Source: OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2013
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2018
Grant Year
Program Code
[SGP]- Sun Grant Program
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Sun Grant Western Center
Non Technical Summary
The Sun Grant Program (SGP) addresses national bioenergy research priorities at the regional level but coordinated nationally. Five Land-Grant Universities serve as regional Sun Grant Centers to provide leadership and facilitate coordination on bioenergy research with the Land-Grant Universities within their regions. The SGP will develop regional competitive grants programs designed to address the bioenergy research priorities of the Department of Agriculture (USDA) in the context of regional biogeographical conditions and resources. The mission of the SGP includes enhancing national energy security, promoting environmental sustainability, promoting economic diversification in rural areas and enhancing collaboration among the federal agencies and the Land-Grant Universities. Within these broader goals, the SGP proposes to focus on research, education and Extension activities that support: 1) bioenergy feedstock production; 2) Logistics, conversion and processing; and 3) information systems, modeling and analysis. With guidance from their advisory councils, each Sun Grant Center will refine their respective priorities, develop a regional request for applications (RFA), receive applications through a common web-based submission and review tracking system; and utilize expert peer-review panels to evaluate proposals. After selection and awards are granted, each Center will provide oversight to ensure compliance with grant requirements. Research progress and results will be reported as appropriate to USDA and also shared through Extension outreach and web-based education resources. The bioenergy research and education priorities being addressed by the SGP have been developed from the bioenergy priorities identified by the Administration and USDA in recent White House announcements and USDA reports. The Western Regional Center also funds initiatives targeting crop suitability mapping, agricultural operations energy assessments and efficiencies, and developing specialty biochar for soil enhancement and bioenergy.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The objective of the Sun Grant Program (SGP) is to coordinate research, education and Extension activities that are focused on agriculture and forest based renewal energy in the Western region. The outcomes of SGP activities will be advanced public knowledge, workforce development, discoveries resulting in valuable intellactual properties and rural economic development. Within this objective are two activity areas: 1) a set of regionally oriented Center initiatives that address special needs and opportunities , and 2) a regionally competitive grants program desgned to address the bioenergy research priorities of the Department of Agriculture (USDA) in the contact of regional biogeographical conditions and resources. Within these broader goals, the SGP proposes to focus on research, edication and Extension activities that support: (a) Bioenergy feedstock production with emphasis on diverse and distributed feedstocks; (b) Logistics, conversation and processing; and (c) Information sustems, modeling and analysis. Short term deliverables include: development of a crop suitability map server for regional feedstocks; an online agricultural operations energy assessment resource tool and gathering preliminary data for a distributed biochar project; successful implementation of a regional competitive grant program; expand research, education and Extension in additional or emerging feedstocks, improved communication in the university community and enhanced collaborations.
Project Methods
The objective of the Sun Grant Program (SGP) is to coordinate research, education, and Extension activities that are focused on agriculture and forest-based renewable energy in the Western region. The outcomes of SGP activities will be advanced public knowledge, workforce development, discoveries resulting in valuable intellectual properties, and rural economic development. Within this objective are two activity areas: 1) a set of regionally oriented Center initiatives that address special needs and opportunities, and b) a regional competitive grants programs designed to address the bioenergy research priorities of the Department of Agriculture (USDA) in the context of regional biogeographical conditions and resources. Within these broader goals, the SGP proposes to focus on research, education and Extension activities that support: (a) Bioenergy feedstock production, with emphasis on diverse and distributed feedstocks; (b) Logistics, conversion and processing; and, (c) Information systems, modeling and analysis. Short-Term deliverables include: development of a crop suitability map server for regional feedstocks; an online agricultural operations energy assessment resource tool; and gathering preliminary data for a distributed biochar project; successful implementation of a regional competitive grant program; expand research, education, and Extension in additional or emerging feedstocks; improved communication in the university community and enhanced collaborations The Western Regional Center will 1) fund three Center initiatives which have passed proposal review, and 2) implement a regional competitive grants program that addresses national bioenergy priorities. The Center will develop a Regional Request for Applications, ensuring that that there is wide dissemination of this bioenergy research funding opportunity through the academic community, then will conduct a rigorous peer-review selection process, and oversee the grants that are awarded, and report and disseminate the research findings that result. As specified within the RFA, funds will be set aside from the funds available to the Western Regional SGP for a regional competitive grant program to provide funding for the Western Region Subcenter.

Progress 09/01/17 to 08/31/18

Target Audience:Research Scientists Industry Scientists Producers of cellulosic waste materials (farm and forest) Students Economists Decision Makers Changes/Problems:The HTC reactor continues to malfunction during the gasification process. The reactor is being redesigned and we expect these problems to be rectified in the final report. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The projects have provided training and professional development to undergraduate and graduate students. District soil and water conservation stakeholders, BLM personnel, and industrial partners are seeing the economic and environmental benefits of juniper removal and restoration of native rangelands. The Dairy industry sees great promise in the installation of HTC reactors for converting manure to power and eliminating lagoons from CFO operations. The sugar depot project demonstrates that sizing and pretreatment of biomass at strategically located depots, can improve supply chain economics for biomass derived sugars and lignin. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Numerous journal articles, conference presentations and stakeholder field trips were utilized to disseminate information to communities of interest. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?All three projects will be completed and final reports submitted this next reporting period.

What was accomplished under these goals? HTC Process Objective Lead Collaborators Integrate HTC process with pellet mill Coronella Reza, Hiibel Gasify HTC bio-carbon Reza Hoekman Develop a prototype for continuous HTC Coronella Reza Upgrade aqueous chemicals Hiibel Coronella Life Cycle Analysis Vasquez Hoekman Commercialization planning Shekarriz Coronella Outreach Davison Kindred Education Coronella Hiibel Objective 1. We have not made progress on this objective in the past quarter. Plans for the next quarter: We anticipate processing blends of hydrochar and wood chips to make blended, engineered pellets. Objective 2.The downdraft gasifier at Ohio is now operational, and has been tested with wood pellets. Discussions to plan the logistics of analyzing the gasifier performance with DRI have taken place. We anticipate operating the reactor with hydrochar pellets provided by UNR in the next quarter. Objective 3. We discovered that a diaphragm inside the back pressure valve was rapidly deteriorating due to the rapid oscillations provided by the control algorithm. The control algorithm has been modified to filter the pressure signal, and now the diaphragm is operational, and the reactor continues to function very well. We have produced 200 grams of hydrochar from manure in the reactor, and expect to finish the production of 1 kg shortly. Objective 4. No further progress on this objective. Objective 5. No further progress on this objective. Objective 6. No progress during the past quarter. Objective 7. No progress during the past quarter. Objective 8. We have hired twoundergraduate students and two graduate students to work on this project. Biomass Depot Progress towards the individual specific objectives are as follows: (1) Develop a small scale, low cost process and system that can be deployed in a depot near biomass resources to convert bulky biomass into sugar-rich and lignin-rich consolidated feedstock streams dedicated for biofuel production A solvent-free base-catalyzed mechanical pretreatment technology for producing clean cellulosic sugar (six and five carbon compounds) from available wheat straw biomass has been developed. (2) Test feasibility of simultaneously hydrolyzing carbohydrates and oxidizing lignin, and optimize this process The delignification of wheat straw biomass by the mechanochemical pretreatment process has been investigated. (3) Evaluate technoeconomic and environmental feasibility and impact to the rural American economy and biofuel feedstock supply The base techno-economic analysis has been completed. Juniper Utilization Aim 1:Determine Juniper inventory and model harvest and removal cost. We have developed a pipeline of machine learning algorithms from the remote sensing data to identify and measure juniper from publicly available imagery. From that imagery, we have adapted an object detection algorithm based on neural networks to extract individual tree crowns and height.From the tree height and crown diameter the wood products that can be obtained from each tree has developed by creating a regression model.Up to now, approximately 20 trees were used to estimate the wood products. An additional set of almost 50 trees were field measured but not yet cut and delivered to the mill. The trees still in the field and the trees already processed were used to develop a regression model that would relate the product type and amount to the tree height and crown.An separate neural network is able to estimate a digital surface model using aerial imagery. Collectively, these networks provide locations and some estimated measurements of juniper trees within Wheeler county. These measurements will be further refined using the individual tree and merchantable timber measurements collected in the field. From this data, we can then start making management decisions for valuable timber recovery during juniper remediation. Aim 2.Perform a cost-benefit analysis of mobile or stationary facilities for biochar production. In order to refine our economic model, capital costs, feedstock throughputs, and biochar production information was collected from a variety of biochar technology providers.This data was used to develop and an economic model to calculate the financial performance of hypothetical juniper biochar enterprises at various scales (both mobile & stationary).Using GPS data, juniper biomass supplies around Fossil, Oregon were estimated. From those estimates, an initial economic model was developed, and shared with outside experts for their review and feedback.Our preliminary analysis determined the cost of biochar production using various technology is summarized in Table 2. Our results indicate that each of the four biochar production systems evaluated can be profitable in less than five years.The most lucrative system appears to be the "Biochar bin" also called the Flame Cap kiln. The reason has to do with the low capital cost ($15,000 for the bin + labor and operational costs) and its high-volume output (19,200yards per year).The lowest margin (but still profitable) system appears to be the Biochar Solutions machine due to its higher capital costs ($205,000) and comparatively low output (840 yards biochar product per year). Aim 3: Evaluate the relative restoration benefits of producing juniper biochar for sale or rangeland amendment In the last quarter, we completed greenhouse trials of biochar-amended range soils and determined that biochar incorporated at 20% vol/vol significantly improved the germination and growth of bluebunch wheat grass (Fig. 3). This treatment also significantly increased the water content of the trays at saturation. Therefore, field sites were established that compared the incorporation of biochar into the soil using a rototiller with two other treatments that represented business as usual scenarios. The field sites have been enclosed with wildlife exclosure fencing and are being monitored bimonthly for emergence and biomass. The three field treatments are also being continually monitored using soil moisture probes, and are being compared to a juniper-dominated reference site that has not been harvested


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: P. Mahato, K. Sugimoto, K. Meyers, C. Phillips, T. Wanzek, and K. Trippe. Juniper Biomass Optimization Project: Optimizing Juniper Utilization for Bioenergy and Biobased Products and Sageland Steppe Restoration. Poster presentation, Sun Grant Symposium. OSU 150. Oregon State University, April 2018. Corvallis, OR.
  • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2018 Citation: R. Schriver, Landscape Inventory and Harvest Strategies for Individual Western Juniper in Eastern Oregon. Mater⿿s Thesis. Oregon State University College of Forestry. September 6th, 2018.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2016 Citation: 1. Reza, M. T.; Freitas, A.; Yang, X.; Coronella, C. J., Wet Air Oxidation of Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC) Process Liquid. ACS Sustain Chem Eng 2016, In press.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2018 Citation: M. T. Reza*, A. Freitas, X. Yang, S.Hiibel, H. Lin, C. J. Coronella ⿿Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC) of Cow Manure: Carbon and Nitrogen Distributions in HTC products⿝, Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, In press, 2016.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Other Year Published: 2018 Citation: (To be submitted October/November) Reza, M. Toufiq*; Poulson, Simon; Coronella, Charles ⿿Effects of Reaction Temperature on Elemental and Stable Isotopes (C, N) analysis of Thermochemically Treated Biomass Derived Chars⿝, to be submitted to Journal of Analytical Pyrolysis.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: 3. (To be submitted October/November) Reza, M. Toufiq*; Poulson, Simon; Coronella, Charles ⿿Effects of Reaction Temperature on Elemental and Stable Isotopes (C, N) analysis of Thermochemically Treated Biomass Derived Chars⿝, to be submitted to Journal of Analytical Pyrolysis.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: M. Toufiq Reza*, S. Sullivan*, C. Coronella, R. Shekarriz, Design and Operation of a Bench Scale Continuous Reactor for Hydrothermal Carbonization, AIChE annual meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 12 November 2015.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: J. G. Lynam*, M. T. Reza*, W. Yan*, V. R. Vasquez, C. Coronella, Hydrothermal Carbonization of Different Biomass Types, AIChE annual meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 12 November 2015.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Charles Coronella, M. T. Reza, K. Conrad-Williams, ⿿Continuous bench-scale reactor for hydrothermal carbonization of manure⿝, ICOSSE 2016, Suzhou, China, October 24-27, 2016.

Progress 09/01/13 to 08/31/18

Target Audience:All reporting on this project has been submitted by South Dakota State University. OSU is the sub on this award. REEport initiation was submitted in error and REEport has not been able to delete the record. Changes/Problems:All reporting on this project has been submitted by South Dakota State University. OSU is the sub on this award. REEport initiation was submitted in error and REEport has not been able to delete the record. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? All reporting on this project has been submitted by South Dakota State University. OSU is the sub on this award. REEport initiation was submitted in error and REEport has not been able to delete the record.


    Progress 09/01/16 to 08/31/17

    Target Audience: Changes/Problems:An explosion in the lab at WSU greatly impacted the research for lignin use to produce hydrocarbon fuels. The project was delayed for sometime and created hardship for investigators and students. No one was injured in the accident. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?These Sun Grant projects have provided training and professional development for three PhD students and participating faculty. Additionally, professionals from private companies and other institutions have particpated as partners in the development of the HTC reactor, catalyst developmenrt for lignin use, and creation of a domestic latex source through propagation and germplasm development of Russian dandelion. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?As noted previously in this report, numerous journal articles and presentations atconferences and professional meetings have disseminated this information nationally and internationally. Results have also been presented to stakeholders through extension workshops, social media, and university research publications. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The projects referenced above have been completed. Two new projects are described below and will be addressed in the next reporting period: Woodlands dominated by Western Juniper have expanded across the sagebrush steppe ecosystems of the Intermountain West, displacing native plants, increasing soil erosion, and severely limiting plant-available water. Attempts to stimulate juniper removal by establishing markets for juniper-based products have come up against high extraction and processing costs, as well as limited markets for non-saw residuals. Dr. Trippe and her colleagues are evaluating if an integrated strategy for juniper utilization can overcome barriers to profitably combining sagebrush steppe restoration with production of juniper bioproducts. In particular, they are investigating whether biochar production from low-value residuals can enhance such a strategy and further promote sagebrush steppe restoration. Biochar has been shown to improve soil quality and plant productivity while sequestering carbon and improving soil moisture retention. Juniper biochar could facilitate sagebrush steppe restoration either directly, if applied to rangeland soils, or indirectly via increased feedstock demand, if sold for horticultural or agricultural uses. The team is examining three scenarios using Wheeler County, Oregon, as a case study: business as usual, integrated utilization with stationary pyrolysis, and integrated utilization with mobile pyrolysis. The specific aims of the study are to 1) determine juniper inventory and model harvest and removal cost, 2) perform a cost-benefit analysis of mobile or stationary facilities for biochar production, and 3) evaluate the relative restoration benefits of producing juniper biochar for sale or rangeland amendment. A network of depots that are deployed near biomass resources or co-located with existing forest products facilities presents a viable solution to the problem of harvest-scattered and bulky biomass; intermediate sugars and valuable co-products like native lignin can be produced prior to shipping to a large-scale biorefinery. However, the technology, process economy, and sustainability of such depots are largely unknown. Dr. Wolcott and his colleagues aim to provide such technologies and a framework to deploy sugar depots in rural communities. Their goal is to develop and demonstrate cellulosic sugars production using a mechanical pretreatment--a three-step milling process--that can be deployed in decentralized and distributed small-scale facilities and that will lead to feasibility at a commercial scale. Specific objectives are to (1) develop a small-scale, low-cost system to convert bulky biomass into sugar- and lignin-rich consolidated feedstock streams dedicated for biofuel production, (2) test feasibility of simultaneously hydrolyzing carbohydrates and oxidizing lignin, and optimize this process, and (3) evaluate techno-economic and environmental feasibility and impact to the rural American economy and biofuel feedstock supply.

    What was accomplished under these goals? · Researchers at the Desert Research Institute have fully developed a method for characterizing a syngas (from a gasifier) with a gas chromatograph-thermal conductivity detector (GC-TCD). The method will quantify hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane. · Ohio University researchers performed a kinetics study on pyrolysis and CO2 gasification of manure-derived hydrochar. The activation energies, pre-exponential factors, and the change of percent yield with respect to temperature were determined. They also received a small downdraft gasifier and prepared a detailed standard operating procedure for it. · Operation of the continuous reactor continues to face technical challenges. The reactor control system was modified to accommodate the signal from the coriolis meter. The electrical system for heater control and liquid level control was completely rewired. Most recently, the floats inside the reactor were apparently crushed by a sudden onset of pressure; these must be replaced. · Modifications were made to the membrane distillation (MD) unit: a new membrane module utilizes a smaller active membrane area for evaluation of reduced sample volumes, reduced tubing on the feed stream permits a larger concentration factor for the MD process, and a conductivity probe installed on the permeate stream monitors membrane integrity and passage of conductive molecules through the membrane. Recent MD trials have focused on the treatment of single component aqueous solutions, namely short-chain organic acids. Trends observed with these simple organic acid tests were similar to those observed with hydrothermal aqueous product (HAP), namely a decrease in pH in the distillate over time, indicating passage of the small acids across the membrane. For example, it was found that when treating a feed solution of acetic acid initially at pH 3, the feed side of the MD system increased to pH = 5 while the distillate decreased from pH = 7 to pH = 5 over the same period. The team plans to test dairy manure-derived HAP next. · Two domestic companies have contacted the team about commercializing their process, and one has begun negotiating for terms to license the technology. Natural rubber, derived from the Brazilian rubber tree, is essential for manufacturing a wide array of industrial products. The United States depends on imports for the more than $6 billion worth of raw natural rubber it uses annually. In the 1930s, Soviet scientists identified the roots of Russian dandelion (TKS), which grows as an annual in temperate zones, as a source of natural rubber. TKS roots also produce the carbohydrate inulin, a byproduct that can be converted into ethanol. Dr. Richard Roseberg and his colleagues addressed TKS crop production issues in an effort to optimize rubber and inulin production. They coupled evaluation of promising methods and seed treatments with field tests using transplants. Working with cooperators at Ohio State University and the Ontario, Canada, Ministry of Food and Agriculture, their initial work revealed that conditions found to be key to good germination--maintenance of consistent moisture near shallow-planted seeds--are difficult to achieve in the field. Steady progress toward resolution of germination and weed control issues led to use of improved methods, but has not yet lowered risk sufficiently for commercial production. Nonetheless, rubber extracted from TKS in this project has been shown to be good quality and suitable for high-value applications, so interest in this potential crop, particularly from the media and tire companies, remains high. This team's results were used as the basis of a small (non-Sun Grant) Oregon 2016 field study to test many of the same factors. Results to date suggest that high densities will increase total biomass and presumably total rubber yield; higher density plantings compete better with weeds; and optimal harvest time varies depending on which end-product is of greatest interest. Hawaii meets most of its energy and food needs through imports, but its tropical year-round growing conditions are ideal for production of high-yield feedstocks to generate biofuel and biobased products. Dr. Khanal and his colleagues evaluated the potential of developing an anaerobic digestion (AD) biorefinery that uses high-yielding tropical grasses in a decentralized closed-loop system for local production of diverse high-value products and/or biofuels. Project objectives included examination of biomass composition of raw feedstocks (energy cane, Napier grass, and a Napier-pearl millet cross) at different stages of growth; determination of biogas yields and inherent compositional changes of biomass fibers following anaerobic digestion, and correlation with feedstock maturity; examination and quantification of soluble glucose released from biomass fibers of different ages; and techno-economic analyses of the AD refinery using tropical feedstocks. The team used dried and processed Napier grass (banagrass; Pennisetum purpureum) harvested from experimental research plots at Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Co., Maui, Hawaii, for scale-up studies in Horizontal Continuously-Stirred Tank Reactors (H-CSTR) that they designed and fabricated. Results showed the reactors reached a stable methane yield at an organic loading rate 5 kgVS/m3-d; pH and the volatile fatty acids to alkalinity ratio were within the recommended ranges. The horizontal reactor was able to handle a higher total solids level than a vertical continuous-stirred tank reactor during mono-digestion of Napier grass. Coproduction of ethanol and aviation fuel from lignocellulosic biomass, including softwood biomass, would improve its carbon use and the economic competitiveness of its conversion. Dr. Bin Yang and his colleagues have been developing a flexible catalytic process to generate fully fungible high-value aviation fuel from abundant softwood-derived lignin (e.g., that treated as waste and burned as low-value fuel in the pulp and paper industry). Building on Dr. Yang's previous work, the team demonstrated a process that produces lignin-substructure-based hydrocarbons, primarily C12-C18 cyclic structure hydrocarbons in the jet fuel range; the process involves hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) of softwood lignin and is catalyzed by highly efficient, low-cost multifunctional catalysts. A techno-economic analysis identified primary cost drivers, prioritized research directions, mitigated technical risk for scale-up through development of detailed process designs, and showed that coproduction of jet fuel from waste lignin can dramatically improve the overall economic viability of an integrated process for corn stover ethanol production. This team's attempt to integrate the numerous technologies required to transform lignin into jet fuels has highlighted the need for streamlined separation, increasingly robust catalytic materials, and intensified processes. They consider that this technology is a strategic approach to a biomass biorefinery, specifically targeting distillate-range cyclic structure hydrocarbons and addressing the long-term need of securing heavy fuels from renewable resources.


    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2017 Citation: Sawatdeenarunat C, Nguyen D, Surendra KC, Shrestha S, Rajendran K, Oechsner H, Xie L, Khanal SK. 2016. Anaerobic biorefinery: current status, challenges, and opportunities. Bioresource Technology In-press.
    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Wang H, Zhang L, Deng T, Ruan H, Hou X, Cort JR, Yang B. 2016. The ZnCl2 induced catalytic upgrading of softwood lignin to aromatics/hydrocarbons. Green Chemistry DOI: 10.1039/C5GC02967H
    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Reza MT, Freitas A, Yang X, Hiibel X, Lin H, Coronella CJ. 2016. Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) of cow manure: carbon and nitrogen distributions in HTC products. Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy. DOI: 10.1002/ep.12312
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Overcoming the challenges of the second generation biofuels production. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Seminar, June 22nd, 2016, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL. Production of jet fuels from biomass-derived lignin. The National Advanced Biofuels Conference & Expo, June 21th, 2016, Milwaukee, WI.
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2017 Citation: Zhang L, Pu Y, Ragauskas AJ, Yang B. Revealing the molecular structure basis for the recalcitrance of hardwood and softwood in dilute acid pretreatment. Wang H, Qin Y, Luo L, Wang C, Chen X, Tucker MP, Yang B. Ru-based bimetallic catalysts supported on zeolite H+-Y for the hydrodeoxygenation of softwood lignin. Ruan H, Qin Y, Wang H, Olson N, Yang B. Catalytic upgrading of biomass-derived lignin to new bio jet fuel and its qualification.
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2016 Citation: Alvarez CV, Ma RS, Quintero M, Guo M, Geleynse S, Ramasamy KK, Wolcott MP, Zhang X. 2016. Unique low-molecular-weight lignin with high purity extracted from wood by deep eutectic solvents (DES): a new source of lignin for valorization. Green Chemistry. DOI: 10.1039/C6GC01007E Ma RS, Guo M, Lin KT, Hebert VR, Zhang JW, Wolcott MP, Quintero M, Ramasamy KK, Chen XW, Zhang X. 2016. Peracetic acid depolymerization of biorefinery lignin for production of selective monomeric phenolic compounds, Chemistry - A European Journal. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201600546
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2016 Citation: Roseberg RJ, Silberstein TB, Cornish K, McNulty SL, Amstutz N. 2016. Agronomic management of rubber dandelion (Taraxacum kok-saghyz Rodin) for root biomass and natural rubber production in Oregon. In: Berti MT, Alexopoulou E, editors. Industrial Crops Promoting Sustainability. International Conference in Industrial Crops and 28th Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops Annual Meeting; 2528 Sep; Rochester (NY). Program and Abstracts, 47.
    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Reza MT, Freitas A, Yang X, Coronella CJ. In press 2016. Wet air oxidation of hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) process liquid. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.
    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Reza MT, Freitas A, Yang X, Hiibel S, Lin H, Coronella CJ. In press 2016. Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) of cow manure: carbon and nitrogen distributions in HTC products. Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy.

    Progress 09/01/15 to 08/31/16

    Target Audience:Sun Grant-funded researchers in the Western Region made continued progress toward a sustainable biobased economy this year. Western Region research falls into three priority program areas: feedstock enhancement and development, biomass conversion and biofuel/bioenergy processing, and bioproducts. Within these three areas, research projects address three critical overarching themes: sustainability, decentralization, and transferability. As such, target audiences include agricultural producers, agency personnel, decision makers, investors, research scientists, and students. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Because of this grant, we have successfully made mobile pyrolysis part of the biomass and forest health discussion in the Intermountain West. Our demonstration at the Colorado Wildland Fire Conference, in addition to other demonstrations mentioned above, have introduced people and professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds to the possibility and promise of mobile pyrolysis. Utah reclamation contractors are interested in learning how they can obtain biochar. Recently I've fielded requests for biochar to apply on the Tavaputs Plateau and on an oil sands reclamation project. Two years ago, such requests were unheard of. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Utah Biomass Resources Website. Biochar page, Utah Biomass Resources Group YouTube- 10,077 views to date. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?This project has been completed and the final report submitted

    What was accomplished under these goals? Amaron Energy with assistance from the University of Utah and Utah State University is developing unique, portable equipment for pyrolysis of wood or other biomass materials. It enables processing near where woody biomass is harvested, producing products that can be economically transported long distances. The key component of the Amaron equipment is a rotary reactor that is heated externally with burners fueled by recycled bio-gas (Figure 1, Figure 2). When biomass particles contact the hot inner surface of the reactor they are rapidly decomposed into bio-oil vapor, bio-gas and bio-char. The vapor and gas are drawn out of the reactor and into a two- stage air- cooled condensing section and the bio-char is drawn out of the reactor into a char cooler. A patent on this technology, US8, 298,406 B2, was issued October 30, 2012, and a second patent US8, 999,017 B2, was issued on April 7, 2015. More widely- used fast pyrolysis reactors use fluidized beds in which finely ground particles are heated by contact with sand particles. The advantages of the externally heated rotary reactor are more efficient recovery of char, and lower capital costs resulting from significantly fewer process components.


    • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: E.G. Eddings, D. McAvoy and R.L. Coates, Co-firing of Pulverized Coal with Pinion Pine/Juniper Wood in Raw, Torrefied and Pyrolyzed Forms, in press, Fuel Processing Technology, 2015. Available on-line DOI:10.1016/j.fuproc.2015.11.020
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: USU Forestry Extension published an article in the Utah Forest News titled Lessons Learned: Developing and Demonstrating a Rotary Kiln Mobile Pyrolysis Reactor;
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: The November issue of the national Source newspaper of the Society of American Foresters featured a story on mobile pyrolysis in Utah and the Utah Biomass Resources Group, titled Intermountain SAF Partners in Mobile Pyrolysis Demonstration, on page 16, prepared by PI Darren McAvoy.
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: McAvoy co-authored an article in a Finnish Forestry Magazine with Christian Laniken, distributed to 8500 professional foresters in Finland. An article on this technology was published in the Utah Forest News, available on the web at:
    • Type: Websites Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: McAvoy, D.J. and R. Wiarda, 2011-present. Utah Biomass Resources Website.
    • Type: Websites Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Dettenmaier, M. and D. McAvoy. 2015-present. Biochar page, Utah Biomass Resources Group
    • Type: Websites Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: The mobile pyrolysis YouTube videos have 10,077 views to date.
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: J. Caldwell, R. Coates and E.G. Eddings, Field-Deployable Mobile Biomass Pyrolysis Technology," presentation at the 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 9-13, 2015.
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: M. Lemieux, S. Mohanty and E. Eddings, Value-Added Products From Thermal Treatment of Biomass Pyrolysis Oil," presentation at the 2015 AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November 9-13, 2015.
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: McAvoy, D. J., Pinion Juniper, Mobile Pyrolysis, and the Utah Biomass Resources Group, Society of American Foresters National Convention. Baton Rouge, LA, Nov. 4, 2015
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: E.G. Eddings, R. Okerlund, R.L. Coates and S. Bell Combustion Behavior of Raw, Torrefied and Pyrolyzed Biomass when Co-fired with Pulverized Coal," 20th International Conference on Impacts of Fuel Quality on Power Production, October 26-31, 2014 in Snowbird, Utah.
    • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: E.G. Eddings, R.L Coates, T. Gardner and D. McAvoy Scaling and Demonstration of a Mobile Process for Biomass Pyrolysis," Symposium on Thermal and Catalytic Sciences for Biofuels and Biobased Products, Denver, Colorado, Sept. 2-5, 2014.

    Progress 09/01/14 to 08/31/15

    Target Audience:Primary target audienes are other land grant institutions within the Western Region and the Pacific Territories, state andprivate higher institutions, ibioenergy and bioproducts industry, biomass producers (includes agricultural and forestry) andthe general public. Work funded through the Sun Grant is provided during annual stakeholder meetings, professionalconferences, peer reviewed journals, extension publications, industry meetings, College of Agricultural Sciences print andsocial media, and civic groups. The Sun Grant Association hosted a national event to showcase over 200 projects funded by USDA, USDOE, and USDOT. Sun Grant PIs regularly provide presentations at Annual Biomass meeting hosted by USDOE and USDA. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Fluid Analytics continues to explore the market for application of HTC to the dairy industry by visiting dairies throughout the West. This a fractured market with diverse needs. One medium-size dairy in Washington expressed interest in reducing the nutrients (and pathogen risk) in the flush water in order to generate a safe "sprayable" stream for local agricultural use. Other dairies showed interest in capturing the nutrients and sterilizing flush water in order to recycle water to the milking parlors; this is particularly of interest to California dairies. Generally, many in the dairy and livestock industry showed interest in a recuperative HTC system for lowering storage and transportation costs. In the past quarter, the team has submitted two SBIR applications (US DOD and NIEHS), while doing product development and developing additional intellectual property. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Outreach and education--The team developed a web page for the project (, which introduces their technologies, partners, team, and publications; and provides contact information. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Work will continue with the following objectives: Integration of HTC process with pellet mill--Characterization of raw manure and HTC products Gasification of HTC bio-carbon--The team will workto develop a feedstock appropriate for use in an APL gasifier. Development of a prototype reactor for continuous HTC--The team has completed a continuous prototype reactor design, and a safety review was performed by the UNR EH&S department. The prototype is designed to process 5 gal/hour of wet manure at 250 °C and 50 bar. Researchers have ordered all components for the reactor and control system, and are in the midst of reactor fabrication. Upgrade aqueous chemicals--Membrane distillation testing will continue with various HTC liquid byproducts. Phosphorous performance has been quite good: about 99% rejection was achieved by the membrane and there was >99% system recovery. Life Cycle Analysis--Previously the team developed the basic structure of a baseline scenario and HTC scenario for a life-cycle model of dairy manure management practices in northern Nevada. In this reporting period, a questionnaire (approved by the UNR Institutional Review Board) regarding specific dairy operations (volume of manure being handled; amount of fuels used to collect, transport, and spread this manure; distances of transport; volumes placed in lagoons; etc.) was prepared and distributed to Nevada dairy farmers. Once this information is obtained, along with identification of specific dairy locations for assessment of environmental burdens associated with transportation, the life-cycle model will be run to evaluate various scenarios. Commercialization planning--Although there is currently not a "magic-bullet" solution for addressing manure nutrient management, a surge of commercial products is focusing on water reduction and nutrient concentration in the solids. The team is in communication with a progressive dairy farmer and potential early adopter of their technology in the State of Washington. An important benefit of HTC processing--and what it must accomplish at a minimum--is 100% destruction of pathogens. Discussion of this benefit appears to be a great entry point with many potential early adopters in the Pacific NW, and the ZIP-Carb™ prototype being developed is designed to demonstrate this and other benefits of HTC in an affordable package. Formulation of a business model and optimization of business strategy will depend on the specific form of the product and in turn on the most critical market need.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Dairies face major costs both for electricity and for manure disposal. In keeping with a long-term vision of enabling modern large-scale dairy operators to become more environmentally and economically sustainable, Dr. Charles Coronella and his team are conducting a study to demonstrate the technical feasibility and cost-effectiveness of hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) for conversion of dairy manure to heat and power, and to evaluate production of high-value fuels and fertilizer from aqueous byproducts of carbonization. They have converted manure to biocarbon by HTC, prepared pellets, fabricated a reactor for continuous HTC, and are investigating aqueous sample processing. Extensive outreach is revealing diverse concerns of dairy operators and key technological aspects necessary for acceptance and use of the process. Evaluation and implementation include life cycle analysis, commercialization, and student training. Important outcomes to date include a renewed focus on replacing lagoons at dairies, identification of an alcohol solvothermal process for converting manure to valuable products, development of blended pellets to fuel commercial downdraft gasifiers, and determination that conversion to heat rather than power might be attractive to some dairy operators.


    • Type: Websites Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: The team developed a web page for the project (, which introduces their technologies, partners, team, and publications; and provides contact information.

    Progress 09/01/13 to 08/31/14

    Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Delay of funding distribution has caused a delay in project initiation. Process is underway now. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

    What was accomplished under these goals? Funding distribution from NIFA was quite late preventing our timely start of projects.
