Source: UNIV OF MINNESOTA submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
State Agricultural Experiment Station
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Cumulative Award Amt.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Project Start Date
Jul 1, 2014
Project End Date
Jun 30, 2019
Grant Year
Program Code
[(N/A)]- (N/A)
Recipient Organization
ST PAUL,MN 55108
Performing Department
Plant and Microbial Biology
Non Technical Summary
The Microbial and Plant Genomic~ Institute (MPGI) promotes advances in microbial, plant, and animal genomics, genomicsenabledsciences, and molecular genetics. The Institute strives through its efforts in research, educational, and outreach tofoster a multi-disciplinary interchange of ideas and applications of cutting-edge technologies to research. Institute activitiescontribute to basic science and the translation of genomics for applications to the environment, agriculture, and human health.Within the University community, the Institute facilitates crosscutting communications among faculty·engaged in diverse areas ofgenomics research. To achieve this goal, the MPGI will continue to sponsor the following programmatic activities:1. MPGI travel awards - enables graduate students and postdoctoral researchers to attend scientific meetings to presenttheir research and interact with scientists. Travel awards can also be used for students and postdoctoral researchers to travel toresearchers labs at other universities and institutes to learn new technologies.2. MPGI shared equipment grants -funding to obtain equipment to be used by multiple members within MPGI.3. MPGI Fall Symposium- annually the MPGI coordinates and sponsors a fall seminar symposium. The topics vary by year,are suggested by members, and hosted by a volunteer faculty member. Topics the last several years include microbialcontributions to eukaryotic fitness, systems biology of gene regulation and biological applications of next generationsequencing. In 2014 the symposium theme will be epigenetics.4. The NAS Lectureship Series -features research by National Academy of SCiences members. Prominent scientists,particularly those in the fields of microbial and/or plant science, are invited to campus to give seminars, discuss their research,and interact with students, faculty, and the public. The NAS speakers are invited by Academy member Dr. Ron Phillips or theMPGI director.5. Monthly science discussions (Science on the spot) - allows MPGI faculty and members of their lab to present and discussinformation on their current research. These seminars have expanded opportunities for interdisciplinary connections with otherUniversity researchers. This seminar series provides opportunities to present work in progress or projects that are beingdeveloped and to seek community input or collaborations.6. Annual retreat- The MPGI organizes and hosts a one-day annual retreat which serves to bring together Institute faculty forstudent-, postdoc-, and faculty-led seminars and poster sessions on research topics of interest to MPGI members.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The mission of the MPGI is to "promote advances in microbial, plant, and animal genomics, genomics-enabled science, andmolecular genetics for the benefit of society". The scientific aim of the Institute is to enhance the development of functional andtranslational genomics concomitantly with the expansion of bioinformatics capabilities and the development of specializedinstrumentation.Within the University community, the Institute facilitates interactions among faculty engaged in diverse areas of genomicsresearch by promoting understanding of microbial, plant, and animal genomics, and providing access to genomics-relatedtechnologies. Cooperation among MPGI members helps to assure a strong basis for education in the disciplines of the basicagricultural, environmental, and health s9iences. The Institute enhances faculty projects by supporting the educational activitiesof individual grad students and postdoctoral researchers. Building public awareness about genomics and its applications in asocial and ethical context is one of MPGI's outreach functions. In addition, assisting in the training of outstanding students in thisimportant biological field is a major goal. Building public awareness about genomics and its applications in a social and ethicalcontext is one of MPGI's outreach functions via its website (
Project Methods
MPGI supports its members by promoting genetics and genomics research which can advance innovations in agriculture, theenvironment, and human health. The cooperative efforts of MPGI scientists enhance their individual projects and assure astrong basis for education of students in the discipline of the basic agricultural, environmental, and health sciences. The MPGIseeks to establish the University of Minnesota as a center of innovation in microbial and plant genomics. Through research,education and outreach activities, MPGI promotes understanding of and access to microbial, plant, and animal genomics andgenomics-related technologies.Evaluation: The MPGI faculty are responsible for the academic vision of the institute and set priorities for the intellectual andprogrammatic aspects of carrying out their vision. The institute is currently governed via a single, member elected, SteeringCommittee consisting of five members. The committee has at least one person representing research in the areas of plants,microbes, and computational biology. The Steering Committee is responsible for establishing funding priorities and voting onthe distribution of the group's funds for academic/programmatic activities.

Progress 07/01/14 to 06/30/19

Target Audience:Within the University community, the Institute facilitates crosscutting communications among faculty engaged in diverse areas of genomics research. With the sponsorship of retreats and seminar series, MPGI supports the dissemination of scientific knowledge among faculty, students, and staff. Building public awareness about genomics and its applications in a social and ethical context is one of MPGI's outreach functions via its website ( and the seminar series sponsored by the Institute. In addition, a major goal of MPGI is training outstanding students and postdoctoral researchers in this important biological field by providing them with travel awards. These are among the activities designed to bring benefits from genomics to Minnesotans, the nation, and the world. Changes/Problems:The University continues to hire many new faculty across a variety of disciplines that work in the area of genomics. MPGI will continue to cultivate new faculty members to expand our vibrant community of researchers using cutting-edge genomic techniques. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?MPGI has provided training and professional development for 37 graduate students and postdoctoral researchers by supporting either their attendance at meetings to present research findings, or their travel to other educational institutions for training purposes.MPGI hosted a Minnesota Supercomputing Institute Workshop on genomics (see #3 above for details) that was attended by 57 individuals. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results have been disseminated through the use of our website, Twitter account (@UMN_MPGI), event outreach, workshops and seminars. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? MPGI Fall Symposium - annually coordination and sponsorship of a fall seminar symposium. The topics vary by year and are suggested by members and hosted by faculty members. 2019 the topic was titled 'Microbiome Madness' organized by MPGI members Ryan Hunter and Ran Blekman and featured both local and invited speakers highlighting genomic methods to understand and engineer microbiomes. Invited speakers included Kelly Wrighton (Colorado State), David Baltrus (Arizona), Nandita Garud (UCLA), Katie Amato (Northwestern) and a keynote by Jo Handlesman (Wisconsin). Attendance of the symposium reached our maximum capacity of 120. Semi-monthly science discussion and activities (Science on the Spot)- allow MPGI Faculty and members of their lab to present and discuss information on their current research and interact with other University researchers. This seminar series provides opportunities to present work in progress or projects that are being developed and to seek community input or collaborations. These seminars are often less formal 'chalk-talks' which encourages communication to a broad audience and are often highly interactive. 2019 Workshop - MSI Workshop (Jan 11). Thomas Kono from RIS / MSI ran an introductory genomics training session for MPGI associated students, postdocs and faculty. The workshop included four modules including an introduction to MSI, Intro to Genomics Technologies, Job Submission and Scripts and Advanced Scripting Topics. MPGI provided the room (Cargill 105), in addition to lunch and refreshments for registrants. 57 unique people registered for at least one of the modules, and most folks for all four of them. We anticipate offering a similar workshop again. Having these workshops occur outside of the regular semester facilitates participation of early stage graduate students. New audio system and upgraded video interface for Cargill 105 Seminar Room installed. Cargill 105 is one of the nicest and most heavily utilized seminar rooms on the St. Paul Campus. $19,170 was spent to renovate the original audio system and to add modern AV access. Cargill 105 is critical to various MPGI functions. Additional poster boards purchased in collaboration with CBS and CFANS, MPGI contributed $2000 towards the purchase of 6 large poster boards. Events that use the Cargill 105 and Atrium spaces will be able to use these poster boards, rather than the large fee required to rent them from outside the University. Lactation Room Established. A space for nursing mothers for building residents and for people attending events in Cargill 105 / atrium is now located on the second floor of the building (room 229). $10,650.11 cost for construction and furniture was split with Facilities Management and MPGI. I am listing this as an accomplishment as it helps provide a more inclusive and supportive environment for MPGI members. Travel Grants (Jan 2019). 37 travel grants were awarded in 2019 for students and postdocs to attend national and international meetings to present their work, interact with other researchers in their field, and to learn about the newest research in their discipline. Annual retreat - the MPGI organizes and hosts a one-day annual retreat which serves to bring together Institute faculty for student, postdoc, and faculty led seminars and poster sessions on research topics of interest to MPGI members.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2019 Citation: In 2018 members of the Microbial and Plant Genome Institute published 308 scientific manuscripts. In previous years it was requested that we provide our publications as a .pdf on the MPGI website as they are quite extensive. Please download .pdf of publications from the MPGI Publications Library found near the bottom of the page at: (Note that we are currently in process of updating 2019 information)

Progress 10/01/17 to 09/30/18

Target Audience:Members of the Microbial and Plant Genomics Institute are faculty who are interested in the successful development and application of genomics and the resulting societal and environmental impact.The Institute is a collaboration between theCollege of Biological Sciences, theCollege of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciencesand theMinnesota Agricultural Experiment Station. Advances in genomics have already had a major impact on how we conduct modern biological experimentation. The flood of information acquired via genomics research and its application to biological problems make it extremely challenging to predict where the field of genomics will be in the next ten years. Progress in discovering the function of the majority of sequenced genes is even less predictable, but it seems likely that in ten years, most genes will have functions assigned and we will be investigating their complex interactions - overall, an activity known as "functional genomics." A critical question facing biologists will be how genomic information and technologies will be utilized for investigating biological questions that range from the basic to applied science in microbes and plants, an activity defined as "translational genomics." The interactions of plants and microbes in nature are prevalent and useful in agriculture, making the combination of microbial and plant genomics even more important. The scientific aim of the Institute is to enhance the development of functional and translational genomics concomitantly with the expansion of bioinformatics capabilities and the development of specialized instrumentation. Within the University community, the Institute facilitates crosscutting communications among faculty engaged in diverse areas of genomics research. Building public awareness about genomics and its applications in a social and ethical context is one of MPGI's outreach functions. In addition, training outstanding students for the 21st century in this important biological field is a major goal. These are among the activities designed to bring benefits from genomics to Minnesotans, the nation, and the world. Changes/Problems:The University has hired many new faculty across a variety of disciplines that work in the area of genomics. MPGI is in the process of hosting short 'chalk-talk' seminars by these new faculty as a way to introduce them and their research area to our community. We have recently added new members to MPGI from CBS (Plant and Microbial Biology)and CFANS (Animal Science, Food Science & Nutrition) and will invite several more in the upcoming year to continue to expand a vibrant community of researchers using cutting-edge genomic techniques. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?MPGI has provided training and professional development for 32 graduate students and 21 postdoctoral researchers by supporting either their attendance at meetings to present research findings, or their travel to other educational institutions for training purposes. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results have been disseminated through the use of our website, event outreach, and seminars What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? The Microbial and Plant Genomics Institute (MPGI) promotes advances in microbial, plant, and animal genomics, genomics enabled sciences, and molecular genetics. The Institute strives through research, educational, and outreach activities to fostera multidisciplinary interchange of ideas and applications of cutting edge technologies to research. Institute activities contributeto basic science and the translation of genomics for applications to the environment, agriculture, and human health. The scientific aim of the Institute is to enhance the development of functional and translational genomics concomitantly with the expansion of bioinformatics capabilities and the development of specialized instrumentation. Within the University community, the Institute facilitates interactions among faculty engaged in diverse areas of genomics research by promoting understandingof microbial and plant genomics, and providing access to genomics related technologies. Cooperation among MPGI members helps to assure a strong basis for education in the disciplines of the basic agricultural, environmental, and health sciences. The Institute enhances faculty projects by supporting the educational activities of individual grad students and postdoctoral researchers. Building public awareness about genomics and its applications in a social and ethical context is one of MPGI's outreach functions.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Accepted Year Published: 2018 Citation: In 2018 members of the Microbial and Plant Genome Institute published 308 scientific manuscripts. In previous years it was requested that we provide our publications as a .pdf on the MPGI website as they are quite extensive. Please download .pdf of publications from the MPGI Publications Library found near the bottom of the page at:

Progress 10/01/16 to 09/30/17

Target Audience:Within the University community, the Institute facilitates crosscutting communications among faculty engaged in diverse areas of genomics research. With the sponsorship of retreats and seminar series, MPGI supports the dissemination of scientific knowledge among faculty, students, and staff. Building public awareness about genomics and its applications in a social and ethical context is one of MPGI's outreach functions via its website ( and the seminar series sponsored by the Institute. In addition, a major goal of MPGI is training outstanding students and postdoctoral researchers in this important biological field by providing them with travel awards. These are among the activities designed to bring benefits from genomics to Minnesotans, the nation, and the world. Changes/Problems:The University has hired many new faculty across a variety of disciplines that work in the area of genomics. MPGI is in the process of hosting short 'chalk-talk' seminars by these new faculty as a way to introduce them and their research area to our community. We have recently added new members to MPGI from CBS (Plant and Microbial Biology), Medical School (Microbiology and Immunology) and CFANS (Soil, Water & Climate, Horticulture and Argonomy and Plant Genetics) and will invite several more in the upcoming year to continue to expand a vibrant community of researchers using cutting-edge genomic techniques. We are reviewing a new programs designed enhance the community of genomics researchers at the University of Minnesota,a new graduate student recruiting program, which offered one-time awards of $5,000 to top students who expressed interest in genomics in graduate programs affiliated with members of MPGI. We made 3 of these awards in 2017. We are pursuing partnerships with graduate programs to expand this program. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?MPGI has provided training and professional development for 42 graduate students and 23 postdoctoral researchers by supporting either their attendance at meetings to present research findings, or their travel to other educational institutions for training purposes. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results have been disseminated through the use of our website, event outreach, workshops and seminars. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? The Microbial and Plant Genomics Institute (MPGI) promotes advances in microbial, plant, and animal genomics, genomics enabled sciences, and molecular genetics. The Institute strives through research, educational, and outreach activities to foster a multidisciplinary interchange of ideas and applications of cutting edge technologies to research. Institute activities contribute to basic science and the translation of genomics for applications to the environment, agriculture, and human health. The scientific aim of the Institute is to enhance the development of functional and translational genomics concomitantly with the expansion of bioinformatics capabilities and the development of specialized instrumentation. Within the University community, the Institute facilitates interactions among faculty engaged in diverse areas of genomics research by promoting understanding of microbial and plant genomics, and providing access to genomics related technologies. Cooperation among MPGI members helps to assure a strong basis for education in the disciplines of the basic agricultural, environmental, and health sciences. The Institute enhances faculty projects by supporting the educational activities of individual grad students and postdoctoral researchers. Building public awareness about genomics and its applications in a social and ethical context is one of MPGI's outreach functions.


  • Type: Other Status: Accepted Year Published: 2017 Citation: In previous years it was requested that we provide our publications as a .pdf on the MPGI website as they are quite extensive. Please download .pdf of publications from the MPGI Publications Library found near the bottom of the page at:

Progress 10/01/15 to 09/30/16

Target Audience:Within the University community, the Institute facilitates crosscutting communications among faculty engaged in diverse areas of genomics research. With the sponsorship of retreats and seminar series, MPGI supports the dissemination of scientific knowledge among faculty, students, and staff. Building public awareness about genomics and its applications in a social and ethical context is one of MPGI's outreach functions via its website ( and the seminar series sponsored by the Institute. In addition, a major goal of MPGI is training outstanding students and postdoctoral researchers in this important biological field by providing them with travel awards. These are among the activities designed to bring benefits from genomics to Minnesotans, the nation, and the world. Changes/Problems:The University continues to hire many new faculty across a variety of disciplines that work in the area of genomics. MPGI will continue to cultivate new faculty members to expand our vibrant community of researchers using cutting-edge genomic techniques. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?MPGI has provided training and professional development for 33 graduate students and 33 postdoctoral researchers by supporting either their attendance at meetings to present research findings, or their travel to other educational institutions for training purposes. In 2016, MPGI hosted a Data Carpentry Workshop (see #4 above for details) that was attended by 10 postdoctoral researchers 20 graduate students, 3 faculty members and 12 other research staff. MPGI also co-sponsored a Developmental Biology Center Symposium entitled "The view ahead: new approaches in developmental biology" that was attended by several MPGI members. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results have been disseminated through the use of our website, Twitter account (@UMN_MPGI), event outreach, workshops and seminars. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? The Microbial and Plant Genomics Institute (MPGI) promotes advances in microbial, plant, and animal genomics, genomics enabled sciences, and molecular genetics. The Institute strives through research, educational, and outreach activities to foster a multidisciplinary interchange of ideas and applications of cutting edge technologies to research. Institute activities contribute to basic science and the translation of genomics for applications to the environment, agriculture, and human health. The scientific aim of the Institute is to enhance the development of functional and translational genomics concomitantly with the expansion of bioinformatics capabilities and the development of specialized instrumentation. Within the University community, the Institute facilitates interactions among faculty engaged in diverse areas of genomics research by promoting understanding of microbial and plant genomics, and providing access to genomics related technologies. Cooperation among MPGI members helps to assure a strong basis for education in the disciplines of the basic agricultural, environmental, and health sciences. The Institute enhances faculty projects by supporting the educational activities of individual grad students and postdoctoral researchers. Building public awareness about genomics and its applications in a social and ethical context is one of MPGI's outreach functions. Specific accomplishments over the past reporting period: MPGI Fall Symposium - annually coordination and sponsorship of a fall seminar symposium. The topics vary by year and are suggested by members and hosted by faculty members. 2016 the topic was 'The Genomics of Beer' which included speakers from academia, government labs and industry covering aspects of genomics-enable analysis of barley, hops, yeast and spoilage bacteria. Several local breweries sponsored refreshments, and participated in the scientific sessions (Indeed Brewing Company, Fair State Brewing Cooperative, Insight Brewing and Oakhold Farmhouse Brewery). Attendance of the symposium reached our maximum capacity of 120. The Distinguished Lecture series features research by prominent scientists, particularly those in the fields of microbial and/or plant science, are invited to campus to give seminars, discuss their research and interact with students, faculty and the public. MPGI Sponsored two distinguished lectures in 2016: C. Titus Brown (UC-Davis) and J. Woodward Fischer (Caltech). Monthly science discussion and activities (Science on the Spot)- allow MPGI Faculty and members of their lab to present and discuss information on their current research and interact with other University researchers. This seminar series provides opportunities to present work in progress or projects that are being developed and to seek community input or collaborations. In 2016 we also had a 'Technology Update' on low-cost long-read genome sequencing using Nanopore technology presented by Dr. Jon Badalamenti. 2016 Workshop - Data Carpentry for Genomics. Dr. Tracy Teal from along with local instructor Dr. Jon Badalamenti presented a 2-day workshop for MPGI Faculty / Students / Staff. Interest in this workshop was very high, with registration filling up in just a couple days. This was a hands-on workshop to teach basic concepts, skills and tools for working more effectively with genomic data. It became apparent that integration with MSI would enhance the educational goals of the workshop, as such, Lauren Mills from MSI assisted in teaching much of the second day. Given the reviews, we intend to offer another Data Carpentry for Genomics workshop in 2017. Seed Grant: a single $50,000 award was made to a collaborative proposal by Prof. Melania Figueroa entitled "Identification of gene networks to understand stem rust susceptibility in wheat." MPGI Graduate Student Recruitment Award: Six offers were made to outstanding applicants across all graduate programs represented by MPGI faculty. Three of these offers were accepted resulting in recruitments to Ecology, Evolution & Behavior, Plant Biological Sciences and Food Science & Nutrition graduate programs. These recruitment awards were deemed successful by the MPGI Steering Committee and the Director and will continue again in 2017 with an expectation of 5 offers. Annual retreat - the MPGI organizes and hosts a one-day annual retreat which serves to bring together Institute faculty for student, postdoc, and faculty led seminars and poster sessions on research topics of interest to MPGI members.


  • Type: Other Status: Accepted Year Published: 2016 Citation: In previous years it was requested that we provide our publications as a .pdf on the MPGI website as they are quite extensive. Please download .pdf of publications from the MPGI Publications Library found near the bottom of the page at:

Progress 10/01/14 to 09/30/15

Target Audience:Within the University community, the Institute facilitates crosscutting communications among faculty engaged in diverse areas of genomics research. With the sponsorship of retreats and seminar series, MPGI supports the dissemination of scientific knowledge among faculty, students, and staff. Building public awareness about genomics and its applications in a social and ethical context is one of MPGI's outreach functions via its website ( and the seminar series sponsored by the Institute. In addition, a major goal of MPGI is training outstanding students and postdoctoral researchers in this important biological field by providing them with travel awards. These are among the activities designed to bring benefits from genomics to Minnesotans, the nation, and the world. Changes/Problems:The University has hired many new faculty across a variety of disciplines that work in the area of genomics. MPGI is in the process of hosting short 'chalk-talk' seminars by these new faculty as a way to introduce them and their research area to our community. We have recently added new members to MPGI from CBS (Plant Biology, Ecology, Evolution & Behavior, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics) and CFANS (Soil, Water & Climate, Plant Pathology and Food Science and Nutrition) and will invite several more in the upcoming year to continue to expand a vibrant community of researchers using cutting-edge genomic techniques. We are also initiating two new programs designed enhance the community of genomics researchers at the University of Minnesota. First is a seed grant program, which will fund a single project next year (at $50,000) in a new area of genomic techniques. Second is a new graduate student recruiting program, which will offer one-time awards of $5,000 to top students who have expressed interest in genomics in graduate programs affiliated with members of MPGI. We expect to make 5 of these awards next year. If the program is successful, we will partner with graduate programs to expand it. Finally, we have also begun to establish a footprint in social media by creating a Twitter account (@UMN_MPGI). We have used the account to advertise events and to help publicize research from MPGI member laboratories. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? MPGI has provided training and professional development for 42 graduate students and 23 postdoctoral researchers by supporting either their attendance at meetings to present research findings, or their travel to other educational institutions for training purposes. In 2015, MPGI hosted two poster sessions in order to share the findings of MPGI travel awardees internally; 10 presenters were showcased on March 12th and 12 presenters were showcased on November 3rd. MPGI also hosted an annual retreat on May 21, 2015 featuring talks by 12 UofM researchers, eight of whom received travel awards in the past calendar year. In addition to these efforts, MPGI also co-hosted a Developmental Biology Center Symposium "It Takes a Village: Symbiosis and Development" with the Developmental Biology Center, Company of Biologists, the College of Biological Sciences, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, and the Medical School. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results have been disseminated through the use of our website, event outreach, workshops and seminars. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?{Nothing to report}

What was accomplished under these goals? What was accomplished under these goals? The Microbial and Plant Genomics Institute (MPGI) promotes advances in microbial, plant, and animal genomics, genomics enabled sciences, and molecular genetics. The Institute strives through research, educational, and outreach activities to foster a multidisciplinary interchange of ideas and applications of cutting edge technologies to research. Institute activities contribute to basic science and the translation of genomics for applications to the environment, agriculture, and human health. The scientific aim of the Institute is to enhance the development of functional and translational genomics concomitantly with the expansion of bioinformatics capabilities and the development of specialized instrumentation. Within the University community, the Institute facilitates interactions among faculty engaged in diverse areas of genomics research by promoting understanding of microbial and plant genomics, and providing access to genomics related technologies. Cooperation among MPGI members helps to assure a strong basis for education in the disciplines of the basic agricultural, environmental, and health sciences. The Institute enhances faculty projects by supporting the educational activities of individual grad students and postdoctoral researchers. Building public awareness about genomics and its applications in a social and ethical context is one of MPGI's outreach functions.


  • Type: Other Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: In previous years it was requested that we provide our publications as a .pdf on the MPGI website as they are quite extensive. Please download .pdf of publications from the MPGI Publications Library found near the bottom of the page at:

Progress 07/01/14 to 09/30/14

Target Audience: Within the University community, the Institute facilitates crosscutting communications among faculty engaged in diverse areas of genomics research. With the sponsorship of retreats and seminar series, MPGI supports the dissemination of scientific knowledge among faculty, students, and staff. Building public awareness about genomics and its applications in a social and ethical context is one of MPGI's outreach functions via its website ( and the seminar series sponsored by the Institute. In addition, a major goal of MPGI is training outstanding students and postdoctoral researchers in this important biological field by providing them with travel awards. These are among the activities designed to bring benefits from genomics to Minnesotans, the nation, and the world. Changes/Problems: The University has hired many new faculty across a variety of disciplines that work in the area of genomics. MPGI is in the process of hosting short ‘chalk-talk’ seminars by these new faculty as a way to introduce them and their research area to our community. We have recently added 6 new members to MPGI from CBS and CFANS and will invite several more in the spring semester to continue to expand a vibrant community of researchers using cutting-edge genomic techniques. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? MPGI has provided training and professional development for 31 graduate students and 25 postdoctoral researchers by supporting either their attendance at meetings to present research findings, or their travel to other educational institutions for training purposes. MPGI also organized and co-hosted with the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (MSI) a Pacific Biosciences workshop. 150 researchers from across campus registered for the event, with presentations from local faculty, from Pacific Biosciences, the Mayo Clinic (who hosts the only PacBio sequencing machine in Minnesota) and MSI. It was a tremendous success! How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Results have been disseminated through the use of our website, event outreach, workshops and seminars. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? The Microbial and Plant Genomics Institute (MPGI) promotes advances in microbial, plant, and animal genomics, genomics enabled sciences, and molecular genetics. The Institute strives through research, educational, and outreach activities to foster a multidisciplinary interchange of ideas and applications of cutting edge technologies to research. Institute activities contribute to basic science and the translation of genomics for applications to the environment, agriculture, and human health. The scientific aim of the Institute is to enhance the development of functional and translational genomics concomitantly with the expansion of bioinformatics capabilities and the development of specialized instrumentation. Within the University community, the Institute facilitates interactions among faculty engaged in diverse areas of genomics research by promoting understanding of microbial and plant genomics, and providing access to genomics related technologies. Cooperation among MPGI members helps to assure a strong basis for education in the disciplines of the basic agricultural, environmental, and health sciences. The Institute enhances faculty projects by supporting the educational activities of individual grad students and postdoctoral researchers. Building public awareness about genomics and its applications in a social and ethical context is one of MPGI's outreach functions.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: In previous years it was requested that we provide our publications as a .pdf on the MPGI website as they are quite extensive. Please download .pdf of publications from sidebar at: