Source: UNIV OF WISCONSIN submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2016
Project End Date
Jan 31, 2019
Grant Year
Project Director
Fox, B.
Recipient Organization
21 N PARK ST STE 6401
MADISON,WI 53715-1218
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
The introduction of new antibiotics to counter emerging drug resistance will improve human and animal health. We describe the development of potent new analogs of inhibitors of 'old' antibiotics targets as a strategy for protecting animals from diseases and conditions caused by bacterial infections and protecting humans from foods contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms. It is widely recognized that antibiotic resistant bacteria emerge in confined animal feeding operations (particularly drug resistant Campylobacter and Salmonella spp.) can be transferred to humans through food. The Center for Disease Control estimates that there are ~76M cases of foodborne illness each year from viral and bacterial pathogens. The development of new classes of antibiotics--such as those described in this proposal--can relieve some of the pressure currently placed on the dwindling number of effective clinical antibiotics available for treating human infections.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Goals:The major goals of this project are to develop a new class of antibiotics that have broad-spectrum activity against pathogenic bacteria that are food-borne and infect farm animals and humans.Objective 1: Optimize an in silico approach to virtually screen modifications to DNA gyrase inhibitors (the gyramides) to increase their activity and reduce their efflux out of bacteria.Objective 2: Apply the in silico approach to screen a virtual library of gyramide inhibitors for activity; identify lead compounds.Objective 3: Synthesize 50 lead compounds, characterize their structures, and test their activity against a panel of 20 pathogenic bacteria that are relevant to the proposed knowledge areas.Objective 4: Test the activity of the top 5 compounds against recombinant DNA gyrase and measure inhibition and binding constants.
Project Methods
Objectives and hypothesesWe will optimize the potency of the gyramide antibiotics using an iterative cycle of structural biology design, including computational modeling of drug properties, chemical synthesis, and in vivo activity testing. To perform this work, we have formulated the following four-part specific aim.A. Design a virtual library of gyramides. Clinical antibiotics have a spectrum of structural characteristics that are generally considered to be broader than drugs for treating other diseases. O'Shea and Moser recently analyzed the molecular properties of known antibiotics and observed differences that contribute to the activities of small molecules against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The information gleaned from these analyses is directly applicable to the design of new gyramide analogs. Although antibiotics active against Gram-positive bacteria are spread over a wide range of molecular weights--with many compounds exceeding 1200 Da--the authors identified a strict upper limit of 600 Da for Gram-negative bacteria. Similarly, the range of distribution coefficients at the physiological pH of human serum is lower for Gram-negative activity and the majority of antibiotics have values between -5 and 2. Antibiotics that are active against Gram-negative bacteria have high average relative polar surface areas (rPSA, which is normalized for total surface area) with values that are typically from 25-60. When the analysis was limited to antibiotics that are active against the Gram-negative human pathogen P. aeruginosa, the physicochemical requirements became very narrow. Not surprisingly, these compounds exhibit a narrow distribution of molecular weight (300-450 Da), cLogD7.4 (-2 to 2), and rPSA. The low and narrow spread of cLogD values for the fluoroquinolones is due to the amine and carboxylic acid groups, which makes them zwitterionic. By comparison, the gyramides exhibit a molecular weight that is moderately close to the fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, 331 Da) and in principle can be modified to exhibit similar cLogD and rPSA properties by "tuning" the basicity of the pyrrolidine nitrogen and the acidity of the sulfonamide. This approach provides an opportunity to optimize the gyramides for bioavailability and antimicrobial activity comparable to ciprofloxacin. This goal is particularly attractive, as we have demonstrated that the gyramides can be used to treat bacteria that are resistant to ciprofloxacin.B. Identify gyramides that satisfy key predictors of biological activity against Gram-negative bacteria. We will optimize the gyramide structure for activity against Gram-negative bacteria by predicting compounds that have molecular properties that closely match successful, clinical antibiotics. We are particularly interested in designing compounds against Salmonella and Campylobacter spp. as these organisms have active drug efflux systems that create challenges for antibiotic uptake, cause widespread infections in both humans and livestock, and are emerging as drug resistant threats, particularly on confined animal feeding operations. We will perform the selection using two strategies: 1) evaluation of mW, cLogD7.4, and rPSA; and 2) application of a permeability model that uses extended connectivity fingerprints and calculated properties from a basis set of 6,500 compounds with known antimicrobial activity. The first strategy will enable a direct comparison of the gyramides to successful clinical antibiotics. The use of mW, cLogD, and rPSA provides an approximate set of guidelines that we can conveniently determine in silico. The second strategy enables us to perform iterative cycles of predicting and evaluating structures for developing and refining a predictive model. The first generation analogs will retain the existing sulfonamide core structure and will consist of pyrrolidine and aryl substituents that confer a range of molecular properties. We will enumerate a virtual library using aromatic aldehydes (2,808) and sulfonyl chlorides (740) that are commercially available en route to designing ~2,000,000 analogs. Both of the selection strategies/models will be applied to this library to generate sets of 2,000 compounds.C. Synthesize two gyramide libraries and assay them in vivo. From the sets of 2,000 compounds, we will select and design two libraries that will each consist of 100 compounds by matrix variation of the two substituents (10xR1 and 10xR2). Variation of matrix elements will ensure maximum synthetic efficiency, as we will synthesize 10 intermediates on a large scale (~1-5 g) and deprotect/sulfonylate in a single step. We will generate a second-generation library from the most active compounds identified by assaying the biological activity of compounds in libraries 1.1 and 1.2 using methods described below. We will select the most active compounds from each library and use them to design a new library that expands on the most effective structural subsets of libraries 1.1 and 1.2. For instance, if heterocyclic sulfonamides have high biological activity, we will make ring substitutions and compare imidazoles, oxazoles, thiazoles, isoxazoles, and other heterocycles. This level of variation is inappropriate for the first libraries, but at this later stage this approach may reveal analogs in which small electronic and structural perturbations enhance activity. Library 2.1 will consist of a focused 5x5 matrix of elements using the most effective compounds from libraries 1.1 and 1.2 as inputs. We will prepare additional 25-membered libraries (2.2 to 2.n) as needed to achieve compounds that display ?M or nM values of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) against bacteria. Preliminary MIC data for gyramides against a relatively small panel of bacteria is summarized in. We will test all of the final library compounds against a panel of Salmonella and Campylobacter spp., including strains isolated from livestock facilities. To obtain and work with these strains, we have developed a relationship with the Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostics Laboratory, have a portion of our lab cleared for BSL-2 testing, will access a BSL-2 facility within the Department of Biochemistry as needed, and will add these bacterial strains to our current Biosafety Protocol (B00000123).D. Refine compounds based on activity and by modeling into the DNA gyrase X-ray structure. During the synthesis of the two generations of libraries, we anticipate obtaining at least one high-resolution crystal structure of gyramides bound to the GyrBAfus-DNA complex (a recombinant version of a translationally fused Gyr A and B unit, which is not enzymatically function), which will provide a structural basis for the rational design of new analogs. In addition, we envision that the library synthesis will reveal compounds with increased activity against DNA gyrase and high bioactivity in bacteria, which we will use to form complexes with GyrBAfus and dsDNA and to solve the X-ray crystal structure. Based on the structural information provided by these two crystallography studies, we will design new gyramides by altering additional substituents and synthesizing bicyclic analogs. Although synthesis of these new gyramide analogs may require longer routes, the choice of a subset of these analogs should be possible using the conformation of bound analogs determined in the structural biology studies of GyrBAfus.

Progress 10/01/16 to 01/31/19

Target Audience:Scientists in academia, national labs, and pharmaceutical companies. Changes/Problems:Though the lead PI resigned from UW-Madison, researchers worked to conclude relevant experiments and had results published in one journal article. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A graduate student is being trained on this project. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results were disseminated through a journal article. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? In the first year, we have modified the approach to reflect advances in our understanding of the mechanism of action of the gyramides and design elements that we can introduce to improve their activity. We had initially planned to screen structural changes to the gyramides to either increase their binding affinity to their target, DNA gyrase or maintain their tight binding; we determined that the major limitation of these drugs is their efflux out of bacterial cells, which is due to their structure. In year 1, we identified a series of molecular changes to the gyramides that will reduce their efflux; our challenge is not figuring out where to place these structural modifications without losing their biological activity. To that effect, we have doubled down on solving the crystal structure of gyramide bound to DNA gyrase. We have made two DNA gyrase fusion proteins by translationally attaching the DNA gyrase B and A subunits and removing the 'floppy' ATPase domain; one construct was made from Escherichia coli DNA gyrase; the other from Staphylococcus aureus DNA gyrase. We have developed an expression system with both GyrBAfus proteins and demonstrate the ability to recombinantly express and purify the protein to tens of mg/L in E. coli (as a host). We have also begun working on expressing both native E. coli DNA gyrase subunit A and B. With all four recombinant proteins in-hand, we will perform biophysical studies to measure the affinity of binding of two gyramide analogs (gyramide E and gyramide F) and determine which protein they bind most tightly to. With that information determined, we will set up co-crystallization studies to generate crystals for x-ray crystallographic studies. We have already carried out an extensive survey of crystallization conditions with both E. coli and S. aureus GyrBAfus proteins and have grown crystals with different morphologies under different conditions, which are of a size suitable to mount and perform x-ray crystallography. In year 2, we plan to have the structural biology studies completed and will begin docking studies of gyramide analogs into the co-crystal structure to determine where to fit the following structural modifications to reduce drug efflux: 1) introduction of at least one primary amine group; 2) attachment of the rings to reduce rotations and molecular conformations; and 3) modifications that reduce the dimensionality of the molecules and make them more 'flat' or 'planar'. As our approach has changed, this section briefly summarizes the changes to the workflow. Objective 1 and 2 are now modified as: 1) solve a co-crystal structure of gyramides bound to DNA gyrase; and 2) perform docking/fitting to identify where to make structural modifications to reduce efflux. By the end of year 2, we estimate we will be on schedule with the original proposal of being ready to start synthesizing analogs in year 3. However, instead of synthesizing 50 compounds for testing, we will possibly reduce that number to accommodate: 1) our ability to more accurately predict modifications that will maintain activity while reducing efflux; and 2) changes to the gyramide core structure that are much more complicated than originally planned. Initially, we had planned to make modifications by decorating the core structure with different functional groups to change polarity and increase solubility; we now propose making large modifications to the core structure involving fusing rings and altering the scaffold structure, which will require us to alter the convergent route we use for synthesizing analogs, thereby reducing our ability to make large numbers of analogs (10-20 may now be a more realistic number than 50). Although, we will potentially make fewer analogs, we have more confidence that this approach will yield the desired high activity compounds. As the project progresses, areas of exploration to the public could include: include: 1) antibiotic resistance; 2) genetic drift; 3) adaptation and survival of bacteria; 4) how the immune system works; 5) the structure of bacteria and their ability to choose between 'good' and 'bad' molecules; and 6) the microbiome and its function.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Rcs phosphorelay activation in cardiolipin-deficient Escherichia coli reduces biofilm formation. J Bacteriol. 2019 Feb 19. pii: JB.00804-18.

Progress 10/01/16 to 09/30/17

Target Audience:Scientists in academia, national labs, and pharmaceutical companies. Changes/Problems:As mentioned in a previous section, we modified the approach (objectives 1 and 2) based on recent advances in our understanding of the mechanism of action of this family of compounds and a general understanding of molecular design rules that reduce drug efflux from gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Although the approach has changed and is now more likely to yield the desired outcome from this project, the timeline hasn't changed; we still plan to be ready to begin and complete the synthesis of new drug analogs in year 3. Our goals in years 3-5 remain the same. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?This project has presented science/research and professional opportunities for an undergraduate and graduate student. In addition to the breadth of the research that these students are receiving, they are also having an opportunity to learn about intellectual property, as WARF has patented these compounds from our lab and plans to patent future compounds. These students are also learning about translational biochemical/microbiological/chemical science and how commercial technology is developed and spun out into commercial products. We have had meetings with major drug companies regarding the development of these compounds that has provided another unique opportunity for learning and enabled the students to develop professional contacts. Finally, this project is a collaboration with several research groups, including those working with us on the structural biology, which provides additional dimensions in research. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?We published another paper on this family of compounds last year (2017; it was supported by discretional, non-federal research funds); the research currently supported by this project has not yet led to advances that are ready for dissemination to the broader scientific community, although we have disclosed our results to a number of pharmaceutical companies in presentations and discussions, as well as to WARF (who is interested in commercializing the molecules). As we get farther along in the project, we plan to develop science outreach modules to share results with studends, teachers, and families. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?As described in a previous section, we propose performing structural biology studies in 2018 to yield a subset of newly designed analogs for synthesis in year 3.

What was accomplished under these goals? In the first year, we have modified the approach to reflect advances in our understanding of the mechanism of action of the gyramides and design elements that we can introduce to improve their activity. We had initially planned to screen structural changes to the gyramides to either increase their binding affinity to their target, DNA gyrase or maintain their tight binding; we determined that the major limitation of these drugs is their efflux out of bacterial cells, which is due to their structure. In year 1, we identified a series of molecular changes to the gyramides that will reduce their efflux; our challenge is not figuring out where to place these structural modifications without losing their biological activity. To that effect, we have doubled down on solving the crystal structure of gyramide bound to DNA gyrase. We have made two DNA gyrase fusion proteins by translationally attaching the DNA gyrase B and A subunits and removing the 'floppy' ATPase domain; one construct was made from Escherichia coli DNA gyrase; the other from Staphylococcus aureus DNA gyrase. We have developed an expression system with both GyrBAfus proteins and demonstrate the ability to recombinantly express and purify the protein to tens of mg/L in E. coli (as a host). We have also begun working on expressing both native E. coli DNA gyrase subunit A and B. With all four recombinant proteins in-hand, we will perform biophysical studies to measure the affinity of binding of two gyramide analogs (gyramide E and gyramide F) and determine which protein they bind most tightly to. With that information determined, we will set up co-crystallization studies to generate crystals for x-ray crystallographic studies. We have already carried out an extensive survey of crystallization conditions with both E. coli and S. aureus GyrBAfus proteins and have grown crystals with different morphologies under different conditions, which are of a size suitable to mount and perform x-ray crystallography. In year 2, we plan to have the structural biology studies completed and will begin docking studies of gyramide analogs into the co-crystal structure to determine where to fit the following structural modifications to reduce drug efflux: 1) introduction of at least one primary amine group; 2) attachment of the rings to reduce rotations and molecular conformations; and 3) modifications that reduce the dimensionality of the molecules and make them more 'flat' or 'planar'. As our approach has changed, this section briefly summarizes the changes to the workflow. Objective 1 and 2 are now modified as: 1) solve a co-crystal structure of gyramides bound to DNA gyrase; and 2) perform docking/fitting to identify where to make structural modifications to reduce efflux. By the end of year 2, we estimate we will be on schedule with the original proposal of being ready to start synthesizing analogs in year 3. However, instead of synthesizing 50 compounds for testing, we will possibly reduce that number to accommodate: 1) our ability to more accurately predict modifications that will maintain activity while reducing efflux; and 2) changes to the gyramide core structure that are much more complicated than originally planned. Initially, we had planned to make modifications by decorating the core structure with different functional groups to change polarity and increase solubility; we now propose making large modifications to the core structure involving fusing rings and altering the scaffold structure, which will require us to alter the convergent route we use for synthesizing analogs, thereby reducing our ability to make large numbers of analogs (10-20 may now be a more realistic number than 50). Although, we will potentially make fewer analogs, we have more confidence that this approach will yield the desired high activity compounds. As the project progresses, areas of exploration to the public could include: include: 1) antibiotic resistance; 2) genetic drift; 3) adaptation and survival of bacteria; 4) how the immune system works; 5) the structure of bacteria and their ability to choose between 'good' and 'bad' molecules; and 6) the microbiome and its function.
