Sponsoring Institution
Agricultural Research Service/USDA
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2013
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2018
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Obj 1. Develop ecological and sustainable site-specific agriculture systems, for cotton, corn, wheat, and soybean rotations. 1: Geographical coordinates constitutes necessary and sufficient cornerstone required to define, develop and implement ecological/sustainable agricultural systems. 2: Develop methods of variable-rate manure application based on soil organic matter (SOM), apparent electrical conductivity, elevation, or crop yield maps. 3: Relate SOM, electrical conductivity, and elevation. Obj 2. Develop sustainable and scalable practices for site-specific integration of animal agriculture byproducts to improve food, feed, fiber, and feedstock production systems. 1: Quantify effects of management on sustainability for sweet potato. 2: Balance soil phosphorus (P)/micro¿nutrients using broiler litter/flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum. 3: Effects of site-specific broiler litter applications. 4: Manure application/crop management practices in southern U.S. 5: Compare banded/broadcast litter applications in corn. 6: Develop reflectance algorithms for potassium in wheat. 7: Determine swine mortality compost value in small farm vegetable production. Obj 3. Analyze the economics of production practices for site-specific integration of animal agriculture byproducts to identify practices that are economically sustainable, scalable, and that increase competitiveness and profitability of production systems. 1: Evaluate economics of on-farm resource utilization in the south. Obj 4. Determine the environmental effects in soil, water, and air from site-specific integration of animal agricultural and industrial byproducts into production practices to estimate risks and benefits from byproduct nutrients, microbes, and management practices. 1: Quantitatively determine bioaerosol transport. 2: Role of P and nitrogen (N) immobilizing agents in corn production. 3: Assess impact of management on water sources. 4: Impact of FGD gypsum/rainfall on mobilization of organic carbon/veterinary pharmaceutical compounds in runoff/leached water. 5: Assess soil microbial ecology, antibiotic resistance, and pathogen changes using manure and industrial byproducts in crop production systems. 6: Develop nutrient management practices for sustainable crop production. 7: Develop nutrient management practices for reclaimed coal mine soils. 8: Determine effects of poultry litter/swine lagoon effluent in swine mortality composts. 9: Determine survival of fecal bacterial pathogens on contaminated plant tissue. 10: Identify agricultural/industrial byproducts that modify the breakdown of organic matter. Obj 5. Integrate research data into regional and national databases and statistical models to improve competitiveness and sustainability of farming practices. 1: Develop broiler house emission models. 2: Apply quantitative microbial risk assessment models to animal agriculture/anthropogenic activities. Obj 6. Develop statistical approaches to integrate and analyze large and diverse spatial and temporal geo-referenced data sets derived from crop production systems that include ecological and natural resource based inputs. 1: Develop novel methods of imaging processing.
Project Methods
Multidisciplinary approaches will be utilized in developing sustainable and competitive agricultural practices for crop management systems. Some approaches will use animal, municipal, and industrial waste as fertilizers and organic soil amendments in crop management systems in precision agriculture ways. Presence, prevalence, and fate of nutrients, gaseous emissions, bacterial approaches, and antibiotic resistance associated with these wastes when applied to soils in cropping systems will be addressed. Work will be done in cooperator animal feeding operations (AFO), farms, and experiment station plots. Off-site transport of nutrients, pathogens, and antibiotic resistant bacteria will be determined. Statistical models will be developed for geo-referenced measurements of farming practices and improvements to mixed model analysis methodology will be developed. Remotely sensed data will be combined with on-site field measurements to develop site-specific prescriptions for application of crop management inputs. Information will be developed into best management practices to protect the environment and human and animal health by maximizing crop nutrient utilization, minimizing bacterial contamination and antibiotic resistance, and reducing ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions. Agricultural models will be used to predict sustainability and competitiveness of management practices developed and implemented into best management practice recommendations.

Progress 10/01/13 to 09/30/18

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): Obj 1. Develop ecological and sustainable site-specific agriculture systems, for cotton, corn, wheat, and soybean rotations. 1: Geographical coordinates constitutes necessary and sufficient cornerstone required to define, develop and implement ecological/sustainable agricultural systems. 2: Develop methods of variable-rate manure application based on soil organic matter (SOM), apparent electrical conductivity, elevation, or crop yield maps. 3: Relate SOM, electrical conductivity, and elevation. Obj 2. Develop sustainable and scalable practices for site-specific integration of animal agriculture byproducts to improve food, feed, fiber, and feedstock production systems. 1: Quantify effects of management on sustainability for sweet potato. 2: Balance soil phosphorus (P)/ micro�nutrients using broiler litter/flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum. 3: Effects of site-specific broiler litter applications. 4: Manure application/crop management practices in southern U.S. 5: Compare banded/broadcast litter applications in corn. 6: Develop reflectance algorithms for potassium in wheat. 7: Determine swine mortality compost value in small farm vegetable production. Obj 3. Analyze the economics of production practices for site-specific integration of animal agriculture byproducts to identify practices that are economically sustainable, scalable, and that increase competitiveness and profitability of production systems. 1: Evaluate economics of on-farm resource utilization in the south. Obj 4. Determine the environmental effects in soil, water, and air from site-specific integration of animal agricultural and industrial byproducts into production practices to estimate risks and benefits from byproduct nutrients, microbes, and management practices. 1: Quantitatively determine bioaerosol transport. 2: Role of P and nitrogen (N) immobilizing agents in corn production. 3: Assess impact of management on water sources. 1: Quantitatively determine bioaerosol transport. 2: Role of P and nitrogen (N) immobilizing agents in corn production. 3: Assess impact of management on water sources. 4: Impact of FGD gypsum/rainfall on mobilization of organic carbon/veterinary pharmaceutical compounds in runoff/leached water. 5-10..... Obj 5. Integrate research data into regional and national databases and statistical models to improve competitiveness and sustainability of farming practices. 1: Develop broiler house emission models. 2: Apply quantitative microbial risk assessment models to animal agriculture/ anthropogenic activities. Obj 6. Develop statistical approaches to integrate and analyze large and diverse spatial and temporal geo-referenced data sets derived from crop production systems that include ecological and natural resource based inputs. 1: Develop novel methods of imaging processing. Obj 7: Develop advanced UAS/UAV application systems and data management systems and Bioinformatics tools that integrate developed GxExM data into precision agricultural crop management for Mid-South crops. The systems and tools should lead to improvements in agricultural productivity and agricultural system landscape management. Approach (from AD-416): Multidisciplinary approaches will be utilized in developing sustainable and competitive agricultural practices for crop management systems. Some approaches will use animal, municipal, and industrial waste as fertilizers and organic soil amendments in crop management systems in precision agriculture ways. Presence, prevalence, and fate of nutrients, gaseous emissions, bacterial approaches, and antibiotic resistance associated with these wastes when applied to soils in cropping systems will be addressed. Work will be done in cooperator animal feeding operations (AFO), farms, and experiment station plots. Off-site transport of nutrients, pathogens, and antibiotic resistant bacteria will be determined. Statistical models will be developed for geo-referenced measurements of farming practices and improvements to mixed model analysis methodology will be developed. Remotely sensed data will be combined with on-site field measurements to develop site-specific prescriptions for application of crop management inputs. Information will be developed into best management practices to protect the environment and human and animal health by maximizing crop nutrient utilization, minimizing bacterial contamination and antibiotic resistance, and reducing ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions. Agricultural models will be used to predict sustainability and competitiveness of management practices developed and implemented into best management practice recommendations. Improved decision support tools and technologies based on GxExM will be developed to optimize crop production for better and more sustainable yields in the humid Southeast Agroecosystems. Techniques that utilize and integrate high resolution spectral images for in-season crop management in cropping systems and fields characterized by high soil variability will be developed. Databases, modeling tools, and decision- making paradigms for optimizing and managing, precision application of crop inputs, and crop yield will be developed and utilized. Bioinformatics approach will expand technologies applicable to the Southeastern Agroecosystems by direct and associated investigations of G x E x M interactions in part enabled by data generated by the UAS/UAV research and molecular approaches to soil bioinformatics and the soil microbiome. All these activities will be designed to improve sustainability of crop production in the humid Southeastern Agroecosystem. This is the final report of project 6064-21610-010-00D. It will be replaced by a new project, "Closing the Yield Gap of Cotton, Corn, and Soybean in the Humid Southeast with More Sustainable Cropping Systems," after completion of research review. Aerosol samples collected from downwind of swine effluent and poultry litter land application in the previous years where chicken litter was being applied were evaluated for endotoxin (e.g. bacterial lipopolysaccharide). Additionally, archived samples were preliminarily analyzed for pathogen and antibiotic resistance genes using quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Corresponding source litter and swine manure effluent were also investigated for endotoxin and associated genes. Water, soil, and fecal samples were collected from a research farm with 3 to 14 feral hogs located on site. Feral hog impact was further assessed from the previous cultivated indicator and pathogenic bacterial analyses to include antibiotic resistance phenotypic analysis as well as deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA) based quantitative polymerase chain reaction for antibiotic resistance genes. These analyses were performed on isolates of E. (Eschevichia) coli and enterococci, and on immediate runoff released from the paddock, respectively. Additionally, source fecal material from the feral hogs were analyzed for the presence of source pathogen and antibiotic resistance genes. Water samples were also collected from 3 separate sub watershed locations in the Mississippi Delta as well as from a large cooperator farm to continue monitoring agriculture impact on watersheds. Four-year retrospective samples were collected from field plots previously applied with swine effluent, class B biosolids, or poultry litter. Samples have been analyzed for the presence of residual antibiotic resistance and pathogen genes following four years of no land application to determine the persistence of antibiotic resistance genes and ultimately the return to pre-application levels. Quantitative microbial risk assessments have been conducted on previously collected soil data from small field plots with either animal or municipal waste. Aerosol data was deemed too sporadic to conduct a proper risk assessment. Risk assessments using newly published inactivation rates for molecular and cultivated data will be conducted. Antibiotic resistance gene data was uploaded to the Agriculture Antibiotic Resistance (AgAR) database as part of the initial release of data. The effect of timing and agronomic rates of bio-solid relative to broiler litter application on cotton growth, yield and soil microbial ecology in the presence and absence of winter wheat cover crop residue are being evaluated. Soil samples are being taken every two weeks during cotton growing season and analyzed for soil enzyme activity and available nitrogen. Plant growth include height, leaf area, chlorophyll content and biomass are being determined during cotton growing season. In a conventional tillage system the impact of biochar and lignite on poultry litter derived-nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) retention and their availability for cotton are being evaluated. Cotton growth measurements include height, leaf area, chlorophyll content and biomass are being determined during cotton growing season. Soil samples are being taken from biochar plus broiler litter treatment every month during cotton growing season and are being analyzed for P and N bioavailability as compared to Broiler litter only. In a land-leveled soil, the impact of biosolid and broiler litter either alone or in combination with wood compost, a high carbon (C) by-product with a C/Nitrogen (N) ratio of 400, on soil properties and cotton performance are being evaluated. The effects of cover crop and tillage systems on cotton responses to organic and inorganic fertilization are being evaluated. Cotton performance indicators are being measured during growing season. In an upland soil using rainfall simulation, the impact of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum on the dynamics of poultry manure-derived-N and P in a no-till cotton field in the presence and absence of cover crop (mixed cereal rye and crimson clover) are being evaluated. Suction cup lysimeters were installed after planting cotton, leachate water samples are being collected after each rain event and the effect of treatments on soil water and nutrient holding capacity by measuring leachate volume and leaching losses of N and P are being evaluated. Cotton growth include leaf area index, plant height, leaf chlorophyll content, N recovery and final yield are also being investigated. The relationship between leaf reflectance at specific wavelengths and potassium (K) deficiency in wheat. Photosynthesis is decreased under either K or N deficiency. But unlike remote sensing of plant N status, K- deficient plants have few if any sensitive spectral indicators of physiological stress. Results from greenhouse studies did not support our hypothesis that leaf reflectance in narrow wavelength is related to changes in K concentration across different rates of K fertilization. Measurements of reflectance (R) at 655nm and transmittance (T) were made on intact leaves at 133 wavelengths in the visible and near-infrared regions. Data analysis indicated a weak correlation between changes in leaf K concentration and either R655 (r2 = 0.21) or a single-band reflectance ratio R655/R380 (r2 = 0.24). A relatively strong correlation was obtained between leaf chlorophyll and either R705 (r2 = 0.66) or R705/ R415 (r2 = 0.74). Results suggest remote sensing of K stress in wheat will require wavelengths separate from those used to detect N stress. Continued a study measuring the value of poultry litter applied by subsurface banding versus surface broadcasting for cotton production. Non- irrigated cotton was grown with 0 to 5 ton/acre poultry litter applied by surface broadcast versus subsurface bands and with 0 to 120 pounds per acre synthetic N fertilizer. Data collected included lint yield, leaf area and chlorophyll indices, and leaf nutrient content. Preliminary results show that leaf Mn levels were elevated by synthetic N fertilization in direct proportion of the N level applied. Poultry litter, on the other hand, did not elevate leaf Mn level regardless of the amount if applied by surface broadcast but not if applied in subsurface bands. This may be attributed to a difference in the level of litter-to- soil contact (much less soil-to-litter contact if applied in bands). Cotton plants grew taller and larger in proportion of the litter rate applied by either method, but lint yield was best when the litter was applied in subsurface bands. Cotton produced 9% more lint yield with 28% less litter if applied by subsurface banding relative to surface broadcasting. Continued investigating the benefit of winter cover crop, no-tillage, and poultry litter applied in the fall to corn production in a heavy Mississippi Delta soil. The study compared winter cover crop versus no cover crop, no-till versus conventional till, and fall versus spring- applied poultry litter on a 40-acre corn field at the Delta Conservation Demonstration Center near Metcalfe, Mississippi. Data collected included grain yield, grain and soil nutrient content, ear and grain size, ear- leaf nutrient content, and leaf chlorophyll index. Preliminary results indicate that, in the presence of cover crop, fertilizing corn with poultry litter produced 16% more grain yield than fertilizing with conventional synthetic fertilizers. No yield differences occurred in the absence of cover crop. Poultry litter enhanced corn potassium (K) nutrition but depressed the level of magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), and manganese (Mn) in leaves which may be associated with its effect on soil pH increases of up to 0.3 units. In a forage-based system leachate water sample are being collected after each rain event, analyzed, and the role of industrial by-product [lignite and flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum] on leaching losses of residual poultry manure-derived Phosphorus are being evaluated. A Factsheet for solar-electric stand-alone installations at broiler farms is completed and is ready for submission to the public via Livestock GRACEnet website. As of 2018, the published manuscript (Brinson case study) is featured on Eagle Green Energy�s website ( Data analysis is underway for swine mortality composts to determine the effect of readily available additives [flue gas desulfurization (FDG) gypsum and Poultry Litter Treatment�] and forced aeration on the composting process and retention of nitrogen in the final compost product. Manuscript was published describing the culmination of a decade of litter/gas studies. It will be included in the broiler litter characterization data base, which is being developed. Ongoing research finds best management practices to minimize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soil in corn/cotton farming with three years of data entered into template and submitted to the GRACEnet database. Accomplishments 01 Feral hogs don�t contribute to antibiotic resistance in water. Feral hogs have caused farmer crop losses as well as ecological damage as the hogs have expanded their territory in recent years. ARS researchers at Mississippi State, Mississippi, in conjunction with researchers from Mississippi State University conducted a 1-year study to determine the effect of feral hogs on surface water, specifically nutrient, pathogens, and antibiotic resistance. Various pathogens were investigated including Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Eschevricia (E.) coli, as well as antibiotic resistance genes such as resistance to tetracycline and erythromycin following rain events. Overall, the data suggests limited impact by feral hogs on antibiotic resistance, but direct access to streams may increase pathogen and indicator bacterial loads. Feral hog fecal matter was at or below detectable limits for antibiotic resistance genes, especially when compared to commercial swine farm manure, suggesting that feral hogs don�t harbor resistance, at least for the studied genes and organisms. The study did demonstrate variability in fecal contamination in stream and suggests that further study is needed to determine contributions to the soil or water resistome. 02 Integration of poultry litter into cover crop in no-till cotton field improve soil health. Upland soils are generally low in inherent nutrient content, marginal in organic matter, vulnerable to erosion and nutrient losses which are negatively affect crop production. Inclusion of cover crops may be a potential strategy to boost no-till performance by improving soil physical properties, yet support for these claims within Mississippi remains limited, and more information is needed to elucidate cover crop feasibility and benefits to encourage adoption in the state. ARS researchers at Mississippi State, Mississippi, investigated the effects of cover crop along with broiler litter fertilization on cotton performance and soil health. Addition of cover crop not only had the best potential as nitrogen (N) scavenger but also improved soil physical properties by reducing bulk density, enhancing infiltration and hydraulic conductivity. Integration of cover crop and poultry litter induced change in soil organic Carbon (C) concentration which was positively correlated with soil physical properties. Results from this study will contribute valuable information for farmers and stakeholders regarding the feasibility of cover cropping and the potential benefits attainable within the Mid-South United States agro- ecosystem. 03 Gypsum-treated poultry manure reduces phosphorus in leachate. Loss of phosphorus (P) by leaching is an important issue, especially on agricultural fields with subsurface tile drainage. Since the poultry manure nitrogen/phosphorus (N/P) ratio is smaller than plant N/P uptake, repeated applications of poultry manure based on nitrogen (N) need of crops results in buildup of excess P in the soil which is an environmental concern since it acts as a continuing source of soluble P. This form of P is contributing to accelerated eutrophication of water bodies. Adding flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum to poultry manure stabilizes P in less soluble forms. ARS researchers at Mississippi State, Mississippi, evaluated the effects of FGD treated versus untreated poultry manure on P leaching from bermuda grass plots receiving long-term poultry manure applications and showed that adding FGD gypsum to poultry manure substantially reduced P concentrations in leachate/drainage. This study suggests that the addition of FGD gypsum to poultry manure when used to fertilize crops can be recommended as a best management practice to control P transport, avoid water pollution by P, provides a baseline for further environmental risk assessment associated with water pollution, and improve the sustainability of fertilizing with poultry manure. 04 Prescription-based application of poultry litter benefits cotton production. Farm soils are inherently variable. A small field may have areas of high and low soil organic matter, high and low elevations, and heavy and light soil texture. Applying the same amount of poultry litter or other manures from one end of such fields to the other leads to applying excess in some parts and not enough in others. ARS researchers at Mississippi State, Mississippi, used site-specific technology to test if applying poultry litter according to the soil organic matter (SOM) level or the field contour would improve cotton yield or reduce cost of production. A poultry litter application prescription was prepared so that high amounts were applied in parts of the field with high elevation or with low SOM and low amounts were applied in parts of the field with low elevation or high SOM. The results showed that prescription-based application targeting the need of the cotton may reduce cost of production without sacrificing yield. Cotton fertilized with litter regardless of the method produced more lint yield than cotton fertilized with conventional synthetic fertilizers. Applying the litter by varying the rate based on elevation (or SOM) where higher rates are applied at higher elevations (or lower SOM) and lower rates at lower elevations (or higher SOM) may further enhance the superiority of litter. These results are most useful for cotton farmers in the southeastern U.S. in farms with SOM and elevation variability great enough to affect production and profit. 05 Poultry litter band placement in no-till cotton affects soil nutrient conservation. Applying poultry litter in narrow subsurface bands has been shown to greatly reduce nutrient losses to water runoff from simulated rain of about 1 hour duration. Whether such short-term reductions lead to nutrient conservation on a longer-term (3 to 5 years) basis has not been well investigated. ARS researchers at Mississippi State, Mississippi; Auburn, Alabama, and Boonville, Arkansas, in cooperation with Mississippi State University scientists investigated whether poultry litter applied below versus above the soil surface in bands with narrow versus wide spacing affects the accumulation and conservation of mineral nutrients in a no-till cotton cropping system. The results showed applying poultry litter in bands below (regardless of the band-to-band spacing) rather than on the soil surface leads to greater conservation of most mineral elements which remain accessible for cotton plant uptake. However, placing the bands on the soil surface rather than below the surface was more effective in reducing soil and tissue manganese concentration, a nutrient that may decrease cotton productivity if taken up by cotton plants in excess. The results contribute to existing knowledge of the environmental and sustainability benefit of applying poultry litter in narrow bands below the soil surface. 06 Balancing bermudagrass hay quality with phosphorus removal. Producing bermudagrass hay from fields receiving poultry litter provides both high quality forage for ruminant livestock and is a means of removing environmentally sensitive nutrients, especially phosphorus (P). While growers seek a reasonable balance between high forage production and quality by cutting every 28 to 35 days, the impact of harvest management timing on controlling soil P is not widely known. ARS researchers at Mississippi State, Mississippi, and collaborators at Mississippi State University found a commonly used practice, cutting every 35 days at low stubble height, provided a reasonable balance between optimizing forage nutritive value and P removal. Cutting every 49 days at low stubble height maximized P removal at approximately 25 pounds per acre regardless of location. The knowledge is vital to a forage farm income, which is not driven by manure management, but livestock output. 07 Broiler house litter mineral content. In the United States, chicken (broiler) production supplies the most meat consumed per capita. Broilers are grown in large (50 feet by 500 feet or more) solid- sidewall barns on a layer of bedding which becomes known as litter as defecation begins and continues through the growth period. Understanding the interrelationships of house structure, litter dynamics, and bird age can reduce ammonia emissions and increase production efficiency. Once considered only a waste, litter is sought after for fertilizer and energy ventures. ARS researchers at Mississippi State, Mississippi, characterized a vast number of samples reporting actual averages and range of concentrations for litter mineral content along with spatial and temporal influences. The strategic nature of the sampling offers a resource for contributing to a whole farm production model. The poultry industry can utilize the data for improving house structure, feed and water delivery systems based on bird migration patterns during the flock. Other stakeholders include fertilizer and litter-to-energy clients. The potential impact is that comprehensive characterization leads to comprehensive utilization and more sustainable poultry production.



  • Tewolde, H., Shankle, M.W., Way, T.R., Pote, D.H., Sistani, K.R., He, Z. 2018. Poultry litter band placement affects accessibility and conservation of nutrients and cotton yield. Agronomy Journal. 110(2)675-684. doi:10. 2134/agronj2017.07.0387.
  • Brooks, J.P., Tewolde, H., Adeli, A., Shanke, M.W., Way, T.R., Smith, R.K., Pepper, I.L. 2018. Soil microbiological impact of cover crop and fall- applied poultry litter in subsurface bands. Journal of Environmental Quality. 47(3):427-435. doi:10.2134/jeq2017.09.0382.
  • Tang, Q., Liu, H., Tewolde, H., Jiang, P., Lei, B., Zhai, L., Ren, T. 2018. Nitrogen uptake and transfer in broad bean and garlic strip intercropping systems. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 17(1):220-230.
  • Way, T.R., Kornecki, T.S., Tewolde, H. 2018. Planter closing wheel effects on cotton emergence in a conservation tillage system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 34(1):177-186.
  • Read, J.J., Lang, D., Adeli, A., Jenkins, J.N. 2018. Harvest management effects on "Tifton 44" Bermundagrass phosphorous removal and nutritive value. Agronomy Journal. 110:879-889. doi:10.2134/agronj2017.08.0480.

Progress 10/01/16 to 09/30/17

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): Obj 1. Develop ecological and sustainable site-specific agriculture systems, for cotton, corn, wheat, and soybean rotations. 1: Geographical coordinates constitutes necessary and sufficient cornerstone required to define, develop and implement ecological/sustainable agricultural systems. 2: Develop methods of variable-rate manure application based on soil organic matter (SOM), apparent electrical conductivity, elevation, or crop yield maps. 3: Relate SOM, electrical conductivity, and elevation. Obj 2. Develop sustainable and scalable practices for site-specific integration of animal agriculture byproducts to improve food, feed, fiber, and feedstock production systems. 1: Quantify effects of management on sustainability for sweet potato. 2: Balance soil phosphorus (P)/ micro�nutrients using broiler litter/flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum. 3: Effects of site-specific broiler litter applications. 4: Manure application/crop management practices in southern U.S. 5: Compare banded/broadcast litter applications in corn. 6: Develop reflectance algorithms for potassium in wheat. 7: Determine swine mortality compost value in small farm vegetable production. Obj 3. Analyze the economics of production practices for site-specific integration of animal agriculture byproducts to identify practices that are economically sustainable, scalable, and that increase competitiveness and profitability of production systems. 1: Evaluate economics of on-farm resource utilization in the south. Obj 4. Determine the environmental effects in soil, water, and air from site-specific integration of animal agricultural and industrial byproducts into production practices to estimate risks and benefits from byproduct nutrients, microbes, and management practices. 1: Quantitatively determine bioaerosol transport. 2: Role of P and nitrogen (N) immobilizing agents in corn production. 3: Assess impact of management on water sources. 4: Impact of FGD gypsum/rainfall on mobilization of organic carbon/veterinary pharmaceutical compounds in runoff/leached water. 5: Assess soil microbial ecology, antibiotic resistance, and pathogen changes using manure and industrial byproducts in crop production systems. 6: Develop nutrient management practices for sustainable crop production. 7: Develop nutrient management practices for reclaimed coal mine soils. 8: Determine effects of poultry litter/swine lagoon effluent in swine mortality composts. 9: Determine survival of fecal bacterial pathogens on contaminated plant tissue. 10: Identify agricultural/industrial byproducts that modify the breakdown of organic matter. Obj 5. Integrate research data into regional and national databases and statistical models to improve competitiveness and sustainability of farming practices. 1: Develop broiler house emission models. 2: Apply quantitative microbial risk assessment models to animal agriculture/ anthropogenic activities. Obj 6. Develop statistical approaches to integrate and analyze large and diverse spatial and temporal geo-referenced data sets derived from crop production systems that include ecological and natural resource based inputs. 1: Develop novel methods of imaging processing. Approach (from AD-416): Multidisciplinary approaches will be utilized in developing sustainable and competitive agricultural practices for crop management systems. Some approaches will use animal, municipal, and industrial waste as fertilizers and organic soil amendments in crop management systems in precision agriculture ways. Presence, prevalence, and fate of nutrients, gaseous emissions, bacterial approaches, and antibiotic resistance associated with these wastes when applied to soils in cropping systems will be addressed. Work will be done in cooperator animal feeding operations (AFO), farms, and experiment station plots. Off-site transport of nutrients, pathogens, and antibiotic resistant bacteria will be determined. Statistical models will be developed for geo-referenced measurements of farming practices and improvements to mixed model analysis methodology will be developed. Remotely sensed data will be combined with on-site field measurements to develop site-specific prescriptions for application of crop management inputs. Information will be developed into best management practices to protect the environment and human and animal health by maximizing crop nutrient utilization, minimizing bacterial contamination and antibiotic resistance, and reducing ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions. Agricultural models will be used to predict sustainability and competitiveness of management practices developed and implemented into best management practice recommendations. This project involves improving the sustainability of agriculture and relates to combining the use of animal, municipal, industrial waste, and cover crops in production agriculture. Cotton was fertilized with subsurface band placement of pelletized broiler litter for three years. To measure the residual effect of this treatment the plots were subsequently planted to soybean in a split plot design with split-plot of 30 pounds supplemental Nitrogen (N) applied to beans at the complete seed setting stage (R6) and no supplemental N. Corn was fertilized with broiler litter plus industrial by-products. The residual effect of this treatment is being measured on a subsequent crop of soybean using a conventional tillage production system. Timing and rate of municipal biosolids with and without a winter cover crop of wheat are being evaluated for soybean growth, yield, and microbial ecology under a conventional tillage system. The cover crop was killed in the spring before beans were planted. Soil samples were taken before planting and during the growing season and analyzed for soil enzyme activity and available N. During the growing season plant height, leaf area, chlorophyll content, and biomass are being measured. In an upland soil with a no-till system, the response of cotton to broiler litter and inorganic fertilizer N with and without winter cover crop residue, are being evaluated under 30 and 40 inches row spacing. In an upland soil, corn was fertilized with broiler litter plus industrial byproducts. Plots were then spilt and planted to a winter wheat or no winter wheat. The following spring all plots were planted to soybean to measure the residual effect of the cover crop and the fertilization of the corn. Data are currently being collected on the growth and yield of soybean. Three annual applications of 2 tons per acre of broiler litter to a sweet potato crop resulted in high soil test Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K). The residual effects of these broiler litter applications on sweet potato yield relative to farmer's standard treatment with inorganic fertilizer are being investigated this current growing season. Ammonia volatilization, greenhouse gas emissions, cotton leaf area index, plant height, leaf chlorophyll content, N recovery, and final yield are being investigated when biochar and lignite are added to broiler litter and municipal biosolids and applied as fertilizer for cotton. In coal mine soils, the residual effects of, broiler litter and composted swine mortality on grass biomass, grass quality and total soil Carbon (C) are being evaluated. Using rainfall simulation, the impact of Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) gypsum, biochar, and lignite on the dynamics of dissolved organic C, Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and veterinary pharmaceutical compounds (such as hormones and antibiotics) are being evaluated in runoff and leached water from broiler litter application to forage based system. We completed the-first year test of a study investigating the benefit of winter cover crop, tillage, and poultry litter applied in the fall for corn production in a heavy Delta soil at the Delta Conservation Demonstration Center near Metcalfe, Mississippi. Data being collected included grain yield, grain and soil nutrient content, ear and grain size, ear-leaf nutrient content, and leaf chlorophyll index. Preliminary results indicate that no-till corn fertilized with fall-applied poultry litter in conjunction with winter cover crop produced nearly equal grain yield of corn fertilized with spring-applied litter. In the absence of a cover crop, fall-applied litter resulted in 13% less yield than spring- applied litter. We are continuing a study testing the feasibility of prescription-based variable rate poultry litter application to cotton on a nine-acre field on a commercial farm. The prescription was written according to inherent variation in soil organic matter and topography with plots with low soil organic matter or high elevation receiving higher litter rates. Data being collected include geo-referenced lint yield and end-of-season soil nutrient levels. We continued a study measuring the value of poultry litter applied by subsurface banding versus surface broadcasting for corn production. Non- irrigated corn was grown with 0 to 13 ton/acre litter or with 0 to 260 lbs. /acre synthetic N fertilizer. Data being collected includes grain yield, leaf and chlorophyll indices, grain and ear-leaf nutrient content. Preliminary results show that corn receives greater residual N from litter than from synthetic N fertilizers applied in the previous year. Aerosols were collected from 3 cooperator farm locations where land application of poultry litter was occurring, and sampled for bio aerosols using impinger and impactor collectors. A total of three, 6 hour replicate impingement samples, as well as 100 L impaction samples were collected approximately 100 m downwind of each litter application. Samples were processed for cultivated antibiotic resistant bacteria and pathogens, as well as indicators, pathogens, and antibiotic resistance genes. Samples were archived for future DNA-based and endotoxin analyses. Water, soil, and fecal samples were collected from a research farm with 3 to 14 feral hogs located on site. The impact of feral hogs was measured by collecting water samples from upstream and downstream of hog influence, as well as runoff water samples from directly above and below the paddock. Water samples were collected from a cooperator farm from locations directly impacted by land-applied fertilizer and runoff. Samples were collected from each site throughout the year. Escherichia coli, Clostridium, enterococci, and staphylococci levels were measured from each site. DNA was archived from each site as well as isolates from each indicator genus/species to facilitate antibiotic resistance gene tracking and microbial source tracking. Additionally, water samples were collected on a quarterly basis from locations in the Mississippi Delta as part of a large-scale watershed agriculture impact study and assayed as stated above. Quantitative microbial risk analyses were performed on laboratory-based microcosms using inoculated foodborne pathogens and various levels of organic matter. Inactivation rates were calculated for each simulated scenario and implemented into appropriate risk models. Antibiotic resistant genes and bacteria were measured from inoculated and non- inoculated columns containing various types of soil to determine vertical movement from swine manure effluent to soil and column outflow. Tetracycline, erythromycin, and methicillin resistance genes were measured at various time points of the study. Next generation sequence (16S rRNA) analysis was conducted on samples collected from banded manure treatments and analyzed for the effect on the soil microbial population. Additionally, the effect of high inputs of organic matter on soil microbial communities was investigated on experimental research farm plots and commercial farms. Soil dehydrogenase activity was measured along with aerobic cultivated bacterial counts to determine effects of management and crop choice. DNA samples have been archived for assay of genes related to soil health. Antibiotic resistance genes data was uploaded from recent location publications to a newly established ARS-backed antibiotic resistant gene database (AgAR). Data was part of the first 4 sets of ARS contributed data and aided in determining variables necessary for future risk assessments. Further risk analyses and modification of inactivation rates from previously collected microbial data was also conducted. A factsheet for solar-electric standalone installations at broiler farms is being developed for transfer to public via Livestock GRACEnet website. A manuscript was published describing the culmination of a decade of litter/gas studies. It is the basis of the next generation ammonia emission model and will be included in the broiler litter characterization data base. Both the emission model and the database are currently being developed. Ongoing research finds best management practices to minimize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soil in corn/ cotton farming with three years of data entered into template and submitted to the GRACEnet database. There is increasing interest and demand for growers and researchers to use soil moisture sensors for water management and research in the state of Mississippi. We evaluated and calibrated soil water content using sensors TDR315 (Acclima, Idaho), CS655 (Campbell Sci., Utah) and GS1 (Meter, Washington) for six predominant soil types across the state. Results suggested that on-site field calibration of these sensors are essential for improving water management. Crop water production function (CWPF), is a useful tool for irrigation planning, design and management. Soybean CWPFs across three soil types (Vaiden-silty clay, Cahaba-sandy loam, and Demopolis-clay loam) and three weather conditions (averaged over 14-years of weather data from 2002 to 2015, for a dry year, and for a wet year) in a humid irrigated region in Mississippi were determined by the Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender (APEX) model. The irrigation amount during the growing season required to achieve the maximum grain yield for soybean also had a wide range of values (4 to 16 inches). Irrigation water use efficiency and maximum grain yield were related to available water holding capacity of soils. Knowledge of rain water deficit and irrigation demand of major row crops under various long-term weather condition can significantly improve water use efficiently and minimize groundwater depletion. Crop water requirement, rain fall deficit and irrigation demand of soybean, corn, and cotton were determined using the RZWQM2 model and based on archived weather data from 1915 to 2015 in the Mississippi Delta. Accomplishments 01 Pelletized poultry litter (PPL) applied in sub-surface bands to cotton provides substantial nitrogen (N) for two growing seasons after applications ceased. The residual effects of sub-surface banding of broiler litter were unknown in a minimum tillage operation. ARS researchers at Mississippi State, Mississippi, discovered sub-surface band, precision placement, of pelletized poultry litter (PPL) on both sides of the row is an effective fertilizer for cotton production in the Mid-south and, unlike inorganic N fertilization, provides additional nutrients and carbon in soil under minimum tillage. When PPL was applied in sub-surface bands for three years, and residual effects measured for two years following the cessation of PPL applications, beneficial effects were observed for cotton lint yield, leaf area index (LAI) and N uptake, and applying 84 kilograms of nitrogen per hectare at the early squaring stage in the residual PPL plots significantly boosted Leaf Area Index during the boll-filling period. The residual effect of PPL supplemented with 84 kilograms N per hectare increased lint yield by approximately 10% in 2014 and 5% in 2015 over a standard fertilization of 140 kilograms of nitrogen per hectare. This result indicates PPL provided at least 56 kilograms nitrogen per hectare in each of the two years after applications of PPL ceased. 02 Raw broiler litter applied in wide sub-surface bands persists in soil. The best way to apply poultry in no-till cotton production was not known. Research in the past decade has established that poultry litter applied by the traditional mechanical spreaders is an excellent fertilizer for no-till cotton production. ARS researchers at Mississippi State, Mississippi, Auburn, Alabama, and Booneville, Arkansas, in cooperation with Mississippi State University, investigated whether the benefits of poultry litter can be further increased through application technology. Two years after stopping litter application, cotton produced 14% more lint if the litter was applied in a single �thick� subsurface band rather than multiple �thinner� bands per row. Such placement also increased the growth of wheat planted in the winter as a cover crop by 20%. The results demonstrate that poultry litter applied in a single thick subsurface band per row of cotton would benefit no-till cotton production not only in years the litter is applied but also two years after stopping litter application. 03 Agronomic practices selects for soil microbial activity. Metrics of �soil health� are difficult to assess, and �soil health� biological indicators are largely unknown due to the complexities and interconnectedness of members of the soil microbial population. ARS researchers at Mississippi State, Mississippi, conducted a �long-term� study to determine the effect of sub-surface and surface-applied poultry litter in concert with cover crop management to determine the effect on cotton yield and soil microbial activity. Various soil microbial activity assays were conducted including physiological, cultivation, and molecular-based approaches. In general, the soil moisture, cultivated bacteria, and microbial genes covering nitrogen and phosphorus cycling, were significantly influenced by litter application, particularly in sub-surface bands, for several years following the final application. This study suggests that soil biology responded to these treatment approximately 3 years into the application cycle and continues to respond beyond the final application. These responses demonstrate that soil biology is recalcitrant to initial change, but long term positive influence can be achieved. 04 Adding Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) gypsum or lignite to broiler litter applications to pastures reduces nutrient contamination of surface water. The inability to easily incorporate broiler litter into permanent hayfields and pasture soils, leads to nutrient accumulation near the soil surface and increases the potential transport of nutrients in runoff. ARS researchers at Mississippi State, Mississippi, investigated the effect of FGD gypsum and lignite on broiler litter derived phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), and microbial concentrations in runoff. Applying lignite and/or FGD gypsum with broiler litter, substantially reduces P, N, and microbial contributions of litter to surface water contamination. Understanding the impact of various amendment with litter applications on reducing leaching and runoff of nutrients and microbials is critical for developing best management practices to mitigate nonpoint-source pollution. This research demonstrated broiler litter used with these industrial by-products is an effective management practice that mitigates broiler litter derived nutrients and microbial contamination of surface waters. These findings will provide a basis for farmers and producers to adopt this technology for maintaining fertilizer value of manure for pasture and hay crop production, while protecting the environment. 05 Composted broiler litter application to degraded soils promotes sustainable agro-ecosystems. Nutrients from animal by-products can be leached beyond the root zone in soils that are low in organic matter. ARS researchers at Mississippi State, Mississippi, investigated the effect of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum applied with fresh or composted broiler litter on leaching of nutrients in Bermudagrass sod. Fresh and composted broiler litter with and without FGD gypsum was applied to columns of Bermudagrass sod established in normal agricultural soil and reclaimed coal mine soil (which is typically low in organic matter). Composted litter application to the soil appears to be a good management practice for sustainable agro-ecosystem as compared with NPK fertilizer or fresh broiler litter. Adding FGD gypsum to fresh litter reduced phosphorus leaching. This information can be developed into best management practice for use of poultry litter on pastures while protecting the environment and human health as nutrients are kept into the root zone, maximizing crop nutrient utilization and minimizing ground water contamination. 06 Value of poultry litter as a fertilizer for tall fescue is similar in summer-dormant and summer-active tall fescue ecotypes. Cool-season forage production in the Mid-south U.S. region is dependent on a climate characterized by mild winters and extreme heat and/or drought in summer. Tall fescue is an important cool-season forage grass that responds to poultry litter fertilization; however, data concerning the summer dormancy trait in fescue grass were not available. ARS researchers at Mississippi State, Mississippi, found Flecha, a summer- dormant tall fescue, receiving poultry litter did not result in a greater soil accumulation of phosphorus, copper, and zinc, compared with Jesup and Kentucky 31 which are summer-active tall fescue varieties. Examination of changes in annual forage yield and nutrient uptake when fertilized with poultry litter gave a ranking of Kentucky 31 > Flecha > Jesup. Flecha appeared to offer an early-season productivity benefit and nutrient uptake that was comparable to the summer-active cultivars; however, the decreased nutritive value of the spring growth of Flecha, suggested that less of this forage variety could be consumed by ruminant livestock. This work is the basis for understanding the nutrient value of poultry litter compared with commercial NPK fertilizer and associated changes in soil nutrients as affected by the degree of tall fescue summer dormancy. 07 Broiler house litter and ammonia emissions. In the United States, broiler chicken supplies the most meat consumed per capita. Broilers are grown in large (50 feet by 500 feet or more) solid-sidewall barns on a layer of bedding which becomes known as litter as defecation begins and continues through the growth period (flock). Understanding the interrelationships of house structure, litter dynamics, and bird age can reduce ammonia emissions and increase bird weight. ARS researchers at Mississippi State, Mississippi, discovered that near the end of the flock, ammonia emission tripled compared to the beginning placement of chicks. The primary recommendation to mitigate ammonia emission is to control ammonia loss with zone litter treatment of the entire barn, except for the exhaust fan area.Further, litter nitrogen was greater and moisture lower in winter flocks, suggesting total cleanout in winter would produce better litter for crop/pasture fertilizer. The potential impact of adopting these practices would create a more profitable and sustainable business while minimizing the environmental footprint.



  • Ouyang, Y., Feng, G.G., Read, J.J., Leininger, T., Jenkins, J.N. 2017. Estimating the ratio of pond size to irrigated soybeans land in Mississippi: A case study. Water Science and Technology. pp. 1639-1647.
  • Zhang, B., Feng, G.G., Read, J.J., Kong, X., Ouyang, Y., Adeli, A., Jenkins, J.N. 2016. Simulating soybean productivity under rainfed conditions for major soil types using APEX model in East Central Mississippi. Agricultural Water Management. 177:379-391.
  • Gao, F., Feng, G.G., Ouyang, Y., Wang, H., Fisher, D.K., Adeli, A., Jenkins, J.N. 2017. Evaluation of reference crop evapotranspiration methods in arid, semi-arid and humid regions. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. doi:10.1111/1752-1688.12530.
  • Adeli, A., Read, J.J., Feng, G.G., Jenkins, J.N. 2017. Organic amendments and nutrient leaching in soil columns. Journal of Environmental Quality. 109:1294-1302.
  • Sharratt, B.S., Young, F.L., Feng, G.G. 2017. Sediment and PM10 flux from no-tillage cropping systems in the Pacific Northwest. Agronomy Journal. 109:1-9.
  • Ouyang, Y., Parajuli, P., Li, Y., Leininger, T., Feng, G.G. 2017. Identify temporal trend of air temperature and its impact on forest stream flow in Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley using wavelet analysis. Journal of Hydrology. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.05.014.
  • Adeli, A., Read, J.J., Brooks, J.P., Miles, D.M., Feng, G.G., Jenkins, J.N. 2017. Broiler litter x industrial by-products reduce nutrients and microbial losses in surface runoff when applied to forages. Journal of Environmental Quality. 46:339-347.
  • Tewolde, H., Sistani, K.R., McLaughlin, M.R. 2016. Residual effect of poultry litter applications on no-till cotton lint yield. Agronomy Journal. 108:1405-1414.

Progress 10/01/15 to 09/30/16

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): Obj 1. Develop ecological and sustainable site-specific agriculture systems, for cotton, corn, wheat, and soybean rotations. 1: Geographical coordinates constitutes necessary and sufficient cornerstone required to define, develop and implement ecological/sustainable agricultural systems. 2: Develop methods of variable-rate manure application based on soil organic matter (SOM), apparent electrical conductivity, elevation, or crop yield maps. 3: Relate SOM, electrical conductivity, and elevation. Obj 2. Develop sustainable and scalable practices for site-specific integration of animal agriculture byproducts to improve food, feed, fiber, and feedstock production systems. 1: Quantify effects of management on sustainability for sweet potato. 2: Balance soil phosphorus (P)/ micro�nutrients using broiler litter/flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum. 3: Effects of site-specific broiler litter applications. 4: Manure application/crop management practices in southern U.S. 5: Compare banded/broadcast litter applications in corn. 6: Develop reflectance algorithms for potassium in wheat. 7: Determine swine mortality compost value in small farm vegetable production. Obj 3. Analyze the economics of production practices for site-specific integration of animal agriculture byproducts to identify practices that are economically sustainable, scalable, and that increase competitiveness and profitability of production systems. 1: Evaluate economics of on-farm resource utilization in the south. Obj 4. Determine the environmental effects in soil, water, and air from site-specific integration of animal agricultural and industrial byproducts into production practices to estimate risks and benefits from byproduct nutrients, microbes, and management practices. 1: Quantitatively determine bioaerosol transport. 2: Role of P and nitrogen (N) immobilizing agents in corn production. 3: Assess impact of management on water sources. 4: Impact of FGD gypsum/rainfall on mobilization of organic carbon/veterinary pharmaceutical compounds in runoff/leached water. 5: Assess soil microbial ecology, antibiotic resistance, and pathogen changes using manure and industrial byproducts in crop production systems. 6: Develop nutrient management practices for sustainable crop production. 7: Develop nutrient management practices for reclaimed coal mine soils. 8: Determine effects of poultry litter/swine lagoon effluent in swine mortality composts. 9: Determine survival of fecal bacterial pathogens on contaminated plant tissue. 10: Identify agricultural/industrial byproducts that modify the breakdown of organic matter. Obj 5. Integrate research data into regional and national databases and statistical models to improve competitiveness and sustainability of farming practices. 1: Develop broiler house emission models. 2: Apply quantitative microbial risk assessment models to animal agriculture/ anthropogenic activities. Obj 6. Develop statistical approaches to integrate and analyze large and diverse spatial and temporal geo-referenced data sets derived from crop production systems that include ecological and natural resource based inputs. 1: Develop novel methods of imaging processing. Approach (from AD-416): Multidisciplinary approaches will be utilized in developing sustainable and competitive agricultural practices for crop management systems. Some approaches will use animal, municipal, and industrial waste as fertilizers and organic soil amendments in crop management systems in precision agriculture ways. Presence, prevalence, and fate of nutrients, gaseous emissions, bacterial approaches, and antibiotic resistance associated with these wastes when applied to soils in cropping systems will be addressed. Work will be done in cooperator animal feeding operations (AFO), farms, and experiment station plots. Off-site transport of nutrients, pathogens, and antibiotic resistant bacteria will be determined. Statistical models will be developed for geo-referenced measurements of farming practices and improvements to mixed model analysis methodology will be developed. Remotely sensed data will be combined with on-site field measurements to develop site-specific prescriptions for application of crop management inputs. Information will be developed into best management practices to protect the environment and human and animal health by maximizing crop nutrient utilization, minimizing bacterial contamination and antibiotic resistance, and reducing ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions. Agricultural models will be used to predict sustainability and competitiveness of management practices developed and implemented into best management practice recommendations. Objective 1: Prescription-based variable rate manure application. A 9- acre cotton field on a commercial farm was divided into 0.5 to 1.0 acre plots and poultry litter applied to each plot using a prescription written according to inherent soil variation in each plot. The variation in each plot in terms of soil organic matter and elevation (topography) was mapped and the prescription was prepared based on these maps. The prescription was written and the application of litter made so that parts of the plots with low soil organic matter or high elevation receive the higher rates. At the end of the season, high-resolution geo-referenced yield data were collected using a two-row cotton picker equipped with yield-monitor sensors. Geo-referenced soil samples were also taken using hand probes from pre-determined sampling points. Preliminary conclusions are that cotton produced more lint if fertilized with litter regardless of the prescription method. Applying the litter using either prescription methods was superior to blanket application which suggests the variable rate application based on organic matter or elevation map may be a promising method for manure management in cotton. Different categories of soil electrical conductivity (ECa) were derived in a 160 acre field on a private farm using Veris 3100 data collected in 2005 and 2006. The research will combine the Geographic Information System (GIS)-derived ECa categories with two additional data sets, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Light Detecting and Ranging (LiDAR) elevation, to determine how topography co-variates affect the different ECa categories. New experiments began in the summer of 2016 with West Texas cooperators. Objective 2: Measuring the value of poultry litter empirically. Applying poultry litter by broadcasting on the soil surface is inefficient because nutrients, nitrogen in particular, are lost to volatilization and runoff. Applying litter in subsurface bands, on the other hand, is efficient because nutrient losses are minimal. The value of 1 ton per acre of litter applied by subsurface banding is expected to be substantially greater than the same amount applied by surface broadcast. Preliminary results show that corn grain yield is greater if the same amount of litter is applied by subsurface banding versus surface broadcasting. The yield differences are greater at low rates of litter and the differences diminish as the rate increases. In a greenhouse study, wheat (cultivar Magnolia) was grown in large pots filled with fine sand. Plants were fertilized with three nutrient solutions of complete � strength Hoagland, � Hoagland minus potassium (K) and � Hoagland minus nitrogen (N). Measurements of leaf reflectance and transmission in narrow wavebands 450-1095 nanometer (nm) range, leaf chlorophyll, and K and N concentrations in biomass were made. Plant biophysical data have been analyzed statistically and spectral data have been organized in an electronic database. A similar study was conducted with soybean in winter 2015. The third annual fall treatments were completed in a 4 acre field testing effects of swine mortality compost with and without flue gas desulferized (FGD) gypsum on soil organic matter (SOM). Soil samples collected in spring 2016 were tested for carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and organic matter and levels were compared with pretreatment levels. Analysis showed trending increases in C, N and SOM in compost-treated soil, with or without FGD-gypsum, but treatment differences were not statistically significant. Long-term increases in SOM in this sandy soil will require continued applications. A system using poultry litter and cover crops with reduced tillage and supplemental phosphorus and potassium fertilization produced yields equal to conventionally managed systems of sweet potato production and soil quality indicators were higher than the conventional inorganic fertilizer managed system. A combination of poultry litter, FGD gypsum and cover crops in a no-till system of corn-soybean rotation produced plants with greater height, leaf area index and chlorophyll content than inorganic fertilizer. Objective 3: A manuscript was published describing energy independence of a broiler farm through use of local resources and bioenergy which included biogas from anaerobic digestion, biomass of poultry litter and community organic wastes, and solar arrays. This farm produces meat chickens, liquid fertilizer and compost as marketable products. Model development for solar-electric stand alone installations is underway. Objective 4: Cooperator farms were intensively sampled for the presence of bioaerosols during land application of swine effluent and poultry litter. Three six-hour replicate impingement samples, as well as 100 liter (L) impaction samples were collected approximately 100 meters (m) downwind of litter application and 1000 m downwind of the complete swine farm operation. Aerosol samples were collected from April through September and processed for cultivated antibiotic resistant bacteria and pathogens, as well as indicators, pathogens, and antibiotic resistance genes. The role of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) immobilizing agents on litter P and N dynamics, greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and sustainable corn production under reduced tillage system was continued. Complete 3 years research to select best management practices for using animal and industrial by-products for corn production with reduced GHG emissions. Water samples were collected from a cooperator farm from locations directly impacted by land-applied fertilizer and runoff. Samples were collected from a known flood zone on the farm during the winter throughout early spring. Escherichia coli, Clostridium, enterococci, and staphylococci isolates were collected from each site. Samples were also collected from 6 small creek sample sites traversing a small community to determine impact from a wastewater treatment plant. Samples were collected to determine the presence of E. coli and antibiotic resistant bacteria. A new sample site location was identified and intensively sampled prior to implementation of confined feral hogs to determine impact of feral hogs on water quality. The sample site is located on the Mississippi State University South farm research plots. Quantitative microbial risk analyses were performed on laboratory-based macrocosms simulating the effect of organic matter on fecal-borne bacterial pathogens. Inactivation rates were calculated for each simulated scenario and implemented into appropriate risk models. Lab microcosms were also established to determine the effect of land-applied oxytetracycline to ryegrass microcosms. Applied E. coli was sampled to determine pre-exposure resistance to post-exposure resistance. Lab enrichment microcosms were also simulated using similar scenarios without the effect of soil and ryegrass. Next generation sequence analysis was conducted on samples collected from banded manure treatments. Additionally, the effect of high inputs of organic matter on soil microbial communities was investigated on experimental research farm plots and commercial farms. Pelletized biosolids, at the equivalent of a total 5 year rate, was applied to research plots to determine if positive residual effect on soil-health and -microbial levels can persist over time. A laboratory microcosm system, for testing effects of adding FGD- gypsum on the swine mortality composting process and product, was modified to improve control of composing temperatures. Addition of supplemental cooling air inputs allowed composts to maintain 55-60C for longer periods and prevented excessively high temperatures (greater than 65C) that kill desirable composting microbes and drive off more N. Research to evaluate systems of post-reclamation of land after surface mining of coal is under way. Soil samples are being taken from different reclamation ages and will be analyzed for soil bulk density, porosity, microbial activities, organic carbon, soil aggregate stability, infiltration rate, soil compaction, and soil moisture retention under pasture and forest ecosystems. Addition of organic amendment with FGD gypsum improved soil structure as evidenced by greater soil carbon, aggregate stability, and smaller bulk density compared to inorganic fertilizer. Laboratory studies indicate that lignite coal applied with broiler litter substantially reduced nitrogen losses from litter. Field results show that plant height, leaf area index, chlorophyll content, and in-season available soil nitrogen are greater in broiler litter plus lignite than in broiler litter alone plots. In a forage system broiler litter was compared to broiler litter plus FGD gypsum and lignite. Leaching loses of N, P, copper, zinc, and dissolved organic carbon was less in plots receiving litter plus FDG gypsum and lignite than in litter alone. Objective 5: A manuscript on implications of intensive spatial sampling of broiler house litter and gaseous flux is currently being written. It is the culmination of a decade of litter/gas studies and the basis of the next generation ammonia emission model and broiler litter characterization data base. Ongoing research has developed best management practices to minimize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soil in corn farming with two years of data entered into template and submitted to the GRACEnet database. Inactivation coefficients were modeled for a number of microcosm scenarios using varying levels of climate/organic matter/pathogen scenarios. Coefficients were validated using previous models and published research. Pathogens included: Escherichia coli O157:H7; Salmonella enterica; Listeria monocytogenes; and other bacteria and indicator viruses. Additionally, an antibiotic resistant pathogen risk model was developed using antibiotic resistance epidemiological data and published risk models. Accomplishments 01 Antibiotic resistance may not be selected for under typical environmental soil conditions. The prevailing hypothesis is the presence of antibiotics applied to land via manure application will select for antibiotic resistance. However, ideal growth conditions, which are not typically found in the environment, are necessary to promote selection for resistance. ARS researchers at Mississippi State applied oxytetracycline to soil at sub-clinical levels to simulate typical exposure levels. Oxytetracycline susceptible/resistant Escherichia coli and heterotrophs were measured in soil and enrichment broth microcosms. Overall, E. coli remained susceptible following 60 d, while antibiotic-resistant soil bacteria remained at baseline levels. Additionally, non-treated enrichment broth microcosms selected for resistant E. coli at the same rate as treated enrichments. This study suggests the land application of manure-borne tetracycline may not select for antibiotic resistant bacteria under typical agricultural environmental conditions and suggests antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes are selected for upstream of land application. 02 Effectiveness of applying 50% of nitrogen (N) as poultry litter to a mixed pasture of bermudagrass and tall fescue is affected by time of nitrogen applications. ARS researchers at Mississippi State, Mississippi and Lexington, Kentucky found that timing of N limited the growth competition of bermudagrass and tall fescue. Timing N and poultry litter applications to favor tall fescue increased nutritive value of mixed herbage during the warm-season. When the goal of management is to favor cool-season tall fescue, poultry litter should be applied in October and January. When the goal is to optimize the bermudagrass, poultry litter should be applied in January and March. These research results addresses concerns of farmers about the price of inorganic N fertilizer and best use of litter, and the new USDA-NRCS standards that set allowable fertilizer rates on the basis of agronomic soil test phosphorus thresholds. 03 Winter cover crop is beneficial for no-till cotton in upland soils. Upland soils are generally low in nutrient content, marginal in organic matter, and vulnerable to erosion and nutrient losses, which negatively affects crop production and contributes to nonpoint-source pollution of water bodies. The potential of losing nutrients from no-till cotton when fertilized with broiler litter in areas in the southeast with high rain is challenging. ARS scientists at Mississippi State, Mississippi, found that cotton responds better to broiler litter in the presence of cover crop residue rather than just applying broiler litter alone. A cover crop significantly increased cotton lint yield, particularly in a dry year, confirming the benefits of cover crop as an important conservation practice for no-till cotton. Results obtained from this study provide useful information and scientific knowledge for the cotton producers who are showing interest in integrating cover crops into their common crop rotations and establishes grower�s confidence in adopting sustainable management practices. 04 Residual effect of banding placement of pelletized broiler litter maintains cotton yield and economically benefits cotton growers. Many row crop farmers in the southeastern U.S. who use broiler litter to fertilize cotton, disregard the residual nitrogen (N) supplied by the broiler litter application in the preceding year, and apply the full N needs of cotton from inorganic N sources the first year after broiler litter use ceases. This practice often leads to over-application of N and associated economic loss and potential environmental harm. ARS scientists at Mississippi State, Mississippi, evaluated the residual effects of precision band placement of pelletized broiler as compared to recommended commercial N fertilizer and found that similar yield was sustained when the prior litter plots were fertilized with a reduced rate of inorganic fertilizer N, thus taking advantage of the litter residual N. This strategy reduces the use of inorganic N fertilizers and enables growers to maximize the return on their nutrient management practices. 05 Bioenergy options for meat chicken growers. In the United States, broiler chicken production is essential to provide our most consumed meat. Escalating energy costs, often comprise more than 25% of gross receipts; thus, growers need options to reduce energy costs and to remain profitable. ARS researchers at Mississippi State, Mississippi, identified novel farm networks utilizing solar-thermal, biomass boilers and anaerobic digester technologies. This resulted in broiler growers and researchers, globally, being introduced to a system that works towards a more profitable and sustainable business model that minimizes the environmental footprint of the operation. The result is that growers may choose to adopt comprehensive systems to attain energy independence or can affordably put in place individual technologies scalable to farm needs. The potential impact of adopting these sustainable farm strategies would reduce farm dependence on outside energy sources by 80%, reduce ammonia generation in broiler houses, increasing profits, and reduce landfill inputs for the surrounding community.



  • Mclaughlin, M.R., Brooks, J.P., Adeli, A., Jenkins, J.N. 2016. Improving estimates of N and P loads in irrigation water from swine manure lagoons. Irrigation Science. 34(3):245-260.
  • Feng, G.G., Tewolde, H., Ma, L., Adeli, A., Sistani, K.R., Jenkins, J.N. 2015. Simulating the fate of fall- and spring-applied poultry litter nitrogen in corn production. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 79:1804-1814.
  • Mccomb, J.Q., Han, F.X., Rogers, C., Thomas, C., Arslan, Z., Adeli, A., Tchounwou, P.B. 2015. Trace elements and heavy metals in the Grand Bay National Estuarine Reserve in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
  • Feng, G.G., Cobb, S., Abdo, Z., Fisher, D.K., Ouyang, Y., Adeli, A., Jenkins, J.N. 2016. Trend analysis and forecast of precipitation, reference evapotranspiration and rainfall deficit in the Blackland Prairie of eastern Mississippi. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 55:1425-1439.
  • Han, M., Zhao, C., Feng, G.G., Shi, F. 2015. Bayesian inference of the groundwater depth threshold in a vegetation dynamic model: a case study, lower reach, Tarim River. International Union for Quaternary Research. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2015.02.035.
  • Han, M., Zhao, C., Feng, G.G., Disse, M., Shi, F., Li, J. 2015. An eco- hydrological approach to predicting regional vegetation and groundwater response to ecological water convergence in dryland riparian ecosystems. International Union for Quaternary Research. p. 1-13.
  • Zhang, W., Zhou, J., Feng, G.G., Weindorf, D.C., Hu, G., Sheng, J. 2015. Characteristics of water erosion and conservation practice in arid regions of Central Asia: Xinjiang Province, China as an example. International Soil and Water Conservation Research. 3:97-111. 2015.06.002.
  • Han, M., Zhao, C., Feng, G.G., Yan, Y., Sheng, Y. 2015. Evaluating the effects of mulch and irrigation amount on soil water distribution and root zone water balance using HYDRUS-2D. Water. 2015, 7, 2622-2670. doi:10.3390/ w7062622.
  • Quyang, Y., Zhang, J., Li, Y., Parajuli, P., Feng, G.G. 2015. Impacts of rainfall and air temperature variations due to climate change upon hydrological characteristics: a case study. Journal of Water and Climate Change. p. 1-15. doi: 10.2166/wcc.2015.101.
  • Eugene, B., Moore Jr, P.A., Li, H., Miles, D.M., Trabue, S.L., Burn, R., Buser, M. 2015. Effect of alum additions to poultry litter on in-house ammonia and greenhouse gas concentrations and emissions. Journal of Environmental Quality. 44:1530-1540.
  • Liu, Y., He, Z., Shankle, M., Tewolde, H. 2015. Compositional features of cotton plant biomass fractions characterized by attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Industrial Crops and Products. 79:283-286.
  • Kim, H., Willers, J.L., Kim, S. 2016. Digital elevation modeling via curvature interpolation for lidar data. ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 23:47-57.
  • Adeli, A., Mccarty Jr, J.C., Read, J.J., Willers, J.L., Jenkins, J.N., Feng, G.G. 2016. Subsurface banding, placement of pelletized poultry litter in cotton. Agronomy Journal. 108(4):1356-1366.
  • Brooks, J.P., Mclaughlin, M.R., Adeli, A., Miles, D.M. 2015. Pathogen re- colonization of in-house composted and non-composted broiler litter. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 24:157�167. pfv013.

Progress 10/01/14 to 09/30/15

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): Obj 1. Develop ecological and sustainable site-specific agriculture systems, for cotton, corn, wheat, and soybean rotations. 1: Geographical coordinates constitutes necessary and sufficient cornerstone required to define, develop and implement ecological/sustainable agricultural systems. 2: Develop methods of variable-rate manure application based on soil organic matter (SOM), apparent electrical conductivity, elevation, or crop yield maps. 3: Relate SOM, electrical conductivity, and elevation. Obj 2. Develop sustainable and scalable practices for site-specific integration of animal agriculture byproducts to improve food, feed, fiber, and feedstock production systems. 1: Quantify effects of management on sustainability for sweet potato. 2: Balance soil phosphorus (P)/ micro�nutrients using broiler litter/flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum. 3: Effects of site-specific broiler litter applications. 4: Manure application/crop management practices in southern U.S. 5: Compare banded/broadcast litter applications in corn. 6: Develop reflectance algorithms for potassium in wheat. 7: Determine swine mortality compost value in small farm vegetable production. Obj 3. Analyze the economics of production practices for site-specific integration of animal agriculture byproducts to identify practices that are economically sustainable, scalable, and that increase competitiveness and profitability of production systems. 1: Evaluate economics of on-farm resource utilization in the south. Obj 4. Determine the environmental effects in soil, water, and air from site-specific integration of animal agricultural and industrial byproducts into production practices to estimate risks and benefits from byproduct nutrients, microbes, and management practices. 1: Quantitatively determine bioaerosol transport. 2: Role of P and nitrogen (N) immobilizing agents in corn production. 3: Assess impact of management on water sources. 4: Impact of FGD gypsum/rainfall on mobilization of organic carbon/veterinary pharmaceutical compounds in runoff/leached water. 5: Assess soil microbial ecology, antibiotic resistance, and pathogen changes using manure and industrial byproducts in crop production systems. 6: Develop nutrient management practices for sustainable crop production. 7: Develop nutrient management practices for reclaimed coal mine soils. 8: Determine effects of poultry litter/swine lagoon effluent in swine mortality composts. 9: Determine survival of fecal bacterial pathogens on contaminated plant tissue. 10: Identify agricultural/industrial byproducts that modify the breakdown of organic matter. Obj 5. Integrate research data into regional and national databases and statistical models to improve competitiveness and sustainability of farming practices. 1: Develop broiler house emission models. 2: Apply quantitative microbial risk assessment models to animal agriculture/ anthropogenic activities. Obj 6. Develop statistical approaches to integrate and analyze large and diverse spatial and temporal geo-referenced data sets derived from crop production systems that include ecological and natural resource based inputs. 1: Develop novel methods of imaging processing. Approach (from AD-416): Multidisciplinary approaches will be utilized in developing sustainable and competitive agricultural practices for crop management systems. Some approaches will use animal, municipal, and industrial waste as fertilizers and organic soil amendments in crop management systems in precision agriculture ways. Presence, prevalence, and fate of nutrients, gaseous emissions, bacterial approaches, and antibiotic resistance associated with these wastes when applied to soils in cropping systems will be addressed. Work will be done in cooperator animal feeding operations (AFO), farms, and experiment station plots. Off-site transport of nutrients, pathogens, and antibiotic resistant bacteria will be determined. Statistical models will be developed for geo-referenced measurements of farming practices and improvements to mixed model analysis methodology will be developed. Remotely sensed data will be combined with on-site field measurements to develop site-specific prescriptions for application of crop management inputs. Information will be developed into best management practices to protect the environment and human and animal health by maximizing crop nutrient utilization, minimizing bacterial contamination and antibiotic resistance, and reducing ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions. Agricultural models will be used to predict sustainability and competitiveness of management practices developed and implemented into best management practice recommendations. Variable rate manure application was conducted on a grower farm. Prescriptions were based on geo-referenced field maps that reflect variation in soil organic matter, apparent electrical conductivity, and elevation. Preliminary data show variable rate application of poultry litter reduced or eliminated variation in cotton lint yield. An experiment is underway to measure the true value of poultry litter as a corn fertilizer, comparing the value of litter applied by subsurface banding with synthetic fertilizers and quantify the increase in efficiency relative to application by the traditional surface broadcast. The influence of winter cover crop and broiler litter on growth, yield, and nutrient use efficiency of cotton grown under a no-till system relative to inorganic fertilizer nitrogen (N) are being compared. In surface coal mined soils, the effects of poultry manure, swine mortality compost, and flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum are being compared with standard reclamation technology. The role of phosphorus (P) and N immobilizing agents, low-grade lignite (or brown coal) or FGD gypsum, when applied with broiler litter on soil P and N availability, greenhouse gases emissions, grain P, and N use efficiency for sustainable corn production are being investigated. The residual effect of long-term pelletized broiler litter application relative to inorganic fertilizer N on cotton growth, yield, and residual soil N are being evaluated in a multiyear study. The effects of cropping systems (corn-cover crop- soybean) using animal and industrial by-product applied in a no-till system in a soil that is low in organic matter are being evaluated for grain yield, crop nutrient use efficiency, soil nutrients, and organic carbon (C) accumulation. FGD gypsum and rainfall impact on mobilization and dynamics of dissolved organic C and veterinary pharmaceutical compounds present in runoff and leached water from forage based system has been completed. A three-year, wheat-fallow study in a Bude silt loam soil testing low in K showed that K rate explained 76 to 97% of the variation in grain yield. At heading, canopy reflectance in 450-1095 nanometer range, biomass, chlorophyll, N and K were determined. Vegetation reflectance indices will be compared with biomass and chlorophyll readings to determine useful methods for detecting K stress. An experiment has been designed for a 3-acre, furrow-irrigated field in the Black Belt soils in Noxubee County, Mississippi. Soil is Brooksville silty clay. Treatments are 1) rainfed, i.e., not irrigated, 2) irrigated when root zone soil moisture (SM) measured by sensors is 50% of plant available water, and 3) irrigated when estimated soil moisture reaches 50% of plant available water when soil moisture is estimated from initial soil water at given date and soil water consumed by daily crop evapotranspiration (ET). In each plot soil matric potential sensors (Watermark, Irrometer) were installed at 3, 9, 15, 19, 21, and 31 inch depths. To determine the soil-water release curve on site, the irrigation trigger point to schedule an irrigation, and �calibrate� the Watermark sensors, each plot also has time domain reflectometry (TDR) soil moisture sensors coupled to a datalogger collecting measurements at depths of 0-6, 6-12, 12-18, 18-24, and 28-36 inches. Water balance is being estimated by a pen lysimeter, and microflume runoff collectors are located at the tail end of the plots. The effective rainfall and canopy interception are estimated using a rain gauge above the canopy and a complementary gauge below the canopy. Soil pits were dug to a 36-inch depth in each replication, and three undisturbed soil cores (rings) of 1 and 6 cm thickness were collected in both the bed and furrow areas at 6, 12, 24, and 36-inch depths for measurements of saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil porosity, soil moisture retention curve, soil water content at field capacity (1/3 bar), and wilting point (15 bar). These soil properties provide knowledge of plant available water content and the allowable depletion point for irrigation scheduling. Soybean growth stage, height, canopy cover, rooting depth, dry biomass, and nutrient status are determined weekly. Irrigation scheduling for SM and ET treatments uses calculations developed in an ARS scheduling tool. Estimates of available soil water in the effective rooting zone and daily ET are made by monitoring soil sensor data on daily basis and/or on site at least weekly, and data from a local ARS weather station is downloaded. A Structural Thinking Experiential Learning Laboratory with Animation (STELLA) model was developed to estimate farm pond hydrological dynamics and water budget, based on: surface runoff, evaporation, irrigation usage, precipitation, spillage, seepage, and deep drainage, and upper and lower pond water level operational limits. Another STELLA model of soybean irrigation demand has been developed to estimate soybean irrigation requirements as affected by rainfall, ET, root zone moisture, surface water runoff, percolation, and soil water infiltration. The two models will be employed to determine the ratio of pond size to crop land for sustainable soybean irrigation. A 20-acre irrigation pond is being monitored with flow gauges on the inlet to the pond and outlet (on the center pivot). The pond drives a center pivot irrigation system watering about 375 acres of soybeans on a producer�s farm. A manuscript reporting assessment of innovative strategies to reduce uncertainty in on-farm energy expenditures on a broiler farm describes energy independence of a broiler farm through use of local resources and bioenergy (biogas from anaerobic digestion, biomass including poultry litter as well as community organic wastes, and solar arrays) while producing meat chickens, liquid fertilizer, and compost as marketable products. Best management practices to minimize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soil planted to corn was submitted to the greenhouse gas reduction through agricultural carbon enhancement network (GRACEnet) database. The second year of research on a small vegetable crop farm evaluates swine mortality compost and FGD gypsum as soil amendments. A second study examines compost, municipal class A biosolids, and summer cover crops for soil improvement in a 4.5 acre strawberry production field on the same cooperator farm. Compost, biosolids, and control plots were over-seeded by cover crop treatments of sesame, sorghum-sudangrass, sunnhemp, and a fallow control. Annual bedded strawberries will be grown for spring 2016 harvest, and the experimental treatments repeated in 2016. A cooperator's farm was intensively sampled for the presence of bioaerosols during land application of swine effluent or poultry litter. Replicated three to six hour duration impingement samples, as well as 100 liter (L) impaction samples, were collected approximately 100 meters downwind of the operation. Aerosol samples were collected from April through September and processed for cultivated antibiotic resistant bacteria and pathogens, as well as indicators, pathogens, and antibiotic resistance genes. Three sub-watersheds in the northern and central areas of Mississippi and the Mississippi Delta were sampled monthly and analyzed for presence of Escherichia coli and other fecal indicators. Samples have been processed for the presence of antibiotic resistance genes and bacteria. A laboratory-based macrocosm study simulates the effect of organic matter on fecal-borne bacterial pathogens. Fecal matter was placed near organic matter in soil macrocosms and watered at 3 different intensities and temperatures. Samples for fecal-borne pathogens were collected for 45 days. Inactivation rates were calculated. The effects of FGD gypsum on the swine mortality composting process and product were set up in laboratory composting microcosms and sampled to monitor changes in nutrients, bacteria, and gaseous emissions. Data analysis of nutrients, bacterial levels, and gaseous emissions from an earlier study of the effects of aeration on swine mortality composting was completed. A laboratory-based macrocosm study, under simulated climate change conditions, was conducted to determine the effect of pathogen 2- dimensional spatial location on fecal-borne bacterial pathogen survival in a spinach bed macrocosm. Fecal matter was placed at the rhizosphere and furrow of spinach beds and monitored for 45 days from seedling through harvest. Inactivation rates were calculated. Quantitative microbial risk inactivation models and coefficients have been established for several climate/organic matter/pathogen scenarios. Coefficients have been developed, but not validated. Pathogens included: Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella enteric, Listeria monocytogenes, and other bacteria and indicator viruses. Data processing in Enterprise Software Platforms allows several macro- language scripts to be coded which retrieve, store, and write final results into a candidate directory structure. However, when these templates were used for different experiments or geographically derived input files, there were still gaps remaining. Several experiments involving litter applications on commercial farm fields and research fields have been partially analyzed using spatially based general linear mixed analysis of covariance models. A substantive analysis of a four year litter or commercial fertilizer experiment was completed. Software prototypes to calculate the various bit-planes of any image product have been further refined where processing is faster and simpler; however, these are not fully robust. MATLAB code is now replaced by code in ERDAS IMAGINE. Initial applications of these software programs for problem solving have been accomplished; however, transfer to variable- rate controllers can only be achieved for a few fields per year. Accomplishments 01 Precision subsurface banding of pelletized broiler litter proves effective. Surface broadcast application of broiler litter to row crops exposes litter derived-nutrients, particularly nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), to risks of loss, leads to the reduction of its fertilizer value, reduces growers� profits and degrades air and water quality. ARS scientists in the Genetics and Sustainable Agriculture Research Unit at Mississippi State, Mississippi, evaluated the impacts of subsurface banding of pelletized broiler litter on cotton growth, yield, and N utilization and found that long-term precision subsurface banding of pelletized broiler litter resulted in greater cotton lint yield than recommended commercial fertilizer at approximately equivalent N rate. This strategy reduces the use of costly inorganic fertilizers, improves soil quality, and enables growers to maximize the return on their nutrient management practices. If the technology is developed and commercialized as a practical option for the producers, subsurface banding of pelletized broiler litter could be considered as an effective management practice for row crop productions, and, at some point, become a method of choice for applying solid manures. 02 Aerosol transport is minimal under current manure land application scenarios. To date little to no bioaerosol data exists from land application of poultry litter and very little exists for land application of swine effluent. The potential transport of food borne pathogens as well as antibiotic resistance off site from land receiving large, seasonal applications of each waste is a concern particularly to nearby susceptible receptors or communities. Pathogen transport can potentially occur over long distances, but fecal pathogen transport is often much less; however, the presence and transport of antibiotic resistant commensals could pose an issue. Scientists in the ARS Genetics and Sustainable Agriculture Research Unit at Mississippi State, Mississippi, measured the transport of pathogens and commensal antibiotic resistant bacteria from poultry litter and swine effluent land application sites. Pathogen loads were below detection limit, while antibiotic resistance was more readily detectable, although at low levels, even when sampled for 6 hours of application. The research has demonstrated that the cultivated antibiotic resistance was detected downwind of application scenarios; however, cultivated pathogens were below detection and posed little risk given current application scenarios in the southeastern United States during the spring and summer application seasons. 03 Plant availability of phosphorus from subsurface banded poultry litter. Applying manures by subsurface banding is an efficient way of delivering nutrient to crops, but not all beneficial aspects of the method are known. ARS scientists in the Genetics and Sustainable Agriculture Research Unit at Mississippi State, Mississippi, in cooperation with Mississippi State University, and ARS scientists at Auburn, Alabama, and Booneville, Arkansas, studied plant availability of phosphorus and showed that manure phosphorus is conserved in the soil longer and is more plant available when litter is applied in subsurface bands spaced every 40 inches compared to closer spaced bands. Soil that received litter in subsurface bands had greater extractable soil phosphorus, if the bands were spaced 40 inches instead of the same amount applied in multiple bands spaced 12 inches. This suggests minimizing the amount of litter that comes in contact with the soil by concentrating it in fewer bands enhances the efficient delivery of phosphorus and other nutrients to plants and potentially minimizes the amount released to the immediate environment. 04 Fertilizing soybeans with low rates of poultry litter improves yield. The enormous amount of poultry litter generated in the southeastern United States could benefit soybean production in the region, but how soybean responds to poultry litter fertilization is not well understood when rotated with corn and cotton. ARS scientists in the Genetics and Sustainable Agriculture Research Unit at Mississippi State, Mississippi, and cooperators investigated soybean yield response to low rates of poultry litter fertilization in a corn-cotton-soybean rotation system. Yearly application of 1 or 3.4 ton of litter per acre applied by surface broadcasting increased soybean yield by more than 7% when rotated with cotton or corn, but not when soybean followed soybean. The yield difference between the 1 ton per acre and 3.4 ton per acre was small. Annual application of 3.4 ton litter per acre resulted in some level of nutrient build up in the soil which suggests that applying as much as 3.4 tons per acre may not be necessary to gain the full benefit of litter for soybean yield. Only 1 ton litter per acre may provide the full yield benefit and potentially improve the profitability of soybean production in the region without causing excess nutrient build. 05 Identification of on farm, bioenergy options for broiler chicken growers. In the United States, broiler production is essential to provide our most consumed meat. Escalating energy costs now comprise more than 25% of gross receipts, and growers need options to reduce costs to remain profitable and sustainable. ARS scientists in the Genetics and Sustainable Agriculture Research Unit at Mississippi State, Mississippi, identified novel farm networks to utilize various bioenergy technologies. The result is that growers can adopt comprehensive systems to attain energy independence or affordably put in place individual technologies scalable to farm needs. 06 Agricultural and industrial wastes aid reclaiming lignite surface mined soil. ARS scientists in Genetics and Sustainable Agriculture Research Unit at Mississippi State, Mississippi, determined effects of poultry litter, swine compost, and flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum on soil properties and forage biomass in newly reclaimed soil from surface mining of lignite at a lignite mine in Mississippi. Poultry litter significantly improved vigor, height, and biomass yield of bermudagrass compared with swine mortality compost. This response is credited to the higher levels of nitrogen (N), organic matter, phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in broiler litter. The oxidized material used for reclamation contains a mixture of topsoil plus oxidized subsoil that provide for biota reestablishment. By increasing soil organic carbon with animal wastes there is potential to enhance soil restoration, and hence, ecosystem function.



  • Tewolde, H., Shankle, M.R., Way, T.R., Adeli, A., Brooks, J.P., He, Z. 2015. Enhancing management of fall-applied poultry litter with cover crop and subsurface band placement in no-till cotton. Agronomy Journal. 107:449- 458.
  • Adeli, A., Sheng, J., Jenkins, J.N., Feng, G.G. 2015. Composting and gypsum amendment of broiler litter to reduce nutrient leaching loss. Journal of Environmental Quality. 44:676-683.
  • McLaughlin, M.R., Brooks, J.P., Adeli, A., Miles, D.M. 2015. Using broiler and swine manure lagoon effluent in sawdust-based swine mortality composts: Effects of nutrients, bacteria, and gaseous emissions. Science of the Total Environment. 532:265-280.
  • Han, M., Zhao, C., Simunek, J., Feng, G.G. 2015. Evaluating the impact of groundwater on cotton growth and root zone water balance using Hydrus-ID coupled with a crop growth model. Agricultural Water Management. 160:64-75.
  • Li, X., Feng, G.G., Sharratt, B.S., Zheng, Z. 2015. Aerodynamic properties of agricultural and natural surfaces in northwestern Tarim Basin. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 204:37-45. DOI: org/10.1016/j. agrformet.2015.01.005.
  • Pi, H., Feng, G.G., Sharratt, B.S. 2014. Performance of the SWEEP model affected by estimates of threshold friction velocity. Transactions of the ASABE. 57:1675-1685.
  • Li, X., Feng, G.G., Sharratt, B.S., Zheng, Z., Pi, H., Gao, F. 2014. Soil wind erodibility based on dry aggregate-size distribution in the Tarim Basin. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 78:2009-2016.
  • Ouyang, Y., Cui, L., Feng, G.G., Read, J.J. 2015. Simulating phosphorus removal from a vertical-flow constructed wetland grown with C. alternifolius species. Ecological Engineering. 77:60-64.
  • Li, X., Feng, G.G., Zhao, C., Zheng, Z. 2014. Fine-particle emission potential from overflowing areas of Tarim River in the Tarim Basin. Soil Science. 178:556-567.
  • Pi, H., Sharratt, B.S., Feng, G., Zhang, X. 2014. Comparison of measured and simulated friction velocity and threshold friction velocity using SWEEP. Soil Science. 179:393-402.
  • Jayakody, P., Parajuli, P.B., Brooks, J.P. 2015. Assessing climate variability impact on thermotolerant coliform bacteria in surface water. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 21:691-706.
  • Read, J.J., Lang, D.J., Adeli, A. 2014. Effects of seasonal nitrogen on binary mixtures of tall fescue and bermudagrass. Agronomy Journal. 106:1667-1676.
  • Adeli, A., Read, J.J., McCarty Jr., J.C., Jenkins, J.N., Feng, G.G. 2015. Soybean yield and nutrient utilization following long-term pelletized broiler litter application to cotton. Agronomy Journal. 107:1128-1134.
  • Pi, H., Feng, G.G., Sharratt, B.S., Li, X., Zheng, Z. 2014. Validation of SWEEP for contrasting agricultural land use types in the Tarim Basin. Soil Science. 179:433-445.

Progress 10/01/13 to 09/30/14

Progress Report Objectives (from AD-416): Obj 1. Develop ecological and sustainable site-specific agriculture systems, for cotton, corn, wheat, and soybean rotations. 1: Geographical coordinates constitutes necessary and sufficient cornerstone required to define, develop and implement ecological/sustainable agricultural systems. 2: Develop methods of variable-rate manure application based on soil organic matter (SOM), apparent electrical conductivity, elevation, or crop yield maps. 3: Relate SOM, electrical conductivity, and elevation. Obj 2. Develop sustainable and scalable practices for site-specific integration of animal agriculture byproducts to improve food, feed, fiber, and feedstock production systems. 1: Quantify effects of management on sustainability for sweet potato. 2: Balance soil phosphorus (P)/ micro�nutrients using broiler litter/flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum. 3: Effects of site-specific broiler litter applications. 4: Manure application/crop management practices in southern U.S. 5: Compare banded/broadcast litter applications in corn. 6: Develop reflectance algorithms for potassium in wheat. 7: Determine swine mortality compost value in small farm vegetable production. Obj 3. Analyze the economics of production practices for site-specific integration of animal agriculture byproducts to identify practices that are economically sustainable, scalable, and that increase competitiveness and profitability of production systems. 1: Evaluate economics of on-farm resource utilization in the south. Obj 4. Determine the environmental effects in soil, water, and air from site-specific integration of animal agricultural and industrial byproducts into production practices to estimate risks and benefits from byproduct nutrients, microbes, and management practices. 1: Quantitatively determine bioaerosol transport. 2: Role of P and nitrogen (N) immobilizing agents in corn production. 3: Assess impact of management on water sources. 4: Impact of FGD gypsum/rainfall on mobilization of organic carbon/veterinary pharmaceutical compounds in runoff/leached water. 5: Assess soil microbial ecology, antibiotic resistance, and pathogen changes using manure and industrial byproducts in crop production systems. 6: Develop nutrient management practices for sustainable crop production. 7: Develop nutrient management practices for reclaimed coal mine soils. 8: Determine effects of poultry litter/swine lagoon effluent in swine mortality composts. 9: Determine survival of fecal bacterial pathogens on contaminated plant tissue. 10: Identify agricultural/industrial byproducts that modify the breakdown of organic matter. Obj 5. Integrate research data into regional and national databases and statistical models to improve competitiveness and sustainability of farming practices. 1: Develop broiler house emission models. 2: Apply quantitative microbial risk assessment models to animal agriculture/ anthropogenic activities. Obj 6. Develop statistical approaches to integrate and analyze large and diverse spatial and temporal geo-referenced data sets derived from crop production systems that include ecological and natural resource based inputs. 1: Develop novel methods of imaging processing. Approach (from AD-416): Multidisciplinary approaches will be utilized in developing sustainable and competitive agricultural practices for crop management systems. Some approaches will use animal, municipal, and industrial waste as fertilizers and organic soil amendments in crop management systems in precision agriculture ways. Presence, prevalence, and fate of nutrients, gaseous emissions, bacterial approaches, and antibiotic resistance associated with these wastes when applied to soils in cropping systems will be addressed. Work will be done in cooperator animal feeding operations (AFO), farms, and experiment station plots. Off-site transport of nutrients, pathogens, and antibiotic resistant bacteria will be determined. Statistical models will be developed for geo-referenced measurements of farming practices and improvements to mixed model analysis methodology will be developed. Remotely sensed data will be combined with on-site field measurements to develop site-specific prescriptions for application of crop management inputs. Information will be developed into best management practices to protect the environment and human and animal health by maximizing crop nutrient utilization, minimizing bacterial contamination and antibiotic resistance, and reducing ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions. Agricultural models will be used to predict sustainability and competitiveness of management practices developed and implemented into best management practice recommendations. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software was used to derive zonal statistics, the maximum, minimum, mean, range, and standard deviation. The zonal polygons used were those created by yield monitor equipped harvesters, and matched the size of the harvesting swaths. Any raster surface of any attribute, from any proximal, remote sensing system can be summarized for these five statistics of each swath element polygon. These zonal statistics can then be utilized as variables in many kinds of statistical analysis. A limitation is that many potential users do not yet fully understand what this capability can add to their experimental procedures. Another limitation is that it is difficult to effectively manage the large amounts of data produced for input into an analysis or created from the completed analysis. A variable rate of poultry litter was successfully applied based on prescription written following the generation of geo-referenced field maps based on inherent variation in soil organic matter (SOM), apparent electrical conductivity (ECa), and topographical map. The research is designed to identify which of the prescriptions (SOM, ECa, or topography) is more effective for corn and cotton yield and for reducing the amount of litter needed for optimal yield. Sustainability of repeated poultry litter application has been measured using chemical analysis of soil samples taken after harvesting three crops in a rotation (cotton, corn, and soybean). This revealed trends that indicate rotating crops may be necessary to minimize the buildup of excess nutrients derived from repeated poultry litter application. Subsurface banding of raw broiler litter showed that up to 9 tons per acre can be applied to soils. This is a greater rate than can be applied by traditional surface applications. Spacing of subsurface bands of poultry litter showed that the spacing between two consecutive subsurface bands may not be important for cotton yield. This research was continued to test the performance of cotton planted in plots that had received solid poultry litter in the previous three years by subsurface banding spaced every 12 or 40 inches (30 or 100 cm) with no further fertilization. Winter and spring plantings of Magnolia variety of wheat were grown in a greenhouse for 30 days under three fertilizer treatments of complete, minus nitrogen, and minus potassium, variations of Hoagland�s nutrient solutions. Two fully-expanded leaves on the main stem were used for measurements of reflectance and transmittance (450-1095 nanometers (nm), 5 nm resolution) and chlorophyll and potassium concentrations. Plants were harvested approximately 60 days after transplanting and sampled for leaf area, shoot and root biomass, and leaf nutrient concentration. The data sets will be analyzed using multivariate to determine relationships between the waveband or waveband ratio with changes in a leaf constituent. On a cooperator�s small farm, an experimental study area of approximately two acres was identified and geo-referenced; treatment plots were marked. Pretreatment soil samples were collected and analyzed to establish baseline soil test nutrient levels and compost, and gypsum treatments were applied in the fall of 2013. Soil samples were collected in spring 2014 to assess treatment effects. Characterization of cooperator farm combining anaerobic digestion of poultry litter biomass broilers to heat poultry houses and solar energy supplements have begun. Economic analyses/resource sustainability for on- farm energy independence will be determined in the next research phase. A cooperator farm was intensively sampled for the presence of bioaerosols following land application of swine effluent. Effluent application was also sampled during this time period as it was readily available. Samples were collected from 10 to 50 m downwind of the operation during the summer application season. Effluent and aerosol samples were collected from July through October to characterize the growing season manure source and aerosol plume. Nine sub-watershed locations were identified throughout Mississippi and sampled monthly from January throughout the year. Water and soil samples were collected throughout this time period and analyzed to establish fecal (culture) and genetic (molecular) marker presence throughout winter, spring, and summer seasons. Additionally, fecal samples were characterized from locations when samples were available. A field and macrocosm column study were carried out whereby the addition of organic matter (fecal material) and variable moisture�s impact on pathogen survival were monitored. Soil (field) and fecal (column) samples were measured for pathogen presence and persistence throughout spring and early summer of 2014. A second study measuring the impact of rhizosphere populations was initiated in August 2014. Swine mortality composting experiments were completed and composts from containers with and without passive aeration were analyzed for nutrients, zoonotic bacteria, and gaseous emissions. Data has been compiled for statistical analyses. An experimental system was established employing Cone-tainer racks to support soil columns in plastic tubing inside controlled temperature chambers in the lab, and methods were developed for placement and monitoring of zoonotic pathogens in the soil. Litter gas production of ammonia and greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane) and litter properties (temperature, moisture content, acidity, nutrients) were analyzed for intermittent broiler flocks with litter aged 2 to 5 years. Results will initially be used to develop a deterministic model for relationships among the parameters associated with location within broiler houses. When completed, producers will have a decision tool to mitigate emissions as well as determine where nutrient extremes occur; the model can also be used for improvements in house structure and litter management. Software prototypes to calculate the various bit-planes of any image product have been developed for both Erdas-Imagine and Matlab. An early software prototype to automate the derivation of zonal statistics for any kind of raster image product has been developed. Once the data are imported into the Statistical Analysis System (SAS), statistical measures describing patterns of spatial autocorrelation can be estimated. Once these measures are estimated, insight into the spatial pattern of an agricultural ecosystem is best quantified. Initial results suggest that this approach to image analyses provides many opportunities for learning new knowledge about agricultural fields. Cooperation with a crop consultant in the West Texas High Plains and a producer in the Mississippi Delta have explored diverse methods of georeferenced information from several sensor types to develop and then analyze effects of variable rate seeding across several management zones. A large commercial corn field was utilized at each location. The analysis of results for the Texas location indicated that the consultant�s expertise in setting the seeding rates by zone was very close to the predicted, optimized, seeding rates. However, if the predicted seeding rates derived after harvest had been used, there would have been an expectation of lower seeding costs without an adverse effect upon yield. These experiments also show the need to use an experimental design that provides a way to monitor cultivar by environment interaction. Significant Activities that Support Special Target Populations: ARS scientists in the Genetics and Precision Agriculture Research Unit at Mississippi State, MS, participated in activities targeting minority, historically under-served operators/stakeholders through a Standard Cooperative Agreement with a woman-owned farm (small broiler operation). ARS scientists determined litter gases and nutrients within modern commercial broiler houses to develop southern United States confined animal feeding operation emission factors, and to utilize litter in precision agriculture fertilization studies to protect water quality and prevent pathogen transfer. Grower transfers data informally as collected through participation in state associated grower advisory council and young farmer/rancher committee. ARS scientists in the Genetics and Precision Agriculture Research Unit at Mississippi State, MS, established a compost and gypsum application experiment on a cooperator small vegetable farm to determine the long term effects of adding swine mortality compost with and without gypsum on soil organic matter. The mortality compost and gypsum are underutilized, locally-available, soil amendments that may provide lower cost alternatives to commercial amendments and fertilizers for small farm vegetable crop production. Accomplishments 01 Moisture and organic matter increase pathogen persistence. Foodborne bacterial pathogens are influenced by the combination of organic matter and moisture content of the surrounding soil. The pathogen, once present in the soil, can persist for long periods of time, up to 210 days, if given ideal conditions such as high organic matter and soil moisture. Scientists in the Genetics and Precision Agriculture Research Unit at Mississippi State, MS, measured the survival of foodborne pathogens in various combinations of soil, fecal waste, and moisture level using microcosms and column studies. Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella, Listeria, and Campylobacter persisted for varying times, although Salmonella combined with cattle manure appeared to persist for the longest period of time. The column study demonstrated the varying effect of groundwater level, with ground water levels between 45 and 15 cm below the surface demonstrating large differences in survival, while immediately below the surface was similar to 15 cm below the surface, due to a vertical wicking effect. The research demonstrates that foodborne pathogens only require moisture in the surrounding soil and an organic matter source to persist for long periods of time, which may help explain the potential contamination scenarios responsible for recent outbreaks.



  • Tewolde, H., Sistani, K.R., Adeli, A. 2013. Fall- and spring-applied poultry litter effectiveness as corn fertilizer in the mid-southern United States. Agronomy Journal. 105:1743-1748.
  • Iqbal, J., Read, J.J., Whisler, F. 2013. Using remote sensing and soil physical properties for predicting the spatial distribution of cotton lint yield. Turkish Journal of Field Crops. 18:158-165.
  • Adeli, A., Brooks, J.P., McLaughlin, M.R., Read, J.J., Willers, J.L., Lang, D., McGrew, R. 2013. Age chronosequence effects on restoration quality of reclaimed coal mine soils in Mississipian agroecosystems. Soil Science. 178:335-343.
  • Sheng, J., Adeli, A., Brooks, J.P., McLaughlin, M.R., Read, J.J. 2014. Effects of bedding materials in applied broiler litter and immobilizing agents on runoff water, soil properties, and bermudagrass growth. Journal of Environmental Quality. 43:290-296.
  • Roberts, B.N., Bailey, R.H., McLaughlin, M.R., Miles, D.M., Brooks, J.P. 2013. Spatial and temporal analysis of microbial populations in production broiler house litter in the southeastern U.S. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 22:759-770.
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