the carbon dioxide per acre per year compared to a forest (Tripathi and Kumar, 2022), coupled with an estimated 25,000 different applications, hemp presents an excellent opportunity for sustainable agriculture and climate change mitigation (Pervaiz and Sain, 2003; Tripathi and Kumar, 2022). It is against this backdrop that the Industrial Hemp Research Program at TSU received a $5 million USDA NRCS Partnership for Climate-Smart Fiber grant to conduct a 5-year research aimed at expanding the production of industrial fiber hemp as a climate-smart commodity, evaluating its greenhouse gas benefits (GHG), and promoting the value of market development to a cross-section of production agriculture, including small, medium, and/or historically underserved producers across the state of Tennessee. This is a collaborative project bringing together TSU, Hemp Alliance of Tennessee, University of Tennessee, and Tennessee Department of Agriculture. Fiber hemp as climate smart commodity has a great potential to provide an alternative to traditional commodities such as corn, cotton, soybean, and wheat while providing soil improvements as a rotational/cover crop. Hemp is also beneficial to polluted soils as it is known to pull toxins and heavy metals out of the soil. The overall goal of this project is therefore to create opportunities for underserved Tennessee growers to grow industrial hemp targeting the automobile and other commercial industries such as paper/pulp, textile, bioplastics, and construction, while monitoring and quantifying its environmental, soil health and climatic impacts compared to current popular commodities. This new project, leveraged from the BFRDP, formerly became operational on September 14, 2023. Emerging Crop Production In keeping with the first objective of this project to explore alternative and/or emerging crop production enterprises for beginning farmers, several common mungbean varieties were evaluated for adaptation, agronomic, and physiological traits desirable for production as food crop in Tennessee. These included on-station field experiments at the TSU Nashville Research Farm, as well as two farm trials in Franklin and Shelby County for direct demonstration and introduction to farmers; both conducted during the 2021, 2022, and 2023 summer growing periods. Data collected from the on-station trials and on-farm demonstration trials were used to perform cost analysis and prepare enterprise budgets to provide economic information needed for decision making for farmers. A Monte Carlo simulation model was conducted in order to obtain a better understanding of the profitability of this emerging leguminous grain suited to the southeastern climates, and generate a range of possible costs, prices, yields and the net returns. Led by co-PI Prabodh Illukpitiya, these trials and demonstrations are expected to be expanded to more farmers in 2024. The mung bean project also collaborated with an industry to explore the potential of this emerging and nutritious legume for sprout production and promotion. These efforts increased the visibility of this commodity among growers, both in terms of its promising potential as a food crop but also as an excellent cover crop.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Maddela, S. Sai and E.C. Omondi. 2023. Potential Role of Mulches and Planting Time in Managing Southern Blight and Enhancing Cannabinoid Production in Floral Hemp in Tennessee. Cannabis research Conference, Denver, CO August 3-5, 2023.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Kumar, A. and E.C. Omondi. Effect of mulches and harvest timing on floral hemp production in TN. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Oct 29 - Nov 2, St. Louis, MO.
Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/22
Outputs Target Audience:The target audience includes new farmers, ranchers, and returning veterans interested in becoming agricultural entrepreneurs. Specifically, the audience includes farmers who have operated a farm or ranch for less than 10 years, are new to agriculture, new hemp producers, and those wishing to transition into agriculture from other sectors. This project will also benefit extension agents and specialists interacting with the primary target audience. Changes/Problems:As mentioned in the last report, the greatest challenge to the project was the retirement of the project director, Dr. Fitzroy Bullock, and one other co-project director, Dr. Ruthie Reynolds. The process of retooling the project management and reassigning it a new project director under the pandemic situation took a protracted period of time and was only concluded in May 2021. Consequently, most of the proposed first year project activities were delayed. Dr. Emmanuel Omondi took over from Dr. Bullock as Project Director in May 2021. Dr. Abdelaziz Lawani replaced Dr. Reynolds as co-PI in charge of Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship in June 2022. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? As described above, the 23 weekly virtual webinars on hemp production, cover crops and and Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship conducted between September 2021 and March 2022 with 132 participants was an excellent training and profession development opportunity for beginning farmers, ranchers and veterans drawn from underserved members of the society. The project is launching a new training program in agribusiness management and entrepreneurship for beginning farmers and ranchers, organized as a Bootcamp and open to limited resources and socially disadvantaged beginning farmers and ranchers, military veterans and new and existing farmers that want to start an alternative crop or agribusiness. This training is being offered in consultation and collaboration with Farmer Veteran Coalitions and Small Business Development Center (SBDC) to jointly develop plans for accounting and financial skills training with mentoring and essential monetary support to sustain small businesses in order to enhance entrepreneurship skills among the beginning farmers and ranchers, veterans and other disadvantages communities. A new program on poultry keeping and small ruminant livestock is also being launched by the project, also being launched by the project, featuring among other facilitators, Cynthia Capers, an experienced poultry grower, the owner of Heniscity Farm, who is also a beginning farmer herself, is yet another excellent training opportunity for underserved members of the society initiated by this project. The research and demonstration fields established in 2021 were expanded in 2022 to include the following: Two growing areas at the TSU Research and Extension Center farm in Nashville (assessing the effect of plastic mulch cover on weed management, cannabinoid profile, THC compliance, and disease prevalent in floral hemp varieties, with a special focus on southern blight fungal disease of hemp prevalent in southeastern climates and that affects over 600 other crop species). Three growing areas at the TSU Research and Extension Center farm in Cheatham County near Ashland city assessing seed, fiber, and dual-purpose hemp varieties in terms of fertility requirements, timing of planting, and inclusion in traditional Tennessee crop rotations that include corn, soybeans, and small grains. This study is important in providing Tennessee growers with options given their unfortunate experience with CBD hemp in 2019 - 2020 as discussed above. These two research sites will be the main demonstration sites for training small farmers and ranchers interested in engagement in or continuing hemp enterprise. The indoor research and demonstration facility established in 2021 in one of the business rooms of a veteran farmer in Dickson County Tennessee will provide beginning farmers, ranchers and veterans from the underserved members of the society with hands on experience of modifying their available indoor spaces to successful grow floral hemp. These indoor operations will also serve as sites for field days in 2023 and beyond. Two cooperator growers with greenhouse operations identified in 2021 continued to collaborate with TSU project personnel in various research, training, and demonstration activities - mainly in industrial hemp production. One of the growers, Mr. Seth Fuller, co-owner of EverVeg LLC greenhouse operation is mentoring two undergraduate and three graduate TSU students interested in growing industrial hemp as a business. As mentioned above, the project plans to initiate monthly workshops for the farmers who rely on local farmers market to sell their produce. Workshops planned for will provide online marketing skills, advertisement techniques, and cashless transactions. This training will be useful to farmers were severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic as most of these market outlets were shut down. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The TSU extension team, County extension offices, and other stakeholders continued to work simultaneously to mitigate critical COVID-19 crisis for holistic support system for small and beginning farmers. Monthly tours to farms and greenhouse operations by project personnel to identify growers and stakeholders for this project continued, and as mentioned above, 23 virtual webinars with multidisciplinary facilitators were conducted as the primary means of disseminating research results to communities of interest during the raging pandemic. At least 132 growers were trained directly by this project. An in-person Tennessee Small Farm Expo was also conducted by Tennessee State University to inform growers about the many training opportunities available within our campus. Impact More than 2,000 stakeholder contacts (growers, extension educators, business owners, processors, students, and other concerns) were made directly by various educational and outreach activities by collaborative efforts of TSU and the University of Tennessee. Education and outreach by the Hemp Program from the two institutions is expected to have a great and positive impact in the 2022 growing season. For example, the 132 participants registered for the weekly webinars represents about 34% of hemp license owners in the state (total of 384 in 2021). This implies that at least 34% of hemp enterprises in 2022 will improve their operations based on skills obtained from these courses. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?1. The project will launch a new training program in agribusiness management and entrepreneurship for beginning farmers and ranchers. The training will be organized as a Bootcamp and will be open to limited resources and socially disadvantaged beginning farmers and ranchers, military veterans and new and existing farmers that want to start an alternative crop or agribusiness. The training is expected to cover the following topics: Agricultural Accounting; Farm Planning; Managing Risk, Uncertainty and Land; Taxes, Capital, and Credit; Budgeting; Income Statement; Balance Sheet; Cash Flow and Business Plan. Fifty (50) growers have already registered for the Bootcamp and the first introductory in-person training is scheduled for November 15, 2022, at TSU. These workshops will be led and facilitated by Dr. Abdelaziz Lawani, a new faculty at TSU with expertise in Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship and a co-PI on this project. Each training workshops will be day-long offered once every month for three months. 2. A new program on poultry keeping and small ruminant livestock is also being launched by the project. Training will incorporate a hybrid system including virtual and in-person workshops. A details poultry and small ruminant curriculum has been developed and is currently being reviewed. The training will be launched virtually on December 9, 2022. Poultry production will be led and facilitated by Cynthia Capers, an experienced poultry grower, the owner of Heniscity Farm and Senior Personnel on this project. Poultry training will be co-facilitated by Dr. Pramir Maharjan, Assistant Professor and Extension Poultry Specialist. Small ruminant livestock production will be led and facilitated by Dr. Richard Browning, Professor and Research Animal Scientist. 3. Evaluation of selected mung bean varieties for adaptation and agronomic traits desirable for production as food crop in Tennessee, as well as economic analysis of mungbean production will continue up to the end of 2022. A questionnaire has also been developed to conduct producer and consumer surveys to assess the knowledge gap about the crop among small and medium-sized farmers in Tennessee. 4. Women in agriculture program, an initiative by TSU to support women and enhance participation, is being extended to more than 20 counties with extension offices. Project team members will participate in their 2022 Women in AG-Human Science Conference scheduled for Nov 3rd and 4th 2022 at TSU. 5. Plans have been put in place to initiate monthly workshops for the farmers who rely on local farmers market to sell their produce. These farmers were severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic as most of these market outlets were shut down resulting in many cases to sale loses at best and complete loss of marketing platform at worst. Workshops planned for will provide online marketing skills, advertisement techniques, and cashless transactions.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Objective 1: Indoor Hemp Production As mentioned elsewhere in this report, this project is designed to benefit small, medium, and historically underserved farmers in Tennessee, including industrial hemp growers adversely affected by the changing regulations governing hemp production and severe marketing and supply chain challenges experienced with resurgence of the crop, in addition to serious agronomic challenges affecting outdoor production. These challenges led to an estimated 30-40% of cultivated hemp crops failing to be harvested due to non-compliance with the prevailing regulations, and more than 50% of the harvest failing to be marketed due to a glut in the prevailing market infrastructure resulting in severe financial losses to growers in general, and small and medium sized farmers in particular. For these reasons, majority of floral hemp growers in Tennessee are avoiding outdoor hemp production and resorting instead to small scale indoor operations, mostly involving modifications to living rooms and other living spaces in the households rather than the more expensive greenhouses. In recognition of this emerging industry, an indoor research and demonstration facility was established in one of the business rooms of a veteran farmer in Dickson County Tennessee. The room measuring about 300 square feet was modified to include artificial high-density lighting and controlled temperature and humidity settings similar to what would normally be expected in a greenhouse. Two varieties of floral hemp were grown in 3-gallon pots and evaluated for different organic nutrient sources including compost, bokashi (anaerobically produced compost), purple non-sulfur bacteria, and native soil as control - and their effects on cannabinoid production and THC compliance. Data from the research and demonstration are being analyzed and will inform additional research and demonstration indoor operations in 2023 to provide growers with hands on experience of modifying their available indoor spaces to successful grow floral hemp. These indoor operations will also serve as sites for field days in 2023 and beyond. Emerging Crop Production In keeping with the first objective of this project to explore alternative and/or emerging crop production enterprises for beginning farmers, several common mungbean varieties were evaluated for adaptation, agronomic, and physiological traits desirable for production as food crop in Tennessee. These included on-station field experiments at the TSU Nashville Agricultural Research and Extension Center Farm, as well as two farm trials in Franklin County and Shelby County for direct demonstration and introduction to farmers; both conducted during the 2021 summer growing period. Data collected from the on-station trials and on-farm demonstration trials were used to perform cost analysis and prepare enterprise budgets to provide economic information needed for decision making for farmers. A Monte Carlo simulation model was conducted in order to obtain a better understanding of the profitability of this emerging leguminous grain suited to the southeastern climates, and generate a range of possible costs, prices, yields and the net returns. Led by co-PI Prabodh Illukpitiya, these trials and demonstrations are expected to be expanded to more farmers in 2023. Objective 2 and 4: Industrial Hemp, Small Business Management, and Entrepreneurship Training Widely reported losses by hemp growers in the 2019-2021 season informed extensive review of training curricula for planned workshops, seminars, webinars, field days and other educational activities to specifically address the identified and emerging challenges. A total of 23 weekly virtual webinars on Best Management Practices for Successful Establishment of mostly CBD Hemp, cover crops and reduced tillage management strategies, and Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship were conducted between September 2021 and March 2022 with 132 participants registering for the webinars. These webinars, lasting 2 hours every week, covered a wide range of important topics, including changing hemp regulations and their impacts on grower decisions, basics of transplanting cell sizes, fertility, overall care of seedlings and techniques of transplanting, cover crops and organic no-till strategies, irrigation management, nutrient management and fertility needs, weed management in CBD hemp given that herbicide options are not available for hemp and most processors or retail consumers do not want them used in hemp produce, pest and disease management, small business startups, business management and entrepreneurship, and many more. All 23 webinars were recorded, saved in a drop box, and URL links sent to all participants for their ease of reference as they embark on hemp growing and/or enterprises in subsequent growing seasons. Farmer Workshops The Project Director, Dr. Omondi, and PhD Student Anand Kumar made presentations to two in-person field workshops in Western Tennessee under the TSU Outreach Program and New Farmer Academy for farmers, ranchers and returning veterans, on May 12 and June 23, 2022, respectively. Both workshops covered the basic agronomic management practices for industrial hemp production. Other topics presented during the workshops by other multidisciplinary experts included small fruit tree production, tomato and pepper production, organic agriculture, poultry production, goat and cow management, risk management and business planning, and integrated pest management. A total of 50 growers participated in the two workshops. Small Farm Expo The 18th annual one-day Small Farm Expo Event was conducted at the TSU Nashville Agricultural Research and Education Center (AREC) on September 8, 2022. The EXPO attracted more than 300 participants. This was the first in person EXPO in three years following recession of the COVID 19 pandemic. Previous EXPO events in 2020 and 2021 were held virtually. Featuring several universities, Federal and State agencies, and small farm grants programs, this year's research plots tours included Industrial Hemp Research and Demonstration by Dr. Emmanuel Omondi, Flowering Plants for Insect Pest Management by Dr. Kaushalya Amarasekare, New Grain Legume and Pseudocereal Crops for Tennessee by Dr. Matthew Blair, Humic Acid for Organic Pepper Production by Dr. Dilip Nandwani, International, Alternative and Niche Fruits and Vegetable Research by Dr. Arvazena Clardy, Container Production of Food Crops for Urban/Peri-urban Residents by Dr. Dharma Pitchay, Beginning Backyard Poultry and Basics to Nutrition, Disease and Biosecurity by Dr. Pramir Maharjan and Non-traditional Livestock Production; Meat Goats and Small-scale Cattle by Dr. Richard Browning Objective 3: Education in crop certification: Participants for the Industrial Hemp, Small Business Management, and Entrepreneurship Training webinars described under Objective 1 above running between September 2021 and March 2022 received TSU completion certificates at the end of the weekly six months training. As mentioned above, this training included agronomy, biology, diseases and pests, harvesting, processing, uses, and hemp licensing and regulations. Training duration was for two hours a day, four days per month for a total of six months on various agricultural risk management issues, selection of hemp cultivars, market potential, and environmental impact of the cultivation of hemp and business management and entrepreneurship. Facilitators for the training included TSU and the University of Tennessee (Knoxville) scientists and extension agents, highly experienced and successful hemp and cover crop growers, the Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA), Tennessee Hemp Industries Association (TNHIA) and other local business firms. As mentioned above, 132 participants registered for the webinars.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Anand Kumar (TSU), Emmanuel Omondi (TSU), Fatemeh Etemadi (Rodale Institute), and Tara Valentine (University of Kentucky). Evaluating organic nutrient management practices to improve hemp CBD yield and quality under mulches and row spacing treatment. Association of 1890 Research Directors Symposium, Atlanta Marriott Marquis Atlanta, GA April 2 5, 2022
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Nicholas Davies and Emmanuel Omondi. Impact of bokashi, purple non-sulfur bacteria, and compost on clonally propagated Cannabis sativa. The 44th Annual Tennessee State University-wide Research Symposium to be held March 28 April 1, 2022.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Baron Hill, Tom Byl, Emmanuel Omondi, and DeEtra Young. The effect of sulfide-rich water on hemp seedling growth. Tennessee Academy of Science, Tennessee Tech University, November 6, 2021.
Progress 09/01/20 to 08/31/21
Outputs Target Audience:The COVID 19 pandemic and changes in senior management staff of this project kept the project in its infancy during the current reporting period. However, as mentioned above, the new Project Director spoke at two virtual workshops for growers in Central and Western Tennessee under the Tennessee New Farmer Academy also designed for new farmers, ranchers and returning veterans interested in becoming agricultural entrepreneurs. A total of 150 participants were taught during the three workshops and included growers who are new to agriculture and those who wish to transition into agriculture from other vocations. This project continues to identify and recruit for training similar target audience that still includes military veterans, beginning farmers/ranchers and socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers with limited resources. Specifically, the audience includes farmers who have operated a farm or ranch for less than 10 years, are new to agriculture, new hemp producers, and those wishing to transition into agriculture from other sectors. Changes/Problems:The greatest challenge to the project was the unexpected retirement of the project director and one other co-project director, Dr. Ruthie Reynolds. The process of retooling the project management and reassigning it a new project director under the pandemic situation took a protracted period of time and was only concluded in May 2021. Consequently, most of the proposed first year project activities have been delayed. A new project director, Dr. Emmanuel Omondi, was appointed in May 2021 to replace the outgoing project director, Dr. Fitzroy Bullock, who retired from TSU service. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Two demonstration fields have been established at the TSU Research and Extension Center farms in Nashville and Cheatham County near Ashland city: The project in Nashville is demonstrating the effect of plastic mulch cover on weed management, cannabinoid profile, THC compliance, and disease prevalent in five CBD hemp varieties. On-farm greenhouse demonstrations with two cooperator growers have also been initiated to compare the effects of controlled environment and field conditions (biotic and abiotic stresses) on hemp productivity and THC compliance. The project in Cheatham county is demonstrating the fertility requirements, timing of planting, and inclusion in traditional Tennessee crop rotations (that include tobacco, cotton, corn, soybeans, and small grains) of seed, fiber, and dual-purpose hemp varieties. This demonstration is important in providing Tennessee growers with potential alternative options given their unfortunate experience with CBD hemp in 2019 and 2020 as discussed above. These two sites will be the main demonstration sites for training small farmers and ranchers interested in engagement in or continuing hemp enterprise. A virtual farm tour was organized for hemp growers on September 2, 2021 during this year's TSU Virtual Small Farm EXPO. 2. Five cooperator farms have also been identified in consultation with collaborating organizations to provide on-farm field demonstration sites for training. Organic farming and sustainable agriculture techniques are expected to be the core essence of this project. Input supplies and small infrastructure for the small and socially-disadvantaged farmers will be assessed, and assistance provided as needed depending on need and availability. 3. Contact has been established with Farmer Veteran Coalitions and Small Business Development Center (SBDC) to jointly develop plans for accounting and financial skills training with mentoring and essential monetary support to sustain small businesses in order to enhance entrepreneurship skills among the beginning farmers and ranchers, veterans and other disadvantages communities. 4. Plans have been put in place to initiate monthly workshops for the farmers who rely on local farmers market to sell their produce. These farmers were severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic as most of these market outlets were shut down resulting in debilitating losses. Workshops planned for will provide online marketing skills, advertisement techniques, and cashless transactions. 5. As mentioned above, disruptions caused by COVID-19 and significant changes to senior program personnel resulted in significant delay in implementation of several pre-proposed outreach programs. However, bi-monthly tours to farms and greenhouse operations to identify growers and stakeholders for this project have been initiated. Initial visits have focused on industrial hemp enterprises, but this is expected to expand to other traditional crops and small livestock farms. 6. Nineteen (19) weekly (one hour per week) webinars have been initiated for extension agents, growers and other stakeholders that will cover all the stages of growing hemp including recent regulations, what to know before jumping in, identifying the right varieties, transplanting and management of the crop. 7. The four months-long certification training curriculum developed on industrial hemp and organic farming program to train participants interested in becoming successful hemp farmers and agricultural entrepreneurs is expected to be initially completely online with small groups of farm tours observing strict CDC COVID-19 protocols. Fifty (50) participants are expected to be trained in the second year and the number increased in subsequent year(s) based on evaluation of the feedback from participants. 8. Women in agriculture program, an initiative by TSU to support women and enhance participation, is being extended to more than 20 counties with extension offices. The project team also identified Appalachian Resources Conservation and Development Council for greater cooperation and dissemination of scientific skills and training for women in agriculture. Appalachian RCD Council is working in the remotest part of TN and it is led by a highly devoted woman. It will provide an impetus to this project. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Although little has been accomplished with regard to dissemination of resultsdue to the slow start of the project, fact sheets and templates were uploaded on electronic media channels including state and federal regulations and guidelines to help growers avoid compliance failures. The TSU extension team, County extension offices, and other stakeholders are working simultaneously to mitigate critical COVID-19 crisis for holistic support system for small and beginning farmers. Bi-monthly tours to farms and greenhouse operations by project personnel to identify growers and stakeholders for this project included PowerPoint presentations of preliminary results in the industrial hemp space. Two large greenhouse operations and one farm were visited in May 2021 to discuss these results and strategize on collaboration on this project. Under the CDC guideline project team made a series of video interviews of successful farmers, business operation, and innovative farm practices. These 5 minutes short videos have been uploaded on the YouTube channel titled "Tennessee Small Farm Expo". The effort has been made to compile the innovative strategies adopted by farmers and businesses during the pandemic year for survival. The clips highlight how they have changed their farming and marketing strategies to alleviate the losses. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?1. USDA NIFA showed an exemplary commitment to quickly recognize the plight of small and beginning farmers exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The supplemental grant of $149,060 COVID-19 relief funding gratefully received by the project will facilitate completion of a needs assessment survey to identify vulnerable members of the community and specific challenges to be addressed by this project and increase the number of primary audiences to receive the input support to diversify and sustain their farms. Most of those are Veterans and woman led farms. 2. Other project objectives; including training growers on online expansion of small business, recalibration of farmers' markets training to provide growers with skills and resources to expand their consumer base, field demonstration and training on diversified enterprises as described in our objectives, training in entrepreneurship development, business planning, and financial management, identification and involvement of experienced mentors to facilitate and expedite addressing of specific participants identified needs, and extension outreach throughout the state will all be undertaken in earnest in the next reporting period.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
This project was designed before COVID-19 struck. The problem statements, dissemination strategies and outreach approaches were conceived without any awareness of the pandemic and its devastating impacts. The pandemic also disrupted deliverance and logistical arrangements, requiring that most meetings adopt virtual or hybrid means of interaction, thereby significantly slowing down the initiation of the project. A new project director was reassigned to the project after retirement of the previous project director. However, the process of this reassignment took a long time concluding in May 2021, and resulting in delay of most of the proposed first year project activities. In spite of these problems, however, the project team adapted to the challenges and improvised the delivery and communication strategies. Pre-identified not-for-profit organizations, state offices along with counties extension offices were kept in close loop for greater cooperation and coordination of effort. A needs assessment survey of 95 extension agents in Tennessee was undertaken in October 2020 to determine potential extension agent interest in getting involved in the BFRDP project in general and industrial hemp production in particular, considering that industrial hemp has been identified as a key training subject for this project. The survey established that only 21% of the growers they serve are currently interested in growing seed or fiber hemp varieties with the majority (77%) interested in growing CBD hemp, attributed to the lure of huge financial profits hitherto associated with CBD hemp.Results from the survey and widely reported losses by hemp growers in the 2019-2020 season informed extensive review of training curricula for planned workshops, seminars, webinars, field days and other educational activities to specifically addressthe identified and emerging challenges. Reported losses to be addressed included an estimated 30-40% of cultivated hemp failing to be harvested and/or marketed due to non-compliance with delta 9 THC compliance, contract-defaulting by processors, and a glut in the market. Specific accomplishments during the period under review, thus, include the following: 1. The new project director, Dr. Omondi, an agronomist with a wide experience in conservation agriculture, cropping systems research, weed science and sustainable agriculture,brings this vast experience to apply to agronomic projects designed to equip beginning farmers, ranchers, veterans and other disadvantaged communities with skills to improve their agricultural enterprises. 2.Presentations on best agronomic management practices for industrial hemp production were made to three virtual workshops for growers in Central, Western, and Eastern Tennessee under the Tennessee New Farmer Academy.Direct facilitation of Eastern Tennessee workshop was not possible due to scheduling challenges, but virtual training materials were provided to the workshop. The Central TN workshop was held on May 17th and was completely virtual. The other two workshops adopted a hybrid deliverance with the Eastern TN workshop held on June 24 and 25 in Scott County, Huntsville TN and the Western workshop help in a farmer's field in Memphis TN on July 22. Target audience for the New Farmer Academy also include those who are new to agriculture, and those who wish to transition into agriculture from other fields such as military service.Each workshop included 50 participants for a total of 150 growers trained. 3. The project gratefully received a supplemental grant of $149,060 COVID-19 relief funding to support project activities focused on alleviating challenges faced by beginning farmers and ranchers severely impacted by the pandemic. A second needs assessment survey is underway to identify vulnerable members of the community and specific challenges to be addressed by this project. 4. Fifteen (15) small farms have been identified with the help of County extension offices and stakeholders based on previously mentioned objectives in addition with COVID-19 mitigating strategies. These farms will receive essential input supplies and our team will analyze the cost-benefits and financial model for crop diversification and adaptation of innovative practices and technologies for sustainability and profitability. 5. More than five enterprises with business concerns on industrial hemp research and development have been collaborating with our team to share their experiences and skills. They have also provided our team with different cultivars of industrial hemp seed for demonstration purposes. These relationships will be sustained in the next reporting period and are also expected to benefit the proposed target group of growers directly. Small farmers consistently struggle to choose suitable genetics for their interests as there are no registered cultivars of hemp available for them to choose from. This makes these relationships and partnerships with business concerns willing and ready to work with us in testing their genetics before supplying them to growers extremely vital.