Source: OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Aug 1, 2015
Project End Date
Jul 31, 2018
Grant Year
Program Code
[A1801]- Exploratory: Exploratory Research
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Ag Animal Sciences
Non Technical Summary
Rationale: The prevalence of childhood obesity is steadily increasing in industrialized countries. Evidence suggests that consumption of dairy products, especially milk, might help prevent childhood obesity. The reason for this association is not yet clear. However, the milk may have the capacity to affect obesity by "programming" adipose stem cells. In a recent discovery, microRNAs (miRNAs), which are 18-25 nucleotide endogenous small RNAs involved in post-transcriptional gene silencing, have been found encapsulated in microvesicles (i.e., exosomes) within cow's milk. The miRNAs in milk exosomes appear to be quite stable and maybe horizontally transferred through intestinal absorption even after the postnatal period. If absorbed, miRNAs could affect the differentiation of stem cells, including athe ones responsible for the formation of fat cells. There is a strong potential that if miRNAs in milk exosomes are absorbed following consumption, it will affect adipogenesis via reprogramming of stem cells.Approach: To test this we will run three separate experiments Experiment 1, ten weaned pigs (5 weeks of age) will be randomly assigned to receive whole cow milk (750 mL/day) or liquid sucrose in addition to the normal diet for 3 months. At the end of 3 months, pigs will be euthanized and stem cells from the fat tissue will be harvested to see the capacity to become fat cells and thewhole transcriptome sequencing. For Experiment 2, one dairy cow will be infused intravenously with a saline solution containing an isotope tracer (13C-glycine) for 12h between two milkings. Milk from the cow will be fed to three piglets and used to isolate exosomes. Whole blood from the piglets will be collected at 1, 3, and 6h after feeding and exosomes isolated. miRNAs will be extracted from exosomes. Stem cells from the fat tissue will be isolated 12h after feeding to extract miRNAs. The horizontal transfer of miRNAs containing the isotpe from milk, blood, and stem cells will be assessed by measuring isotope enrichment in samples using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. For Experiment 3 milk from the experiment 1 will be collected monthly to isolate exosomes and extract RNA. Whole blood from the pigs will be collected and exosomes isolated to extract RNA. The extracted RNA will be used to measure type of miRNA . To infer effects of isolated miRNAs on transcriptome of stem cells from the fat tissue, data from Experiment 3 will be combined with data from Experiment 1 using bioinformatics approaches. To determine direct effect of milk miRNAs on stem cells from the fat tissue, stem cells will be cultivated with exosomes isolated from the milk for 6h and transcriptome measuredand the formation of fat cellsassessed.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Our long-term goal is to determine the nutrigenomic effects of dairy products on human health.Our goalin this proposal is to assess if miRNAs from cow's milk play a role in controlling obesity by affecting ASC. Our central hypothesis is that miRNAs present in raw milk are horizontally transferred and prevent obesity by regulating expression of genes involved in ASC adipogenesis. Our rationale is that the demonstration of absorption and effects of miRNAs from cow's milk on pig ASC will establish a strong scientific framework for future research and, ultimately, clinical trials.Objective #1: Assess the in vivo effect of milk on the abundance, proliferation, and differentiation capacity of adipose-derived stem cells and size of mature adipocytes. Our working hypothesis is that consumption of cow's milk decreases the number and adipogenesis of porcine ASC in vivo and reduces the size (i.e. lipid accumulation) of mature adipocytes.Objective #2: Determine if miRNAs present in cow's milk exosomes are horizontally transferred into the blood stream through intestinal absorption and then transported into adipose-derived stem cells. Our working hypothesis, based on recent scientific data, is that miRNAs from cow's milk are horizontally transferred and present in ASC.Objective #3: Determine the effects of miRNAs present in exosomes of cow's milk have on the transcriptome of adipose-derived stem cells. Our working hypothesis is that miRNAs in exosomes from cow's milk have an effect on the transcriptome of porcine ASC.
Project Methods
Objective 1: Assess the in vivo effect of milk on the abundance, proliferation, and differentiation capacity of adipose-derived stem cells and size of mature adipocytes.Approach.1.1.Effect of feeding milk on abundance, proliferation, and differentiation of ASC. Studies using live animals will be supervised by the OSU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. The pig is a well-suited animal model for this research because it is physiologically similar to humans. Thus, we will purchase 13 weaned (5 weeks of age) male pigs of the same breed. Ten piglets will be used for this objective and 3 will be used for objective 2. The use of 5 pigs per group was determined using power analysis of transcriptomics datausing 21,630 transcripts, 80% power, 1% false positive, 2-fold-change, and a standard deviation of 0.6 as criteria. The pigs will be hosted in the OSU Hogg Animal Metabolism Barn and fed a pelleted commercial pig chow (CHS Inc., USA) at 3% of body weight daily. Pigs will be randomly assigned to receive 3 cups/day (750 mL) of whole cow's milk as for USDA guidelinesor isoenergetic liquid maltose dextrin for 3 months. Raw milk will be obtained from the OSU Dairy Center, which is equipped with Afimilk Dairy Management System (Kibbutz Afikim, Israel) that automatically measures milk components, which allows for calorie adjustment of the treatments and verifies the quality of the milk. At the end of 3 months, pigs will be humanely euthanized and ASC harvested from the back fat . Proportion and quantification of isolated ASC will be performed by flow cytometer using CD90 and CD34 as markers. Quantification of ASC will be also done by a colony-forming unit assay. The quantification of adipogenesis will be performed by inducing adipogenesis in triplicates passage 1 ASC in 24-well plates and cells harvested after 0, 7, 14, and 21 days, fixed, and stained with Oil Red O and hematoxylin. Number and size of lipid droplets in nucleated cells will be measured by ImageJ and quantification of accrued Oil Red O performed. Finally, passage 1 ASC will be cultured in 12-well plates for cell proliferation assay using Vybrant® MTT Cell Proliferation Assay Kit (Life Technologies, USA). Data will be checked for normal distribution by Univariate procedure of SAS (SAS Inst. Inc., USA) and outlier checked with studentized residuals by REG procedure of SAS. The data will be statistically analyzed by ANOVA or GLIMMIX with treatment or treatment×time as the main effect and pig as random.1.2.Effect of feeding milk on ASC transcriptome. Total RNA will be extracted from an aliquot of isolated ASC from 1.2.1 using Mag-Bind Total RNA kit (Omega, USA) associated with the KingFisher Duo (Thermo Scientific, USA). The extracted RNA will be sent to the Center for Genome Research and Biocomputing at OSU for whole transcriptome analysis by RNA sequencing (RNAseq) using an Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform. Samples will be multiplex-read with 5 samples per lane to obtain a minimum of 30 million 100 bp paired-end reads per sample. We will use the Tuxedo Suite to map the RNA-Seq reads to the pig genome, and quantify isoform expression. The statistical effect of milk with pig as random will be evaluated. The p-values will be adjusted with Benjamini-Hochberg false discovery rateand the functional analysis performed.1.3 .Effect of feeding milk and adipocytes size. Adipose tissue from back fat and mesenteric will be obtained from euthanized pigs in 1.1 fixed with formalin, sectioned at 10 μm using a Leica cryostat (Leica Biosystems, Germany), and stained with Oil Red O and hematoxylin.Size of adipocytes and content of Oil Red O will be determined using Cell Profiler software. Statistical analysis will be performed as for 1.1.Objective 2: Determine if miRNAs present in cow's milk exosomes are horizontally transferred into the blood stream through intestinal absorption and transported into adipose-derived stem cells.ApproachOne lactating dairy cow will be injected intravenously using a peristaltic pump a saline solution with Glycine-2-13C (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) as purine base precursorand infused at 547 μmol/min for 12h starting immediately after milking. 750 mL of milk from the injected cow will be fed to 3 piglets purchase as in 1.2.1 and partly used to isolate exosomes by centrifugation. Whole blood from the piglets will be collected at 1, 3, and 6h after feeding. Exosomes will be isolated from blood. ASC from euthanized pigs will be isolated from subcutaneous fat 12h after feeding as for Objective 1 and purified using antibody for CD90 and CD34 conjugated with Pierce NHS- Activated Magnetic Beads (Thermo Scientific, USA) by means of Kingfisher Duo. Total RNA with enriched miRNA will be isolated from exosomes from milk and blood and from purified ASC using mirVana™ miRNA Isolation Kit (Life Technologies, USA). Horizontal transfer of radiolabelled miRNAs from milk, blood, and ASC will be assessed by measuring isotope enrichment in treated vs. control samples (pre-treatment for milk and blood and from ASC from treated pigs in Objective 1) using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry at the OSU Mass Spectrometry Facilities.Objective 3: Determine the effects of miRNAs present in exosomes of cow's milk have on the transcriptome of adipose-derived stem cellsApproach.3.1 Effect of miRNAs from milk on ASC in vivo: a bioinformatics approach. RNA will be isolated as Objective 2 from exosomes present in 3 cow milk samples and blood from the 10 pigs used in Objective 1 collected 12h after feeding milk. The extracted RNA will be enrich for miRNAs as described in Objective 2 and then sequenced. Differentially expressed microRNAs will be compared by computing a p-value with a binomial model, and then adjusted with a Benjamini-Hochberg correction. To infer effects of isolated miRNAs on transcriptome of ASC, data from Objective 3 will be combined with data from Objective 1 using the Core and Networks analyses capability of Ingenuity Pathway Analysis software (Ingenuity Systems, USA). Due to the high conservation of bovine and pig miRNAs (only 1% difference, based on a comparison of annotated microRNAs in miRBase), only the miRNAs significantly enriched in treated vs. control pigs will be used to pair with ASC transcriptome. We will identify the regulatory impact of significantly enriched miRNAs by analyzing their target sites in the 3' UTRs of downregulated genes in ASC.3.2Direct effect of miRNA from milk on ASC in vitro. Twelve biological replicates of ASC at passage 1 from each pig from Objective 1 will be cultivated in vitro in 24 well-plates for 24hwith or without exosomes isolated from cow's milk as for Objective 2. ASC from 3 wells from each pig will be pooled and RNA extracted and sequenced for whole transcriptome analysis, plus statistical analysis, as for Objective 1. Data will be analyzed using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis and Dynamic Impact Approach. The ASC in the other wells will be tested for adipogenesis as for Objective 1 with analysis performed in triplicate at 0, 14 and 21 days. Effect of milk miRNAs on ASC will be uncovered by change in transcriptome and adipogenesis.

Progress 08/01/15 to 07/31/18

Target Audience:Mostly scientists via conference and presentations. Some of the content of the research was also presented to undergraduate and graduate students in a classroom setting and in on campus conferences. Summary of the project and its results are publicly available via the laboratory web-site. I was interviewed about the idea oif the project for a Oregon Satte Unievrsity magazine that is distributed to all belonging to Oregon State University, alumni, and stake-holders. Changes/Problems:We were unable to proceed with Experiment 3 because there were not enough evidence that ASC take up exosome and that miRNA can affect their transcriptome. It might be possible in future to assess this either by using technologies to trace exosome that do not use fluorescent dyes (or better and more specific dyes) or by using novel transfer reagents that can successfully allow to transfect plasmids in ASC.? What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Training of 2 graduate studnets and 3 undergraduate students How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?The results have been presented in 1 national/internation confernece (ADSA 2018) and 2 conferences for undergraduate studnets at Oregon State University. One manuscript have been submitted to Journal of Dairy Science and a second manuscript is almost ready for submission. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Rationale: The prevalence of childhood obesity is steadily increasing in industrialized countries. Evidence suggests that consumption of dairy products, especially milk, might help prevent childhood obesity. The reason for this association is not yet clear. However, the milk may have the capacity to affect obesity by "programming" adipose stem cells. In a recent discovery, microRNAs (miRNAs), which are 18-25 nucleotide endogenous small RNAs involved in post-transcriptional gene silencing, have been found encapsulated in microvesicles (i.e., exosomes) within cow's milk. The miRNAs in milk exosomes appear to be quite stable and maybe horizontally transferred through intestinal absorption even after the postnatal period. If absorbed, miRNAs could affect the differentiation of stem cells, including the ones responsible for the formation of fat cells. There is a strong potential that if miRNAs in milk exosomes are absorbed following consumption, it will affect adipogenesis via reprogramming of stem cells. Approach and main preliminary results: Experiment 1 Approach: two sub-experiments where performed. In the first sub-experiment eight weaned male purebred piglets (5 weeks of age) and in the second sub-experiment 12 male crossbred piglets (7-8 weeks of age) were randomly assigned to receive whole cow milk (750 mL/day) or la solution of maldodextrin in addition to the normal diet for 3 months. At the end of 3 months, piglets were euthanized and adipose stem cells (ASC) from the fat tissue wereharvested to see the capacity of the ASC to become fat cells and see if milk affect them by measuring the whole transcriptome. In the same experiment we also measured the size of the subcutaneous fat tissue,the size of fat cells, and the capacity of the ASC to generate fat cells in vitro. Results: Feeding milk had an inconsistent effect on the size of fat tissue and size distribution of fat cells, with a greater size of fat in the first sub-experiment but a better distribution of the size of fat cells while in the second sub-experiment we did not detect any large effect. The ASC isolated from piglets supplemented with milk grew faster in vitro and had a tendency to accumulate less fat when differentiated in mature fat cells. Furthermore, supplementing milk had an effect on the transcriptome of ASC, with potential long-term effect on the ability of these cells to differentiate in fat cells or responding to stimuli. When exosomes size distribution was measured with found a large frequency of exosome with the size of the most abundant exosomes in milk in the blood of milk-fed piglets compared to control, indicating a possible transfer of exosomes from milk to plasma. However, only 3 out of >500 measured miRNA were differentially abundant between the two groups, indicating a small-to-none effect on plasma miRNA. Experiment 2 Approach: the original plan was to infused intravenously an isotope tracer to one dairy cow and provide the milk from the cowto three piglets. The idea was to trace the possible transfer of miRNA from milk to plasma by collectingblood several times after the feeding to collect exosomes from the plasma and measure miRNAs present in the exosomes and measure the amount of isotope. Due to the lack of any miRNA isolated from plasma exosomes with a large difference in abundance between the two groups in Experiment 1, we were unable to proceed with the originally planned Experiment 2. We have however changed the experiment by carrying out a pharmacokinetics study where 3 piglets were fed 750 mL of milk and blood was collected at several time points afterwards. Exosomes were isolated from the blood and specific miRNA and mRNA expected to be abundant in milk exosomes were measured. Results: data did not indicate any increase in miRNA expected to be abundant in milk in exosomes isolated from plasma. However, some of the milk-specific mRNA, such as casein and albumin, were detected in the exosomes isolated from the piglets fed milk. Data are still preliminary but they indicate a lack of undetectable transfer of miRNA from milk to plasma of the subject consuming the milk. The data on mRNA might indicate some transfer of either exosomes or mRNA, but data are still analyzed. Experiment 3 Approach: The original plan was to treat isolated ASC with exosomes isolated from milk or plasma from piglets of Experiment 1 to assess the direct effect of miRNA in exosomes on ASC whole transcriptome. In order to determine if ASC take up exosomes and/or miRNA we carried out two preliminary experiments. In preliminary experiment 1 we transfected the ASC with a luciferase system able to detect the uptake of cells of miRNA abundant in milk exosomes. In preliminary experiment 2 we assessed if ASC actively take up exosomes by using specific fluorescent dyes that specifically mark exosome membranes and miRNA. Results: We tested 8 different commercially available transfection reagents but none provided a sufficient transfection of the luciferase plasmid (assessed via use of green fluorescent protein coding plasmid) to test the hypothesis that ASC are sensitive to miRNA abundant in milk exosomes. The use of the dye to assess uptake of exosomes provided spurious results. The dyes per se appeared to mark the membrane of the ASC and their miRNA and we could not determine if the exosomes are indeed taken up from ASC. Based on the above together with the lack of any difference in miRNA abundance in exosomes of piglets supplemented with milk or maltodextrin as observed in experiment 1 we were unable to proceed with the accomplishment of Experiment 3.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Swanson K., Hendrix D., Jiang D., and M. Bionaz. 2018. The Effect of Bovine Milk Consumption on in vivo Porcine Adipose Stem Cells. 2018 ADSA Annual Meeting Abstract#403
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2018 Citation: Swanson K., Akers S., Penix C., Aguilera N., Busato S., Batty B., Kutzler M., and M. Bionaz. 2018. Milk Consumption and Childhood Obesity: Does Milk Really Deserve the Bad Rap? 2018 ADSA Annual Meeting Abstract#405

Progress 08/01/15 to 07/31/16

Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Training of graduate and undergraduate students How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Running all the experiments

What was accomplished under these goals? We are running the in vivo experiment
