Source: MICHIGAN STATE UNIV submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2015
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2020
Grant Year
Project Director
Chou, K.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Animal Science
Non Technical Summary
This project will examine the associations between geographical factors with maternal health and pregnancy outcomes, with an emphasis on rural health. This project will also assess the risk of benzoic acid in pregnant women.Results of this study will provide differential risk factors for pregnancy outcomes in urban and rural communities in Michigan. The results will provide an understanding of the importance of access to year-round supply of fresh vegetables and fruits for optimum pregnancy outcomes. The project will also provide a health risk assessment of benzoic acid for pregnant women. In the past 30 years, the overall infant mortality rate (IMR) in the US decreased from greater than 15.0 per 1000 birth to the current 6.1 per 1000 in 2010. However, infant mortality rate in the United States continues to lag behind other wealthy countries. A newborn in the U.S. is 2.7 times as likely to die during the first year than one born in Finland and Japan, where the IMRs are 2.3 per 1000. Compared to the IMRs of infants born in Portugal (2.5 per 1000), Czech Republic, (2.7 per 1000), and Norway, (2.8 per 1000), US babies are more than twice as likely to die in the first year of their lives. While the elevated infant mortality rates in the U.S. are mostly associated with low education populations in the country, educational level alone does not explain the extraordinarily high IMRs, because over 85% of the adult population in the U.S. have completed high school, while less than 20% Portuguese have attained the same level of education. Furthermore, in the U.S., infant mortality rates remain 0.7 -1.3 per 1000 higher in rural areas than urban areas. This project will examine the associations between geographical factors with maternal health and pregnancy outcomes, which include low birth weight, preterm birth, birth defects, and infant mortality, with a focus on Michigan rural health. The main geographical factor will be accessibility to retail stores and markets for fresh fruits and vegetables. The pregnancy outcomes to be analyzed will include birth weight, birth defects, and infant survival, from 2000-2014, using Michigan birth data. The studies are designed based on the working hypothesis that food behavior and rural environmental and geographical factors can affect pregnancy outcomes independently or by interacting with maternal socioeconomic factors on pregnancy outcomes. The geographical and socioeconomic factors examined in the studies will include accessibility to fresh fruits and vegetables, educational levels, marital status, household income, type of health insurance, and accessibility and driving distance to health care facilities.To examine the effect of lack of access to year-round fresh vegetables and fruits, we will also conduct risk assessment for food preservatives that could affect directly the body's detoxification capability or indirectly affect neurotransmission in the nervous system, such as the effect of benzoic acid on glycine. This part of the project is designed based on the working hypothesis that distances to markets for fresh fruits and vegetables influence family food behavior, and the lack of year-round accessibility to fresh fruits and vegetables, in turn, is a risk factor for maternal obesity and associated poor pregnancy outcomes. Distance traveled to markets for fresh fruits and vegetables will be examined as the main risk factor for maternal obesity and undesirable pregnancy outcomes. Other known risk factors for maternal health and infant mortality will be examined as co-factors in the analyses.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
This project will examineassociations between geographical factors with maternal health and pregnancy outcomes, with an emphasis on rural health. This project will also assess the risk of benzoic acid in pregnant women. The objectives are (a)To examine differential risk factors associated pregnancy outcomes in the urban and rural communities in Michigan, (b) To examine the association between the locations of food retail stores and pregnancy outcomes in Michigan, and (c) To assess the health risk of exposure to benzoates in pregnant women.
Project Methods
For Objective (a): Michigan birth and infant death data, from 2000 to 2014, including delivery information, parental demographic information, maternal health information, maternal tobacco and alcohol use, hospital of delivery and treatments, type of hospital payments, and geocodes of maternal residences, will be obtained from the Michigan Department of Community HealthTo assess maternal risk factors, the data files will contain information on race, ancestry, education, marital status, source of payment, number of previous children born alive now living, number of previous children born alive now dead, number of previous children born dead, birthday of last live birth, date of last fetal death, maternal height and body weight before this pregnancy, the month during pregnancy when prenatal care began, number of prenatal visits during pregnancy, date of last prenatal care, date of last menstruation, calculated and estimated weeks of gestation, weight gain during pregnancy, maternal tobacco and alcohol use, date quit smoking, others in household that smoke, maternal birthday and age, mother transferred prior to delivery, hospital mom transferred from, hepatitis-B immunization and globulin given, dates of hepatitis-B immunization and globulin given, and other health risks, including anemia, cardiac disease, diabetes prior to this pregnancy, diabetes diagnosis in this pregnancy, renal disease, lung disease, genital herpes, oligohydramnios, hemoglobin, chronic and pregnancy hypertension, eclampsia, incomplete cervical dilation, previous large baby, previous small baby, previous preterm birth, previous poor pregnancy, renal disease, Rh sensitivity, vaginal bleeding during this pregnancy prior to the onset of labor, uterine bleeding, pregnancy resulted from infertility treatment, mother had a previous cesarean delivery, number of previous c-sections, drug abuse, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes, chlamydia, hepatitis C, Group B streptococcus, and HIV risk. We will also obtain data that indicate obstetric procedures performed during pregnancy or labor; characteristics of the process of labor including premature rupture of the membranes, precipitous or prolonged labor; induction of labor, augmentation of labor, non-vertex presentation, steroid treatment received by the mother prior to delivery, antibiotics received by the mother during labor, clinical chorioamnionitis diagnosed during labor or maternal temperature, moderate/heavy meconium staining of the amniotic fluid, fetal intolerance of labor such that one or more of the following actions was taken: in-utero resuscitative measures, further fetal assessment or operative delivery, epidural or spinal anesthesia during labor, none of the above, method of delivery, delivery with forceps attempted but unsuccessful, delivery with vacuum extraction attempted but unsuccessful, fetal presentation at birth (cephalic, breech, or other), final route and method of delivery, if cesarean, was a trial of labor attempted, and was cesarean needed to prevent disease transmission, i.e.: HIV, genital herpes, etc.; and maternal morbidity associated with labor and delivery, including maternal transfusion, third or fourth degree perineal laceration, ruptured uterus, unplanned hysterectomy, admission to intensive care unit, and unplanned operating room procedure following delivery.For infant health, we will obtain information on sex, race, infant birth and death dates, birth time, birth weights, types of birth defects, child transferred, hospital child transferred to, birth place, county of birth, child adopted, state and county of maternal residence, infant transferred to NICU, cause and related causes of death, method of delivery, plurality, multiple birth order, and 1-minute, 5-minute, and 10-minute APGAR scores, abnormal conditions of newborn, assisted ventilation required immediately following delivery, assisted ventilation required for more than six hours, NICU admission, newborn given surfactant replacement therapy, antibiotics received by the newborn for suspected neonatal sepsis, seizure or serious neurologic dysfunction, significant birth injury. We will obtain records of congenital anomalies of the newborns, including anencephaly, meningomyelocele/spina bifida, congenital heart disease, cyanotic congenital heart disease, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, omphalocele, gastroschisis, limb reduction defect, cleft lip with/without cleft palate, cleft palate alone, down's syndrome, suspected chromosomal disorder, hypospadias, or other anomalies. Other information related to infant health will include breast feeding and mother received WIC.For Objecitve (b): Accessibility to fresh fruits and vegetables will be assessed using the method described by McEntee and Agyeman (2010), primarily focusing on geographic access. We will use maternal residence point data that contain individual attribute information. Accessibility to food retail markets will be assessed by driving time or driving distance. The locations of retail stores and markets will be obtained from USDA NASS Michigan Field Office and other retail-store databases in the public domain.For data analysis, we will begin by estimating separate models for neonatal mortality, post-neonatal mortality, birth weights and birth defects that include only exposure to Superfund sites, providing a baseline for the relationship between the exposure and birth outcomes. We will then estimate models for birth outcomes that include the full set of explanatory variables. Using the geocodes, travel time between maternal residences and hospitals will be estimated, taking into account distance, road network density and driving speed limits (Wang 2006). In the analyses of neonatal and infant mortality, we will also include travel time to the nearest hospital with an infant intensive care unit, the type of the nearest hospital, whether there were hospital transfers before death, and location of death.Prior to regression analysis, the correlations among the explanatory variables will be examined. Preliminary multiple regression models will be constructed and evaluated before the appropriate models are selected to describe the relationship between the pregnancy outcomes and about the hypothesized predictor variables. Different analytical models will be constructed to demonstrate how the insufficient use of confounding variables, mismeasured exposure variables, and the lack of understanding of pathogenesis and etiology of diseases can distort association and causal effects.All births and deaths in the State of Michigan from 2000 to 2014 will be used in this study to maximize the quality of the estimates. Nationally, the prevalence of all birth defects is about 2% and infant mortality rate is approximately 0.68%. We will include as many births and deaths as possible to maximize the chance of finding associations with predictor variables, because infant mortality and birth defects previously reported to be associated with geographical factors are rare. Nonetheless, births and infant deaths of residences within 10 miles of the Michigan boarders will be excluded, because, having only Michigan information, we will not have sufficient information to estimate exposure in the vicinity that is outside of Michigan. For regression models that include 10 predictor variables in the analysis, using the expected sample size, we may be able to detect about 5-10% changes in infant mortality rate in multiple regression analyses, at the alpha level 0.03 and power of 0.8.For Objective (c): For assessing the human health risk of benzoic acid, we will adhere to the four steps of risk assessment: Hazard Identification, Toxicity Assessment, Exposure Assessment, and Risk Characterization, described in Risk Assessment in the Federal Government: Managing the Process, by National Research Council (1983) andScience and Decisions, by National Research Council (2009).

Progress 10/01/15 to 09/30/20

Target Audience:The target audiences are scientists, regulatory agencies, students,members of sustianble programs, and the general public. Changes/Problems:Research activity wasdisruppted byadminstrative actions. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The methods of risk assessment developed and improved through this project were delivered in classrooms to both undergrad and graduate students. The methods of risk assessment used in the project are applied in other research projects. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The resutls are disseminated through conferences, meetings, classrooms,andworkshops. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Toxicity assessment derived from animal studies is likely to be an underestimation for the effects of benzoates in humans. Immediately after consumption a single meal containing maximum allowed amounts of benzoic acid in beverages and food, not count the pathway of pharmaceutical exposure, about 30% of the indigenous glycine can be depleted. At the peak of postprandial glycine-benzoic conjugation, dietary exposure could significantly minimize the availability of glycine for neurological function and macromolecule regeneration in the body. This could lead to a retardation of fetal growth. In addition, sub-chronic and chronic exposure increases body weight gain, accompanied significant increases in feed intake. High sodium intake may decrease the threshold of the effects of benzoic acid.


  • Type: Book Chapters Status: Published Year Published: 2020 Citation: Chou, K. (2020) Target Sites: Endocrine. In Information Resources in Toxicology, Fifth edition, P. Wexler (Ed.), Elsevier
  • Type: Book Chapters Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: Chou, K. (2019) Endocrine System and Endocrine Disruptors, in Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, M. Caplan, (Ed), Elsevier, 26-Jul-2019

Progress 10/01/18 to 09/30/19

Target Audience:Grape grower, wine makers, MSUE educators, viticulture researchers, MSU students, and national enology and viticutlre educators. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Through this project we have trained two graduate students and six undergratuate students on the topic of risk assessment. Knowledge generated from this project is used in two cources of classroom taching. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The results are presented to grape growers through a zoom conference and at a curriculum retreat section in a viticulture and enology conference. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?To meet with stakeholders to continueand finetune the objectives to meet their needs.

What was accomplished under these goals? For Objective(a), wehave examined potentialrisk factors assciated with potential pregnancy outcomes associated with pesticide usage. For Objective (b), we have examined pesticide residues in food. For Objective (c) we have identified the mechanismof toxicity of benzoates.


  • Type: Book Chapters Status: Accepted Year Published: 2019 Citation: Chou, K. (2019) Endocrine System and Endocrine disruptors, in Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, M. Caplan, (Ed), Elsevier
  • Type: Book Chapters Status: Accepted Year Published: 2020 Citation: Chou, K. (Accepted) Target Sites: Endocrine. In Information Resources in Toxicology, Fifth edition, P. Wexler (Ed.), Elsevier

Progress 10/01/17 to 09/30/18

Target Audience:The following target audience has been reached: Individual researchers through the effort of project development, student groups through formal classroom instruction and informal meetings with undergraduate and graduate students, and meetings with agriculture producers. These audience includes racial and ethnic minorities and those who are socially, economically and educationally disadvantaged individuals. Changes/Problems:None. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The methods of risk assessment have been included in three courses curricular for both undergraduate and graduate students. Many of the students continued their further academic training in the areas environmental and/or health sciences, others secured job opportunities, in part, because of their trainings and research activities in risk assessment. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The knowledge generated from this project was applied in the publication in Information Resources in Toxicology, which target audience include the general public and disciplinary area focused communities. The knowledge was applied in the environmental regulatory documents, which target audiences include the general public, chemical companies, regulatory agencies, and more specifically, communities have concerns over chemical contamination problems. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The project will continue by identifying data gaps in toxicity assessment and estimating human exposure to benzoic acid (including salts of benzoates) through food and beverage consumptions.

What was accomplished under these goals? A Provisional short-short term (1 day to 30 days) LOAEL (Lowest-Observed-Effect Level) of 15.6 mg/kg-d (0.13 mmol/kg bw-d) is derived based on the human study by Wiley (1908). Using results from animal studies, a chronic NOAEL (No-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level) of 500 mg/kg bw-day is determined (Kieckebush and Lang, 1960). There are no long-term studies in humans, and no short-term studies in animals. In addition, none of the target effects observed in humans in the short-term study have been measured in the laboratory animals. The critical effects in human subjects include excessive feeling of hunger, nausea, vomiting, physical weakness, mental inattention, drowsiness, decreases in body weight weights, and elevated body temperature. Comparing the chronic NOAEL derived from rodent studies with short-term LOAEL values derived from the human study, short-term exposure in humans could be 30 times more sensitive than chronic exposure in laboratory rodents, based on effects on body weights.


  • Type: Book Chapters Status: Submitted Year Published: 2019 Citation: 1. Chou, K. (Submitted) Target Sites: Endocrine. In Information Resources in Toxicology, Fifth edition, Ed. P. Wexler, Elsevier

Progress 10/01/16 to 09/30/17

Target Audience:Undergradute and graduate students, scientists, MSU colleagues, petroleum industry, EPA staff, Michigan residents, extension educators. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The approach and methods of toxicity assessment developed and/or modified through this project are delivered in classrooms to both undergrad and graduate students. For the graduate students, the methods and approaches are also applied in research projects of their interests. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The information is provided to extension educators for assessing pesticide toxicity for workers safety and food safety. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?1. Examine potential association between benzoic acid and postprandial hypotension. 2. Examine the mode of action of benzoic acid in body weight gain.

What was accomplished under these goals? Previously, we estimated a LOAEL of 750 mg/kg of B.W. and a NOAEL of 500 mg/kg of B.W. based on laboratory rodents on non-cancer effects. During this reporting period, we determined a NOAEL of 500 mg/kg B.W. for reproductive effects in rats or mice. A LOAEL of 1000 mg/kg-day is determined for reproductive toxicity, based on in utero deaths and gross anomalies in F-1 in rats. In addition, the follow objectives were proposed in 2016 for the 2017 period and they are completed. 1. Identify mechanism of toxicity of benzoic acid. Based on the hypothesized mode of action of benzoic acid (depletion of endogenous glycine), and the rate of de novo glycine synthesis, we have estimated the effect of a single meal containing allowed amounts of 0.1% of benzoic acid in beverages and meat products on the pool of glycine in the body. During the first hour after consumption, about 30% of the de novo synthesized glycine may be depleted in the body. At the peak of postprandial glycine-benzoic conjugation, dietary exposure could significantly minimize the availability of glycine for neurological function and macromolecule regeneration in the body. In addition, in rats and pigs, effects of benzoic acid on body weight has been reported. A 9% increase in body weight gain was reported in a 90-day study in rats (Deuel et al, 1954). At lower exposure levels, 0.3 and 0.5% in food, benzoic acid significantly increases body weight gain in PIC L1050 barrows during two different stages (Zhai et al.2017). The increase in body weight gain in nursery pigs is mostly attributed to significant increases in feed intake, with a linear dose-response relationship, while the increase in body weight gain in grower-finisher pigs is mostly associated with increase in feed efficiency. The effects of benzoic acid on increases in body weight gain is added as a new endpoint in the toxicity assessment model. 2. Assess the differential toxicity of sodium benzoate and potassium benzoate. In general, the health effects of sodium benzoates and other benzoate salts are about the same as benzoic acid, although one study suggests that sodium benzoate may have a lower threshold of effects on body weight than benzoic acid. 3. Identify susceptible population based on the mechanism of toxicity. In humans, sensitive individuals may react to low oral doses of benzoic acid. Exposure to 3.57 mg/kg (250 mg/person) can cause flushing, itching and urticarial (Juhlin et al. 1972). Earlier, Wiely (1908) reported marked clinical symptoms of headache, weakness, nausea and general discomfort in healthy humans after exposure to daily doses of 14-36 mg/kg. Based on the known mechanism of action of benzoic acid, individuals with low rate of de novo glycine synthesis may be a susceptible population. If the increase in body weight gain is a relevant endpoint in humans, both children and adults may be susceptible to low levels of exposure to benzoic acid with differential mode of actions. 4. Develop dietary-based exposure assessment models of benzoic acid for susceptible populations. The exposure model for chronic toxicity assessment will include commercial beverages, meat products, and personal hygiene products. A 100% rate of uptake will be used for oral exposure and 43% uptake will be used for dermal uptake. Pharmaceutical products will included in short-term toxicity assessment. 5. Identify knowledge gaps in toxicology for toxicity assessment of benzoic acid. Because its natural occurrence in plant products and because it is generally recognized as safe by US FDA, only a few of studies are available for low-dose chronic toxicity assessment. The current toxicity assessment is carried based mode of actions for each individual toxicity endpoints. The most challenging aspect of this approach is to establish a hypothesized mode of action for increases in body weight gain. There is also a lack of information on the effects of benzoic acid in the central nervous system. 6. Identify human symptom-relevant endpoint measurements for toxicological studies. In addition to increases in body weight gain, non-histamine-mediated skin irritation and perioral irritation and erythema are added to the human relevant endpoints.


    Progress 10/01/15 to 09/30/16

    Target Audience:The findings were communicated to other scientists and graduate students working in related fields. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?The methods of risk assessment developed and/or modified through this project were delivered in classrooms to both undergrad and graduate students. With grduate students, these methods are applied to other research projects of their interests. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?At this stage of the project, the information is only provided to colleagues and students who interested in environmental health, food safety and risk assessment. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Identify mechanism of toxicity of benzoic acid. Assess the differential toxicity of sodium benzoate and potassium benzoate. Identify susceptible population based on the mechanism of toxicity. Develop dietary-based exposure assessment models of benzoic acid for susceptible populations. Identify knowledge gaps in toxicology for toxicity assessment of benzoic acid. Identify human symptom-relevant endpoint measurements for toxicological studies.

    What was accomplished under these goals? The currently allowed amounts of sodium benzoate in food items and estimated human dietary exposure to benzoates have been examined. Literature review has been conducted to estimate the LOAEL (about 750 mg/kg of B.W.) and NOAEL (about 500 mg/kg of B.W.) based on studies in laboratory animals. The estimated dietary exposure examined in this project provide a worst possible exposure in the United States ranging from 25 mg/kg B.W. to 50 mg/kg B.W., depending on the variations in food selections and daily soda and bottled juice intake. This allows a safety factor of 20 or less for extrapolating from NOAEL. On the other hand, Wiley and Bigelow (1908) observed irritation, discomfort, weakness, and malaise in humans given oral bolus doses of less than or equal to 1.75 g/day (about 25 mg/kg/day) over a 20-day period. These reported symptoms in humans suggest that (1) toxicity data obtained in animal models is likely an underestimation for the effects of benzoates that might experience in the human population, and (2) significant number of consumers are exposed to benzoates at the effective dose and above.
