Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2020
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2023
Grant Year
Program Code
[8.12]- Small and Mid-Size Farms
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Small to mid-sized farms are in dire need of innovative yet affordable agriculture tools that maximize profitability potential of their businesses. The CWDT hydroponic system will increase leafy green, herb, and strawberryproduction capacity through the utilization of the dead-space alongsidewalls and connection bays in greenhouses ofexisting horizontal NFT hydroponic system users. Unlike other systems offered today, the CWDT is innovative in its ability to integrate with established systems as a companion product. In addition to adding value to existing hydroponic operations, the CWDT will be a best in class option compared to existing hydroponic tower systems available today. The system is nimble, lightweight, and has minimal components, making it easy to use, clean, and store. Though it was developed for hydroponic farmers, anyone with limited space yet a desire to grow fresh produce can benefit from the CWDT. The goal of the SBIR project was to research and analyze how a hydroponic tower could be simplified to meet market demands and lower production costs. The CWDT will be a catalyst for scientists looking into the capabilities of hydroponic technologies working together as companion products verses competative. This not only benefits farmers, but anyone looking to use hydroponic systems to maximize a food producing space.GSS Group will approach Phase II objectives with experienced product development specialists and hydroponic farmers. These participants are an essential component to the project. Product development professionals will help to identify critical control points of the hydroponic system design before major investments are made to manufacture the parts. Farmers will provide essential feedback on how the system integrates, effects, and/or adds value to thier existing operation. As a result, the CWDT hydroponic system should be affordable to any middle-class citizen, simple to use, and produce high quality produce.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Knowledge Area
205 - Plant Management Systems;

Subject Of Investigation
1430 - Greens and leafy vegetables;

Field Of Science
3100 - Management;
Goals / Objectives
Phase II efforts will culminate in a low-cost hydroponic tower system designed for small and mid-sized hydroponic farmers looking to scale-up production with minimal investment. GSS Group's patent-pending Cascading Water Disbursement Tower or CWDT, a hydroponic apparatus, is unlike other vertical hydroponic tower systems in its ability to add value to existing farm operations. The tower is a companion product, innovative in its ability to utilize "dead-space" found alongside-walls and connection bays of existing hydroponic operations utilizing horizontal Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) hydroponic systems. The result for the hydroponic farmer is a more productive greenhouse.Phase II objectives will focus on researching and testing a prototype of each CWDT system's components to create a final-stage-prototype of the CWDT Stack-Unit, irrigation/drainage, and mounting frame.During Phase II, the PI will work with engineer, manufacturer, and product development professionals to transition the tested design concept created in Phase I into a functioning prototype to conduct trial tests on active farms.Objective 1: Optimize the CWDT Stack-Unit to Create Prototype "Tower-Sets" Suitable for Trial RunsTo conduct trial tests on existing farm operations, the PI must first determine how the CWDT Stack-Units will attach to each other as an injection molded part to create a "tower-set." In addition, the part must be affordable mass-produced to meet wholesale buyer requirements. During Phase II, the PI will work with Proto Research, a reliable product development company that assisted the PI during Phase I, and other product development companies to analyze the current design from a manufacturing perspective, create design variations that are manufacturable, and fabricate those design variations to run initial tests.Objective 2: Research and Develop a Prototype CWDT "System-Package" to Simulate an End-Product for Trial Run ParticipantsIn Phase II, GSS Group will address the hurdle of creating a complete system package to provide trial run participants. The goal is to simulate the a realistic CWDT hydroponic system experience. Hydroponic systems generally include the growing apparatus (tower, gully, bucket, etc.), a frame, and irrigation and drainage components. As this project also addresses the priority crosscut area Agricultural-Related Manufacturing Technology, in objective 2 the PI will continue working with Proto Research to focus on determining how manufacturing restrictions will affect the overall system package design, how it is best assembled, and which strategic procurement partnerships will result in a CWDT system package production cost goal of under $500 to meet wholesaler demands.Objective 3: Assemble Complete Prototype CWDT System-Packages to Conduct Trial Runs In order to simulate a new product launch using a final stage prototype, the PI needs to understand how system packages should be procured and assembled in a production setting. To do this, the PI will conduct research on vendors, experiment with various production plan layouts to build the prototypes, and design and test an inventory management system.Objective 4: Test the Effects of Integrating a Prototype CWDT System-Package into Existing Farm Businesses with Trial Runs Once the research participants have received their prototype CWDT package, the PI will conduct field tests that assess the prototype's feasibility on active small and mid-size farm sites. The trial tests will take place at Reeves Family Farm, Profound Microgreens, MO Veggies Please, East Texas Aquaponics, Siloam Springs High School, and a CropKing™ test greenhouse. During Phase I, the PI used 3D printed CWDT tower-sets to grow lettuce crops along the greenhouse sidewalls adjacent to horizontal NFT systems at North Arkansas College. The PI learned that the CWDT design concept was viable to produce marketable product. Now the goal is to quantify the potential revenue increase (percentage) for an average greenhouse facility when the CWDT system is integrated into an existing production's dead-space. The PI will also measure the long-term impact of potential shading caused by installing the systems within greenhouses with North/South orientation vs. East/West orientation. Another question to be answered is in regards to how GSS Group's prototype CWDT system will integrate into the various plumbing designs of trial run participants. Each participant has a unique operation; giving the PI an opportunity to research "best practices" of plumbing integration. In addition, the PI will use surveys to gather qualitative rating/ feedback from trial run participants in regards to using the prototype instruction manual to assemble the product, what crops are were grown and why, and if they will likely purchase a CWDT system when available.
Project Methods
Objective 1: Optimize the CWDT Stack-Unit to Create Prototype "Tower-Set" Suitable for Trial RunsThe PI and product development companywill conduct design sessions that focus on researching and designing attachment specifications compliant with the identified manufacturing process.In order to test each CWDT Stack-Unit design, Proto Research will use computerized machining to create a working version of the optimized CWDTs. Computerized Numeric Control (CNC) machining is a subtractive manufacturing process that involves using computer g-code to mill blocks of plastic into a specific design. The precision is within thousands of an inch of submitted designs and results in a smooth surface as it would be if injection molded. Tight tolerances and exact surface finishes are not possible with 3D printing.The PI, Proto Research, and Enventys Partners will down-select possible variations based upon an understanding of manufacturing limitations and the Stack-Unit's design requirements. Proto Research will then CNC machine three CWDT Stack-Units of each variation resulting in a middle Stack-Unit having a unit connected above and below it. To test the machined CWDT Stack-Units, the PI will perform a functional test by attaching and detaching the units while both dry and wet. The next test will be to spray the tower-set with a salt solution and dry it to simulate a hydroponic system with nutrient solution that has dried in the sun. The result is dried particulate on the part, a common occurrence in hydroponic production. The goal will be to determine which variation will become too difficult to attach and detach once the particulate dries onto the part. This process (design, fabricate, test, modify) will be repeated until a design that passes the initial tests is secured.Objective 2: Research and Develop a Prototype CWDT "System-Package" to Simulate an End-Product for Trial ParticipantsObjective 2: Task 1: Mount DesignTo start, Proto Research will utilize their engineering software to simulate how a mount design variation will respond when weight is applied, what components are required for assembly, and how much the mount will weigh before and after the towers are installed. The first milestone of this objective will be to identify two to three CWDT Mount design variations that are adjustable, sturdy, lightweight, and securely host the CWDT Stack-Units. The PI will then procure the components to initiate procurement and assembly tests. The PI will first analyze the procurement process to answer technical questions including; are the components readily available, what is the cost, and are the parts affordably available in large quantities? The next test is the assembly process. The PI will assess how long the assembly process takes for each variation, level of complication, how easily the mount's height can be adjusted, and how the tower-sets and mount respond once they are attached.Objective 2: Task 2: Irrigation and Drainage System: During Phase II, the PI will not only reduce overall production costs, but will simplify the assembly and integration process. To do this, the PI will continue working with Proto Research and repeat the methodology used in task one, that is, utilize engineering software to create design variations for testing.Objective 2: Task 3: Instruction Manual: By now, the PI will have decided upon a system package design that includes the mount, irrigation, and drainage components. The decision will be based upon assessing how the developed variations addressed technical requirements, complexity, and cost. The PI will then determine how the prototype system should be assembled. To do this, the PI will take notes, pictures, and recordings of the assembly process. Then the PI will develop a simple document with step-by-step instructions. This manual will be assessed on its effectiveness during the trial run.Objective 2: Task 4: Research Material Suppliers to Complete the Prototype System-Package DesignThe goal of this task is to identify suppliers that are most competitive in regards to not only price, but also quality, shipping time, and customer service. To do this, the PI will create a "vendor-assessment-form" for each component of the system package. The forms will be used to rate each supplier on the mentioned characteristics. The vendors with the most promising results will be used when ordering parts to assemble the prototype system packages for trial runs in Objective 3.Objective 3: Research and Test Production Strategies to Assemble Complete Prototype CWDT System-Packages for Trial RunsObjective 3: Task 1: Research Work Order and Inventory Management SoftwareThe PI and Proto Research will work together to find various inventory management software to create work orders that are "built to order" instead of "built to stock." The key difference being that built-to-order products are assembled during the fulfillment process rather than in advance. Preliminary research has indicated that such software is available including; Net Suite, Zenventory, and Inflow.Objective 3: Task 2: Research Production Layout Methods while Assembling Complete CWDT System-PackagesNext, the PI will organize the procured materialsusing shelving and/or racks with wheels will help the PI to make quick layout modifications once critical control points that could negatively affect the production process are identified. It is important that these hurdles are found and addressed before making intensive investments in inventory, warehouse space, and labor in Phase III. To do this, the PI will work with Proto Research to implement a production layout that results in less time spent on finding and packaging system materials.Objective 4: Test the Effects of Integrating a Prototype CWDT System-Package into Existing Farm Businesses with Trial RunsDuring Phase II, the PI will conduct field tests on a complete prototype CWDT System-Package in five different locations.Objective 4: Task 1: Collect Harvest Data from Participants Before They Install PrototyeThe PI will start by visiting each participating farm location, on a harvest day, before the prototype CWDT System-Packages are shipped to collect at least 2 harvests of lettuce crops grown in the existing horizontal NFT systems. Data to be collected from the plants during harvest includes each crop's height, width, and weight. The data will be used as a control to determine if/how the CWDT systems affect plant growth in existing systems.Objective 4: Task 2: Silently Monitor the Prototype Installation Process at Participating LocationsOnce the participants have received their packages, anticipated to arrive by the end of September, 2021, the PI will travel to each location and silently monitor each participant as they assemble and install the prototype. The participants will be expected to use the prototype instruction manual. The PI will not interfere with the process unless the participant cannot assemble the system and/or asks for assistance. The PI will take notes during the monitoring process and as well as use surveys to gather feedback to understand the prototype package's strengths and weaknesses during the installation process.Objective 4: Task 3: Conduct Monthly Data Collection on Prototypes and UsersOnce each system is installed, the PI will schedule a visit once per each month during a harvest day to collect measurements (height, width, weight) of harvested crops from both the prototype CWDT System-Package and the existing systems. The data will be assessed to determine if the CWDT produces quality products without inhibiting the growth of crops within adjacent systems. During each monthly visit, the PI will also distribute surveys to gather user feedback regarding the system ease of integration, maintenance, potential issues encountered, and testimonials.

Progress 09/01/20 to 08/31/23

Target Audience:Our Phase I, culminated to a feasible hydroponic tower design that adds-value to existing greenhouse space of small to mid-size hydroponic farmers. GSS Group's cascading water disbursement technology (CWDT), now known as the HydroFresh™, will utilize "dead-space" or unusable production space along side walls and connection bays of existing greenhouse operations. The Phase I design was a stack-unit characterized by an internal closed loop track that directs water flow to the plant site. The Phase II project resulted in complete final-stage-prototypes of the HydroFresh™ Tower hydroponic system including the towers with components, pre-holed framing material with hardware, irrigation and drainage materials. Every component can be manufactured or sourced in the United States. The PI worked directly with nine farm participants trialing the HydroFresh™. They were provided an instruction manual (see Final Comprehensive Technical Report) to install the system on their own while the PI and team silently observed. We gave both virtual and in person training on how to use the data sheets and take measurements of harvested crops from their existing hydroponic system (the control) versus HydroFresh™. User feedback and harvest dataverifiedit as a feasible tool to add plant sites to their operation. All participants that completed the project opted to continue using HydroFresh™ to add value to thier small farm.For more details and photos of the trial participants, please see Final Comprehensive Technical Report. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1: Optimize the CWDT Stack-Unit to Create Prototype "Tower-Sets" Suitable for Trial Runs To start, we needed to optimize the CWDT technology and create final-stage-prototypes suitable for trial-runs on active hydroponic farm operations. The Principal Investigator or PI, Danielle Dozier, and Design 1st product development company created the HydroFresh™ Tower and Insert (photos and drawings available on the Final Comprehensive Technical Report). The insert is an injection-molded food-safe rubber pop-in that sits inside a HydroFresh™ Tower, a pre-holed extruded pipe made with eco-friendly HDPE plastic. The HydroFresh™ Tower and Insert combo maintains the CWDT intellectual property of an internal closed loop track that directs water flow to the plant site and the capability of mass production. To accommodate for the various side-wall heights of greenhouses, GSS will offer two sizes of HydroFresh™ Towers. The HydroFresh™ Tall Tower at 6' with 9 plant sites per tower while the HydroFresh™ Short Tower is at 4' with 6 plant sites. Objective 2: Research and Develop a Prototype CWDT "System-Package" to Simulate an End-Product for Trial Run Participants Manufacturing and logistics hurdles guided the PI and Design 1st to create an aluminum frame variation that could be manufactured in house without specialty tools or skills. Aluminum is lighter in weight, less expensive, and does not require powder coating to avoid rust. The initial frame design, steel, required a welded foot. Domestic manufacturers quoted 150% higher than international suppliers, so we opted to assemble it with Tee Brackets. The design optimization resulted in system production costs within range of wholesaler demands. Our initial goal, pre-COVID, was under $500 for a 30 plant-site system. With recent events inflating market prices of raw material, we feel confident that our production cost of $555 for a 42 plant -site system will be adopted. The Comprehensive Technical Report provides details on each HydroFresh variation (there are four) including the production costs, number of plant sites, anticipated retail costs, and estimated ROI for users. Objective 3: Assemble Complete Prototype CWDT System-Packages to Conduct Trial Runs The PI researched vendors and narrowed in on a production strategy for procuring all components domestically with fabrication and packing being done in house with entry-level fabricators/warehouse staff. The team created a production manual to train employees on proper production techniques. To prepare for trial runs, the PI and team created an assembly manual for participants to install the HydroFresh on thier own. Observations and photos of the install are documented on the Final Comprehensive Technical Report. Objective 4: Test the Effects of Integrating a Prototype CWDT System-Package into Existing Farm Businesses with Trial Runs The Final Comprehensive Technical Report details the hurdles and accomplishments regarding participants including photos and harvest data. In all, six trial participants completed the project and provided harvest data used to demonstrate that HydroFresh grows crops comparable to existing hydroponic systems on small to mid-sized farms. We allowed participants to choose placement their HydroFresh system. Surprisingly, none of them positioned the HydroFresh directly adjacent to their existing deep water culture DWC beds or nutrient film technique NFT channels in such a way that shaded plants. For this project, three of the six completed participants plumbed the HydroFresh into their existing system. The HydroFresh instruction manual includes best practices and troubleshooting procedures for optimal integration. This information is crucial to spread a customer awareness campaign. The SBIR Phase I and II have culminated to a low cost, lightweight, USA made, and eco-friendly hydroponic system adaptable to existing farms. This data demonstrates that existing small hydroponic farmers successfully installed, managed, and harvested crops from the HydroFresh.


    Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/22

    Target Audience:uring GSS Group's USDA SBIR Phase I, Danielle Dozier researched the feasibility of a hydroponic tower design that adds-value to existing greenhouse space of hydroponic growers limited to a horizontal growing plane. GSS Group's cascading water disbursement technology (CWDT), now known as the HydroFresh™, will utilize "dead-space" or unusable production space along side walls and connection bays of existing greenhouse operations. Phase I work resulted in a stack-unit characterized by an internal closed loop track that directs water flow to the plant site. Phase II is nearly complete. The PI delivered complete final-stage-prototypes of the HydroFresh™ Tower Systems including; HydroFresh™ Towers, steel frame with hardware, irrigation and drainage materials. The farm participants were provided an instruction manual (in report attachment) and successfully installed their unique HydroFresh™ system (see Objective 4: Task 2 of 3 in report attachment) in dead-space at all greenhouses. Changes/Problems:The major problems occurred revolved around the pandemic including the delayed arrival of HydroFresh™ components and farm participants going out of business. The final-stage-prototypes were ordered between April and September, 2021. They arrived almost 12 months later. Like other small businesses and start-ups, we had to adapt. Throughout the project, the PI has researched manufacturing options for commercialization. The PI needs to be able to manufacture the frame without relying on outside companies/ contractors or highly skilled labor. To drive down production costs, the PI will continue frame optimization to manufacture it in house. The PI procured additional farm participants to take the place of those who could not participate. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

    What was accomplished under these goals? For more detail, images, and tables,please see the report narrative in the attachments. The report submitted in 2021 details the completion of the following objectives; Objective 1: Optimize CWDT Stack Unit Objective 2: Research and Develop a Prototype HydroFresh™ "System-Package" to Simulate an End-Product for Trial Run Participants Task 1 of 4: Frame Design Task 2 of 4: Irrigation and Drainage System Task 4 of 4: Research Material Suppliers to Complete the Prototype System Package Design Objective 3: Research and Test Production Strategies to Assemble Complete Prototype HydroFresh™ System-Packages for Trial Runs Task 1 of 2: Research Work Order and Inventory Management Software Objective 4: Test the Effects of Integrating a Prototype HydroFresh™ System-Package into Existing Farm Businesses with Trial Runs Task 1 of 3: Collect Harvest Data from Participants Before They Install Prototype This report contains some information from the previous submission for reference but focuses on the updates of the remaining objectives and tasks listed below. Objective 2: Task 3 of 4: HydroFresh™ Instruction manual (attached) Objective 3: Task 2 of 2: Research Production Layout Methods while Assembling Complete HydroFresh™ System-Packages Objective 4: Task 2 of 3: Silently Monitor the Prototype Installation Process at Participating Locations The PI was approved for a no-cost extension of 12 months with the project ending in August 2023 to finish the last; Objective 4: Task 3 of 3: Conduct Monthly Data Collection on Prototypes and Users. Objective 1: Optimize the CWDT Stack-Unit to Create Prototype "Tower-Sets" Suitable for Trial Runs Status The PI filed a no-cost extension for 12 months on January 24, 2022 and it was approved on May 2, 2022. We purchased the tooling and parts to conduct trial-runs for Objective 4 in April 2021. The final-stage-prototype HydroFresh™ Towers and Inserts arrived mid-April, 2022. Objective 2: Research and Develop a Prototype HydroFresh™ "System-Package" to Simulate an End-Product for Trial Run Participants Objective 2: Task 1: Frame Design The PI and Design 1st developed a steel frame to host the HydroFresh™ towers and irrigation/ drainage components (see progress report narrative).The parts were ordered in August 2021, and arrived in March 2022.Status -complete. Objective 2: Task 2: Irrigation and Drainage System With design optimizations, the system package's drain/irrigation cost was able to reduce from $213.15 to $32.30. Status - complete. Objective 2: Task 3: Instruction Manual See progress reportnarative 2022).Status - complete. Objective 2: Task 4: Research Material Suppliers to Complete the Prototype System Package Design The PI conducted vendor assessments for the HydroFresh™ system package components including; frame materials with fittings, PVC pipe, irrigation emitters, irrigation grommets, packaging materials, and shipping services.The vendor assessments compared the price of the product, shipping cost and plan, and customer service rating on a scale from 5-outstanding to 1-terrible (see progress report narrative). Status Objective 2 is complete as of May 2022. Our Phase II research and design simplification has achieved and overall materials cost of around $255.04 (see progress report narrative). Outsourcing fabrication of the steel feet and posts drove the overall cost of the Phase II systems purchased for the participation trials to around $680. To achieve the goal system cost of $500, the team will continue to research other materials options and bulk price breaks. Objective 3: Research and Test Production Strategies to Assemble Complete Prototype HydroFresh™ System Packages for Trial Runs Objective 3: Task 1: Research Work Order and Inventory Management Software This task is complete as of 2022 with the selection of QuickBooks Inventory Suite as its work order and inventory management software Objective 3: Task 2: Research Production Layout Methods while Assembling Complete HydroFresh™ System-Packages GSS secured the warehouse space, as proposed to testtwo methods of production layouts, that is, the Straight-Line-Layout and U-Shaped-Layout (see progress report narrative 2022).The HydroFresh™ inserts, extrusions, and system-package arrived in April 2022. Status This task is complete. The PI will continue to test and refine the production layout method as the company moves toward commercialization. Lean manufacturing is an evolving process and should not be reorganized once. We will reevaluate regularly to optimize efficiency (see progress report 2022). Objective 4: Test the Effects of Integrating a Prototype HydroFresh™ System-Package into Existing Farm Businesses with Trial Runs Objective 4: Task 1: Collect Harvest Data from Participants Before They Install Prototype? The Phase II participants were asked to collect specimen data on lettuce crops during harvest days. The data will be used as a control to determine if/how the HydroFresh™ systems affect plant growth in existing systems. Data to be collected from the plants during harvest includes each crop's height, width, and weight. This task in ongoing until the prototype systems are shipped to the participant locations. Update 2022? - Due to a shift in management and lack of funding, the hydroponic programs at both Texas Urban Farm and Dordt University were discontinued. Objective 4: Task 2: Silently Monitor the Prototype Installation Process at Participating Locations After almost 12 months of manufacturing delays followed by supply chain bottleneck, the steel frame components and HydroFresh™ Towers arrived in April 2022.The packages were assembled, including an instruction manual (Objective 2: Task 3), and hand delivered to each participant throughout the Spring and Summer of 2022. The instruction manual was provided beforehand electronically so participants could gather necessary materials/tools to complete the build. The PI silently observed the participants assemble the entire system HydroFresh™ Package. Each session was timed. The PI was allowed to interject only when the participant asked a question, or made a mistake that would have significantly delayed the assembly. In that scenario, they were instructed to take another look at the manual or ask a question. The Progress Report Narrative 2022 describes abrief summary and photos of each participant's install. Summary of Observations and Status The manual successfully illustrated each step of assembly with digital renderings that both identified the pieces and described the procedure (see manual attached). Electronic copies of the manual provided beforehand help with preparation and act as a back-up if the hard copy gets damaged. The participants noted that assembly was straightforward and the frame was robust. All participants needed minimal interference with the most confusing areas being the foot assembly and insert installation (see manual). Installing the HydroFresh™ Inserts into the towers and plumbing construction were the most time-consuming tasks. To commercialize, the PI will publish assembly videos online along with the manual copy. As of September 1, 2022, this task was complete. Objective 4: Task 3: Conduct Monthly Data Collection on Prototypes and Users Each farm was trained on how to take harvest measurements. They were given a data collection sheet that included instructions to; collect the height, width, and weight on crops harvested from both the existing hydroponic system (control) and the HydroFresh™, take photos of the process, write down any feedback they have at that time. This task has been initiated and will be conducted over the next 9 months, ending in July, 2023.


      Progress 09/01/20 to 08/31/21

      Target Audience:During GSS Group's USDA SBIR Phase I, Danielle Dozier researched the feasibility of a hydroponic tower design that will add value to the greenhouse space of small to mid-size hydroponic growers limited to a horizontal growing plane. GSS Group's cascading water disbursement technology (CWDT), now known as the HydroFresh™, will utilize what would otherwise be considered "dead-space" or unusable production space alongside walls and connection bays of existing greenhouse operations. Phase I work resulted in a stack-unit characterized by aninternal closed-loop track that directs the flow of nutrient solution to the plant site. The HydroFresh™ is versatile, customizable, and affordable to mass produce for small to mid-size hydroponic farm operations (Figure 1). In this report, we will highlight our progress in meeting our Phase II objectives and commercialization plans. Changes/Problems:Though COVID has put the team about six weeks behind schedule, the team has everything in place to initial the last objective by October 2021. Please see full report. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The team has procured multiple small to mid-size hydroponic farmers to conduct trial runs with the system package. This will start is October 2021. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Once the system packages arrive, they will be delivered to the farm operations for trial runs. See PDF report attached.

      What was accomplished under these goals? Please see the attachment to understand all accomplishments. Objective 4 will start in October 2021.
