Source: UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Feb 1, 2014
Project End Date
Jan 31, 2017
Grant Year
Project Director
Recipient Organization
ATHENS,GA 30602-5016
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Not only do bacteria play a significant role in gastrointestinal health, new evidence suggests that these bacteria may also impact inflammation associated with obesity and some chronic disease states. A better understanding of the potential for healthy plant foods such as berries to impact intestinal bacteria, improve gastrointestinal health and reduce oxidative stress and inflammation associated with obesity is our long term research goal. Our studies will examine the effect of blueberry consumption on populations of intestinal bacteria, as well as on biomarkers of intestinal, systemic and adipose tissue inflammation, using an animal model of obesity. We will determine whether observed changes in gut bacteria are associated with anticipated changes in oxidative stress and inflammation. This will enhance knowledge of the potential for berries, and blueberry in particular, to impact chronic disease and improve human health. In addition, we will begin to further characterize blueberry pectins and examine potential interactions between pectins and anthocyanins to determine if these can impact distribution and action of these bioactive components within the intestinal tract. Knowledge gained will contribute to an understanding of the capacity of these components to impact health and provide the foundation for the informed use of pectin and anthocyanins as food ingredients and development of functional foods by the food industry.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The long term goal of our research group is to characterize the role of anthocyanin-rich foods in promotion of gut health and prevention of oxidative stress and inflammation that contributes to chronic disease. Our specific objectives are to: 1) Examine the effect of whole blueberry on gastrointestinal microflora composition, oxidative stress and inflammation in high-fat fed, obese rodents. 2) Examine the impact of whole blueberry on intestinal microflora composition and the relationships with systemic inflammation and inflammatory markers of adipose tissue in obese rodents. 3) Examine the impact of varying pectin content and pectin physico-chemical properties on microflora composition and markers of inflammation. Approach to objective (3): To extract and characterize pectic substances and other cell wall components from blueberry and to determine if blueberry anthocyanins and pectin fraction(s) form complexes that survive the gastrointestinal tract for colonic delivery.
Project Methods
EFFORTS: Assessment of impact of blueberry on intestinal microflora and intestinal, systemic and adipose tissue inflammation. Wistar rats will be used as a model of diet-induced obesity. Animals will be fed a low fat (LF, 70% carbohydrate, 20% protein, 10% fat), high fat (HF, 35% carbohydrate, 20% protein, 45% fat) or high fat diet with 10% freeze dried blueberry powder (HF-BB, 10% blueberry, 25% carbohydrate, 20% protein, 45% fat) for 8 weeks. Body weight and food intake will be monitored daily. Food intake will be managed to assure similar food intake between HF-fed and HF-BB fed rats. Oral glucose tolerance tests will be conducted and urine will be collected to assess systemic oxidative stress using urinary F2-isoprostanes. Following completion of the feeding period ceacum contents will be collected for assessment of microflora. We will characterize the microflora order abundance in the LF control group, HF and HF-BB groups by sequence analysis of the microbial 16S rRNA gene using microbial genomic DNA extraction and purification as well as real-time quantitative PCR. Bacterial composition affects the innate immune system and impacts inflammation. Activation of pattern recognition receptors such as Toll like receptors (TLRs) leads to activation of the transcription factor NF-κB and secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines. We will characterize the effect of whole blueberry on gastrointestinal inflammation. In this study we will focus on the ileum which is the most colonized part of the small intestine. MyD88 (adaptor molecule myeloid differentiation primary response protein 88) is an adapter protein used by TLRs to activate NF-κB. Ileal mucosa, collected via gentle scraping will be used to determine MyD88 protein levels by western blot. Activation of TLRs initiates inflammatory events, such as secretion of TNF-α. TNF-α gene expression and protein levels will be quantified in mucosa. Tight junctions affect gut permeability and will be assessed by examining immunolocalization of occludin in ileal sections. Mucosal malondialdehye will be assessed as a marker of oxidative stress. Development of gastrointestinal inflammation is associated with systemic inflammation, notably in obesity. Inflamed intestinal epithelium is porous to bacterial toxins such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS). To examine the impact of whole blueberry on systemic inflammation, we will measure LPS in the serum of the animals. TNF-alpha will also be measured in serum. Systemic inflammation promotes downstream inflammatory processes associated with obesity such as insulin resistance and adipose tissue inflammation. TNFα protein levels will be measured in mesenteric and epididymal adipose tissue via western blot (ab6671, Abcam). Markers of macrophage infiltration will also be characterized. CD68 is a glycoprotein expressed on macrophages and CD11d is a leukocyte-derived integrin involved in macrophage retention in tissue. Gene expression of CD68 and CD11 are dramatically increased in white adipose tissue of diet-induced obese rodents. CD68 and CD11d expression will be measured in white adipose tissue by RT-PCR. In addition, adipose tissue sections will be stained for macrophage infiltration. The effects of blueberry supplementation on microflora populations, markers of oxidative stress and inflammation will be assessed with ANOVA. Fisher's least significance test is used for post-hoc comparisons. Data is tested for normality. Any non-normal data sets will be analyzed using non-parametric methods. Correlation between changes in microflora change and markers of inflammation, oxidative stress and insulin resistance will be assessed. Differences are considered significant at P<0.05. The statistical package SAS will be used for data analysis. Extraction, fractionation, and characterization of blueberry pectin. We will prepare cell wall material by precipitation of alcohol insoluble solids from freeze dried blueberry powder (BBP). Pectic substances can be fractionated into high methoxyl/ water soluble (WSP), low methoxyl/ chelator soluble (CSP), and insoluble/ protopectin (OHSP) pectins by sequential extraction based on solubility. Characterization of pectic fractions will include pectin fraction distribution, degree of esterification, charge and molecular weight and polydispersity, neutral sugar composition by GC MS as aditol acetates. To quantify pectin content in WSP, CSP, HSP, the meta phenyl phenol assay is used to detect uronic acid; total neutral sugars, neutral sugar composition, protein and phenolics will be determined. Other characterization will include total charge or degree of esterification, distribution of charge and surface charge as these parameters will likely influence electrostatic interaction between pectin and anthocyanins (ACN). The surface charge and particle size of dilute pectin and/or pectin-ACN composites can be measured with the Brookhaven ZetaSizer as zeta potential in mV and particle size in nm. The molecular weight distribution and polydispersity will be determined by size exclusion chromatography using Wyatt Technology light scattering detector (Heleos II) and refractive index detector (T-Rex) with SpectraSystem UV variable wavelength detector. The instrumentation allows absolute molecular weight determination, provides information on heterogeneity of molecular weight distribution, shape information and root mean square. Coupled with UV-Vis detection, the Wyatt system also allows detection of co-eluting material that may be covalently or non-coavalently adsorbed to pectin. If ACN adsorption to BB pectic material results in change in shape of pectin, the molar mass plot may quantify the change. Binding of ACN mixtures or pure ACN standards to pectic fractions. Adsorption of mixed blueberry ACN to pectin will be quantified by depletion of ACN from solution, bathochromic shift and by SEC with MALS detection. The ACN and pectic fraction will be mixed at ratios of 0.1-10, over a range of pH values of approximately 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, and 5.5, which will cover a range of pH values where pectin fractions and ACN are expected to be uncharged or both same charged or differently charged. Multivariate analysis will be used to assess the major variables that contribute to binding between ACN and pectic fractions. We expect charge and charge distribution of pectin to influence ACN binding as well as the expectation of a rapid and slow binding mechansims. We will also use confocal microscopy and/or 1H NMR spectroscopy to evaluate pectin-ACN binding mechanism as appropriate. After identification of key parameters that promote stable ACN-pectin binding, selected pectic fractions and/or ACN complexes will be tested for stability to gastric transit conditions and likely delivery to colon for microbial transformation. Extractions and analysis will be conducted in triplicate. Multivariate analysis will be used to select experimental conditions for binding and in vitro stability studies. EVALUATION: These studies should provide an understanding of the impact of a high anthocyanin food upon intestinal microflora and intestinal, systemic and adipose tissue inflammation in obesity. In addition, studies will result in well characterized pectic substances from blueberry prepared under different extraction conditions and determination of which structures are likely to bind selected anthocyanins. Publications and presentations of this work to professionals in the food and nutrition science fields will facilitate understanding of how components of a high anthocyanin food interact and potentially impact bioactivity.

Progress 02/01/14 to 01/31/17

Target Audience:Research scientists, educators, and professionals in nutrition and food science Food industry: producers and processors of fruits and vegetables. Blueberry industry representatives Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Two graduate students in Nutritional Sciences (1 MS and 1 PhD in progress) and two graduate students (1 MS and 1 PhD in progress) in Food Science completed research projects. Two additional graduate students and one undergraduate student in Food Science and Nutritional Sciences trained in and contributed to research methodology for this project. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Lee SH, Kirkland, R, Fischer JG, de La Serre CB. Dietary blueberry supplementation improves glucose tolerance in high-fat diet-fed rats: a role for the microbiota? Georgia Nutrition Council Annual Conference, Pine Mountain, GA, February, 2016. Conference for food and nutrition professionals in school nutrition programs, cooperative extension, dietetics in addition to research scientists in food science and nutrition. de La Serre, CB. Using the microbiota to fight obesity? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / University of Georgia collaborative meeting, March 2016. Lee SH, Kirkland R, Fischer JG, de La Serre CB. Blueberry supplementation impacts gut microbiota, inflammatory profiles and insulin sensitivity in high-fat fed rats. Presented at the Experimental biology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 2016, Meeting for nutrition research scientists, students and industry professionals. Keirsey KI, Lee SH, de La Serre CB, Fischer JG. Blueberry supplementation alters biomarkers of oxidative stress in high-fat fed rats. Presented at the Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 2016. Poster selected for student competition. Meeting for nutrition research scientists, students and industry professionals. Fischer, J. presented "Impact of a High Anthocyanin Food on Intestinal Microbiota and Intestinal and Systemic Inflammation," at the USDA/NIFA Institute of Food Safety and Nutrition 2016 Function and Efficacy of Nutrients, Improved Processing Technologies, and Improving Food Quality Project Directors' meeting, San Diego, CA, April 6, 2016 SH Lee, R Kirkland, JG Fischer, CB de La Serre. Dietary blueberry supplementation improves glucose tolerance in high-fat diet-fed rats: a role for the microbiota? Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior, Porto, Portugal, 2016 and SH Lee presentation at Alltech's Young Scientist Competition, Lexington, KY, 2016 Fischer JG Healthy Diets:Bioactives in Fruits and Vegetables. Georgia Organics Conference, Atlanta, GA, February, 2017. Meeting for producers and consumers interested in organic food production. de La Serre CB. Manipulating the gut microbiota composition to alleviate obesity. Food Sciences and Technology Department seminar series, University of Georgia, March 2017. Koh J, Xu Z, Wicker L. Extraction methods influence physicochemical properties of blueberry pectin that impact anthocyanin binding. IFT17 Annual Meeting and Food Expo. Las Vegas, Accepted for presentation June 25-28, 2017. Meeting of food science researchers and industry professionals. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Our research enhances knowledge of how high intakes of fruits such as berries can improve human health. More specifically, our study increases understanding of how blueberry, a high anthocyanin fruit, impacts intestinal microflora, systemic inflammation and insulin resistance in an animal model of obesity. We showed that blueberry consumption resulted in a significant shift in intestinal microflora along with decreases in intestinal and systemic inflammation and improvement in glucose tolerance in high-fat fed rodents. In addition, we examined blueberry components that may impact the fruit's health-promoting properties. We characterized blueberry pectins for the first time and also demonstrated binding between pectins and anthocyanins which may impact distribution and action of these bioactive components within the intestinal tract. Overall, this research furthers our understanding of the health benefits of blueberry and provides data for the informed use of pectin and anthocyanins as food ingredients and the development of functional foods. Objectives 1 and 2 were to examine the effect of blueberry on gastrointesinal microbiota and inflammation in high-fat fed, obese rodents. Rats were fed diets that were low-fat, high-fat or high fat supplemented with 10% whole freeze dried blueberry for 8 weeks. Diets were matched for fiber and sugar content. We assessed the impact of blueberry on gut microbiota and biomarkers of inflammation, oxidative stress and intestinal integrity. Food intake and body weight were assessed. An oral glucose tolerance test was conducted and markers of insulin resistance were determined. High fat feeding increased visceral and liver fat as expected in all high fat-fed rats, and blueberry did not reduce adiposity or liver fat. Final body weight did not differ among groups. Intestinal (cecal) microbiota composition was assessed using Illumina MiSeq high throughput sequencing. Abundance analysis at all taxonomic levels showed that high fat feeding alone did not result in major changes in gut microbiota compared to low fat feeding except for a decrease in Rumminococcus (Firmicutes, Clostridia, Clostridiales, Ruminococcaceae) in high fat-fed animals. This data supports recent reports showing that deleterious effects of high fat feeding on microbiota composition can be diminish by fibers. However, blueberry supplementation led to significant changes in gut microbiota with decreases in both Firmicutes and Bacteriodetes abundance and increases in Fusobacteria and Proteobacteria abundance, compared to both low-fat fed and high-fat fed rats. The increase in Proteobacteria was associated with a significant increase in the Gammaproteobacteria class, especially the Pasteurellales order, including the genus Actinobacillus and Aggregatibacter. Although there was an overall decrease in Firmicutes, blueberry supplementation led to increased abundance of Bacilli (Class), especially Lactobacillales (Order). Serum levels of short chain fatty acids (SCFA), which reflect gut bacterial fermentation, were assessed with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Increases in serum acetate were found in blueberry supplemented rats compared to non-supplemented rats. Serum proprionate was higher and butyrate was lower in blueberry supplemented rats compared to low fat fed rats. These changes could result from changes in gut microbiota or from the fermentable carbohydrates in blueberry. Gene expression of markers of intestinal, adipose tissue and liver inflammation was assessed with real-time quantitative PCR. High fat feeding was associated with an increase in ileal Tnfa gene expression, a marker of inflammation, but this was normalized by blueberry. Blueberry reduced high-fat diet-induced increases in both Tnfa and IL-1b gene expression in visceral adipose tissue. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) binding protein was used as a marker of circulating LPS, a component of the outer-membrane of gram negative bacteria which promotes systemic inflammation. High fat feeding produced a non-significant increase in circulating LBP compared to low fat-fed rats, but blueberry led to a significant reduction in circulating LBP when compared to the high fat-fed rats. Markers of oxidative stress were also assessed. In the liver, high-fat fed rats had increased lipid peroxidation which returned to normal with blueberry supplementation. In contrast, a marker of systemic lipid peroxidation, urinary F2-isoprostanes was increased in blueberry supplemented rats. Inflammation associated with obesity and visceral adiposity has been associated with insulin resistance. Blueberry supplementation improved glucose tolerance in high fat-fed rats. This was shown by a reduction in peak glycemia compared to non-supplemented rats, and while high-fat feeding significantly elevated serum insulin, blueberry returned this to levels found in low-fat fed rats. Further, a marker of impaired insulin signaling, hepatic p-IRS1 (Ser307), which is upregulated by inflammation, was assessed. While high-fat feeding increased hepatic p-IRS-1 (Ser307)/IRS1 ratio, it was normalized with blueberry supplementation. We also assessed ileal glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) which improves insulin secretion and sensitivity and is down regulated by high fat feeding. We similarly found a decrease in GLP-1 gene expression in high-fat fed rats that was restored to normal by blueberry supplementation. This may have resulted from changes seen in SCFA production which stimulate GLP-1 release. Blueberry-induced improvements in gastrointestinal integrity may have contributed to decreases in intestinal and systemic inflammation. High fat diets altered intestinal morphology, with decreases in villus length and in the number of goblet cells which secrete mucins, but these changes were returned to normal with blueberry addition. Blueberry also increased gene expression of mucin 2 in the ileum compared to levels found in high-fat fed rats and increased anti-bacterial peptide beta-defensin 2 gene expression compared to low-fat fed fats. These changes are both associated with improved gut integrity. Overall, this research demonstrated an antiinflammatory effect of blueberry in high-fat fed rodents associated with improved insulin sensitivity. These changes were found in conjunction with changes in gut microbiota composition and improvement of the intestinal epithelial barrier. Objective 3 was to extract and characterize pectic substances and other cell wall components from blueberry and to study the binding of blueberry anthocyanins to pectic substances. Studies showed that blueberry tends to be lower in pectin content compared to other fruits; blueberry pectin tends towards lower degree of esterification, even the water soluble pectin. The high charge on blueberry pectin likely accounts for the strong electrostatic binding of anthocyanins. Pectin and anthocyanin binding was documented; binding was most favorable at pH 2.0-3.6. Ionic interactions and anthocyanin stacking are likely the mechanism of pectin and anthocyanin binding. Cell wall glycan-directed monoclonal antibodies based glycome profiling analyses revealed that water soluble, chelator soluble and alkali soluble pectin fractions had epitopes of homogalacturonan, arabinogalactan, and xyloglucan, but no xylan. HPSEC-MALS-RI chromatography revealed both water and chelator soluble pectins were polydisperse and high molecular weight of around 450 kDa in the major eluting peaks, while alkali soluble pectin had lower molecular weight of 177 kDa. Under in vitro digestion conditions, pectins prevented anthocyanin degradation and the more highly charged chelator soluble pectin showed greater protection than water soluble pectin. The free anthocyanin content of blueberry juice mixed with chelator soluble pectin was nearly 5 times that of control or water soluble pectin added blueberry juice, after 3.5 hr of simulated, sequential gastric and intestinal conditions.


  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Accepted Year Published: 2017 Citation: Koh J, Xu Z, Wicker L. 2017. Extraction methods influence physicochemical properties of blueberry pectin that impact anthocyanin binding. Accepted for IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo. Las Vegas, NV, June, 2017. Finalist, Carbohydrate Division
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Submitted Year Published: 2017 Citation: Lee SH, Keirsey KI, Kirkland R, Grunewald ZI, Fischer JG, de La Serre CB. Blueberry supplementation alters gut microbiota and improves inflammatory profile and insulin signaling in high fat fed rats. Submitted to Journal of Nutrition, 4/2017
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Lee, S.H., Kirkland, R., Fischer, J.G., & de La Serre, C.B. (2016). Blueberry supplementation impacts gut microbiota, inflammatory profiles, and insulin sensitivity in high-fat fed rats. FASEB J, 30, A692.25.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Keirsey, K.I., Lee, S.H., de La Serre, C.B., & Fischer, J.G. (2016). Blueberry supplementation alters biomarkers of oxidative stress in high-fat fed rats. FASEB J, 30, A1174.23.
  • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Other Year Published: 2016 Citation: Keirsey, KI. Blueberry supplementation alters markers of oxidative stress in high fat fed rats. Thesis, University of Georgia

Progress 02/01/15 to 01/31/16

Target Audience:Research scientists, educators and professionals in the areas of nutrition, food science and health. Food industry professionals with an interest in bioactive components of foods and functional foods. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Training opportunities were provided for two graduate students in the University of Georgia Department of Food Science and Technology under the supervision of Dr. Louise Wicker and for three graduate students in the University of Georgia Department of Foods and Nutrition under the supervision of Drs. Joan Fischer and Claire de La Serre. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?J. Fischer presented results at the USDA/NIFA - AFRI/NRI Function and Efficacy of Nutrients/Bioactive Components for Optimal Health, and Improving Food Quality Program Directors Meeting, Chicago, IL, July 10, 2015. SH Lee presented results at the FASEB Science Research Conference: Gastrointestinal Tract XVI: GI Homeostasis: The Microbiome and the Barrier, Development and Disease, Steamboat Springs, CO, August 2, 2015. Presentation authors and title: Lee SH, Kirkland R, Fischer J, de La Serre C. Dietary blueberry supplementation improves glucose tolerance in high-fat diet-fed rats: a role for the microbiota. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?To continue progress for Objectives 1 and 2 we will assess gastrointestinal tissue morphology and conduct alcian blue mucin staining of ileal and colon tissue to further characterize changes in intestinal barrier function. In addition, tissue macrophage staining is still in progress to further assess antiinflammatory effects of blueberry. Urinary metabolomic analysis to identify bacterial products associated with blueberry consumption is planned. For Objective 3, we will continue studies examining anthocyanin-pectin binding under varying conditions. Results of these studies will be submitted for publication in scientific journals, included in theses and dissertations of graduate students, and presented in seminars and at national/international conferences.

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1 is to examine the effect of whole blueberry on gastrointestinal microflora composition, oxidative stress and inflammation in high-fat fed, obese rodents and Objective 2 is to examine the impact of whole blueberry on systemic inflammation and inflammatory markers of adipose tissue. One animal feeding trial was conducted with rats fed diets that were low fat, high fat and high fat with 10% freeze dried blueberry for 8 weeks. High fat and high-fat blueberry supplemented diets were isocaloric and matched for sugar and fiber content. Food intake was equal for rats fed high-fat and high fat-blueberry diets. Compared to the low fat diet, high fat feeding resulted in increased adiposity and liver fat deposition in both high-fat fed and high-fat blueberry fed rats. Measures of insulin resistance were conducted. Despite identical intake and body weight, blueberry supplementation improved glucose tolerance and insulin signaling in high-fat fed rats as shown by decreases in peak glucose and insulin responses. Blueberry supplementation also increased ileal glucagon-like-peptide-1(GLP-1) expression and downregulated liver pSer307IRS1/IRS1 ratio (Insulin receptor substrate 1), changes associated with improved glucose tolerance. To characterize intestinal microflora, analysis of microbial RNA was completed via Illumina sequencing (UC Davis Host Microbe Systems Biology Core). There were significant decreases in Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes and increases in Proteobacteria and Fusobacteria found in the high-fat fed blueberry supplemented rats compared to the low-fat fed and high-fat fed rats. Markers of gut barrier function have been measured and were improved with blueberry supplementation in high fat fed rats with decreases in serum lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP) and increases in ileal gene expression of defensin and mucin 2. Ileal TNF-alpha gene expression, a marker of inflammation was also significantly decreased in blueberry supplemented rats. Further, markers of inflammation in serum, adipose tissue and liver were measured. Antiinflammatory effects of blueberry supplementation in high fat fed rats were suggested by decreased TNF-alpha and cluster of differentiation 11d (CD11d) gene expression in visceral fat and reduced TNF-alpha and interleukin-6 protein levels in liver. Measures of oxidative stress have also been assessed. Liver malondialdehyde, a marker of lipid peroxidation, was elevated by HF feeding but was significantly lower in blueberry supplemented high-fat fed animals. Unexpectedly, a significant increase in F2-isoprostanes, a marker of systemic lipid peroxidation was found with blueberry supplementation. Overall, analyses completed thus far suggest a potential anti-inflammatory effect of blueberry supplementation associated with improved glucose tolerance. For objective 3, studies on the binding of anthocyanins and pectin fractions were completed and further studies are in progress. It was found that compared to other pectins, blueberry pectin fractions were soluble in water, of higher molecular wt, near 450 kDa, and had a low degree of esterification of 26-39%, regardless of solvent solubility. Pectin-anthocyanin binding was demonstrated and was lowest at pH 4.5 and higher at pH 2-3.6. Ionic interaction between anthocyanin flavylium cations and free pectic carboxyl groups, and anthocyanin stacking may be two major mechanisms for pectin and anthocyanin binding. One publication has resulted from this work thus far.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Accepted Year Published: 2016 Citation: Lin, Z., Fischer, J., & Wicker, L. (in press). Intermolecular binding of blueberry pectin-rich fractions and anthocyanin. Food Chemistry, 194, 986-993. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.08.113

Progress 02/01/14 to 01/31/15

Target Audience: Research scientists, educators and graduate scientists in the area of food science and health through seminar presentations. Food industry professionals with an interest in bioactive components of foods and functional foods. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Training opportunities were provided for 4 graduate students in the University of Georgia Department of Food Science and Technology under the supervision of Dr. Louise Wicker and for 2 graduate students and 2 undergraduate students in the University of Georgia Department of Foods and Nutrition under the supervision of Drs. Joan Fischer and Claire de la Serre. J.Fischer attended the 2014 USDA/NIFA Function and Efficacy of Nutrients/Bioactive Components for Optimal Health, and Improving Food Quality Porgram Director's Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 26, 2014 . How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Two seminar presentations have introduced the research project and data to research scientists, educators and graduate students. Fischer, J.G. Impact of high anthocyanin food on intestinal microbiota and subsequent intestinal & systemic inflammation, University of Georgia (UGA) Obesity Initiative Food Ingredients Team, November 19, 2013. Lin, Z. Blueberry cell wall fractionation and intermolecular binding between pectin rich fractions and anthocyanins. Seminar Presentation, Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Georgia, June 4th, 2014. One conference presentation reached research scientists and food industry professionals with an interest in bioactive components of foods and functional foods. Wicker, L. 2014. UGA Obesity Initiative: Food industry and Academia Consortia. SE Institute of Food Technologists, April 14, 2014 What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? To continue progress as planned for Objectives 1 and 2 we will complete analysis of intestinal microflora abundance, intestinal oxidative stress and gene and protein expression of markers of inflammation in liver and adipose tissue. For objective 3, we will continue and complete studies examining anthocyanin-pectin binding under varying conditions. Results of these studies will be submitted for publication in scientific journals, included in theses and dissertations of graduate students and presented in seminars and national/international conferences.

What was accomplished under these goals? Objective 1 is to examine the effect of whole blueberry on gastrointestinal microflora composition, oxidative stress and inflammation in high-fat fed, obese rodents and Objective 2 is to examine the impact of whole blueberry on intestinal microflora composition and the relationships with systemic inflammation and inflammatory markers of adipose tissue in obese rodents. Work on both objectives is still in progress. One animal feeding trial has been conducted to address both objectives. Rats were fed low fat, high fat and high fat diets with 10% freeze-dried blueberry powder for 8 weeks. Body weight and food intake was monitored daily and food intake was managed to assure similar food intakes between the high-fat fed rats and high-fat blueberry fed rats. Measures of insulin resistance, including the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and insulin tolerance test, were conducted. Circulating insulin levels were also determined during the OGTT. Urine was collected for F2-isoprostanes, a biomarker of oxidative stress, and analysis of these samples has been completed. At the time of euthanization, cecum contents, blood, liver, mesenteric and epididymal adipose tissue, and intestinal sections and mucosa were collected. Analysis of gut permeability using florescent dextran and serum biomarkers of microbiota-derived inflammation has been completed. Gene and protein expression of inflammatory factors such as TNF-alpha and IL-6 in liver, visceral fat and subcutaneous fat are in progress. Liver staining for fat accumulation has been completed. Analysis of samples to determine intestinal microflora abundance and assessment of intestinal oxidative stress are in progress. Objective 3 is to extract and characterize pectic substances and other cell wall components from blueberry and to determine if blueberry anthocyanins and pectin fractions form complexes that survive the gastrointestinal tract for colonic delivery. This work has application in the food industry and also is relevant to the understanding of the site of action of anthocyanins in the intestinal tract. The objective to extract and characterize pectic substances and other cell wall components from blueberry has been completed and work on binding of anthocyanins and pectin fractions is still in progress. Five cell wall fractions were extracted and characterized from blueberry powder, including three pectin rich fractions and two hemicellulose-rich fractions. Uronic acid concentration, protein and sugar content and degree of methylesterification were determined. Glycome profiling analysis was conducted to further characterize polysaccharide content. An examination of the potential for blueberry pectin-rich fractions to bind to anthocyanins, anthocyanidins and blueberry juice anthocyanins was conducted at varying pH. It was determined that blueberry pectin-rich fractions bind anthocyanins and binding is pH dependent.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2015 Citation: Lin,Z, Fischer, J., Wicker, L. Intermolecular binding between pectin rich fractions and anthocyanin. Food Chemistry, under review 2015.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Other Year Published: 2015 Citation: Lin,Z., Pattahil., S., Hahn, M.G., Wicker, L. Blueberry cell wall fractionation, characterization and glycome profiling. To be submitted to Carb. Polymers 2015.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Other Year Published: 2014 Citation: Wicker, L. 2014. UGA Obesity Initiative: Food industry and Academia Consortia. SE Institute of Food Technologists, April 14, 2014
  • Type: Theses/Dissertations Status: Submitted Year Published: 2014 Citation: Lin, Z. Blueberry cell wall fractionation and intermolecular binding between pectin rich fractions and anthocyanins. Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Georgia