Source: BIOMASS CONTROLS, LLC submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jul 15, 2019
Project End Date
Sep 14, 2020
Grant Year
Program Code
[8.6]- Rural & Community Development
Project Director
Myers, T.
Recipient Organization
PUTNAM,CT 062601909
Performing Department
Biomass Controls
Non Technical Summary
Biomass Controls is proposing to develop and validate use of the a farm-scale biogenic refinery to convert lagooned hog manure to value added biochar. U.S. hog farming is a $35 billion industry, and employed 327,350 people in 2012. The most pressing issue associated with hog farming stems from the amount of manure they produce. A hog farm with 800,000 hogs can produce 1.6 million tons of waste a year, more than the waste produced by the city of Philadelphia. One popular manure management system is anaerobic manure lagoons, which are outdoor earthen basins filled with animal waste that is treated through anaerobic respiration. Lagoons offer an affordable way to store and process hog waste and so are a popular option for large hog farms. However, these lagoons are particularly vulnerable to natural disaster. As an example, there are 4,000 of these lagoons in North Carolina alone which is the fourth largest hog farming state in the US. In 1999, Hurricane Floyd flooded dozens of hog lagoons causing containing walls to fail. The hog waste escaped, flooding and contaminating local communities and resulting in algae blooms and fish kills. Most recently in 2018's Hurricane Florence, 96 hog-manure lagoons in North Carolina were critically flooded, with 33 discharging their waste and an additional 6 suffering structural damage as of October 9, 2018. The present project proposes to research whether it is technically and economically feasible for lagooned hog manure can be thermochemically treated to reduce volume, kill pathogens, and improve the disaster resilience of vulnerable rural communities.The Biomass Controls biogenic refinery unit can improve disaster vulnerability in farm operations by providing a way to safely empty and convert existing hog manure lagoons to disaster impervious biochar. The biogenic refinery unit has demonstrated the ability to thermochemically process more than 20 kg/hr on a dry basis of agricultural type waste (food waste, sewage sludge, and cow manure) yielding thermal heat for drying of high moisture feedstock and producing a mass yield of up to 18% biochar. As part of this research a characterization of the combustion behavior of lagooned hog manure and of the biochar produced from lagooned hog manure will be performed and published in a peer-reviewed publication. Additionally, the treatment process will be optimized and characterized, along with any necessary pre-treatment, to establish economic feasibility. A report will be prepared containing economic analysis of the treatment of lagooned hog manure with a biogenic refinery including necessary equipment, costs, value added through biochar sales and other potential benefits.The overall program objective is to develop and validate a viable process that can use a biogenic refinery to treat lagooned hog manure to reduce community exposure to hazards. The outcome of a successful effort will provide further information regarding the technical limitations of the processing of hog manure as well as the value of this waste stream in a circular economy. The implementation of a biogenic refinery system provides economic incentive to farmers to reduce risk in their hog waste processing while providing an additional revenue stream. The social benefits include minimizing the risk incurred by the local presence of the hog manure lagoons to the surrounding rural communities. Further benefits may be realized through reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, particularly methane, which are associated with hog manure lagoons. Hog manure lagoons produce substantial concentrations of methane. In 1992, the EPA estimated that 788,000 metric tons of methane are produced each year from anaerobic swine lagoons. Using one biorefinery to remove the volatile solids from manure alone would reduce methane emissions by 11 metric tons per year, reducing GHG emissions by 233 tonnes CO2e/year.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The overall goal of this program is to demonstrate the feasibility of using a biogenic refinery process to treat lagooned hog manure to reduce volume and mass and produce biochar suitable for sale. We aim to reduce the mass of the wet hog manure and produce biochar of a marketable quality to make the running of the biogenic refinery economically feasible. In pursuit of this goal,we will meet the following objectives:Determine the the combustion characteristics of lagooned hog manure through micro-combustion calorimetry and bomb calorimetry testing.Determine what treatment, if any, is necessary for lagooned hog manure prior to input to the biogenic refinery. Possible treatments include dewatering and drying.Determine how biogenic refinery operating parameters (e.g., feedstock rate, airflow, char extraction rate) affect biochar production.Characterize the produced biochar according to IBIStandardized Product Definition and Product Testing Guidelines for Biochar.Perform an economic analysis of the costs of instillation of a biogenic refinery to treat lagooned hog manure and possible income from the sale of biochar.
Project Methods
Task 1: Combustion characterization of lagooned hog manureIn this task, a detailed combustion profile of lagooned hog manure will be measured using micro-combustion and bomb calorimetery. The results from this analysis include: heat release profiles; volatile, char, and ash mass fractions; and the caloric content of volatiles and char. These data allow for the optimization of the pyrolysis-combustion process, suggest potential biochar yield, and provide an energy balance necessary for understanding the use of supplemental fuel and drying as part of the processing of the lagooned hog manure.Task 2: Characterization of any necessary pre-treatment of lagooned hog manure or co-fuels necessary for processing in biogenic refineryFollowing initial combustion analysis of lagooned hog manure, a theoretical analysis will be performed to assess what if any pre-treatment or co-fuels are necessary to process lagooned hog manure in a biogenic refinery.Task 3: Characterization of biogenic refinery treatment on lagooned hog manureIn this task, samples of dewatered lagooned hog manure will be processed using a biogenic refinery located at Biomass Controls' laboratory in Putnam, CT. The biogenic refinery is used in conjunction with sensors, cloud-based methods and open source data science tools to collect, store and analyze data. Biomass Controls' kelv ?n software infrastructure is a cloud-based web application. This software offers real-time reporting and allows for remote performance and output monitoring.Feeding rate, biochar extraction rate, and air flow will be varied systematically to establish a parameter space for the operation of the unit.This task will establish the technical feasibility of the proposed processing of lagooned hog manure using the biogenic refinery.Task 4: Analysis of the characteristics of the produced biocharTesting will be performed on different biochar samples produced by the biogenic refinery through the testing done in Task 3. Testing will be run to fulfill recommendations by the International Biochar Initiative (IBI), specifically using standard methods to identify: particle size distribution, moisture, ash content, pH, EC, elemental properties (C, N, H, organic C), and contaminants (PAHs, PCBs, dioxins/furans, heavy metals).Task 5: Economic analysis of the treatment of lagooned hog manure with a biogenic refineryIn this task we will make use of the data obtained in Tasks 1 through 4 to perform a technical and economic evaluation of the treatment of lagooned hog manure with a biogenic refinery.Economic analysis of the treatment of lagooned hog manure with a biogenic refinery will includenecessary equipment, costs, value added through biochar sales and other potential benefits.Efforts aligned with tasks 1 and 4 will include a peer reviewed publication to address a scholarly audience. Evaluation of the success of the effortwill be a complete characterization of combustion characteristics of lagooned hog manure and a standard analysis of produced biochar.Efforts aligned with tasks 2, 3, and 5 will include an economic analysis to address hog farmers using lagoons as treatment options. Evaluation of the success of the efforts will be a report on the costs and potential benefits from the installation of a biogenic refinery to treat lagooned hog manure. This result provides a quantification which speaks to the feasability of installation of a biogenic refinery to treat lagooned hog manure.The project will be successful if, ultimately, all prelimnary analysis indicates that the treatment of lagooned hog manure by a biogenic refinery is both technically feasible (tasks 1 and 4) and economically feasible (tasks 2, 3, and 5).

Progress 07/15/19 to 08/31/20

Target Audience:During the project reporting period, we have held multiple discussions with staff at North Carolina State University to discuss the difficulties of processing lagooned swine manure, and what existing technologies are used to treat the manure. During these discussions, we have shared all of our research data including the calorific content of the lagooned manure, the breakdown of the solid of the material, anda summary of swine operationsin North Carolina including size and geography. In addition to our discussions with the university, Biomass Controls participated in the Manure Challenge hosted by the Yield Lab institute. During this program, Biomass Controls was allowed to present our technology to investors and operators in the AgTech marketplace, where we followed up on multiple leads who were interested in using our technology to process swine manure. Through these discussions, we gathered information on particular challenges with handling the material, and the price point we would need to meet in order for the technology to be viable. Changes/Problems:This program faced numerous challenges due to the COVID 19 pandemic as specific policies were put in place to protect the health and safety of all persons involved with the project. These policies prevent BMC from collecting enough manure samples to conduct a demonstration of the Biogenic Refinery processing lagooned manure. This report is being created after BMC recieved notification from the USDA, that they will not be pursing a Phase II for this project, and we would like to provide a few clarifying comments in regards to the comments we recieved from our application: 1. The Authorized Representative and Project Director left the company shortly after thr project started, and Brendon Lynch took over as the Program Director for the remaineder of the project. While all forms were submitted to make the change in personnel, the changes were never finalizeddue to the turnover in staff at the USDA NIFA. 2. We would like to clarify that while the owner of the IP listed in the project, Jeffery Hallowell Founder and CEO of Biomass Controls, was not listed as a key personnel, he is in support of this program. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?As part of this program, BMC contracted the North Carolina SBTDC group to generate a financial model comparing existing swine manure management systems against a manure management system using the Biogenic Refinery. During this contracting period, the SBTDC group hired interns from local universities who are currently working towards their MBA. As part of this program, an MBA student from Duke University was assigned our contract and was the primary contributor to the financial model. The model and assumptions were reviewed weekly by the intern's supervisor at the SBTDC and BMC employees. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?All data that has been collected as part of this program has been shared with professors and staff at NCSU Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? In the state of North Carolina the most popular manuremanagement system is anaerobic manure lagoons, which are outdoor earthen basins filled with animal waste that is treated through anaerobic respiration. However, these lagoons are particularly vulnerable to a natural disaster.Most recently in 2018's Hurricane Florence, 96 hog-manure lagoons in North Carolina were critically flooded, with 33 discharging their waste and an additional 6 suffering structural damage as of October 9, 2018. This project proposes to research the capability of BMC's Biogenic Refinery to technically and economically treat lagooned hog manure. The Biogenic Refinery is a thermochemical processesing unit thattreats organic wasteto reduce volume, kill pathogens, and improve the disaster resilience of vulnerable rural communities. The initial phase of the program focused on determining the technical feasability of the Biogenic Refinery to process lagoon swine manure. To accomplish this task, BMC partnered with North Carolina State University as a well respected and connected member of the swine operation community. With their help, BMC collected and analyzed three lagooned swine manure samples, two from active lagoons, and one from a decommissioned lagoon. The samples were analyzed to determine if lagooned manure contained enough energy to sustain a thermochemical conversion without the need for additional inputs. The results of the analysis determined that while the dried solids contained enough energy to be self-sustaining, it would only be possible if the manure was dried below 25% moisture. In order to process the manure directly from the lagoon either a drying system would need to be integrated, or additional fuel should be added. The second phase of the program focused on the finanial impact the refinery has on swine farm operations. BMC worked with the Small Business and Technology Developement Center (SBTDC) to create a financial model for the refinery and compare the results against existing waste management systems. Compiling primary research from NCSU allowed the SBTDC to generate a costing model for existing swine farm operations. This model was compared agains the expected cost savings the refinery would bring by reducing the volume/mass of manure that is hauled off site, and the revenues generated from the sale of biochar. The analysis determined that operations that transport their manure off-site have the highest probability of being financially feasable as they would see substantionreduction in hauling cost and could still rely on low to medium prices for biochar. 1. Determine the combustion characteristics of lagooned hog manure through micro-combustion calorimetry and bomb calorimetry testing. NCSU was able to provide BMC with three samples of lagooned swine manure. Sample 1 was procured from a Smithfield Foods feeder farm that had been separated from the lagoon using a geotextile bag,sample 2 was provided by NCSU from their lagoon the serves their swine research facility, and sample 3came from a decommissioned lagoon located in southern Virginia. All samples were analyzed using Bomb and Micro-Combustion Calorimetry to characterize the energy density and mass fraction of the manure. A summary of the data is below: - Sample 1: Total Energy (9.5 MJ/kg), Volatile Energy (5.6 MJ/kg), Char Fraction (mass) (51%) -Sample 2: Total Energy (11.3 MJ/kg), Volatile Energy (5.2 MJ/kg), Char Fraction (mass) (52%) -Sample 3: Total Energy (3.8 MJ/kg), Volatile Energy (2.1 MJ/kg), Char Fraction (mass) (84%) These samples clearly show that the manure found in active lagoons contain a higher energy density and will be better suited for processing in the refinery. The char fractions will be used in determining the financial feasability of the technology as the char will be sold to generate revenue. 2. Determine what treatment, if any, is necessary for lagooned hog manure prior to input to the biogenic refinery. Possible treatments include dewatering and drying. Using a custom energy model for the biogenic refinery we have determined that the lagooned samples from Smithfield and NCSU can be processed without a co-fuel so long as the feedstock is dried to below 25% MC. The decommissioned lagoon sample does not contain enough energy to be processed without a co-fuel. Since the Smithfield and NCSU samples reported to have similar energy densities and biochar fractions, we will treat the samples as one feedstock by averaging the necessary information for completing the co-fuel analysis. Since we have extensive experience working with wood pellets, this was chosen as the co-fueling source in the energy model. From the model we have made, we have estimated the ratio of feedstock to co-fuel on a dry mass basis, and the results are as follows: - 80% MC 1:2 - 60% MC 1.4:1 - 40% MC 4:1 For the decommissioned lagoon a feedstock to co-fuel ration on a dry mass basis is as follows: - 80% MC 1:2.3 - 60% MC 1:1 - 40% MC 1.9:1 - 20% MC: 3.5:1 3. Determine how the biogenic refinery operating parameters (e.g., feedstock rate, airflow, char extraction rate) affect biochar production. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, BMC was unable to procure enough lagooned manure samples to process in the refinery. Multiple attempts were made with NCSU to provide the lagooned manure samples, but their policies prevented their staff from procuring the samples for BMC. 4. Characterize the produced biochar according to IBI Standardized Product Definition and Product Testing Guidelines for Biochar Since we did not process the lagooned manure, no biochar was generated to conduct an analysis. 5. Perform an economic analysis of the costs of installation of a biogenic refinery to treat lagooned hog manure and possible income from the sale of biochar. The SBTDC was contracted to provide BMC with a financial model that can be used to determine the financial viability of the refinery for swine operations. From primary research that had been collected by NCSU and additional information gathered from a survey produced by the SBTDC.The produced model tracks the costs of existing sludge management systems including the cost of transportation for various swine farm operations including Feeder to Finish, Wean to Feeder,Wean to Finish, etc. For the refinery, the model accounts for the CAPEX and OPEX of the system, three potential value estimates for the produced biochar ($0.44/kg, $1.64/kg, and $2.84/kg), and cost savings from reduced hauling costs. The initial analysis of the model determined that the current price of the refinery at $265kwith a yearly OPEX of $10kis closeto being financially viable for an average swine operation. For this conclusion, an assessment was made on a Feeder to Finish operation that held 3,000 head (Avg. headcount) and produced 1.2 million gallonsof manure every year (Avg. manure production). The model determined that the cost for transporting manure 10 miles off of the farm annualized over 10 years comes to $16.8k per year, and this would be reduced to $1.7k when transporting biochar. This cost savings alone do not make up the cost of the refinery, so the sale of biochar is required. For this example, the 1.2 million gallons of manure would convert to 12kgals of biochar which can be sold for $20k per year when using the medium value of the biochar ($1.64/kg). With these assumptions, the refinery breaks even, however the medium price for biochar may be hard to come by. It should be noted that this model is highly sensitive to theswine operation, size, and manure management system. An additional point to note is that the current price of the refinery does not reflect the price once the refinery is commercialized. BMC believes that the commercialized price of the refinery will come down to $165kCAPEX with $10k OPEX making the example above break-even at the low value for biochar.


    Progress 07/15/19 to 07/14/20

    Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems:Although we have no proposed changes to execution of this research, we wanted to notify the reviewers that the Authorized Representative and Project Director listed on this report are no longer with the company, and we are in the process of updating and approving the new key personnel. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We previously planned on conducting the experiments on the lagoon waste at our facilities in Putnam, CT, however in order to save on shipping costs we plan to enter a testing contract with North Carolina State University. NCSU can provide a variety of lagoon waste since they operate their own swine lagoon and have industry contacts that process lagoon waste. As we are delayed in setting up the testing facility, Goals 3 and 4 will be carried out in tandem, and processes we be modified based on our previous experiments. The biogenic refinery will be programmed to maintain certain perameters that we believe will produce different types of biochar. The biochar will be sent to testing facility to be analyzed for parameters defined by the IBI. Once the results are analyzed, we will set a price for the produced biochar and a financial and operational model will be analyzed for commercialization.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Biomass Controls PBC (BMC) aims to develop and validate the use of a farm-scale biogenic refinery to convert lagooned hog manure to value added biochar. This application is directly related to reducing the vulnerabilities of rural communities from hazards and the USDA SBIR Program Priorities as well as those set forth in the USDA Strategic Plan (FY 2018-2022). Traditional hog manure storage in lagoons is vulnerable to natural disasters. In particular, flooding caused by hurricanes and increased rainfall pose a distinct hazard for regional watershed, as exemplified recently when Hurricane Florence struck the Carolina coast. The biogenic refinery unit can improve disaster vulnerability in farm operations by providing an alternative manure disposal route and a way to safely empty and convert existing hog manure lagoons to disaster impervious biochar. The biogenic refinery unit has demonstrated the ability to process more than 20 kg/hr on a dry basis of agricultural type waste (food waste, sewage sludge, and cow manure) yielding thermal heat for drying of high moisture feedstock and producing a mass yield of up to 18% biochar. 1. Determine the combustion characteristics of lagooned hog manure through micro-combustion calorimetry and bomb calorimetry testing. After reviewing traditional lagoon management strategies, we determined that the best samples to analyze for potential commercialization would be a mixed slurry which is done once or twice a year at a farm, unmixed sludge/solids sample, and samples from a decommissioned lagoon. The following explains how the samples were collected and preparations that were made before testing. Sample 1 was collected as from a Smithfield Foods feeder farm that had been processed by a geotextile bag. As part of this process the lagoon is mixed thoroughly, pumped into a mixing tank to be combined with a polymer to encourage coagulation, and then passed through a geotextile filter bag. The geotextile bag captures the solids and released the free water, the remaining solids are typically between 80-90% Moisture Content (MC). The sample was dried using an ambient air dryer, and the final MC before analysis was 50%. Before further testing the sample was dried again inside a muffle furnace at 105 °Cfor 24 hrs or until there was no change in mass. Sample 2 was collected is from a swine lagoon that is operated by North Carolina State University (NCSU), the lagoon is unique in two ways; the first is that it operates as a research facility and houses swine all along the development cycle, the second differentiating factor is that they pretreat the barn effluent with a settling basin before discharging the wastewater into the lagoon. These differentiating factors are not expected to have any impact of the thermochemical properties of the sludge and solids. The sample that was collected was captured in a core of the sludge and solids layer within the lagoon itself. The core sample was mixed together and dried inside a muffle furnace at 105 °Cfor 24 hrs or until there was no change in mass. Sample 3 was collected was from a decommissioned lagoon located in Southern Virginia. Multiple core samples were collected and mixed together to be analyzed. The samples were dried in a muffle furnace at 105 °Cfor 24 hrs or until there was no change in mass. The first analysis that was completed was a Bomb Calorimetry analysis, this test reports on the total energy content that is available for thermochemical treatment of the feedstock, and the ash content of the sample. Result from the Bomb Calorimetry showed that the samples from Smithfield, and NCSU contained 9.5 MJ/kg, and 11.3 MJ/kg respectiely where as the decommissioned lagoon only contained 3.8 MJ/kg. The difference between the active lagoons and the decommissioned lagoon is due to the fact the the decommissioned lagoon no longer has swine waste entering the system, so the bacteria treat the sludge that remained in the lagoon. The Bomb Calorimetry also showed that the decommissioned lagoon contained 83% inorganics as opposed to 47% (Smithfield), and 48% (NCSU) of the active lagoons. The second analysis that was completed was the Micro-Combustion Calorimetry (MCC), which analyzes the sample for energy released during pyrolysis, the char fraction of the sample, and the temperature required for complete pyrolysis.The results showed that all samples required to be heated to above 550°C for complete pyrolysis and that the active lagoons released the similar amounts ofenergy during pyrolysis at 5.6 MJ/kg (Smithfield), and 5.2 MJ/kg (NCSU), whereas the decommissioned lagoon only released 2.1 MJ/kg during pyrolysis. Again, these results make sense as the active lagoons have consistent sources of energy being input into the system through swine waste.The MCC also concluded that the char mass fraction for each of the samples were 51% (Smithfield), 52% (NCSU), and 84%(Decommissioned). The char mass fraction will be used in the financial analysis to determine revenue generation from biochar. 2. Determine what treatment, if any, is necessary for lagooned hog manure prior to input to the biogenic refinery. Possible treatments include dewatering and drying. Using a customenergy model for the biogenic refinery we have determined that the lagooned samples from Smithfield and NCSU can be processed without a co-fuel so long as the feedstock is dried to below 25% MC. The decommissioned lagoon sampledoes not contain enough energy to be processed without a co-fuel. Since the Smithfield and NCSU samples reported to have similar energy densities and biochar fractions, we will treat the samples as one feedstock by averaging the necessary information for completing the co-fuel analysis. Since we have extensive experience working with wood pellets, this was chosen as the co-fueling source in the energy model. From the model we have made, we have estimated the ratio of feestock to co-fuel on a dry mass basis, and the results are as follows: - 80% MC 1:2 - 60% MC 1.4:1 - 40% MC 4:1 For the decommissioned lagoon a feedstock to co-fuel ration on a dry mass basis is as follows: - 80% MC 1:2.3 - 60% MC 1:1 - 40% MC 1.9:1 - 20% MC: 3.5:1 3. Determine how the biogenic refinery operating parameters (e.g., feedstock rate, airflow, char exctraction rate) affect biochar producting. We are currently working on a testing agreement with North Carolina State University (NCSU), which would provide us with access to many manure types including lagooned swine waste from their local opertions and farms within North Carolina. Since the testing has not started yet, we expect this Goal will be completed by Feb. 15th. 4. Characterize the produced biochar according to IBI Standardized Product Definition and Product Testing Guidlines for Biochar. As the biogenic refinery starts to process the lagooned waste (Goal 3), the resulting biochar will be analyzed for portential commercial uses as layed out by the International Biochar Institute (IBI). We will also consult with biochar specialist to determine if there are any alternative uses for the biochar that is produced from lagooned swine manure. 5. Perform an economic analysis of the costs of installation of a biogenic refinery to treat lagooned hog manure and possible inome from the sale of biochar. Based on the feedback from the biochar specialist, a financial and operations model will be made for integrating the biogenic refinery in to standard lagoon managment systems. We will also investigate potential cost savings from reduced transportation weight if the biochar cannot be utilized at the farm.


      Progress 07/15/19 to 03/14/20

      Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems:Although we have no proposed changes to execution of this research, we wanted to notify the reviewers that the Authorized Representative and Project Director listed on this report are no longer with the company, and we are in the process of updating and approving the new key personnel. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?We previously planned on conducting the experiments on the lagoon waste at our facilities in Putnam, CT, however in order to save on shipping costs we plan to enter a testing contract with North Carolina State University. NCSU can provide a variety of lagoon waste since they operate their own swine lagoon and have industry contacts that process lagoon waste. As we are delayed in setting up the testing facility, Goals 3 and 4 will be carried out in tandem, and processes we be modified based on our previous experiments. The biogenic refinery will be programmed to maintain certain perameters that we believe will produce different types of biochar. The biochar will be sent to testing facility to be analyzed for parameters defined by the IBI. Once the results are analyzed, we will set a price for the produced biochar and a financial and operational model will be analyzed for commercialization.

      What was accomplished under these goals? Biomass Controls PBC (BMC) aims to develop and validate the use of a farm-scale biogenic refinery to convert lagooned hog manure to value added biochar. This application is directly related to reducing the vulnerabilities of rural communities from hazards and the USDA SBIR Program Priorities as well as those set forth in the USDA Strategic Plan (FY 2018-2022). Traditional hog manure storage in lagoons is vulnerable to natural disasters. In particular, flooding caused by hurricanes and increased rainfall pose a distinct hazard for regional watershed, as exemplified recently when Hurricane Florence struck the Carolina coast. The biogenic refinery unit can improve disaster vulnerability in farm operations by providing an alternative manure disposal route and a way to safely empty and convert existing hog manure lagoons to disaster impervious biochar. The biogenic refinery unit has demonstrated the ability to process more than 20 kg/hr on a dry basis of agricultural type waste (food waste, sewage sludge, and cow manure) yielding thermal heat for drying of high moisture feedstock and producing a mass yield of up to 18% biochar. 1. Determine the combustion characteristics of lagooned hog manure through micro-combustion calorimetry and bomb calorimetry testing. After reviewing traditional lagoon management strategies, we determined that the best samples to analyze for potential commercialization would be a mixed slurry which is done once or twice a year at a farm, unmixed sludge/solids sample, and samples from a decommissioned lagoon. The following explains how the samples were collected and preparations that were made before testing. Sample 1 was collected as from a Smithfield Foods feeder farm that had been processed by a geotextile bag. As part of this process the lagoon is mixed thoroughly, pumped into a mixing tank to be combined with a polymer to encourage coagulation, and then passed through a geotextile filter bag. The geotextile bag captures the solids and released the free water, the remaining solids are typically between 80-90% Moisture Content (MC). The sample was dried using an ambient air dryer, and the final MC before analysis was 50%. Before further testing the sample was dried again inside a muffle furnace at 105 °Cfor 24 hrs or until there was no change in mass. Sample 2 was collected is from a swine lagoon that is operated by North Carolina State University (NCSU), the lagoon is unique in two ways; the first is that it operates as a research facility and houses swine all along the development cycle, the second differentiating factor is that they pretreat the barn effluent with a settling basin before discharging the wastewater into the lagoon. These differentiating factors are not expected to have any impact of the thermochemical properties of the sludge and solids. The sample that was collected was captured in a core of the sludge and solids layer within the lagoon itself. The core sample was mixed together and dried inside a muffle furnace at 105 °Cfor 24 hrs or until there was no change in mass. Sample 3 was collected was from a decommissioned lagoon located in Southern Virginia. Multiple core samples were collected and mixed together to be analyzed. The samples were dried in a muffle furnace at 105 °Cfor 24 hrs or until there was no change in mass. The first analysis that was completed was a Bomb Calorimetry analysis, this test reports on the total energy content that is available for thermochemical treatment of the feedstock, and the ash content of the sample. Result from the Bomb Calorimetry showed that the samples from Smithfield, and NCSU contained 9.5 MJ/kg, and 11.3 MJ/kg respectiely where as the decommissioned lagoon only contained 3.8 MJ/kg. The difference between the active lagoons and the decommissioned lagoon is due to the fact the the decommissioned lagoon no longer has swine waste entering the system, so the bacteria treat the sludge that remained in the lagoon. The Bomb Calorimetry also showed that the decommissioned lagoon contained 83% inorganics as opposed to 47% (Smithfield), and 48% (NCSU) of the active lagoons. The second analysis that was completed was the Micro-Combustion Calorimetry (MCC), which analyzes the sample for energy released during pyrolysis, the char fraction of the sample, and the temperature required for complete pyrolysis.The results showed that all samples required to be heated to above 550°C for complete pyrolysis and that the active lagoons released the similar amounts ofenergy during pyrolysis at 5.6 MJ/kg (Smithfield), and 5.2 MJ/kg (NCSU), whereas the decommissioned lagoon only released 2.1 MJ/kg during pyrolysis. Again, these results make sense as the active lagoons have consistent sources of energy being input into the system through swine waste.The MCC also concluded that the char mass fraction for each of the samples were 51% (Smithfield), 52% (NCSU), and 84%(Decommissioned). The char mass fraction will be used in the financial analysis to determine revenue generation from biochar. 2. Determine what treatment, if any, is necessary for lagooned hog manure prior to input to the biogenic refinery. Possible treatments include dewatering and drying. Using a customenergy model for the biogenic refinery we have determined that the lagooned samples from Smithfield and NCSU can be processed without a co-fuel so long as the feedstock is dried to below 25% MC. The decommissioned lagoon sampledoes not contain enough energy to be processed without a co-fuel. Since the Smithfield and NCSU samples reported to have similar energy densities and biochar fractions, we will treat the samples as one feedstock by averaging the necessary information for completing the co-fuel analysis. Since we have extensive experience working with wood pellets, this was chosen as the co-fueling source in the energy model. From the model we have made, we have estimated the ratio of feestock to co-fuel on a dry mass basis, and the results are as follows: - 80% MC 1:2 - 60% MC 1.4:1 - 40% MC 4:1 For the decommissioned lagoon a feedstock to co-fuel ration on a dry mass basis is as follows: - 80% MC 1:2.3 - 60% MC 1:1 - 40% MC 1.9:1 - 20% MC: 3.5:1 3. Determine how the biogenic refinery operating parameters (e.g., feedstock rate, airflow, char exctraction rate) affect biochar producting. We are currently working on a testing agreement with North Carolina State University (NCSU), which would provide us with access to many manure types including lagooned swine waste from their local opertions and farms within North Carolina. Since the testing has not started yet, we expect this Goal will be completed by Feb. 15th. 4. Characterize the produced biochar according to IBI Standardized Product Definition and Product Testing Guidlines for Biochar. As the biogenic refinery starts to process the lagooned waste (Goal 3), the resulting biochar will be analyzed for portential commercial uses as layed out by the International Biochar Institute (IBI). We will also consult with biochar specialist to determine if there are any alternative uses for the biochar that is produced from lagooned swine manure. 5. Perform an economic analysis of the costs of installation of a biogenic refinery to treat lagooned hog manure and possible inome from the sale of biochar. Based on the feedback from the biochar specialist, a financial and operations model will be made for integrating the biogenic refinery in to standard lagoon managment systems. We will also investigate potential cost savings from reduced transportation weight if the biochar cannot be utilized at the farm.
