Source: CORNELL UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Dec 15, 2015
Project End Date
Dec 14, 2019
Grant Year
Project Director
Dando, R.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Food Science
Non Technical Summary
The primary driver of consumer preference for foods is flavor. Light damage is well-known to degrade food flavor and decrease consumer liking in a range of foodstuffs, often generating off-aroma compounds through degradation of proteins and lipids. Existing literature has investigated the chemosensory effects of light intensity, wavelength and duration of illumination on photooxidation - particularly for the fluorescent lighting common to retail locations, and often in combination with the initial properties of the food (ie protein/fat/vitamin/antioxidant content). These studies have led to recommendations for foodstuff storage to avoid quality loss. In recent years, LED display cases and overhead lighting have begun to replace conventional fluorescence lighting in retail markets, but little research exists to determine the potential of LED lights to damage foods, and whether knowledge derived from studies of fluorescent light and foodstuffs can be extrapolated to LEDs. My group has recently observed that LED and fluorescent light damage lead to off aromas that can be differentiated sensorially from those originating from fluorescence. The central hypothesis to this proposal is that photo-induced damage caused by modern LED lighting proceeds through a different pathways than for previously studied fluorescent lighting, resulting in altered off-aroma formation, thus necessitating different intervention strategies. We propose to investigate the conditions influencing LED light-induced degradation of foods in the modern marketplace, the mechanism responsible, and evaluate possible interventions, to safeguard food quality.Due to interest in energy and cost savings, retailers are increasingly replacing fluorescent bulbs with LED bulbs, but the consequences to food quality are not yet understood. The overarching goal of the study is to examine the effects of LED light damage on foods, and to assess available interventions to alleviate this damage. Our hypothesis is that photo-induced damage caused by modern LED lighting proceeds through a different pathways than for previously studied fluorescent lighting, resulting in altered off-aroma formation, thus necessitating different intervention strategies. Empirical recommendations for LED exposure limits will be developed using human sensory testing, color measurements, and nutrient analyses. Interpreting the mechanism responsible for differences will be accomplished through evaluating change in volatile profiles. Intervention strategies previously developed for fluorescent lights, including active packaging and antioxidant supplementation, will then be appraised. Finally, consumer testing will evaluate the efficacy of interventions on improving overall liking, and perceived food quality.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Objective 1: Characterization of the onset of damage from LED light: Time-intensity thresholds for the effects of fluorescent light have been determined for several foods, with consumers detecting differences in certain foods resulting from photo-oxidation after less than 2 hours of illumination. Modern point-of-sale locations are switching to LED light due to lower operational costs, but recommendations for exposure limits to avoid LED light-induced changes in flavor, color, or loss of photosensitive compounds (e.g. riboflavin, vitamin E) is still lacking.Hypothesis: Due to their inherent difference, a safe exposure time for food in LED lights exists but cannot be predicted from previous research on fluorescent lights.Objective 2: Diagnosis of the associated sensory and chemical products formed by LED light exposure, when compared to fluorescent: Understanding the differences between LED and fluorescent light damage to foods requires quantitative study in both sensory and chemical domains. We will assay soybean oil and skim milk samples following light exposure by sensory, volatile, and nutritional analyses, to rationalize changes induced by differing light sources.Hypothesis: Volatile production patterns differ among light treatments (LED vs. fluorescent), and can be correlated to sensory off-aromas in exposed samples.Objective 3: Intervention to determine conditions capable of preventing damage from LED illumination: In recent years, several advanced packaging materials have been demonstrated to protect in varying degrees from fluorescent light degradation. Likewise, antioxidant supplementation has proven somewhat effective in protecting against light damage in various foods. We will investigate the efficacy of active packaging, and antioxidant enrichment, in protecting both soybean oil and skim milk from LED light damage.Hypothesis: Optimal strategies for protecting food from LED photo-oxidation through the use of additives or active packaging will differ from optimal strategies previously developed for fluorescent light due to spectral differences between LED and fluorescent lighting.
Project Methods
Threshold testing of LED light-induced damage in skim milk and soybean oil.The threshold of detection of LED light damage will be assayed in both skim milk and soybean oil, with and without antioxidant protection. As part of the preliminary data for this project, the threshold of skim milk was attained, as detailed below.Fluid milk samples were obtained from the Cornell Dairy plant (as with all future dairy samples), from the same production run, processed 7 days before sample testing. Control samples were stored protected from light to prevent further exposure of control samples beyond the production run. Samples were stored at 4°C in half-gallon HDPE containers. During exposure, LED lights generated an intensity of 2000 lux ± 100 lux on the surface of the containers. Samples were placed with the label rotated 90° clockwise from facing forward to maximize the surface area exposed to the light.Colorimetry.Light exposure is also capable of altering the visual aspect of foods. Milk exposed to direct sunlight can turn brown due to the breakdown of milk proteins (Toba et al, 1980). A study by Mestdagh et al (2005) found that milk samples exposed to 2500 lux fluorescent lighting, and stored to simulate the conditions in a supermarket or consumer's home change color dramatically, becoming less yellow and more red. It was hypothesized that the color change was caused by the degradation of riboflavin, which is yellow-green colored, β-carotene and vitamin A molecules (Mestdagh et al, 2005).Samples will be evaluated using a Macbeth Color-eye with Hunter Lab scaling. Before testing the samples will be heated to 25°C in a water bath. All samples will be measured in duplicate, and the resultant L*, a* and b* values calculated from the mean of the two trials. In preliminary experiments, an almost linear scaling of a* and b* values followed exposure time.Descriptive analysis of skim milk and soybean oil following LED and fluorescent light exposure Our lab has performed many descriptive analysis projects using sensory data, such as that in preliminary data above. In preliminary studies, we assayed the comparative effects of fluorescent and LED light exposure, when compared to non-exposed controls (see Figure 2) to demonstrate that these classes of illumination produced a different sensory profile, and to establish the feasibility of this approach. Descriptive analysis was conducted with skim milk, sourced from the Cornell dairy plant and stored at 3°C in half-gallon HDPE containers. Exposure duration was 8 hours, at an intensity of 2000 lux ± 100 lux for both light categories. Samples were evaluated under low-level lighting. Trained panelists were recruited from Cornell University. Future studies would use a standard panel size of 10, trained for 40 hours.Panelists in the 2 planned descriptive analysis studies will be trained on food specific attributes before focusing on attributes related to light-exposed flavor, such as hay/grain, old oil, mushroom, plastic and nutty aromas; and burnt and cabbage tastes. Training is conducted using Compusense At-Hand feedback calibration, on iPad minis (Findlay et al, 2007), with constant tracking of progress, and individual training for any panelist who displays inconsistencies. Panelists evaluate 6 samples per session, in partitioned booths in multiple sessions over several days (one morning and one afternoon session). Thus the 12 samples for soybean oil studies would require 4 sessions to allow for replicated evaluations of each sample from each panelist. In milk samples, there will be a total of 32 samples, thus 11 sessions will be planned, with re-training in between sessions. Panelists will rate the visual, aromatic, taste, mouthfeel, aftertaste and residual qualities of milk samples, and the visual, and aromatic properties of soybean oils. Each category includes a write-in attribute to prevent dumping of positive or negative percepts into incorrect categories. After each evaluation participants are given a mandatory break where advancing the test is not possible and instructed to cleanse their palate with water and unsalted crackers. Sample orders are randomized for each panelist and repetition, in a complete block design, with samples served at 4-6°C. The data will be analyzed using repeated measures 2-way ANOVAs, and with a mixed model with correction for multiple comparisons, in IBM SPSS.Nutritional analyses of milk samples: Vitamin and mineral analyses in milk samples will be performed by an external food testing lab (Eurofins) using AOAC methods. Vitamin A (AOAC 974.29) and riboflavin (AOAC 974.65) will be measured colorimetrically. Vitamin C will be analyzed by fluorimetry (AOAC 984.26). Copper and iron will be measured by ICP-AES (AOAC 2011.14) at limits of quantification (0.2 mg/L) appropriate for milk. Quotations for this service have been finalized with Eurofins, and are fully budgeted (attached).Volatile analysis of skim milk and soybean oil. The key off-aroma compounds associated photo-oxidation of milk are formed through oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and include aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, and heterocyclic compounds, 5 to 10 carbons in length. Degradation products of methionine - dimethyldisulfide (DMDS) and methional - have also been implicated. The key volatile compounds associated with photo-oxidation will be measured by the Sacks lab using a novel, recently described strategy utilizing headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) coupled to gas chromatography time of flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOF-MS) (Gomez-Cortes et al, 2012). While HS-SPME is convenient, it is often challenging to use because it suffers from severe matrix effects, i.e. changes in a food matrix following oxidation can alter SPME recovery. In the proposed work, milk or oil samples will be spiked with broad spectrum isotopically labeled standards derived from oxidized [U-13C]-linolenic or [U-13C] linoleic acid to facilitate accurate quantitative analyses (Gomez-Cortes et al, 2012). This method has previously been used by the Sacks lab for quantification of 25 lipid oxidation products (e.g. pentanal, hexanal, ethylfuran, heptadienal) with detection limits of 0.01-1 ng/g in various edible oils (Gomez-Cortes et al, 2015). DMDS and methional will also be measured by HS-SPME-GC-TOF-MS using their commercially available isotopically labeled analogues as standards. If necessary, the GC-TOF-MS can be run in two-dimensional comprehensive mode, GCxGC-TOF-MS to enhance selectivity and sensitivity, as has been demonstrated previously by the Sacks lab (Ryona et al, 2009).Consumer analysisWhile human sensory ratings are a close reflection of food quality, an even closer one arises from consumer testing. We will recruit a minimum of 150 regular consumers of fat free milk and soybean oil (in 2 separate tests) from the Cornell community, and collect a series of demographic questions, before sampling. Testing will occur in Cornell University's sensory evaluation facility, with data collected on 9-pt hedonic scales for overall and aroma liking, with JAR ratings of aroma and appearance. Data will be analyzed with IBM SPSS using a linear mixed model approach, with penalty analysis using Addinsoft's XLStat package, to rate the severity of disliking of odor, appearance, and overall quality ratings of the samples.

Progress 12/15/15 to 12/14/19

Target Audience:The main target audience for this project is the US food industry, which is expected to benefit directly from this research, in particular those working with dairy products, and with oil-based products. Additionally, we expect that the lighting industry will have some interest in the results, with several contacts since the project's results have begun to be disseminated, from major international lighting manufacturers and suppliers. The scientific community, particularly physicists and food scientists will benefit from the generated fundamental knowledge regarding the effect of interactions between electromagnetic radiation and photosensitive compounds inside the foods that we eat, allowing us to optimize perceived food quality and reduce food waste. Changes/Problems:Due to a temporary issue with a staff member, the analysis of our instrumental testing of samples has been delayed, but will be included in the remaining in-preparation manuscript. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Four graduate students were trained with partial funding from the project, three PhD and one MS student. The project was also instrumental in the professional development of one Master's of Professional Studies student, who contributed largely to the review section of the project, whereby results were disseminated to the public. Results of the research were used to demonstrate the role of light in preserving the sensory quality of foods, specifically in our project fat-free milk and soybean oil, as part of seminars for graduate students delivered by the PI. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Besides the journal publications and conference presentations arising from the project, we had a number of general interest press articles following the publication of our work on milk, with further interest expected following the acceptance of the soybean oil manuscript. These pieces included: "Got milk? Keep it away from LED lights" in Digital Trends. "Consumers sour on milk exposed to LED light" in The Cornell Chronicle. "Bright LED dairy cases speed off-flavors in skim milk" in The Cornell Chronicle. "Study says protective packaging may be needed to prevent milk from LED light damage" in Dairy Reporter. "Blue Wavelengths of LED Light Negatively Affect Milk Quality" in LED Professional. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? In the initial stages of the project, we showed that LED lighting, originally thought to be less damaging to the sensory properties of milk (due to photosensitive components such as riboflavin converting light to energy, then released into milk to damage proteins and fats), was in fact perhaps more damaging in fat free milk. Fat-free milk was exposed to LED and fluorescent light at 2,000 lx to compare the sensory thresholds, the flavor profile of milk produced by these exposures, and resultant consumer acceptance of the samples. Additionally, the effectiveness of light-protective packaging and supplementation with antioxidants was evaluated, as well as light irradiated with an equally powerful light source, custom designed to be lacking the wavelength bands necessary to excite riboflavin (thought to be the most important photosensitive compound in milk). The sensory threshold from LED exposure was no longer than from fluorescence (actually trending a little shorter, i.e. faster to degrade), whereas with antioxidants (tocopherols and ascorbic acid), the majority of the panelists failed to discriminate milk exposed to LED light even at 48 h of exposure. Trained panelists described light-exposed milk as significantly higher in cardboard, old oil, and plastic, with LED exposure resulting in a marginally more plastic aroma, and fluorescent marginally more cardboard. Intriguingly, consumers reported higher liking for fluorescent-exposed samples versus those exposed to LED. The antioxidant-supplemented samples, and those exposed to LED light engineered to eliminate wavelengths below 480 nm (thus most of riboflavin's absorption peaks), resulted in significantly higher old oil aroma; however, the former received higher liking scores than LED-exposed samples. Light-protective packaging offered near-complete protection from LED exposure, with a similar flavor profile as unexposed milk, and the best liking scores of any treatment. Nevertheless, consumers disliked its appearance, due to unfamiliarity, suggesting some consumer education may be needed if this were to be an efficient protective strategy. In soybean oil, similar results were obtained. Specifically, the patterns of off-flavor profiles produced by LED lighting differend from those produced by more common fluorescent lighting, although consumer responses were more modest, possibly due to consumers only assessing the oil samples olfactorally (consumers do not directly taste soybean oil in their everyday experiences with it). Among the samples, the consensus reached in the panel was for the two samples that were shielded from light exposure, either with or without antioxidant supplementation (suggesting antioxidants didn't negatively affect quality alone). After clustering individual descriptors by modality, odor and flavor/taste (green and blue, respectively) were mixed and clustered. Terms like buttery, sourness, rancid, soy were most mentioned in this area while sweetness, sunflower seeds were spaced to the right, in the positive direction. Fresh and deodorized soybean oil is often described as "bland" while as oxidation progresses, it becomes "buttery", "beany", "grassy" or even "rancid", which indicates a more advanced stage of oxidation. This suggests a clear progression in the samples in degree of oxidation, with only brief times of light exposure. Further, there appeared to be an effect of light on turbidity (appearance) and astringency, as well as heaviness of mouthfeel. The sensory maps of the samples demonstrated the panel were able to clearly separate the light treatments by type of light exposure treatment. Shielded samples were spaced far in the sensory maps from light exposed samples, which tended to cluster together in their sensory properties more than in milk. This could be interpreted to suggest that light exposure, at least in the regimens tested, has more influence on the sensory properties of protein-heavy, rather than lipid-heavy foods. While the panel were able to discriminate between light-shielded samples with and without antioxidants, with light treatment, the effect of antioxidants was less obvious. External preference maps were obtained by incorporating overall liking and purchase intent ratings in consumer testing and the PCA results from the descriptive analysis. For both overall liking and purchase intent, 3 clusters were generated, with clusters 1 and 3 having higher overall liking towards shielded samples, while cluster 2 tended to moderately prefer LED exposed soybean oil to fluorescent exposed. Taken together, our results strengthen the case for more care being taken to protect foods from light damage, and highlight the opportunities for improvement in both industrial lighting and food packaging to preserve the sensory quality of foods.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: De Jesus T & Dando R (2016) The Need for Study of Led Lights Capacity to Damage Fluid Milk. Journal of Food Processing and Dairy Technology 4(2):
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Chang, A. C., & Dando, R. (2018) Exposure to light-emitting diodes may be more damaging to the sensory properties of fat-free milk than exposure to fluorescent light. Journal of Dairy Science, 101(1), 154-163.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Other Year Published: 2020 Citation: Zhou P., & Dando, R (2020) The influence of fluoerscent and LED light exposure on soybean oils sensory profile and consumer appeal. (In Preparation).
  • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: A. C. Chang. 2018. Effects of LED and fluorescent light on the flavor of milk and strategies to mitigate milk oxidation. MS thesis. Cornell University.

Progress 12/15/17 to 12/14/18

Target Audience:The project resulted in 1 peer-reviewed publication for the year 2018, as well as a piece in the general interest media, and one targeted at a trade magazine. Thus the audience was a mix of academic/scientific professionals, and food industry stakeholders. Specific pieces were published in the Journal of Dairy Science, Dairy Reporter, and the Cornell Chronicle. Changes/Problems:A time delay in the project was experienced due to the need for an external partner to fabricate a lighting system lacking specific wavelengths. As this took longer than originally expected, a 1-year extension to the project was granted. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?1 female graduate student from an underrepresented minority was trained in her Master's work throughout the project thus far, and graduated from the program to further her studies via joining a PhD program on campus (Nutritional Sciences). Additionally, several graduate students worked on smaller parts of the project in the past year, throughout their own PhD work. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results were disseminated in a peer reviewed academic journal format (The Journal of Dairy Science), in a general interest media piece (the Cornell Chronicle), and in a trade industry magazine (Dairy Reporter). What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The design phase of the project is now complete, and all aims are also complete in fast free milk, the first food matrix for the project work to be tested within. In the remaining year of the project, we will take results from the project thus far, and apply them to the second food matrix, soybean oil, before writing this result up, along with comparing and contrasting the influence of a protein-heavy matrix (fat-free milk), versus a lipid-dominated matrix (soybean oil).

What was accomplished under these goals? All aims from objectives 1 are complete, as well as aims from objectives 2 and 3 now complete in fat free milk, and reported in the paper published this year. The following year we will complete all remaining aims from aims 2 and 3 in soybean oil, to complete the project.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Accepted Year Published: 2018 Citation: Chang, A. C., & Dando, R. (2018). Exposure to light-emitting diodes may be more damaging to the sensory properties of fat-free milk than exposure to fluorescent light. Journal of dairy science, 101(1), 154-163.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation:
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation:

Progress 12/15/16 to 12/14/17

Target Audience:The audience targeted by our work has been primarily the dairy industry, with a publication just released in the Journal of Dairy Science, the premiere journal for dairy academics, also followed by members of the industry. In addition, I have received numerous contacts since the paper's release from members of the industrial lighting industry, looking for advice on the application of smarter lighting in dairy production and supply. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The project involved the training of a graduate (MS) student from an underrepresented minority, in all aspects of sensory evaluation, study design, and data analysis. Student also took an active role in report writing, and as a result has since been accepted into a very competitive PhD program. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The results were recently accepted for publication in the Journal of Dairy Science. Once the paper is available to the general public, I will assemble a press release, to disseminate the results to a broader, non-scientific audience, which I estimate will occur by the end of January. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The project will now shift focus slightly from fat free milk to soybean oil. Samples will be prepared and irradiated with multiple lighting conditions, to complete the remaining 50% of the project's goals. Samples are already procured, and lighting systems have been custom designed to further analyze the influence of wavelength spectrum on sensory qualities of oil samples.

What was accomplished under these goals? Light exposure can damage the sensory properties of milk, leading to adverse consumer responses. This is presumed to be through the action of photosensitive compounds such as riboflavin, present in milk and capable of releasing energy when irradiated, leading to damage of proteins and fats in the milk. Light-emitting diode (LED) lighting is assumed to be less damaging to milk, due to lower inherent power consumption. In this study, fat-free milk was exposed to LED and fluorescent light at 2,000 lx to compare the sensory thresholds of exposure, the flavor profile of milk produced by these exposures, and resultant consumer acceptance of the samples. Additionally, the effectiveness of light-protective packaging and supplementation with antioxidants was evaluated. The sensory threshold from LED exposure was no longer than from fluorescence, whereas with antioxidants (tocopherols and ascorbic acid), the majority of the panelists failed to discriminate milk exposed to LED light even at 48 h of exposure. Trained panelists described light-exposed milk as significantly higher in cardboard, old oil, and plastic, with LED exposure resulting in a marginally more plastic aroma, and fluorescent marginally more cardboard. Consumers reported higher liking for fluorescent-exposed samples versus those exposed to LED. The antioxidant-supplemented samples, and those exposed to LED light engineered to eliminate wavelengths below 480 nm (thus most of riboflavin's absorption peaks), resulted in significantly higher old oil; however, the former received higher liking scores than LED-exposed samples. Light-protective packaging offered near-complete protection from LED exposure, with a similar flavor profile as unexposed milk, and the best liking scores of any treatment. Nevertheless, consumers disliked its appearance, due to unfamiliarity, suggesting some consumer education may be needed if this were to be an efficient protective strategy. I would estimate that objectives 1, 2 and 3 are 50% completed at this time.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Accepted Year Published: 2017 Citation: Chang, A. C., & Dando, R. (2017). Exposure to light-emitting diodes may be more damaging to the sensory properties of fat-free milk than exposure to fluorescent light. Journal of Dairy Science.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Chang, A. C., & Dando, R. (2017) The influence of exposure to LED and fluorescent lighting on the sensory properties of fat free milk. Presented at the 2017 USDA Project Director's meeting at the annual meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, Chicago, IL, Saturday, June 24th, 2017

Progress 12/15/15 to 12/14/16

Target Audience:The target audience for the project is the Food Industry of the United States. We aim to target dairy producers, distributers and also raise awareness in consumers. The project aims to reduce food waste, a major barrier to sustainable agriculture, and efforts to efficiently feed our population. Long shelf-lives are critical for foods to ensure wide distribution, both nationally and internationally. Our project will define a maximum level of LED light exposure for two representative foodstuffs, assess simple and attainable interventions to prevent LED-induced damage and further extend shelf-life, and compare these results to existing knowledge on fluorescent lighting. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?A graduate student has been trained on research methods and integrity through the project, and has collected all data thus far alongside myself and members of the lab. In addition, a number of undergraduate associates have gained working time in the sensory facility assisting with testing. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?PI has given a number of interviews on the subject of light damage in foods this year, to sources such as Business Insider, Science Daily, and Yahoo News. Details can be found below. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Descriptive analysis of light-damaged dairy samples will occur between February and April, with data analysis in the following months. Colorimetry and riboflavin will be tested following the descriptive test. A consumer test for dairy samples will be run in the Fall of 2017, with data analyzed, written up and submitted in late fall. Planning will then commence for the soybean oil analysis, to commence in 2018.

What was accomplished under these goals? Full threshold readings have been collected from ~60 panelists for Fluorescent and LED exposed milk samples. In fact, LED did not offer much protection from the onset of a light-induced flavor. In contrast, adding antioxidants as detailed in the proposal resulted in a dramatic improvement in LED-exposed samples' taste properties. Panel is currently training to assess dairy samples for light exposed properties, with testing to be complete by April. Soybean testing will commence next year. Antioxidant enrichment was very successful in our threshold testing to protect fat free milk from light-degradation, providing a ~ 60% decrease in panelists detecting light-damage. We have initiated a collaboration with a UK plastics company, who will be preparing light-protective materials for us in the Spring.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Accepted Year Published: 2016 Citation: De Jesus T and Dando R (2016) The Need for Study of Led Lights Capacity to Damage Fluid Milk. RRJFPDT 4(2); e-ISSN:2321-6204