Progress 07/01/18 to 02/28/19
Outputs Target Audience:Poultry processors are the target audience that will be the primary focus of effort for the duration of the project. However, additional audiences that will receive secondary focus include: the scientific community, public health and natural resource managers and government regulators. The connections between the project and the mentioned groups are described below. Poultry Processors Poultry producers face rapidly rising costs of freshwater and wastewater disposal. Wastewater reuse is a promising method to decrease the amount of water needed for industrial food processes, such as poultry immersion chilling. In 2004, water recycling was reported at about half of the large U.S. poultry processing facilities. Reused poultry chiller water is allowed after measures have been taken to reduce microbiological contamination. We propose reducing discharged chiller-bath overflow water by 50% with potential cost savings of $4.58 /1000 gal. Poultry processors are dependent on water disinfection to maintain food safety and avoid the economic impacts associated with foodborne illness outbreaks. The USDA Economic Research Service (ERS) estimates that foodborne illness costs the U.S. economy over $15 billion annually.. In addition to saving poultry processors financially by cutting freshwater and sewer costs, the proposed research can help ensure that food supply is safe for consumers and meets foreign and domestic regulatory requirements. The most common disinfection method involves adding chlorine; however, consumers have raised concerns about disinfection by-products such as trihalomethane. Other potential energy and costs savings will result from the reduced production, shipping, handling and storage of hazardous chlorine chemicals. The Scientific Community A number of studies have investigated the potential benefit of combined Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) to disinfect poultry wastewater and eggshells. While authors have identified additive effects when killing bacteria, to the best of our knowledge, none have investigated the proposed combination of treatments. Further, prior to our presentation in 2019, the rate of hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical generation during electrolysis of water containing chlorine-free electrolytes using alternating electric current and electrodes made of stainless steel, copper and titanium was unreported. Our findings were presented at the 2019 National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS). Terthiophene and other thiophene-based molecules are naturally occurring secondary metabolites in plants, such as in the plant family Asteraceae. Their insecticidal, nematocidal and larvicidal properties have been extensively studied and are attributed to their ability to generate 1O2. Depending on the oligothiophene, 1O2 generation efficiencies of up to 0.95 have been reported. To date, use of compounds of the oligothiophene family for poultry wastewater treatment has not been reported. Public Health and Natural Resource Managers This technology can lower public health risks and protect natural resources. The proposed approach uses AOPs which are considered environmentally friendly because end-products of the reactions are innocuous (e.g. CO2, H2O and inorganic salts). Water recycling has the added public benefit of reducing the environmental impacts associated with water consumption, especially in regions facing water restrictions. Government Regulators To prevent microbial contamination, the USDA has developed Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) programs and recently increased the stringency of pathogen standards for broiler chickens. While these methods improve food safety, they also create financial and logistical burdens for the poultry industry. Most poultry processing plants utilize chlorine to disinfect their processing water for less than $1 per 1,000 gal. Others, including those that export to Russia or the European Union, have converted to more costly alternative water treatments such as ozonation and Ultraviolet radiation (UV). In response to public health concerns about chlorine disinfection and microbial cross-contamination, the European Union and Russia have restricted the importation of chemically treated chicken. Prior to the European ban in 1997, annual U.S. exports were valued over $50 million and prior to the Russian ban in 2013, annual U.S. exports were valued at $310 million. Reducing the chemical and biological hazards associated with chlorine use in poultry processing could help reopen these markets for U.S. producers. While the current application focuses on food manufacturing and specifically poultry processing, additional opportunities have been identified. This technology has additional potential uses to decontaminate wastewater containing pesticides, viruses, pharmaceuticals organic pollutants and chemical warfare agents. Decontamination methods that are environmentally friendly have become an area of interest for the local stakeholders, wastewater treatment facilities as well as the U.S. government. To respond to these growing interests, a better understanding of decontamination, pollution prevention and water reuse is urgently needed. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Director of project Dr. Nikolay Barashkov being Visiting Professor at Eurasian National University, ENU (Astana, Kazakhstan) is going to include the results of this project in his cycle of lectures entitled "Modern chlorine-free methods for disinfection of contaminated water". These lectures will be delivered to MS and PhD students of the Department of Chemistry at ENU in April-May, 2019. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?
Nothing Reported
What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?
Nothing Reported
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Wastewater reuse presents a unique opportunity to improve freshwater conservation practices in regions facing water shortages. We believe our approach can help protect water resources and is aligned with NIFA Strategic Goal 1: Science, Subgoal 1.3. In addition to water conservation, the proposed technology can lower public health risks and is aligned with NIFA Strategic Goal 1: Science, Subgoal 1.6. Our methods of electrochemical and photochemical treatment are considered environmentally friendly because end-products of the reactions are innocuous (e.g. CO2, H2O and inorganic salts). During Phase I research efforts, poultry processing wastewater was treated through the in-situ generation of oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radicals and singlet oxygen. Generating these disinfectants on-site in the wastewater validated the technical feasibility and reduced handling hazards. The findings were presented to the scientific community at the 2019 National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS) and a preliminary version of the proposed equipment was included in a U.S. Provisional Patent application (Provisional Patent # 62/764,267, Priority date is 07/25/18). This technology has potential to save poultry processors financially by cutting freshwater, sewer and energy costs. Other potential energy and costs savings will result from the reduced production, shipping, handling and storage of hazardous chlorine chemicals in addition to fewer toxic by-products in wastewater. Disinfection of water contaminated with bacteria was evaluated and specific equipment parameters (e.g. copper and titanium electrodes and oligothiophene-based dyes) were identified for optimal disinfection performance and commercial profitability. 1.1. Provide experimental proof of: The generation of1O2from photosensitizers with improved lightfastness incorporated in solid substrate under irradiation with visible light The photoluminescence properties of the photosensitizers were evaluated in solution, and when incorporated in the polymers. Determination of the1O2generation efficiency was first performed through the comparative dilution method against the known standard in addition an established colorimetric method using (cysteinato-N,S)bis(ethylenediamine)cobalt-(III). The1O2emission efficiencies were measured and reported in Final Technical Report submitted the NIFA National Program Leader. In conclusion, experimental evidence of1O2generation of investigated photosensitizers has been provided and a quantitative evaluation of1O2generation efficiency for solutions of photosensitizers in organic solvents as well for their dispersions in polymer films have been performed. In trials with poultry wastewater, generation of1O2was confirmed however additional wastewater compounds were found to consume1O2in competition with indicator. The generation of H2O2and OH•during electrolysis of water containing chlorine free electrolytes using a low-voltage, alternating electric current A colorimetric method using potassium iodide was used to determine the concentration of peroxide derivatives during the treatments with a constant 0.1% concentration of inorganic salt as the electrolyte. During the electrolysis of DI water, the in-situ generation of peroxide derivatives for various electrolytes was measured over 60 minute experimental trials. Detection of OH•was performed using an indirect technique known as spin-trapping with p-nitrosodimethylaniline. Decoloration of RNO was measured in DI water and poultry wastewater. In conclusion, the generation of peroxide derivatives and hydroxyl radicalwas measured during timed trials. The rate of RNO discoloration in poultry water was impacted by additional organic compounds in poultry wastewater that compete with colorimetric indicator to react with non-selective oxidants like OH?. Combined bactericidal effect of electrochemical and photochemical treatment on water contaminated with pathogenic and nonpathogenic bacteria During timed disinfection trials, samples were collected for microbiological analysis. Samples underwent a serial dilution and a pour plate method was used to determine the colony-forming units (CFU) per ml of test solution. The bactericidal effect of various treatments was estimated with a slope equation (ratio of the change in colony forming units over the change in time; slope = ΔCFU/Δtime) and a disinfection kinetic model was used to estimated time for complete elimination of bacteria (Td). Slope and Td values were calculated for four treatments: control, electrochemical only, photochemical only and combined electro+photo treatment. Preliminary trials with the stainless steel electrode in DI water found Td values increasing in the following order control < photochemistry only < electrochemistry only < combined electro+photo treatments. The combined treatment led to an 80% and 25% reduction of Td for photochemical only and electrochemical only treatments, respectively. The presence or lack of potential harmful by-products Before and after electro/photochemical treatment, poultry process wastewater was sent off-site for analysis of total dissolved solids (SM2540 C), total suspended solids (SM2540 D), chemical oxygen demand (SM5220 D) and biochemical oxygen demand (SM 5210 B). The presence copper in wastewater was determined by a colorimetric method involving cuprizone and the lack of leaching of thiophene-based photosensitizers from their dispersions in polymer films has been established using absorption and photo luminescence spectroscopy. 1.2. Comparison of the bactericidal effect of electro/photochemical treatments and investigate relationship between bacterial population and OH•generation. To compare the bactericidal effect of the different treatments conditions (e.g. electrochemistry, photochemistry and combined electro + photochemistry) over a 60 minute period, a linear model and tukey-adjusted post-hoc comparisons were used. For post-hoc comparisons, if one level has a significantly steeper slope than others, its bacteria populations are being killed at a faster rate. A strong inverse relationship between bacterial count and RNO absorbance was observed for all metal types. All three metal electrodes generated OH• however the antimicrobial properties of copper likely contributed to an enhanced bactericidal effect relative to non-copper electrochemical processes. 2.1 Investigate the following variables: Electrode materials Time for complete elimination of bacteria (Td) ranged from 58 minutes to 113 for electrode material trials in poultry wastewater. The specific metals increased in Td estimates in the following order: Control < Stainless Steel < Copper < Titanium. Electrolytes For the investigated electrolytes, the rate of formation of peroxide derivatives increased in the following order: carbonate < bicarbonate < phosphate buffer < ammonium sulfate. Photosensitizers, polymer carriers, sources of light and electric frequencies The best results were obtained using bitheophine photosensitizers incorperated into polymer films ofethocel plus shellacwith radiation provided by a conventaional halogen lamp. Best results were also obtained using an electric frequency of 60 Hz. 3. Continue to update cost estimates and explore commercial viability Micro-Tracers, Inc. is participating in the Commercialization Assistance Program (CAP) and a collaboration with the Larta Institute is currently ongoing. The product of this collaboration, a Commercialization Plan, will be included in a Phase II application in Spring 2020. If funded, the proposed technology could save poultry processors financially by cutting freshwater, sewer and energy costs.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Carlson, M., Barashkov, N., Lam, L., and Z. Eisenberg. (2019). "Advanced oxidation processes used to disinfect wastewater: Role of electrode material" General Poster Session at the Spring 2019 National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. Orlando, Florida. April, 2019. Abstract ID: 3106700.