Source: UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2013
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2016
Grant Year
Project Director
Tierney, MA, L.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Plant Biology
Non Technical Summary
Plant cell walls represent a renewable source of carbon for the development of biofuels and other plant based energy products. Cell walls are dynamic structures whose composition changes in response to developmental cues and environmental signaling. While many of the enzymes required for the synthesis of the major polymers within the cell wall have been identified, the cellular mechanisms responsible for their secretion, assembly and turnover are still being elucidated. Root hairs have become an excellent model system in which to investigate factors required for cell wall assembly and the role of interacting networks in defining cell wall function. In this proposal, we describe a series of experiments to further explore the function of VTI13, a SNARE whose transcript level is regulated by cell wall structure and whose function is essential for trans-Golgi function and cell wall metabolism. An understanding of cellular pathways that regulate cell wall structure will provide us with critical information necessary for an energy-efficient, selective breakdown of plant cell walls in the development of biofuel products in the future.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Characterization of the function of VTI13 and its role in endocytic trafficking in plants. 1. Identify the VTI13 SNARE complex: Identify proteins that physically interact with VTI13 using transgenic plants expressing GFP-VTI13 2. Characterize the interaction(s) between VTI13 and a VPS26 subunit of the retromer. The retromer is a multisubunit protein that is involved in retrograde transport of proteins from endosomal compartments to the TGN. Previous studies have shown that other VTI SNARE family members interact with components of the retromer in response to gravity. We have preliminary data suggesting the VTI13 interacts with a subunit of the retromer and propose to further characterize this interaction. 3. Use a suppressor screen to identify other proteins that interact with VTI13 to promote vesicle trafficking and TGN function. The VTI13 mutant has a strong root hair branching phenotype that will be used in a suppressor screen to identify EMS-induced, second site mutants that exhibit normal root hair growth. Mapping of these mutations and characterization of their wild type alleles will allow us to identify other proteins that interact with VTI13 in plants.
Project Methods
Characterization of VTI13 function and its role in endocytic trafficking in plants. 1. Identify the VTI13 SNARE complex Transgenic seedlings expressing 35S::GFP-VTI13 will be grown for 5 days and harvested in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80 C until sufficient tissue is collected. Protein extraction and immunoprecipitation will be performed as described for VTI11 and VTI12 (Yano et al., 2003; Hashiguchi et al., 2010), using antibodies against GFP. SDS-PAGE analysis and western blotting will confirm immunoprecipitation of GFP-VTI13 while SDS-PAGE and silver staining will be used to determine the number of proteins that co-immunoprecipitate with GFP-VTI13. The identity of proteins that co-immunoprecipitate with GFP-VTI13 from seedling extracts of plants overexpressing this protein will be analyzed by the UVM proteomic facility. Silver stained proteins will be extracted from the gel and subjected to proteolytic cleavage and MALDI-TOF analysis. Comparison of fragments with the sequenced and annotated arabidopsis genome makes it possible to identify proteins in this manner. Using this approach, we expect to identify several SNARES that contribute to the VTI13 SNARE complex. To confirm these results, we will use PCR to amplify the genomic sequences of potentially interacting proteins, fuse each of these to an RFP marker and transform these constructs into plants expressing GFP-VTI13. If the co-immunoprecipitation results are correct, we would expect to see co-localization of the RFP and GFP markers at the vacuole membrane and the TGN, using confocal microscopy. We will also identify T-DNA null mutants for any VTI13-interacting proteins from the Arabidopsis Stock Center (ARBC). Analysis of these mutants is likely to identify a root hair growth phenotype if the interaction between VTI13 and these proteins is required for VTI13 function. As SYP41 has been shown to mis-localize in the vti13 mutant background, we will also examine the possibility that SYP41 or other TGN markers may be mislocalized in the mutant backgrounds associated with VTI13-interacting proteins. Using a combined genetic, cell biology and biochemical approach described here, we expect to identify a number of proteins that interact with VTI13, some of which are likely to be part of the VTI13 SNARE complex. 2. Characterize the interaction(s) between VTI13 and a VPS26 subunit of the retromer. We have generated a GFP-VPS26C fusion under the control of the 35S promoter and have transformed this construct into wild type and vps26c mutant plants. Transgenic seedlings expressing GFP-VPS26C will be characterized using confocal microscopy to determine the intracellular localization of this protein in growing root hairs and root epidermal cells. We are also generating a GFP-VPS26 fusion under the control of the VPS26C endogenous promoter that will also be used to complement the mutant phenotypes associated with the vsp26c alleles. To examine whether VTI13 and VPS26C interact with one another we have crossed the vti13 and vps26c mutants and have begun to analyze the genotypes of the F2 segregating progeny. These studies were initiated to identify a vti13 vps26c double mutant that would allow us to examine whether the parental root hair phenotypes are suppressed in the double mutant. However, preliminary analysis of the F2 segregating population indicates that the vti13 vps26c double mutant may be lethal. We are currently analyzing a larger F2 population, but the inability to identify a double mutant would be very interesting as it would suggest that VTI13 and VPS26 do interact (at least in the same pathway) and that this interaction is necessary for plant viability. If this is the case, we will examine transgenic plants expressing either VTI13::GFP or VPS26C::GFP constructs, where the VTI13 and VPS26C promoters are regulating GPF expression, in order to determine the cell types in which these genes are both expressed. These studies would set the stage to examine potential physical interactions between VPS26C and VTI13 within the same cell types. 3. Develop a suppressor screen to identify other proteins that interact with VTI13 to promote vesicle trafficking and TGN function. The VTI13 mutant has a strong root hair branching phenotype that will be used in a suppressor screen to identify EMS-induced, second site mutants that exhibit normal root hair growth. Mapping of these mutations and characterization of their wild type alleles will allow us to identify other proteins that interact with VTI13 in plants. Arabidopsis vti13 mutant seed (approximately 5000 seed) will be mutagenized with EMS using a protocol obtained from Dr. Lucia Strader (Department of Biology, Washington University) who has significant experience with this technique. After EMS mutagenesis, seed will be germinated and plants will be grown in pots (625 individuals/pot) to maturity. M2 seed from each pot of 625 individuals will be harvested separately. M2 seeds from each batch of 650 individuals will be germinated on MS media containing 200 mM mannitol and seedlings will be examined for those containing normal, unbranched root hairs. Approximately 5000 M2 seedlings will be examined. Each seedling that exhibits the suppressed vti13 phenotype will be transferred to soil and growth to seed. These individuals will then be re-examined in the M3 generation to determine if the phenotype is stable. Those mutants that exhibit normal root hair growth in the M3 generation will be used in complementation tests (crossed with each other) to determine how many different genes have been identified through this suppressor screen. Mutant alleles representing each gene will be used to set up a mapping population between the individual EMS mutants (Columbia background) and wild type plants from the Landsberg erecta (LER) background. Columbia and Landsberg erecta cultivars are typically used to generate mapping populations as nucleotide markers are currently available at multiple sites/arm for all 5 chromosomes. Details for fine mapping of the EMS mutant is described by Georg Jander online (Arabidopsis protocols. Chapter 10: Gene Identification and Cloning by Molecular Marker Mapping). Identification of the genes associated with the suppressor mutations will provide the opportunity to determine if the proteins encoded by these genes are involved in VTI13-mediated endocytic pathways. T-DNA null alleles for each of these mutants will be identified and obtained from the arabidopsis stock center (ABRC). It is possible that these mutants will not have a phenotype on their own, but only when in combination with the vti13 original mutation. Therefore, these null mutants will each be crossed with the vti13 mutant and double mutants will be identified. These double mutants should recapitulate the suppressor phenotype, confirming the identification of the suppressor loci. Based on the predicted function of genes identified in this suppressor screen, we will examine the intracellular localization of these proteins. Priority for future studies will be placed on proteins that directly bind to or regulate the endocytic trafficking or function of VTI13 in root hair and root epidermal cells.

Progress 10/01/13 to 09/30/16

Target Audience:The target audience for this research is the plant biology community within Vermont and the US. We described our research results through an invited minisymposium talk at the 2014 meeting of the American Society of Plant Biology, an invited symposium talk in 2015 at the PanAmerican Plant Membrane Meeting in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile, an invited short talk in 2015 at the Plant Cell Wall Gordon Conference and through a poster session in 2016 at the International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology in Anapolis, MD. These meetings are attended by plant biology faculty, graduate students and post-doctoral researchers interested in the function of plant cell walls. Publication of results from this work reached an international target audience of plant biologists involved in plant cell biology and cell wall biology research. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Two female PhD students (Emily Larson and Suryatapa Jha) have been trained as part of this research project. Both students have had the opportunity to present their work at national and international meetings, both as poster presentations and short invited oral talks. These students have also participated in the annual university research forum and had presented a poster of their research. Emily Larson has finished her PhD and was mentored in the writing of two published manuscripts, both as a first author. Suryatapa Jha is currently writing a manuscript describing her work on the VPS26C retromer complex in Arabidopsis and will submit this by the end of Spring, 2017. Both Sury and Emily have also had the opportunity to mentor undergraduate students performing research in the lab. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results from this research have been disseminated to communities of interest through oral presentation at national meetings and in the form of peer-reviewed publications. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? One focus of this research was to identify and characterize proteins within an endosomal trafficking pathway critical for polarized growth of root hairs and cell wall organization in Arabidopsis. We initiated this by characterization of VTI13, a member of the VTI family of SNAREs involved in vesicle fusion events. These studies led to two publications. In the first [17], we show that VTI13 localizes to the vacuole membrane and an early endosomal compartment in roots. Genetic analysis was used to demonstrate that VTI13 is also required for polarized growth of root hairs and cell wall organization in roots and root hairs of Arabidopsis seedlings. VTI13 was also found to be required for the localization of SYP41, a SNARE that resides within the trans-Golgi network and functions in secretory and vacuolar transport pathways. In the second publication [21] we describe a method for labeling the surface of cell walls of live seedlings, eliminating the need for fixation or sectioning of plant material. This antibody labeling approach allows one to rapidly investigate the organization of wall components in the epidermis of various mutants to define the function of gene products involved in secretion or endosomal trafficking of wall components. Our second major focus has been to characterize a novel VPS26 subunit of the large retromer complex required for polarized growth in root hairs and cell wall organization in roots of Arabidopsis. Mutant alleles of VPS26C are defective in xyloglucan organization in roots and exhibit short root hairs when grown in the presence of mannitol or salt and this phenotype can be complemented by the introduction of a GFP-VPS26C fusion under the transcriptional control of its endogenous promoter. VPS26C shares only 28% amino acid sequence identity with VPS26A and VPS26B (the other VPS26 family members in Arabidopsis), but shares greater than 50% sequence identity with a subset of VPS26 amino acid sequences found in both animal and plants. Phylogenetic analysis showed that VPS26C is part of an ancient clade [22], suggesting that it may have evolved a novel retromer function. Consistent with this, we have shown that vps26a and vps26b mutants exhibit normal root hair growth. Based on work described above for a shared endosomal trafficking pathway including both VTI11 and the large retromer [2], we investigated whether VTI13 and VPS26C might share a common endosomal trafficking pathway as well. Analysis of a vti13 vps26c double mutant demonstrated that vps26c is a suppressor of the vti13 root hair phenotype, implicating VTI13 and VPS26C function in a common endosomal pathway required for cell wall organization and root hair growth. Based on these studies, we propose a model for VTI113 and VPS26C function in trafficking cargo to the vacuole and recycling proteins from the late endosome to the Golgi or trans-Golgi network. To confirm that VPS6C interacts with other large retromer complex proteins required for root hair growth, we examined null mutants in Arabidopsis for all of the other know large retromer complex proteins. This included null mutants for vps26a, b and c, vps29 and vps35a, b and c. We examined root hair growth for each of these mutants and compared it with that of wild type on normal MS media and MS media containing mannitol. Only vps35a and vps29 mutants exhibited shorter root hairs than wild type seedlings when grown in the presence of mannitol (similar to what was observed for vps26c; Fig. 2), predicting that VPS26C may form a complex with VPS35A and VPS29 to form a retromer subunit. To test this model, we used an approach called Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation (BiFC). It has been shown that VPS26 and VPS35 proteins physically interact with each other in the large retromer subunit [7]. Therefore we fused the gene for VPS26C with the N-terminal half of YFP (yellow fluorescent protein) and each of the genes for VPS35 (A, B and C) with the C-terminal half of YFP. In addition, we constructed a mCherry-VPS29 fusion protein, as it has been shown that all three proteins within the large retromer subunit must be overexpressed together in these assays [7]. Agrobacterium strains containing the genes for these three fluorescent protein fusions were used to transfect tobacco leaves, and confocal analysis was used to determine 1) if VPS26C and one of the VPS35 proteins physically interacted (thus reconstructing a functional YFP signal) and 2) if the YFP signal colocalized with the signal from mCherry-VPS29. Only the VPS35A-cYFP fusion exhibited a physical interaction with VPS26C-nYFP and this signal did colocalize with mCherry-VPS29 (Fig. 3). These studies establish that VPS26C, VPS29 and VPS35A form a large retromer subunit in plants that is required for cell wall organization and root hair growth. We are preparing a manuscript describing this work and plan to submit it by the end of spring, 2017.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Larson ER, Domozych DS, Tierney ML. 2014. SNARE VTI13 plays a unique role in endosomal trafficking pathways associated with the vacuole and is essential for cell wall organization and root hair growth in arabidopsis. Ann Bot. 114(6):1147-59. Larson ER, Tierney ML, Tinaz B, Domozych DS. 2014. Using monoclonal antibodies to label living root hairs: a novel tool for studying cell wall microarchitecture and dynamics in Arabidopsis. Plant Methods. 10(1):30.

Progress 10/01/13 to 09/30/14

Target Audience: During this reporting period my graduate student, Suryatapa Jha, presented an oral presentation of her data as an invited minisymposium speaker at the annual meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists. We have also published a manuscript from this work, describing a method to probe the organization of root and root hair cell walls with monoclonal antibodies using live seedlings. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? My graduate student, Suryatapa Jha, has presented her research at the UVM student research day and as an invited minisymposium speaker at the annual meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists in 2014. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? We have published one manuscript describing a method for labeling cell walls of live seedings with monoclonal antibodies raised against specific cell wall epitopes. Sury has also presented her work in poster and oral form at a national meeting. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? We are currently in the process of generating a set of suppressor mutants of the vps26c phenotypes that should provide us with the identity of other proteins in the shared VPS26C/VTI13 endsomal trafficking pathway required to maintain root hair growth and root cell wall organization. We are also using a genetic approach,making double mutants with VTI13 and other retromer subunit mutants to define the other components of the large subunit of the retromer containing VPS26C. These studies will be complemented by using immunoprecipitation with GFP antibodies to identify retromer subunits that interact with VPS26C and other SNARE proteins that interact with VTI13.

What was accomplished under these goals? In this past year, we have focused on the function of a novel VPS26 gene family member, VPS26C (At1g48550). VPS26C is predicted to function in a protein conplex (the retromer) to recycle membrane proteins from the late endosomes and vacuole to the ER and Golgi. Null mutants of VPS26C are defective in root hair growth when seedlings are grown in the presence of mannitol (an osmotic stress) or in the presence of high salt and these phenotypes can be complemented with a GFP-VPS26C gene fusion. This suggests that VPS26C functions in an endosomal pathway required for growth in plants exposed to osmotic or salt stress. Preliminary studies, using these complemented seedlings, indicate that VPS26C is localized to the cytoplasm. We have also generated genetic data supporting a role for both VPS26C and the SNARE VTI13 in a common endosomal pathway important in cell wall organization and assembly. Immunohistochemistry of seedling roots with LM15, a monoclonal antibody recognizing xyloglucan in the cell wall, showed that while root epidermal and hair cells are strongly labeled in wild type seedlings, little to know labeling can be observed in either the vti13 or vps26c mutants. However, the vti13, vps26c double mutant has restored root hair growth and cell wall organization simlar to wild type seedlings. A phylogeny of VPS26C genes has been established in plants and shows that while VPS26C is represented in many angiosperms and several non-plant eukaryotes, it is absent from monocots.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Larson ER, Tierney ML, Tinaz B, Domozych DS. 20145. Using monoclonal antibodies to label living root hairs: a novel tool for studying cell wall microarchitecture and dynamics in Arabidopsis. Plant Methods. 10(1):30