Progress 08/24/17 to 09/30/19
Outputs Target Audience:Scientific community, land owners, animal agriculture, and policy makers Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Trained one undergraduate student, two masters students and one PhD student. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We conducted three focus group meetings with animal agriculture stakeholders in three counties in Western Pennsylvania and discussed results from land suitability analysis for manure management. We published news stories related to the research on manure management in western PA. and submitted a detailed project report with datasets and tools to Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture which is available for public access. We have published results in conference proceedings and presented results in national and international conferences. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?
Nothing Reported
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
SWAT model improvements in representing agricultural best management practices: Vegetative filter strips (VFS) are popular conservation practices installed at the edges of agricultural fields to reduce losses of pollutants from agricultural areas to receiving waterbodies. We improved the VFS representation in Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to enhance physical representation of VFS (Cibin et al., 2018). The enhanced model was tested with three paired watershed studies with and without edge of field VFS in central Iowa. Saturated buffer is a relatively new agricultural best management practice for managing nitrate loading from tile drains. In saturated buffer, tile drain is diverted to vegetated riparian buffer to enhance denitrification and vegetation nutrient uptake. We incorporated saturated buffers in SWAT for evaluating potential benefits of saturated buffers at watershed scale and for identifying best suited places for saturated buffer placements (Cibin et al, 2019). We also contributed to improvements in SWAT modeling framework and in developing efficient model calibration strategies. SWAT discretizes watersheds into sub-basins and subsequently into smaller hydrological response units (HRU). We recently completed a study which reconceptualized the HRU threshold allocation in ArcSWAT model setup which would reduce the loss of landscape biophysical information (Femeena et al., 2019). The new HRU threshold definition will help modelers to have more computationally efficient modeling framework without compromising accuracy of biophysical inputs to the model. SWAT calibration becomes challenging with the increasing complexity of model set up. Auto-calibration using optimization algorithms requires thousands of model evaluations to identify best parameters for the watershed. We explored two computationally efficient calibration approaches (Saha and Cibin, 2019). The first approach used a multi-stage calibration with the first stage of auto-calibration using a dominant HRU based model and second stage of manual calibration of comprehensive model starting with the calibrated parameters from first stage. The second approach included surrogate modeling using Neural Networks (NN). A surrogate model was developed using ensemble simulation of comprehensive model with selected calibration parameters. The surrogate NN model was then used in auto-calibration instead of SWAT simulations, the final calibrated parameters were evaluated again using the comprehensive model. Both approaches significantly reduced computational complexity and derived satisfactory hydrology calibration results for the case study watershed. Flexible Buffer systems: Protection and restoration of riparian buffers have emerged as top priority for water quality protection initiatives in watersheds across the U.S. The current buffer design requirements offers limited customization potential for farmers and is a major adoption barrier. We are currently evaluating potential of flexible buffer systems with varying stream buffer width, buffer plants and buffer management practices. The study conducted focus group meeting with stakeholder identifying adoption barriers and preferred design choices. The design choices were evaluated for environmental benefits and conducted economic analysis. A mathematical modeling framework was built by loosely coupling SWAT with Riparian Ecosystem Management Model (REMM) and with an economic model (Jiang et al., 2019). The simulation results indicate grass vegetation was more effective in sediment and phosphorus removal than trees buffers of equal width but both vegetations were equally effective in total nitrogen removal. Results showed that harvesting a portion of the buffer zone every three years did not decrease buffer effectiveness. Evaluating riparian buffers' performance by percentage removal efficiency is sometimes misleading when the input nutrient loads are different. Our results can provide policymakers with information on flexible buffer systems and help with the evaluations of the impacts of flexible buffer design on water quality. Tools for identifying suitable locations for manure management: We developed a geospatial analysis framework to identify potential areas suitable for manure application based on biophysical characteristics and vulnerability to potential environmental impacts. We developed tools to delineate an area that could accommodate the manure generated from a new livestock farm (called as "manureshed"). A pilot study was conducted in three counties in western PA, Armstrong, Indiana, and Westmoreland. In total, 46293 ha (114,392 acres) have been identified as the suitable area for manure utilization (Saha et al 2018). We are currently working on manuscripts from this study. Spatially distributed model for Susquehanna River Basin: We developed a detailed SWAT model for Susquehanna River Basin (SRB). The Susquehanna River (HUC: 0205) is the largest river in Pennsylvania, draining about 46% of the state to the Chesapeake Bay and is under significant pressure to reduce nutrient loading, as mandated by the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL, EPA 2010). A model with detailed spatial architecture has been developed with about 1000 sub-basins and over 50,000 HRUs. The model is developed incorporating over 100 weather stations, dominant crop management practices, best management practices etc. The model is calibrated/validated at multiple locations in SRB for hydrology, crop growth, sediment and nutrient loading using data collected by the USGS Non-Tidal Network (NTN) and USDA NASS crop statistics (Saha and Cibin, 2019). The calibrated model will be used to develop efficient nutrient management plans, optimal land use and land management practices strategies to meet TMDL goals of the watershed. Urban nitrate flux: Data analysis of high frequency urban nitrate data has commenced for 6 nested watersheds in the Chesapeake Bay. Progress has been made in utilizing high-spatial-resolution digital elevation and land use (both 1m2) to delineate and characterize land cover. Sensor installations in small urban tributaries and culverts have now been completed. High frequency time series of discharge and nitrate are being collected by the lead PI at University of Maryland Baltimore County. Spatial Location of Potential Agricultural Conservation Practices at the HUC 12 Scale: Agricultural conservation practices can be difficult to implement without a detailed plan of which practices can be placed in an optimal location across entire watersheds. The USDA-ARS Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework (ACPF) tool (dubbed the right place, right practice tool) has been developed address this issue. Such precision stretches management dollars while taking minimal land out of agricultural production.By leveraging high resolution spatial data, the GIS portion of the framework helpsdirect conservation action to areas of disproportionately high impact. The tool was developed for use in the upper Midwest and objectively identifies optimal locations for management practices such as grassed waterways, contour buffer strips, water and sediment control basins, and tile drain management among others. We tested the tool at the HUC 12 watershed scale in three physiographic provinces (Coastal Plain, Piedmont, and Ridge and Valley) across the mid-Atlantic. With minor alterations, can be successfully applied in the East Coast. Key differences in placement frequency emerge across the physiographic provinces based on much flatter landscapes in the Coastal Plain and shorter flowpath lengths in the Ridge and Valley. Input DEM resolution matters more in the Coastal Plain than it does in the Piedmont because small impediments to routed flow (roads, bridges, etc.) impact larger areas in flatter landscapes. These findings will be useful in further testing the opportunities and challenges of the ACPF toolbox in the east coast.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Welty, C, Duncan, J, Miller, A, and Doheny, E. 2019. Quantifying effects of stream restoration on nitrate loads in an urban watershed using a high-frequency sensor network. Baltimore Ecosystem Study Annual Meeting.
- Type:
Year Published:
Respess, Z. 2019. MS. Thesis. Evaluating and extending geospatial tools for placing agricultural best management practices. The Pennsylvania State University.
- Type:
Year Published:
Saha, G. 2018. MS. Geospatial landscape analysis for livestock manure management in western Pennsylvania.The Pennsylvania State University.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Jiang, F., Gall, H. E., Veith, T., Cibin, R., & Drohan, P. J. (2019). Assessment of riparian buffers effectiveness in controlling nutrient and sediment loads as a function of buffer design, site characteristics and upland loadings. (11 pp). St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Jiang, F., Gall, H. E., Veith, T., Cibin, R., & Drohan, P. J. (July 2019). "Assessment of riparian buffers effectiveness in controlling nutrient and sediment loads as a function of buffer design, site characteristics and upland loadings," ASABE 2019 Annual International Meeting, Boston. USA. International.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Saha, A., & Cibin, R. (July 2019). "Computationally efficient calibration strategies for complex large-scale SWAT applications," Soil and Water Assessment Tool Annual International Meeting, Vienna. Austria.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Cibin, R., Arnold, J., Dan, J., Gassman, P., Gregory, M., & Thomas, I. (July 2019). "Physical Representation of Saturated Riparian Buffers in Soil and Water Assessment Tool," ASABE 2019 Annual International Meeting, Boston, MA. USA. International.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Femeena, P. V., Cibin, R., & Sudheer, K. P. (July 2019). "Re-conceptualizing HRU threshold definition in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool," Soil and Water Assessment Tool Annual International Meeting, Vienna. Austria. International.
Progress 10/01/17 to 09/30/18
Outputs Target Audience:Scientific community, land owners, animal agriculture, and policy makers Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Trained an undergraduate student, one masters student and one PhD student How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We conducted three focus group meetings with animal agriculture stakeholders in three counties in Western Pennsylvania and discussed results from land suitability analysis for manure management. We are also working towards publishing news stories related to the research on manure management in western PA. We submitted a detailed project report with data-sets and tools to Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. We have published two papers in scientific publications during the reporting period. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Complete the SWAT model development for Susquehanna River Basin and evaluate BMP performance and water quality. We are working on SWAT model improvements in representing saturated buffers and flexible buffer systems Develop tools and strategies for environmentally sustainable manure management Mass flux calculations of nitrate from urban watersheds will be conducted with various statistical models, which will then be compared against 'true' measured load derived from sensors and USGS discharge records.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
SWAT model improvements in representing agricultural best management practices: Vegetative filter strips (VFS) are popular conservation practices installed at the edges of agricultural fields to reduce losses of pollutants from agricultural areas to receiving waterbodies. We improved the VFS representation in Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to enhance physical representation of VFS (Cibin et al 2018). The enhanced model was tested with three paired watershed studies with and without edge of field VFS in central Iowa. We are currently working on modeling stream buffers to simulate flexible buffer systems. In addition, we are developing new modeling frameworks for representing saturated buffers, an agricultural best management practice for managing nitrate loading from tile drains. Tools for identifying suitable locations for manure management: The majority of animal agriculture in Pennsylvania is in the Susquehanna River Basin (SRB), which is currently under pressure from the Chesapeake Bay TMDL to reduce nutrient losses to the Bay. For the State to maintain a vibrant agricultural sector, shift in potential opportunities and challenges for animal agricultural activities in western PA is been explored. We developed a geospatial analysis framework to identify the potential areas suitable for manure application based on biophysical characteristics and vulnerability to potential environmental impacts. We developed tools to delineate an area that could accommodate the manure generated from a new livestock farm (called as "manureshed"). A pilot study was conducted in three counties in western PA, Armstrong, Indiana, and Westmoreland. In total, 46293 ha (114,392 acres) have been identified as the suitable area for manure utilization (Saha et al 2018). Spatially distributed model for Susquehanna River Basin: We are in advanced stages of developing a detailed Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model for Susquehanna River Basin (SRB). The Susquehanna River (HUC: 0205) is the largest river in Pennsylvania, draining about 46% of the state to the Chesapeake Bay. The SRB is 71,225 km2 with about 79,000 km of waterways including many tributaries. SRB comprises 43% of the entire Chesapeake Bay drainage area and is under significant pressure to reduce nutrient loading, as mandated by the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL, EPA 2010). A model with detailed spatial architecture has been developed with about 1000 sub-basins and over 50,000 HRUs. The model is developed incorporating over 100 weather stations, dominant crop management practices, best management practices etc. The model is being calibrated/validated at multiple locations in SRB for hydrology, crop growth, sediment and nutrient loading using data collected by the USGS Non-Tidal Network (NTN) and USDA NASS crop statistics. The calibrated model will be used to develop efficient nutrient management plans, optimal land use and land management practices strategies to meet TMDL goals of the watershed. Urban nitrate flux: Data analysis of high frequency urban nitrate data has commenced for 6 nested watersheds in the Chesapeake Bay.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Cibin, R., Chaubey, I., Sudheer, K. P., White, M., Arnold, J. G., & Helmers, M. J. (2018). Improved filter strip representation in SWAT model to simulate energy crop filter strips. Transactions of the ASABE, 61(3), 1017-1024. DOI:10.13031/trans.12661.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Saha, G., Cibin, R., Elliott, H. A., Gall, H. E., Shortle, J. S., & Abler, D. G. (2018). Geospatial Landscape Analysis for Livestock Manure Management in Western Pennsylvania. (pp. 1:12). St. Joseph, MI: ASABE. DOI:10.13031/aim.201801218.
Progress 08/24/17 to 09/30/17
Outputs Target Audience:Land owners, animal agriculture, and policy makers Changes/Problems:No FTE's during this reporting period. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?
Nothing Reported
How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We conducted three focus group meetings with animal agriculture stakeholders in three counties in Western Pennsylvania and discussed results from land suitability analysis for manure managment. We are currently preparing detailed reports and developing effective online platform to share data-sets with stakeholders. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?1. Complete the SWAT model development for Susquehanna River Basin and evaluate BMP performance and water quality. 2. We are working on SWAT model improvements in representing Vegitative filter strips and buffers 3. Develop tools for environmentally sustainable manure managment
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
Spatially distributed model for Susquehanna River Basin: We are developing a detailed Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model for Susquehanna River Basin (SRB). The Susquehanna River (HUC: 0205) is the largest river in Pennsylvania, draining about 46% of the state to the Chesapeake Bay. The SRB is 71,225 km2 with about 79,000 km of waterways including many tributaries. SRB comprises 43% of the entire Chesapeake Bay drainage area and is under significant pressure to reduce nutrient loading, as mandated by the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL, EPA 2010).A preliminary version of the model with detailed spatial architecture has been developed with about 1000 sub-basins and over 50,000 HRUs.The model will be calibrated/validated at multiple locations in SRB for hydrology, crop growth, sediment and nutrient loading using data collected by the USGS Non-Tidal Network (NTN) and USDA NASS crop statistics. The calibrated model will be used to evaluateBMP performance and water quality in SRB. Tools for identifying suitable locations for manure management:The majority of animal agriculture in Pennsylvania is located in the Susquehanna River Basin, which is currently under pressure from the Chesapeake Bay TMDLto reduce nutrient losses to the Bay. In order for the State to maintain a vibrant agricultural sector, shift in potential opportunities and challenges for animal agricultural activities in western PA is beenexplored. We developed a geopsatial analysis framework to identify the potential areas suitable for manure application based onbiophysical characteristics and vulnerability to potential environmental impacts.