Source: NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Jan 1, 2016
Project End Date
Apr 30, 2019
Grant Year
Project Director
Gutierrez-Rodriguez, E.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Food Bioprocessing and Nutriti
Non Technical Summary
Producers of fresh fruits and vegetables need practical and sustainable methods to minimize the survival and persistence of human pathogens, such Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes in soil. Soil contamination with these human pathogens represents a major problem for the fresh produce supply chain because of the lack of valid remediation strategies that growers could implement to reduce and/or eliminate the presence of naturally occurring human pathogens. Soil contamination with Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes across major production regions within the U.S has resulted in numerous acres of abandoned crops including leafy greens and melons. Destruction of multiple fields or contaminated crops due to human pathogen contamination has initiated a decline in the economy of many states not only due to the loss of high cash crops but also to increased environmental damage owed mainly to the use of non-sustainable practices.Our research will focus on three main objectives: 1- studying the prevalence of Salmonella enterica and Listeria monocytogenes on farm land used for leafy green and melon production that utilize uncomposted manure following the 90 to 120day rule for organic productions. 2- We will use this information to develop challenge studies where the persistence of Salmonella enterica and Listeria monocytogenes will be assessed after the application of three intervention strategies: - cover cropping, 2- solarization and 3- the incorporation of grape pomace and mushroom compost to soil mesocosms. These first two objectives are fundamental to understand the mechanisms determining pathogen die-off in soils and therefore increase our ability to formulate effective and sustainable preharvest interventions necessary to sustain fresh produce supply across the U.S. 3- Identify and quantify the costs to farmers required to implement and maintain the recommended mitigation practices within their cropping system. . This last objective will allow us to establish the potential long term economic impact of these new remediation practices on farmer's income and how this new economic expense compares with land abandonment and loss in productivity.Combining this research approach with tangible economic metrics will allow us to provide growers with science-based tools that could salvage their economic livelihood. We aim to increase safety involved in produce and fruit production through implementing sound and sustainable farm practices that can be applied to any cropping system across the U.S.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The major goals of the project are the following: 1- to determine the prevalence of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes in agricultural soils used for leafy green and melon production in 3 regions within NC. 2- Use this information to establish inoculation events within BSL3 conditions to determine die-off rates and bio-mitigation strategies that can reduce the persistence of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes in soils used for leafy green and melon production. 3- Use this information to identify and quantify the costs to farmers required to implement and maintain the bio-mitigation strategy or strategies that maximize pathogen die-off within their crop rotation.
Project Methods
Experimental setupOur research project will have two components: Greenhouse operations (under biosafety level 3 (BLS3) conditions) and field evaluations. BSL3 greenhouse conditions will be provided by the phytotron facilities managed by NCSU (support letter attached). In these facilities we will have access to a 1600 ft2 greenhouse and handling units were we can compare under control conditions the behavior of pathogenic strains of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes using soil (mesocosms) and water brought back from the selected locations.Objective 1 - Determine the prevalence of Salmonella enterica and Listeria monocytogenes in agricultural soils used for mixed-greens and melon production.This research project will focus on sampling agricultural soils used for leafy green and melon production across 3 major agricultural regions in NC. EVALUATION Farms will be visited periodically before, during and after the growing season to collect soil and feces samples. These farms have been selected based on their management practices (incorporation of uncomposted manure following the 90 to 120day rule for organic production). Using soil from these locations, mesocosms studies will be performed under BSL3 conditions to determine die-off rates of these pathogens inoculated to soil and later treated with different cover crops, composts and solarization events (Objective 2). EFFORTS we will identify and quantify the cost to farmers willing to implement the treatment combination that maximizes pathogen die-off within their crop rotation and will share this information through food safety field days and workshops targeting growers of these and other cropping systems (Objective 3)Objective 2 - Compare and quantify Salmonella enterica and Listeria monocytogenes die-off in response to short-term cover cropping, solarization and the incorporation of grape pomace and mushroom compost in agricultural soil mesocosms.This objective involves studying the selected microorganisms under BSL 3 conditions and using soil mesocosms (20 x 20cm) coming from the selected fields to determine which treatment combination provides the greatest die-off rates of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. We will establish first the die-off differences that may exist between avirulent and pathogenic strains.Plant materialMelon (Cucumis melo): 1- Galia (netted melon) and 2- Saturno (smooth skin melon).Leafy greens: 1- Spinach (cv Whale) and 2- Micro green mix (Blend of chard, beet greens, arugula, red kale, and lettuce).Mustard cover crop (cv Mighty Mustard); has a high glucosinolate content.Bacterial strains (all strains are rifampicin resistant (RR) via spontaneous mutation)S. enterica sv Arizonae (PEGR-11) was originally isolated from the Imperial Valley, CA from melon production. It has been characterized by PFGE and is RR 80mg/ml.L. monocytogenes (PEGR-4) was originally isolated from Cantaloupe and it belongs to Cluster 1, serotype 1/2a (Listeria 390-6) and is RR 50mg/ml.Experimental layout Greenhouse (BSL3)We will test the effects of cover cropping, solarization and MC/GP on Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes die-off in two Contamination Scenarios: 1- Contamination occurs during leafy green cropping, treatments are put in place and leafy greens are grown in Fall. 2- Contamination occurs during Melon cropping, crop is destroyed and treatments are put in place. Leafy greens are grown as an alternative to prevent total economic loss in fall; Melon is grown the following year. These two contamination scenarios portray the challenges usually faced by small farmers which result in devastating economic loss. Our experimental design directly addresses farmer needs for sustainable management practices to mitigate Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes in the field, and incorporates a crop rotation that would allow farmers to minimize economic losses. Levels of contamination for Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes will be log 5 CFU/g. Control treatment will not have any inoculated pathogen and the overall microbial community composition and structure will be monitored over time. Compost applications will be divided in GP and MC. Each experimental unit (completion of all 3 treatments per vegetable system within the proposed timeline) will be comprised of 54 mesocosms divided in 3 treatments each with 18 total mesocosms. Pathogen die-off will be assessed at 0, 5, 10 and 15-post a single contamination event and thereafter at the end of each mitigation step (total 7 sampling points).Salmonella and Listeria extraction from soilIn brief 100 g of soil will be placed into a 1 L whirlpak bag and 200 ml of 0.02 M sodium phosphate +Tween 20 will be added to assist in detaching cells from the silt-clay fraction. After mixing, the entire suspension will be transferred into a new medium size stand-up bag without filter and 250 ml of Buffered Peptone Water (BPW) at 2x concentration will be added. Each sample will be enriched for 18 h at 35 °C and selective and differential media will be use to isolate Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. Collected samples will be used for microbial community analysis using NGS technologies to describe the impact of solarization, Mustard cover crop, GP and MC on soil microbial communities, Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. Soil DNA will be extracted using the PowerLyzerTM Power soil®DNA isolation kit. Soil DNA from control and prospective remediation treatments will be strategically selected based on the persistence of, Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes on each treatment permutation. Amplification of the 16S and ITS regions will be achieved following the procedure described by [117]. In brief barcoded amplicons of the bacterial 16S region will be generated using the V4 domain of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene as described by Bokulich et al. 2013. Fungal communities will be sequenced using the fungal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) 1 as described by Bokulich et al. 2013. Taxa composition of the soil-associated microbial communities will be determined by amplicon sequencing using the Illumina MiSeq platform (Life Technologies). Following sequencing and quality filtering we will process the sequenced data using the QIIME pipeline and make taxonomic assignments using the greengenes bacterial and UNITE fungal ITS database. To determine whether treatment effects impacted microbial community composition/structure, Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes die-off; permutational MANOVA and/or one-way ANOVA will be used to determine which taxa differed between treatments and if there are significant differences (weighted UniFrac).Objective 3 Identify and quantify the costs required to implement and maintain recommended mitigation practicesThe costs of implementing each of the recommended bio-mitigation practices will be carefully estimated. First, through field-trial site visits and interviews with experts for each recommended practices, the equipment and actions (including training) needed to implement a given practice will be identified and characterized. Importantly, the time required for producers to familiarize themselves with a given bio-mitigation practice, to source the needed inputs, and then to implement them will also be estimated. Quotes of items needed to implement the practice, including input purchase, maintenance, and repair costs, will be obtained. Combining this information, the costs of implementing and maintaining the proposed practices will be estimated. As one of the recommended practices will require a fixed cost investment which is likely to vary dependent upon the size of the operation, costs will be separately estimated for representative small and medium sized farms. Further, as the costs of some inputs are likely to vary by location, estimates will also be generated for key melon and leafy greens production areas.

Progress 01/01/16 to 05/15/19

Target Audience:This project had two components. One centered on agricultural production at research stations and in a BSL3 greenhouse and the other focusing on outreach and extension to farmers covered under the produce safety rule (PSR). Topics covered were specific to alternative farming practices used to control pathogens in soil and improve soil health. Specific to the outreach components our target audience was farmers in NC that grow cover produced subject to the PSR. During produce safety (PSA) training events, grower association meetings, field days and on-farm visits we surveyed the agricultural practices used by these farmers, their knowledge about food safety and pathogen contamination in the field or packinghouse and whether they were aware of bioremediation techniques that could be used to reduce or eliminate the presence of enteric pathogens in soil. Our goal was to determine their knowledge on these topics and whether they would be interested in participating in a workshop that would provide 1- techniques to reduce or eliminate human pathogen contamination from soil and 2- practices that would improve soil health. A total of 71 evaluations were performed, with 85% of responses coming from growers from North Carolina, 6.3% from Georgia and 7.9% from Tennessee. Changes/Problems:We have reported in last year's annual repot the major challenges we faced with lab personnel and the health-related issues of the PI of the grant. The only modification we had to make to the project was that all stable isotope-probing (SIP) experiments we performed using only Salmonella and we didn't perform any SIP studies with Listeria monocytogenes. Timelines and resources didn't know permit to include these other organisms as originally planned. Further the PI of this grant provided in financial support to this project in the vicinity of 50K because of the issues we faced with disruptive lab personnel that wasted salaries and supplies linked to the project. We have finished all project activities and we are currently finishing two sequencing runs and once data has been compiled and analyzed all other information will be used for publication. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?This project has not provided opportunities for training and professional development of the target audience as we first needed to gather the data needed to inform the development of a workshop that would address human pathogen die-off under field conditions and soil health. Now that we have completed the project and papers are submitted for publication our next step will be to request funding to develop those training opportunities. However, it has allowed 4 students to interact with the farming community and to later present their research findings at international conferences, bring in these venues' real-life perspectives from those individuals dealing with farming activities, food safety practices and potential problems and extension agents that interject between the farmers and the research community. These immersion in farming, microbial food safety research and farmer behavior has led these students to pursue careers in food safety. Two of them are now working with companies growing and processing leafy greens or providing food safety training, one of them is pursuing her PhD in food safety with an emphasis in fresh produce safety and the other decided to move into biotechnology, citing that "in fresh produce food safety there are too many variables to effectively and rapidly resolve farmer and consumer issues". We believe this statement reflects how many seasoned growers fill about food safety and that is moving them to other crops or ventures. Recommendations for Future Extension Activities Finally, participants were asked about their interest in attending an Extension training program that would address soil health management and reducing contamination of soil with human pathogens. Most respondents (71.4%) indicated that they would be interested in attending such training. In addition, several respondents provided feedback about the specific topics that they would like addressed in this training. The need for more, general, information about soil health, practical approaches for maintaining and improving soil health, and reducing contamination of soil with human pathogens. In addition, several respondents specifically noted that they would benefit from additional training about soil pH management, details about how fertilizers affect soils, the relationship between pest control and soil health. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?As of this moment the results from our project have been disseminated in two international events; the 2018 and 2019 IAFP meetings. In both meetings posters and presentations with updated results have been provided to the audience. The two abstracts that were submitted and accepted are the following: Soil Bio-remediation Practices to Reduce Salmonella Contamination in Melon Production Systems. (2018). Brianna, R., Gunter, C., Thakur, S., and Gutierrez-Rodriguez, E. IAFP conference Salt Lake City, Utah. Bio-Remediation Practices to Reduce Human Pathogen Contamination from Agricultural Soils. Young, M., Knueven, C., Thakur, S., Gutierrez-Rodriguez, E. IAFP conference, Louisville, KY. Once this report is completed and all sequencing and survey data is analyzed we will prepare at least two publications from this project. We hope to have one publication ready for review by the end of 2019. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Impact This project specifically focused on leafy greens - cantaloupe crop rotation, because of the seasonality and the economic importance of these crops to farmers and because of the number of food-borne outbreaks associated with these crops. Results provided initial data to explore a major problem in agricultural systems that is related to enumerating, reducing or eliminating the presence of Salmonella or Listeria monocytogenes (LM) in soils used for fruit and vegetable production. Specific to the achievements of the project we were able to begin describing the prevalence of LM on three distinct agricultural regions in NC. This is important because it provides the baseline of the potential distribution of LM in soils used for fruit and vegetable production and forms the basis for risk analysis linked to the potential contamination of fresh produce with LM. From our evaluations we were able to recover LM from all 3 regions in NC, with the highest recovery observed at the Piedmont Research Station (PRS) and the lowest recovery from the Coast Plains Research Station (CPRS). Both of these locations have contrasting soil characteristics mainly based on soil pH, nitrogen content and organic matter. Soil pH at the PRS is on average equal to 7.2 while at the CPRS the pH on average is equal to 4.1. Such difference in soil pH has also been linked in other regions and soils as the main driver in the presence and distribution of bacterial communities and pathogens in soil. It is important to clearly define that this is just the first step in the process and that the prevalence of LM on these locations may not reflect the prevalence and distribution of this pathogen on all agricultural land used for growing fresh produce in NC. Both prevalence and distribution are impacted by growing practices, cultivars and regional conditions as it was determined by our soil-LM survey. Overall, from all 3 locations we were able to determine that the greatest impact on our ability to recover LM was associated with proximity to animal operations, highest clay content and cooler weather conditions. This project also provided insight into the microbial interactions in soil between Salmonella and all other bacterial communities present in organic and conventional melon production practices. These experiments were performed in 5-gallon intact mesocosms brought from agricultural land used for organic and conventional melon production. We used and refined a microbial ecology technique known as Stable Isotope Probing (SIP) to determine microbial interactions between soil microorganisms and Salmonella. The importance of these experiments resides in our ability to clearly identify those bacterial groups interacting with Salmonella. Previous microbial community studies based on DNA sequencing have only been able to catalog the presence of different bacterial organisms, without being able to clearly identify which ones are really interacting with this pathogen. From all bacterial groups analyzed four of them, specifically Bacteriodetes, Plantomycetes, Proteobacteria and Verrucomicrobia significantly increased in the presence of Salmonella. With the information gathered on these experiments we can now begin asking further specific questions as to which of those organisms suppress, consume or enhance the survival and persistence of Salmonella in soil. Such questions will be the focus of future research proposals. Finally, this project also addressed farmers' knowledge gaps, concerns, and behaviors regarding the contamination of soils with human pathogens and potential practices to reduce or eliminate the presence of these transitory colonizers of soils used to grow fresh produce. We developed a survey that aimed to create a baseline of the knowledge gaps linked to soil health and food safety. In developing this instrument, we determined the cost of implementing solarization, cover cropping, application of compost, or a combination of these techniques as well as the projected microbial reduction resulting from each of these techniques. This information was presented to growers during the survey and their feedback was requested to determine which technique or combination of techniques would be preferred based on the dollar value and microbial reduction. A majority of these growers were based in NC, but growers from TN and GA also participated, In evaluating these responses, it was found that, while most farmers indicated that they were familiar with the risks associated with human pathogen contamination of fruits, vegetables and soil, none were aware of any techniques which could be used to remedy this problem. Further, while several options to reduce the number of human pathogens in soil have been developed, very few of our study participants indicated that they would be willing to pay the cost of addressing this problem. Overall, these results indicate that a very significant outreach effort will be needed to educate growers about the financial and other risks of human pathogens to their fruit and vegetable production, and bio-mitigation strategies which may help reduce loads of these pathogens in agricultural soils. Fortunately, results indicate that most of the surveyed growers (80.6%) do obtain soil health information from university extension services or farmers' associations. Through these channels, and targeted dissemination of information to those working in positions where farmers also seek this type of information (e.g. wholesalers, distributors and chemical sales reps) it should be possible to reach growers with timely and correct information about soil health management and risks


  • Type: Other Status: Accepted Year Published: 2018 Citation: Soil Bio-remediation Practices to Reduce Salmonella Contamination in Melon Production Systems. (2018). Brianna Reed, Chris Gunter, Siddhartha Thakur, and Eduardo Gutierrez-Rodriguez. IAFP conference Salt Lake City, Utah.
  • Type: Other Status: Accepted Year Published: 2019 Citation: Bio-Remediation Practices to Reduce Human Pathogen Contamination from Agricultural Soils. Young, Morgan., Knueven, C., Thakur, S., Gutierrez-Rodriguez, E. IAFP conference, Louisville, KY.

Progress 01/01/17 to 12/31/17

Target Audience:The target audience here was divided in four groups: 1- First group looked to evaluate the preferences of growers regarding farming practices. Specifically, we did small survey type events to determine which were the best questions to be used when assessing adoption of farming practices. These farming practices were specific to solarization, cover cropping and the use of compost within their produce rotations and we also determine what was the basic level of knowledge associated with food safety. We pilot these activites at two meetings; the southeastern tomatoe meeting and the southeastern vegetable grower meeting. 2- Second target audience was resear station farm managers that are responsible for growing crops under typical commercial growing conditions. At the Cherry creek research station located in Goldsboro, NC we explored potential methods for preparing fields for melon production using the proposed remediation practices. Specifically, the use of solarization, cover cropping and compost. We performed two small trails but both were consumed by flooding and pests due to adverse weather conditions and issues between the postdoc and the farm employees at this location. Based on this conditions we moved all experimental activities to small plot areas located in an area protected from flooding in which we could test the application of these techniques at very small scales. 3- Our third target group was greenhouse managers at the phytotron where we would grow melons and test survival and persistence of Salmonella typhimurium grown with 13C labeled glucose. Due to issues with the postdoc and the phytotron we were not able to complete these experiments and access to this unit was halted until all issues were resolved. Further during this same period the PI of the project in charge of the microbiological experiments had to deal with some personal issues that require intermitent absence from work for a period of 6 months. For these reasons a no cost extension was requested. 4- Our final target group was farmers growing produce that could allow us to determine the prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in soil. Although originally we were allowed to collect samples and performed initial tests, this permission was later canceled due to the concerns associated with contamination of Listeria monocytogenes. Changes/Problems:We faced a number of problems during this period that resulted in the request of a no cost extension. These problems were the following: 1- Postdoc issues with members of the BL3 greenhouse that resulted in lose of all BSL3 experiments, access to BSL3 was halted and the postdoc left the lab without notice. 2- The PI of the grant had to deal with a personal problem during 6 months that prevented him from being directly involved with all aspects of the project. 3- Initial field trials where we tested the implementation of the proposed practices were lost due to adverse weather conditions, high pest incidence and additional issues between the postdoc and farm personnel. 4- Although we originally had access to two commercial farms that would allow us to test for Listeria monocytogenes, this permission was later canceled due to concerns with the presence of these pathogen in soil. Changes for the next reporting period: 1- Small scale field trials will be repeated to establish whether the proposed practices are feasible. These plots will be used to collect mesocosms that will be used in the BSL3 unit. 2- Wait time for IRB might be longer than expected and thus we might not be able to perform all evaluations until later in the year. 3- Access to the BSL3 unit may not be possible, therefore we have build another greenhouse under BSL2 conditions that could be used to perform the evaluations of the survival and persistence of 13C labled Salmonella typhimurium and the potential interactions with the soil microbila community. 4- Soil survey for Listeria monocytogenes will focus only on 4 research stations in NC distributed along the state and that grow fresh produce under commercial practices. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Our plan for the next reporting period is the following: 1- Finish the implementation of small scale melon trials at the research station. This very small plots will be used to collect soil mesocosms with the desired soil and selected compost and cover crop treatments. 2- We will finish the survey and submit IRB for approval. 3- We will repeat growth studies of Salmonella typhimurium needed for 13 C labeling and we will use this information to growth the selected strains and inoculate them in the mesocosms collected from the small field trials and brought back to the BSL3 greenhouse. 4- We will continue our testing of soil samples for Listeria monocytogenes from all 4 research stations and provide an estimate of the prevalence of these pathogen at this locations.

What was accomplished under these goals? During this period of time we were able to accomplish the following: 1- Develop the frame work needed to implement a grower driven survey that would address the use of solarization, cover crops and compost and a basic understanding of the knowledge of growers specific to food safety. 2- We experimented under field conditions the application of compost and cover crop seeds and how we could prepare field beds for melon growing practices that would allow us to bring mesocosms from the field to the BSL3 greenhouse and the potential costs for growers trying to implement these practices. 3- Although our BSL3 studies were not completed because of the reasons stated before, we were able to understand the watering needs for melon plants and the Salmonella typhimurium growing conditions needed for 13 C labeling. 4- A small survey of the presence of Listeria monocytogenes was performed on farm land used for fruit and vegetable production. We only gain access to 4 research station farms that grow produce under comercial practices and those were used to determine the incidence of these pathogen. This small survey indicated the prevalence of this pathogen in 3.2 % of the samples. We also gain access to 2 commercial farms but we were not allowed to test for the presence of any pathogen.


    Progress 01/01/16 to 12/31/16

    Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems:We have encountered 3 main problems: 1- Lack of cooperation from farmers that were originally recruited for this project. This issue has been partially resolved by adding research stations that grow these same crops within 3-8 miles distance from the original locations. 2- Phytosanitary restrictions within the BSL3 unit. Severla agricultural soils that we have been brought to this unit didn't pass the one month quarantine process needed to allow agricultural soils to enter the BSL3 unit. We have finally selected a soil that has met all requirements and that has also tested negative for Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. This soil is now used to grow melons in the BSL3 unit. 3- Very few samples have tested positive for Listeria monocytogenes or for any other Listeria species. We have addressed this potential issue by modifying our extraction/enrichment protocols and we are concidering moving to an MPN method that could potentially increase our ability to recovery Listeria spp. from any future samples. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Next steps in the project: 1- Continue collecting soil samples from the selected locations. 2- Cotinue with our BSL3 experiments looking at Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes die-off in mesocosm studies. 3- During 2017 we will continue to gather information specific to the cost of implementing the proposed soil remediation practices in multiple grower meetings.

    What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1 A total of 8 independent sampling events were performed in agricultural soils from 4 different farms growing leafy greens and/or melons during each cropping season. From these sampling events it was determined an intial prevalence of less than 10% for Salmonella spp and less than 1% for Listeria monocytogenes. We are now in the process of confirming by PCR all colonies isolated from these enrichments. None of the collected samples had viable counts by direct plating and all prevalence information is based on selective enrichment and plating on XLT4 or ChromListeria. Objective 2 A sandy loam soil was used in the establishment of all mesocosms. This soil came from one of the locations that tested negative for both Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes and was able to pass the quarantine process established by the phytotron personnel. At this moment melon plants are growing in this unit and the first experiment out of two has initiated. During the months of November 2016, through February 2017 we will finish our first die-off experiment and during the months of April to August we will repeat this same experiment. In both instances we are evaluating die-off of these two strains when solarization, cover cropping and compost applications are applied to the soil along a 3-4 month window. Objective 3 During the end of 2016 and along 2017 we wil gather information at grower meetings and with farmers collaborating in this project specific to the cost of implementing these remediation practices and the potential hurdles to yield and pest management that experts in these field could identify as potential limitations to the proposed remediation tools
