Progress 09/01/20 to 04/30/21
Outputs Target Audience:Final Report SBIR Phase I - Grant AWARD #2020-33610-32468 ORGANIZATION: Hampton Roads Academy for Research, Training and Services (HARTS) PROJECT TITLE: Demonstrating the feasibility of commercialized evidence based virtual modules to increase nutrition, understand food science and obesity prevention in underserved youth. Topic Area 8.5: Food Science and Nutrition. Nutrition Education, Food Safety, Nutrition Science, and Food Quality Science. This project will be employed in two designated qualified opportunity zones. Executive Director: Kimberly Boyd, Ph.D. (Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Small Business Concern -African American Female Owned and Operated Company). Email: / Phone: 804-901-7785 PROGRESS TOWARDS WORK ORIGINAL WORKPLAN Phase I - Research and Development - During Phase 1, the project tested the feasibility and design requirements (including programming in VR, 3 d modeling, evidence based placement of products and designing the intervention). This included the development of new innovative/novel curriculum linked with virtual reality modules and interactive learning environments to increase knowledge in the food science field. Phase 1 (Please review at - note you must copy and paste link into your browser) provided the research and development and opportunity for HARTS world. At the link, you will be able to pull our demonstration of the modules. You will notice that there is information related to healthy eating that will link to the participant being able to try the drinks and snacks they make in the game. Phase I Objectives and Outcomes Objective 1 - Build community capacity and mobilization by developing community toolkits that contain healthy snacks and address attitudes, knowledge, beliefs of exposure and vulnerability with the understanding of healthy nutritional choices designed to combat obesity among youth Accomplishment - the project tested the feasibility and design requirements (including programming in VR, 3 d modeling, evidence based placement of products and designing the intervention). This included the development of new innovative/novel curriculum linked with virtual reality modules and interactive learning environments to increase knowledge in the food science field. Present demonstration to 3 organizations interested in purchasing and/or partnering with completed modules during Phase II. Objective 2 - Develop interactive virtual reality modules (that will NOT require internet - with the ability to take to different locations) and/or learning environments linked to the toolkits focused on disease vulnerability and preparedness in general and increased understanding of the physical, chemical and biological properties of food, food quality and food safety. Accomplishment - Phase 1 (Please review at - note you must copy and paste link into your browser) provided the research and development and opportunity for HARTS World. At the link, you will be able to pull our demonstration of the modules. You will notice that there is information related to healthy eating that will link to the participant being able to try the drinks and snacks they make in the game Objective 3 - Evaluate the effectiveness of the virtual reality modules with the toolkits in improving knowledge, food science, attitudes, and behaviors including positive changes to dietary energy intake, increases in physical activity patterns, and improving community techniques to reduce obesity. Accomplishments - Developed virtual modules demonstration based on evidence based practices Participated in XR Terra virtual based training to enhance produce Conducted focus groups and utilized rapid feedback that were adjusted and approved by participants (youth 12-24), Worked with Juice Bar to create additional nutritious components linked to modules Developed strong partnerships linked to modules with feedback and concept approval with potential partners (Virginia State University - VSU, Bonsecour Health Systems, Minority Health Consortium - MHC, FLITE Foundation and school administrators) This product is created for youth aged 12-24. From Phase 1, we identified different strategies based on age groups. For example, middle school aged students just enjoy playing the game and learning about nutrition and food strategies. High school students wanted more interaction and stimulation in the modules. Advanced high school students and college students enjoyed the addition of creating aspects of their environment. Several were even interested in the programming aspect that we are willing to share at will. With this in mind, we are still in the development stage of our technology that includes addition scenarios, activities and product feedback. We have the capability to travel with the modules and work in small groups. WE submitted a Phase II which will allow HARTS to begin converting this technological innovation into the private sector. There is an untapped market for our virtual modules that may be sold on the Oculus virtual reality market place. In addition, educational institutions and other community based organizations may purchase training, module development per school/organization and other virtual reality based approaches with their technology budgets. This project will transform the efficacy of implementing a conceptual virtual architecture that is accessible to students at all levels and has potential to deepen and strengthen student and individuals' understanding of food science and response. This will also assist with the development of a solid conceptual and procedural foundation for future virtual training and implementation across educational institutions. Finally, this project will assist with the development of descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive models for student success with broadening virtual participation in research, educational training, and other environments. Problems Encountered: The groups were smaller due to COVID. While the purpose is to create the modules for underserved youth and the modules will accomplish this - it also made it harder to develop as we kept our groups smaller. Successes: The healthy snacks are created that will be available to the youth The Virtual reality module demonstration is complete - this required a lot of development, research and programming, Please review at - note you must copy and paste link into your browser) The module and toolkits consist of evidence based research and community participation Several community agencies would like to use the modules once they are ready to sell on the market place and be available to students in schools and universities Changes/Problems:Problems Encountered: The groups were smaller due to COVID. While the purpose is to create the modules for underserved youth and the modules will accomplish this - it also made it harder to develop as we kept our groups smaller. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Trained intern in writing publications and XR terra training for VR developer How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?
Nothing Reported
What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?
Nothing Reported
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Objective 1 - Build community capacity and mobilization by developing community toolkits that contain healthy snacks and address attitudes, knowledge, beliefs of exposure and vulnerability with the understanding of healthy nutritional choices designed to combat obesity among youth Accomplishment - the project tested the feasibility and design requirements (including programming in VR, 3 d modeling, evidence based placement of products and designing the intervention). This included the development of new innovative/novel curriculum linked with virtual reality modules and interactive learning environments to increase knowledge in the food science field. Present demonstration to 3 organizations interested in purchasing and/or partnering with completed modules during Phase II. Objective 2 - Develop interactive virtual reality modules (that will NOT require internet - with the ability to take to different locations) and/or learning environments linked to the toolkits focused on disease vulnerability and preparedness in general and increased understanding of the physical, chemical and biological properties of food, food quality and food safety. Accomplishment - Phase 1 (Please review at - note you must copy and paste link into your browser) provided the research and development and opportunity for HARTS World. At the link, you will be able to pull our demonstration of the modules. You will notice that there is information related to healthy eating that will link to the participant being able to try the drinks and snacks they make in the game Objective 3 - Evaluate the effectiveness of the virtual reality modules with the toolkits in improving knowledge, food science, attitudes, and behaviors including positive changes to dietary energy intake, increases in physical activity patterns, and improving community techniques to reduce obesity. Accomplishments - Developed virtual modules demonstration based on evidence based practices Participated in XR Terra virtual based training to enhance produce Conducted focus groups and utilized rapid feedback that were adjusted and approved by participants (youth 12-24), Worked with Juice Bar to create additional nutritious components linked to modules Developed strong partnerships linked to modules with feedback and concept approval with potential partners (Virginia State University - VSU, Bonsecour Health Systems, Minority Health Consortium - MHC, FLITE Foundation and school administrators) WE submitted a Phase II which will allow HARTS to begin converting this technological innovation into the private sector. There is an untapped market for our virtual modules that may be sold on the Oculus virtual reality market place. In addition, educational institutions and other community based organizations may purchase training, module development per school/organization and other virtual reality based approaches with their technology budgets. This project will transform the efficacy of implementing a conceptual virtual architecture that is accessible to students at all levels and has potential to deepen and strengthen student and individuals' understanding of food science and response. This will also assist with the development of a solid conceptual and procedural foundation for future virtual training and implementation across educational institutions. Finally, this project will assist with the development of descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive models for student success with broadening virtual participation in research, educational training, and other environments.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Utilizing Virtual Reality to Understand the Relationship between Toxic Stress and Mindfulness Practices