Progress 09/01/19 to 08/31/23
Outputs Target Audience:The target audience includes:alfalfa plant breeders, alfalfa researchers, alfalfa producers and agribusiness related to alfalfa. Changes/Problems:Covid significantly slowed the process of this grant since the ARS laboratory was shut down for almost 2 years. We accomplished what we could and got two extensions on the grant and made significant progress on the grant once the ARS laboratory was opened back up. This was accomplished in July 2023 and we have been making good progress finishing things up. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Steve Norberg attended the Western Crop Science Society meeting in June of 2023 and presented on the impact of fall dormancy of alfalfa on forage quality. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?A meeting of the alfalfa breeders in North America occurred over zoom to share the results of this grant. Also research on fall dormancy impact on forage quality was given to the Western Crop Science Society of America. A scientific journal was published to help scientists and learn from this research. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?
Nothing Reported
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
To accomplish these goals, we have developed four Objectives: Determine protein quality and stage of maturity at first harvest of 200 alfalfa varieties at three locations in the PNW. Reduce confounding factors with quality and yield; Accomplished. Quantify the genetic diversity of alfalfa that is related to forage protein quality and yield to breed new alfalfa varieties for higher forage quality and yield; Accomplished. Identify molecular markers associated with protein degradability (ADICP, NDICP, soluble protein, microbial protein degradation, fractions of protein) and yield traits in alfalfa; Will be accomplished in August 2023. Extend the knowledge gained from the project to positively impact alfalfa breeders, alfalfa seed and hay producers, and others in the alfalfa industry. Partially accomplished, molecular marker work on proteins still needs to be accomplished.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Medina, S. Lin, G. Wang, D. Combs, G. Shewmaker, S. Fransen, D. Llewellyn, S. Norberg, L. Yu. 2022. Identification of Genetic Loci Associated with Five Agronomic Traits in Alfalfa Using Multi-Environment Trials. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. Published April 13, 2023.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Norberg, S., C. Culma, Z. Xu, D. Llewellyn, L. Yu, G. Wang, S. Fransen, D. Combs, G. Shewmaker, S. Lin. 2023. Influence of Fall Dormancy on Alfalfa Quality. Western Crop Science Society of America.
Progress 09/01/21 to 08/31/22
Outputs Target Audience:Our audience is alfalfa breeders, alfalfa seed/hay producers, and other alfalfa industry stakeholders. Changes/Problems:Covid shutdown of lab has altered the timeline of protein degradability findings. We are doing out best to make progress as fast as we can this year we had a private lab do some quality testing to accelerateus up in some areas. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Attendance at North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results have been shared at conferences for alfalfa advancement as well as animal nutrition conferences and in the form of book chapter on genomics of alfalfa which are listed below. Lin, S., O.S. Norberg, D. Combs. 2021. Genomics of Forage Quality in Alfalfa, Chapter 7 In The Alfalfa Genome. Springer Nature L. Yu and C. Kole editors. Lin, S., C. Medina-Culma, G. Zanton, G. Wang, G. Shewmaker, S. Fransen, D. Llewellyn, L. Yu., S. Norberg. 2022. Determining Genetic Factors That Influence Protein Quality & Yield in Alfalfa. 2022 North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference. Invited International Proceedings Norberg, S., S. Lin, C. Medina-Culma, G. Zanton, G. Wang, G. Shewmaker, S. Fransen, D. Llewellyn, L. Yu. 2022. Identifying Molecular Markers Associated With Quality & Quantifying Their Potential to Increase Alfalfa Value. 2022 North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference. Dreger, S., D.A. Llewellyn, O.S. Norberg, S. Fransen, G. Wang, D. Combs, G. Shewmaker, E. van Santen, L.X. Yu. 2022. Evaluation of Forage Quality of Alfalfa from 200 Varieties Produced in the Pacific Northwest. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference, Boise, ID, January 17-18, 2022. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Manuscript on yield,fall dormancy, plant height, and mean stage of development bycutting and molecular markers influencing this will be published. Other manuscripts on forage quality, alfalfa yield will also be published. Final results on protein degradability will be accomplished and NIRS calibration for protein degradability will be developed. Finally a paper on molecular markers influencing protein degradability will be researched and published.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Goal 1. Manuscript is in late revisions after markers determining yield, fall dormancy, plant height, and mean stage of development at cutting molecular markers have been identified. Goal 2. Due to covid we are still doing wet chemistry on protein degradability but have made significant progress. Goal 3. Again, yield work is almost done but protein degradability is still being determined.
- Type:
Book Chapters
Year Published:
Lin S., Norberg S., Combs D. Genomics of Forage Quality in Alfalfa. In L-X Yu and C. Kole Edits The Alfalfa Genome, Pages 129-143 Springer Nature Publisher. 2021.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Norberg, S., S. Lin, C. Medina-Culma, G. Zanton, G. Wang, G. Shewmaker, S. Fransen, D. Llewellyn, L. Yu. 2022. Identifying Molecular Markers Associated With Quality & Quantifying Their Potential to Increase Alfalfa Value. 2022 North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Dreger, S., D.A. Llewellyn, O.S. Norberg, S. Fransen, G. Wang, D. Combs, G. Shewmaker, E. van Santen, L.X. Yu. 2022. Evaluation of Forage Quality of Alfalfa from 200 Varieties Produced in the Pacific Northwest. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference, Boise, ID, January 17-18, 2022.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Lin, S., C. Medina-Culma, G. Zanton, G. Wang, G. Shewmaker, S. Fransen, D. Llewellyn, L. Yu., S. Norberg. 2022. Determining Genetic Factors That Influence Protein Quality & Yield in Alfalfa. 2022 North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference.
Progress 09/01/20 to 08/31/21
Outputs Target Audience:Our audience is alfalfa breeders, alfalfa seed/hay producers, and other alfalfa industry stakeholders. Changes/Problems:Covid shut down the ARS laboratory that was to do protein degradability work for over a year. This has slowed all the results of protein work significantly. All samples are currently at the laboratory getting analysis. Covid also made the field data collection more difficult. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Sen Lin and Steve Norberg attended the American Society of Agronomy Meetings virtually in 2020. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results have been diseminated at the American Society of Agronomy Meetings virtually in 2020. At producer meetings results have been shared at Alfalfa U., sponsored by High Plains Journal virtually with participants from three countries. The results was also shared with 7th Arizona Alfalfa and Forage Crops Workshop. Results was also shared with alfalfa breeders from the four major programs in the North America and they expressed interest in trying the molecular markers found. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Yield of this last year of production will continue to be measured and quality analysis will continue especially with protein degradation analysis. Near infrared spectroscopy calibration will be accomplished for multiple protein parameters and molecular markers identified for yield and protein quality. Results will be shared in many forms including scientific journal articles, presentations with many audiences.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Goal 1. Forage yield has been determined as has protein quality for 2020 crop as has first cutting of alfalfa in 2021. Goal 2. Is still in progress as covid has slowed lab work down in the ARS laboratory. Goal 3. Also still in progress.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Lin, S., C.A. Medina, S. Norberg, D. Combs, G.Wang, G. Shewmaker, S. Fransen, D.Llewellyn, Long-Xi Yu. 2021. Genome-Wide Association Studies Identifying Multiple Loci Associated with Alfalfa Forage Quality. Frontiers in Plant Science.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Lin, S., C. Medina-Culma, S. Norberg, D. Combs, G. Wang, G. Shewmaker, S. Fransen, D. Llewellyn, E. van Santen and L. Yu. 2020. Genome-Wide Association Study Identified Multiple Loci Related to Different Traits on Alfalfa Quality. Virtual 2020 American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Norberg, S., L. Yu, D.K. Combs, G.E. Shewmaker, G.J. Wang, D. A. Llewellyn, S.C. Fransen and E. van Santen. 2020. Quantifying the Potential Increase In Alfalfa Value and Identifying Molecular Markers That Influence Quality. National Invited. Virtual NACAA Annual Meeting
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Norberg, O.S., L. Yu, D.K. Combs, G.E. Shewmaker, G.J. Wang, D. A. Llewellyn, S.C. Fransen and E. van Santen. 2019. Determining Genetic Factors that Influence Forage Quality in Alfalfa. 2019 American Society of Agronomy. San Antonio, TX
Progress 09/01/19 to 08/31/20
Outputs Target Audience:
Nothing Reported
Changes/Problems:Due to NIFA move to Kansas City, it delayed the approval for money to be released which occurred on 5/12/2020 so it has given us less than a month to do our project before this report. We have made some progress. The major set back has been to do the wet chemistry required to do protein calibrations. Also now that Covid 19 has occurred it has made laboratory work stop so further delays may occur until laboratories can operate normally. We have moved it on our time line to Summer / Fall for wet chemistry to occur in 2020. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?
Nothing Reported
How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?
Nothing Reported
What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Table 1. Summary of work to be completed by research/Extension team. Time point Responsible PI Scope of Work F '19/20 Norberg, Zanton, NIRSC NIRS spectra from 2018 quality samples sent to NIRSC to identify number and which wet chemistry needs to be done. Accomplished 1st Harvest Norberg, Wang, Shewmaker, Zanton, NIRSC Mean stage by count and harvest is accomplished with moisture, yield and sample collection, (Accomplished) drying and grinding to 2 mm. Send Samples to Norberg for final grind. Then all 660 samples are forwarded to NIRSC then scanned and 220 selected for wet chemistry and subsequently used to modify calibration. 2nd Harvest and other harvests Norberg, Wang, Shewmaker Yield, fall dormancy recorded compared to checks Su/F '19/20 Zanton, NIRSC Wet chemistry accomplished and NIRSC scanning and first NIRSC calibrations established on previous years ~440 samples. Moved from W/S to Su/F Su/F '20 Norberg, Zanton Geoff Zanton and NIRSC send results Steve Norberg for review and analysis and results forwarded to Yu for use F/W '20/21 Yu Starts genetic process of developing molecular markers from first year's data W '20/21 Llewellyn, and Norberg Start Extension activities sharing field results and quality data from four locations As Needed Norberg Attend training, submit progress reports 1st Harvest '21 Norberg, Wang, Shewmaker, Zanton, NIRSC Mean stage by count and harvest is accomplished with moisture, yield and sample collection, drying and grinding to 2 mm. Send Samples to Norberg for final grind. Then all 660 samples are forwarded to NIRSC and data is predicted. Table 3 - Continued. Summary of work to be completed by research/Extension team. Time point Responsible PI Scope of Work 2nd Harvest and others Norberg, Wang, Shewmaker Yield, fall dormancy recorded compared to checks F '21 Yu Starts genetic process of developing molecular markers from second year's data F/W '21 Llewellyn and Norberg Continue Extension activities sharing field results and quality data from four locations F '21 Norberg 2 year grant ends submit Final Report
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Due to NIFA move to Kansas City, it delayed the approval for money to be released which occurred on 5/12/2020 so it has given us less than a month to do our project before this report.We have made some progress on Goal 1. Goal 1 - Samples for the first two years spectra from Near Infrared Spectroscopy Consortium (NIRSC) and 444 samples were identified from previous years harvest. These samples were then sent to NIRSC for scanning to develop calibration for protein parameters once wet chemistry is done. Harvest of 2020 first cutting has been accomplished at all three locations and the grinding of samples has begun.